Java Swing Modernization Approach
Complete Abstract Representation based on Static and Dynamic Analysis
Zineb Gotti and Samir Mbarki
MISC Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Ibn Tofail University, BP 133, Kenitra, Morocco
Keywords: Architecture-Driven Modernization (ADM), Static and Dynamic Analysis, Legacy System, Knowledge
Discovery Model (KDM), Graphical User Interface Meta-Model (GUIM), Abstract Syntax Tree Meta-
Model (ASTM), Java Development Tool (JDT), Reverse Engineering, Parsing, Slicing, Interaction Flow
Modelling Language (IFML), Task Model, Empirical Analysis.
Abstract: GUIs are essential components for today software. However, legacy applications do not benefit from the
advantages of user interfaces new technologies that enhance the interaction and the quality of the system.
Building a new system from another existing one is more requested and a very complex process. So, we
opted for an ADM approach based on the development of separate models capturing various aspects such as
tasks, presentation and structures of system dialogue and behavior. For this purpose, the software artifacts
should be analyzed and corresponding behavioral and structural models must be created. Two forms of this
analysis were developed: a static analysis that provides the ability to retrieve information from the
application using the source code and a dynamic analysis for extracting information about application
behavior in run mode. This paper presents the automation of the extraction process, which permits
understanding and analyzing the behavior of the legacy system, and compares the models generated to
deduce the best solution for an abstract representation of existing GUI’s models.
It is necessary to migrate from old and obsolete
systems to others that are new and effective, in order
to follow the evolution of technology and evolve to
better system engineering practices such as model-
driven engineering MDE. The software
modernization refers to understanding and evolving
legacy softwares in order to maintain their business
(Ramón et al., 2010). The Object Management
Group OMG has defined an architecture-driven
modernization initiative ADM (
in 2003 to extend MDA practices and standards with
existing systems. It is intended for the standard
representation of reverse engineering applications.
In this work, we refer to an approach that is
based on this initiative to define abstract models and
automate their generation through transformation
chains. These models capture knowledge related to
the GUI and manipulate this knowledge to migrate
from one context to another (See Figure 1). All these
models will be described by meta-models, and
correspondences between related models will be
defined by transformation rules.
Figure 1: ADM Horseshoe model (
To meet the modernization requirements, ADM
defines two models: ASTM and KDM.
( These models are used to
capture design knowledge required to build the
future user interface (UI).
The migration process consists of two phases:
(Mbarki et al., 2015).
The model discovery of the legacy system
represents the extraction of information from the
source code; a text to model transformation for
Gotti, Z. and Mbarki, S.
Java Swing Modernization Approach - Complete Abstract Representation based on Static and Dynamic Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0005986002100219
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2016) - Volume 1: ICSOFT-EA, pages 210-219
ISBN: 978-989-758-194-6
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
building models code. This paper proposes a method
to retrieve important elements such as the
components of the graphical user interface and the
relationships between these components. All the
information generated in this step was incorporated
into concrete PSM models which are ASTM and
The Restructuring: it is a model to model
transformation for constructing abstract models; a
representation at a higher level of abstraction
defined in three PIM models: KDM, IFMLM and
The process illustrated in Figure 2, is based on
the analysis of both structural and behavioral aspects
of graphical user interfaces, and sophisticated
algorithms of reverse engineering.
In this article, we describe the three end-
generated models that are used to represent user
interfaces at a higher level of abstraction. We
compare the result and try to deduce the optimal
solution for presenting the existing system artifacts.
The rest of this article is organized as follows:
section 2 describes the process based on the ADM
approach and describes their different phases. In
section 3, we illustrate our proposal by different case
studies. Section 4 is devoted to the analysis of the
process result. Section 5 covers the related works.
Finally, section 6 concludes the work and presents
the perspectives.
The Modernization is the practice of understanding
and evolving existing software to take advantage of
the new technologies’ benefits. It is a process to
generate modern systems. In general, it includes all
activities related to the improvement of software
understanding and various quality parameters, such
as the complexity, maintainability, and reusability.
Thus, it will extend the lifetime of a software
OMG has defined an ADM initiative related to
the construction of standards that can be applied to
modernize legacy systems. This initiative develops a
set of standards to facilitate interoperability between
modernization tools; we focus on the KDM and
ASTM in particular.
In this article, we propose an ADM based
approach allowing an abstract presentation of
interactive systems. We present below the
reengineering process which is divided into two
phases: Discovery Model and Restructuring phases.
The process allows the extraction of GUI
knowledge that will be presented in ASTM models,
a model expressing the syntax of the source code via
an abstract syntax tree, and also in GUIM, a model
representing the graphical components, their
relationship and their properties. The result of the
extraction is subsequently converted into three
independent platform models which are KDM,
Analytical techniques were used throughout the
process: a static analysis to extract information from
the source code; information on the hierarchy of user
interfaces; and dynamic analysis in order to extract
information in run mode, information about the
behavior of graphical user interfaces.
2.1 Model Discovery
The first step is to analyze the source code of the
legacy system to discover its corresponding PSM
models. It defines the structures and relationships
between system elements. It enables the extraction
of information from the system and stores it in
concrete models such as ASTM and GUIM.
Figure 2: Overview of the migration process.
Java Swing Modernization Approach - Complete Abstract Representation based on Static and Dynamic Analysis
The main purpose is to analyze an interactive
system developed in Java Swing. In this present
stage, we opted for a static analysis to extract any
information related to the syntax and structure of the
Java source code as well as the presentation of
graphical user interfaces.
2.1.1 Static Analysis
Its main purpose is to analyze and describe the
structure of the Java source code. An ASTM model
is obtained from the source code using a java
development tool parser. (
Firstly our parser compiles the Java source code
to build the equivalent AST tree that will be
subsequently used as a source for the next parsing.
To generate the first model, the parser calls a
visitor for each AST node and creates the
corresponding elements in the ASTM model
respecting its meta-model (
As depicted in Figure 3, there are two main
parsing classes; ASTParser and ASTVisitor. The
ASTParser class calls the class ASTVisitor to cross
the various nodes of AST using the visit () method.
Figure 3: Parsing Classes.
Regarding the second GUIM model representing
the presentation layer; it is necessary to extract only
the information related to user interfaces. A method
was used that isolates the subprogram java swing
from the full program which is the slicing method.
Slicing (Harman and Hierons, 2001) or the
cutting of a program is a technique that allows you
to define an explicit recursive function that traverses
the source program AST by identifying all the
fragments of programs that interact with the
graphical user interface and returns the sub-tree of
Swing (Silva et al., 2006). This technique allows us
to ignore irrelevant details and focus only on the
presentation layer.
The model GUIM result represents all the
graphics components, their relationships and their
properties according to GUIM meta-model (see
figure 5).
There are different types of widgets (frames,
buttons, text fields, labels, tables ...), and each
widget is characterized by a set of graphical
properties (background color, font type...), there are
also the layouts used for the spatial distribution of
the application elements of view.
In Figure 4 we consider the frame Frame1. It has
properties such as background-Color and font type
and each property has a value. This frame contains a
panel to be structured. It encapsulates a set of
widgets and each widget has its own properties. The
panel has a layout property that is responsible for
managing the location of its widgets.
Figure 4: Graphical User Interface Model components.
2.2 Restructuration
This phase consists of analyzing all the information
obtained from the previous phase and presents them
in a higher level of abstraction.
In this present step, we develop a model-to-
model QVT transformation. The entries of this
transformation are the ASTM and GUIM models
generated from the first step. The output is the KDM
(, the
IFML model ( and the task
model. (
The transformation mapping allows us to just
extract the static aspect from GUIM and ASTM
models, but the information related to the GUIs
execution behavior in running mode is absent.
A dynamic analysis was used during this stage to
deduce the behavioral aspect of the GUI system.
2.2.1 Dynamic Analysis
The main objective of our approach based on ADM
is to extract both the structure and behavior of
graphical interfaces implementation; in fact, user
interfaces have a static part that is related to the
presentation of the information and a dynamic part
which is associated with the behavior. The runtime
behavior is created from the execution of the
graphical user interface.
The behavior is defined by events; each widget is
able to trigger certain types of events under certain
ICSOFT-EA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
Figure 5: GUIM Meta-Model.
Events are generated as a result of the user
interaction with the user interface widgets. For
example, clicking on a button, moving the mouse,
entering a character, selecting an item from the list
and scrolling down the page are the activities that
cause events that perform actions.
During this analysis we traverse the GUIM
model in order to extract all executable widgets, i.e.
Widgets that trigger events and cause actions,
according to the widget value we search in the
ASTM model the instruction block responsible to
perform the actions.
Consider the example of an action for opening a
new window Window2 after a click on a button B
located inside a Window1. First we travel the GUIM
model corresponding to window1 to find the B
button that triggered the opening. According to its
value we search in the ASTM model the instruction
block that presents the action to perform. We look
by following on the inside of this block for the
invocation method "setVisible ()" which will launch
the opening of the second window. The invoker of
this method is the window2.
With this analysis, we were able to deduce the
dynamic relationships between the windows.
Restructuring stage identified three PIM models
that describe the result of the static and dynamic
analysis in a higher level of abstraction. These
models are the KDM model, the IFML model and
TASKM model.
KDM Model
To support modernization activities OMG defined
KDM standard for the representation of existing
software systems. This is a meta-model used to
represent the system artifacts in a high level of
abstraction. It is the basic element for the ADM
approach. It provides a knowledge intermediate
representation of existing software systems.
Figure 6: KDM Architecture (
Figure 6 shows that KDM has twelve packages
organized in four layers. From the viewpoint of the
graphical user interfaces migration, four of these
packages can be useful: the code, the action, the user
interface and KDM packages. The package code
includes the meta-model elements that represent
program elements, such as data types, data elements,
classes, procedures, macros, prototypes and models.
The Action package defines a set of meta-model
elements, whose goal is to represent the behavior
descriptions at implementation level, e.g. statements,
operators, conditions, characteristics.
The UI and KDM package was designed to
represent the elements and the behavior of the GUIs
(see figure 7 and figure 8).
UIRessources: It can be defined as Screen,
report, UIField or UIEvent. Screens and Reports are
the display units. UIField is a generic element to
represent any field in a Screen or Report, as a field
of text or drop-down list. UIEvents can be reported
and associated with a uiAction.
Java Swing Modernization Approach - Complete Abstract Representation based on Static and Dynamic Analysis
Figure 7: KDM metamodel. UI package (UIResources)
UIRelations defines the binding between the
elements of a display and their content. There are
two kinds of relationships: UIFlow and UILayout.
UILayout indicates the layout of a UIResource. It
captures an association between two instances of
display, one that defines the UI content, and the
other that defines its layout.
UIFlow defines the behavior of the user interface
as a sequential stream of a display instance to
The main objective of the UI package is to
represent the logical structure of views, the spatial
relationships between the elements of the UI
(layout), and related events.
Figure 8: Figure 8: KDM metamodel. UI package
(UIRelations) (
IFML Model
The Interaction Flow Modeling Language (IFML) is
an OMG specification ( for
building visual models of user interactions and front-
end behavior in software systems. The objective of
IFML is the definition of Interaction Flow Models
that describe the principal dimensions of the
application view part.
An IFML diagram consists of one or more top-
level view containers. Each view container can be
internally structured in a hierarchy of sub-containers.
A view container can contain view components,
which denote the publication of content or interface
elements for data entry (e.g., input forms).
A view component can have input and output
parameters. A view container and a view component
Table 1: Task Operators.
The linked tasks can be performed concurrently,
Order independence
the tasks can be performed in any order
The tasks are concurrent and can exchange
information among them
The tasks are performed in true parallelism
in this case it is possible to choose one task
from a set of tasks
the second task is deactivated once the first one
has started
The first task interrupts the second one. When it
is finished, the second task can be reactivated from
the state it was before the interruption
when T1 completes it enables T2, when
T2 completes it enables T3, and so forth through
the task is performed iteratively: when it
terminates, its execution is started again from the
the task is optionally performed
ICSOFT-EA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
Figure 9: Task Meta-model.
can be associated with events, to denote that they
support the user’s interaction. The effect of an event
is represented by an interaction flow connection,
which connects the event to the view container or
the component affected by the event.
Task Model
The task of an existing system model is created with
the aim of better understanding the design of the
user interface. Its purpose is to describe how the
activities should be carried out in an existing system,
in order to understand its limits, problems and
characteristics and so on.
A Task model consists of one or more top-level
tasks (see figure 9), linked by operators in order to
describe the relations between them. The operators
include both N-ary operators and 1-ary operators.
They are described in Table 1.
Tasks have many Categories:
user task : an internal cognitive activity,
such as selecting a strategy to solve a
system task : performed by the application
itself, such as generating the results of a
interaction task : user actions that may result
in immediate system feedback, such as
editing a diagram
Abstract task: a task that has subtasks
belonging to different categories.
3.1 Case Study Examples
We empirically evaluate the performance of our appr
oach on three Java applications (see figure 10)
with complex graphical interfaces to verify its applic
3.1.1 First Case Study: Library System
It is a desktop management application. It can
manage a database library with user interface. An
advanced library system which contains best feature
with multi-threaded operation without fail. This
application is multi-threaded. It means that user can
do many task simultaneously. The system allows
users to perform the usual actions of adding and
listing books/members details. Furthermore, it
allows users to search for a book/member by its
3.1.2 Second Case Study: Student
It is a Desktop Management Application. It manages
the student’s registration. To register a new student,
he is invited to enter his name, password, date of
birth, mobile number, e-mail, region, nationality and
choose the gender and semester.
3.1.3 Third Case Study: Student
Management System
The Student Management System can handle all the
details about a student. The details include college
details, course details, students personal details,
academic details etc. The Student Management
System is an automated version of manual Student
Management System.
Table 2 shows the characteristics of our test syste
m. For this, we use a Java software testing tool;
CodeProAnalytix. (
The table also indicates the files size to give an
Java Swing Modernization Approach - Complete Abstract Representation based on Static and Dynamic Analysis
Figure 10: Case Study interfaces.
idea on the amount of analyzed data, as well as the
number of widgets and treated events, which helps
us to control and ensure the quality of our approach.
3.2 Process Result
Our goal is to develop an approach based on the
ADM for the modernization of existing graphical
user interfaces. Our approach is described in Figure
2. Generally it is able to automatically generate
graphical user interfaces abstract models.
Figure 11 shows the result of the model
discovery phase presented by ASTM and GUIM
models that was applied to the main window of the
Library System’s application. ASTM and GUIM
models define the GUI components knowledge, their
interrelations and the structural aspect of the
application. They also encapsulate the events
attached to each graphical component.
As depicted in figure 11, the model on the left is
about the class structure for the selected graphical
interface. The model on the right focuses on the
presentation layer. It describes containers and
widgets of the main frame and their properties.
Figures below provide the result of the restructuring
phase that represents the abstract level of the
migration process of the migration process.
Figure 12 defines a model to model
transformation result, that generate a platform
independent model KDM, which is the most
appropriate solution to represent and manage
knowledge involved in a modernization process.
This KDM model represents the logical structure
of the view and the spatial relationships between the
user interface component represented by the
UILayout element that defines a link between a
resource and its layout. For example the UILayout
Figure 11: Example of code parsing result.
element in figure 12 links the Screen cp resource
with its layout which is stored in the UIResource
cpBorderLayout. There is also the UIFlow element
that describes a behavior of the system, as figured in
figure 12. After the click event on Button1, a
navigation action is generated, presented by the
UIFlow element, which has as property 'To' that
contains the window to open represented by the
AddBooks Report.
Figure 13 shows the model to model
transformation result represented by the IFML
model which specifies only the interactions between
user interfaces.
ICSOFT-EA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
Table 2: Test System.
(Line of code)
Java Swing
11 Mo
Java Swing
10 Mo
Java Swing
9 Mo
NavigationFlow, or navigation manager, is
generated when events are triggered. The
NavigationFlows connect events with Interaction
Flow Elements; the navigation target.
Figure 12: Restructuring KDM Result.
In Figure 13 the NavigationFlow element
represents a connection that links the event
‘OnSubmitEvent button1’ with the ‘ViewContainer
AddBooks’ affected i.e. the view container that will
be displayed after the execution of this event.
Figure 14 presents the task model generated from
a model to model transformation.
It contains the main possible tasks, their
relationships and how to perform activities to reach
users' goals. In this figure we see the way how these
tasks were carried out. For example the task "Insert
the information" will be executed only after the end
of the execution of the previous task which is "Edit
Figure 13: restructuring IFML result.
We can see that our approach can be applied to
any program based on the same GUI library. We
note that the results were well produced, which
means that our analysis is applicable to major
programs. The results of our empirical studies show
that our approach is effective.
KDM is the key element to the ADM approach; it is
a complex meta-model that is used to model all of
the software system artifacts. It allows the structural
and semantic aspect representation of an application
in a high level of abstraction. It represents and
manages the knowledge involved in a modernization
process, knowledge related to user interfaces of the
existing software system. It also defines a specific
model used to statically represent the main
components of the user interface of an existing
system. However IFML aims to express the behavior
Java Swing Modernization Approach - Complete Abstract Representation based on Static and Dynamic Analysis
of content, interaction and user control of the front-
end applications. It provides a description of the user
interface regardless of the platform, focusing on the
user interactions. It can express the events occur in
the GUI. It can be considered as a better approach
for modeling the behavior of the user interface
independently of technology. But it does not
describe the graphic elements and the relationships
between them. While the task model determines how
and when a task is executed, and how these results
may impact on other parts of the system, it does not
provide any details required for a complete
description of the user interface. This analysis led us
to have a good abstract representation of existing
systems containing all necessary information needed
during the migration process. This presentation is
based on abstract combined models. KDM can
represent and manage knowledge related to
graphical user interfaces, while IFML is responsible
to express the behavior of graphical user interfaces.
The Modern interfaces can be induced from these
two abstract models, while the third model TASKM
will be exploited in the documentation of the
generated interfaces. We are convinced that the
combination of KDM, IMFL and TASKM will bring
a good understanding and interesting evolution of
existing software.
Figure 14: restructuring Task model result.
Software modernization is a specific kind of
evolutionary maintenance paradigm to solve
reengineering problems. Much research both on
model driven engineering and software
modernization has been conducted. In (Mbarki et al.,
2015) the authors develop a tool based on ADM
approach allowing automatic reverse engineering of
Swing GUI to obtain a RIA GUI. This tool allows
the extraction of knowledge about GUI elements that
can be represented in a KDM Platform Independent
In (Rodriguez-Echeverria et al., 2014) the
authors define a model-driven reengineering process
of Legacy Web Applications. In order to abstract the
extracted information and organize it according to
the structure of a platform-independent metamodel,
they used IFML.
To obtain a good understanding of system user
interfaces, an example of reverse engineering
techniques was described in (Stroulia et al., 1999).
The authors proposed a process to obtain a user tasks
model based on screen features analysis and on the
tracing of user interactions with the system.
The modernization process is based on the
analysis of the legacy application code. Two forms
of this analysis were introduced: static and dynamic
analysis. Concerning the static analysis, in (Silva et
al., 2007) and (Staiger, 2007) the authors describe
the static analysis of GUI code for reverse
engineering purposes, with a focus on a detection of
GUI elements and their relationships, exemplified in
the swing, GTK and Qt frameworks.
In (Silva et al., 2010) they have also applied the
static analysis in order to extract the behavior model
of spreadsheet systems. They used a reverse
engineering tool, named GUISurfer to infer models
of interaction. Static Reverse Engineering analysis
on the source code was performed also by using
MoDisco ( It
represents an extensible framework to extract
information from an existing system. Using its plug
in eclipse, the KDM and UML Model can be
generated from the source code.
In dynamic analysis side, a dynamic process
named GUI Ripping has defined. It dynamically
builds a running GUI model to facilitate test case
creation (Memon, 2003). It extracts sets of widgets,
properties and value. The dynamic Reverse
Engineering analysis was performed also by the
Diver tool. Diver is a dynamic analysis tool for Java;
it visualizes program’s runtime functionality using
sequence diagrams. (
ICSOFT-EA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
One of the major challenges in the migration of the
legacy system artifacts process is the definition of an
approach that allows a complete capture of various
aspects about tasks, presentation and dialog
structures and behaviors of the design knowledge,
needed for the construction of the future user
interface (UI). For that we used a static and dynamic
analysis to obtain knowledge of the structure and
behavior of source code. Our based ADM approach
gives a solution that generates three independent
platform combined models for good understanding
and evolving the existing software assets. The
process provides mechanisms and transformations in
several steps, for analyzing the structure and
behavior of the system objects. The resulting models
contain all necessary information presented in a
higher level of abstraction. This work should be
extended to complete the migration process toward a
modern specific platform.
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OMG, Interaction Flow Modeling Language,
Rodriguez-Echeverria, R., Pavón, V. M., Macías, F.,
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Java Swing Modernization Approach - Complete Abstract Representation based on Static and Dynamic Analysis