Management of Scientific Documents and Visualization of Citation
Relationships using Weighted Key Scientific Terms
Hui Wei, Youbing Zhao, Enjie Liu, Shaopeng Wu, Zhikun Deng, Farzad Parvinzamir, Feng Dong
and Gordon Clapworthy
CCGV, University of Bedfordshire, Luton, U.K.
Keywords: Data Management, Term Weighting, Ontology, Text Mining, TF-IDF, Visualization.
Abstract: Effective management and visualization of scientific and research documents can greatly assist researchers
by improving understanding of relationships (e.g. citations) between the documents. This paper presents work
on the management and visualization of large corpuses of scientific papers in order to help researchers explore
their citation relationships. Term selection and weighting are used for mining citation relationships by
identifying the most relevant. To this end, we present a variation of the TF-IDF scheme, which uses external
domain resources as references to calculate the term weighting in a particular domain; document weighting
is taken into account in the calculation of term weighting from a group of citations. A simple hierarchical
word weighting method is also presented. The work is supported by an underlying architecture for document
management using NoSQL databases and employs a simple visualization interface.
Adequate management and visualization of scientific
and research documents can offer valuable assistance
to researchers by improving their understanding of
relationships (e.g. citations) between the documents.
This has attracted much attention in research
communities in natural language processing,
information retrieval and information visualization.
Effective management of scientific and research
documents involves a wide spectrum of techniques,
including document indexing for the creation of
numeric representations of the documents; ranking of
key scientific terms; and weighted representations of
the documents, etc. Term selection and weighting are
used to identify the most relevant terms and assign a
numeric value to each term to indicate the
contribution of the term to its document.
This paper presents our work on the management
and visualization of large corpuses of scientific
papers in order to help researchers explore their
citation relationships. We have processed 13 years of
publication in the ACM SIGGRAPH conferences in
Computer Graphics (CG), where it is generally
recognised that SIGGRAPH publication represents
the latest advances of CG technologies. Citation
relationships captured in time can also indicate the
evolution of research topics over years.
At the pre-processing stage, text mining is used to
extract citation relations (namely the reference list)
and metadata obtained from raw PDF format. The
metadata describe a document in terms of its title,
year, authors, etc. The information is stored in the
document repository. We use terms to represent
document content as most of the existing approaches
(the Vector Space Model (VSM), or known as bag of
words.) Standard terms from a document are
collected with their occurrence after lemmatization
and Stop Words removal.
The data management is implemented by
following a NoSQL scheme in order to address
scalability. We have studied characters of different
types of NoSQL data repositories which are
employed for retrieving information. CouchDB was
selected because of its on-the-fly document
transformation. A semantic repository, the Sesame
RDF, was used to describe key scientific terms and
their synonyms in the CG field. We use an external
resource MAS keyword API (MAS API) as the input
data to create the ontologies.
The citation relationships between the documents
in the repository are analysed and stored using a graph
repository, enabling quick citation path retrieval.
Wei, H., Zhao, Y., Wu, S., Deng, Z., Parvinzamir, F., Dong, F., Liu, E. and Clapworthy, G.
Management of Scientific Documents and Visualization of Citation Relationships using Weighted Key Scientific Terms.
DOI: 10.5220/0005981501350143
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA 2016), pages 135-143
ISBN: 978-989-758-193-9
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
From a pair or a group of related citations, we define
a term-weighting scheme, which selects important
terms according to their relevance to the cited
documents, taking into account the popularity of the
scientific terms in the relevant year, as well as their
occurrence in the entire SIGGRAPH corpus. Terms
appearing in higher ranked documents should be
given higher weights.
The data are finally visualized using a directed
graph controlled by a user-specified path length. The
graph shows all paths that satisfy the restriction
imposed by the path length. The weighted terms are
shown in the graph in descending order.
In summary, our contributions are as follows:
an approach for the management of large scale
corpuses of scientific documents that work
seamlessly with the underlying text mining
framework to support efficient data retrieval
a term weighting scheme allowing for the ranking
of key scientific terms over years at both
document and corpus levels
a visualization method to display citation
relationships between the scientific documents
together with weighted scientific terms.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 provides an overview of related works,
Section 3 describes data management in this task, and
Section 4 describes our term weighting method.
Section 5 presents our approach to visualization,
while Section 6 summarizes our work.
We review related works in three areas: NoSQL data
management, term weighting, text visualization.
2.1 Data Management
Katarina (2013) mentioned that graph databases are
very efficient in traversing relationships. Kivikangas
and Ishizuka (2012) introduced a semantic
representation format Concept Description Language
(CDL). They store semantic data presented by CDL
in Neo4j graph database and utilize semantic
relationships to improve queries.
Most applications use one or two data repositories
in their data layer support, we use 4 NoSQL
repositories to support indexing and querying.
2.2 Term Weighting
Term selection and term weighting (TW) are
important processing phases for text categorization
which have been investigated in recent years.
A term-weighting scheme can affect not only text
classification, but also other text mining tasks, such as
sentiment analysis, cross-domain classification and
novelty mining (Tang et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2009;
Tsai et al., 2011). A classic term-weighting scheme
introduced in Debole and Sebastiani (2003) is based on
3 assumptions: 1. the multiple occurrence of a term in
a document is related to the content of the document
itself; 2. terms uncommon throughout a collection
better discriminate the content of the document; 3. long
documents are not more important than short ones, so
normalize the length of documents.
By using sorted term-weighting at a document
level terms that are important stand out from repeated
or redundant terms, so the user can benefit from
quickly extracting useful information (Zhang and
Tsai, 2009).
Debole and Sebastiani also introduced supervised
term weighting, designed for IR applications that
involve supervised leaning, such as text filtering and
text categorization. They proposed a number of
“supervised variants” of TF-IDF weighting.
Domeniconi et al. (2015) proposed a supervised
variant of the TF-IDF scheme, based on computing
the usual IDF factor without taking documents of the
category to be recognized into account. The idea is to
avoid decreasing the weight of terms included in
documents of the same category, so that words
appearing in several documents of the same category
are not undercounted. Another variant they proposed
is based on relevance frequency, considering
occurrences of words within the category itself.
Li et al. (2012) proposed a cross-domain method
extracting sentiment and topic lexicons without
counting labelled data in the interested domain but
counting labelled data in another related domain.
Another cross-domain approach (Domeniconi et
al., 2014) creates explicit representations of topic
categories, which can be used for comparison of
document similarity. The category representations are
iteratively refined by selecting the most similar target
documents. Further, Tsai and Kwee (2011) compared
and discussed the impact of TW on the evaluation
measures, and recommended the best TW function
for both document and sentence-level novelty mining.
None of these works uses citing relations as a
factor in TW.
2.3 Text Visualization
Xinyi et al. (2015) designed 5 views for representing
topics. They set different font sizes on words of a
DATA 2016 - 5th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications
topic based on the occurrence probability in a “word
cloud” view. Spatial information of topics is
presented in “scatterplot” view in which similar
topics are placed close to each other. The evolution of
topics over 10 years is represented by a Sankey
diagram. They use Treemap to represent their three
tree-structure topic results as a hierarchical structure
of topics, and they represent the trends of a topic by a
Stream diagram.
Mane et al. (2004) presents a way to generate co-
word association maps of major topics based on
highly frequent words and words with a sudden
increase in usage. They use a Fruchterman-Reingold
layout to draw co-occurrence relations in 2D, but the
data source for a citation is only collected from the
title and keywords.
Chen (2004) visualizes salient nodes in a co-
citation study, with a focus on three types of node:
landmark, hub and pivot nodes. They apply time
slicing, thresholding, modelling, pruning, merging
and mapping methods to prune a dense network.
We have not found an existing visualization
method that uses citing paths.
We define 4 logical data entities: Citation, Corpus,
Reference and Keyword. A Citation is a published
paper that is managed in our system in full text and
PDF. A set of Citations published in the same year is
a Corpus. A Reference is a cited paper in the reference
list from a Citation. A Keyword of a citation is a CG
keyword that appears at least once in one citation.
We used as benchmarks 1228 publications from
13 years of ACM SIGGRAPH conferences (2002-
2014). Corpuses are organised by year, which
introduces a time factor as it is strongly related to
topics, and we use this natural corpus as our logic
The raw resource of a Citation is a PDF file. These
citations are semi-structured, and they follow a
certain template – in this case, the ACM format. We
use text mining to extract META data for each
citation by identifying basic information.
For a Reference in the reference list of a Citation,
we extract the title, year and authors as its identity.
There are two possibilities: this reference is either a
citation that already exists in the system, or it is not a
SIGGRAPH publication. At this stage, we assume
SIGGRAPH represents a history of topics in CG.
Based on this assumption, and in order to simplify the
problem, only references that can be matched to
citations in our system are considered. The other
references are stored, but not processed.
Although the keyword list section in a paper
represents the author’s point of view, it cannot reflect
important information in most cases. Authors may
use different phrases to represent the same concept,
such as “3D”/“three dimensional”, “level of detail”/
“LOD”, and so on. To resolve this problem, an
ontology is introduced. An ontology is a formal,
explicit specification of a shared conceptualization
(Gruber 1993; Borst 1997).
Due to the complexity of data, we employed four
type of data store (a semantic repository, an index and
search repository, a document repository, and a graph
repository) for efficient data management and
information retrieval. We take full advantage of their
features and strengths. Utilizing these repositories in
combination can effectively store and index data with
reliability and efficiency to supply meaningful
information in support of scientific research.
3.1 Semantic Repository
The standard keyword list we used as shared concept
is fetched from the MAS API, It supplies a keyword
function representing keyword objects in many fields.
For the “computer” area, it covers “computer
graphics”, ”computer vision”, “machine learning”,
“artificial intelligence” etc.- 24 fields in total. We
target our research in the “computer graphics” field,
where we collected 13670 keywords.
Each CG keyword in CG field was described as
an ontology graph model with nodes and edges. A
keyword is an RDF (Resource Description
Framework) with “rdf:type” of CG. It has synonyms
described by the “owl:sameAs” predicate. The
outcome of this work is that each keyword in a
citation can be mapped to a node with type of CG in
the semantic repository. We chose Sesame (Fensel
etc, 2005) as our RDF repository as it supplies API
for creating, parsing, storing, inferencing and
querying. It can also be connected to the Semantic
annotation tool GATE which we used for extracting
the META data. From the “GATE ontology,
Gazzetter producer” output, we can calculate the
frequency of each keyword.
3.2 Document Repository
The document repository (CouchDB) is designed for
web application, and files can be treated as
attachments of a document. By passing a document
id, attachments of a document can be accessed easily.
Since CouchDB treats each record as a document
without considering its properties, a database can
Management of Scientific Documents and Visualization of Citation Relationships using Weighted Key Scientific Terms
contain a large number of documents. A property,
docType is used to distinguish document types from
corpus, citation, keyword frequency and doc
references. Each of the documents in the database was
set a docType value. It plays the role of a table in
relational databases that holds a structured format
with collection of related data. For documents, a
virtual table of data structures is created for this
schema-less repository.
Some benefits from CouchDB are:
A design document “View”. As in any relational
database, documents can be sorted by the key of a
view. Furthermore, values emitted from the view
can not only be fetched from data stored in the
database directly but can also be calculated from
functions written in Javascript.
A type of function in design documents with the
property name validate_doc_update. Each
document has to be valid through all this kind of
functions defined in a database when creating or
updating. Consequently, data structure of
documents in this schema-less database will meet
our expectation.
The Reduce function reduces the list to a single
value. It is useful for data aggregation to create a
summary of a data group.
3.3 Graph Repository
Figure 1: Relations of citing and cited citations.
As mentioned earlier, in the reference list of a
citation, if a reference is not managed as a citation by
our system, it will stay unchanged in the document
repository. But if a reference is already managed in
the document repository, the two objects are merged
into one object in the graph repository. As we have
full information in document repository for both
citing and cited document, we can build relations
between them. Along with the year of each citation,
this relation can reflect the evolution of interest from
year to year in the context of CG. In Figure 1, the data
model in the graph repository is simplified to show
only the citation and its cited citations (blue
entities/relations). Within the 1228 citations from
SIGGRAPH, this relationship is complex. As a
directed graph, the longest citing chain we found has
a length of 8 in one direction– this chain covers the
whole 13 year span.
Figure 2: Cite relations in Graph Repository.
In the graph repository Neo4j (Hongcheng et al.,
2013), each entity is represented as a node which is
identified by a LABEL. We define “citation” as a
node entity and “cite” as a relationship that connects
nodes in a directed way. The following are some use
cases to demonstrate cite-cited relations in Figure 2:
A. Navigate and Retrieve Cited Citations from a
Given Citation.
The given citation is a citing paper. The result from
query A gives direct cited and indirect cited papers.
B. Citing/Cited Papers from a Given Paper.
The given citation is a citing or cited paper. The result
from query B gives relations from the given citation
in 1 to 3 layers.
C. Detect Similar Citing Citations.
Two given citations are cited citations. The result
from query C shows similar citing citations from the
two given citations.
DATA 2016 - 5th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications
D. Detect Similar Cited Citations.
Two given citations are citing citations. The result
from query D presents similar cited citations from the
two given citations.
E. Detect the Longest Path.
This query finds the length of the longest path in the
repository and uses it to search paths at the given
length. In the current 13-year corpus, the longest path
is 8, with 9 nodes. Finally it finds all the paths with
length 8 – in our work we found 2 paths of this length.
The starting nodes are marked in yellow, pink and
green contour in figure 2 E.
3.4 Search Repository
Views in a document repository are the primary tool
used for querying the CouchDB documents. A View
function accepts parameters and gives emit [key,
value] pairs as a result. Whether a paper contains user
defined keywords or not is a main querying method
to help users to search related papers. If we use user-
defined keywords as the parameter to query a view,
this view needs to emit a key that contains the user
defined keywords. From a predefined virtual table
structure, it is difficult to predict which property
should be used as a key for searches from the user’s
side. For this purpose, we employ a search server
called Elasticsearch which provides a document-
oriented, full-text search engine with a RESTful API.
The repository contains only brief description that
includes the corpus information, title, author, year
and the full text part of a paper as an attachment. This
function is supplied by: Mapper Attachments Type
for the Elasticsearch plugin. With the brief
description, the searched papers from the search
engine contain all the information needed for a list
presentation and need no further information retrieval
from the document repository.
As mentioned earlier we have extracted a standard
keyword list for each citation. Most citations in CG
field use less than 100 standard keywords out of
13,670. Each citation related keyword is calculated by
their occurrence. This frequent appearance indicates
importance from the author’s view. TW can help text
mining tasks in terms of text classification, topics
extraction, and sentence analysis and further help
reader to grasp the main idea of each citation in a
large corpus.
The keyword part in MAS API supplies the
keywords’ name along with two other important
properties: publication count, which indicates the
number of publications of each keyword, and citation
count, which gives the total number of citations of all
the publications using this keyword.
Table 1: Top 10 keywords sorted by citation.
Table 1 shows the top 10 keywords in CG, sorted
by citations. There are 13670 keywords in this field
in total. In the top 10 keyword list of other fields, for
example in Computer Vision (12839 keywords), the
same keywords such as “real time” appear again, as
some domains have similar research topics to others
(Xinyi 2015). The Inverse Document Frequency
(IDF) reflects the importance of a word to a document
in a collection or corpus.
We use 4 different methods to highlight
characteristic terms: field level, citation level in CG,
year level in CG, and hierarchical topic names.
4.1 Field Term Weighting
The field TW highlights characteristic terms in each
field. We fetch keywords from MAS API in 24 fields
of the computer domain and treat these keyword
fields as 24 documents. In the keyword corpus of the
domain, D={d
, d
}, each file contains multiple
keywords with occurrence of publication count or
citation count (Table1). In CG, the document contains
13670 keywords. A document d
is represented as a
word vector w
, w
} in an n-dimensional
vector space. Each word should be mapped to a
weight factor W
in the document.
We assume the data fetched from MAS API is
counted by a large corpus of related field citations.
Hence the citation count property of each keyword in
a field document is the occurrence value of this
keyword in a field of this corpus.
Using TF-IDF, the weight factor of keywords in
each field document is found – terms appearing
frequently in the corpus are expected to have less
importance. This filters out the more common terms.
We use the raw frequency and inverse document
frequency smooth (IDF) method to calculate each TW
in a field: N is the number of the total fields (here 24),
and n
is the occurrence of a keyword in other fields.
Tf is the citation count of each keyword in Table 1.
Management of Scientific Documents and Visualization of Citation Relationships using Weighted Key Scientific Terms
(dj, w
) = Tf *
The outcome of this is that in CG, each keyword is
assigned a weight indicating its importance in CG
compared to other fields. This result is used as a
global weighting result and mapped to a local
weighting result such as Citation TW and Year TW.
4.2 Citation Term Weighting
In citations of a field, each citation emphasizes
different topics even if they have similar frequent
terms. Occurrence of a term is related to the content.
Field TW in Section 4.1 also indicates the relevance
of a term to the field compared with other fields. In
this section, we try to identify citation terms that are
different from other citations in the same corpus. For
each citation keyword, we calculate local IDF L
with the following equation:
where N is the citation number of our corpus (1228)
and n
is occurrence
of this keyword in other citations.
By using the MapReduce function provided by the
document repository, it is easy to obtain a keyword
summary of the occurrence of a keyword in citations,
since each keyword is related to a citation id. In one
citation, a keyword only has 1 record with frequency
value in this citation. If we map this value to 1, the
reduced result is the occurrence n
in all citations.
(dj,wi) = Tf * F
(dj, w
) * L
The Tf is the citation related term frequency in the
document repository. This identifies important
keywords for this citation in CG.
4.3 Year Term Weighting
In the CG corpus, citations in each year contribute to
its keywords in terms of weighting. If one citation has
a higher weighting than others, the keywords used in
this citation should be weighted higher than those
used in citations with lower weighting. In other
words, document weighting contributes to TW when
calculating TW in a group of citations.
A straightforward way to assign a score to a
citation is to find the citing number. In our graph
repository we have stored citing relationships AB
for each citation. To find the citing number of B, just
query the number of A. Let’s name this score as
)”. For a keyword weighting from a citation
) = Score(d
) * C
Assuming year contained citation number is Yn, then
rank over a year can be calculated as:
, year) =
Rankdj, wi
4.4 Hierarchical Word Weighting
Many keywords are composites of several individual
words, and the occurrences of some words are
meaningful to the group of keywords contain them.
One such example in CG is rendering, as in image
based rendering, real time rendering, non-
photorealistic rendering, etc.; we call these
“hierarchical words”. To find the importance of a
hierarchical word in its field, we describe here a
simple alternative to the TF-IDF method.
We treat the keyword as individual tokens. Each
token contributes to its own keyword equally with the
score of the citation count of that keyword. In cases
where a word is contained in multi keywords, the
score of this word is the sum value of all the citation
values of those keywords. From this step, in 24 fields’
keywords of MAS API, we calculated hierarchical
words for each field with its score. In a single field,
this score implies the meaning of term frequency in
one document; we give it the name TF.
The second step is to count the occurrence of the
hierarchical word in the total of the 24 field
documents. By accumulating the TF value in all 24
fields, it is defined as TotalTF.
We are now able to calculate the importance score
of each hierarchical word. The main idea that is
different from TF-IDF is to improve term frequency
importance rather than document importance. The
reason is that words that occur once in a field should
be treated as being less important in this field than
those that occur multiple times. This method leads to
a higher accuracy in this context.
Rwi =
idf = log(1+
This expression enlarges the global factor and
narrows the local factor. The constant “a” is used to
avoid cases in which TotalTF–TF is zero. That means
the term occurs only in CG, not other fields, and is
therefore important in CG.
4.5 Citation Distance
Citing relation is a strong relationship between two
citations. From the diagram of citing path, the width
of a relation can represent how strong the link is. We
mentioned earlier that each citation is related to a
DATA 2016 - 5th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications
keywords list, with the frequency numbers in the
document repository. Percentile Weighting of each
keyword in a citation indicates how important a
keyword is relative to a citation. One citation with
more common keywords in higher percentile value to
another citation would also have a higher cosine
similarity value as citation distance.
Figure 3: Citing relations when depth is set to 8.
Figure 4: Citing relations when depth is set to 7.
We design an interactive tool to represent citation
relations as a direction graph. A node represents one
citation, and a link represents the relationship
between two citations. An in-direction link of a node
means it is cited by another citation; an out-direction
link means it is citing other citation.
In figure 2 E, we introduced a method to find the
longest path from the graph database and to obtain
nodes and links. Returning a graph from the Rest API
will result in a large data package unless skilled
querying is used. Since each relation between nodes
A to B are described as URIs of start, end nodes and
relationship as in Figure 5. To obtain further
properties from the URIs, more queries are needed.
Our technical method is to obtain the starting node.
ID list first, then use each starting node to fetch its
own path. As the longest path is 8 in this case, the
starting node id, all the relationships can be presented
in a direction graph: AB. Traversal of a path can
then be converted to a list of node pair IDs as we
know the default direction is “”.
Figure 5: Graph of a relation (node A to node B).
Figure 6: Convert a path to list in cypher.
In Figure 6, the cypher query language supplied
many functions such as multi match, filter, inner
functions, etc., that help us to query data with low
cost. In figure 3 with two paths of length 8, 14 pairs
of id list returned from graph DB, which contributes
to links directly, without any data conversion.
We use the idea of the Sankey diagram to describe
this relationship. These are a type of flow diagram in
which the widths of the arrows are proportional to the
flow quantity. In case one node has multiple out
branches to other nodes. The length of the node
equals the sum value of the width of each branch. The
weight of each branch decides its width. In
citing/cited relation, a natural characteristic is that
most citing nodes are published later than cited nodes.
Another characteristic is that one node of a year can
be cited by other nodes of different years. Because of
these characteristics, if the node’s width is equal to
the sum value of it’s out branches width, there will be
lots of overlap of nodes and links.
To avoid this, we use relatively narrow links (see
Figure 3,4). The node length is proportional to the
sum of its out-links’ weights. A simple property that
can easily identify a node on the diagram is year.
Nodes with same colour are citations that have been
published in the same year. The weights of the links
are presented by width and colour, stronger links have
more weight than thinner links, and links with similar
colour presents similar weight values.
Management of Scientific Documents and Visualization of Citation Relationships using Weighted Key Scientific Terms
When a mouse hovers on a node, an opacity layer
appears showing details of the citation. Only the
citation ID, year and title of META data are stored in
graph DB to reduce overlap data. When we are
querying a path, only the citation ID that is mapped
to the citation ID in Document DB is returned.
Further calculations such as the year’s keywords list,
citation keywords list and root keywords list are all
performed from our Document DB.
From figure 3, we can see that paper 8 (in orange,
title:”Keyframe control of smoke simulation”, year:
2003) is an important citation, which affected other
citations in this field from year 2004 (paper 9 in
yellow) to year 2014 (paper 7 in pink).
From figure 3, we selected one path and the
newest node, displaying the top rank terms used in the
citation in figure 7. It shows, these terms are very
relevant to the content.
Figure 7: Top 5 ranking keywords with the path length 8.
With the keywords function of MAS API, an
ontology is created to extract the field standard
keywords frequency. The API is also used to collect
keywords in 24 fields of computer domain. We use a
series of TW methods to highlight characteristics of
terms. The citing relations we stored in the graph
database is a dense network. We take full advantage
of the 4 repositories that effectively store and index
the citation data and hence supply meaningful
information. The interactive visual view can present
citing relations, similarity and indicate salient
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