I’ll Trust You for Now
Martin Gilje Jaatun
Department of Software Engineering, Safety and Security, SINTEF ICT, Trondheim, Norway
Cloud, Security, Privacy, Trust.
The pervasiveness of cloud computing paired with big data analytics is fueling privacy fears among the more
paranoid users. Cryptography-based solutions such as fully homomorphic encryption and secure multiparty
computation are trying to address these fears, but still do not seem to be ready for prime time. This pa-
per presents an alternative approach using encrypted cloud storage by one provider, supplemented by cloud
processing of cleartext data on one or more different cloud providers.
Cloud computing is everywhere, and more and more
users are putting their data into the cloud, often with-
out knowing it (Rong et al., 2013). With all this
data in the hands of one of the big cloud providers,
the emergence of big data analytics (Jaatun et al.,
2014) are raising new privacy fears among the more
concerned members of the public. According to
the privacy paradox, even users who claim to be
privacy-conscious frequently behave in a counter-
privacy manner (Jaatun et al., 2012a), but there will
still be a certain number of users who are paranoid
enough to demand a better way.
If we assume the threat model of an honest-but-
curious cloud provider (Jaatun et al., 2012b), we have
to expect that the provider will index the information
we store, and may use this information for various
purposes, such as targeted marketing (Vivian, 2015).
How can we keep using the cloud without surrender-
ing to privacy invasion? This paper will present a
scheme that addresses this challenge.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents relevant background infor-
mation. The scheme is presented in Section 3, and
discussed in Section 4. Section 5 concludes the paper
and outlines further work.
The literature documents numerous approaches to
deal with honest-but-curious providers. Fully homo-
morphic encryption (Gentry, 2009) allows performing
computations on encrypted data, in such a manner that
the result is the same as the encrypted version of the
result from the same operation performed on the cor-
responding unencrypted input. The main drawback of
fully homomorphic encryption has thus far been that
it is too processor intensive.
Another variant is Secure Multiparty Computa-
tion (Bogetoft et al., 2009; Bogdanov et al., 2008),
where multiple providers are involved in the compu-
tation of a result, but no one provider has access to
cleartext data. A trivial example of SMC is a scheme
to calculate the average salary of Alice, Bob, Charlie
and Debbie. Alice takes her salary, and adds a ran-
dom number R to it. She then sends the result to Bob,
who adds his salary, and sends the result to Charlie.
Charlie add his salary and sends the result to Debbie,
who adds here salary and sends the result back to Al-
ice. Alice then subtracts R, and gets the average salary
by dividing by four, but none of the four participants
have learned the value of anybody else’s salary.
Splitting data and dispersing it among multiple
providers is an approach that has been used in sev-
eral contexts (Storer et al., 2009; Adya et al., 2002;
Rhea et al., 2003; Jaatun et al., 2012b), where the idea
is that no single provider has enough information to
make sense of it. The technique has seen application
in some special cases, but seems too complicated for
widespread use.
Trusted cloud computing (Santos et al., 2009) is
another approach where trusted computing principles
based on a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) on the
physical cloud servers are used to ensure that the
provider ”stays honest”, also to the extent of denying
the provider access to cleartext data within users’ vir-
Jaatun, M.
I’ll Trust You for Now.
DOI: 10.5220/0005953903990402
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data (IoTBD 2016), pages 399-402
ISBN: 978-989-758-183-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tual machines. However, the caveat of this approach
is that it moved the single point of trust from the
provider to the hardware chip manufacturer, which
the PRISM revelations indicate is not necessarily any
A totally different approach is using accountabil-
ity (Pearson, 2011; Pearson and Charlesworth, 2009;
Jaatun et al., 2014) to entice the provider to do the
right thing, making it a business advantage to offer
accountable service. The main disadvantage with this
approach is that it depends on the cooperation of the
The proposed scheme is inspired by RAIN (Jaatun
et al., 2012b), but is much simpler.
First, choose any reputable cloud provider of-
fering cloud storage, putting highest emphasis on
availability of your information. We will call this
“Provider A”. Choose a symmetric key k of appropri-
ate key length
. Select which files are to be uploaded,
and encrypt these using key k. Upload the encrypted
files to A.
Encrypted cloud storage is of course not novel,
and the next step is therefore essential. A second
cloud provider (“Provider B”) which offers cloud pro-
cessing services is chosen. The simplest case would
be a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) document editing
application. When documents are to be transferred to
provider B, they are decrypted using key k and placed
in (temporary) storage associated with provider B’s
editing application. The plaintext version of the file
can then be viewed and (if desired edited).
If the file has been changed, it must be re-
encrypted before being transferred back to provider
A. After the user is finished interacting with the file,
it is deleted from provider B. The scheme is illustrated
in Figure 1.
3.1 Custom VM Image
The main flaw with the scheme described thus far is
that commodity SaaS applications do not incorporate
a decryption function. This would seem to require the
user to first download the encrypted file from provider
A, decrypt it locally, and then upload the plaintext ver-
sion to provider B. However, this would pretty much
Minimum key lengths (Dent, 2010) keep growing as
processing power of commodity computers keeps increas-
ing. Current conventional wisdom is that a 128 bit AES key
offers sufficient protection, but your mileage may vary.
The quick
brown fox
jumps over
the lazy dog
Figure 1: Scheme illustration.
invalidate the whole point of a cloud solution, in ad-
dition to requiring lots of unnecessary file transfers
to the edge network (which presumably has lower ca-
pacity and higher costs).
A solution to this problem could be to create a cus-
tom Virtual Machine (VM) image, complete with de-
cryption software and information viewing/process-
ing/modification software. A practical choice would
be an OpenStack (TaheriMonfared and Jaatun, 2012)
Linux image with (e.g.) OpenOffice
as document
editing software. The encryption/decryption software
must be custom built, based on proven cryptographic
When a file from provider A needs to be accessed,
a custom VM at provider B is launched, and the en-
crypted file is transferred to the VM instance. At the
same time, the user security transfers the required de-
cryption key k to the VM instance. The encrypted file
is then decrypted, and further processed by the utili-
ties that is already provided in the VM image.
For the highest level of security, the VM instance
can be destroyed right after use, but could for conve-
nience also be kept running. In the latter case, the
mechanism presented in the next subsection comes
into relevance.
3.2 Chaff
Many years ago, Rivest (Rivest, 1998) proposed
chaffing (padding sensitive information with irrele-
vant nonsense) as an approach to improved confiden-
tiality, in his case without using cryptography due
to the then draconian export restrictions on crypto-
graphic hardware and software from the US.
Chaffing can be used as an alternative to deleting
files from provider B after use, or possibly in addi-
tion to it. In the simplest case, the user could make
E.g., AES. Under no circumstances should you ever
consider creating a new cryptographic algorithm (Ferguson
and Schneier, 2003)
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
, K
The quick
brown fox
over the
lazy dog
Figure 2: Expanded scheme.
irrelevant changes to the plaintext after an updated
document has been returned to encrypted to provider
A, and then delete it. This could also be done in the
case the document has not been edited, thus keeping
Provider B in the dark regarding which edits are real,
and which are not. To make this deception complete,
it would be necessary to also make a dummy transfer
of an encrypted file as well. If, on the other hand, the
document is not deleted, a process could periodically
add random garbage from various sources to the docu-
ment, further obscuring or even replacing the original
content, such that any indexing performed by provider
B is worthless.
By employing yet another cloud service (provider
C), it would be possible to create a bot (Chu et al.,
2010) to edit your chaff documents, further confusing
the curious provider B.
3.3 Improved Key Management
Relying on a single key to protect all documents is
not satisfactory in the long run, also because provider
B necessarily will have access to the key when de-
crypting files. A better solution would be if the user
is able to run a key management application locally,
and create session keys for each file. For further se-
curity, each key should only be used for encryption
once; when a file is re-encrypted after modification, it
is assigned a new session key, which must be trans-
ferred security back to the user.
A variant could be to introduce another cloud
provider to store the key management database, but
this does of course place a lot of trust on that provider,
and may not be acceptable to the most paranoid users.
The threat model of an honest-but-curious provider
implies that it should be sufficient to make it difficult
enough for a provider to aggregate the user’s informa-
tion. This means that we accept to trust the provider
“for the moment”, but make sure to remove any ac-
cessible information at the first opportunity, and also
muddy the waters by introducing chaff in such a man-
ner that the provider cannot discern it from wheat.
The security of the scheme presented in this paper
relies on providers being less interested in IaaS data
(“bag of bits” (Jaatun et al., 2014)) than structured
files (information) at the SaaS level. It is true that Vir-
tual Machine Introspection (VMI) techniques (More
and Tapaswi, 2014) makes it possible for a provider to
eavesdrop on users’ VMs, but it is debatable whether
a provider by doing so crosses the boundary between
being an honest-but-curious provider and being a dis-
honest provider.
This scheme is vulnerable to collusion between
the different providers; in particular, if only “real”
data is stored by provider A, provider A would be
able to inform provider B which files are genuine, and
which are chaff. Collusion could be made more dif-
ficult by increasing the number of cloud providers in
use, e.g., introduce a set of providers {A
, A
, . . . , A
for storing encrypted data, and a different set of
providers {B
, B
, . . . , B
} to run the VMs that pro-
I’ll Trust You for Now
cess plaintext data. At a certain point, however, it
will be difficult for the user to manage all the different
providers, and an intelligent (non-cloud) client will be
needed to use the system.
Note that the sets of providers A and B should be
disjoint, and could also be quite different; if provider
B is chosen to be “throwaway”, i.e., the VM is de-
stroyed after each use, reliability and availability of
any given provider is less of an issue. If a given
provider B
is unavailable, the user can simply con-
jure up a new provider B
The expanded scheme is illustrated in Figure 2.
It is important to acknowledge that just because you
are paranoid, that does not mean that they are not out
to get you (Heller, 1961). Like many security solu-
tions, the one presented in this paper may seem cum-
bersome and possibly unnecessary, but it could still
be useful for some users in the right circumstances.
The next phase of this project is to implement a
demonstrator for field testing, and perform a formal
security analysis of the resulting system.
The research reported in this paper has been sup-
ported in part by the European Commission through
the EU FP7 project A4Cloud, grant nr. 317550.
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IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data