Computer Aided Exercise Generation
A Framework for Human Interaction in the Automated Exercise Generation
Valentin Nentwich, Nicolai Fischer, Andreas C. Sonnenbichler and Andreas Geyer-Schulz
Information Services and Electronic Markets, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
Automated Exercise Generator, Generation, Process.
Creating exercises for tutorials and exams is part of lecturers’ daily business. Manually creating new exercises
for each course is very time expensive. Literature shows many technical solutions in terms of online learning
platforms supporting exercise generation, answer checking and students’ progress follow up. Most approaches
solve specific problems and cannot be generalized in a way that a pattern for system design can be deducted.
In this paper we point out a generic model for human interaction in the automated exercise generation process
by identifying general constructs of exercise generation and by applying them on the outlined user interaction
pattern. The application of the findings in a prototype for multi-criteria decision analysis indicates viability of
the explained concept.
Reaching and offering high quality mentoring and ed-
ucational content is a desirable goal in the teaching
sector of a university. The time consuming process
of repetitive exercise generation captures avoidable
ressources and therefore leads to bad quality of ed-
ucation. Otherwise, one could maintain high-quality
tasks like promotion of talent programs or assistance
of the gifted students.
An information and communication technology
(ICT) driven approach promises to reduce required
manual efforts thus freeing resources and enables
teaching which contains offering educational content
and supporting students’ learning process in a radical
new fashion. Exemplary, students can be offered an
interactive learning infrastructure where self-directed
learning is supported. Despite of learning in a self-
service manner a direct or indirect tutoring system can
be applied. Using ICT in the process of education re-
quires a high automation level. In particular, system
components have to be taken into account: the gen-
eration of exercises is one of the greatest problems
identified by (Sadigh et al., 2012).
In terms of the problem of automatic exercise gen-
eration literature shows several specific approaches
for automating task creation itself or parts of the gen-
eration process. In section 2 we examine existing con-
cepts which serve as a basis for the in section 3 fig-
ured out constructs of exercise generation. In our un-
derstanding constructs are reusable components that
can be used as building blocks for educational sys-
tems. Building blocks keep the system maintainable
and enrich an automated exercise generation process.
In section 2 identified implementations for differ-
ent education systems show a deep variation in its fo-
cus on system aspects and a lack of a common way
in system design. Our main contribution is a frame-
work for human interaction in the automated exercise
generation process. The developed process closes the
gap of interaction between lecturer and educational
system and consequently serves as conceptual basis
for the design of an education system.
The introduction of the exercise generation pro-
cess in section 4 contains a precise explanation of the
four process steps. The identified constructs of exer-
cise generation (section 3) are associated with each
corresponding process step. The exercise generation
process serves as a basis for the design of our educa-
tion system prototype. The implemented prototype in
the field of use multi-criteria decision problems indi-
cates viability and serves as proof of concept to show
that the general idea works.
Gonzales and Munoz developed a web-based educa-
Nentwich, V., Fischer, N., Sonnenbichler, A. and Geyer-Schulz, A.
Computer Aided Exercise Generation - A Framework for Human Interaction in the Automated Exercise Generation Process.
DOI: 10.5220/0005947700570063
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2016) - Volume 2: ICE-B, pages 57-63
ISBN: 978-989-758-196-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tional software for providing students with statistical
and mathematical exercises. Further features include
evaluations of students answers as well as data man-
agement and support for exercise generation to teach-
ers (Gonzalez and Munoz, 2006).
Aldabe et al. present a question generator which
automatically creates exercises for students. Automa-
tion is reached by making use of natural language
processing (NLP) techniques and corpora. As con-
crete results exercises for fill-in-the-blank, word for-
mation as well as multiple choice and error correction
are constructed (Aldabe et al., 2006).
Sadigh et al. show a template-based approach
to establish automation in the teaching life cycle ad-
dressing creation of problems and corresponding so-
lutions as well as grading (Sadigh et al., 2012).
Merceron and Yacef explain an approach for a
web-based tutoring system giving feedback for stu-
dents and teachers. Students are provided with a step
by step feedback during solving exercises. A mining
component establishes the opportunity for analysing
students answers to feedback teaching methods (Mer-
ceron and Yacef, 2003).
Chrysafiadi and Virvou present different ap-
proaches for student modelling. Student modelling
includes initial assessment, tracking and adapting of
the student knowledge level and preparation of exer-
cise presentation for individuals (Chrysafiadi and Vir-
vou, 2013).
Lopez et al. designed a coached problem solving
system for teaching the simplex algorithm. The im-
plementation contains a problem generator, a student
model based exercise adaptation and a dynamic help
system for assisting students in improving their mis-
takes (Lopez et al., 1998). Volodina and Borin use
a similar approach for teaching languages (Volodina
and Borin, 2012).
Devedzic describes an intelligent web-based ed-
ucation system by clustering basic components of
today’s educational technology into a framework.
For higher reusability and flexibility the educational
content is described by semantic aspects (Devedzic,
Melis et al. use a knowledge base for dynam-
ically generating individual, mathematical tutoring
content. Semantic methods serve as a main build-
ing block for the realisation. Additionally, a inter-
face for connecting stand-alone service systems opens
the tutoring tool in terms of public educational mate-
rial (Melis et al., 2001). Almeida et al. propose a
specific language for designing more complex exer-
cises than multiple choices, data type or file compar-
isons (Almeida et al., 2013). Further ontology based
approaches can be found in (Holohan et al., 2006).
Adamopoulos’ research paper identifies key char-
acteristics influencing the long term affinity of users
to web based learning environments. The most im-
portant key characteristics are involved professors,
the students’ attitude towards teaching contents as
well as difficulty, workload and duration of a les-
son (Adamopoulos, 2013). Workman depicts how
computer-based education and computer-aided edu-
cation influence students’ ability to learn (Workman,
Vossen and Westerkamp propose to publish learn-
ing content through web service interfaces. A learn-
ing content database consisting of e-learning courses
and learning objects serves as a basis for web service
methods. The web service interface implements, inter
alia, content presentation, user tracking and content
creation (Vossen and Westerkamp, 2003).
In this section we present constructs that are able to
enrich an automated exercise generation process. Ac-
cording to (Gregor and Jones, 2007) constructs de-
scribe entities of interest related to a specific design
theory which can be simple terms and mathematical
symbols or complex sub-systems. Identification of
these constructs is based on section 2.
The following constructs were identified: ontolo-
gies, student modelling, feedback mechanisms, web
service interfaces and a help suggestion system.
Gruber describes ontologies as a formal speci-
fication for classes, relations as well as functions
and objects in a shared domain of interest (Gru-
ber, 1993). Formal specification makes ontologies
machine-understandable which is a key functionality
for automation.
A student model is the result of the process for de-
scribing and analysing cognitive skills of a specific
student (Self, 1990). Chrysafiadi and Virvou men-
tion this characteristic as a base for personalisation
and state that it is a decisive factor for adaptive edu-
cational systems (Chrysafiadi and Virvou, 2013).
Franklin et al. delineate a feedback mechanism as
a dynamic system where measured output is used for
determining the system’s future behaviour (Franklin
et al., 1994). Such feedback mechanisms are the
foundation for assisting in educational systems as por-
trayed by (Merceron and Yacef, 2003).
Literature shows that the term web service is
ambiguous. For our work we refer to Papazoglou
who outlines service interoperability, service orches-
tration, service transaction management and service
ICE-B 2016 - International Conference on e-Business
coordination as characteristics for web services (Pa-
pazoglou, 2003). These enable simple network ac-
cess on teaching platform components and therefore
Lopez et al. consider student assistance by solv-
ing exercises as a necessary element of an educational
system (Lopez et al., 1998). With regard to this fact
the exercise generation process has to provide a func-
tionality for suggesting capabilities to support stu-
dents – a help suggestion system.
The identified constructs can be used to enrich
automated exercise generation whereas each compo-
nent is part of a specific solution and realises differ-
ent tasks. Today, there is a lack of design method for
building exercise generation systems on top of mul-
titude system components. In the following sections,
we introduce a generic process for educational system
design to face this challenge.
In this section, we introduce our exercise generation
process referring to figure 1. We explain every pro-
cess step and associate the constructs identified in sec-
tion 3 giving a short example. Furthermore, we point
out the necessary technical aspects for the realisation
as a web educational system serving as a foundation
for our prototype.
4.1 Select and Modify Exercise Context
First step of the exercise generation process is the se-
lection and modification of the exercise context.
The exercise context specifies the exercise frame-
work and thus builds the association to a certain field
of use. For example we have the problem to purchase
a car. In this situation the purchaser has to choose be-
tween several alternatives and selects the one which
meets best his requirements. This example shows a
specific exercise context for the abstract problem of
decision making. Further problems of this category
could be an investment decision or choosing the right
For building an exercise context two different ap-
proaches are conceivable: manually or automated. A
naive method is to manually build up and maintain
a context database by lecturers. Automated context
generation can be reached by making use of the con-
struct ontologies. Technically, we call this component
a context generator.
Applying these approaches on the sub process
”Select and Modify Exercise Context” both human
and machine have different tasks to complete. In case
of manually created exercise contexts lecturers have
to imagine and construct fictitious fields of use to feed
an exercise context database. For automated gener-
ated exercise contexts machines take this part. How-
ever we assume, that an exercise context database ex-
ist and for the manually as well as the automated ap-
proach the lecturers simply choose a suitable context
for building up his exercise during the exercise gener-
ation process. In this step, modification gives the op-
portunity to correct mistakes and to apply lecturers’
own style.
Select and Modify
Exercise Context
Select and Modify
Exercise Type
Edit Generated
Export and Archive
Figure 1: Exercise generation process.
4.2 Select and Modify Exercise Type
Second step of the exercise generation process is the
selection and modification of the exercise type.
An exercise type defines a general structure of
an exercise. For the mentioned example of purchas-
ing a car as a multi-criteria decision problem multi-
ple strategies for making the decision exist. Exem-
plary one could sum up the values-in-use for each al-
ternative and choose the best one. Another example
could be choosing the alternative which has the high-
est score for the leading goal. Each decision strategy
leads to a different general exercise type which can
be implemented by different instances. Instances of
the same general exercise type can differ in their spe-
cific structure. Exercise types serve as input for the
automated creation of students’ exercises by the com-
ponent exercise generator.
Computer Aided Exercise Generation - A Framework for Human Interaction in the Automated Exercise Generation Process
User Action
Figure 2: Prototype scheme (MVC as described in (Ullenboom, 2014)).
The characteristics for lecturers’ interaction in the
sub process ”Select and Modify Exercise Type” are
selecting an appropriate exercise type and defining its
specific structure by establishing individual parame-
ters. Referred to our example, a lecturer can choose
target weighting as exercise type and set as parame-
ters the individual weights for each target. In accor-
dance with this input the exercise generator compo-
nent automatically creates the exercise.
4.3 Edit Generated Parameters
Third step of the exercise generation process is editing
the parameters generated by the exercise generator.
The exercise generator’s output is a complete task
for students including exercise text, questions, hints
for solution and solutions themselves. We assume that
developers’ cognitive skills are limited and even mak-
ing use of ontologies and natural language processing
in automated exercise generation leads to inaccurate
or unfair produced exercises, respectively exercise pa-
rameters. Considering this, the basic idea of this pro-
cess step is to give lecturers the chance to adjust pa-
In this process step it is possible to install three
constructs presented in section 3: feedback mech-
anisms, the help suggestion system and the student
As mentioned in (Merceron and Yacef, 2003),
stored student answers can be mined to gather infor-
mation about typical problems or mistakes which oc-
cur while solving an exercise. Properly processed, the
information can be used as feedback for the lecturer
and help him to adjust parameters of a certain exercise
type accordingly.
There are two different approaches to work with
the help suggestion system. Firstly, it is conceiv-
able that a lecturer is able to turn on or to turn off
specific features of the help suggestion system man-
ually – as a consequence the lecturer determines how
much students are supported. An automated approach
is to support students dynamically according to their
knowledge level represented by a student model as
a consequence the students are supported individually
by the help suggestion system.
Lecturers interact in this process step by evalu-
ating machine produced exercises and by adjusting
phrasing as well as input parameters for calculations.
According to the previous example, the exercise gen-
erator creates the textual description of the exercise
as well as the matrix containing the values-in-use for
the target weighting decision problem. Lecturers’ are
ICE-B 2016 - International Conference on e-Business
able to edit the exercise text and the generated values
of the matrix. If there are changes in input values for
calculation the exercise generation component has to
automatically adapt proposed solutions and assistance
for solving the problem.
4.4 Export and Archive Exercise
Fourth step of the exercise generation process is ex-
porting and archiving the generated exercise.
Basic idea of this step is, that done work has to be
saved for further use. The export functionality gives
tutors the ability to convert the generated exercise into
a specific data format like the portable document for-
mat (PDF) or L
X. Archiving means to store the
generated exercise in a database for future lookup and
In the sub process ”Export and Archive Exercise”
lecturers’ interaction in the simplest case is choosing
the data format for exporting and to record general
data like the lecturer’s name or the description of the
semester. Technically, a component for archiving and
a component for exporting have to exist to perform
machine parts in this process step.
In our example, the lecturer chooses L
X as ex-
port format. As a result the lecturer gets a L
X file
containing the exercise description, questions, a ma-
trix with values-in-use and a solution outline adjusted
for the case of the target weighting decision problem
”purchasing a car”.
In this section we present a prototype which indicates
viability of the explained exercise generation process.
We fill up the prototype by an example in the field of
use multi-criteria decision problems. We explain the
technical set up of our prototype pointing out the gen-
eral as well as the detailed structure. In each step we
show how the exercise generation process can be ref-
erenced to the prototype in the scope of an economic
5.1 General Structure
This section gives a short overview about the gen-
eral structure of the prototype and its implemen-
tation. Vossen and Westerkamp propose web ser-
vice interfaces for realisation of educational sys-
tems (Vossen and Westerkamp, 2003). Furthermore,
the model-view-controller pattern (MVC) is a com-
mon agreed design pattern for designing a compo-
nent based application where each component can
be developed independently (Ullenboom, 2014). We
use Django (Django Documentation, 2015) as a sim-
ple web framework based on Python (Python, 2015)
which supports MVC and thus reusability.
Figure 2 shows the general scheme of the proto-
type considering the MVC pattern as described in (Ul-
lenboom, 2014): the model represents the internal
state of an object for enabling persistent data storage
and manipulation. Views define how data is presented
in the user interface. The controller processes the user
interaction including model and view updating.
5.2 Model
This section includes a detailed explanation of the
model’s structure. Every class describing a model
object in Django is placed into the
file (Django Documentation, 2015). We use the data
model shown in figure 3 to describe these classes.
Exercise type
Exercise context
Figure 3: Data model used for implementing
An exercise type defines the general structure of
an exercise. In case of the example ”purchasing a car”
as a multi-criteria decision problem the following ex-
ercise types are conceivable: target weighting, lexi-
cographical ordering, maximum of the minimal target
achievement, goal programming and mixed up exer-
cise type consisting of the types mentioned.
The scenario of an exercise plays in a specific con-
text. Therefore we introduced the generic component
exercise context, which can be applied on several ex-
ercise types. The scenario in our example plays in the
context of ”purchasing a car”. As exercise type tar-
get weighting is selected. It is possible to choose e.g.
goal programming as exercise type by using the same
context of ”purchasing a car”.
A generic exercise context is composed by sev-
eral targets and alternatives. Targets in the sense of
a multi-criteria decision problem display the value
Computer Aided Exercise Generation - A Framework for Human Interaction in the Automated Exercise Generation Process
proposition of a decision maker for solving the de-
cision problem. The value of a target is expressed by
a scale which is implemented by discrete or continu-
ous values. Alternatives represent options that can be
chosen by a decision maker.
To complete our example, we add alternatives, tar-
gets, scales and values. Alternatives in our case could
be the cars ”Audi A3”, ”VW Golf” and ”Scoda Oc-
tavia”. Attributes the cars have in common can be
viewed as desired goals to achieve. Let’s say we con-
sider ”PS”, ”fuel consumption”, ”mileage” and ”CO2
conformity” as viewed targets to compare the cars.
To achieve the processing of given targets we add a
scale to each target. Processing means the selection
of the best alternatives according to the exercise type’s
methods. A scale e.g. can be kilometers with the val-
ues 10km, 100km and 1000km in case of the target
”mileage” or boolean (true/ false) in case of the target
”CO2 conformity”.
5.3 View
Views define how data is presented in the user inter-
face. For the view component in the prototype we
designed different HTML templates (as in figure 2)
matching the requirements of the exercise generation
The first step of the exercise generation process is
realised by the inputparameter.html. Within this tem-
plate a existing exercise context can be chosen and
targets as well as alternatives can be adapted for the
specific exercise type. If there is no appropriate ex-
ercise context, the user can navigate to contextgen-
eration.html which is a template for manually creat-
ing generic exercise contexts. Moreover, inputparam-
eter.html includes the second step of the exercise gen-
eration process. Our protoype contains the following
choosable and editable exercise types: target weight-
ing, lexicographical ordering, maximum of the mini-
mal target achievement, goal programming and mixed
up exercise type consisting of the types mentioned.
Input parameters are processed by the controller
to generate an exercise. The user is navigated to
the edit.html where automatically created exercise pa-
rameters can be viewed and adjusted by the lecturer.
In our prototype the entries of the use matrix can be
After editing users have the opportunity to export
and to archive the complete exercise (export.html).
Export formats that can be chosen are PDF and L
5.4 Controller
The controller navigates the user and processes input
parameters. Django realises navigation by the use of and Url requests are catched by the and directed to the mapped view. Views are
build by which is responsible for parameter
processing. Processing work is assisted by calcula- and HTML templates of the view
component are enriched by generated parameters.
The supporting component automat-
ically creates the exercise including exercise text, in-
put values for calculation, questions as well as a so-
lution outline. fills a static exercise text
with the values of the selected exercise context. Addi-
tionally, a use matrix is set up with random values. To
each exercise type static questions are assigned. As
a naive approach for the implementation of the help
suggestion system, we provide an solution outline au-
tomatically composed by
The supporting component offers
different mathematical methods that can be used for
calculation in Example methods are:
generating random values, finding minimum or maxi-
mum values with respect to targets’ scales and solving
decision problems.
In this article, we described a framework for human
interaction in the automated exercise generation pro-
cess. We examined current approaches for educa-
tional system design (section 2) to identify basic com-
ponents realising different tasks within the specific
solutions reviewed. Our contribution lies in the cre-
ation of a generic process as a design method for de-
veloping educational systems.
In section 3, we presented constructs that are able
to enrich an automated exercise generation process.
The following constructs were identified: ontologies,
student modelling, feedback mechanisms, web ser-
vices interfaces and a help suggestion system.
In section 4, we introduced our generic exercise
generation process. Furthermore, an associations be-
tween each process step and its corresponding con-
structs is made. Additionally, we pointed out nec-
essary technical aspects for the realisation as a web
educational system.
In section 5, we presented our prototype indicat-
ing viability of the explained concept. Therefore, we
described the prototype’s set up basing on the exer-
cise generation process. Firstly, we pointed out the
general structure of our Python/Django implementa-
tion. Secondly, we give a detailed insight into the
used structure for implementing our protoype: the de-
sign according to the exercise generation process is
ICE-B 2016 - International Conference on e-Business
transferred into the technical view of the model-view-
controller pattern.
The paper at hand presents a process on a high
level of abstraction including general concepts of
technical solution for educational systems. Regard-
ing future work, a more extensive analysis by expand-
ing the review of existing theoretical and practical ap-
proaches can lead to a more precise shape of our ex-
ercise generation process.
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Computer Aided Exercise Generation - A Framework for Human Interaction in the Automated Exercise Generation Process