Measuring the Effect of Classification Accuracy on User Experience
in a Physiological Game
Gregor Geršak
, Sean M. McCrea
and Domen Novak
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Department of Psychology/Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wyoming, Laramie, U.S.A.
Keywords: Affective Computing, Classification, Computer Games, Physiological Computing, User Experience.
Abstract: Physiological games use classification algorithms to extract information about the player from physiological
measurements and adapt game difficulty accordingly. However, little is known about how the classification
accuracy affects the overall user experience and how to measure this effect. Following up on a previous
study, we artificially predefined classification accuracy in a game of Snake where difficulty increases or
decreases after each round. The game was played in a laboratory setting by 110 participants at different
classification accuracies. The participants reported their satisfaction with the difficulty adaptation algorithm
as well as their in-game fun, with 85 participants using electronic questionnaires and 25 using paper
questionnaires. We observed that the classification accuracy must be at least 80% for the physiological
game to be accepted by users and that there are notable differences between different methods of measuring
the effect of classification accuracy. The results also show that laboratory settings are more effective than
online settings, and paper questionnaires exhibit higher correlations between classification accuracy and
user experience than electronic questionnaires. Implications for the design and evaluation of physiological
games are presented.
1.1 Classification in Physiological
Computer games represent an important application
of physiological computing. In such “physiological
games”, physiological measurements are used to
detect player boredom, frustration or anxiety and
adapt the game difficulty accordingly – decrease
difficulty in case of high frustration/anxiety and
increase it in case of boredom (Gilleade et al. 2005;
Liu et al. 2009; Chanel et al. 2011). This can be
done for entertainment purposes, but can also be
used in serious applications such as ensuring an
appropriate level of exercise intensity in physical
rehabilitation (Koenig et al. 2011). Such difficulty
adaptation based on physiological measurements has
been shown to be more effective than adaptation
based on game performance (Liu et al. 2009).
In order to adapt game difficulty, it is necessary
to first identify the level of player boredom,
frustration or anxiety from the physiological
responses. This is generally done with
psychophysiological classification algorithms such
as discriminant analysis, support vector machines or
neural networks (Novak et al. 2012). These
algorithms take physiological measurements as the
inputs, and output the current state of the user. In
most practical cases, this user state has two possible
classes (e.g. low / high anxiety) or three possible
classes (e.g. low / medium / high frustration).
Difficulty is then adapted using simple rules –
increase difficulty in case of low frustration, and
decrease it in case of high frustration.
No psychophysiological classification algorithm
is perfect, and mistakes are always made when
trying to identify the state of the user from
physiological measurements. The classification
accuracy is usually evaluated offline (with
previously recorded data) and ranges from as low as
60% (Novak et al. 2011) to as high as 90% (Liu et
al. 2009). The “ground truth” for such evaluations is
the user’s self-reported level of frustration, anxiety
or boredom. This level is obtained via questionnaires
that are administered at regular intervals throughout
the game. Classification accuracy is then defined as
Geršak, G., McCrea, S. and Novak, D.
Measuring the Effect of Classification Accuracy on User Experience in a Physiological Game.
DOI: 10.5220/0005940300800087
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems (PhyCS 2016), pages 80-87
ISBN: 978-989-758-197-7
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the percentage of times the computer and the user
report the same user state. Since this user state is
linked to difficulty adaptation via simple rules,
classification accuracy can be alternatively defined
as the percentage of times the computer and the user
agree on how difficulty should be adapted (Novak et
al. 2014).
In addition to evaluation with previously
recorded data, some studies have also examined
classification in real time during gameplay and have
mainly achieved accuracies around 80% (Liu et al.
2009; Shirzad and Van der Loos 2016; Liu et al.
2008). These studies reported that users were largely
satisfied with difficulty adaptation, suggesting that a
classification accuracy around 80% is sufficient for
physiological games. However, other questions now
arise: Would a lower accuracy have been sufficient
as well? Would a higher accuracy have increased
user satisfaction further?
1.2 Effect on User Experience
The question of how classification accuracy affects
the overall user experience remains surprisingly
underexplored in physiological computing. The
majority of studies have focused only on a single
classification accuracy, as described above.
However, for future development of physiological
computing, it is critical to know the minimal
acceptable classification accuracy for different
applications as well as the extent to which
classification accuracy improves users’ satisfaction
with the system. This would allow developers to, for
example, determine whether a system is ready for
public release or whether the psychophysiological
classification accuracy should be improved using
additional sensors or better classification algorithms.
A recent study explored the effect of different
classification accuracies on user experience in a
simulated physiological game (Novak et al. 2014).
Study participants played the classic Snake game on
the Internet, with no physiological sensors attached.
Whenever a new game round began, participants
were asked whether they would prefer to increase or
decrease difficulty. No option was given to keep
difficulty at the same level. The game then simulated
a classification accuracy by doing what the user
wanted in a certain percentage of situations. For
example, to simulate a 100% classification accuracy,
the game always changed difficulty as requested by
the user. On the other hand, to simulate a 50%
classification accuracy, the game changed difficulty
in the direction requested by the user in only half of
the cases, and changed it in the other direction in the
other half of the cases.
The study (Novak et al. 2014) found a significant
correlation between classification accuracy and
satisfaction with the difficulty adaptation algorithm
(r=0.43). However, there was practically no
correlation between classification accuracy and in-
game fun (r=0.10). This surprising result suggested
that the accuracy of user state classification in
physiological games does not matter very much.
However, the aforementioned study also suffered
from several methodological weaknesses. Most
notably, participants were able to drop out in the
middle of the study, and dropouts were not included
in the analysis. It is thus likely that participants who
did not have fun in the game simply dropped out,
skewing the results. Furthermore, participants were
unevenly distributed into groups, and the
questionnaires, which were delivered over the
Internet, had not been previously validated.
1.3 Contribution of Our Paper
Due to these methodological weaknesses, we must
wonder whether psychophysiological classification
accuracy truly has no effect on in-game fun or
whether the effect was simply not properly
measured. The high dropout rates and uneven group
sizes could be easily addressed in a laboratory study.
A lab setting supervised by an experimenter would
also avoid the potential issue of participants not
paying attention to Internet-based instructions
(Oppenheimer et al. 2009). Furthermore, it would
allow the questionnaires to be delivered either
electronically or on paper, which could affect the
Our study therefore extends the previous Novak
et al. (2014) study to a laboratory setting where
dropout rates are very low and participants wear an
inactive physiological sensor to simulate an actual
physiological computing experience. The same
questionnaire items are reused to enable comparison
to the previous study. Since little research has been
done on measuring the effect of psychophysiological
classification, our research contributes to the
development of evaluation methods in the field of
physiological computing.
2.1 Participants
114 participants were recruited for the study. Due to
data collection issues (crashes, incomplete
Measuring the Effect of Classification Accuracy on User Experience in a Physiological Game
questionnaires), data from 4 participants were
discarded, resulting in 110 valid participants total.
They were recruited primarily among students and
staff of the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, with
additional participants recruited by word of mouth.
There were 74 men and 39 women, mean age 26.4
years, standard deviation 8.5 years.
Participants were divided into two groups: the
first 85 participants completed the study with
electronic questionnaires and the remaining 25
completed it with paper-and-pencil questionnaires.
Within each group, participants were evenly
divided into five subgroups corresponding to five
psychophysiological classification accuracies:
33.3% (2/6), 50% (3/6), 66.7% (4/6), 83.3% (5/6)
and 100%. Each participant played the physiological
game with the classification accuracy assigned to
them, as described in the next section.
2.2 Experiment Protocol
The experiment was conducted at the University of
Ljubljana, Slovenia. Upon arrival, the experimenter
explained to the participant that the goal of the study
was to test the performance of a physiology-based
game difficulty adaptation algorithm. The game was
demonstrated and the participant was allowed to
play it briefly. They were told that the game
difficulty would be changed according to
engagement level measured using a physiological
sensor and intelligent machine learning algorithms.
They were also told that the game would
periodically ask them for their opinion on difficulty
adaptation, but that this opinion would only be used
to evaluate and further improve the algorithm – it
would not affect the decisions taken by the difficulty
If the participant consented to participate, a skin
conductance sensor was attached to the distal
phalanges of the second and third fingers of the
nondominant hand. The experimenter pretended to
calibrate the sensor to give the impression that the
participant’s physiological responses would actually
be recorded, but in reality the sensor was turned off
for the duration of the study. Its purpose was simply
to mimic a realistic physiological gaming situation.
After the ‘calibration’, a few pre-game questions
were asked (section 2.4).
The participant played the game for seven
rounds. At the end of each round except the last one,
the participant was asked if they would prefer to
increase or decrease difficulty. No option was given
to stay at the same difficulty. Once the participant’s
preference was input, the computer chose whether to
change difficulty the way the participant wanted.
The probability of doing what the participant wanted
was defined by the classification accuracy assigned
to the participant (section 2.1). For example, at
66.7% classification accuracy, the computer changed
difficulty the way the participant wanted after 4 out
of 6 rounds and changed difficulty in the opposite
direction after 2 out of 6 rounds.
This computer behaviour was different from
what participants were told would happen (that
physiological measurements would be used to
change difficulty), but the deception was necessary
for the purpose of the experiment. Artificially
defining the classification accuracy (as the
percentage of times the computer does what the
player wants) allowed us to study the effects of
classification accuracy in a controlled setting. Since
the ground truth for psychophysiological
classification is generally the player’s self-reported
state or preference, the artificially defined agreement
percentage serves as an appropriate stand-in for
actual classification accuracy (Novak et al. 2014).
After the seventh round, the participant
completed a questionnaire about their overall game
experience (section 2.4). They were then debriefed
about the true purpose and protocol of the study.
2.3 The Game
The game was reused from the Novak et al. (2014)
study. It is a variant of the classic Snake game where
the player controls a snake that moves across the
screen at a certain speed (Fig. 1). The player cannot
slow down or speed up the snake, but can turn it left
or right with the left and right arrows on the
The game is divided into rounds. Each round
begins with a very short snake and a piece of food at
a random position on the screen. When the snake
collides with the food, the food disappears, the
player gets 100 points, the snake grows longer, and a
new piece of food appears at a random position.
When the snake collides with itself or the edge of
the playing field, it dies and the round ends.
In the first round, the game begins at a random
difficulty level between 2 and 6. The difficulty level
affects the speed with which the snake moves across
the playing field: it needs approximately 7 seconds
to cross the entire field at level 1, 2 seconds at level
6, and 1 second at level 10. The difficulty is
increased or decreased by one level after each round
as described in the previous section.
PhyCS 2016 - 3rd International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems
Figure 1: The Snake game. The playing field is colored
black and bordered with gray. The snake is green with a
blue head. The food (single square) is red.
2.4 Questionnaires
To directly compare our results with those of the
previous Novak et al. (2014) study, the same
questions were reused even though they have not
been extensively validated. Participants were
divided into two groups as described in section 2.1:
one group used electronic questionnaires and the
other used paper-and-pencil questionnaires. In the
electronic questionnaires, multiple-choice questions
were answered by clicking on the desired answer
and visual analog scales were answered by using the
mouse to drag a horizontal slider that started in the
exact middle of the scale. In the paper
questionnaires, multiple-choice questions were
answered by circling the desired answer and visual
analog scales were answered by marking the desired
answer on a horizontal line. For both types of visual
analog scales, answers were converted to values
between 0 and 100.
Before playing the game, participants were asked
about their gender, age, and how often they play
computer games (options: "never", "less than 1
hour/week", "1-2 hours/week", "2-5 hours/week",
and "more than 5 hours/week"). Participants were
also asked how difficult they prefer games to be and
how easily frustrated they are. These two questions
were answered using a visual analog scale marked
"not at all" on one end and "very difficult" or "very
easily" on the other end.
After playing the game, participants were asked:
- “How fun was the game?”
- “How frustrating was the game?”
- “How satisfied are you with the decisions of the
difficulty adaptation algorithm?”
- “Would you recommend this difficulty
adaptation algorithm for practical use?”
- “Would you play this game again with the same
difficulty adaptation algorithm?”
The first three questions were answered using
visual analog scales and the last two were answered
yes or no.
2.5 Data Analysis
Spearman correlations between classification
accuracy and answers to post-game questions as well
as between pre- and post-game answers were
calculated. The analysis was done separately for the
group that used electronic questionnaires and the
group that used paper-and-pencil questionnaires.
The threshold for statistical significance was set at p
= 0.05.
The correlation between classification accuracy and
satisfaction with the difficulty adaptation algorithm
was significant for both the electronic questionnaire
group (ρ = 0.58, p < 0.001) and for the paper-and-
pencil group (ρ = 0.74, p < 0.001). The correlation
between classification accuracy and in-game fun
was significant for the paper-and-pencil group (ρ =
0.53, p = 0.009), but not for the electronic group (ρ
= 0.21, p = 0.06). These correlations are illustrated
in Figures 2 and 3. The correlation between
classification accuracy and in-game frustration was
not significant for either group (electronic group: ρ
= -0.19, p = 0.08; paper-and-pencil group:
ρ = 0.24, p = 0.24).
The percentage of players that would recommend
a particular difficulty adaptation algorithm for
practical use or play the game again with the same
difficulty adaptation algorithm is shown in Table 1.
Finally, in the group that used electronic
questionnaires, age was negatively correlated with
how often the participant plays computer games (ρ =
-0.34, p = 0.002). No other significant correlations
between pre- and post-game questionnaire answers
were found in either group. In particular, no
influence of age or gender was found on user
experience with our specific game.
Measuring the Effect of Classification Accuracy on User Experience in a Physiological Game
Figure 2: Satisfaction with the difficulty adaptation
algorithm, measured using electronic questionnaires (85
participants) and paper-and-pencil questionnaires (25
participants). Error bars represent standard deviations.
Figure 3: In-game fun as a function of classification
accuracy, measured using electronic questionnaires (85
participants) and paper-and-pencil questionnaires (25
participants). Error bars represent standard deviations.
4.1 Minimum Acceptable Accuracy
Classification accuracy was strongly correlated with
satisfaction with the difficulty adaptation algorithm,
demonstrating that participants clearly do notice the
accuracy of a psychophysiological classification
algorithm in a physiological game. Both types of
questionnaires showed a strong jump in user
satisfaction when classification accuracy increased
from 66.7% (4/6) to 83.3% (5/6), as seen in Figure
2. Similarly, Table 1 indicates that both groups have
a positive user experience with psychophysiological
classification accuracies of 83.3% (5/6) and 100%,
but not with lower accuracies.
Based on these results, we can posit that the
minimum acceptable accuracy in such a
physiological game is approximately 80%, which is
similar to the threshold suggested by the previous
Novak et al. (2014) study. Lower accuracies result in
lower satisfaction with the difficulty adaptation.
Designers of physiological games should thus aim to
achieve a psychophysiological classification
accuracy of at least 80% in order for their game to
be accepted by end-users.
Interestingly, the difference between accuracies
of 83.3% and 100% is small, as seen in Figures 2-3
and Table 1. This suggests that users are willing to
accept occasional mistakes made by the
psychophysiological classification algorithm as long
as a single mistake is not critical enough to spoil the
entire experience. Similar observations have been
made in related fields such as games controlled with
active brain-computer interfaces (van de Laar et al.
2013). This suggests that efforts to increase
psychophysiological classification accuracy above
90% are likely worthwhile only if they require a
small investment. For example, adding a simple skin
temperature sensor to increase accuracy from 90% to
95% may be worthwhile since the sensor is
inexpensive, unobtrusive and requires minimal
signal processing. Conversely, adding a
multichannel EEG system for the same increase in
accuracy would likely not be worth it, as the small
increase in user satisfaction with the classification
accuracy would be offset by the increased cost,
signal processing complexity, and setup time.
Table 1: Percentage of participants who answered “yes” to the two post-game questions, as a function of classification
accuracy. Presented separately for participants who used electronic questionnaires (N=85) and participants who used paper-
and-pencil questionnaires (N=25).
Classification accuracy
2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 6/6
Would you recommend this difficulty
adaptation algorithm for practical use?
Electronic 25% 43.8% 47.3% 95.2% 87.5%
Paper-and-pencil 0% 40% 40% 80% 80%
Would you play this game again with the
same difficulty adaptation algorithm?
Electronic 41.7% 43.8% 68.4% 76.2% 87.5%
Paper-and-pencil 20% 20% 60% 60% 80%
PhyCS 2016 - 3rd International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems
4.2 Differences between Experiment
Settings and Questionnaire Types
4.2.1 Comparison of Results
The effect of psychophysiological classification
accuracy on user experience in the Snake game has
now been evaluated in three ways: Novak et al.
(2014) studied it online with electronic
questionnaires while we examined it in a lab setting
with electronic and paper-and-pencil questionnaires.
All three approaches found significant
correlations between classification accuracy and
satisfaction with the difficulty adaptation algorithm.
However, the correlation was weakest in the online
study of Novak et al. (ρ = 0.43), medium in our
electronic questionnaires (ρ = 0.58) and highest in
our paper-and-pencil questionnaires (ρ = 0.74).
Interestingly, the correlation between classification
accuracy and in-game fun was not significant for
either the previous Novak et al. study (ρ = 0.10) or
our own group that used electronic questionnaires (ρ
= 0.21). However, it was highly significant for our
paper-and-pencil questionnaire group (ρ = 0.53).
The link between classification accuracy and
user experience in our laboratory study was stronger
than in the online setting of the previous Novak et al.
(2014) study. Additionally, though results are not
completely reliable due to the unbalanced number of
participants, the paper-and-pencil questionnaires
indicated a stronger relationship between
classification accuracy and in-game fun than
electronic questionnaires. This is somewhat
surprising, as the measured relationship between
classification accuracy and satisfaction with the
difficulty adaptation algorithm is similar for both
types of questionnaires (Figure 2).
Nonetheless, assuming that results of paper-and-
pencil questionnaires are the more valid ones (as
discussed in the next section), they clearly show that
increasing the accuracy of psychophysiological
classification increases the amount of fun that
players have in a physiological game. This is
contrary to the surprising result of the previous
Novak et al. (2014) study, which found only a minor
effect of classification accuracy on in-game fun and
thus asked whether increasing classification
accuracy is even worthwhile. Our study instead
shows that classification accuracy has a strong effect
on in-game fun, but that it can be difficult to
measure properly. We must thus ask ourselves: what
is the reason for the difference between online and
lab settings, and between electronic and paper-and-
pencil questionnaires?
4.2.2 Possible Explanations
We believe that our lab setting produced better
results than the previous online setting of Novak et
al. (2014) due to the much lower dropout rate (3.5%
in our study, 40% in the previous study). Authors of
the previous online study acknowledged that their
high dropout rate likely skewed results, as
participants who did not enjoy the game simply quit
playing rather than fill out the final questionnaires.
This would explain the generally better results of our
questionnaires, as a more representative sample of
user experience has been obtained. A second
possible explanation is that participants in the online
study may not have paid attention to the instructions,
a problem common to all Web-based research
(Oppenheimer et al. 2009).
The difference between paper-and-pencil
questionnaires and electronic questionnaires in our
study is more surprising. Having examined the
individual results in detail, we believe that it is due
to a weakness in the electronic visual analog scales.
Specifically, the slider of the electronic visual
analog scale for in-game fun is initially set to the
exact middle value, and the participant can adjust the
answer by moving the slider. 10 of 80 participants
did not move the slider at all; 17 of 80 moved it to
the very far left or the very far right. Conversely, in
the pencil-and-paper version, only 1 of 25
participants placed the mark at approximately the
middle of the scale, and 2 of 25 placed the mark at
approximately the far left. We performed a follow-
up qualitative examination of the results of the
Novak et al. (2014) study and found a similar trend
among the 261 participants there: many either left
the slider at the default value or dragged it to one
extreme. This issue can be at least partially avoided
by not providing a starting setting for the electronic
visual analog scale and by discouraging participants
from selecting extreme values.
Here, we also acknowledge that the observed
difference between electronic and paper-and-pencil
questionnaires requires deeper experimental
investigation. We had originally planned to use only
electronic questionnaires, but later added paper-and-
pencil questionnaires so that we could check the
effect of questionnaire type. However, the two
participant groups have very different sizes, and
more participants should be tested with paper-and-
pencil questionnaires to ensure that the ‘better’ result
of such questionnaires is not simply a statistical
Measuring the Effect of Classification Accuracy on User Experience in a Physiological Game
4.2.3 Implications
The differences between questionnaires and settings
have important implications for future studies of
user experience in physiological computing. First,
our study shows that the experimental paradigm of
simulating (artificially predefining) classification
accuracy does allow user experience to be studied in
physiological games, as it captures the effect of
psychophysiological classification accuracy on in-
game fun. Since no actual physiological sensors are
strictly necessary for this, it is tempting to perform
studies online and obtain a large number of
participants. However, it is critical to avoid high
dropout rates, as they may bias results. This could be
done using a monetary reward, as is common on,
e.g., Amazon Mechanical Turk (Paolacci et al.
2010). On the other hand, such monetary rewards
could decrease the ecological validity of the study,
as participants should play computer games for fun
rather than money.
Furthermore, though the different items on the
questionnaire appear to be valid for this
physiological game, the method of their presentation
is critical – as seen by the difference between
electronic and paper-and-pencil questionnaires.
Admittedly, the results are not entirely reliable due
to the unbalanced number of participants in the two
questionnaire groups. Nonetheless, if future studies
of user experience in physiological games wish to
use similar questionnaires, they should carefully
evaluate their method of presentation in different
settings. Alternatively, future studies could instead
use better-established user experience questionnaires
such as the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (McAuley
et al. 1989) or the Game Experience Questionnaire
( Finally, future studies
could omit self-report questionnaires entirely and
instead use more objective methods of measuring the
effect of a physiological game. For instance, in a
physiological game for physical rehabilitation
(Koenig et al. 2011; Shirzad and Van der Loos
2016), the outcome of rehabilitation could be used as
an objective metric of the game’s effectiveness and
should strongly depend on the game’s ability to
correctly identify the user’s psychological state.
4.3 Other Physiological Games
While our study has been performed only with a
single physiological game, we believe that the
results would generalize to other games to some
degree. They would best generalize to physiological
games in which difficulty is always increased or
decreased by one level, as in the Snake game. They
should also, to some degree, generalize to games
that allow difficulty to stay the same or to games
that can change difficulty by more than one level.
However, the minimum necessary classification
accuracy would likely increase in games in which a
single erroneously made change can have very
negative consequences (e.g. player’s avatar
immediately dies due to a mistake made by the
classification algorithm).
A significant disadvantage of our study is that it
only examines user experience in a single brief
gameplay session. If users play a game for multiple
longer sessions, they may become more aware of the
behavior of the physiological game, which could
also alter their perception of the classification
algorithm (Fairclough 2009). All other previous
studies of user experience in physiological games
have also only focused on single sessions (Liu et al.
2009; Shirzad and Van der Loos 2016; Liu et al.
2008; Novak et al. 2014), and multisession studies
are critical to characterize the evolving relationship
between the physiological game and the player.
Our study found a significant effect of
psychophysiological classification accuracy on user
experience in a physiological game. Both in-game
fun and satisfaction with the difficulty adaptation
algorithm increased with classification accuracy.
The minimum acceptable accuracy for a practical
physiological game is approximately 80%, as lower
accuracies result in a poor user experience.
We also found that a laboratory setting captures
user experience better than an online setting, and
that paper-and-pencil questionnaires are more
effective than electronic questionnaires when visual
analog scales are involved. These results contribute
to the development of physiological game evaluation
methods, though significant work still needs to be
done in order to determine optimal methods of
measuring user experience in physiological
The authors would like to thank all participants as
well as the student research assistants who supported
data collection.
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Measuring the Effect of Classification Accuracy on User Experience in a Physiological Game