Design and Functionalities of a Hybrid Personalized Learning Electronic Assistant
Nikolaos Mallios and Michael Vassilakopoulos
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
Keywords: Personalization, Personalized Learning Assistant, Architectural Model, Design.
Abstract: Throughout the last decade a number of Personalized Learning Environments have been proposed
encompassing various personalization techniques, in order to provide learning material adapted to the
specified user’s requirements. In this study, we illustrate the design and enumerate the basic functionalities
of LearneA, a Hybrid Personalized Learning Electronic Assistant. LearneA practically revisits the way other
existing personalized environments implement the various proposed personalization mechanisms, but
furthermore incorporates a number of innovative characteristics, which have not been implemented yet in
any other learning environment. Our aim is a smart Hybrid Personalized Learning Assistant which will
eventually offer a completely different learning experience. Additionally, a review of previously proposed
Learning Environments is presented with respect to the personalization techniques which they embrace in
order to provide personalized learning content for the user.
Although the World Wide Web encompasses of an
extensive number of learning systems, it is however
extremely difficult for someone to isolate and select
the suitable learning material which fits his needs.
Most learning systems offer raw educational
material categorized in chapters which are divided
into sections, and present the specified material in a
modest static way without integrating any kind of
adaptation to the specified user’s requirements.
A number of e-learning systems have been
proposed throughout the years, with many of them
widely adopted and successfully used. Later on,
several researchers investigated the prospective of
proposing a personalized e-learning system which
adapts the learning material offered, to the learner’s
specified needs and characteristics (Dolog, 2004;
Chen, 2005; Huang, 2007). A personalized learning
assistant should provide a flexible and functioning
learning environment which combines specified
personalization techniques and a number of
supporting services.
Traditional e-learning systems were widely
embraced by the academic community throughout
the last decade, due to the necessity of providing an
online heterogeneous learning environment for
students with different learning styles and
capabilities (Dung, 2012). The implementation of a
number of e-learning environments circumvented
many limitations of the classical teaching-in-
classroom (Garrison, 2011; Hsieh, 2011), approach
(formal teaching, tutors’ teaching style, students’
learning capabilities and absorbency of the material
delivered) thus presenting a learning way without the
restrictions of the typical class. Moreover, the
applicability of personalization techniques to the
classic e-learning systems led to personalized learning
environments which include personalized techniques
that fit to the learners’ preferences and needs.
This report records all the necessary
requirements and specifications of LearneA, our
proposed hybrid personalized Learning electronic
Assistant and presents a design architecture for this
assistant. Moreover, all the necessary components
which comprise the overall mechanism are
thoroughly explained and all the personalization
techniques are signalized for both their mechanism
and usage within the assistant.
LearneA practically revisits the way other
existing personalized systems propose and
implement the various personalization mechanisms
which are found in the literature and industry. The
hybrid model of the assistant which we propose
comprises of a number of dynamically evolving
characteristics and components which combine a
number of personalization techniques endorsed in
Mallios, N. and Vassilakopoulos, M.
LearneA - Design and Functionalities of a Hybrid Personalized Learning Electronic Assistant.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016) - Volume 2, pages 339-344
ISBN: 978-989-758-187-8
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
literature (e.g. ontology-driven profile
personalization, context-aware personalization, query
personalization and recommendation techniques).
To the best of our knowledge, there isn’t any
Personalized Learning Assistant with the
functionalities which are hereby proposed. Our aim
is a smart hybrid Personalized Assistant which will
eventually offer a completely different learning
experience for anyone who wishes to expand his
knowledge perspectives in various learning areas
combined with personalization mechanisms which
will lead him throughout the entire offered course.
In Section 2 we present and categorize related
work, according to the main personalization technique
utilized. In Section 3, we present the architecture and
in Section 4 the functionality of our proposal, while in
Section 5 we present conclusions arising from this
work and we briefly discuss future plans.
Throughout this section we summarize and present a
number of personalization techniques which are
encountered in literature. Emphasis is given on the
distinct characteristics proposed and the
personalized mechanism each one of them promotes.
An attempt to review Personalized Learning
Assistants with the characteristics that our system
encompasses was made, but there exist no
Personalized Assistants directly focused on learning
material which directly combine wholly the
techniques we propose. Therefore a review is
presented here which includes a number of
Personalized Systems (not Learning Assistants) and
the basic functionalities which they provide
regarding personalization mechanisms, namely the
way these systems provide personalized content
after performing their selected techniques.
Subsequently throughout this section background
material is presented, classified into 4 distinct
categories (i.e. personalization techniques) and a
comparison table is given, highlighting the distinct
characteristics each system delivers in contrast to
our proposed Personalized Learning Assistant.
2.1 Personalization and Context-aware
Recently a number of context-aware Learning
Systems have been proposed with a number of them
encompassing the idea of a recommendation strategy
which adds the notion of adaptivity and seeks to
present personalized results to the learner using their
One of the most notable proposed systems which
comprises of the ideas of context-awareness but also
includes a recommendation module in order to give
personalized courseware recommendation for the
learner is (Wang, 2011). The authors developed a u-
learning environment where the user of the system
can use a mobile device with RFID technology in
order to connect to the Learning Management
System. The u-learner later on transmits back the
contents of the course to the device, which are
enriched with recommended content with the aim of
the recommendation module. The overall design of
the system is satisfactory and according to the t-test
performed, the results obtained showed a significant
time difference.
Another noteworthy Context Aware Ubiquitous
Learning Environment was proposed in 2006 in
(Yang, 2006) which eventually illustrates and
supports P2P collaborative learning. The use of
ontologies with the aid of Protégé for learner
ontology and service ontology is highlighted in the
construction of the profiles. Both learner and service
ontologies contain surrounding context-awareness
parameters i.e. QoS, environment profile and device
capabilities all part of the so called context
acquisition. Later on context detection and extraction
support the P2P learning environment presented. The
authors demonstrate the use of their proposed system
with a carefully designated scenario.
Furthermore, another two context-aware adaptive
learning systems were proposed in (Chen, 2012) and
(Yaghmaie, 2011). In the first one, the ubiquitous
concept is mainly demonstrated again with the aid of
RFID tags, whereas the overall design architecture
primary consists of 3 distinct modules, the U-
Learning Module, the Teaching Materials
Management Module and the Examination and
Evaluation Module. A series of experiments were
conducted in classrooms and in the Atayal u-
Museum in Taiwan. In the latter one, the proposed
context-aware system is based upon a well-known
open source LMS with the aid of ontologies and
Agents, where 4 types of Agents reside in the overall
system architecture (i.e. Context Management,
Content Selector, Content Organizer and Content
Presenter Agent).
2.2 Personalization and Ontologies for
Describing Profiles or Courses
The use of ontologies is a widely recognized
technique for a number of web applications as well
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
as other systems. E-learning systems which are built
upon ontological profiles or courses on a learning
system which are described semantically with the
aid of ontologies are frequently encountered.
One of the many examples of applying
intelligent techniques and semantic web
technologies in e-learning environments is the work
(Gladun, 2009). The main idea is the ontologies
which are built by the tutor (reference ontology) and
by the student (discipline-related ontology) which is
later on compared to the referenced one.
Furthermore, a Semantic Web prototype entitled
M(e)L, is presented which is supported by a number
of Agents -Tutor, Student(s) and Informational-
which interact with each other. Essentially, the Tutor
Agent and Student Agent are not communicating
directly but rather via a broker Agent, the
Informational one, giving promising advantages to
the whole learning experience.
Another noteworthy example of the use of
ontologies in a personalized web search environment
(not a learning one) is described in (Sieg, 2007).
Even though this approach does not directly embrace
the notion of an e-learning environment, the use of
ontological user profiles in order to describe user
context as well as the re-ranking of the results
obtained based on the interest scores in the user
profile, characterizes this attempt for personalized
web search as a noticeably promising one. The same
approach with slight differences is described in
(Mohammed, 2010) where the ontological profiles
are constructed by semantic analysis of the log files.
Finally, another significant methodology which
combines the use of ontologies and recommender
system is the architectural model proposed in
(Shishehchi, 2010). The recommender system
described, consists of two subsystems and their
underlying modules. The use of ontological and
OWL rules demonstrates the rule filtering
recommendation technique.
2.3 Query Personalization
Another interesting approach for providing
personalized results in a learning system is query re-
writing with the aid of a specified user profile,
which is updated dynamically including the user
context and interaction of the system. Such approach
was described for a Learning Management System
in (Paneva, 2006) and in (Koutrika, 2004) for
Database Systems.
For the first one, the authors define a specific
sequence of Learning Objects (LO) and activities
which are tailored to the tutor (rather than the
learner) and moreover introduce the notion of query
personalization by filtering and ranking the results
which are returned by a specific query using the pre-
defined user profile.
In the latter one, the authors present the
conception of query re-writing (query
personalization) by transforming the original query
applied by the user internally (with the aid of their
personalized engine) into another query. For this
purpose they use preferences which are supplied by
the user at an earlier stage and are stored into the
user’s profile. Later on, the extraction of the set P
of top-K preferences take place, derived from the
user profile. These preferences along with the initial
user query are used in a preference selection
algorithm, formulating another personalized query,
thus obtaining different results adaptive to each user.
2.4 Personalization and
Recommendations in Learning
Finally, a number of proposed architectural models
and the implementation of them embrace the notion
of recommendation. One of the models proposed
upon the SCORM Learning Management System is
the recommendation model LORM (Personalized
Learning Object Recommendation Model) described
in (Wang, 2007). The use of ontologies is present in
the model, in order to identify the Learning Objects
(LO) for the course tailored to a specific learner’s
needs and build a Learning Repository. Later on, a
personal preference pattern is built for each learner
which consists one part of the recommendation
engine, where the second part is the
recommendations based on neighbours’ suggestions.
A thorough and comprehensive survey of
personalized recommender systems, including a
number of learning personalized systems is given in
(Adomavicius, 2005), where in (Khrib, 2008) an
automatic personalization approach is presented,
with the aim to provide recommendations for
learners. The model consists of two modules, an off-
line builder for the models of learner and content,
and an on-line module, which is used to recognize
the student’s needs and apply the various
recommendation techniques.
All the aforementioned papers embrace a number
of personalization techniques (i.e. context-
awareness, query personalization, ontological user
profiles and recommendation algorithms) for
Personalized Learning Systems (Figure 1).
LearneA - Design and Functionalities of a Hybrid Personalized Learning Electronic Assistant
Figure 1: Comparison table for personalization features and the aforementioned papers.
A considerable number of Personalized Learning
Environments have been proposed and implemented
during the last decade, with each one of them
applying a number of personalization techniques (as
already summarized in Figure 1). Our proposed
architectural model revisits the beforehand
mentioned environments in a significantly different
way, adding functionalities which are not yet
encountered in a Personalized Learning Assistant.
Our vision is to implement an Assistant similar
to requirements and functionalities of the well-
known assistants from Apple Inc. Siri. (Aron 2011)
and Microsoft Cortana (Warren T, 2014). However,
the functionalities of our Assistant will focus on
learning for particular courses.
Indicatively, the three basic characteristics
which differentiate the architectural model proposed
are as follows:
The Personalized Learning Assistant we envision
uses a text/speech recognition engine (initially
for the English language), where simple/basic
voice commands are recognized and interpreted
by the Assistant. The built-in mechanism of the
speech recognition software “translates” these
commands into basic functionalities for LearneA.
In that way, the learning experience resembles
the use of Digital Assistants like Siri and
Cortana, adding supplementary functionalities to
the Learning Assistant.
The learning flow is uninterrupted, accessible by
any device the user may possess. The user is able
to continue from the point he stopped with the
aid of the Synchronization Component. This
functionality would be supported by a
web/cloud-based service which is synchronized
by the device which is currently in use and
concurrently synchronizes all the devices
connected to the service. With the support of this
service, the user would be able to continue his
learning experience with all the material being
adapted to the limitations and capabilities of his
The Personalized Learning Assistant connects to
the user’s life retrieving information and data
from various daily activities. LearneA’s
Behavioural Component will connect to any
social network managed by the user, to his
calendar and mail, thus retrieving all tasks,
appointments and social interaction the user
performs. In that manner, the Assistant is
interrelated with the user’s personal life making
recommendations for the learning progress in an
energetic way (use of automated scripts).
The overall proposed architecture which is depicted
in Figure 2, incorporates all the necessary basic
components of the design. The main differences
from any other Personalized Learning Environment
have been stated in Section 3 and are namely the
text/speech recognition engine, the Synchronization
Component and the Behavioural Component. All
these characteristics have not yet been implemented
to any other Personalized Learning Assistant, thus
making our proposed model unique and innovative.
A significant role in the overall design of LearneA is
played by the ontological user profile component.
The ontological profile is initially constructed
automatically with basic features of each individual
user (i.e name, age, gender etc.) but is later on
dynamically updated with any useful information the
Assistant captures. Any interaction with the
Learning Assistant is analysed and logged in order
to be integrated into the profile. The use of
ontologies for the modelling and construction of the
user profile is preferred than any other profile
model, since it has been previously selected in many
other research studies and implementation of
Personalized Learning Environments.
Furthermore, the key part of the whole
architecture which plays an essential role in the
personalization mechanism is the Personalization
Component which comprises of 3 distinct
Chen C.C.
Context-awareness xx x x x x
Query Personalization xx
Ontologies and/or User Profile xxxxxxxxxx
Recommendation algorithms x xx
Ubiquitous capabilities xx x
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Proposed Architectural Design of LearneA.
integrated sub-components that interrelate and co-
operate in order to provide personalized material,
adapted for each user’s requirements. These are the
context-aware sub-component, the query
rewriting sub-component and the recom-
mendation sub-component respectively.
In the Personalization component a series of
services are performed to provide an expressive
personalization experience. The integration provided
by this component has been implemented in other
Personalized Learning Environments, but our
ambition is to integrate all these mechanisms into a
novel personalized engine.
Specifically, the context-aware sub-component
encapsulates any necessary information surrounding
the learner’s environment (primarily place and time)
as well as other device associated context (i.e. type
of device used to access the Assistant, surrounding
environment of the devices, frequency of usage the
In a parallel manner, the query rewriting sub-
component captures any query the learner poses and
processes it accordingly. Specifically, a query
processing mechanism analyses any given query,
assigning weights to selected keywords, which are
given as input to a modelling query rewriting
algorithm. This algorithm essentially co-operates
consecutively with the recommendation sub-
component. The responsibility of this sub-
component is the selection of appropriate learning
resources to be recommended to the user.
Finally, a fundamental component to the whole
learning model of LearneA’s architecture that we
envision to hold a key role is the Rollback
Mechanism. This mechanism practically monitors
the learner’s activities in conjunction with the
Behavioural Component. During the course of the
whole learning path of the user and in a carefully
automated selected time, the Rollback mechanism
poses a selection of revising questions to the user,
thus determining the overall progress upon the
material. If necessary the mechanism suggests a
revision upon the entire material already covered or
selected parts of it.
In this paper, we presented LearneA, a novel Hybrid
Personalized Learning Electronic Assistant that
encompasses several personalization techniques. The
basic architectural design of our proposed assistant
has been illustrated and the basic functionalities
have been outlined. The proposed system forms an
innovative Personalized Assistant that resembles the
usage and functionalities of other well-known
assistants, like Siri and Cortana, focusing, though,
on learning for particular courses. Furthermore, a
number of other pioneering characteristics of the
proposed system have been illustrated i.e. the
integration of a text/speech recognition engine, the
synchronization component and the behavioural
component. We envision the harmonic cooperation
of all these features within the Assistant, thus
providing a diverse and personalized learning
Our future plans include the elaboration of the
design of LearneA, its stepwise implementation and,
at the end the delivery of a product which will
enhance in a significant way previous Personalized
Learning Environments.
Personalization Component
Component – Cloud Service
User Profile
Query rewriting
LearneA - Design and Functionalities of a Hybrid Personalized Learning Electronic Assistant
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