Towards Association Rules as a Predictive Tool for Geospatial Areas
Asma Gharbi
, Cyril De Runz
, Sami Faiz
and Herman Akdag
LIASD, University of Paris 8, Saint-Denis, France
LTSIRS, University of La Mannouba, Tunis, Tunisia
CReSTIC University of Champagne-Adrenne, Reims, France
Sorbonne Universit
e, UPMC Univ Paris 06, CNRS, LIP6 UMR 7606, Paris, France
Association Rules, Spatial Dynamics, Prediction, Sequential Association Rules, Class Association Rules.
Although it was basically presented as an exploratory tool rather than a predictive tool, numerous follow up
researches have enhanced association rule mining, which contributes in making it a powerful predictive tool.
In this context, this paper review the main advances in this datamining technique, then attempts to describe
how they can, practically, be harnessed to deal with problems such as the prediction of geographical areas
Geographical areas, such as cities are large, com-
plex, and dynamic systems evolving and changing
their characteristics under the effect of divers social,
economic, political, and environmental factors. The
need for understanding, projecting, and planning their
evolution, mainly consisting in land use/cover change
(LUCC), has emerged decades ago as an attempt to
accommodate urban dynamics while preserving and
restoring the environment. For instance, in (Gharbi
et al., 2014), urban areas have been perceived as
collections of geographical entities (GEs) temporally
and spatially related to one another and continuously
evolving on two main levels: the spatial level related
to their morphologies and locations, and the func-
tional level regarding their vocations or use. Indeed,
GEs’ evolutions have been represented in form of se-
quences embedding their land use and spatial config-
uration histories.
In the present paper, we propose a solution based
on a widely adopted prediction hypothesis according
to which, the best predictor of future is the past. In
this context we quote the words of great minds in
different domains such as, Robert Kiyosaki, the fa-
mous American business man, and financial literacy
activist and commentator, who pointed out that: ”The
best way to predict the future is to study the past,
or prognosticate.; Jules Henri Poincar
e, a French
mathematician, theoretical physicist, engineer, and
philosopher of science, who said that ”If we knew
exactly the laws of nature and the situation of the
universe at the initial moment, we could predict ex-
actly the situation of the same universe at a suc-
ceeding moment.; and last, but not least, we may as
well quote the clinical psychologist Albert Ellis who
asserted that, in the psychology domain, ”The best
predictor of future behavior is past behavior”. The
hypothesis above, which constitutes the core of our
work, corresponds to a popular datamining approach
known as frequent pattern mining (FPM). This ap-
proach consists in identifying items, sequences, and
the frequently co-occurring structures in a given past
database, with the objective of discovering relation-
ships among the different variables describing the
data. Such correlations or associations are generally
represented in form of rules. Since decades, FPM has
known abundant ameliorations and improvements to
adequately respond to tasks such as prediction.
In this context, this paper suggests the use of asso-
ciation rule mining (ARM) to extract evolution rules
for a certain geographical area, based on time series
spatio-temporal data. Therefore, we starts in section 2
by defining the association rule mining problem, pre-
senting the progress it has known over years, how this
progress has contributed in making association rules a
powerful predictive tool which motivates its employ-
ment for spatial dynamic prediction. Thereafter, we
dedicate the third section for describing how we used
adapted association rules for urban dynamic predic-
Gharbi, A., Runz, C., Faiz, S. and Akdag, H.
Towards Association Rules as a Predictive Tool for Geospatial Areas Evolution.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2016), pages 201-206
ISBN: 978-989-758-188-5
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tion. Finally, in section 4, we draw a conclusion.
2.1 Problem Statement
Association rule mining is a fundamental datamin-
ing task which aims at discovering useful regulari-
ties, called associations, in a given database, through
identifying all the frequently co-occurring items. The
formal definition of association rules can be stated as
follows: Let D be a transaction database and T a set
of transactions (T={t
, t
, t
, ..., t
}) of D, composed
of a set of items I={i
, i
, i
, ..., i
}, such that t
I. An association rule represents an implication in the
following form:X Y, where X and Y are sets of
items, called itemsets; X, Y I; and X Y =
Since it was first introduced in (Agrawal et al.,
1993), association rule mining has been a focused re-
search area in machine learning and knowledge dis-
covery, over decades. Apriori is one of the most popu-
lar first presented algorithms. It proceeds in two steps:
1. Generation of all frequent itemsets using a level-
wise complete search algorithm. It generates can-
didate itemsets, based on the downward closure
property. Then it scans the database to determine
their support values and keep only the frequent
ones. An itemset is called frequent if its support
count (the number of transactions containing this
itemset) is equal or greater than a user-specified
minimum support (minsup).
2. Generation of confident association rules from the
found frequent itemsets. In other words, a rule
with a confidence value above a user-specified
minimum confidence (minconf).
2.2 Evolution of the Concept
Association rule mining is a datamining technique
characterized by its understandability, simplicity over
other supervised techniques, intuitiveness and, ease
of implementation. This technique represents a sim-
ple method, free from model-based assumptions, that
is, it eschews linearity assumptions underlying many
classical supervised classification, regression, and
ranking methods, and directly models conditional
probabilities (ex: P(y|a)). In fact, association rule
mining proceeds by looking for correlations based on
subsets of frequently co-occurring past events (items)
in order to generate a set of if-then rules. Unlike clas-
sification rule mining techniques which can predict
only one attribute, association rules involve the pre-
diction of any attribute in the data set. The generated
rules form, then, richer models that are, moreover, in-
terpretable and easy to understand by human users
(i.e., given the rule if X then Y, it is obvious that Y
was recommended because X is satisfied).
The key strength of ARM is its completeness and ex-
haustivity in terms of generation of rules. Indeed,
in traditional classification techniques (e.g., decision
tree, decision lists, neural networks, etc.) a small sub-
set of rules is produced, based on various heuristics,
however, ARM consists in finding all the frequently
appearing patterns in the given database. Thus it
doesn’t miss any detailed rule that might be important
in some application cases. Another main advantage of
ARM over some other supervised learning paradigms
is its ability to handle the ”cold start” problem (i.e.,
related to small training datasets). Actually, in these
paradigms, a large sample is necessary for general-
ization, as bounds scale only with the sample size.
However, in association rules, the user-specified min-
sup threshold guarantees that predictions can be made
only when there are enough data, even if it is a small
amount of it.
Besides to their proper strengths ARM has, over
years, undergone improvements and extensions. Al-
thought its capability to generate rules in linear time
and even scale up to large database, first algorithms
(i.e, Apriori) presented three main challenges: the
multiple scans of transaction database, the generation
of a huge number of candidates, and the tedious work-
load of support counting for candidates.Tremendous
number of algorithms attempting to deal with these
challenges and aiming at improving the computa-
tional capacity and the use efficiency of the memory
have been reported. Most of them have focused on
three main ideas:
Reducing passes of transaction database scans
like partitioning-based algorithms, transaction re-
ducing algorithms, and algorithms without candi-
date generation (FP-growth, H-mine), etc.)
Shrinking the number of candidates: sampling-
based algorithms, hash-based algorithms,
condition-based algorithms, etc.
Facilitating support counting of candidates like
algorithms using vertical data format (ECLAT),
hash-based algorithms, etc.
More explanation of these latter with references of ex-
amples of their implementations and examples of al-
gorithms corresponding to further methodologies, can
be found in (Aggarwal et al., 2014).
Actually, the numerous efforts made to improve
the performance of existing mining algorithms, has,
considerably, helped with the objective of efficiently
GISTAM 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
handling the huge amount of data required for some
prediction applications. Besides to these efforts
mainly related to performance issues, other advances
in association rule mining have been proposed which
enhanced their analytical and most importantly pre-
dictive capabilities and broaden their application
scope (e.g., spatio-temporal dynamics). Among these
one may mention, spatio-temporal association rule
mining to capture time and space dependent patterns,
quantitative and fuzzy association rule mining to bet-
ter handle real life descriptors, mining with multiple
minsups to not skip rarely occurring but important
patterns, and class association rule mining to cover
other tasks such as classification and prediction. Class
Association rule (CAR) mining algorithms consist in
discovering rules in the form of ab, where the
consequence part (b) have to be an item labelled as
a class. These rules can then be used to predict the
class of unclassified records. This method enables
users to decrease the number of generated rules by
precising which form of rule they are interested in.
CARs showed, as well, success in different prediction
applications. It was even reported in many experi-
mental studies, as for instance (Thabtah et al., 2004),
that this approach can outperform traditional classifi-
cation methods, such as decision trees, in constructing
a more accurate predictive systems.
2.3 Association Rules in the Prediction
A predictive association-based model uses the an-
tecedent of a rule to predict the consequent of the rule.
In other words, it indicates what item is likely to occur
given the occurrence of a certain itemset. This type of
models have been employed for many applications in
different domains, one may cite predicting customer’s
likely future purchases, in the context of basket mar-
ket analysis (Chen et al., 2014); in biology, the predic-
tion of proteins functions, based on the proteinprotein
interaction networks (Park et al., 2015); in medicine,
the prediction of the risk level of the patients having
heart disease (Ilayaraja and Meyyappan, 2015); and
last but not least, in the energy management field as-
sociation rules have been employed for the prediction
of buildings Occupant Location. In fact, this problem
consists in determining the location of buildings occu-
pants, based on their movement historic, to maximize
heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HCAC) energy
efficiency. In other words, operate HCAC systems in
accordance with occupant movements to satisfy their
needs without squandering energy (Ryan and Brown,
Several other works such as (Lin and Li, 2015)
have demonstrated how association rule mining can
also be employed for extracting spatio-temporal pat-
terns related, for instance, to urban dynamics (e.g.,
urban growth or land use/cover change). This type
of application discovers patterns related to spatio-
temporal relationships which are typically embed-
ded in geospatial data instead of being explicitly en-
coded in the database. Spatial association rules han-
dle pieces of information such as location and topol-
ogy of items to extract frequent patterns mainly show-
ing the interaction of two or more space-depending at-
tributes or spatial objects. While the Temporal rules,
captures timedependent attributes to reveal knowl-
edge about the cyclic, periodic or sequential nature
of some patterns. The real added value of mining as-
sociation rules in a temporal context is to gain more
predictive capabilities. For instance in sequential rule
mining (Rudin et al., 2013), both, the occurrences of
items and the order between these occurrences counts
in producing rules that attempt to determine what
event will next be revealed based on sequences of past
Spatial and temporal relationships could have hi-
erarchical aspects. For instance, in the case of land
cover an industrial zone can be also denoted as a de-
veloped zone in a higher hierarchy level. Hence both
rules involving ”developed zones” and others involv-
ing ”industrial zones” are then generated. In this con-
text, Association rules has been extended to Multi-
level association rules which support the hierarchi-
cal aspect of patterns such as spatio-temporal rela-
tionships. Association rules are conventionally de-
signed for handling only categorical data. However,
spatial relationships include as well, metric relation-
ships such as distance that are described with numer-
ical data. This issue has been addressed by present-
ing quantitative association rule mining which has
been combined afterward with fuzzy sets theories to
address the imperfect aspects of spatial relationships
(e.g., determining degrees of neighborhood through
partial membership to intervals of the distance at-
tribute) (Farzanyar and Kangavari, 2012).
In this section we propose an apriori based approach
for mining rules predicting the evolution of geograph-
ical areas. Our goal is to demonstrate how the ad-
vances mentioned in section 2 can be harnessed to
make association rule mining suitable for this predic-
tion problem. Based on spatio-temporal data, we aim
at extracting rules which involve particular temporal
and spatial relationships in order to indicate the next
Towards Association Rules as a Predictive Tool for Geospatial Areas Evolution
evolution (i.e., next land cover for a certain geograph-
ical zone).
In the present work, geographical entities are char-
acterized by their functions (e.g., land use/cover), spa-
tial relationships are represented by their neighbor-
hood interrelations, and temporal relationships are
represented by sequential occurrences (successions)
of GEs (see figure 1).
Figure 1: The Considered Spatio-temporal Relationships.
As regards identifying the spatial relationships of
neighbourhood among entities, two approaches may
be adopted. The first one defines neighbouring enti-
ties as directly adjacent ones, and the second, consid-
erate that, given two GEs E1 and E2, E2 is a neigh-
bour of E1 if the distance between them is under or
equal to a user-specified threshold. In the second case,
the continuous numerical attribute of distance will be
discretized into two categorical values: neighbour and
non-neighbour. However, the strict membership or
non-membership to either of these categories can lead
to a problem of misestimating distance values near the
borders. In order to deal with this problem, we pro-
pose to consider the concept of partial membership
using a membership function defined based on fuzzy
sets theories.
It is worth noting that this approach supports
two different applications: addressing entities con-
sisting in geographically delimited zones and address-
ing buildings as the studied entities. In the first case,
the functional level of evolution is related to land
use/cover change, and in the second, it regards func-
tions of building (e.g., residential, industrial, admin-
istrative, leisure equipements, etc)
3.1 Dataset
In our context, the Spatio-temporal database describes
all the geographical entities situated in the studied
geographical zones at different consecutive dates.
Corine Land Cover Database is an example, of which
an extract is given in figure 5. It provides pieces
of information regarding their functional (e.g., land
cover), and spatial characteristics (e.g., locations, sur-
face area, form, etc).
The first task in applying association rule min-
ing consists in proposing, from the available spatio-
Figure 2: Spatio-temporal Data.
temporal data, an appropriate format for the learning
dataset. This latter will, afterwards, be used to ex-
tract adequate rules for our prediction problem. The
dataset, in the present approach, is composed of in-
stances that each represents the evolution history of a
geographical entity (see figure 3.a).
Figure 3: An Example Illustrating the Extraction of Learn-
ing Attributes.
In fact, the evolution trajectory (history) of a certain
geographical entity is encoded in the form of a trans-
action composed by:
A sequence of its past evolutions (sequence of
past functions). In the example illustrated in fig-
ure 3.b the SPF attribute corresponds to < SPF :
A set of items representing the functions of the
neighbouring entities of each entity involved in
the evolution sequence . In the example above,
< F : f
;N: f
>, represents the neighbourhood
relationship between the entities E2 and E5, re-
spectively, characterized by the functions f
An item representing the succeeding function ( f
Hence, the set of attributes of our dataset is A={sp f
sp f
, sp f
,..., sp f
, N
,..., N
, s
, s
,..., s
}. n de-
notes both the number of transactions which is equal
to the number of sequences of past evolutions, and the
number of successors. x denotes the number of neigh-
bours, n<F={ f
, f
, f
, ..., f
} with F is the set of all
possible functions of entities. In the context of the
GISTAM 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management
Figure 4: Structure of the Learning Database.
example above, 4 depicts the structure of the learning
database. Rows correspond to the different evolution
trajectories and columns to the attributes (SPF, N, S).
Using this dataset format, our objective is to find
rules that predict the attribute S based on the other at-
tributes N and SPF. A predictive evolution rule should
be in this form:
< SPF =< f
> < F = f
;N = f
>< S = f
3.2 Preliminary Results
Figure 5: An extract of First Generated Rules.
In order to test our proposed dataset format (figure
4) mainly in terms of relevance of generated rules,
we run Apriori. The preliminary results showed that
only rules involving the neighbourhood attribute have
been generated. Besides their form does not match
the specified interesting form which requires solu-
tions related to: considering rare but important items
(SPF, S), and guaranteeing the generation of interest-
ing rules only (i.e., SPF N S).
3.3 Generation of Candidates
As mentioned above, apriori-based algorithms pro-
ceeds on two steps: the first one consists in generat-
ing candidate itemsets then keeping only the frequent
ones, and the second step consists in generating rules
from the found frequent itemsets. For each frequent
itemset f apriori finds all their nonempty subsets α
then generate confident rules (i.e., whose confidence
is above minconf threshold) of the form:
( f α) α
For instance, given the frequent itemset f={A,B,C},
α={A, B, C, AB, AC, BC . An example of generated
rules is B C A. Due to this, a great importance
is granted to the candidate generation step, in order
to prevent generating useless candidates and conse-
quently useless rules. Actually, in our approach we
propose to predict the successor attribute (S) based
on the other attributes (i.e., SPF and N). Hence, any
itemset which misses any of these attributes (S, SPF,
N) cannot produce rules in the required format spec-
ified above. Therefore we propose in our frequent
pattern generation function (FP-Gen( )) to add a con-
straint in order to only keep candidates which include
at least one item for each attribute (see the example in
figure 6).
Figure 6: Validation of candidat itemsets.
As regards to the SPF attribute, our FP-Gen func-
tion has, also, to handle its sequential nature when
generating candidates as in this attribute, not only the
occurrence of entities matter, but also their order. The
key element in this first step of apriori (the frequent
itemsets generation) is the minsup threshold (minsup)
as it is used to assess the frequency of candidate item-
sets. However, using a single minsup assumes that all
items have similar frequencies in the dataset, which
is not the case for different real-life application and
indeed for our prediction problem. Actually, in our
dataset, neighbourhood items are a way more frequent
than other items and setting the minsup too low to cap-
ture rare items can lead to combinatorial explosion.
Therefore we propose, as a solution, to specify multi-
ple minsups, in other words, set a different minsup for
each attribute i.e., minsup(N) 6= minsup(SPF) 6= min-
sup(S). The key element in this first step of apriori (the
frequent itemsets generation) is the minsup threshold
(minsup) as it is used to assess the frequency of can-
didate itemsets. However, using a single minsup as-
sumes that all items have similar frequencies in the
dataset, which is not the case for different real-life ap-
plication and indeed for our prediction problem. Ac-
tually, in our dataset, neighbourhood items are a way
more frequent than other items and setting the minsup
too low to capture rare items can lead to combinato-
rial explosion. Therefore we propose, as a solution, to
specify multiple minsups, in other words, set a differ-
ent minsup for each attribute i.e., minsup(N) 6= min-
sup(SPF) 6= minsup(S).
3.4 Generation of Predictive Rules
With regards to rule generation, we aim at generating
only rules where S attributes are in the consequent
part of the rule and the other attributes are in the an-
Towards Association Rules as a Predictive Tool for Geospatial Areas Evolution
tecedent part. In this regards, we suggest the use of
class association rule mining wherein each transac-
tion is labelled with a class s. Let S be the set of
all class items corresponding to the attribute S, I be
the set of all items in database corresponding to the
attributes SPF and N, and S I=
0. A class associa-
tion rule is an implication in the form: ab, where
a I and b S. In CARs candidats are denoted as
ruleitems and are in the following form: (Condset,s).
condset represents a set of items (condset I) and
s a class (s S). Each ruleitem represents the rule
condset s. The support count of a condset (SCC)
represents the number of transactions in the database
which contain the condset. The support count of the
generated rules (SCR) is the number of transactions of
the database containing the condset and having s as
a class. Like in the traditional association rule min-
ing, apriori in CARM generates all frequent ruleitems
whose support is above a minsup threshold, then, use
them to generate class association rules with a con-
fidence value (SCR / SCC) above the user-specified
minconf threshold. The distinct particularity in CAR
candidate generation function is that, the joining step
is done by joining condsets of ruleitems having the
same class.
As mentioned above this approach (CARM) aims
at only producing rules in a specific form which is
assumed to be adequate for our prediction task. Al-
though it may seem logical to proceed, simply, to a
post-selection of interesting rules, this solution is, in
practice, very difficult and sometimes impossible due
to the combinatorial explosion, in other words, the
huge number of rules that could be generated.
Association rule mining is a fundamental datamin-
ing task which has been basically presented as an ex-
ploratory tool rather than a predictive tool. In this
research we attempted at reviewing the most impor-
tant advances, in this datamining tool, ranging from
proposing scalable algorithms and efficient method-
ologies for mining frequent itemsets to handling a
diversity of data types and structures and extended
mining tasks. Our overall goal is to show how all
this progress has contributed in making AR a pow-
erful prediction tool. Indeed, we proposed an associ-
ation rule-based approach for predicting the evolution
of geographical areas as an attempt to show how the
progress, done so far, can, practically, be harnessed
for this example of prediction problem.
Our proposal consists in an apriori-based ap-
proach for mining rules predicting the evolevolution
of geographical areas. This approach proposes to ad-
dress issues related to handling spatial and temporal
relationships in the learning dataset, producing rules
involving rare patterns, and making sure to only gen-
erate rules in an adequate form for our prediction
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GISTAM 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management