Semantic Integration between Context-awareness and Domain Data
to Bring Personalized Queries to Legacy Relational Databases
Vinícius Maran
, Alencar Machado
, Iara Augustin
and José Palazzo M. de Oliveira
Coordination Office, Federal University of Santa Maria, Av. Presidente Vargas, 1958, Cachoeira do Sul, Brazil
Polytechnic School, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil
Center of Technology, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil
Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Keywords: Database, Context-awareness, Ubiquitous Computing, Query, Semantic Web, Ontology.
Abstract: Context-awareness is a key feature in ubiquitous middleware. Mainly, it is applied to adapt services and
interfaces of applications that use ubiquitous features. The application of context information to personalize
data queries is a recent topic in computing and still presents a large number of challenges. One of the main
gaps evidenced by this research field is the lack of integration between context information, which is designed
and used by ubiquitous middleware, and domain data, which are frequently persisted in relational databases.
This integration is necessary because context can be used as a filter for content query. This position paper
presents a motivational scenario that clarifies the necessity of the integration between context, used by
ubiquitous middleware, and relational data, a comparison between the state of the art of the field, a list of
research opportunities in the field, and a proposal of a framework that uses ontologies to integrate context and
domain data, modeled and stored in relational databases.
Mark Weiser (1991) presented a series of scenarios
where computing acts to help users in their daily
tasks, without even they are able to notice the use of
computers in these tasks. These scenarios originated
the ubiquitous computing research field. Recently,
ubiquitous computing area involves a set of
technologies and methodologies of implementation.
One of the key concepts used in ubiquitous
computing is called context-awareness. In recent
definitions (Makris et al., 2013) (Perera et al., 2014),
context information is defined as a measured and
inferred data about current state of entities present in
the environment. This information can be used in
systems for adaptation in query of content and
execution of services. Context is modeled and used in
many forms by ubiquitous systems. Recent surveys
(Bettini et al., 2010) (Strang; Popien, 2004) show that
the representation of context based on ontologies
presents a series of benefits over other forms of
representation, like the existence of patterns to define
ontologies and high expressiveness of them.
Ontology can be defined as a formal and explicit
specification of a shared conceptualization (Borst,
1997) and it can be represented in several languages.
These languages are classified as: (i) based on logic, or
(ii) serialized in XML languages. The second group is
the most currently used because there are standards for
representation, managed by W3C (2016).
Context information can also be applied in many
forms in ubiquitous systems. The most frequent usage
of context are (Dey et al., 2001): (i) dynamic
adaptation of services, (ii) personalization of user
interfaces, (iii) search of resources, and (iv) content
and data querying. Content and data, related to the
domain of the application, must be queried in a
personalized form in ubiquitous systems, mainly
using context information to filter it. This feature
differs from the process of querying data in traditional
systems in two ways. First, ubiquitous systems must
query heterogeneous sources of data, including
legacy relational databases. Second, the filtering
information that is used in the query is not informed
by the user explicitly, because the context
information is automatically collected and inferred by
ubiquitous middleware and then it is used in the query
(Maran et al., 2015a). So for these domain data,
persisted in relational databases, to be recovered in a
contextualized manner, it is necessary to create forms
of interconnection between context information,
which are often represented in ontologies and domain
Maran, V., Machado, A., Augustin, I. and Oliveira, J.
Semantic Integration between Context-awareness and Domain Data to Bring Personalized Queries to Legacy Relational Databases.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016) - Volume 1, pages 238-243
ISBN: 978-989-758-187-8
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
information, persisted in relational databases
(Bolchini et al., 2013). This paper presents a
motivational scenario of the data access based on
context, an overview of the state of the art in the data
access based on context research area, a list of
research opportunities in the area, and a proposal of a
framework to link legacy relational databases and
context models, used in ubiquitous middleware.
The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 a
motivating scenario and the main concepts related
areas of context-awareness, ontologies, and
contextualized data querying are presented. In
Section 3 a qualitative comparison between recent
research and a list of research opportunities are
presented. In Section 4 a framework to integrate
legacy relational databases and context models based
on ontologies is presented. In Section 5 the
conclusions and future work are presented.
Relational Database Management Systems
(RDBMSs) traditionally support SQL queries. For a
system make a query in the database, it is necessary
that this system and the user inform in an explicit
form the terms and conditions that will filter the
results over the relations. This works well with
traditional system and database design process,
mainly because the database schema is designed to fit
the application and domain information. But with
recent advances in systems and the large increase of
the information size in databases, some well-known
problems became relevant about queries in RDBMSs
field: (i) To perform a query is required to system and
user to inform filtering criteria (the selection and
projection criteria). A known problem is that often a
few users report, or do not report filtering criteria. So
the amount of information retrieved is large and users
need to filter the information manually (Bolchini et
al., 2013); (ii) The same instance of the database must
be accessed by multiple systems, modelled in
different manner, although of being designed for the
same domain. This fact induces a known problem
about semantics of the data, frequently supported by
the use of ontologies (Dey et al., 2001).
Ubiquitous middleware frequently use ontologies
to describe context models (Bettini et al., 2010). This
way, applications that use ubiquitous features must
use these context models to perform actions in a
personalized form. These context information,
previously measured and inferred by ubiquitous
middleware, can be informed to the application or the
database at the moment of the query (Perera et al.,
2014). However, context information is not informed
all in the same way every time. For example, in a
specific moment, a body sensor can send some
important information, but in other moment, this
sensor cannot be available, and the context associated
to this sensor cannot be used (Makris et al., 2013).
This problem is related to the two previously
mentioned problems in RDBMS queries (i and ii),
mainly because the context information is not
informed in a complete and in the same form in every
query, and because the context is frequently modelled
in ontologies. Furthermore, the design process of a
relational database and context modeling occur in
isolation from each other.
2.1 Motivational Scenario
Ubiquitous middleware have been designed and
applied in several fields. Figure 1 presents an
overview of the motivational scenario, described
below. Recent researches (Stavropoulos et al., 2013)
(Machado et al., 2014) describe smart university
environments, which have a wide variety of
educational resources that are managed by a
ubiquitous middleware. Some of these resources can
be recommended to students, which study in these
universities (Stavropoulos et al., 2013).
Figure 1: Motivational Scenario.
Let us imagine that a university campus (a) uses
an university administration system (b), and a content
management system (c), which allows teachers to
provide supplementary materials, exercises and
activities for students, which in turn access the system
to get the materials. These systems store and retrieve
information from a relational database (d), using SQL
Semantic Integration between Context-awareness and Domain Data to Bring Personalized Queries to Legacy Relational Databases
queries. In a determined moment, the university starts
to use a ubiquitous middleware (e) with an adaptive
Virtual Learning System (VLE) (Maran et al., 2015)
(f) to show content and resources of the university to
students. To adapt its execution and content to the
user, the middleware manages the context
information, captured from the environment (g). To
represent the context, the middleware uses an
ontology, which represents the context after it being
measured and inferred, and stores and retrieves this
context from a database (h).
Peter is a student (i) in an Electrical Engineering
course in this smart campus. Currently, Peter is on the
2nd semester of the course and is attending the
AL101EE discipline, called Algorithms and Data
Structures 1. In a particular class, the context
management middleware informs the context
information about the user (1), about the educational
context (2), information about location of the user (3),
information about the device used by the user, and
temporal and activity context information (5) to the
adaptive VLE:
Context_User = {Peter, Student, 2ndSem, EEngineering}
Context_Educational = {Peter,AL101EE,Class4,CBranch}
Context_Location = {Country, City, SmartUniv}
Context_Device = {AndroidBasedPhone}
Context_Activity = {in_class, Init_time, End_time}
This context information is modelled in the
ontology, and it is used by the ubiquitous middleware.
Currently, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
are offered in VLE (f) to an audience of the university
as an opportunity to expand their knowledge. In a
class of Algorithms and Data Structures 1, the teacher
introduced the concept of Conditional Branch. At the
end of the lesson, the recommender system showed to
Peter in his smartphone the recommendation of the
MOOC about algorithms. Peter is interested in more
information about this topic, as recorded in MOOC.
By the time, the student enrols in MOOC, the
ubiquitous middleware transfers context information
(with the permission of the student) to the VLE
system, and this information is used by the MOOC.
Thus, profile and devices information associated with
the student can be used by MOOC to filter course
information to the student. The MOOC about
Algorithms that Peter signed up presents algorithms
and questions to assess student understanding on the
basic algorithm structures applied to the student’s
course. Currently, the completion rate MOOCs varies
between 5 and 10% (Pretz, 2014). Recent work
(Pretz, 2014) (Quinn et al., 2014) attributed as a cause
for this low completion rate the fact that the
information related to courses are presented in the
same way to all students, regardless of context
information and information related to the student's
profile. Originally, the MOOC platform was designed
to use a relational database, with a pre-defined
structure (EDX, 2015). As the context model is
represented in ontologies and is managed by the
ubiquitous middleware, it can not be informed
explicitly at query time. Thus, there is a need to use
up a framework (j) that implements a model that
allows that context information used by the
ubiquitous middleware to be used in information
filtering. This scenario presents two relevant features
regarding to recent research related to context:
There is an exchange of context information
between the middleware that manages context
information on university campus and an external
system (represented by the VLE). This is a research
problem addressed in recent work (Makris et alk.,
2013) (Perera et al., 2014);
There is a gap for binding between context
information and field data regarding persistence and
recovery of data using context information in the
query process. This gap is directly related to two
characteristics: (i) information relating to the scope
are usually modeled relationally and persisted in
relational databases. This is evidenced by the wide
adoption of RDBMS (DBEngines, 2016) and (ii)
information related to context used by ubiquitous
systems are often modeled on ontologies (Bettini et
al., 2010). In recent work related to ubiquitous
middleware, application independent ontologies were
used as the basis for context modeling.
2.2 Context-awareness and Ontologies
Context is a broad term and has a set of definitions,
according to specific fields. Context can be defined as
"any information that might be used to characterize
the situation of entities that are considered relevant
to the interaction between a user and an application"
(Dey et al., 2001). Context can be modeled in various
ways. Some of the most common forms to represent
context are: key-value pairs, object orientation model,
logic based model, ontologies, and mark-up
languages. According to Bettini et al. (2010),
ontological models have greater capacity for
representation and inference. Spatial models are more
efficient if compared to ontologies and object
oriented modeling, but they do not have as much
representation capacity compared to the ontological
models. This way, ontologies are the most used form
to represent context information in ubiquitous
architectures. Context-Aware Data Query states that
the data retrieval and filtering operations should be
based on context information reported to the system
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
time of information query. Thus, stored information,
whether in structured or unstructured form, can be
adapted according to the given context. As the context
involves large sets of information, defined in fields, it
can also be considered a document in a collection.
Thus, contexts should be available for query in the
same way that a common document related to the
domain. Therefore, the context can be used in two
ways in information retrieval (Bolchini et al., 2013):
(a) To derive a query that returns the documents that
best fit the required context; (b) To treat context as a
document, i.e., the context becomes the source of
information being queried.
Ontology is defined as a formal and explicit
specification of a group of concepts in a shared form
(Borst, 1997). As context model is a type of
knowledge about the environment and the entities that
composes the environment of the user and system, it
can be represented in ontologies. Research have
modeled context ontologies. These ontologies vary in
multiple aspects, for example the number of defined
concepts, domain of application, validation methods
and language of representation. Rodríguez et al.
(2014) conducted a comparison between ontologies
that represent context information and activities. It
was found that PiVOn Ontology (Hervás et al., 2010)
was the ontology that better attends the comparison
criteria. This ontology has been used in a set of works
related to ubiquitous computing (Rodriguez et al.,
2014). Context information are essential for
ubiquitous systems because the treatment of this
information and its use allows that ubiquitous system
be able to adapt itself to the needs of users and other
systems. These adjustments must be made in real time
and can result in both application behaviour change
and in information retrieval.
Recent research propose models and extensions of
existing tools and models to integrate context models
and domain data querying. HyConSC (Anderson et
al., 2006) is a framework that allows context-based
consultations to be integrated to applications that use
relational databases. To realize the extension of
queries, the framework uses its own context model,
represented in graphical model. The context
information are persisted as notes in documents. The
Context-Relational Algebra was proposed as an
extension of relational algebra, which supports a
logical model that allows to integrate contextual
information to relational databases (Martinenghi et
al., 2009). A photo recommendation based on context
tool was proposed by Viana et al. (2011). This tool
uses semantic context information to recommend
photos based on similarity calculation.
The CARVE methodology (Context-Aware
Automatic View Definition over Relational
Databases) was defined as a proposal for integration
between relational databases and context information
in the form of a process of automatic generation of
views based on context (Bolchini et al., 2013). The
implementation of the methodology is performed in a
number of phases, some of which must be manually
set. The context information is modelled in Context
Dimension Trees. HARE (Time-Aware Location-
Aware and Health-Aware Recommender) is a content
recommendation application that uses time, location
and health data of the patient to perform
recommendations (López-Nores et al., 2013). To
perform the content recommendation, ontologies
were previously used to describe the metadata about
that content. An architecture was proposed by Hahm
et al. (2014) to perform the custom recovery of
engineering documents based on analysis of user
profile. To conduct a qualitative analysis on the state
of the art in data query based on context, it was made
a list of important features for analysis:
Context Model: The way that context
information are modeled. It can be modeled in
relational form (BDR), object-oriented (OO), based
on logic (BL), graphical models (G) or ontologies
(Onto); Domain Model: The way the domain
information are modeled and integrated with context
information. It can be modeled in relational form
(BDR), as documents with semantic annotations
(DAS), or as domain ontologies (Onto); Integration
Mode: The way the integration of context
information and domain data is made. It can be based
on ontologies alignment (Alin), relational-algebra
expressions (RA), or integration by algorithms by
property analysis (Alg); Query Language: Data
recovery can be defined by relational algebra
expressions (AR), defined in SQL, SPARQL or
SQWRL; Database Model: Some researches do not
specify (NE) using DBMS, others use models like
Triple Stores (TS) or Relational databases (BDR).
Some researches do not use databases (NU). Based on
the list set up to carry out analysis of related work.
The result of the features analysis is shown in Table
1. As can be seen, none of the research models context
based on a generic context ontology. This contributes
to the context share issue (Makris et al., 2013) (Perera
et al., 2014) between ubiquitous systems. Generic
ontologies are often used in ubiquitous systems
generally to adapt the execution of services and to
infer contexts. However, there is the existence of a
Semantic Integration between Context-awareness and Domain Data to Bring Personalized Queries to Legacy Relational Databases
Table 1: Qualitative analysis of state-of-the-art.
Features / Work (Anderson
et al., 2006)
et al., 2009)
(Viana et
al., 2011)
(Bolchini et
al., 2013)
et al., 2013)
(Hahm et
al., 2014)
Context Modeling
BDR BDR Onto G Onto Onto
Context Modeling based on a generic ontology
- - - - - -
Domain Modeling
BDR BDR Onto / DAS BDR Onto Onto / DAS
Integration Mode
Alg AR Alin AR Alin Alin
Query Language
Specific for a Domain
No No Yes No Yes Yes
Database Model
gap for binding contexts and ubiquitous systems
domain data (Perera et al., 2014).
Another important feature that was observed in
relation to the related work is that none of the tools
modeled context information in ontologies - to be the
most complete and extensible, and integrated it with
relational databases - the most widely used format for
domain data, and persisted only in a database format.
Thus, it is proposed in this paper a framework of
integration and recovery of domain information based
on context, modeled in ontologies, and relational
databases, which represent domain information.
This paper presents a framework for domain
information query. This information is modeled and
persisted in relational databases, and context
information are modeled on ontologies. This way, the
model uses an ontology-based model to perform
information filtering based on context information.
So even without changing the structure of the
database that represents the application domain
information, systems can use context information
modeled with high expressiveness for querying this
information. Figure 2 presents a high-level view of
the proposed model to integrate context modeling
with relational data querying. The framework is
divided in five main levels, named:
(a) External Entities: Ubiquitous middleware
perform management of context and environmental
resources. Even in these environments, external
systems can use resources from middleware. As
ubiquitous middleware manages context information,
they may be required to inform the current context of
the environment when performing a query. External
systems in turn hold queries to data using the model,
which returns a data set that comply with the filters
informed by external systems, and context informed
by ubiquitous middleware;
(b) Interfaces: To communicate with the
framework, ubiquitous middleware use REST
interfaces, informing the context through
representations in JSON-LD language. The process of
serialization of context ontologies in JSON-LD was
previously presented in (Maran et al., 2015). External
systems in turn carry the information query using
SQL language;
Figure 2: Overview of the framework.
(c) Query Extension: The query carried out by
systems through SQL format is extended through a
process. This process performs the query in association
with rules that define links between context and domain
data and checks for relationships that can be used to
query. In this process, the definitions of ontologies are
used to describe context, domain database schema, and
the alignment of definitions of concepts;
(d) Conceptual Layer: This layer represent
conceptual schemas and ontologies used by the
model. In this paper, conceptual model is a modeling
on a specific area, where this model was the basis for
the logic model for a database that stores data about
the domain. Some authors classify this type of
conceptual modeling as a lightweight ontology
(Maran et al., 2015a). To perform context-based
information query, the model uses three distinct sets
of settings: (i) an ontology that describes context
based on PiVOn (Hervás et al., 2010), a context
ontology independent of application, (ii) A conceptual
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
model that describes the domain database., and (iii) An
ontology defining generic concepts and relationships to
allow the alignment of context and domain
information. The alignment of the ontologies was
previously presented in (Maran et al., 2015);
(e) Persistence: Instances of conceptual models
and ontologies used by the proposed model are
persisted in a relational database. An initial
implementation of the serialization of the definitions
was presented in (Maran et al., 2015a).
Ontologies have been used by ubiquitous
architectures for representing context information.
Furthermore, inference rules have been used for
making inferences about the context, which according
to current definitions is measured and inferred
knowledge about the status of entities.
Relational databases are used in most applications.
As shown by motivating scenario, the context of use in
the structured information retrieval in relational
databases is relevant. In this work, an overview of the
field was presented, as an study about the state of the
art and the proposal of a model of integration between
context, modeled on ontologies and domain
information, modeled in relational databases. The
framework is in implementation phase. As the future
work, we pretend to evaluate it in a scenario based in
the motivational scenario presented in this work.
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Semantic Integration between Context-awareness and Domain Data to Bring Personalized Queries to Legacy Relational Databases