Using Blended Learning to Support Community Development -
Lessons Learnt from a Platform for Accessibility Experts
Christophe Ponsard
, Jo
el Chouassi
, Vincent Snoeck
, Anne-Sophie Marchal
and Julie Vanhalewyn
CETIC Research Centre, Gosselies, Belgium
HEPH Condorcet High School, Mons, Belgium
GAMAH asbl, Namur, Belgium
Plain-Pied asbl, Namur, Belgium
E-learning, Blended Learning, Knowledge Sharing, Collaborative Learning, Community Building, Accessi-
Blended learning, mixing both online and face-to-face learning, is now a well established trend in higher
education and also increasingly used in companies and public sector. While preserving direct contact with
the teacher/trainer, it also provides additional electronic channels to easily share training material and to sup-
port interactions among all actors. This paper focuses on specificities of adult training such as their goal-
orientation, the higher level of practicality and the higher level of collaboration. We also deal with the explicit
goal of building communities where learners are progressively sharing their growing experience. Our work is
driven by a real-world case study. We report about how generic e-learning tools available on the market can
be adapted to address the needs of such a use case and also present some lessons learnt.
E-learning can be broadly defined as the use of Inter-
net technologies to deliver a large array of solutions
that enhance knowledge and performance (Rosen-
berg, 2001). It covers a wide range of tools enabling
to access online teaching material under written, au-
dio and video formats. It also provides new commu-
nication channels among and between learners, teach-
ers and tutors, such as forums and instant messaging.
Blended (or hybrid) learning covers the wide mixed
spectrum of teaching and learning styles between the
traditional face-to-face teaching in classrooms and the
pure online course (Stein and Graham, 2014).
E-learning developed originally in universities
and higher schools thanks the combination of need,
technological readiness and Internet connectivity.
With the extension of Internet and more recently the
mobile connectivity, it has reached adults inside com-
panies and public sector. A recent survey has reported
than more than 40% of the biggest companies use
some form of technology to instruct their employees
(eLearning Infographics, 2013). The learning adult
has a number of known specificities, as reported in
the literature (Knowles, 1984). The main differentia-
tors are a greater level of autonomy, the use of its life
experience, the need to have clear goals and that such
goals make sense while having a practical orientation.
Moreover, adult learners like to build collaborative re-
lationships with their educators.
This paper considers the case of collaborative
learning with the explicit goal of building a commu-
nity of expert in a specific domain while taking into
account the accessibility of public places. This re-
quires face-to-face learning and field practice, but can
also benefit from online tools. This work combines
both blended learning and community building as-
pects. We report about how we designed, built and
deployed an on-line platform addressing these needs.
This paper is structured in order to report our ex-
perience in a way that can benefit to others. Section 2
presents our case study by highlighting more general
requirements. Section 2 details and motivates our de-
sign choices. Section 3 describes how we iteratively
adapted and validated the suitability of a major Open
Source platform with respect to our needs. Section
4 reports about the lessons learnt and Section 5 dis-
cusses some related work. Finally, section 6 draws
conclusions and presents some further work.
Ponsard, C., Chouassi, J., Snoeck, V., Marchal, A-S. and Vanhalewyn, J.
Using Blended Learning to Support Community Development - Lessons Learnt from a Platform for Accessibility Experts.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2016) - Volume 2, pages 359-364
ISBN: 978-989-758-179-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This section presents our case study and identifies
general requirements for systems aiming at achieving
learning and building communities. A number of key
driving properties are also highlighted in bold case.
In Belgium, as in many countries, the level of
physical accessibility of buildings open to public is
generally poor, thus hindering the access to people
with reduced mobility. Assessing the accessibility of
buildings requires a specific expertise only developed
by few associations (Ponsard and Snoeck, 2006). The
total available expertise does not allow to deal with
with huge amounts of places. This leaves the associ-
ations with two options: either (i) conduct a few tar-
geted assessments with a high level of quality, or (ii)
rely on a large number of people with only basic skills
to conduct low quality assessments, and use the effect
of mass (crowd-sourcing) (Prandi et al., 2014).
Neither option is really satisfactory but introduc-
ing the training and community building dimension
can bridge the gap as there is a large reservoir of
people willing to grow their expertise and possibly
get a job in the area. Another aspect is that there is
also a progressive learning curve: starting from ba-
sic assessments to more complex ones, then issuing
indicative and finally authoritative recommendations.
Another characteristics is that the domain of exper-
tise is quite sharp, as consequence physical train-
ing sessions are not very frequent and only organized
at specific times (twice a year) and places. In order
to optimize the time spent in physical course, it is
important to have a maximum of support for on-line
learning. Finally, the application domain itself is
increasingly relying on IT tools for conducting as-
sessment (use of digital cameras, tablets, GPS, etc).
In order to support the on-line learning, the fol-
lowing requirements were collected. On the func-
tional side, it should:
FR1 - support different courses and dependencies
FR2 - support different types of training materials
(text, audio, video...)
FR3 - provide communication channels such as
blogs, forums, chats, off-line messages.
The following non-functional requirement were
also identified. The system should be:
NFR1 - web-based, i.e. run in a standard browser
without requiring any installation in the trainee
NFR2 - providing a simple user interface for the
NFR3 - relying solely on Open-Source compo-
NFR4 - secured (authentication, access control
enforcement, privacy)
NFR5 - compliant with e-accessibility standards,
like WCAG (Reid and Snow-Weaver, 2008)
The last requirements is especially important
given the domain, but should not be neglected any-
way in all learning solutions.
In order to produce an adequate IT platform, an Ag-
ile process was conducted in preparation of a new
training session (Moran, 2015). The platform design,
development and validation was conducted in three
sprints (agile iterations), each lasting one month. It
involved the following profiles:
domain experts (trainers of previous sessions)
trainees selected from previous sessions based on
their results and motivation
an IT architect with some experience in e-learning
a web developer and system administrator
an (external) e-accessibility expert from the Any-
Surfer association (AnySurfer, 2000)
The first sprint was devoted to the problem anal-
ysis (i.e. requirements of previous section), the re-
view of available technologies and the production
of a solution design. A specific workshop devoted
to the design yielded the idea to structure the design
around the familiar terms borrowed to the school and
Figure 1: School Metaphor.
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Homepage.
library terminologies (e.g. classroom, machine room,
agora,...). It also introduced the metaphor of a build-
ing with different floors corresponding to the different
levels of expertise acquired, as depicted in Figure 1.
the ground floor is the public floor. It is accessible
to everybody (i.e. no specific credentials required
to view the page content). It provides general pub-
lic information and, more importantly, informa-
tion specifically targeting potential new learners
on how to join, the planning and organization of
future sessions, etc.
the first floor corresponds to the training sessions
organized (so far only a basic level and a second
(more advanced) level). It is accessible upon ac-
cepted registration based on a few prerequisites.
Each classroom has a similar structure with an
agenda of the planned physical lectures, some ma-
terial (course, preparation, follow-up exercises),
addition specific references and a specific forum.
Additional rooms are available, such as a teacher
room to ease the sharing of material when prepar-
ing a new course or new sessions of an existing
the second floor is accessible upon the comple-
tion of at least the basic course. It corresponds
to the community level of the platform. People
can share their opinion on different cases that are
made available through a repository. The level of
expertise is made visible in the interaction.
the third and last floor is reserved to the platform
coordinator and is dedicated to the platform man-
agement activities, including registering students,
enrolling them, creating new ”classrooms”, as-
signing teachers, announcing events, etc.
During this phase, a comparative analysis of dif-
ferent Learning Management Systems (LMS) plat-
forms such Moodle (Dougiamas, 2002) and Claro-
line (UCL/IPM, 2000) were also conducted. Some
demonstration of the raw possibilities of the platform
were organized.
The second sprint was devoted to build a first pro-
totype by focusing on functional requirements and
supporting a simple set of users stories, mostly
focused on the learner. The selected platform was
Moodle, as it ranked better at covering the required
features and also because of its large community, rich
support and substantial plugin ecosystem. It was de-
ployed on a LAMP (Linux-Apache-Mysql-PHP) con-
figuration based on an Ubuntu virtual machine hosted
by the IT project partner. As the initial performance
was poor, a PHP opcache was used and the RAM size
was increased.
Figure 2 illustrates the resulting homepage while
Figure 3 shows the structure of a course as it was con-
figured. The navigation structure shows the structure
of the course, composed of a number of modules. The
central part shows the details. The first section con-
tains the course introduction and common tools such
as the agenda, references, messaging and forums. It
is followed by the module details and its own specific
At the end of this session, a validation was con-
ducted with selected trainees. It resulted in the iden-
tification of a number of potential improvements to
carry out in the next phase. At that point, a major is-
sue in terms of usability emerged as the default layout
of the Moodle platform was felt far too complex (see
lessons learnt).
The third sprint was devoted to improving the pro-
totype in order to support more user stories and
Using Blended Learning to Support Community Development - Lessons Learnt from a Platform for Accessibility Experts
Figure 3: Course structure.
non-functional requirements. The considered user
stories focused on the work of the teachers (lecture
design, message classes, etc) and platform managers
(registrations, announcements, etc). A large effort
was devoted to usability improvements (see lessons
learnt). Most of the effort focused on configuration
tuning and the specific development of an improved
forum presentation module. Figure 4 shows the Agora
level with simplified layout and the custom forum
module. As the management level functions are only
used by a few people, the standard Moodle functions
were kept. We just added some integration with a reg-
istration form managed through a Google form.
Figure 4: Agora module.
At the end of this sprint, a complete validation ses-
sion was conducted. A complete schedule of the next
planned session was encoded, the first two lectures
were encoded and a complete rehearsal was organized
with former students. The final feedback was very
positive, as the users truly felt that the new simplified
interface was clearer and easier to use.
Beyond achieving the success of a training pro-
gramme, our goal is also to build a long term com-
munity. We identified the following lessons and for-
mulate them in more general terms.
Have all community stakeholders on board. For
this using an Agile approach mixing different plat-
form stakeholders proved very effective. The level of
commitment was high and all the validation could be
conducted within the agreed schedule despite the high
load of many partners. The sprint period could even
be shorter provided more resources are allocated. We
could rely on the following key parties:
a network of experts (CAWAB association of ac-
cessibility expert in our case). The existence of
such a network is an important success factor. The
project itself also contributed to reinforce it.
trainees issued from previous training pro-
grammes: although there was some form of
”keeping in touch” by newsletters, emails, social-
network groups, or specific forms of collabora-
tion, a collaborative platform was definitely miss-
ing. Previously trained people where very keen to
volunteer to get involved in the design and valida-
tion process of the platform and were very effec-
tive at giving high quality feedback. Such people
also greatly help in sow more seeds to grow the
community thanks to their own contacts.
Platform usability is a key point. On the techni-
cal level, the Moodle platform provided all the re-
quired features either natively or as plugins. Only
a few functional adaptations were necessary to com-
plete the functional scope: a contact form and better
module to structure forums. However the first vali-
dation revealed that many unnecessary features were
exposed and resulted in a strong degradation of the
user experience. Improving usability was identified
as a key point to avoid rejection. So an important
lesson learned was to avoid feature creep and use
the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle (Ray-
mond and Steele, 1991). So, an important effort was
devoted to simplify the user interface by switching to
another template and deactivating a number of useless
features. Actually some adaptations proved not trivial
at all to achieve with Moodle and the effort devoted
to this step should not be underestimated. In our case
it can be estimated to one third of the development
Adapt to the community specificities. As the do-
main is accessibility, we can expect also mobility
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
impaired people to get involved as expert, thus e-
Accessibility was an absolute requirement in our
case. Unfortunately, this specific requirement of e-
Accessibility could only be partially be achieved al-
though the Belgian AnySurfer association provided
some help (AnySurfer, 2000). The main barrier was
the lack of accessibility to blind users of specific
forms directly managed by Moodle. The only pos-
sible action was to report this to the Moodle commu-
nity. Although this requirement was identified, the
ease of adaptation was not well validated enough at
design time and might have impacted the choice to an-
other platform. Other communities might have other
requirements, for example for multilingual support.
Actually in our case, as some trainees are not fluent in
French, a specific form of support is being studied.
Structuring the platform based on the familiar school
metaphor has been quite common since the early
years of e-learning. It was however criticized for its
pedagogical limits, trying to adhere too much to its
physical model (Carliner and Shank, 2008). The sit-
uation nowadays is however different because most
people have a extensive experience of the web and
social media tools. There is therefore little chance of
people just behaving like in the real world. More-
over, our use of this metaphor is not generalized and
social communication channels are kept with their
usual names. In our implementation of the concept,
we were more interested in the remembrance that the
terms would evoke, rather than implementing a virtual
classroom experience like in (Barab et al., 2001).
A complete vision and roadmap to understand
what can be done by blending face-to-face and online
learning in order to produce engaging and meaning-
ful learning experiences is reported in (Kitchenham,
2011). It describes a number of scenarios, guide-
lines, strategies and tools. This book however fo-
cuses on higher education, whereas our focus is rather
community-driven than academic.
Expertise networks in on-line communities have
been extensively studied. Automatic expertise rank-
ing algorithms are available and commonly used in
help forums (Noll et al., 2009). In our case, we rely on
a blended learning with a mix of on-line and physical
interactions, there is no needs for automatic assess-
ment. First, only people with a basic training level can
access the Agora level. Second, the expertise level is
assessed by the training outcome. It results in the the
production of ”badges” that are displayed in people
on-line profile. Third, people also have the opportu-
nity to meet physically and learn to know each other.
Nevertheless, it remains interesting to analyse the dy-
namics of the interaction on our forums, for exam-
ple using tools like (Zhang et al., 2007), especially in
the perspective of a direct channel with infrastructure
Guidelines for achieving the best mix of on-line
and face-to-face learning are proposed in (Garrison
and Vaughan, 2011). It provides a detailed roadmap
for achieving an effective and efficient blended learn-
ing environments at different stages (design, instruc-
tion, assessment). Our work relies on similar princi-
ples and design decision were generally easy to take
because a number of assessment activities have to
be carried out in the physical world. Transforming
some activities in electronic activities like conducting
photo-based assessment actually also makes sense be-
cause assessors only spend a few hours on-site and
then the work is finalised off-site. Sometimes it also
involves people that did not visit the infrastructure.
In this paper, we have shown how to address the needs
for a platform supporting both blended e-learning and
community building for accessibility experts. In order
to share our experience in the most reusable form, we
used generic terms to report our work across the dif-
ferent conducted phases of requirements, design, de-
velopment and validation. We also identified interest-
ing lessons learnt to help other e-learning managers
or community builders that face similar needs. Our
prototype is available online at http://cena.accessible- (Chouassi and Ponsard, 2015).
Our future work includes the continuous improve-
ment of the platform based on the upcoming training
sessions, the management of evolving training mate-
rial through time and the organization of more spe-
cific material for the second level of training, the lat-
ter being organized in smaller groups (for instance
reduced to pairs of expert/trainee conducting stan-
dard assessments). The development of a specific
picture annotation tool, in order to comment on the
accessibility of pictures gathered by experts, is also
planned since such a specific tool will undeniably
bring greater added value to the platform in terms of
knowledge sharing. Finally, opening a direct channel
where infrastructure owners can report and get advice
about their accessibility problems is also being con-
Using Blended Learning to Support Community Development - Lessons Learnt from a Platform for Accessibility Experts
This work was financially supported by the Walloon
Region by the IDEES CO-INNOVATION project. We
thanks the CAWAB, the Walloon network of acces-
sibility associations (especially GAMAH and Plain-
Pied) for their strong involvement in the Agile process
that led to the creation of the CENA platform.
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