Next Generation Learner Modeling by Theory of Mind Model Induction
Klaus P. Jantke
, Bernd Schmidt
and Rosalie Schnappauf
Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology, Erfurt, Germany
Fachhochschule Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany
University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany
Technology-enhanced Learning, User Modeling, Learner Modeling, Player Modeling, Theory of Mind,
Learner Model Induction, Inductive Inference, ToMMI Technology.
Learning is a spectrum of involved processes requiring the learner’s engagement and building upon the
learner’s prior knowledge and other prerequisites. Educators know how to adapt to their learners’ needs
and desires. User modeling is a key technology to enable digital systems such as e-learning environments and
serious games to adapt to their users’s peculiarities. There is a huge corpus of scientific research on user mod-
eling, on implementation of user modeling and related system adaptivity, and on the impact on teaching and
learning. The aim of the present contribution is to go even further. The concept of theories of mind is adopted
and adapted from animal behavioral research. Theory of mind user models allow for the identification and
representation of user/learner/player peculiarities beyond the limits of all other preceding approaches to user
modeling. Theory of mind learner models allow for the representation of higher quality profiles describing,
for instances, intention, misconceptions, or even fear. The acquisition of suchlike expressive profiles is an
inductive learning process of the digital system. The inductive inference of learner profiles requires particular
concepts and algorithms. An implementation serves as proof of concept.
This is a technological paper. Although the authors
have some running implementation (Schmidt, 2014),
application and evaluation are considered secondary.
Emphasis is put on an introduction to the innovative
technology. The authors’ intention is to coin the term
theory of mind model induction (nickname: ToMMI)
and to discuss how to utilize this technology for the
purpose of learner modeling.
The implementation does not only serve as proof
of concept, one may go even further. One of the key
results in section 6 demonstrates the system develop-
ers’ ability to proof mathematically that the modeling
algorithms succeed in practice.
The present paper is the authors’ first publication
in the field and, thus, the first publication on this novel
technology at all. Therefore, technology is in focus.
The developed technology relates in an intriguing
way to other areas of research such as, prominently,
theories of mind (Carruthers and Smith, 1996) and
inductive inference (Jain et al., 1999).
The key idea is to adopt and adapt theory of mind
concepts for user modeling. In doing so, user model-
ing becomes inductive learning. This is investigated
in cases where users are learners and/or players.
Besides theory and technology development, the
authors work in the area of technology enhanced-
learning, in general, and on game-based learning, in
particular ranging from earlier publications such as,
e.g., (Jantke et al., 2003), (Jantke et al., 2004), and
(Jantke and Knauf, 2005) to recent contributions like,
e.g., (Knauf et al., 2010), (Jantke and Schulz, 2011),
(Fujima and Jantke, 2012), (Arnold et al., 2013),
(Krebs and Jantke, 2014), (Jantke and Hume, 2015).
When studying digital games, there arises a really
enormous manifold of exciting questions. Playing a
game, usually, is fun (Koster, 2005). Among the great
excitements of game play, there is the anticipation
of an adversary player’s intentions. Knowing or, at
least, hypothesizing what a human player wants, may
form the basis for advanced ideas of game play such
as, e.g., setting a snare for the adversary. Potentially,
this does apply to serious games as well (Egenfeldt-
Nielsen, 2007). To go even further, in serious games,
this knowledge may be used to assist the learner.
Theories of theories of mind (Carruthers and
Smith, 1996) allow for underpinning those studies.
To warm up, so to speak, the authors briefly sketch
their preliminary case study in which a prototypical
theory of mind induction has been implemented for
the first time ever (Schmidt, 2014).
Jantke, K., Schmidt, B. and Schnappauf, R.
Next Generation Learner Modeling by Theor y of Mind Model Induction.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2016) - Volume 1, pages 499-506
ISBN: 978-989-758-179-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In this work, the theory of mind induction means
player modeling.
This application is based on a digital game named
GORGE (Jantke et al., 2010) (see also (Gaudl et al.,
2009) and (Jantke, 2010)). What has been done for
game playing is now ready for a transfer to computer
supported education. Seen from this perspective, this
contribution aims at the transfer of technologies from
player modeling to learner modeling.
In GORGE there are different teams of robots (see
figure 1) operated by different players who may be
humans or computer programs. Originally, GORGE
has been designed and implemented as a research tool
for studies of the perception of Artificial Intelligence.
Figure 1: Screenshot of an Earlier Version of GORGE
GORGE is turn-based. A dice is rolled and players
may select one of their robots to move it accordingly.
When a robot reaches a cell on the game path where
another robot is sitting, this one is jostled backwards
to the next free cell. Due to this game mechanics,
robots tend to form clusters on the path. This leads to
opportunities for taking revenge.
Human players may have largely varying inten-
tions about jostling others such as, e.g., some grand-
parent’s intention not to frustrate the own grandchild.
Another aim may be to take immediate revenge when-
ever possible. Next, consider reciprocal altruism:
If X jostled me never before and if I have the choice
to jostle X or to do something else, I will not jostle X.
Intentions like this may be easily represented by
logical formulas. A computer program can monitor
human behavior when playing GORGE. Based on the
observations, the computer program hypothesizes the
player’s goals. The computer learns a theory of mind.
There is more than 30 years of work on user modeling
and adaptation. Consequently, it is not easy to relate
the authors’ present efforts.
For the sake of comparison, the authors of the
present paper have analyzed (Houben et al., 2009),
(De Bra et al., 2010), (Konstan et al., 2011), (Mas-
thoff et al., 2012), (Carberry et al., 2013), (Dim-
itrova et al., 2014), (Ricci et al., 2015), and the pa-
pers therein, as well as some of the impressive intro-
ductory and survey papers such as (Brusilovsky et al.,
1995), (Specht and Weber, 1997) (Brusilovsky, 2001),
(Brusilovsky and Mill
an, 2007).
There is a principle of conventional user model-
ing. A certain finite number n of features are selected
and human beings are characterized accordingly by
points in an n-dimensional space (Jung, 1921).
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI, for
short) (Briggs Myers and Briggs, 1980) relies explic-
itly on Carl G. Jung’s theory of psychological types.
Expressed in formal terms, according to MBTI, pro-
files of humans are points in a 4-dimensional space.
The Felder-Silverman approach (Felder and Sil-
verman, 1988) is very similar to the MBTI, but puts
explicit emphasis on learning such that one may un-
derstand it as an attempt to compromise between the
MBTI and the David Kolb Learning Style Inventory
(LSI, for short).
The LSI (see (Kolb, 1984), (Kolb and Fry, 1975)),
analogously, builds a 4-dimensional space to host
learner profiles. In contrast to the before-mentioned
approaches, the LSI is enriched by a cyclic learning
process model that underpins the four dimensions.
The history of learner modeling relies on model
spaces of varying dimension (from (Brusilovsky et al.,
1995) to (Brusilovsky and Mill
an, 2007)).
Occasionally, approaches are coming up in which
the authors attempt to abandon the conventional limi-
tations and aim at something like learner preferences
(Kassak et al., 2015), (Schewe et al., 2007), (Smith
et al., 2015). But saying that “preferences are ex-
pressed on the level of items” (Kassak et al., 2015)
means to fall back to conventional approaches.
However impressive and practically successful,
contemporary user modeling has apparent limitations.
For illustration, educators who strive hard to treat
their students with empathy know about the critical
impact of misconceptions and about the importance
of conceptual change and want to know their learner’s
peculiarities ((Carey, 1985; Carey, 2000), (Thagard,
2012), (Vosniadou, 2013b), and the chapters therein).
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The present short section deals with an inspiration for
understanding other individuals’ motivations, goals,
desires, preferences, fears, and the like.
The aim of the authors’ present work is to take the
inspiration from the present section to proceed from
conventional learner modeling (see section 3) to in-
novative learner modeling of a higher expressiveness
(see section 6) and, therefore, of a higher utility.
The source of inspiration is theories of mind as
surveyed in (Carruthers and Smith, 1996).
The gist of the concept is well illustrated in
sources such as (Emery, 2004), (Emery et al., 2004),
(Goldman, 2006), (Clayton et al., 2006), (Call and
Tomasello, 2008), (Emery and Clayton, 2009). Al-
though the treatment in recent publications such as
(Call and Tomasello, 2008) and (Emery and Clay-
ton, 2009) is slightly more sceptical than in earlier
work ((Carruthers and Smith, 1996) and the chapters
therein), the application of the theories of mind per-
spective to human beings is scientifically justified and
practically useful (Mauer, 2012).
Loosely speaking, theories of mind refer to two
different individuals, say A and B.
In some of the above-cited sources, both agents
A and B are birds, e.g., animals of the food-caching
species western scrub jay (Aphelocoma californica).
In the authors’ work, A is a computer program and
B is a human learner.
The scenario under consideration is as follows.
While agent B is acting–chaching food, interacting
with an e-learning system, playing a digital game, or
whatsoever–the agent A is monitoring Bs behavior.
A is pondering the observations made and tries to find
explanation for Bs behavior in terms of Bs thoughts.
What A constructs is, in some sense, a model of B.
In cases where B is a human interacting with a digital
system, the result is a user model or, more specifically,
a learner model or a player model or both at once.
There are particular aspects in theories of mind in-
vestigations such as time travel (Suddendorf, 2007)
that are relevant to game play.
When game-based learning moves into focus,
those particular investigations open completely new
opportunities of application.
Notice that the present approach goes beyond the
reach of all the above-cited sources. The present work
aims at computer programs that are able to monitor
human-computer interaction and learn about humans
by algorithmic induction of user profiles which have
the particular form of a computer’s theory of mind
about a human user/learner/player.
Educators think about the thoughts of their students.
This covers a wide spectrum of aspects and enables
them to adapt to their students’ peculiarities, needs,
and desires (Davis et al., 2000). When computers
in educational settings shall become adaptive as well,
there arises the need to equip them with digitally, i.e.,
formally represented knowledge accordingly.
By way of illustration, let us look at preconcep-
tions and misconceptions (Vosniadou, 2013b).
There are wide-spread misconceptions which
cause difficulties to learners. A typical one is the be-
lief that motion is caused by a force (Hammer, 1996).
In chemistry, many misconceptions are due to the
misinterpretation of molecular equations. This leads
learners to the belief that water is just a large amount
of H
O molecules, a theory of mind, so to speak, that
makes the electrical conductivity of water completely
In biology, a quite prominent misconception is the
confusion of osmosis and diffusion accompanied by
a large number of different misbelieves such as water
molecules cease movement at osmotic equilibrium.
Comprehensive publications such as the hand-
book (Vosniadou, 2013b) or, e.g., (Chi et al., 1994),
(diSessa and Sherin, 1998), (MacBeth, 2000), and
(Vosniadou, 2013a) illustrate the omnipresence of
learners’ thoughts that are likely to hinder learning.
There is abundant evidence for the need of knowing a
learner’s preoccupation.
Misconceptions are wide-spread in science as
demonstrated in the case of biology (Kayoko and
Hatano, 2013), in chemistry (Barke et al., 2009), in
physics (Brown and Hammer, 2013), and in so-called
earth science (Phillips, 1991).
The situation is not different in the humanities;
see, e.g., (Leinhardt and Ravi, 2013) for history and
(Arabatzis and Kindi, 2013) and (Thagard, 2013) for
the history of science.
For curiosity, the rise and fall of phlogiston–the
concept and the theory–may be of interest (Wisniak,
The theories of mind are collections of thoughts
ascribed to other individuals. If computers shall be
able to construct theories of mind that are intended to
characterize human beings, the hypothesized thoughts
must be represented formally–inside the computer,
constructed and written by the computer and readable
by the computer. Theories of mind are sets of logical
This logical point of view is taken subsequently.
Next Generation Learner Modeling by Theory of Mind Model Induction
Recall a human player’s reciprocal altruism when
playing GORGE (section 2): If X jostled me never
before and if I have the choice to jostle X or to do
something else, I will not jostle X.
If a learner is driven by an intention like this one,
how can a computer program learn about the human’s
thoughts to represent this particular learner’s highly
individual intentions, desires, goals, ideas, fears, and
so on in a profile as expressive as a theory of mind ?
This section is intended to survey an answer that,
hopefully, will inform the readers about the essentials.
6.1 Spaces of ToM Hypotheses (I)
The theories of mind that hypothetically characterize
human learners are represented as finite sets of logical
Modal operators like and are appropriate to
make complex expressions readable. The operators,
as usual, express the two modalities of necessity and
possibility, respectively (Blackburn et al., 2001).
The intention of reciprocal altruism, e.g., may be
represented as follows. Let us assume, that predi-
cates such as jostle are ternary. The first of the argu-
ments contains time information. The other two argu-
ments contain player names, where the distinguished
constant names the human player who is currently
modeled. The symbols π
, perhaps, with upper and
lower decorations denote strings of events describing
human-computer interactions. The binary relation
holds for any two strings, exactly if the first one is
an initial segment of the second one. All remaining
syntax is conventional first order predicate calculus
(see, e.g., (Richter, 1978)).
The following formula is a statement about some
human-computer interaction encoded by π and some
recent player’s action µ. It formalizes a variant of the
player’s aim at reciprocal altruism (see section 1).
( 6 π
: π
π jostle(π
, X, ) ¬jostle(πµ, , X) )
It may be difficult to realise ¬jostle(πµ, , X)”,
if the action µ is enforced. The following fits better.
( 6 π
: π
π jostle(π
, X, ) ¬jostle(π, , X)
¬jostle(πµ, , X ) )
Logical formulas like the two above form the
space of hypotheses. A user profile is a finite set of
formulas expressing player intentions. In other words,
those formulas express “the computer’s thoughts”
about the human user currently modeled.
The question is how to learn those formulas from
6.2 Inductive Inference of
Human Learner Profiles
. . . it is not really difficult to construct a series of
inferences, each dependent upon its predecessor and each
simple in itself. If, after doing so, one simply knocks out
all the central inferences and presents one’s audience with
the starting-point and the conclusion, one may produce
a startling, though possibly a meretricious, effect.
Sherlock Holmes to Dr. Watson in
‘The Adventure of the Dancing Men’
by Arthur Conan Doyle, 1915
Profiles of human learners are inductively inferred
from observations of human-computer interactions.
Basic steps of inference are simple, but the overall
result of learner modeling may appear meretriciously
as Arthur Conan Doyle put it (Doyle, 1915).
Logic programming
is the authors’ software
technology of choice ((Clocksin and Mellish, 1981),
(Sterling and Shapiro, 1986)) to implement the steps
of logical inference.
Observations are formally represented in the form
πµ where π describes the history of interaction and µ
denotes the human learner’s current action.
As long as the current user profile is sufficient to
explain the human user’s behavior, a property named
consistency, there is no need to change the profile.
More formally, assume the necessary background
knowledge (domain knowledge, system behavior, . . . )
BK and a current learner profile ϕ. The consistency is
expressed in formal terms
as BK {πµ} |= ϕ.
Note that there is no method, in general, to prove
consistency (Jain et al., 1999). Usually, this prop-
erty is only co-enumerable (Rogers jr., 1967; Sipser,
1997). Therefore, the logical reasoning strategy is
refutation. Fortunately, Prolog is refutation-complete.
Every hypothesis ϕ of the learner profile is kept
until its refutation succeeds. Our system in form-
ing learner profiles tries to validate BK {πµ} 6|= ϕ.
Only if this succeeds, the hypothesis is given up and
replaced by a refinement. But how to do this . . . ?
Logic programming is an appropriate approach to the
authors’ ambitious task of modeling learners by theories of
mind. For comparison, look at IBM’s Watson which is pow-
ered by 10 racks of IBM Power 750 servers running Linux,
and uses 15 terabytes of RAM, 2,880 processor cores and is
capable of operating at 80 teraflops. Watson was written in
mostly Java but also significant chunks of code are in C++.
A core part to perform reasoning is implemented in Prolog.
This, in fact, requires some more precision. To be a
user profile, ϕ must contain two free variables π about the
current (history of) interaction (Note that this includes time
information.) and the learner’s current action µ. The present
notation is simplified.
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
6.3 Spaces of ToM Hypotheses (II)
To learn learner profiles, one needs to agree about
“what to say about a human learner”. After such a
decision has been made, one has a potentially infinite
set of formulas which may describe characteristics of
human learners, i.e. theories of mind.
As described before, the refutation-completeness
of Prolog allows for a fully computerized refutation
of logical expressed hypotheses. But how to refine
refuted hypotheses within a theory of mind? How to
step forward from one hypothetical learner model to
the next one, if necessary?
To arrive at a completely algorithmic approach to
learning of theories of mind forming learner models,
we adopt and adapt a fundamental concept introduced
by Dana Angluin (Angluin, 1980). Her ingenious
concept is called indexed family of formal languages
in which every particular language has a decidable
word problem
. In contrast to Dana Angluin’s ap-
proach, we can not assume decidability. This means
that our approach is more expressive, but somehow
less comfortable. We have to invest more algorithmic
effort. These thoughts lead to the concept below that
refers to some underlying basic knowledge BK and to
a set Π describing sequences of possible interactions.
A so-called indexed family of logical formulas is a
sequence of formulas Ψ = {ψ
as follows.
(i) Ψ = {ψ
is recursively enumerable.
(ii) For any π Π and for any index n, BK {π} 6|= ψ
is recursively enumerable.
(iii) For any two indices i and j with i < j, ψ
does not
logically imply ψ
Given an indexed family of logical formulas Ψ,
one can easily implement a computer program able
to learn whatever formula characterizes a human
learner’s intentions.
According to fundamental results of inductive
learning based on usually incomplete information
(Jain et al., 1999), there is a computer program able
to learn whatever formula in Ψ = {ψ
describe a human learner’s peculiarities. The infer-
ence principle is called identification by enumeration.
For every set of observed learner behavior, it returns
the first formula which is not (or not yet) refuted.
Note that there may be any finite number of spaces
of hypotheses in use, i.e., any collection of indexed
families of logical formulas Ψ
, Ψ
, Ψ
, . . . , Ψ
Similar inference procedures may run on the different
enumerations in parallel returning one statement from
each of the (sub-)spaces of hypotheses.
The word problem is the question whether or not any
word belongs to a language (Hopcroft and Ullman, 1979).
6.4 Features of Learner Modeling
by Theory of Mind Induction
To sum up sections 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3, if we are able
(i) to describe potential human learner peculiarities of
interest by means of logical formulas and if we can
(ii) enumerate these formulas appropriately, there is a
universal computational method that is able to learn
whatever human peculiarity might be on hand.
Recall that a formula ψ occurs as a component of
a profile of some human learner, if it is listed within
an indexed family of logical formulas, which is in use
for theory of mind induction, where this formula has
some index n, i.e., ψ = ψ
. Furthermore, for every
preceding index i, the formula ψ
has been refuted
Finally, there is no refutation of ψ
, at least, not yet.
The key insight is that a component such as ψ
within a learner profile is unavoidably hypothetical.
This has to be stressed, though it is not a big surprise.
When humans think about other human beings and
about their thoughts, they usually are aware of uncer-
tainty. This applies to computer “thoughts” as well.
Consequently, it is highly advisable to deal with
hypothetical learner profiles carefully. A particularly
interesting option is to refine adaptivity by reflection
(Jantke et al., 2013). This approach has deep roots
in research about reflective inductive inference (see
(Grieser, 2008) which expands upon (Jantke, 1994),
(Grieser and Jantke, 1995), and (Jantke, 1995)).
The crux is that there is no way to definitely say
whether or not a hypothesis is consistent with given
observations. The only way of automated reasoning
is to try refutation. If a hypothesis is not consistent,
Prolog will find this out after some time.
A closer look at the methodology described in
the previous subsections reveals a further peculiarity.
First, naturally, if a formula has been found that truly
describes a learner’s intention, goal, motivation, or so,
this is consistent and, thus, will never be abandoned.
But, second, what might be the reason not to arrive at
such a correct hypothesis? The only reason may be
another formula, say ψ
, which occurs earlier in the
enumeration, but which has not yet been refuted.
In such a case, this earlier hypothesis the learn-
ing algorithm gets stuck with is equivalent–within the
limitated information available–to the “true” one.
By means of logic programming and due to the known
refutation completeness of Prolog, this means that taking
(a) the basic knowledge, (b) the observation of the learner’s
behavior, and (c) the candidate formula ψ
, there has been
derived the empty clause. This means the discovery of a
contradiction and, thus, it establishes a refutation of ψ
See (Bl
asius and B
urckert, 1978) and (Richter, 1978)
for background and (Popper, 1934) for the bigger picture.
Next Generation Learner Modeling by Theory of Mind Model Induction
To the authors’ very best knowledge, the present
approach of modeling users, especially learners, by
theories of mind–more precisely by the induction of
user profiles that form theories of mind–is a novelty.
By theories of mind one may express peculiarities
of human users far beyond the limits of conventional
user modeling (see the rich corpus of work (Houben
et al., 2009), (De Bra et al., 2010), (Konstan et al.,
2011), (Masthoff et al., 2012), (Carberry et al., 2013),
(Dimitrova et al., 2014), (Ricci et al., 2015), and the
papers therein). This is of a particular relevance to
technology-enhanced learning. Teachers and digital
systems to assist them for purposes of teaching and
learning need to “know” about their human learners.
There may be individual goals, misconceptions,
and even fears of human learners. Theories of mind
are appropriate to express such individual conditions
and the so-called theory of mind model induction is
appropriate for the computerized learning of human
peculiarities. This is a bio-inspired technology that
has a firm foundation in behavioral research.
But do we really need so much technology on a
CSEDU conference?
Yes, we do. First of all, educators need to be in-
formed about the next opportunities available to them.
Second and even more importantly, they are needed
to carve out the future of education. Only educators
can name the human learner conditions that are not
yet covered sufficiently well by conventional learner
modeling. Only educators can help the technologists
to determine the formalism needed to express learner
peculiarities of relevance.
Seen from this perspective, the present paper is
intended to be understood as a call for co-operation.
Let us go together for the design, implementation,
application, and evaluation of the next generation
of e-learning systems that are able to “understand”
their human learners by the induction of learner needs
from observed behavior.
The observation of learners leads to hypothetical
learner profiles (see section 6 above). Based on these
learner profiles, personalization takes place. But how
to treat learners appropriately? This is not a question
for technologies. Think of a trainee who strives hard
to avoid repeated conversation with the same staff
member. How to react appropriately?
It needs psychologists, educational psychologists,
educators, and domain experts to determine suitable
adaptive behavior in response to hypothesized learner
profiles. As a firm basis, the specialists need to under-
stand learner profiles and the way they are created.
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