A Research Agenda on Visualizations
in Information Systems Engineering
Jens Gulden
, Dirk van der Linden
and Banu Aysolmaz
University of Duisburg-Essen, Information Systems and Enterprise Modeling Group,
atsstr. 9, 45141 Essen, Germany
University of Haifa, Department of Information Systems, Mount Carmel, Haifa 31905, Israel
VU University Amsterdam, Business Informatics Group, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Research Agenda, Visualization, Information Systems, Requirements, Human-Computer-Interaction, Cogni-
tive Effectiveness.
Effectively using visualizations in socio-technical artifacts like information systems and software yields a
number of challenges, such as ensuring that they allow for all necessary information to be captured, that visu-
alizations can be efficiently and correctly read, and perhaps most important: that communication is fostered,
leading rather to a shared understanding instead of misunderstandings and communication breakdowns. While
over the last years many strides have been made to propose visualizations for specific purposes (such as mod-
eling language notations, software interfaces, visual methods, and games), there has been less attention for
frameworks and guidelines meant to support the people making such visualizations. When taking a closer
look at the deficiencies in research on visualizations in information systems today, it turns out that especially
a deeper understanding of the mental processes behind comprehending visualizations and the way humans are
cognitively affected by visualizations, is required in order to gain advanced theoretic underpinnings for the
creation and use of visualizations in information systems. In this paper we build towards a research agenda on
visualization in information systems engineering by identifying a number of relevant requirements for research
to address, of fundamental, methodical and tool nature.
Research on Information Systems (IS) and the engi-
neering thereof has enveloped a large variety of top-
ics over the past decades. Many fundamental ques-
tions on the development and usage of IS together
with analysis of data have been addressed. Due
to advancements in different domains, diversity of
IS usage in various fields and production of widely
spread complex data, new problems emerged to rep-
resent information and provide interaction with users
of IS (Mezhoudi et al., 2015). Advanced visualiza-
tion techniques are not only required due to technical
advancements such as software, devices and infras-
tructure getting more complex; but also social aspects
such as variety of user characteristics, diversifying us-
ages of IS in work processes and everyday life, and
change of style in using IS such as multiple work-
ing environments and mobile devices (Vanderdonckt,
2005). The availability of vast information makes it
hard to navigate through and grasp an understanding
of interrelations between data (Rouet et al., 2005).
An example of coherency problems between dif-
ferent visual perspectives is shown in Fig. 1. Here
although vast amount of information is visualized in
various dashboards, it is hard for the user to estab-
lish the interrelations between the analysis screen and
navigate through the screens in a structured way. In
addition to variety of visualizations in operational
phase of IS, usage of diagrammatic visualizations to
elicit and communicate requirements, design and de-
velop the system has become a de-facto standard in
pre-operational phase (Stahl et al., 2006). Thus, we
observe a growing need for systematic and scientific
methods to support the design of visualizations in IS
in all phases of IS.
To address this issue and identify opportunities
for research to contribute to the maturity of visual-
izations used in IS engineering, in the remainder of
this paper we will present a research agenda consist-
ing of a number of requirements for research on visu-
alizations, addressing aspects both on the use and de-
velopment of IS. Section 2 presents the requirements
for developing a research agenda on visualizations in
Gulden, J., Linden, D. and Aysolmaz, B.
A Research Agenda on Visualizations in Information Systems Engineering.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2016), pages 234-240
ISBN: 978-989-758-189-2
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Examples of visualizations used in contemporary
information systems
IS. Subsection 2.1 includes the requirements with re-
gard to methodological research foundations, subsec-
tion 2.2 covers requirements regarding methods for
creating and using visualizations, and lastly subsec-
tion 2.3 provides requirements towards research on
tooling support. In Section 3, we provide the conclu-
sions and outlook for a research agenda to support the
IS field.
There are several areas that research in IS can (and
has been identified to) contribute to. Below is a non-
exhaustive list of recently argued important research
directions, all covering some aspect of requirements
on visualizations. Some of the requirements are also
relevant for other fields. They are brought to the
foreground here to point out that they lack attention
specifically in the IS field.
We have attempted to focus on requirements that
address known unknowns and unknown unknowns,
which have hitherto received comparatively little at-
tention in conceptual modeling research (Recker,
2015), such as what effective modeling entails, how
differences between people affect (interpretation and
use of) modeling, and with regard to empirical re-
search with practitioners in the field instead of student
experiments. As a result of this effort, we provide a
list of requirements identified based on the literature.
While the current list did not result from an (ex-
haustive) systematic literature review, in our approach
we did follow the more common starting point in in-
formation systems research of ‘snowballing’ litera-
ture through reference lists (Jalali and Wohlin, 2012)
which has been shown to be a good alternative to the
use of systematic database searches (Wohlin, 2014),
especially for new and emerging topics. Following
the guidelines for doing so appropriately (Wohlin,
2014), we focused on finding recent workshop papers
Sources: www.cleverq.com, www.inetsoft.com, own
proposing research agendas or directions (by search-
ing through titles and abstracts), and from there snow-
balled to other relevant literature discussing needed
research relevant to visualization in information sys-
tems engineering. While this position paper is aimed
to generate discussion and attention towards visual-
ization issues in IS engineering, we plan in further
work to incorporate a systematic literature review to
exhaustively categorize current related research agen-
das and classify ongoing research.
The literature referenced in the requirements point
out to either problems or research needs for visualiza-
tion in IS. In this study, we utilized the problem defi-
nitions and needs in the literature to convert them into
categorized requirements in the following sections.
Thus this paper includes a contemporary and topical
list of related work integrated into requirement defi-
nitions. There may be other factors necessary to the
establishment of well-used visualizations in IS, how-
ever, the selected requirements give an overview of
issues identified and argued for in recent literature.
The identified requirements are grouped into
the three categories “methodological foundations”,
“methods”, and “tool support”, relating to respec-
tively the level of scientific contributions that can be
expected from their fulfillment, as conceptualizations
on the theoretical level, with regard to elaborating
methods and procedures, or by fostering the devel-
opment of supporting artifacts.
2.1 Requirements with Regard to
Methodological Research
We see a relatively large number of research ques-
tions open about basic conceptualizations of visual-
izations in IS engineering, which appear to stem from
the comparably narrow basis of fundamental research
on visualizations in IS so far. The most relevant are
listed in the following.
Req 1.1: Cognitive Aspects. Research on visualiza-
tions should incorporate reflections on how the
human mind works, and especially how the cog-
nitive apparatus of human beings processes vi-
sual impressions (Saffer, 2009; Gulden and Rei-
jers, 2015). As it has been argued that the heart
of cognitive science is the way it handles con-
cepts (Fodor, 1998) research in IS stands to benefit
from deeper understandings into the fundamental
concepts that its actors use every day (cf. (van der
Linden and Proper, 2014; van der Linden et al.,
2012)). For effective comprehension of these con-
cepts, cognitive science provides the tools to de-
A Research Agenda on Visualizations in Information Systems Engineering
sign visualizations that facilitate better engage-
ment of users with IS (Moody, 2009).
Req 1.2: Justified Design Rationales. There is ba-
sically no design rationale for visualization
choices of notations (Moody, 2009). Proper
grounding of the design of visual languages in
existing theory, and applying scientific theories
of visualization and developments (cf. (Rensink,
2014)) to IS engineering should be aimed at
by corresponding research activities. Develop-
ment of syntactical standards for visualizations
can provide the researchers a basis to specify vi-
sual languages and a rationale for the selection of
choices (Fill, 2009).
Req 1.3: Accommodate Mental Models. The
visual notations used in conceptual modeling
should accommodate the conceptual distinctions
that people make in their own mental models (van
der Linden and Proper, 2014). To support this
requirement, it is critical that research aids in the
design notations that are understandable by end
users from their view (Caire et al., 2013).
Req 1.4: Aesthetic Relevance. Especially with re-
spect to the graphic design of visualizations, sci-
entific research must acknowledge its paradig-
matic methodological limitations, and should be
open to accept aesthetic judgments besides ratio-
nally justified design decisions as one component
of creating successful visualizations (Vande Mo-
ere and Purchase, 2011). In other words, it must
not be denied that beauty plays a significant role
in creating and using visualizations (Cairo, 2012),
which stands beyond scientific methodical justifi-
Req 1.5: Influence of Personal Factors. The re-
quirements for visual notations used in conceptual
modeling should reflect those of their users (van
der Linden, 2015). Personal factors are found
to have important influences on the understand-
ability of models (Reijers and Mendling, 2011),
yet are not widespread in current research on the
design and use of visual notations and should be
methodically incorporated.
Req 1.6: Eliminate Communication Restrictions.
Visualizations should be used to eliminate
communication problems and noise between
domain experts and modelers in knowledge
elicitation (Brown et al., 2014). This sociological
aspect should as well be represented in the
spectrum of research perspectives on visualiza-
tion in IS engineering, e. g., by reflecting on
the discursive interactions among humans who
operate with visualizations.
Req 1.7: Cover the Entire Life-cycle.
Visualization research should cover the en-
tire life-cycle from gathering information,
conceptualizing topologies and structures for
visualizations (Cairo, 2012), graphic design
for rendering appearances of visualizations, the
development of software to display visualiza-
tions and provide interactivity, and the practical
application of visualizations in various contexts.
Req 1.8: Distinguish Different Tasks and Pur
poses. Different
notations and styles for visualizations are used,
ranging from very structured formal represen-
tations (cf. (Van Zee et al., 2014)) to simple
diagrammatic forms and realistic symbolisms.
Depending on the modeling task at hand, different
ways of visualizing information may be more
appropriate (Figl and Recker, 2014). Research
should examine dialectal variations of a visual
notation in order to properly accommodate the
information needs posed by different modeling
tasks (van der Linden and Hadar, 2015).
Req 1.9: New Fields of Applications. Research
should investigate the use of visualizations in
areas that typically lack them. For example, while
rule based modeling languages do not generally
have a visualization (Wang et al., 2014), often
using marked up text like SBVR, they could
benefit from visual approaches such as those used
for fact-based modeling notations like ORM.
Req 1.10: Criteria for Evaluation. Criteria for
evaluating visualizations in information systems
and the research thereof need to be established
in the scientific community. Especially, it
needs to be discussed whether empiric evalu-
ation by means of questionnaires for users of
visualizations is methodologically sufficient.
2.2 Requirements Regarding Methods
for Creating and using
To support the integration of visualizations in IS en-
gineering, scientifically elaborated suggestions for
methods and procedures to develop and apply visual-
izations are required. We regard the following points
as centrally relevant and yet missing in IS engineer-
Req 2.1: Terminology for Visualization Design.
Research activities should focus on elaborating
a domain specific terminology that takes into
account the characteristics of spatial relationships
ENASE 2016 - 11th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering
and cognitive features of perceiving visualiza-
tions (Gulden, 2010). Designers should be able to
describe a visualization in a terminology talking
about balances, patterns, topologies, granulari-
ties, etc. (Cairo, 2012). Such a terminology could
base on elaborated sets of terms that have, e. g.,
been developed in the fields of interaction design
(Saffer, 2009; Wong et al., 2011), cognitive
sciences (Johnson, 2014) and graphic design.
Req 2.2: Interactive Visualizations. Research
should put into focus the relationships between
static diagrams and interactive visualizations,
and more effectively harness human creativity
and intuition in decision-making and problem
solving via interactive visual analytics (Cybulski
et al., 2015). While for several types of diagrams,
e. g., graph networks or tree structures, a rich
body of theoretic knowledge about creating static
visual representation exists (Bertin, 1974; Tufte,
1990), the potential of systematically describing
interactive capabilities should also be exploited,
especially since interaction capabilities are rele-
vant for explorative ex-post analyses (Gulden and
Attfield, 2015).
Req 2.3: Enhance Static Representations of
Models. Methods to express dynamic aspects
of concepts should be scientifically developed to
enhance static representations used in conceptual
models until now (Gulden, 2014; Aysolmaz
and Reijers, 2015). Various approaches can be
deployed such as the use of animation, narration,
and user interaction to reflect the dynamic nature
and enable the users to read the model in a more
comprehensible way.
Req 2.4: Use and Creation in Collaborative
Settings. The importance of the concrete notation
in collaborative visualization efforts has been
revealed in different domains (cf. (Barjis et al.,
2009)), yet recent work on the collaborative
specification of (domain-specific) modeling
languages has been done, it focused only on
syntax and semantics (Izquierdo and Cabot,
2013), neglecting the effect of visual notation
choices on its users. More research is needed
to support the involvement of people from
different backgrounds and capabilities in col-
laborative modeling efforts (van der Linden and
Hoppenbrouwers, 2012).
Req 2.5: Teaching and Training. Given the differ-
ence in reading strategies and efficiency be-
tween experienced and less experienced (Petre
and Green, 1993), it is important to ensure that
users of visual notations are well prepared for
their use, which requires more research in under-
standing the different cognitive and educational
processes involved in it, as well as whether to fo-
cus on teaching specific visualizations or the dif-
ferent aspects behind them (Recker and Dreiling,
Req 2.6: Reduce Cognitive Load. Research on vi-
sualizations in IS engineering should explicitly
state the question how cognitive load imposed by
visual interaction with IS can be reduced, e. g., by
avoiding navigation steps or lowering the amount
of information that has to be memorized by a hu-
man user over time instead of being visually ac-
cessible (Wong et al., 2011). With less cogni-
tive load allocated to repeated information pro-
cessing tasks, humans can better concentrate on
reacting to new situations and solving non-trivial
2.3 Requirements Towards Research on
Tooling Support
Some of the research on fundamentals and methods
for visualizations in IS engineering base on the as-
sumption that the technical implementation of visual-
izations can be performed effectively and efficiently.
Appropriate tooling support can ensure these assump-
tions to hold, which the remaining set of research re-
quirements is about.
Req 3.1: Automated Design Suggestions.
Research activities should elaborate mech-
anisms that allow to automatically suggest
appropriate visualizations for given classes
of data in specific use-cases. This should be
made possible by developing generic suggestion
mechanisms (Buckl et al., 2010; Gulden, 2015),
which are not based on preset templates, but
operat with justified design principles derived
from advanced theoretic insights (see 2.1). For
example, users could be asked to prioritize which
pieces of information they find relevant to satisfy
information needs. Then, according to design
principles for visually expressing hierarchies,
contrasts, equality, and relationships, (Spence,
2007; Chen, 2010; Kirk, 2012) the composition
of a visualization can be automatically generated
as a default suggestion to the user. To provide
wider access and standardization, web based
visualization services can be developed that can
semi-automatically generate visualizations based
on user-selected requirements (Fill, 2009).
Req 3.2: Efficient Software Implementation.
Research on visualizations should cover reflec-
A Research Agenda on Visualizations in Information Systems Engineering
tions on how to efficiently create and maintain
software which displays visualizations and pro-
vides interactivity (Gulden, 2015). Visualization
software of this kind represents a specific class
of software component, which allows to adapt
techniques for abstracting common features
and automating repeated tasks to visualization
software development. Especially model-driven
software development approaches (Kelly and
Tolvanen, 2008) appear to be suitable for this
In this paper we have argued for the need for more
research into visualizations in IS engineering. This is
due to a lack of research into the way visualizations
are involved during the development and use of in-
formation systems. We have sketched a preliminary
research agenda with requirements based on recently
identified forward-looking trends in the IS literature,
which especially put cognitive and human-centric as-
pects into focus.
While we have to stress that the resulting require-
ments are not an exhaustive view on needed research
in the field, they do represent urgent and immediately
visible calls for research efforts by those working in
the IS field. A careful first look does seem to show
many requirements for more topics on methodologi-
cal research foundations compared to those on meth-
ods and tool support. This is in line with the trend
in fields such as requirements engineering, where it
has been shown that a significant proportion of pub-
lished research work is design work proposing arti-
facts to resolve an issue, without necessarily going
into the fundamentals of those issues (Wieringa and
Heerkens, 2006). Furthermore, the large number of
requirements, and thus needed research, on such fun-
damental topics is in line with Recker’s call for more
focus on the fringes of conceptual modeling research
(particularly relevant to IS), focused on exploring yet
unknowns (Recker, 2015).
We hope that by explicating this agenda, we can
contribute to the further maturation and development
of research on visualizations in information systems.
Continuing our own work on the realization of ad-
vanced visualization approaches, we hope to also in-
spire more fellow research colleagues working in the
same field.
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A Research Agenda on Visualizations in Information Systems Engineering
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ENASE 2016 - 11th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering