Tailoring DDS to Smart Grids for Improved Communication and Control
Alaa Alaerjan and Dae-Kyoo Kim
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, U.S.A.
DDS, Smart Grids, Communication, System Reliability, QoS.
Adopting new technologies in smart grid (SG) enables the improvement of reliable communication. A key fac-
tor for SG efficiency is reliable data exchange between different components and domains in the system. SG
must allow remote and quick reaction for different events. This is not a trivial task especially with large scale
power grids, which requires SG to have a reliable communication protocol. Data Distribution Service (DDS)
is introduced as a data-centric middleware standard based on publish-subscribe protocol to address communi-
cation needs for distributed applications. DDS supports reliable data exchange between different components
using various features such as quality-of-service (QoS). In this paper, we describe how DDS can be tailored to
support SG to improve the communication of devices in SG. We first give an overview of DDS and discuss the
benefits of applying it to the communication system in SG. We then describe communication requirements and
constraints in SG. and discuss how DDS can be tailored to SG with respect to the requirements and constraints.
The traditional power grid uses the simple power gen-
eration and consumption paradigm which involves lit-
tle management for efficiency, and thus has significant
power loss. According to the report by The World
Bank (World-Bank, 2015), the U.S loses 6% from
its total power in transmission and distribution pro-
cess, the U.K loses 8%, China loses 12%, some other
countries even lose a significant amount, such as Iraq
which loses about 35% of its produced power. Fur-
thermore, traditional power generation systems create
a large amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) contaminat-
ing the environment.
Smart grid (SG) has emerged as the next gen-
eration for improved efficiency of power production
and consumption. Unlike the traditional power grid
which is not designed for device communication, SG
aims at facilitating communication and data exchange
between various equipment and devices across the
power domain. It enables bidirectional data exchange
between powersuppliers and consumers for improved
power management (Fang et al., 2012). As an exam-
ple, in SG, smart meters measuring power consump-
tion are able to communicate their data to utilities
which are in turn able to send real-time pricing back
to smart meters.
Communication management in SG is a challenge
due to the heterogeneity of the infrastructure. SG
components involve significant data exchanges re-
quiring efficient communication. A given approach to
enhance SG communication has to consider concerns
such as time constraints and devices requirements.
Some protocols such as the Distributed Network Pro-
tocol (DNP3) (NIST, 2010) and Modbus (Modbus-
IDA, 2006) have been tried to overcome the commu-
nication challenges in SG. However, they introduce
significant overheads and latency which make them
unsuitable for SG (discussed more in Section 2).
DDS has emerged as a potential model to ad-
dress the challenges in SG. Based on a simple pub-
lish/subscribe protocol and QoS policies, it is de-
signed to support high-performance, scalable, de-
pendable and real-time data exchange between dif-
ferent components with little overheads. In this pa-
per, we describe how DDS can be tailored to SG. We
first identify communication requirements for differ-
ent components in SG and discuss how DDS should
be tailored to satisfy those requirements.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 gives an overview of the DDS model
and describes the advantages of applying it to SG.
Section 3 outlines the related research and describes
how the work in this paper is different. In section 4,
we describe the SG communication requirements for
different domains in the system. In section 5, we de-
scribe how to tailor DDS to SG to achieve improved
communication and control. Finally, Section 6 con-
cludes the paper and outlines the future research.
Alaerjan, A. and Kim, D-K.
Tailoring DDS to Smart Grids for Improved Communication and Control.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS 2016), pages 433-438
ISBN: 978-989-758-184-7
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Data Distribution Service (DDS) (Object-
Managment-Group, 2015) is a data-centric mid-
dleware standard by the Object Management Group
(OMG). It came in 2004 as a Publish/Subscribe
protocol to address the data sharing needs for a
wide variety of computing environments, ranging
from small local networks to large scale systems.
DDS provides a scalable platform and location-
independent infrastructure to connect publishers and
subscribers. DDS also supports a wide variety of
quality-of-service (QoS) properties including time
sensitivity, reliability, and many others (Corsaro,
The DDS specification is described as two-level
interfaces. The first level is Data-Centric Publish-
Subscribe (DCPS) which is a lower layer API that al-
lows DDS-enabled applications to communicate with
each other. The second interface is Data Local Re-
construction Layer (DLRL) which is an upper layer
specification that outlines how an application can in-
terface with DCPS. DLRL is defined as optional.
DCPS is the core of the DDS model which allows
heterogeneous components to interact through read-
ing and writing the data form/to the global data space.
Components interact by declaring their intent to pub-
lish or subscribe data. Figure 1 shows the interaction
(through a global data space) between different enti-
ties in the model. DDS entities that are involved in
DCPS-based applications include:
Domain: This is a conceptual container in the
system. Components in a domain can only com-
municate within the same domain, which allows
for data isolation and optimized communication.
Domain Participant: This represents the partici-
pation of a given application in the domain. Each
process has one domain participant for each data
Data Writers and Publishers: An application
uses a writer to write the data. It is also an in-
Figure 1: DDS architecture and components.
terface (access point) to publishers. A publisher
is an entity that is responsible for data issuance to
the data domain. A publisher can be used by an
application to group multiple writers.
Data Reader and Subscriber: A reader is uti-
lized by an application to receive the data. It is
also the access point to subscribers. Similar to
publishers, a subscriber can be used as a container
to group multiple readers.
Topic: This is a basic data object to be pub-
lished/received. A given topic must match in or-
der to establish a connection between a publisher
and a subscriber. A topic is defined in terms of
name, data type, and QoS.
DDS has many advantages over other pub-
lish/subscribe protocols such as DNP3 and Modbus.
First, DDS is simple and flexible, while supporting
complex messaging scenarios as opposed to Modbus.
Second, unlike DNP3 which induces 50%-80% of
the processing delay in embedded power devices (Lu
et al., 2011), DDS does not introduce any overheads.
DDS also enables high-performance data exchange
and QoS on a component base, while supports differ-
ent types of communication such as one-to-one, one-
to-many, many-to-many, and many-to-one (Object-
Managment-Group,2015). These features make DDS
as a potential solution for addressing the communica-
tion challenges in future grid.
Smart grid is still in its infancy stage. Organizations
and researchers have been trying to use and integrate
different protocols to improve the communication
system in SG. Some works in the literature (Bakken
et al., 2009; A. Alkhawaja, ; Twin Oaks Comput-
ing, 2011) have considered use of middleware solu-
tions such as DDS or message-oriented middleware
for communication and data exchange in SG.
The work by Bakken et al. (Bakken et al., 2009)
argues that middleware solutions (e.g., DDS frame-
work) are better approaches to address interoperabil-
ity and data exchange in SG. They justify the advan-
tages of middleware standards over other protocols on
achieving reliable end-to-end communication. Carry-
ing over their study, in this work, we address what
needs to be done in order to adopt DDS to SG.
Alkhawaja and Ferreira (A. Alkhawaja, ) also con-
sidered the integration of DDS with the SG domain.
Their work discusses use of existing middleware so-
lutions to support distributed large-scale applications
with QoS requirements. In the same light as Bakken
et al.s work, their work also emphasizes the bene-
SMARTGREENS 2016 - 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
Figure 2: Smart Grid Communication.
fits of applying DDS to the SG. They show that the
lightweight architecture of DDS ensures high perfor-
mance and predictability by its capabilities to reserve
resources and enforcing QoS. However, the scope of
their work does not considers SG requirements and
tailoring DDS to SG. In our work, we address how
DDS should be tailored to satisfy SG requirements.
The report by Twin Oak Computing (Twin
Oaks Computing, 2011) describes the capabilities of
DDS in general. It describes how the DDS architec-
ture can improve communication in large scale sys-
tems such as power grid systems. The report argues
that DDS can be used for safety critical systems such
as renewable energy systems. It also describes the
importance of DDS in achieving communication in-
teroperability. However, there is little discussion as to
use of DDS in SG.
Smart grid involves four main domains (NIST, 2010)
– i) power generation, producing power on high volt-
age levels, ii) power transmission, transmitting gen-
erated power to substations, iii) power distribution,
distributing power to end users, and iv) power con-
sumption, ultimately consuming the power. Each one
of these domains has its own components and require-
ments. Figure 2 depicts the communication involved
in the domains (NIST, 2010). In this paper, we use the
term component interchangeably with device.
Before adopting DDS to SG, the requirements of
SG communication should be identified, which pro-
vides a base for implementing DDS. As discussed in
Section 3, there are some works that discusses pos-
sible implementation of DDS in SG. However, to the
best of our knowledge, there is no work addressing
communication requirements and how DDS should
be tailored to SG to satisfy the requirements. In this
work, we study different types of devices involved
in SG communication in the above four domains and
identify communication requirements and constraints
imposed by the devices. In the rest of this section,
we discuss the four domains in terms of involved de-
vices and related requirements on latency, reliability,
and dynamism.
4.1 Devices in Power Generation
Power generation consists of large generation plants
(e.g., nuclear plants, fossil fuel plants) which are
capable of generating high voltage power. Those
plants work as systems that involve many compo-
nents such as generators, transformers, compressors,
and turbines. They are critical in power generation
and should be continuously monitored and reported
on their status. Beside those physical components,
there are also software components that are used for
remote control such as remote management system
(RMS). RMS controls a power grid with restrictive
time requirements in communication. For example,
data related to Breaker must be transmitted no longer
than 2 seconds after the event has occurred (Ericsson,
Another important component in power genera-
tion is wireless sensors which are used for monitoring
the health of the generation devices. They communi-
cate with each other to send data to detect any fault
in the generation process. Thus, reliable communi-
cation is critical. However, sensors are vulnerable
to harsh environmental conditions such as wind and
rain (US.DOE, 2004), which increases communica-
tion dynamism. Such a dynamism should be consid-
ered in designing the communication system in SG.
4.2 Devices in Power Transmission
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
systems are widely used in power transmission for re-
mote monitor and control. A SCADA system con-
sists of different types of Intelligent Electronic De-
vices (IEDs) which work to control different parts in
the system. An IED has the capability of sending data
and interacting with other IEDs and with the control
center. An IED may have restrictive time constraints
on communication. For example, IEDs responsible
for substation protection and control have to trans-
mit their data within 12-20 ms (Ericsson, 2010). In
order to satisfy such a requirement, a reliable com-
munication protocol is required. Another example is
protection relays which are responsible for detecting
and overcoming failures in power devices. Protection
relays also have a restrictive time requirement that the
Tailoring DDS to Smart Grids for Improved Communication and Control
response must be within 3 ms to avoid faults that may
lead to blackouts (IEEE-Power-Engineering-Society,
2004; Schwarz, 2004).
Substations are another core components in power
grid. A substation has a microcomputer for remote
control and to communicate with other systems in
the grid, which require reliable data transmission in
a timely manner.
Phasor measurement unit (PMU) is a device for
measuring the health of the grid. PMU has the ca-
pability of processing and communicating data with
other devices in SG (Ek, 2014). PMU is required to
provide data to the control center at the rate of 6
60 samples per second (Rihan et al., 2011), which is
critical for safety control.
4.3 Devices in Power Distribution
The distribution domain in SG introduces the notion
of distributed energy resources (DER) such as so-
lar panel and wind turbines. Those systems contain
different components to generate power and commu-
nicate with other devices. Communication between
DERs and other components is a challenge due to un-
reliable environments where a large number of DERs
are envisioned to communicate via wireless connec-
tion and such a connection is vulnerable to interfer-
ence and harsh weather conditions (Yu et al., 2011).
DERs have a set of communication constraints to
be satisfied to guarantee the grid reliability. An ex-
ample is that the reading interval of meters has to be
5-15 minute (DNV.GL, 2014). This requires any DER
device to issue its data with respect to the specified in-
terval and any violation of the constraint may result in
unreliable data.
4.4 Devices in Power Consumption
The power consumption domain involves devices
such as smart meters and wireless energy moni-
tors. Smart meters communicate with power utili-
ties to send and receive data such as the total cost
of the electric power and pricing information in real-
time (DNV.GL, 2014), which requires continuous and
accurate updates on a regular basis.
In this section, we describe how the DDS framework
can be tailored to satisfy the communication require-
ments identified in Section 4. We explain howthe reli-
able and restrictive time constraints can be addressed
by QoS in DDS. We also describe how to tailor the
discovery mechanism in DDS to satisfy the dynamism
requirements in SG communication.
The devices studied in Section 4 can be catego-
rized into publisher-related, subscriber-related, and
system-related in the context of DDS, depending on
their functionalities. Figure 3 shows the categorized
devices. In the figure, the rectangle shape represents
the components that can work as a system (with mul-
tiple components inside them) in the domain. The
oval shape represents publishers and the dashed rect-
angle representsthe componentsthat can work as both
publisher/subscriber. Sensors are categorized as pub-
lishers as they are used to sense and report on the
health of the devices in power generation. Smart me-
ters in the power consumption domain are categorized
as publishers/ subscribers as they are used to send
usage readings to utilities and receive from utilities
the total cost of the electric power corresponding to
the readings. On the other hand, SCADA systems
in the power transmission domain are categorized as
systems as they consist of multiple devices with data
sending and receiving functionalities (i.e., publishers/
Figure 3: Devices in the smart grid domain.
DDS requires its implementation to be capable
of scaling to a large number of subscribers (Object-
Managment-Group, 2014). It also requires the imple-
mentation to have a built-in discovery service that al-
lows publishers to dynamically discover the existence
of subscribers and vice-versa. The DDS specifica-
tion also prescribes publishers and subscribers to be
able to set up QoS contracts at the time when their
intent to publish/subscribe data is declared (Object-
Managment-Group, 2014). Given that, we focus on
two aspects in tailoring DDS to SG – i) tailoring QoS
to satisfy reliability and restrictive time constraints
and ii) tailoring the discovery service to improve the
dynamism in SG.
5.1 Tailoring QoS
A significant feature of DDS is the provision of QoS
on a per-entity base. This is important especially
in systems whose involved devices have different re-
SMARTGREENS 2016 - 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems
quirements the same quality concern (e.g, different la-
tency requirements). DDS does not only offer a set of
QoS, but also allows system developers to set differ-
ent QoS parameters for different entities such as Top-
ics, Data Readers, and Data Writers.
To satisfy time constraints and requirements for
reliable communication in SG, the QoS in the DDS
framework needs to be tailored. Different compo-
nents should be able to set different contracts. The
communication between publishers/ subscribers can-
not be established unless both parties agree on the set
of QoS. Given that, we suggest the following QoS at-
tributes to be tailored:
Latency (Deadline): This attribute can be used
to set restrictive time constraints for components,
which allows publishers/subscribers to specify
how fast they can publish/receive data (Object-
Managment-Group, 2015). The attribute can be
tailored depending on the constraints of the com-
ponent on communication. For example, mission-
critical components (e.g., protection relays) in SG
must tailor this attribute to set up a rigid deadline
for data transmission.
Latency Budget: This is another important qual-
ity attribute that can be used for implementing op-
timization on the publisher side to accommodate
the maximum acceptable latency of subscribers
which refers to the delay from the time the data
is written until the data is inserted into the sub-
scriber’s cache. It can be tailored to define com-
munication rules to satisfy restrictive time con-
straints for devices. One approach to tailoring this
attribute is to use it in conjunction with a priority-
based transport protocol to set up higher priority
for data with low latency budget.
Reliability: This enables a Reader to receive data
reliably sent by a Writer. It can be used in SG
to satisfy reliability constraints. There are two
sub-parametersfor setting this QoS Reliable and
Best Effort. The Reliable setting enforces reliable
data exchange. For example, for the components
(e.g., smart meters) that can tolerate a certain la-
tency to receive data, the Reliable parameter can
be set to retransmit data until received. On the
other hand, the Best Effort setting has no relia-
bility mechanism. Thus, it can be used for the
components that periodically publish data sam-
ples where only the latest one matters (e.g., data
sensors). Tailoring this quality attribute is carried
out by making appropriate setting for the given re-
liability constraints.
5.2 Tailoring Discovery Mechanism
The key for establishing communication between
publishers and subscribers is discovering the exis-
tence of participants. In the DDS context, this re-
quires DDS entities to be informed of each other’s
existence for communication. Not only this, the dis-
covery feature should also provide communication
guides between different publishers and subscribers.
For example, communication guides can be provided
as IP multicasting by devices where the DDS infras-
tructure manages the group membership.
The DDS specification defines a Real-Time Pub-
lish Subscribe protocol (RTPS) which describes a dis-
covery functionality. The main purpose of RTPS is
to support the interoperability of applications built
upon different implementation platforms of vendors.
RTPS (Object-Managment-Group, 2014) defines two
discovery protocols Participant Discovery Protocol
(PDP) and Endpoint Discovery Protocol (EDP). PDP
is used for discovering different domain participants,
while EDP is used for matching data readers and data
writers. However, these protocols are defined in a
generic way, which may cause some drawbacks with
respect to system dynamism. For example, they re-
quire a large amount of periodic data exchange, which
is not applicable to the components that have limited
computing resources, processing, or power resources
(e.g., batteries). In the following, we describe features
with respect to DDS discovery service that need to be
tailored to improve SG dynamism.
Providing Communication Guides for Differ-
ent Components: As mentioned in Section 4, SG
requires a dynamic communication system. Thus,
it is important to allow system components to be
added and removed in a dynamic way. For exam-
ple, when a new component (e.g., new publish-
ers/subscribers) is added to the system, the com-
ponent can be reached efficiently by the use of
discovery hints (e.g., the group membership pro-
vided by DDS).
Enabling Multiple Discovery Strategies for
Different Components: The DDS specifica-
tion allows the separation of its implementa-
tion from discovery services (Object-Managment-
Group, 2014). However, a DDS implementation
in SG should have a built-in discovery service to
support flexible and dynamic discovery of com-
ponents. Components with limited resources may
not be able to handle heavy interactions. For
smooth integration of these components, the DDS
infrastructure must provide alternative discovery
mechanisms. For example, IEDs or sensors in SG
need a simple discovery protocol such as Simple
Tailoring DDS to Smart Grids for Improved Communication and Control
Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP). On the other
hand, for the components that use fixed servers
and are capable of managing heavy interactions,
static discovery or file-based or server-based dis-
covery mechanisms can be used. It is worth men-
tioning that RTPS allows different implementa-
tions to support multiple discovery protocols (i.e.,
multiple implementations of PDPs and EDPs).
We have described identifying communication re-
quirements for SG and tailoring DDS to SG based on
the identified requirements. Requirements are iden-
tified for the devices involved in the four different
domains of SG. Given the identified requirements,
we suggested tailoring the QoS and discovery mech-
anism of DDS. We described tailoring latency, la-
tency budget, and reliability for QoS and tailoring the
features of providing communication guides and en-
abling multiple discovery strategies for the discovery
For the future work, we plan to investigate how
the tailoring points identified in this work should be
applied to the design specification of DDS. In partic-
ular, we will look into Data Centric Publish/Subscribe
(DCPS) in DDS which is responsible for efficient de-
livery of data between publishers and subscribers. We
also envision to study the data model that fits both
DDS and SG to facilitate interoperability of involved
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SMARTGREENS 2016 - 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems