A New Tool for Textual Aggregation In Information Retrieval
Mustapha Bouakkaz
, Sabine Loudcher
and Youcef Ouinten
LIM Laboratory, University of Laghouat, Laghouat, Algeria
ERIC Laboratory, University of Lyon2, Lyon, France
Aggregation, OLAP , Textual data, Algorithm.
We present in this paper a system for textual aggregation from scientific documents in the online analytical
processing (OLAP) context. The system extracts keywords automatically from a set of documents according
to the lists compiled in the Microsoft Academia Search web site. It gives the user the possibility to choose
their methods of aggregation among the implemented ones. That is TOP-Keywords, TOPIC, TUBE, TAG,
BienCube and GOTA. The performance of the chosen methods, in terms of recall, precision, F-measure and
runtime, is investigated with two real corpora ITINNOVATION and OHSUMED with 600 and 13,000 scientific
articles respectively, other corpora can be integrated to the system by users.
The huge increasing amount of complex data such as
text available in different web sites, e-mails, local net-
works in business company, electronic news and else-
where is overwhelming. This uncontrolled increase
of information in the different fields, makes difficult
to exploit the useful ones from the rest of data. This
situation starts switching the information from useful
to troublesome. The capability of OLAP tools avail-
able especially the text OLAP is not growing in the
same way and the same speed the amount of textual
documents is increasing. This problem is dramati-
cally exacerbated by the big quantity of textual docu-
ments indexed by Search engines every moment. This
makes the task of text OLAP and knowledge extrac-
tion from textual documents very limited and reduces
the competitive advantage we can gain. Recently, a
large number of systems have been developed over
the years to solve this kind of problems and perform
tasks in Information Retrieval; many of these systems
perform specific tasks such as word counter and text
summarization, however they are not in the level to
satisfy the growing need of users to extract the use-
ful information from documents using Text OLAP ap-
In this paper we describe a software platform for
keywords extraction and aggregation in an OLAP
context. The platform implements a new way for ex-
tracting keywords from a corpus of document based
on the Microsoft academia research web site and six
algorithms for keyword aggregation which process
a corpus of textual data to discover aggregated key-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 introduces related works in keywords extrac-
tion and aggregation in OLAP context. Section 3 de-
scribes the main components of the software proto-
type along with their functionalities. Whereas section
4 is devoted to numerical experiments. Finally, Sec-
tion 5 presents conclusions and discusses further de-
Many approaches are proposed for keyword extrac-
tion but only a few for aggregation keywords. On the
other hand, the majority of the existing work is based
on information retrieval, and only some of them are
in the OLAP context, where textual documents are
stored in a data warehouse. In this section we make
an inventory of the existing approaches in OLAP con-
text, which describes a corpus of documents through
the most representative aggregated keywords. There
is a classical classification that includes the super-
vised and unsupervised approaches for keywords ex-
traction, meanwhile in our case we introduce a new
classification for textual extraction and aggregation
approaches proposed in the OLAP context. We clas-
sify the previous works found in the literature into
four categories. The first one uses statistical meth-
Bouakkaz, M., Loudcher, S. and Ouinten, Y.
A New Tool for Textual Aggregation In Information Retrieval.
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016) - Volume 1, pages 232-237
ISBN: 978-989-758-187-8
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ods; the second one is based on linguistic knowledge;
the third one is based on graphs; while the last uses
external knowledge.
The approaches based on statistical methods use
the occurrence frequencies of terms and the correla-
tion between terms to extract the keywords. Hady
et al. (Hady et al., 2007) proposed an approach
called TUBE (Text-cUBE). They adopted a relational
database to textual data based on the cube design,
each cell contains keywords, and they attached to
each keyword an interestingness value. Zhang et
al. (Zhang et al., 2009) proposed an approach called
Topic Cube. The main idea of a Topic Cube is to
use the hierarchical topic tree as the hierarchy for
the text dimension. This structure allows users to
drill-down and roll-up along this tree. users discover
also the content of the text documents in order to
view the different granularities and levels of topics
in the cube. The first level in the tree contains the
detail of topics, the second level contains more gen-
eral types and the last level contains the aggregation
of all topics. A textual measure is needed to aggre-
gate the textual data. The authors proposed two types
of textual measures, word distribution and topic cov-
erage. The topic coverage computes the probability
that a document contains the topic. These measures
allow user to know which topic is dominant in the set
of documents by aggregating the coverage over the
corpus. Ravat et al. (Ravat et al., 2008) proposed
an aggregation function called TOP-Keywords to ag-
gregate keywords extracted from documents. They
used the t f .id f measure, then they selected the first
k most frequent terms. Bringay et al. in (Bringay
et al., 2011) proposed an aggregation function, based
on a new adaptive measure of t f.id f . It takes into
account the hierarchies associated to the dimensions.
Wartena et al. (Wartena and Brussee, 2008) proposed
another method we called TOPIC in which they used
the k-bisecting clustering algorithm and based on the
Jensen-Shannon divergence for the probability dis-
tributions as described in (Archetti and Campanelli,
2006). Their method starts with the selection of two
elements for the two first clusters. are assigned to the
cluster of the closest of the two selected elements.
Once all the terms are assigned, the process will be
repeated for each cluster with a diameter larger than a
specified threshold value. Bouakkz et al. (Bouakkaz
et al., 2015) proposed a textual aggregation based
on keywords. When a user wants to obtain a more
aggregate view of data, he does a roll-up operation
which needs an adapted aggregation function. their
approach entitled GOTA is composed of three main
parts, including: (1) extraction of keywords with their
frequencies; (2) construction of the distance matrix
between words using the Google similarity distance;
(3) applying the k-means algorithm to distribute key-
words according to their distances, and finally (4) se-
lection the k aggregated keywords.
The approaches based on linguistic knowledge
consider a corpus as a set of the vocabulary men-
tioned in the documents; but the results in this case
are sometimes ambiguous. However, to overcome this
obstacle, techniques based on lexical knowledge and
syntactic knowledge previews have been introduced.
In (Poudat et al., 2006; Kohomban and Lee, 2007)
the authors described a classification of textual doc-
uments based on scientific lexical variables of dis-
course. Among these lexical variables, they chose
nouns because they are more likely to emphasize the
scientific concepts, rather than adverbs, verbs or ad-
The approaches based on the use of external
knowledge select certain keywords that represent a
domain. These approaches often use models of
knowledge such as ontology. Ravat et al. proposed an
other aggregation function that takes as input a set of
keywords extracted from documents of a corpus and
that outputs another set of aggregated keywords (Ra-
vat et al., 2007). They assumed that both the ontol-
ogy and the corpus of documents belong to the same
domain. Oukid et al. proposed an aggregation opera-
tor Orank (OLAP rank) that aggregated a set of docu-
ments by ranking them in a descending order using a
vector space representation (Oukid et al., 2013).
The approaches based on graphs use keywords to
construct a keyword graph. The nodes represent the
keywords obtained after pre-processing, candidate se-
lection and edge representation. After the graph rep-
resentation step, different types of keyword ranking
approaches have been applied. The first approach pro-
posed in (Mihalcea and Tarau, 2004) is called Tex-
tRank, where graph nodes are the keywords and edges
represent the co-occurrence relations between key-
words. The idea is that, if a keyword gets link to a
large number of other keywords, this keyword will be
considered as important. Bouakkaz et al. (Bouakkaz
et al., 2014) propose a new method which performs
aggregation of keywords of documents based on the
graph theory. This function produces the main ag-
gregated keywords out of a set of terms representing
a corpus. Their aggregation approach is called TAG
(Textual Aggregation by Graph). It aims at extracting
from a set of terms a set of the most representative
keywords for the corpus of textual document using a
graph. The function takes as input the set of all ex-
tracted terms from a corpus, and outputs an ordered
set, containing the aggregated keywords. The process
of aggregation goes through three steps: (1) Extrac-
A New Tool for Textual Aggregation In Information Retrieval
tion of keywords with their frequencies, (2) Construc-
tion of the affinity matrix and the affinity graph, and
(3) Cycle construction and aggregated keywords se-
The software system developed in this domain
consists of two main components; Text Pre-processor
and Topics Extractor. Text pre-processor, offers learn-
ing and inference functionalities. The learning func-
tionality pre-processes a document collection by ex-
ploiting a stop words list and a general purpose to ob-
tain the word-document matrix according to the bag-
of-words model. The user can choose the number of
words to be used for document indexing. The infer-
ence functionality processes a document to obtain one
of the following bag-of-words representations; binary,
term frequencies and the inverse term document fre-
quency. Topic extractor implements a customized ver-
sion of the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model
(Blei and Andrew, 2003). The solution of the LDA
learning is obtained by using the Expected Maximiza-
tion and the Gibbs Sampling algorithms which have
been implemented in the C++ programming language
on a single processor machine. Each topic is sum-
marized through the estimate of its prior probability,
a sorted list of its most frequent words together with
the estimate of their conditional probabilities. Seman-
is a text analytical tool that offers an API that
performs sentiment analysis and analytic text. Users
can be integrated in the service to quickly yield ac-
tionable data from their unstructured text data, from
review sites, blogs, or other sources. Additionally,
users can download trial version and use Semantria
for Excel, which installs directly into Office Excel to
set up an environment for analyses.
In order to create a suitable environment for the online
analysis of textual data, we intend to propose a new
software which performs aggregation of keywords.
The system described in this paper consists of three
main components; namely Text Pre-processor, Key-
words Extractor and Keywords Aggregator. These
components have been integrated into a software sys-
tem developed with Java programming language.
3.1 Text Pre-processor
This software component implements functionalities
devoted to document pre-processing and document
corpus representation. It offers words counter, and
represents the documents of the corpus as a list of
words with their frequencies (Figure1). Furthermore,
binary and term frequency representations are al-
lowed. The system takes the pdf, Microsoft Word and
txt formats as valid inputs as shown in figure 1.
3.2 Keywords Extractor
This component is for keywords extraction. The key-
word extraction function is based on the Microsoft
Academic Search web site (MAS). MAS is a service
provided by Microsoft to the public and it is free of
charge. MAS classifies scientific articles into fifteen
categories according to their fields. In each category
it extracts the scientific keywords from articles and re-
orders them according to their frequencies. Our key-
words extractor component uses this list of keywords
and takes form each field the 2000 most frequent key-
words, which are saved in separate text files. After
that, Keywords Extractor process starts to compare
MAS keywords with whole words extracted by the
Text Pre-processor component. When a MAS key-
word exists in the list, the extractor component saves
it in a text file with its frequency and the name of the
document in which it occurs.
Once our process is finished, we will get the right
useful keywords validated by MAS. The output of this
component is a two fold Matrix of document and key-
words (MDKW). which is used by the third compo-
nent to aggregate keywords.
3.3 Keywords Aggregation
The keywords aggregation component uses a set
of textual aggregation algorithms TOP-Keywords,
TOPIC, TUBE, TAG, BienCube and GOTA to aggre-
gate keywords obtained in the previous step. it also
produces the recall, precision, F-measure and the run
time for each algorithm.
3.4 Graphical User Interface
The graphical user interface (GUI) is a necessary el-
ement in our system (OLAP-TAS) we take into con-
sideration the ergonomical aspect to add an interac-
tivity between the user and the machine when using
our platform. The aim of the graphical user interface
is to give the user a simple access to OLAP-TAS al-
gorithms by a number of windows that help him to
navigate in the system and test the different imple-
mented algorithms without any need of previous Java
programming experience or knowledge.
It is also helpful to assist students and researchers
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: System architecture.
to do their scientific works and research experiments
in a visual platform. It is obvious that the use of an
interactive tool facilitates understanding and makes
learning more beneficial task for many learners.
The GUI consists of two components: the first
one is devoted to the preprocessing and keywords
extraction and the second one is for Keywords ag-
gregation. The Text Pre-processor and Keywords
extraction components allow the user to create the
Documents x keywords matrix based on Microsoft
Academic Search web site (MAS) as shown in Fig-
ure 2. This interface gives users different possibil-
ities to choose and configure the different parame-
ters such as T hreshold level and select the type of
corpus (computer science, medicine, chemistry or all
field of study). For the second interface which is de-
voted for Keywords Aggregation, it allows the user 1-
to run, tests and compare the results obtained by the
different implemented algorithms. 2- to visualize the
aggregated keywords obtained by the different key-
words aggregation approaches. 3- to compute differ-
ent statistics for different approaches such as recall,
precision, F-measure and run time, and save the dif-
ferent obtained results in various format .xls, .txt or
.doc . 4- to change the corpus and run the Text Pre-
Figure 2: The Text Pre-processor and Keywords Extraction
component interface.
Figure 3: Keywords Aggregation component interface.
processor besides Keywords extraction components
to load an other Documents x keywords Matrix, as
shown in Figure 3.
4.1 Test and Results
In this subsection, we present an example to show
how OLAP-TAS has been used. We compiled two
real corpora, the first is from the IIT conference
(conference and workshop papers) from the years
2008 to 2012. It consists of 600 papers ranging from
7 to 8 pages in IEEE format, including tables and fig-
ures. The keywords are extracted from the full words
according to the Microsoft Academia Search
words. The second corpus is used by many authors
to test their works such as (Sebastiani, 2002) (Mos-
chitti, 2003) (Moschitti and Basili, 2004), this cor-
pus is called Ohsumed collection
, it includes medi-
cal abstracts from the MeSH (Medical Subject Head-
, it contains 20,000 documents. In our case we
selected 13,000 medical abstracts to test the perfor-
mance of the implemented algorithm in our OLAP-
TAS. For the evaluation task, many types of measures
A New Tool for Textual Aggregation In Information Retrieval
have been proposed to evaluate keywords aggregation
approaches, the majority of them insist on three mea-
sures, which are known as recall, precision, and F-
measure. these measures are defined as fallows: The
recall is the ratio of the number of documents to the
total number of retrieved documents.
Recall =
| {RelevantDoc} {RetrievedDoc} |
| {RelevantDoc} |
The precision is the ratio of the number of rele-
vant documents to the total number of retrieved docu-
Precision =
| {RelevantDoc} {RetrievedDoc} |
| {RetrievedDoc} |
The F-measure or balanced F-score, which com-
bines precision and recall, is the harmonic mean of
precision and recall.
To show the kind of results and statistics obtained
by OLAP-TAS after the execution, we take the first
corpus as an example to illustrate the different graphs
obtained for different algorithms in Figures 4, 5, 6 and
Figure 4: Comparaison of the Recall.
Figure 5: Comparaison of the Precision.
4.2 Uses of OLAP-TAS
In this section we will illustrate the use of the devel-
oped tool in both education and research.
Figure 6: Comparaison of the F-measur.
Figure 7: Comparaison of the Runtime.
Education: OLAP-TAS is a visual tool that instruc-
tors can use to help their students understand the ba-
sic concepts and the algorithms they face during their
study. For example, it can be used to teach the stu-
dents how the k-bisecting clustering algorithm based
on the Jensen-Shannon divergence for the probabil-
ity distribution works (Wartena and Brussee, 2008).
As well as the T F IDF and their variation in Top-
keyword (Ravat et al., 2008) and Biencube (Bringay
et al., 2011). It can also help students to understand
how to use graphs for textual by the selection of cycles
in TAG (Bouakkaz et al., 2014) and the use of Google
similarity distance (Cilibrasi and Vitanyi, 2007). In
addition it shows the students how the recall, preci-
sion and F-measure change their values according to
number of aggregated keywords k introduced by the
user. Instructors may ask their students to do experi-
ments with a real corpus using OLAP-TAS, write ap-
plications that use the Java classes, extend an existing
approaches, or contribute in implementing a new al-
gorithm to integrate in OLAP-TAS.
Research: OLAP-TAS contains implementations for
several algorithms and approaches that solve common
problems, such as textual aggregation in an OLAP
context. It also comes with two corpora and annotated
datasets. The implementation of other algorithms as
well as other corpora, can be integrated into the plat-
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
form. This makes it a good resource for researchers to
build systems and conduct experiments. OLAP-TAS
was successfully used in several research projects as
shown in (Bouakkaz et al., 2014).
In this paper a system for textual aggregation in text
OLAP (OLAP-TAS) has been described. The soft-
ware assists the user to discover the main aggregated
keywords that best represent in a document collection.
It is important to note that each approach is coded in a
separate Java class to allow users to extend it or export
it to another system. The use of OLAP-TAS reduces
the amount of repeated code; it simplifies common
tasks, and provides a graphical interface for textual
aggregation approaches without requiring the knowl-
edge in Java programming language.
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A New Tool for Textual Aggregation In Information Retrieval