Towards Intelligent Data Analysis: The Metadata Challenge
Besim Bilalli
, Alberto Abell´o
, Tom`as Aluja-Banet
and Robert Wrembel
Universitat Polit´ecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland
Metadata, Data Mining, Big Data Analytics.
Once analyzed correctly, data can yield substantial benefits. The process of analyzing the data and transform-
ing it into knowledge is known as Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD). The plethora and subtleties of
algorithms in the different steps of KDD, render it challenging. An effective user support is of crucial impor-
tance, even more now, when the analysis is performed on Big Data. Metadata is the necessary component to
drive the user support. In this paper we study the metadata required to provide user support on every stage
of the KDD process. We show that intelligent systems addressing the problem of user assistance in KDD are
incomplete in this regard. They do not use the whole potential of metadata to enable assistance during the
whole process. We present a comprehensive classification of all the metadata required to provide user support.
Furthermore, we present our implementation of a metadata repository for storing and managing this metadata
and explain its benefits in a real Big Data analytics project.
Our capability of gathering data has developed to the
highest extents, whereas the ability to analyze it, lags
far behind. Storing huge volumes of data is worth the
effort only if we are able to transform data into knowl-
edge. The process of transforming data into knowl-
edge is known as Knowledge Discovery in Databases
(KDD) and consists of the following steps: data se-
lection, data pre-processing, data mining and evalua-
tion or interpretation (Fayyad et al., 1996).
The need for knowledge discovery is rising
tremendously. This is more noticeable nowadays
thanks to the low-cost, distributed data storage and
processing platforms (e.g., Hadoop). They allow stor-
ing and processing huge datasets on large clusters of
commodity hardware. A Data Lake, for instance, is
an important component of the data analytics pipeline
in the world of Big Data. The idea is to have a single
store of all the raw data (e.g., structured and unstruc-
tured) that anyone in an organization might need to
analyze. However, the relevant data over which the
analysis is going to be performed needs to be selected
from the whole range of the available data. As the
selection of data affects the results of the analysis,
data needs to be thoroughly tracked in order to jus-
tify the results (e.g., lineage). The representation and
the quality of data also affect the analysis. Raw data
is often irrelevant, redundant, and incomplete and re-
quires pre-processing. It is commonly known that 50-
80% of data analysis time is spent on pre-processing.
Once the data is pre-processed, there comes the diffi-
cult task of selecting the most adequate mining algo-
rithm for a given problem. Many different algorithms
are availableand their performancecan vary consider-
ably. After data mining, the evaluation/interpretation
step follows. The generated models need to be in-
terpreted and/or evaluated to be understood by the
user. All in all, the above mentioned steps indicate
that KDD in general is an inherently challenging task.
Therefore, users need to be thoroughly supported.
A lot of research has been done in this regard
and systems that aim at providing user assistance
have been developed. These systems are referred to
as Intelligent Discovery Assistants (IDAs) (Bernstein
et al., 2005). The driving factor for the user assistance
is the metadata they consider. Yet, there is no agree-
ment on which kinds of metadata need to be gath-
ered and stored in order to provide user assistance.
In this paper we tackle the problem by studying the
types and roles of metadata. We observe that the meta
knowledge considered in IDAs is not complete (e.g.,
domain knowledge and lineage is missing). Hence,
we provide a classification of the metadata needed to
support the whole process and discuss the implemen-
tation of our metadata repository.
Contributions. In particular, our main contributions
are as follows.
Bilalli, B., Abelló, A., Aluja-Banet, T. and Wrembel, R.
Towards Intelligent Data Analysis: The Metadata Challenge.
DOI: 10.5220/0005876203310338
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data (IoTBD 2016), pages 331-338
ISBN: 978-989-758-183-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
We identify and extend the metadata required for
providing user support for the whole process of
KDD including the very first step of data selection
and we provide a classification of this metadata.
We implement a metadata repository with the aim
of storing and managing the metadata discovered
and show its benefits in a real case scenario.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 discusses the related work. Section 3 presents
an analysis of IDAs and briefly discusses the differ-
ences between different categories of these systems.
Section 4 studies the metadata required for providing
user support and shows examples of systems using the
respective metadata. Section 5 contributes a classifi-
cation of the metadata needed to support the whole
process of KDD. Section 6 shortly presents the imple-
mentation of our metadata repository and its benefits
in a real Big Data analytics project. Finally, Section 7
concludes the paper.
In (Foshay et al., 2007), a taxonomy of the end-user
metadata with respect to data warehousing is given.
This taxonomy is further extended in (Varga et al.,
2014), where a metadata framework is provided to
support the user assistance activities in the context
of next generation BI systems. It provides a techni-
cal classification of the metadata artifacts required to
enable user assistance in retrieving and exploring the
data. The focus is on automating certain user related
tasks with respect to queries (e.g., query recommen-
dation). Whereas, we are studying and classifying
metadata with the emphasis on how it can help the
user during the different steps of KDD.
Another work that can be seen as closely related to
us is (Serban et al., 2013). The authors provide a com-
prehensive survey of the systems that make extensive
use of metadata to make the automation of knowledge
discovery possible. The emphasis is put on explain-
ing the architectures of the systems rather than on a
comprehensive classification of metadata.
Finally, Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM,
2003) provides the necessary abstractions to model
generic representations of data mining models, how-
ever, the metadata considered does not cover the
whole range of KDD steps. It is mainly focused on the
metadata for the data mining step. Furthermore, the
metadata is considered from the perspective of data
interchange, which is how different systems can share
and understand metadata with regard to data mining.
The KDD process is challenging for novice users. As
already stated in Section 1, the most prominent works
done in terms of providing helpful assistance to the
users are through IDAs. In order to complete our
study on the metadata needed for the user support we
have to know how and to what extent this metadata is
used by different IDAs. Depending on the core tech-
niques and metadata used, IDAs can be divided into 5
broad categories (Serban et al., 2013), namely: expert
systems, meta-learning systems, case-based reason-
ing systems, planning-based data analysis systems,
workflow composition environments.
Expert systems (ES) are the earliest and the simplest
systems to provide help to the user during the data
mining phase. Their main component is a knowledge
base consisting of expert rules, which determine the
mining algorithm to be used. Questions are posed to
the user about a given problem and the metadata pro-
vided as response is used by the system in order to
assess which rule is appropriate.
Meta-learning systems (MLS) are more advanced.
The rules that were statically defined by the experts in
the previous category are dynamically learned here.
MLSs try to discover the relationship between mea-
surable features of the dataset and the performance
of different algorithms, which is a standard learning
problem. The learned model can then be used to pre-
dict the most suitable algorithm for a given dataset.
The idea behind case-based reasoning systems (CBR)
is to store the successfully applied workflows as
cases, in a case base, with the only goal of reusing
them in the future. When faced with a new problem
(i.e., dataset) provided by the user, these systems re-
turn k previous cases from the case base according to
the level of similarity with the new problem. The se-
lected workflow can then be adapted to properly fit
and solve the new problem. Their disadvantage, as in
MLSs, is that they can provide structured help only if
a new problem is similar to the problems seen so far.
Planning-based data analysis systems (PDAS) are
able to autonomously design valid workflows without
relying on the similarity between different problems.
In order to do this, the workflow composition prob-
lem is seen as a planning problem, where a plan is
built by combining operators that transform the ini-
tial problem into accurate models or predictions. In
order to construct valid workflows, the input, output,
preconditions, and effects of each operator need to be
known. Once the conditions are met, operators are
composed to form valid but not necessarily optimal
workflows, which at a later stage are ranked.
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
Workflow composition environments (WCE) do not
provide automatic support for data analysis, but facil-
itate the use of different data mining algorithms pro-
viding nice graphical environments for quick work-
flow design and execution.
In this section, we analyze what can be achieved by
collecting metadata and what kinds of metadata can
be collected in a KDD environment.
4.1 The Role of Metadata
The generation and management of metadata can de-
termine the type of support offered. We differentiate
among the following.
Single-step Support. It is an indication of the
complexity of the advice offered. The single step for
which some kind of user support or even automation
is provided is usually the data mining step of the
KDD process.
Multi-step Support. Similarly, it indicates the
complexity of the advice offered. Metadata can be
used to extend the support to several steps of KDD.
Variable Selection Support. It indicates whether a
system provides user support in the very first phase
of a KDD process. It is of crucial importance when
an analysis of raw data needs to be done (e.g., in
a Big Data environment). Raw data in this context
refers to data that is not offered in a form of a dataset
but, it is stored in its original format. Hence, prior to
analysis, the data of interest needs to be selected and
integrated into a unique dataset.
Explanations. It is easier for the user to design
workflows when explanations are present. Expla-
nations can be on operators for facilitating a design
process as well as on results to help the user interpret
them. This can be done by, for instance, giving useful
instructions about statistical concepts.
Reuse of Past Experience. Metadata can increase
reliability by enabling the reuse of workflows. The
reuse of successful cases speeds up the process
considerably. It allows to build on prior work and
facilitates deeper analysis. It can enable truly collab-
orative knowledge discovery.
Automatic Workflow Generation. Metadata can
drive the automatic composition and execution of the
pre-processing and mining steps. This is the most
advanced type of user support but at the same time
the most challenging one.
Business Understanding. Metadata can provide in-
formation about the meaning of the data, the termi-
nology and business concepts and their relationships
to the data. Metadata can provide information about
the source of the data (provenance) and the path fol-
lowed from a source to the current site (lineage).
4.2 Types of Metadata
The main objects participating in a KDD process in-
clude: (1) a dataset that needs to be analyzed, (2) op-
erators used for pre-processing, and mining, as well
as (3) workflows, which are combinations of operators
with data in the form of directed acyclic graphs. In or-
der to effectively support the user during the analysis,
metadata should be stored for every aforementioned
object. In addition, metadata that can boost the user
support and which were not considered in this context
are (4) domain knowledge used to store information
for the concrete domain of data and (5) lineage meta-
data, relevant to justify the results of an analysis.
Metadata on the Input Dataset. The idea of charac-
terizing a dataset has been researched from the early
inception of meta learning. A dataset that needs to be
analyzed - containing all the attributes that are rele-
vant to the problem at hand - is assumed to be selected
in advance and is generally described by the following
groups of characteristics:
General Measures: include general information
related to the dataset at hand. To a certain extent
they are conceived to measure the complexity of
the underlying problem. Some of them are: the
number of instances, number of attributes, dataset
dimensionality, ratio of missing values, etc.
Statistical and Information-theoretic Measures:
describe attribute statistics and class distributions
of a dataset sample. They include different sum-
mary statistics per attribute like mean, standard
deviation, etc.
However, if the problem to be solved is a prediction
problem, then, a variable (or more) is defined to be a
response variable. Once the response is defined, fur-
ther metadata measuring the association between the
remaining (input) variables and the response(s) (out-
put) can be used to describe the dataset. Hence, we
can additionally have the following groups of dataset
Geometrical and Topological Measures: this
group tries to capture geometrical and topologi-
cal complexity of class boundaries (Ho and Basu,
2002). It includes non-linearity, volume of over-
lap region, max. Fishers discriminant ratio, frac-
tion of instance on class boundary, ratio of avg.
intra/inter class nearest neighbour distance, etc.
Towards Intelligent Data Analysis: The Metadata Challenge
Landmarking and Model-based Measures: this
group is related to measures asserted with fast ma-
chine learning algorithms, so called landmarkers,
and its derivative based on the learned models. It
includes error rates and pairwise 1 p values ob-
tained by landmarkers such as 1NN or Decision-
Stump as well as histogram weights learned by
Relief or Support Vector Machines (SVM).
Metadata on Operators. They are typically ex-
pressed in the form of semantic information (e.g., on-
tology). By operators we mean all the different ele-
ments that can operate on a dataset. These include:
(1) different transformation methods like normaliza-
tion, discretization, etc., which are considered to be
pre-processing operators and (2) different kinds of
learning algorithms like decision trees, support vector
machines, etc., which are considered to be data min-
ing operators. Metadata on operators can be internal
or external (Serban et al., 2013). External metadata
treat an operator as a black-box, which means they
only consider metadata with regard to the Input, Out-
put, and some other properties like Preconditions and
Effects (IOPE). Internal metadata tear up the box by
considering metadata linked to an operator’s internal
structure (e.g., parameters or model type) or perfor-
mance (e.g., speed, accuracy, model complexity).
Metadata on Workflows. The previously mentioned
metadata are what systems need in order to pro-
vide assistance in terms of constructing valid work-
flows (e.g., all preconditions or input constraints of
algorithms are met). However, the generated work-
flows may not necessarily be optimal. Moreover, the
number of generated workflows can reach thousands,
given the vast number of available data mining oper-
ators (e.g., Rapidminer, Weka). Thus, there needs to
be a way of ranking the workflows. One way to do
this is to keep track of metadata about workflows. In
the eIDA system for instance, in order to character-
ize workflows, they follow a process mining-like ap-
proach. They extract generalized, relational, frequent
patterns over the tree representations of the workflows
(Kalousis et al., 2014).
Domain Knowledge. The effectiveness and need for
domain knowledge in knowledge discovery has been
confirmed in past research efforts. It is recognized by
(Ioannis Kopanas and Daskalaki, 2002) that there is
a role for domain knowledge in all stages of a KDD
process. They demonstrate through examples how the
domain expert is needed to (1) help define the prob-
lem by, e.g., giving business rules on what a failed
transaction is or what is considered a problematic cus-
tomer (2) assist in the creation of the target dataset
by, e.g., defining the structure of the data and the se-
mantic value of the data attribute values. However, in
order to make use of it, domain knowledge should be
represented by models that computers can understand.
Ontologies are some of the successful knowledge en-
gineering advances that can be used to build and use
domain knowledge in a formal way. An ontology is
an explicit specification of a conceptualization. Nor-
mally, it is developed to specify a particular domain
(e.g., genetics). Such an ontology, often known as a
domain ontology, formally specifies the concepts and
relationships in that domain. Note that domain knowl-
edge is not used by IDAs in the literature.
Lineage Metadata. The KDD process can benefit
from lineage metadata. Lineage metadata is com-
posed of steps used to derive a particular dataset. It
can be thought of as a recipe for creating data. The
quality of the data for the users analysis can be eval-
uated through the lineage of the dataset. Data quality
of the source is important because errors introduced
tend to inflate as the data propagates. This issue is
even more critical when using raw data available in
data lakes. The level of detail included in the lineage
determines the extent to which the quality of the data
can be assessed. If semantic knowledge of the pedi-
gree is available, it is possible to automatically evalu-
ate it based on quality metrics (Simmhan et al., 2005).
All in all, this metadata can be used to understand and
justify the results obtained during the analysis. This
kind of metadata is also not considered in IDAs.
4.3 Comparison of Metadata on IDAs
In Table 1, we show types of metadata used by IDAs
and types of provided support. For each cell in the
table we put sign ’+’ if the system supports the par-
ticular concept described in the column and sign ’-’
if not. From the given table, we identify that many
support limitations can be explained with the lack of
proper metadata. Moreover, note that systems do not
deal with the problem of variable selection (e.g., in
a big data environment, provide support in terms of
which variables are important to select for the analysis
and combine them into a unique dataset) and none of
the systems provides support in terms of business un-
derstanding. These limitations are due to the lack of
appropriate metadata. We believe that domain knowl-
edge and lineage metadata will improve the systems
in this regard.
- ES and MLS do not use external metadata on oper-
ators (e.g., IOPE), therefore are not able to construct
entire workflows.
- MLS and CBR use huge number of input meta-
data but they do not provide support for automatically
combining multiple steps.
- PDAS generate automatic workflows but they start
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
Table 1: Type and role of metadata in IDAs.
Metadata Type Metadata Role
Domain Know.
Single step supp.
Multistep supp.
Variable selection
Business underst.
Int. Ext.
ES SPRINGEX (Raes, 1992) + - - - - - + - - + - - -
MLT Consultant (Sleeman et al., 1995) + + - - - - + - - + - - -
MLS DMA (Giraud-Carrier, 2005) + + - - - - + - - - - - -
NOEMON (Kalousis and Hilario, 2001) + + - - - - + - - - - - -
CBR CITRUS (Engels, 1996) + + - + - - - + - + + + -
AST (Lindner and Studer, 1999) + + - - - - + - - - + + -
MiningMart (Morik and Scholz, 2002) + + - - - - - - - - + - -
PDAS RDM (Z´akov´a et al., 2011) + + + + - - - + - - - - -
KDDVM (Diamantini et al., 2009) + + + + - - - + - - - + -
eIDA (Kietz et al., 2014) + + + + - - + + - - + + -
WCE IBM SPSS Modeler + - + - - - - - - + - - -
SAS Enterprise Miner + - + - - - - - - + - - -
RapidMiner + - + - - - - - - + - - -
Weka + - + - - - - - - + - - -
from scratch every time. They do not make use of the
experience from previous data analysis.
- WCEs allow to construct workflows but they do not
provide much guidance.
The analysis in Section 4 showed that IDAs rely heav-
ily on metadata in order to provide user support. In
order to classify the identified metadata, we decided
to extend the classification provided in (Foshay et al.,
2007) and later extended in (Varga et al., 2014). Our
classification can now capture the whole range of
metadata required for the KDD process.
The classification tree is given in Figure 1. Note
that the shaded shapes belong to the original classi-
fication that consists of the following metadata cate-
gories: Definitional, Data quality, Navigational, Lin-
eage, and Ratings. Each category contains its respec-
tive metadata artifacts again denoted as shaded shapes
in the figure. Nevertheless, in order to attach the re-
quired metadata artifacts, change and extension of the
taxonomy was required, note the non shaded shapes.
The imposed changes are the following: Definitional
category is extended with a Domain Knowledge sub-
category which is going to cover metadata related to
the domain, Data quality is renamed to Data charac-
teristics in order to better reflect the meaning of the
participating artifacts. An additional category named
Activity characteristics is added to capture active ob-
jects (e.g., operators) in a knowledge discovery pro-
cess. An additional category Assessment is added
with the aim of capturing the metadata artifacts with
respect to the output of the knowledge discovery pro-
cess. Next, the Lineage category is extended with
three metadata artifacts discussed below. Moreover,
additional artifacts belonging to different categories
are further added.
For the purpose of our classification we clearly define
all the categories and respective metadata artifacts be-
low. Note however, that metadata artifacts that belong
to (Foshay et al., 2007; Varga et al., 2014) are not dis-
cussed extensively. The interested reader is referred
to those papers for further information.
The definitional category contains metadata that
conveys the meaning of the data to the user or the
system. From the original taxonomy in this category
there are the integration schema, user characteristics
and a vocabulary of business terminology. We extend
the definitional category with the domain knowledge
subcategory which is going to contain different meta-
data with regard to the domain. The idea is to enable a
knowledge-rich data analysis. However, the goal of a
knowledge-rich data analysis is not to provide a priori
all the knowledge that might be required but to sup-
port a feedback loop by which a small amount of ini-
tial knowledge can be bootstrapped into more knowl-
edge by mining, which can in turn be complemented
by more human-supplied knowledge to allow further
mining, etc. Hence, under the domain knowledge we
Towards Intelligent Data Analysis: The Metadata Challenge
Info. Theoretic
Query log
Data mining
Category Artifact
User related
User and
system related
System related
[Fosh y et al.]a
[Varga et al.]
Figure 1: Metadata classification.
place the vocabulary artifact from the original classi-
fication, this can be replaced or can easily represent
the domain ontology discussed in Section 4.2. Fur-
thermore, we add expert rules as metadata which can
represent the expert knowledge for the domain.
Data Characteristics consists of artifacts that con-
vey information about the characteristics of data that
are of crucial importance to a knowledge discovery
process. They advice the system about the complete-
ness or even validity of data. Metadata artifacts in this
category are those detected in the analysis in Section
The navigational category comes from the original
classification and keeps track of how the user explores
and navigates through data. The metadata artifacts
considered under this category can be useful for en-
abling user support in a data selection phase prior
to data mining (e.g., suggesting the user relevant at-
tributes using past experience). Metadata artifacts are:
query, query log, and sessions.
The activity characteristics category consists of meta-
data artifacts whose expressiveness determines the
degree of automation that can be achieved in the pro-
cess of knowledge discovery. These are the most im-
portant metadata required in a KDD process. Note
that these kind of metadata were not considered in the
previous classifications. There are two main metadata
artifacts considered here, namely metadata on opera-
tors and metadata on workflows (see Section 4.2).
Lineage consists of artifacts that model resources
(e.g., data-sets) as artifacts, processes (e.g., actions
or series of actions performed in artifacts or caused
by artifacts, and resulting in new artifacts) and agents
(e.g., contextual entities acting as catalysts of a pro-
cess, enabling, facilitating, controlling, or affecting
its execution) (Moreau et al., 2011). The aim of lin-
eage metadata is to capture the causal dependencies
between the artifacts, processes, and agents.
The Ratings category comes from the original taxon-
omy and it contains metadata such as user preferences
and usage statistics. However, note that the prefer-
ences artifact is important with regard to knowledge
discovery as well. It can store different user goals,
which can be used by the system to design work-
flows optimizing some performance measure associ-
ated with the user goal. Finally, statistics relates to the
data usage indicators. It can keep evidence of which
data are explored more.
The Assessment category consists of metadata arti-
facts with regard to the output of a knowledge dis-
covery process. They can be used to assess how good
are the generated DM workflows. This is defined by
the correctness in execution and its performance with
respect to evaluation criteria, such as accuracy and
speed. These metadata can be used to list the best
performing workflow or rank all of the constructed
After having identified the metadata required, we turn
on discussing how these metadata can be stored and
The best way to store metadata is to store them in
a metadata repository. However, usually metadata re-
main hidden in scripts and programs, without being
further reused. This is also what we realized is hap-
pening in practice in a project we are developing with
a multinational company located in Barcelona
IoTBD 2016 - International Conference on Internet of Things and Big Data
Passive Operator
FeatureReport DataSetMiningModel
DataSource SourceAttribute
DomainConceptDomainOntology Evidence
Figure 2: Conceptual schema of the metadata repository.
Semantic Metadata
Selection of Variables Recommended transformations
Apply selected transformations
Obtained matrix
Data Lake
Figure 3: High level view of the proposed system.
The project aims at improving the current state of
the data analytics process in the company. The idea
is to allow data analysts to easily select relevant vari-
ables for their analysis and assist them during the data
pre-processing and mining. The company stores the
variables or the data in a raw format in a Data Lake
in a Hadoop ecosystem. In order to allow an easy
selection of variables and provide user support dur-
ing the pre-processing phase (e.g., recommend pre-
processing operations particularly suited for the do-
main) we created a semantic repository with the aim
of storing all the necessary metadata. The variables in
the Data Lake and their respective characteristics will
be mapped to corresponding concepts in the reposi-
tory. In addition, different possible transformations
(pre-processing operations; domain knowledge) will
be described in the repository and they will be linked
to corresponding concepts. The user will be able to
easily access the variables through the graphical inter-
face which is going to be fed by the repository. After
selecting the variables (e.g., their corresponding con-
cepts) of interest proper transformations will be rec-
ommended. The information of which pre-processing
will be applied to a given variable will be deduced
from the metadata repository. Hence, not everybody
in the need of analyzing the data will have to be an
expert of the domain, as happened to be the case pre-
viously in the company. Domain specific knowledge
will be added once to the repository, and will be used
automatically (repeatedly) by everyone wishing to an-
alyze the data. A high level architecture of the system
proposed for the project is shown in Figure 3.
The software components accessing the repository
will be ”bound to the given metadata structure which
is conceptually described by a schema shown in Fig-
ure 2. The comprehensive schema proposed in this
paper proves to be useful in the project.
The schema can be logically divided into three
main parts. The first keeps track of the domain knowl-
edge, the second manages information with regard to
passive elements, and they fall under the IOObject
class, and the third manages information with regard
to active elements and they fall under the Operator
Implementation. We used Resource Description
Framework (RDF) as a data model for storing the
Towards Intelligent Data Analysis: The Metadata Challenge
metadata. In RDF, statements about resources can be
made in the form subject-predicate-objectexpressions
and they are called triples. Hence, our repository is
defined as a triple store, where we used OpenLink
Virtuoso as a storage engine. The repository is pro-
vided as a Web Service and an application for meta-
data management is built on top of it. JavaServer
Pages (JSP), Asynchronous JavaScript (AJAX) and
XML are used to implement the application and the
graphical user interface.
The process of knowledge discovery is challenging.
Data relevant to the analysis needs to be selected, pre-
processed, mined and finally evaluated. Beginners are
alarmed by the myriad of operators and more experi-
enced users limit their activity to several known ap-
proaches. A thorough user assistance is necessary.
Therefore, systems with the aim of assisting the user
during this process are built. We studied these sys-
tems with the goal of identifying the metadata used to
enable the assistance. Hence, we identified the meta-
data used to provide user support during the KDD
process. We found out that important metadata such
as domain knowledge and lineage which can make
the life of a data analyst easy, have not been con-
sidered. We provided a classification of the meta-
data found. We proposed a comprehensive metadata
framework that captures the complete range of meta-
data needed to assist the user during the whole process
of KDD. We showed the importance of such metadata
in a real project by implementing a metadata reposi-
tory to store and manage the whole range of metadata.
In our future work, we are planning to extend the
domain knowledge incorporated into the repository
and we are planning to develop tools for exploiting
the metadata. We are going to test different ways of
reasoning on top of the metadata. Moreover, we will
be exploring the idea of incorporating meta learning
into the whole picture.
This research has been funded by the European Com-
mission through the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate
“Information Technologies for Business Intelligence -
Doctoral College” (IT4BI-DC).
Bernstein, A., Provost, F. J., and Hill, S. (2005). Toward
intelligent assistance for a data mining process: An
ontology-based approach for cost-sensitive classifica-
tion. IEEE TKDE, 17(4).
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