Interactions in Service Provisioning Systems for Smart City Mobility
Michael Strasser
, Nico Weiner
and Sahin Albayrak
Bosch Software Innovations GmbH, Sch
oneberger Ufer 89, 10785 Berlin, Germany
DAI Laboratory, Technical University of Berlin, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, 10587 Berlin, Germany
Service Provisioning, Service Roaming, Business Actions, Business Action Theory, Smart City, Service
In times of smart city and internet of things and services a lot of data is produced. However, there is no
benefit in collecting the data without processing it. Smart services are one possibility to enable data access
for data processing. Smart services have attracted research along their domain and requirements, benefits
for the common as well as possible business models are developed. This work addresses the way how service
consumers and service operators conduct business in an open B2B service marketplace. The paper presents and
discusses phases of a business relationship in an digital service environment as well as discusses the business
actions’ sequence. A role-action framework for service provisioning systems is developed. It contributes
to a better understanding of service provision systems and demonstrates of what processes it constitutes. It
furthermore presents what needs to be done by the systems’ participants to offer or consume services.
(Balakrishna, 2012) points out that the Internet is
developing towards a fully connected system which
connects things, objects and everything else which is
worth connecting. He forecasts that such intercon-
nectivity enables smart services to achieve the final
goal of revolutionizing the interactions between peo-
ple and their environment. Smart services process
data in an intelligent way to increase economic and
social life. Therefore an appropriate infrastructure
equipped with sensors is required. However, accord-
ing to (Monzon, 2015), the infrastructure does not
make a city smart at all, but are prerequisite. Balakr-
ishna has identified that it is the combination of well
equipped infrastructure and appropriate applications
and services which makes a city a smart city. (Nam
and Pardo, 2011) add the cooperation of the parties
involved to the smart city equation. That applications
and services are designed to surpass domain and sys-
tem boundaries to access data for intelligent process-
ing. In conclusion, if sensor data is not accessible
and or not processed intelligently, a city will not be-
come smart. Research has shown that the status quo
for services is that i) services are currently available as
distributed, isolated and proprietary implementations
using different interfaces and protocols to access and
process specific data and ii) systems host special do-
main data but the number of smart services to process
that data by surpassing system and domain bound-
aries is low. A smart city solution provider (who
is a service consumer (SC) in the later marketplace
context) is currently forced to connect all those ser-
vice providers’ (which is the original service provider
(SP) in the later marketplace context) services which
deliver the required data or functionality. Each new
connected service can have a negative impact on the
solution’s complexity due to i) new service resources
require additional management and interface imple-
mentation, ii) more service invocations, iii) protocol
adaption if a different protocol is used and iv) compre-
hensive response aggregation. All this causes a lot of
effort and, according to Pfeiffer2014, leads to a com-
plicated network of bilateral agreements and links.
Having introduced the problem of smart service
provisioning, the rest of the paper is organized as fol-
low. Section 2 shortly introduces several service pro-
visioning approach currently discussed in academics.
Section 3 introduces the developed electronic service
marketplace (ESM) and presents an overview of its
characteristics. The contribution of this work is pre-
sented in Section 4 where the identified interactions
among the roles are discussed. An expansion towards
Strasser, M., Weiner, N. and Albayrak, S.
Interactions in Service Provisioning Systems for Smart City Mobility Services.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2016) - Volume 1, pages 261-266
ISBN: 978-989-758-182-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
interconnected marketplaces and the applicability of
the elaborated model is presented in Section 5. The
paper end with an conclusion in Section 6.
Open Data Platform
One possible approach for smart service provisioning
for the mobility domain is presented by Tcholtchev
et al. who suggest an Open Data Platform (ODP).
This ODP consists of various servers which store all
kind of mobility related data. The data is provided
by the data owner who are the service providers. The
data is synchronized between all servers and an end-
customer request is answered by one of them. The
proposed ODP is not only Business to Business B2B)
but also Business to Customer (B2C) as end users
communicate with the ODP directly. The ODP offers
information alike a dashboard.
Cloud of Things
A Cloud of Things (CoT) is a similar approach to
the ODP and is proposed by (Yonezawa et al., 2015).
Their user-centric approach is able to manage and
store services along with their data. Due to a devel-
opment tool everybody is able to develop and share
a service. The COP holds all data and therefore the
power of what is done with it.
Open Service Platform
The Open Service Platform (OSP) approach suggests
to move all responsibility to the OSP. The OSP hosts
all services and their data. The OSP does also process
the service capabilities and stays in contact with the
end user (B2C). Participants give off their complete
business and their knowledge to the platform. Similar
approaches of an OSP is proposed by (Buchinger
et al., 2013; Masuch et al., 2013; Beutel et al., 2014).
What we envision is an environment of equal entities
and not one big system that is in the position to over-
rule its participants and to size the complete power. A
system or network of equals is desired which enables
them to conduct business. The business should con-
firm to well defined commercial actions and interac-
tions. Interactions have to follow a defined sequence
and the actions conducted have to be mapped to a spe-
cific role. Contracts need to be in place to manage the
roles responsibilities and the trade services.
Service Provisioning Marketplace
A service marketplace provides is an environment for
service providers and consumer to trade services. A
prerequisite for membership is a validation of each
participant. The provider offers and the consumer
consumers service capabilities. A service provider
publishes a service description (e.g. its capabilities
and conditions) to the marketplaces but keeps the ser-
vice and the data himself. This is different to the in-
troduced approaches of Section 2. The marketplace
stores data which was processed within its system. It
furthermore keeps a digital representation of the busi-
ness contract which indicates that two participants
have established a business relationship.
Service Roaming
Service roaming means service request roaming (also
known as routing). A service request triggered by an
end-user and received by a service provider is for-
warded via a marketplace to all contracted service
consumers. That is necessary because the service ex-
ecution is done by the service provider and thus out-
side marketplace system boundaries. This ensures
that each role keeps its responsibilities and the mar-
ketplace acts as a neutral intermediary or broker. This
is different from the approaches given in Section 2.
Smart Services in Marketplaces
Services exist in various areas, for example the public
and private transport domain, the smart grid, smart
home and smart city domain as well as in the au-
tonomous driving and intermodal routing domain.
The introduced electronic service marketplace (ESM)
is designed as an open marketplace. Open implies that
the marketplace welcomes services from various do-
mains. For simplicity reasons the paper focuses on
examples taken from electric mobility domain. The
ESM is the trading environment which, according
to (Alrubaiee, 2012; Strasser et al., 2015; Strasser,
2015) is required to enable multiple distributed ser-
vice providers and consumers to establish business re-
lationships and trade services. As the ESM on hand
is designed as an open marketplace every interested
service provider or consumer can obtain membership.
The ESM is able to host vertical but also horizontal
services, also called utilization services. A market-
place with a broad service landscape is attractive and
has positive effects for all its participants.
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Service Contracting
As business partners have to sign a contract,
anonymity is of no need within the ESM. They show
each other their capabilities to offer but more impor-
tant they present their lack and need. Trust is estab-
lished to the serious and reliable trading environment
- the marketplace. Each contract which is closed via
the ESM is a representation of a real paper contract. It
is a representative of a legal business relationship. Ac-
cording to (Grieger, 2003), it is feasible that an ESM
participant checks all service quotations first and then
agrees on a service and its conditions. This is done
to get the best offer for the lowest cost. This ap-
proach might implies that business relationships are
often short-term. Contracts might become canceled as
soon as a better service quotation is found. This busi-
ness partner hopping calls Grieger spot sourcing. Our
service provisioning ESM is designed to be an envi-
ronment for participants which are interested in mid-
long-term B2B relationships lasting at least a year.
Therefore it is assumed that once an ESM participant
has found an appropriate service quotation with ca-
pabilities that satisfy his requirements, the digital and
the paper contract will not be canceled until its expi-
ration date - called systematic sourcing.
Service Roaming Example
The ESM’s operational concept is explained by fol-
lowing : An end user (ED) of service consumer A
(SCA) wants to use a charging station operated by
service provider B (SPB). However, SPB does not
know the ED. But SPB is registered with the ESM
and has a service contract with SCA. SPB forwards
ED’s charging request to ESM which in turn forwards
the request to all of SPB’s contracted business part-
ners. SCA recognizes EC and sends an acknowledg-
ment. This acknowledgment shows SPB that ED is
known by one of his business partners. Therefore
SPB authorizes the charging process and ED can use
the charging station. The ESM is designed and imple-
mented on the service oriented architecture (SOA) ap-
proach. This ensures system interoperability and sim-
plifies access to distributed capabilities through well
defined interfaces. The ESM acts as a man in the mid-
dle but in a positive way. This concepts is also called
broker (N
uttgens and Iskender, 2008; Elgazzar et al.,
2013), Clearing House (Pfeiffer and Bach, 2014) or
e-marketplace (Thitimajshima et al., 2015). Despite,
(Durante et al., 2000) who consider such an entity
to be short-living and specific for each transaction,
the elaborated ESM is involved in every single ser-
vice transaction and long-living. Without the ESM,
service roaming among the service trading partners
would only be possible through the establishment of
bilateral service links. However, this would make the
usage of the term roaming inappropriate. The ESM
simplifies service provisioning and provides a well
scalable environment for B2B service trades. It re-
duces efforts put into the implementation and mainte-
nance of interfaces and protocols.
Resulting Architecture
Benefits of a marketplace that enables the establish-
ment of a collective of service providers and con-
sumers and acts as a broker has been discussed by
(Strasser et al., 2015; Strasser and Albayrak, 2015).
Their propositions provide service consumers the
possibility to reduce the number of data links to their
service providers from 1:1 to 1:n. The ESM fosters
the idealistic vision of an interconnected ecosystem of
smart services. Changes in the service providers’ pro-
tocols are addressed by the ESM while the communi-
cation between ESM and its participants remains, in
best case, untouched.
Having explained characteristics of which the elab-
orated ESM is capable of, this section demonstrates
what actions have to be done to finally enable the
ESM to work as described. The ESM is able to man-
age business relationships which are necessary to con-
duct business seriously. To establish a business rela-
tionship via the ESM the participants have to consider
a special sequence of actions. These actions assure
commonplace business patterns and behavior. The ap-
proaches shown in Section 2 do not explain how the
involved parties in their scenario interact in particu-
lar and how they relate to each other. The following
grants insight into the internal processes of the ESM
regarding a complete service consumption life cycle.
Business Phases and Business Action Theory
(Goldkuhl, 1998) developed the Business Action
Theory (BAT) model. This conceptual model
supports the description of business interactions.
It consists of the six generic phases. Each phase
hosts various actions that are necessary to conduct
business. Because of its extended and fine granularity
along with the conceptual approach, the BAT model
has been used to assign business phases to business
actions performed by ESM participants. All of
Goldkuhl’s phases are applicable to the ESM. This
implies that there is no difference between a digital
business relationship established via the ESM and
Interactions in Service Provisioning Systems for Smart City Mobility Services
its counterpart from the real world. Table1 presents
a comprehensive overview of actions that have been
identified as necessary to consume a service. The
fourth phase has been extended with two necessary
Table 1: EMS related actions to BAT.
Phase Actions by SP, SC, both (B) or ESM
SP: Identify ability to offer specific capa-
SC: Identify lack and need for specific ca-
B: Determine ESM with suitable capabili-
ties and service quotations
B: Register with ESM
M: Validate SP and SC
search (II)
SP: Create service offer quotation
SC: Create service search quotation
B: Active / Passive service search
B: Assess quotations according to own re-
ment &
B: Contact potential business partner
B: Negotiate terms and conditions for ser-
vice consumption
B: Sign paper contract with identified
business partner
B: Store digital contract within ESM
ESM: Validate contract
ESM: Establish service request roaming
SC: Cancel contract in case service does
not deliver what is promised
SP: Cancel contract in case payment is
missing or service consumption not valid
ESM: Cancel service request roaming
ESM: Adjust service data access accord-
B: Re-negotiate terms and conditions for
extended service consumption
ESM: Update contract accordingly
ESM: Update service request roaming ac-
SP: Provide service according to contract
and ESM regulations
SC: Invoke service according to contract
SC: Deliver service functionality or infor-
mation regarding the expected service ef-
fect SP: Pay for service consumption
ESM: Roam service requests according to
business relationships
ESM: Response aggregation and data edit-
ing (re-factoring)
ESM: Store processed data
B: Approach phase IV-I if not satisfied
with business partner or service
B: Approach phase IV-II if contract should
be extended
The rows represent the mapping of business
phases to corresponding participant actions. That
mapping demonstrate the harmonization and consis-
tency of participant actions with business theorems
used in the real world. The possibility to map the ac-
tions to acknowledged business phases proves that the
approach and its business interactions are serious and
reliable. The information presented in Table 1 depicts
core functionalities of the elaborated ESM. Compared
to the approaches in Section 2 which present high
level actions, Table 1 introduces the service consump-
tion life cycle in a very precise level. It provides great
insight into its operation and behavior of the elabo-
rated ESM. It is mandatory to emphasize that each of
the presented actions can be further subdivided. Fur-
thermore can the roles be divided into several addi-
tional roles. The ESM is built on or consist of various
roles. Each of these roles have specific sub-actions
which they have to perform according to a specific
action protocol. Due to this protocol all additional
(sub-)roles underlie defined relationships and have it-
self well specified responsibilities. Table 2 outlines
an abstract of identified sub-roles of the EMS which
themselves perform certain actions and relate to other
Table 2: EMS sub-roles involved in service life cycle.
EMS sub-role Intention
Technical Administrator ESM runs without down-
Business Administrator Supports participants
Technical Operator Develops new ESM capa-
Broker Roams requests between
B2B partners
Adapter Ensures data interoper-
Refiner Increases data quality
Hoster Provides service hosting
Supporter Supports participants
Factors of an Electronic Marketplace
(Bakos, 1998) presents three factors an electronic
marketplace has to comply with. These factors are
1) matching buyers and seller, 2) facilitation of trans-
actions and 3) institutional infrastructure. At first
glance, the factors and the business phases have noth-
ing in common. Though, once considered in de-
tail, they have similarities. Bakos combines Gold-
kuhl’s first three phases within the first factor match-
ing buyers and sellers. Bakos second factor facilita-
tion of transactions includes the last three of Gold-
kuhl’s business phases. The system environment is
pointed out in the third factor institutional infrastruc-
ture. Even though Bakos is not as precise as Goldkuhl
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
according to business phases, his factors are more
precise regarding the complete electronic marketplace
Combining Phases, Actions and Factors
The role-action framework for service provisioning
systems is presented in Figure 1. It was especially
tailored for the ESM and is built on the suggestion of
(Strasser, 2015). The framework shows that the par-
ticipants’ actions and their sequence are in alignment
with the BAT.
Factor II
Factor I
Phase IV
Phase III
Phase I
Phase II
Phase V
Phase VI
Providers Consumers
Ability to
Lack and
Need for
Offers Demands
turns into
is translated into
are published
are made
public via
can lead to cancelation or reformulation
Business /
Business /
meeting of
mutual commitment
not accepted
by one party
not delivered as promised
or not paid
can lead to modification,
cancelation or new offers
can lead to modification,
cancelation or new demands
Factor 3
has to result in
Factor 3
Figure 1: Role-Action framework showing business phases
and factors.
During phase I, every potential ESM participant
has to identify his capabilities. The identification pro-
cess will probably unveil that the participant i) can of-
fer certain capabilities to other participants or ii) lacks
certain capabilities and therefore has to search for ca-
pabilities offered by other participants. Once the par-
ticipant is aware of his capabilities, it is necessary to
identify a source which is capable enough to manage
those capabilities. The introduced ESM is such sys-
tem. A potential participant can obtain the member-
ship in the second phase. However, actions of phase
I and II are tightly coupled. Then the participant can
either i) create a service offering quotation, ii) create
a service provisioning quotation or iii) screen all the
offer and provision quotations created by others. It
is necessary to distinguish the service quotations be-
tween a) public quotations which have been sent to all
ESM participants and b) quotations which have been
sent to uniquely selected participants. A participant
is able to accept exclusively offered and publicly of-
fered service quotations.
In phase III, potential business partners come to-
gether and negotiate the terms and conditions of their
future business relationship. A contract is signed dur-
ing phase IV. The paper contract is the legal represen-
tation of the partners meeting of minds. The digital
contract is required to establish the communication
between the partners via the ESM. It possible that one
of the business partners’ cancels the contract if the
outcome phase IV was not satisfying. This is done in
the sub-phase IV-I which is a sub-phase of phase IV.
A contract might get canceled in case the service does
not deliver what was promised in the contract or the
service consumption is not paid. The former reason
is believed as unlikely when the service provider has
described its service offer as precise as possible. Busi-
ness partners can also re-negotiate if they feel that the
terms and conditions are not appropriate. On the other
side is it possible to extend the contract duration. The
latter two can be done in phase IV-I which is a sub-
phase of phase IV. Phase V targets the availability of
the service and how the service has to be used by its
consumers. Phase VI hosts actions which are related
to service delivery and service consumption payment.
It is assumed that sooner or later constructs like
the EMS will face the same challenges as service
providers and consumers - and then they will form
alliances with other marketplaces. This will in-
crease their participants’ operation area without forc-
ing them into multiple registrations and memberships.
This will require adds another management level on
top of the current marketplace layer. The commu-
nication establishment and the information exchange
between marketplaces has to be defined somehow,
as it was done for the communication between ser-
vice trading partners within the ESM. Some require-
ments might be equal or similar, others different. Ap-
proaching the BAT model to define the interactions
between marketplaces is recommended. The man-
agement of the marketplace network can be realized
applying a centralized managed architecture (Strasser
and Albayrak, 2015). In this case it is necessary to
expand and adjust the actions as the participants will
not longer be restricted by the system boundaries of
the marketplaces they are registered with. Intercon-
nectivity among marketplaces enables to explore ser-
vices which have been announced at foreign market-
places. The establishment of a business relationship
across system boundaries provides certain challenges
to the marketplaces but also to the ecosystem man-
Interactions in Service Provisioning Systems for Smart City Mobility Services
The authors have introduced their ESM approach
for B2B service provisioning along its operation and
functionality. The applied BAT methodology with its
resulting role-action model has proven that the busi-
ness relationships established and managed via the
ESM are serious, respectable and comply to com-
monsense business. The models demonstrate that the
ESM relies on clearly defined phases with sequen-
tially arranged actions. The presented actions pro-
vide a deep insight into the elaborated ESM capabil-
ity stack. These capabilities are considered as critical
success factors and thus influence the success of the
EMS. The work provides an abstraction of the com-
plex relationship between roles, phases and actions in
a service marketplace. The abstraction in alignment
with real world business phases and supports to un-
derstand the underlying principles of service trades.
Because of the easy use of the elaborated ESM and
its benefits, it is assumed that such a system can ac-
celerate and support the aspiring vision of smart cities
and a service provisioning ecosystem.
This works has been conducted within a project (sup-
port code 16SBB007C) funded by the German Fed-
eral Ministry of Economics and Technology.
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CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science