Enhancing Recommender Systems for TV by Face Recognition
Toon De Pessemier, Damien Verlee and Luc Martens
iMinds, Ghent University, Technologiepark 15, B-9052 Ghent, Belgium
Recommender System, Face Recognition, Face Detection, TV, Emotion Detection.
Recommender systems have proven their usefulness as a tool to cope with the information overload problem
for many online services offering movies, books, or music. Recommender systems rely on identifying individ-
ual users and deducing their preferences from the feedback they provide on the content. To automate this user
identification and feedback process for TV applications, we propose a solution based on face detection and
recognition services. These services output useful information such as an estimation of the age, the gender,
and the mood of the person. Demographic characteristics (age and gender) are used to classify the user and
cope with the cold start problem. Detected smiles and emotions are used as an automatic feedback mechanism
during content consumption. Accurate results are obtained in case of a frontal view of the face. Head poses de-
viating from a frontal view and suboptimal illumination conditions may hinder face detection and recognition,
especially if parts of the face, such as eyes or mouth are not sufficiently visible.
Recommender systems are software tools and tech-
niques providing suggestions for items to be of inter-
est to a user (Resnick and Varian, 1997). By filtering
the content and selecting the most appropriate items
according to the user’s personal preferences, recom-
mender systems can help to overcome the problem of
information overload. The suggestions provided are
aimed at supporting their users in various decision-
making processes, such as what items to buy, what
movies to watch, or what news to read.
For years, traditional recommender systems are
very successful for desktop internet applications.
With the growing popularity of mobile devices and
their increased connectivity, recommender systems
have expanded their area of application to the mo-
bile platform. Additional information about the
user, which is accessible through the camera, micro-
phone, or sensors such as gyroscope and GPS, al-
low to further improve the accuracy of the recom-
mendations and adjust them to the current user con-
text (De Pessemier et al., 2014b). The accessibility
and popularity of operating systems such as Android
further stimulate the development of recommenda-
tion tools. A similar evolution can be expected for
the television platform, on which smart TVs (running
Android) are becoming more popular. Recommender
systems for smart TVs can assist users in selecting the
TV content that matches the user’s preferences best.
For the television platform, additional challenges
for recommender systems emerge, such as the lim-
ited interaction possibilities (a TV viewer is “leaning
back” in the sofa, using only a remote control as a
means of interaction), the undesirability of user ac-
counts (the television is a shared devices on which
users are not used to log in), and the consumption of
content in group (people often watch television to-
gether). To cope with the problem of limited user
feedback and user identification, we propose a rec-
ommender system that uses face detection and recog-
nition. An overview of existing research related to
the face recognition problem is provided in Section 2.
Section 3 explains how and which face detection and
recognition services have been used in our recom-
mender system. Section 4 elaborates on the advan-
tages of face recognition for recommender systems.
The cold start problem can be alleviated by recogniz-
ing demographic characteristics of the user such as
age and gender. Recognizing emotions of users dur-
ing content watching can be used to derive implicit
feedback for the content. For group recommenda-
tions, identifying the people in front of the TV can be
automated by using face recognition. In Section 5, the
used face recognition services are evaluated. Details
are provided about the accuracy of estimating peoples
age, recognizing gender, and detecting emotions from
a picture of a person’s face. Furthermore, the accu-
racy of the face detection process is evaluated for pic-
tures with various poses of the head and with different
Pessemier, T., Verlee, D. and Martens, L.
Enhancing Recommender Systems for TV by Face Recognition.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2016) - Volume 2, pages 243-250
ISBN: 978-989-758-186-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
illumination conditions. Finally, Section 6 draws con-
clusions and points to future work.
Various solutions for tracking people and face recog-
nition have been proposed in literature. The Reading
People Tracker (Siebel, 2015) is an open source soft-
ware tool for tracking people in camera images for
visual surveillance purposes. It is often used for auto-
matic visual surveillance systems for crime detection
and prevention. The software is written in C++ and
therefore difficult to integrate into an Android appli-
cation running on a smart TV.
TrackLab is a tool developed by Noldus for
recognition and analysis of spatial behavior (Noldus,
2015b). TrackLab facilitates the development of in-
teractive systems that respond in real-time to the loca-
tion or spatial behavior of subjects being tracked. The
collected data can be visualized by showing tracks on
a map or by heat maps of the aggregated location data
of multiple people. Statistics can provide insights into
the current position of a user, and when a user enters
or leaves a specific room (e.g. the TV room). Since
TrackLab is a software tool running on Windows with
minimum requirements of 1 GB hard disk space, 1
GB RAM, and a 1Ghz CPU, it is less suitable for in-
tegration into an Android Smart TV.
FaceR is a commercial service developed by Ani-
metrics (Animetrics, 2015) that offers a REST API
(Application Programming Interface) for face recog-
nition based on pictures. The FaceR service is able to
provide the coordinates, orientation, and pose of the
detected face. Compute-intensive tasks, such as im-
age analysis or face template generation, are handled
by the server layer, a set of clonable servers to ensure
scalability. The core business of this service is iden-
tity management and authentication with use cases in
law enforcement and commercial and consumer mar-
The FaceReader service is the facial expression
analysis tool of Noldus (Noldus, 2015a). FaceReader
can detect the position of mouth, eyes, and eyebrows.
This service can analyze six basic facial expressions
(emotions) and detect the gaze direction, head orien-
tation, and person characteristics (gender, race, age,
wearing glasses, etc.). An API is available to serve as
an interface between FaceReader and different soft-
ware programs using it, thereby facilitating the inte-
gration of the service.
Another service for emotion recognition is
EmoVu (Eyeris, 2015). Their deep learning based
technology enables to recognize emotions from fa-
cial micro-expressions. The recognition process can
handle pictures as well as videos as input. The ser-
vice outputs the coordinates and orientation of the
face, gender, an age category, and recognized emo-
tions with an intensity score.
Rekognition is a service that can recognize more
than gender, age, and emotions (Orbeus, 2015).
Rekognition has the ambition of recognizing con-
cepts, such as a party, the beach, a cat, the Golden
Gate Bridge, etc., from pictures as well. Although
the concept recognition is still under development, the
beta version of Rekognition can return the best five
guesses with confidence scores.
A few studies have combined face detection and
recognition with recommender systems. Recognized
emotions can be used to automatically derive feed-
back for the content. This way, the topical relevance
of a recommended video has been predicted by an-
alyzing affective aspects of user behavior (Arapakis
et al., 2009). In addition, affective aspects can be
used to model user preferences. The underlying as-
sumption is that affective aspects are more closely re-
lated to the user’s experience than generic metadata,
such as genre (Tkalcic et al., 2010). The end goal
is to incorporate emotions into the recommendation
process as well. Recommending music according to
the user’s emotion is a typical use case (Kuo et al.,
2005). However, in this model for emotion-based mu-
sic recommendation, the user’s emotions are obtained
by querying them in stead of by automatic recogni-
In this section, we describe the face detection and
recognition process of our recommender system for
Android smart TVs. Face detection and recognition
is performed in two subsequent phases.
In phase 1, human faces are detected using the
face detection mechanism of the Android API (Meier,
2015) (Android API level 14). Android’s face detec-
tion mechanism is commonly used in applications that
use the camera to focus on people’s face. It can detect
up to sixteen faces simultaneously. Figure 1 shows a
screenshot of the application with rectangles indicat-
ing the detected faces in an image originating form
the camera. These rectangles are only shown in the
test version of the developed application. In the fi-
nal version of the application, face detection is per-
formed as a background process, without bothering
the end-users. A face detection listener is coupled to
the Android camera object to check continuously who
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
is in front of the TV. If one or more faces are detected
by the Android system, the listener is notified and a
picture is taken. The camera focus is automatically
adjusted to the detected faces.
In phase 2, the taken pictures are used as input
for the face recognition process. In our implementa-
tion we use two different face recognition services:
Face++ and SkyBiometry. Face++ (Face++, 2015)
is a real-time face detection and recognition service.
The results of the Face++ recognition process are the
positions of the faces with detailed X,Y coordinates
for the eyes, nose, and mouth. Besides, the face
recognition service can detect glasses. More impor-
tant for our recommender system is the service’s es-
timation of the person’s age, gender, and race, to-
gether with a confidence value for each attribute. An-
other interesting outcome of the service is the degree
to which the subject smiles with an associated con-
fidence value. Face++ stores the results of the face
recognition processes in a database to compare future
recognition requests. If a new face recognition re-
quest shows similarities with a previously recognized
face, a similarity indicator is specifying the resem-
blance. If this resulting similarity indicator is above
a certain threshold, our application assumes that this
person is a returning user and therefore already regis-
tered in the system.
SkyBiometry (SkyBiometry, 2015) is a service
very similar to Face++ but uses a different computer
vision algorithm. It is a cloud based face detection
and recognition service that is available through an
API. The service is able to detect multiple faces at
different angles in a picture and also provides the lo-
cation of the eyes, nose, and lips. The service makes
an assessment of the presence of glasses (dark glasses
or not), the fact that the person is smiling and the lips
are sealed or open, whether the person’s eyes are open
or not, the person’s gender, and the person’s mood
(e.g., happy, sad, angry, surprised, disgusted, scared,
neutral). For each of these attributes, a percentage is
indicating the confidence value of the estimation. The
age of a person is specified by a point estimator. Faces
already known by the service can be recognized.
For an optimal face detection and recognition, a
picture is taken using the camera of the smart TV and
sent for analysis to these two services every fifteen
seconds. The big advantage of using two face de-
tection and recognition services, using different algo-
rithms, is the increased accuracy by combining them.
In case the two services do agree, the results can be
used with a high degree of certainty. If they do not
agree, one of them is chosen (Section 5) or a new pic-
ture is send for reanalysis.
This way our application enables automatic au-
thentication of users in front of the TV. To provide
users feedback on this authentication process, the
recognized persons are shown in the user interface.
Therefore, the captured picture is cropped, so that
only the head is remaining, and used as profile pic-
ture in the application (Figure 1, left side).
4.1 Cold Start Solution
Traditional recommender systems suffer from the new
user problem, i.e. the issue that recommender sys-
tems cannot generate accurate recommendations for
new users who have not yet specified any preference.
To cope with the new user problem (also known as the
cold start problem), our system recommends videos
for new users based on the derived demographic char-
acteristics of the user, such as age and gender. These
user characteristics are matched to the demographic
breakdowns of the ratings for movies on IMDb.com.
Figure 2 shows an example of such a demographic
breakdown for the ratings of the movie “The Twilight
Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1”. For this movie, a
significant difference in rating behavior of 1.8 stars is
visible for men and women. For specific age groups,
these differences may vary. For example, a differ-
ence of 2.3 stars is witnessed for people under 18,
whereas the age group of 45+ has a difference of 0.9
between men and women. The ratings of the spe-
cific age group and gender are selected based on the
user’s gender and age as estimated by the face recog-
nition service. Subsequently, the user’s preference for
a movie is predicted based on these ratings. As soon
as more detailed preferences of the user become avail-
able (e.g. through ratings), these are taken into ac-
count by using a standard collaborative filtering sys-
tem. These collaborating filtering (CF) recommenda-
tions are combined with the recommendations based
on demographics (demo) using a weighted average.
= w
· Rec
+ w
· Rec
As more rating data of the user becomes available,
the collaborative filter is expected to become more ac-
curate and therefore the weight of the collaborative
filter (w
) is increasing while the weight of the de-
mographics (w
) is decreasing. In Figure 1, these
recommendations are visualized on the right side of
the screen by means of the posters of the movies.
Posters and metadata of movies are retrieved using
the TMDb API (Themoviedb.org, 2015).
Enhancing Recommender Systems for TV by Face Recognition
Figure 1: A Screenshot of application illustrating the face detection mechanism by means of squares around the faces.
4.2 Implicit Feedback by Detecting
Collecting these rating data is another issue of recom-
mender systems for TV. Because of the passive atti-
tude of the typical TV viewer, evaluating the content
by specifying a rating is often skipped. Another dif-
ficulty is the timing of the ratings. Whereas feedback
during video watching can be useful for suggesting
alternative TV content, ratings are typically collected
when content playback is finished.
Therefore, our system automatically collects feed-
back during content playback based on the detected
emotions of the viewers. Emotion detection is han-
dled by the used face recognition service (SkyBiome-
try, 2015) that keeps the complexity of this process in
the cloud. The extent to which users are engaged in a
TV show can be used to estimate their interests in the
show. So, expressed emotions are considered as user
engagement and used as a feedback mechanism. The
stronger the detected emotions, the stronger the user’s
engagement, and the stronger the feedback signal.
Since not all emotions expressed by the viewer
are provoked by the TV content, the user’s detected
emotions are compared to the emotions that can be
expected from the content. Therefore, a database is
created with typical emotions for different sections of
each content item. These typical emotions are calcu-
lated by aggregating the recognized emotions of all
users who watched the content item in the past. E.g.,
for a comical scene, ‘happy’ turns out to be the pre-
dominant emotion for most viewers, which is sub-
sequently considered as the typical emotion for this
scene. Some viewers may also be ‘surprised’ by the
scene, which can be considered as another emotion
evoked by the scene. If the user’s expressed emotions
are similar to the typical emotions as expressed by
the community, then these emotions are considered
as provoked by the content. Each emotion i detected
during scene watching is associated with a weight w
The value of this weight is determined by the ex-
tend to which this emotion is recognized (output face
recognition) and the number of people who expressed
this emotion during the scene.
The extent to which users show their emotions de-
pends on the character of the person (extrovert or in-
trovert). Some people clearly show their emotions
while others stay rather neutral all the time. There-
fore, the confidence values of the face recognition
services regarding the detected emotions are normal-
ized for each individual user. This normalization is
based on all detected emotions of an individual user
over different content items. In the current imple-
mentation, the average confidence value over all emo-
tions of the individual is used to normalize the inten-
sity (confidence value) of a detected emotion of that
user. Each of these normalized confidence values ex-
press user engagement in terms of a different emotion
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
. Subsequently the recognized emotions are multi-
plied by the weights of the typically expected emo-
tions for the scene. This overall value of user en-
gagement is considered as an implicit feedback value,
· w
4.3 Group Recommendations
Although most recommender systems are designed to
serve individual users, many activities, such as watch-
ing TV, are often group activities performed by mul-
tiple friends or family members together. If multiple
people are detected in the room watching television
together, the recommendations cannot be limited to
the preferences of one individual, but group recom-
mendations have to be generated.
One of the problems that comes with group rec-
ommenders is identifying the group for which recom-
mendations have to be generated. In many cases, only
one person is controlling the system (browsing con-
tent, making a selection, etc.), i.e. the person who
has the remote control in case of TV watching. A
traditional solution to express the group’s members is
asking the users to log on with their personal account.
However, on television sets people are not used to log
on and specifying passwords with a remote control is
a devious activity. Moreover, if a person is leaving the
room, this user should log off to specify the change in
group composition.
Therefore, our system has an automatic identifica-
tion process of the users sitting in front of the TV. The
similarity indicator of the face recognition process is
used to decide if a person already utilized the recom-
mender system in the past. This way, preferences de-
duced from past watching behavior can be coupled to
the recognized user.
These group recommendations are suggestions for
the content items that are most suitable for the group
as a whole. Different solutions to aggregate the pref-
erences or recommendations of individuals and find
the best items have been proposed (De Pessemier
et al., 2014a). In our implementation, the average
without misery strategy is used. The idea of this strat-
egy is to find the optimal decision for the group, with-
out making some group members really unhappy with
this decision.
This strategy calculates P
, the prediction of
a group’s interests for an item i, as follows. The inter-
ests of each individual member for an item can be cal-
culated by any recommendation algorithm. In our im-
plementation a traditional collaborative filtering solu-
tion is used (Resnick and Varian, 1997). If the inter-
ests of one of the group members for i is predicted
to be below a certain threshold θ, the item i gets a
penalty and is excluded from the group recommenda-
tions (P
= 0). This prevents that the group re-
ceives recommendations for items that will make one
of the group members unhappy. If the interests of all
group members for item i are predicted to be above
the threshold, the prediction of the group’s interests
for i is calculated as the average of the prediction of
each member’s interests, P
0, if u Group : P
< θ
, otherwise
Figure 2: Demographic breakdown for the ratings of a
movie on IMDb according to the age and the gender.
5.1 Gender and Age Estimation
To evaluate the estimation of gender and age as made
by the face recognition services, we used the database
of Minear and Park with 180 photos of people (Park
Aging Mind Lab, University of Texas, 2015). These
photos, published in grey-scale, are all frontal views
of people of different ages, gender, and race. All peo-
ple have a neutral face expression on the photos. Half
of the people are young adults (18 to 49 years old),
half of them are older adults (50 to 94 years old).
About half of them are men, half of them are women.
Enhancing Recommender Systems for TV by Face Recognition
Also within the various ethnic variations, the share
is about 50%-50% for men and women. For each of
these photos, the exact age and gender of the person
is available as ground truth. Since this database con-
tains no photos of people under 18 years old, 34 extra
photos originating from Google images were added to
fill this void.
These photos are used to evaluate the accuracy of
the estimation of people’s age. The actual age of the
person is compared to the age range that is provided
by the Face++ recognition service. For each photo,
the error is calculated as the difference between the
predicted age range and the actual age. The age range
of the prediction is always between 5 and 10 years.
An average error of 2.68 years is obtained for 212
photos. (The face recognition service was unable to
predict the age in two photos.)
Figure 3 shows the average prediction error per
gender and age category. The most accurate results
are obtained for men between 30 and 60 years old,
with an error between estimated age range and actual
age that is below one. Also for people below 30 years
old, an accurate age estimation is obtained. In con-
trast to men, a lower accuracy is obtained for women
between 30 and 60 years old. This difference can be
explained by women who try to mask their age by
wearing make-up. Age estimation is the most diffi-
cult for people above 60 years old. For these people,
(small) age differences are less visible in the face.
Figure 3: The accuracy of the age estimation evaluated
based on the average difference (in years) between the ac-
tual age and the predicted age range, per gender and age
5.2 Gender Recognition
The database of Minear and Park is also used to eval-
uate the gender recognition of the services. Both face
recognition services are combined with the aim of ob-
taining a higher classification accuracy. If Face++ and
SkyBiometry agree and recognize the same gender,
there is a high probability that this is correct. Only in
a few cases in which Face++ and SkyBiometry agree,
but both have a low confidence value, a wrong recog-
nition was made. If Face++ and SkyBiometry dis-
agree about the gender for a person above 18 years
old, the recognition of SkyBiometry is used since this
service obtained the most accurate results. For people
under 18 years old, the recognition of Face++ is the
most accurate and therefore used as final recognition.
Table 1 shows the results of the gender recognition
by combining Face++ and SkyBiometry. An overall
accuracy of 92.52% is obtained for the combination
of services, whereas the individual services obtained
an accuracy of 75.23% (Face++) and 83.64% (Sky-
Table 1: Accuracy of the gender recognition.
Males Females
Recognized as male 98 6
Recognized as female 10 100
5.3 Emotion Recognition
For recognizing emotions in people’s faces, the Sky-
Biometry service is used. The output of Face++ con-
tains a value indicating the extent to which a per-
son is smiling, but recognizes no specific emotion,
such as surprised, disgusted, or scared. To evalu-
ate the emotion recognition, the Cohn-Kanade AU-
Coded Expression Database is used (Affect Analysis
Group - Research Lab at the University of Pittsburgh,
2015). This is a collection of photos of persons’ faces
with an emotional value (happy, sad, angry, surprised,
disgusted, scared or contempt) (Lucey et al., 2010).
The database contains no photos with a neutral face
expression. Photos with the emotion ‘contempt’ are
ignored since this emotion cannot be recognized by
This database of photos is used to evaluate the
emotion recognition of the SkyBiometry service. For
each photo, the emotion as stated in the database
is compared to the recognized emotion. An over-
all accuracy of 83.88% is obtained. Figure 4 shows
the obtained accuracy of the emotion recognition per
emotion. Happy, disgusted, and scared are emotions
which are relatively easy to recognize in contrast to
sad, surprised, and angry.
5.4 Head Orientation
In ideal conditions, a front facing picture of the TV
viewer is available as input for the recognition pro-
cess. However in realistic scenarios (e.g. lying on the
sofa watching TV), the TV viewer’s head can be ob-
served under various orientations. Head poses deviat-
ing from a frontal view can introduce difficulties for
WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 4: The accuracy of emotion recognition.
the face detection process. Therefore, we evaluated
the influence of various head orientations on the accu-
racy of the face detection mechanisms of Face++ and
SkyBiometry by using photos of the Head Pose Im-
age Database (Gourier et al., 2015a). The Head Pose
Image Database contains 2790 face images of 15 per-
sons with variations of pan and tilt angles from -90 to
+90 degrees. For every person, 93 images (93 differ-
ent poses) are available. For each of these poses, the
face detection of the Face++ and SkyBiometry service
is tested.
Figure 5 shows the results for the Face++ service
for the various poses of the head. Blue dots stand
for detected faces. Red dots correspond to undetected
faces. In Figure 6, the results obtained with Sky-
Biometry are shown. Comparison of the two services
shows that Face++ is more sensitive to head poses de-
viating from a frontal view. Face++ is able to de-
tect the face for 24.73% of the different head poses,
whereas SkyBiometry can successfully detect the face
for 66.67% of the poses.
Face detection can only be successful if a consid-
erable part of the face is visible. The blue dots in
Figure 5 and 6 have the shape of a funnel: wide at
the top and narrow at the bottom. This means that for
variations with tilt angles, faces leaning backward can
better be detected than faces leaning forward.
5.5 Illumination Conditions
Another important factor influencing the accuracy of
face detection and recognition services is the illumi-
nation condition. To evaluate this influence, the pho-
tos of the Yale Face Database were used (Gourier
et al., 2015b). This database contains 5760 single
light source images of 10 people, each seen under 576
viewing conditions (9 poses x 64 illumination condi-
tions). The position of the illumination is denoted by
the azimuth and elevation of the single light source
Overall, Face++ is able to detect the face in
76.56% of the pictures whereas SkyBiometry has a
successful detection for 70.31% of the various illu-
mination conditions. Undetectable faces are mainly
due to insufficient exposure of the face: a face that is
completely in the shade, eyes and mouth that are not
sufficiently visible, etc. These cases generally corre-
spond to an illumination with an azimuth outside the
range [35
, +35
] or an elevation outside the range
, +50
] (measured from a frontal view). Using
such an illumination, a considerable part of the face is
not exposed by the light.
Figure 5: The accuracy of the face detection of Face++ un-
der different orientations of the head.
Figure 6: The accuracy of the face detection of SkyBiome-
try under different orientations of the head.
Smart TVs equipped with a camera and microphone
allow to develop additional features for enhancing
the TV watching experience. Face recognition ser-
vices can be used for improving the user experience
of recommender systems by automatic feedback gen-
eration and user identification. Using cloud-based
face recognition services reduces the computational
requirements of TV sets and allow a continuous im-
provement of the accuracy. Two of these face recog-
nition services, Face++ and SkyBiometry are investi-
gated in detail. These services proved to be a valu-
able tool to estimate the age and recognize the gender
of people based on a photo of their face. By combin-
ing the results of both services, we improved the ac-
curacy of the recognition process. Furthermore, face
recognition services can be used to recognize emo-
Enhancing Recommender Systems for TV by Face Recognition
tions from people’s face. Automatic feedback for
the content can be generated by matching the recog-
nized emotions to the emotions that are expected to
be evoked by the content. In realistic environments,
such as a living room, face recognition has to cope
with some serious difficulties such as head poses de-
viating from a frontal view and suboptimal illumina-
tion conditions. If important parts of the face, such as
eyes or mouth, are not sufficiently visible, face detec-
tion and recognition fail. An interesting research track
for future work is to evaluate the accuracy of the auto-
matically generated feedback based on the recognized
emotions by a test panel. Also privacy and data secu-
rity aspects should be investigated, especially if per-
sonal information is sent to external services. Possible
solutions can include data encryption mechanisms or
privacy-preserving architectures that limit the amount
of disclosed data of the TV viewers.
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WEBIST 2016 - 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies