Ontological Interaction Modeling and Semantic Rule-based
Reasoning for User Interface Adaptation
Fatma-Zohra Lebib, Hakima Mellah and Linda Mohand Oussaid
Research Center in Scientific and Technical Information, CERIST, Algiers, Algeria
Keywords: Human-computer Interaction (HCI), Modality, Ontology, SWRL, Rule-based Reasoning,
User Interface Adaptation.
Abstract: The paper aims to show how reasoning on ontology can be helpful for user interface adaptation. From a set
of user characteristics and interface parameters, it is possible to deduct the most suitable and adaptable
interfaces for him/her. To do so, Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) rules are used to derive the
appropriate interface for a specific user, considering different factors related to his/her abilities, preferences,
skills, etc. A use case, in handicrafts domain, is presented; different input and output interaction modalities
(writing, selection, text, speech, etc) are proposed to a handcraft woman according to her sensory perception
and motor skills. The modalities are structured within what we called "interaction ontology".
In human-computer interaction (HCI) areas, user
with disabilities needs to be effectively supported,
offering him appropriate interaction methods (both
input and output) in order to perform tasks. In
particular, his perceptual, cognitive and physical
disabilities should be considered in order to choose
the best modalities for the rendering and
manipulation of the interactive system. So user
interfaces, which are habitually designed without
taking human diversity into consideration, should be
adapted to user (Jameson, 2003) (Simonin, 2007).
In the last decades, people working in diverse areas
of the Artificial Intelligence field have been working
on adaptive systems, hence creating valuable
knowledge that can be applied to the design of
adaptive user interfaces for people with disabilities.
This research work presents a part of the whole
project in handicraft domain in emerging countries
(Algeria and Tunisia). The project aims at improving
the craftswomen socio-economic level within the
two countries. Indeed, this project targets to assist
the craftswomen during their business activities
through the use of new technologies of Information
and Communication Technologies (ICT) in order to
help them to make the appropriate decisions
concerning their sells and their business by
providing them an (easy) interface which
encourages communication between different actors
(providers, customers and handcraft woman).
The project targets women from poor social
background exert various business such as ceramic,
tapestry, traditional pastry, embroidery etc. These
women are characterized by different profiles,
especially may have some disabilities (physical,
cognitive, etc.), making their interaction with
computer system difficult. In this work, we have
built an ontology which is used to adapt user
interface. This ontology describes both user profile
(motor and sensory capacities), and logical and
physical interaction resources (modes, modalities
and devises). Set of adaptation rules on the
ontology allow to provide adaptive interface
according to woman profile. The ICT application in
handcraft domain should adapt the interface to the
abilities of different women in order to improve
interaction performance between women and the
system and to provide a better and easier interface.
The interface customizing mechanism, including (1)
an auditory interface for vision-impaired women and
graphical interface for women with good visual
ability, (2) vocal command without having to touch
the button for the women physical disability, (3)
raise volume of an audio content for the women
hearing impaired, etc.
Semantic technologies enabling interoperability
across different platforms are highly expressive
when modeling complex relationships. They support
Lebib, F-Z., Mellah, H. and Mohand-Oussaid, L.
Ontological Interaction Modeling and Semantic Rule-based Reasoning for User Interface Adaptation.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2016) - Volume 1, pages 347-354
ISBN: 978-989-758-186-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
semantic reasoning and have the ability to reuse
information from several application domains (Janev,
2011). They enable to reason about various data, that
is, to draw inferences from existing knowledge about
a particular area for the purposes of creating new
knowledge. At the heart of semantic-based
technologies is the use of ontologies. In this work the
use the semantic technologies to model, represent and
reason about craftswomen has been adopted for the
purpose of user interface adaptation.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 provides the related work as a
starting point. In Section 3, we give a global view on
interactive interface design and we define and explain
the notion of interaction modality. We then present
our interaction ontology proposal in section 4. Finally,
section 5 shows the conclusions and future work.
Ontologies are, according to the widely accepted
definition given by Gruber (Gruber, 1995), “an
explicit specification of a conceptualization". In
mathematical words, an ontology is a set of classes,
properties connecting classes to one another,
restrictions on properties and axioms (Maedche,
2002). Ontology-based modeling involves
specifying a number of concepts related to a
particular domain, along with any number of
properties or relationships associated with those
concepts. In essence, ontologies provide a
“representation vocabulary”, where these domain
concepts are structured in a taxonomy based on
various domain aspects. Ontological models can be
used by logic reasoning mechanisms to deduce high-
level information from raw data and have the ability
to enable the reuse of system knowledge. This is
particularly important when modeling domain
aspects that can be remembered and reused later
(Chandrasekaran, 1999).
Semantic Web research has devoted an important
effort in defining a common language for ontology
modeling and reasoning with the objective to
achieve semantic interoperability. The Web
Ontology Language (OWL), a language based on
description logic has become the recommended
language by the World Wide Consortium in 2004.
Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) is a
combination of Rule Mark-up Language (known as
RuleML) and OWL-DL (OWL Description Logics)
and on the Rule Markup Language (RuleML) which
provides both OWL-DL expressivity and rules from
RuleML (Horrocks, 2010).
In the field of ontology design, efforts have been
made by several research groups to facilitate ontology
engineering process, employing manual, semi-
automatic and automatic (Maynard, 2009) methods.
Semi-automatic methods focus on the acquisition of
ontologies from domain texts (Maedche, 2000).
Methontology is a methodology that is widely
recognized within the ontologies engineering
community, as a reference of tasks needed to build
ontology (Fernandez, 1997) (Corcho, 2005).
Comprehensive surveys of existing methodologies
can be found in (Cristani, 2005) and (Noy, 1997).
Throughout the ontology creation process, the
designers may take into account a set of ontology
design criteria, such as clarity, coherence and
extensibility (Fluit, 2002). Specific tools like
Protégé (Noy, 2001) are under rapid development
and offer a wide range of functionalities, from
design of classes and concepts to visualization,
querying and inferencing.
In the past few years, ontology is used for
modeling context knowledge. By context, we refer
to any information that can be used to characterize
the situation of an entity, where an entity can be a
person, a place or a (physical or computational)
object (Dey, 2001). Although there is a variety of
context ontologies developed for different
application scenarios (Hatala, 2005) (Heckmann,
2005) (Preuveneers, 2004) (Clerckx, 2007)
(Razmerita, 2003) (Poveda, 2010). However, there is
no widely accepted model that can be reused for
modeling context knowledge in different
applications. We summarize in the following the
most well-known.
Razmerita et al. (Razmerita, 2003) presented
work on user modeling with a generic ontology-
based architecture called OntobUM.
While user modeling associated rules and
ontology-based representations for realtime
ubiquitous applications in an interactive museum
scenario has been proposed by (Hatala, 2005),
context features and situational statements for
ubiquitous computing have been proposed as a
General User Model Ontology (GUMO) by
(Heckmann, 2005) (Heckmann, 2007).
Authors in (Preuveneers, 2004) proposed
CoDAMoS ontology which defines four main core
entities: user, environment, platform, and service.
The challenges surrounding CoDAMoS ontology
are: application adaptation, automatic code
generation, code mobility, and generation of device-
specific user interfaces.
(Poveda, 2010) Proposed mIO! ontology
network, a context ontology in the mobile
SRIS 2016 - Special Session on Social Recommendation in Information Systems
environment that aims to represent contextual
knowledge about the user that can influence his
interaction with mobile devices. The goal of the
mIO! ontology network is to represent knowledge
related to context as a whole, e.g., information on
location and time, user information and its current or
planned activities, as well as devices located in his
surroundings. The ontology aims at solving the
challenge of adapting the applications based on the
user context.
In (Clerckx, 2007), interaction environment
ontology has been designed with the aim of solving
the challenge of multi-devices user interfaces
generation. This ontology is an extension of a
general context ontology used in the DynaMo-AID
development process (Preuveneers, 2004), where
authors describe different modalities, interaction
environment (resources, devices), and the way these
two concepts are related to each other. While in
(Clerckx, 2007) interaction constraints related to
available devices and modalities provided are
considered, the present work considers interaction
constraints related to user (craftswoman) and the
modalities supported by each craftswoman based on
her sensory and motor abilities.
In (Skillen, 2012a) (Skillen, 2012b), authors
propose a method that combines ontological
modeling of user profiles and context-aware
adaptation techniques. The same authors in (Skillen,
2013) (Skillen, 2014) use rule-based personalization
mechanisms and services technology for providing
personalized Help on-Demand services to mobile
users in pervasive environments. The proposed
method uses an intelligent personalization service
that incorporates a rule-based knowledge and a
reasoning engine. Authors focus on user
environment to offer services depending on context
parameters (like location for ex.). In our approach
user capacities (sensory and motor) and interaction
resources (both physical and logical) are modeled by
the mean of an ontology, with the purpose of the
modality adaptation for users disabilities.
The scope of our work is adaptive interface
design. We aim to adapt the user interface by using
ontology modeling and reasoning; expressing trough
a set of adaptation rules.
Any given interface is generally defined by the
number and diversity of inputs and outputs it
provides. Different configurations and designs upon
which an interface is based (Karray, 2008):
1) A system based on only modality
2) A system based on multimodality
Multimodal interfaces incorporate multiple
modalities (e.g., speech, gesture, writing, and
others). Nigay and Coutaz (Nigay, 1993) define
modality as the combination of a physical input or
output device (d) and an interaction language (L),
which can be formalized as a tuple <d, L>.
Examples for interaction modalities on a smart-
phone could be <touchscreen, gestures> or
<microphone, speech>.
When designing an interactive system, one has to
choose which modalities will be used, and how they
will convey information. We distinguish two types
of interaction: input interaction (from the user to the
system) and output interaction (from the system to
the user). The concept of interaction component
represents the physical or logical communication
mean between the user and the application. There
are three types of interaction components: mode,
modality and medium (Figure 1). A mode refers to
the human sensory system used to perceive (visual,
auditory, tactile, etc.) or to introduce (speech,
gestures) given information, so that we distinguish
input modes and output modes. A modality means a
communication mode according to human senses
and computer devices. Input modality is defined by
the information structure that is perceived by the
user (text, speech synthesis, vibration, etc.). Output
modality is defined by the way to introduce
information by the user (selection, pointing, writing,
speech etc.). Finally, a medium is an organ
necessary to a system or a human in order to acquire
or deliver information. Input medium is an input
device allowing the expression of an input modality
(keyboard, mouse, microphone, etc.). Output
medium is an output device allowing the expression
of an output modality (screen, speaker, vibrator, etc.).
There are some relations existing between these
three notions. A mode can be associated with a set of
Figure 1: Overview of the interaction model.
Ontological Interaction Modeling and Semantic Rule-based Reasoning for User Interface Adaptation
modalities and each modality can be associated to a
set of medium. For example, the “vibrator” medium
allows the expression of the “vibration” modality
which is perceived through the “tactile” mode.
These relations are presented through the input
interaction components diagram (Figure 2) and the
output interaction components diagram (Figure 3).
Figure 2: Input interaction components diagram.
Figure 3: Output interaction components diagram.
Ontology-based systems are becoming more and
more popular due to the inference and reasoning
capabilities that ontological knowledge
representation provides. The ontology based
modeling can be used for various purposes such as
personalization and adaptation. In this work, we use
ontology to model the interaction components and
craftswoman characteristics in order to support
adaptive application development. The proposed
ontology is called interaction ontology.
Methontology (Fernandez, 1997) enables the
construction of ontologies at the knowledge level.
We model in the same ontology the interface
parameters (mode, modality and medium) and the
craftswoman profile. We focus more on the
characteristics describing her abilities to use the
interaction modalities. However, other user
characteristics can be considered, such as skills,
preferences, education level and motivation. Some
ontology relevant concepts are presented in table1.
The ontology was implemented using the Protégé
framework. Figure 4 represents semantic
relationships between the different interaction
ontology concepts.
Table 1: Interaction concepts.
Interaction concepts Description
Person who interact with the
system and who is described
by a profile
The way information is
introduced (language, direct
The way information is
perceived (visual, hearing,
The way information is
introduced by the user using
a specific medium (speech,
writing, selection, etc.)
The information structure as
it is perceived by the user
(text, graph, image,
vibration, etc.)
Physical device to introduce
information (keyboard,
mouse, microphone, etc.)
Physical device to receive
information (screen,
projector, loudspeaker,
parameter “Size” of a
modality (text size)
parameter “Volume” of a
modality (video volume)
Object properties are defined to relate the core
concept craftswoman to the concepts mode and
modality, they specify modalities (input and output)
that can be used by a given woman (see Figure 5):
uses-input-mode (from Craftswoman to Input-
mode): to specify the input modes
uses-output-mode (from Craftswoman to Output-
mode): to specify output modes
uses-input-modality (from Craftswoman to Input-
modality): to specify input modalities
uses-output-modality (from Craftswoman to
Output-modality): to specify output modalities
SRIS 2016 - Special Session on Social Recommendation in Information Systems
Figure 4: Relationships between different concepts of Interaction ontology.
The ontological approach for interaction
modelling was motivated by the possibility of
reasoning on the model. The reasoning allows
checking ontology consistency. Furthermore, it helps
to deduct (infer) high-level data from a set of
captured raw data (low-level data).
The interaction ontology is used to adapt user
interface. We describe in the following section how
the user characteristics (e.g., ability to see, to talk, to
move, etc.) and the interface parameters (e.g.,
writing, speech, text, image, etc.) are used to
generate the adaptive user interface based ontology
4.1 Reasoning on the Interaction
Figure 5: Object properties of interaction ontology.
Ontology based reasoning is used in our work for
deriving new information based on both OWL
defined concepts and properties, and adaptation
rules. Based on woman’s characteristics (physical
abilities), interface parameters values are defined
(input and output modalities). An adaptive interface
is generated; is composed with these modalities for
example, for introducing a new product or for
displaying a list of clay providers.
The adaptation rules are defined and edited in
interaction ontology using dedicated rule language
(SWRL-Semantic Web Rule Language). There are
several inference engines that allow inferring
knowledge from OWL. We use Pellet (Sirin, 2007)
as reasoning engine.
SWRL rules are implication rules with following
syntax (Mun, 2011):
antecedent consequent
Both antecedent and consequent are composed
of a set of concepts and properties. Each adaptation
rule is presented by: set of woman characteristics
(antecedent) then set of interface parameters
(consequent). We note that there is some
relationship between woman characteristics and
interface parameters. A good visual ability implies
interaction mode visual possible for a given woman.
We define the following hypothesis: any
craftswoman is able to interact with the system;
indeed she can use at least one input modality and
one output modality. Every woman should have
some abilities enabling her to interact with the
system. Nevertheless, motor or visual impairment
may make impossible the use of an input or output
modality. For example if a woman is visually
impaired then the visual mode cannot be used.
Similarly hearing or visual weakness involve the
need to change some modality properties, like,
increasing the audio volume or the text size. Notice
Ontological Interaction Modeling and Semantic Rule-based Reasoning for User Interface Adaptation
that multiple modalities can be used to perform a
task for a woman. In this case the redundancy is
accepted, for example the combination of visual and
speech modalities for presenting an information.
Physical capabilities considered are: capacities
to see, to hear, to move and to talk, where:
capacities to see and to hear, are used to derive
output modalities
capacities to move, to see and to talk, are used to
derive input modalities
To measure these capabilities, we have defined
four capacity levels: Good, Moderate, Low and
Severe, where:
Good and Moderate levels present no constraint
for using corresponding interaction modalities;
all the available modalities can be used
Low level requires certain changes of modality
properties (change the volume or the size)
Severe level is the lowest level that requires total
elimination of corresponding modality, e.g.
eliminate the speech modality for a mute woman
To check our hypothesis, we have added two
restrictions. The first expresses that woman’s
capacity level to hear and to see cannot be severe at
the same time; therefore she can use at least one
output modality. The second expresses that woman’s
capacity level to talk and move cannot be severe at
the same time; therefore she can use at least one
input modality (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Example of restrictions edited within ontology.
Example of rule.
Low) -> uses-modality(?x, textModality,
This rule expresses that, if a woman has a visual
impairment (her capacity to see is low) then the text
modality is used with increase the size.
An example of the specified SWRL rules in
Table 2and Table 3. Within Table 2, the described
adaptation rules allow to derive input modalities
used for a specific woman. Woman without motor
disabilities (i.e. her capacity to move is different to
severe value) can use all the available direct-
manipulation modalities (writing, selection,
pointing…) (Rule 1, 2 and 3). Likewise the speech
modalities (discourse) can be used with the
exception mute woman (her capacity to talk is equal
to severe value) (Rule 4, 5 and 6). Within Table 3,
rules which are described allow to derive output
modalities. Woman without visual disabilities
(capacity to see is different to severe value) can use
all the available visual modalities (display: text,
graph, image…) (Rule 1, 2 and 3). However the
modality size is increased for woman who has weak
sight (Rule 3). Same rules are defined for hearing
modalities; the sound modalities (speech-synthesis,
ringing, bip) cannot be used for deaf women (Rules
4, 5 and 6).
After the SWRL rules are created, they can be
tested and checked for inconsistencies using the
reasoning tool.
Table 2: Excerpt of SWRL rules (to infer input
No. SWRL Expression
1 Craftswoman(?x), DirectManipulation-modality(?z),
hasCapacityToMove(?x, ?y), capacity-to-move(?y,
"Good") -> uses-modality-input(?x, ?z)
2 Craftswoman(?x), DirectManipulation-modality(?z),
hasCapacityToMove(?x, ?y), capacity-to-move(?y,
"Moderate") -> uses-modality-input(?x, ?z)
3 Craftswoman(?x), DirectManipulation-modality(?z),
hasCapacityToMove(?x, ?y), capacity-to-move(?y,
"Low") -> uses-modality-input(?x, ?z)
Craftswoman(?x), Speech(?z), hasCapacityToTalk(?x,
?y), capacity-to-talk(?y, "Good") -> uses-modality-
input(?x, ?z)
5 Craftswoman(?x), Speech(?z), hasCapacityToTalk(?x,
?y), capacity-to-talk(?y, "Moderate") -> uses-modality-
input(?x, ?z)
6 Craftswoman(?x), Speech(?z), hasCapacityToTalk(?x,
?y), capacity-to-talk(?y, "Low") -> uses-modality-
input(?x, ?z)
Table 3: Excerpt of SWRL rules used within the Ontology
(for inferring the output modalities).
No. SWRL Expression
1 Craftswoman(?x), Visual(?z), hasCapacityToSee(?x,
?y), capacity-to-see(?y, "Good") -> size(?z,
"Medium"), uses-mode-output(?x, ?z)
2 Craftswoman(?x), Visual(?z), hasCapacityToSee(?x,
?y), capacity-to-see(?y, "Moderate") -> size(?z,
"Medium"), uses-mode-output(?x, ?z)
3 Craftswoman (?x), Visual-modality (?z),
hasCapacityToSee(?x, ?y), capacity-to-see(?y, "Low") -
> use-mode-output(?x, ?z), size(?z,"High")
4 Craftswoman(?x), Hearing(?z), hasCapacityToHear(?x,
?y), capacity-to-hear(?y, "Good") -> volume(?z,
"Medium"), uses-mode-output(?x, ?z)
5 Craftswoman(?x), Hearing(?z), hasCapacityToHear(?x,
?y), volume(?n, "Medium"), capacity-to-hear(?y,
"Moderate") -> volume(?z, "Medium"), uses-mode-
output(?x, ?z)
6 Craftswoman (?x), Hearing-modality(?z),
hasCapacityToHear(?x, ?y), capacity-to-hear(?y,
"Low") -> use-modality-output(?x, ?z),
SRIS 2016 - Special Session on Social Recommendation in Information Systems
4.2 Illustrative Example
We present in the following an example of the
implementation of these rules. Amel is a mute
craftswoman. She suffers from a visual weakness
and as a result finds it difficult to read small text.
However Amel’s hearing and motor abilities are
good (Figure 7). Using Pellet and the associated
SWRL rule-set and taking into consideration Amel’s
disabilities we can infer input and output modalities
which Amel is able to use (yellow part in Figure 7).
Indeed, Amel can use visual modalities (text, graphs
...) and the direct manipulation modalities (selection)
but she cannot use the speech modality; her
disability does not allow it. The size of the visual
modalities (text, graph) is increased to the maximum
value (high) because her visual capacity is low.
Figure 8 shows an adapted interface for Amel, it
allows introducing a new product using selection
In the paper, we have presented a method to adapt
user interface based on ontology modeling and the
reasoning process. User characteristics and interface
parameters are combined through adaptation rules
execution to generate adaptive interface according to
user profile. The proposal can be extended by
considering others aspects of user (e.g. preferences,
expertise, motivation, etc) and of the interface (e.g.
density of information, luminosity, etc.). As future
work, we plan to generalize this work and extend the
ontology for taking into account other user and
interface characteristics.
Figure 7: Reasoning on interaction ontology.
Figure 8: Example of adapted interface generation.
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SRIS 2016 - Special Session on Social Recommendation in Information Systems