Identification of Organization Name Variants in Large Databases
using Rule-based Scoring and Clustering
With a Case Study on the Web of Science Database
Emiel Caron
and Hennie Daniels
Erasmus Research Institute of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, P.O. Box 1738, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Center for Economic Research, Tilburg University, P.O. Box 90153, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Keywords: Large Scale Databases, Data Warehousing, Database Integration, Data Cleaning, Data Mining, Clustering.
Abstract: This research describes a general method to automatically clean organizational and business names variants
within large databases, such as: patent databases, bibliographic databases, databases in business information
systems, or any other database containing organisational name variants. The method clusters name variants
of organizations based on similarities of their associated meta-data, like, for example, postal code and email
domain data. The method is divided into a rule-based scoring system and a clustering system. The method is
tested on the cleaning of research organisations in the Web of Science database for the purpose of bibliometric
analysis and scientific performance evaluation. The results of the clustering are evaluated with metrics such
as precision and recall analysis on a verified data set. The evaluation shows that our method performs well
and is conservative, it values precision over recall, with on average 95% precision and 80% recall for clusters.
In many databases, one organisational entity is listed
in the records with many associated name variants.
For example, the Leiden University (2015) has many
name variants in the Web of Science (WoS) database,
like: University Leiden, Leiden Universiteit, Leiden
State University, State University Leiden, Leiden
University Hospital, State University Leiden
Hospital, Leiden Universitair Medisch Centrum,
LUMC, and so on. Large companies often have many
name variants, e.g. the technology company Royal
Philips has several hundreds of name variants in the
Patstat (2015) database, which is a statistical database
filled with patent information. Obviously, manual
normalisation of organisation names is not feasible in
large databases, which might list millions of
companies and organisations.
The research problem that is addressed here is:
“How can organization name variants be identified
automatically in large databases?”. The answer to this
problem is given by a general method for the
identification of organization name variants using
rule-based scoring and clustering proposed in this
paper. The method is able to cluster name variants in
large databases with millions of records in an efficient
way. The emphasis of the method is on the cleaning
of names not on unification. The results of this
method are useful for any analysis involving correct
and unified organisation names, such as: company
patent analysis, evaluative bibliometrics and the
ranking of scientific institutes, the assessment of
cooperation and communication between
organizations, and the creation of linkages, based on
company names, between Customer Relationship
Management databases.
Data cleaning is often the necessary step prior to
knowledge discovery and business analytics.
Automatic data cleaning methods can be categorised
in several groups (Maletic and Marcus, 2010):
transformational rules, statistical methods for
numeric data, and data mining methods, such as
cluster and pattern matching techniques (Cohen et al.,
2003, Koudas et al., 2004, Morillo et al., 2013), for
categorical data. Data mining methods for the
identification of organisation name variants and
person name disambiguation are divided into
supervised and unsupervised learning approaches. In
supervised learning approaches, a classifier is trained
on a data set with pairs of records, where organisation
with similar names are classified as being the same
entity or a different entity. The problem with
Caron, E. and Daniels, H.
Identification of Organization Name Variants in Large Databases using Rule-based Scoring and Clustering - With a Case Study on the Web of Science Database.
In Proceedings of the 18th Inter national Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2016) - Volume 1, pages 182-187
ISBN: 978-989-758-187-8
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
supervised approaches in this context, is that a large,
manually checked, representative, data set is required
for training. Such a data set is usually not available,
which makes supervised approaches for our problem
hard to use. In unsupervised learning, a metric of
similarity is defined between pairs of records, that
describe an organisational entity, and after that a
clustering algorithm is applied (Levin et al., 2012,
Song et al., 2007). The method described in this paper
is based on unsupervised rule-based clustering, in
combination with approximate string pattern
matching. A clear advantage of our method is that the
matching rules are easy to understand and combine.
The organization of this paper is as follows. In the
next section, the phases of the method for the
clustering of organisation names are explained in
detail. After that the method is evaluated, with
precision-recall analysis, on the WoS database for the
clustering of scientific organisation names. We close
the paper with some concluding remarks and
proposals for further research.
A visual summary of the process for the identification
of organisation name variants is provided by Figure 1
in the Appendix. The method is composed out of
three stages:
1. Pre-processing;
2. Rule-based scoring and clustering;
3. Post-processing.
Organisational meta-data from a source database is
taken as input in the process and clusters of
organisation name variants are produced as output.
Typical examples of important meta-data available
for organisation name matching are: country, city,
postal code, street, organisation type, email domain,
etc. The method is designed to cluster all organisation
name variants in the whole database. In the case study
the method is applied on the WoS database (version
April 2013) with roughly 124 million publication
records. Moreover, the method is implemented with a
combination of Microsoft SQL Server and Visual
Studio, where SQL server is used for the data
handling and Visual Studio for the implementation of
the cluster algorithm.
2.1 Pre-processing
In the pre-processing stage the relevant meta-data
items are cleaned and harmonized to improve the data
quality, and helper tables are created for the
subsequent clustering stage.
Postal code data is cleaned an put into a consistent
format. Besides, postal codes are classified into
groups, indicating the number of different
organisations present in a postal code area. Groups
with a relative high number of organisations are
treated under a stricter regime, e.g. with a higher
From the available data, the organisational types
are determined, such as ‘company’, ‘bank’,
‘university’, ‘hospital’, ‘institute’, etc., with string
extraction patterns and regular expressions.
An important data element for clustering, when it
is available, is the email domain address that is linked
with an organisation, because it is very
discriminative. Usually, multiple email domains are
connect to large organisations, e.g. Leiden University
uses ‘’, but also ‘’ and ‘’.
In the pre-processing stage, the email domains are
replaced by their most popular or recent variant.
Email domains that cannot be directly linked to an
organisation, e.g. ‘’ or ‘’, are
removed, because they cannot be used in an
meaningful way.
2.2 Rule-based Scoring and Clustering
In this stage, the clusters are created that identify
likely name variations of the same organization, in the
following steps (see Figure 1):
a. A set of rules is created that produces pairs of
organizational names with common
characteristics and string name similarity.
These rules target specific elements of the
organizations’ characteristics such as
combinations of the country, city, postal code,
email address, organisation type.
b. A scoring system is applied on the rules and
scores are computed for created record pairs.
c. Pairs above the threshold are clustered with an
algorithm, taking linear time, that searches for
connected components.
2.2.1 Apply Rules (Step 2a)
In step 2a, the objective is to create pairs of
organisation name variants by self-joining the tables
that result from the pre-processing stage. For this
purpose scoring rules are used that are depicted in
Table 1, where rules 1-4 are the basic rules and rules
5-9 are combinations of the basic elements. The score
for a rule increases when it contains more meta-data
elements, indicating that there is more proof that a
record pair is a name variant of each other. Therefore
Identification of Organization Name Variants in Large Databases using Rule-based Scoring and Clustering - With a Case Study on the Web
of Science Database
rule 9 is considered a stronger rule than rule 1. The
number of rules and scores can easily be adapted if
more relevant meta-data is available. The rule score
values and the threshold values are based on domain
expert knowledge about the database under
consideration. The values are fine-tuned in the initial
evaluation of the method on a verified data set.
The scoring system assigns scores to record pairs
from the strongest to the weakest rules. If a record
pair is scored on a strong rule, the pair is not
considered for the weaker rules, to prevent additional
scoring. Not listed in Table 1, is that there are
additional constraints for each rule, like the size of the
city, the type of postal code (general or specific), and
so on, that are configured very strict for strong rules
but are given more degrees of freedom for weak rules.
Table 1: Example rules with associated meta-data, organi-
sation name similarity, and rule scores. The threshold value
is 4 in the example.
Notice that rules always only hold in a specific
country and city, because organisation names might
not be unique in the whole world or even in a specific
country. The rules use the meta-date: postal code
information (rule 1), email domain (rule 2),
organisation type (rule 3), and organisation name
similarity (rule 4). For example, rule 1 matches
organisation names records in a specific postal code
area in The Netherlands for the city of Amsterdam.
Rule 1 specifies record pairs with postal codes that
match exactly within a country and city. In this rule,
the number of records an organizational name variant
has in correlation with a specific postal code, is taken
into account. This measure is important because an
organization with only a few records assigned to a
specific postal code area is suspected to be a false
positive result. Another measure in this rule, is the
percentage of records an organization name label has
in a specific postal code, in relation to the total
number of records associated with a certain
organisation name. This percentage is also used to
filter out organization name variants with low values
on this measure.
Rule 2 is defined as record pairs with email
domains that match exactly. The email domain labels
should have a minimum count in the database.
Records coupled by rule 3 share the same
organisation type in a city. Organisation names that
could not be typed in the pre-cleaning are excluded.
Rule 4 scores the level of string similarity of two
organisation names within a city with the Levenshtein
distance. The intuitive definition of Levenshtein
distance is the amount of edits one needs to perform
to change one organisation name into another
organisation name. The implementation of
Levenshtein distance described here uses the edit
distance to calculate (in %) how similar is one string
to another string. The use of the Levenshtein distance
is based on the premise that organisational names that
score above a certain threshold value, say 95% or so,
can be considered as similar, and are therefore paired.
Rules 5-9 are combinations of rules 1-4. The
combined rules have stricter thresholds than the basic
rules, so the rules could match on different records.
2.2.2 Score Record Pairs (Step 2b)
Pairs of records are scored in step 2b. A record pair is
described as two records that have scored on at least
one rule and therefore share meta-data. Records can
score on multiple rules, i.e. the scoring is additive.
Therefore, the total score for record pairs has to be
An example with 5 records, their active rules, and
their total scores is presented in Figure 2. A line
between two circles indicates a record pair. For
example, the two records forVrije Univ Amsterdam
and ‘VU Amsterdam’ share the same postal code,
email domain, and organisation type, within the same
country and city. Rule 4 does not fire, the string
similarity is considered too low. Therefore, this
record pair receives 4 points (see Table 1). The other
records in the example are scored in the same way and
are represented with a connecting line.
In step 2c, record pairs above the threshold value,
total scores 4 in Figure 2, are included for the
clustering algorithm. The threshold value is increased
for geographical areas with a high number of
organisations, to prevent the potential erroneous
coupling of records pairs. The rules scores express the
strength of a certain rule. Furthermore, the more rules
that are active for a publication pair, the more
evidence there is that two different organisation
names are indeed variants of each other. In the
example scoring system, only rules 8 and 9 are strong
enough to solely pass the threshold value. However,
for a pair of records often combinations of rules are
required to exceed the threshold value., e.g. see the
link between ‘Univ Amsterdam’ and ‘Univ Hosp
Amsterdam’ in Figure 2.
ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2.2.3 Cluster Records (Step 2c)
Matched records pairs, i.e. record pairs with a score
above the threshold, are clustered by means of single-
linkage, hierarchical, clustering in step 2c. In Figure
2, for example, the records ‘Univ Amsterdam’ and
‘Univ Hosp Amsterdam’ are a matched pair, and the
records ‘Univ Amsterdam’ and ‘Emma Childrens
Hosp’ are a matched pair. The clustering algorithm
makes a link between these two initial clusters via the
joint record ‘Univ Amsterdam’, by merging the two
clusters into a new cluster with three records,
depicted by ‘Cluster 2’ in Figure 2, and so on. The
final cluster will represent the (partial) history of
name variants of an organisation. In the figure, there
is not enough proof for the clustering of ‘VU
Amsterdam’ with ‘Univ Hosp Amsterdam’, this is
indicated by a dotted line. Therefore, two clusters are
created by the algorithm, representing the two
different universities in the city of Amsterdam.
Notice that, if the threshold is increased, e.g. more
clustering is induced, resulting in on average smaller
cluster sizes.
2.3 Post-processing
In the post-processing stage, non-clustered records
are labelled as separate clusters and added to the
results to give a complete overview. Finally, tables
are created that provide detailed summary
information about the clusters. An example of such a
table, which gives a cluster description, is given in
Table 2. A combination of relational support tables,
provide a good basis to work with the results of the
clustering in practical data analysis.
In this case study, the method is used for the cleaning
of scientific organizations present in the Web of
Science (2015) bibliographic database. Bibliometric
databases are large databases that are used to study
the growth of scientific publications, patterns of
collaboration, the impacts of science, and evidence-
based performance assessment. For most of these
analyses, it is necessary to increase the data quality
by cleaning the relevant tables.
Cleaned organizational names are important for
the Leiden Ranking (2015), produced by the Centre
for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS, 2015).
The CWTS Leiden Ranking 2015 offers insights into
the scientific performance of 750 major universities
worldwide, based on indexed research publications
obtained from the Web of Science. This university
name identification process is carried out manually
and is therefore time-consuming and cumbersome. In
the manual process, organizational labels are
clustered and after that unified. This method can be
trusted as very accurate because every organizational
label that is under investigation, is verified with the
help of the Internet and with other means, in order to
be concluded as a name affiliation of a certain
scientific organization. These cluster are a ‘golden
set’, and used as a benchmark for the clusters
produced by the automatic method in a precision-
recall analysis.
In Table 2, the partial cluster for Leiden
University in The Netherlands is depicted to show the
end product of the clustering method. Each cluster is
identified by a ‘cluster_id’ and is composed out of
one or more records, that show supportive meta-data.
Table 2: Example cluster with id ‘3717’ with name variants
for ‘Leiden University’, ordered by the number of scientific
publications, labelled by ‘n_pubs’.
The precision and recall performance values for
the best clusters per scientific organisation in the
golden set are depicted in Figure 3, where the
organisation names on the x-axis are ranked based on
precision-recall values. The cluster with the highest
value for the F1 measure, defined as the harmonic
mean of precision and recall, is taken as the best
cluster. In addition, the numbers in Table 3 show on
average a precision of 0.95 and a recall of 0.80 for the
best cluster.
Table 3: Average values of evaluation metrics for the best
cluster in the Leiden ranking data set.
Precision Recall F1
Best cluster (mean) 0.95 0.80 0.84
Best cluster (median) 1.00 0.89 0.98
Best 3 clusters (mean) 0.91 0.86 0.83
This shows that the clustering method is conservative,
it chooses precision above recall. If the 3 best clusters
for an organization are used in the evaluation the
average recall is pushed to 0.86, with a slightly lower
average precision. This indicated that for a number of
Identification of Organization Name Variants in Large Databases using Rule-based Scoring and Clustering - With a Case Study on the Web
of Science Database
organisations the name variants are spread over a
number of accurate clusters. Clusters with a lower
precision are, in general, clusters belonging to very
large cities, where multiple research institutes can be
found in a relatively small area, which makes name
normalisation more difficult.
In this research we have presented an efficient general
rule-based scoring method for the clustering of name
variants of organizations in large databases. The rules
are based on organisation name similarity and meta
data in the context of the organisation, like: country,
postal code, email domains, organization type, etc.
Basically, the method can work with any piece of
relevant meta-data, as long as it is shared between
records. Multiple rules can be combined to link
organization names, because of the scoring system.
The more rules that hold for a pair of organisation
names, the more evidence there is that the
organisation names are indeed valid name variants of
each other. In other words, the rules in the system
strengthen each other. Moreover, the rules are easy to
understand and combine. Incorrect matching of
organisation names is partly prevented by lowering
the scores for certain sensitive rules and by increasing
the threshold values, for example, for geographic
locations with a high number of organisations.
Based on the results of the case study, it can be
stated that the clustering method is careful, it values
precision (on average 95%) over recall (on average
80%). In general, precision and recall are lower for
areas with a high number of scientific organisations.
Name variants of organizations might be split over
multiple clusters, if there is not enough evidence for
coupling names variants together. However, these
alternative clusters do have a high precision and are
therefore useful for analysis.
In conclusion, the method can be viewed as a
general method for data cleaning, because it can be
used to other types of data, e.g. person or author name
disambiguation (Caron and Van Eck, 2014), as long
as there is relevant meta data available. In future
research, the cleaning method should be tested on
multiple databases with name variants to find optimal
values for scores and thresholds, and to improve the
quality of the method for very large cities. In addition,
we want to push recall performance forwards by
further integrating string similarity measures (Cohen
et al., 2003) in the method.
I thank Vasileios Stathias and Nees Jan van Eck for
their contributions to this research. In this study I used
the database facilities of the Centre for Science and
Technology Studies (CWTS, 2015).
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ICEIS 2016 - 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Stages in the identification process of organization name variants.
Figure 2: Scoring and clustering example for the city of Amsterdam (with threshold ≥ 4). Amsterdam has two universities the
Vrije University Amsterdam (Cluster 1) and the University of Amsterdam (Cluster 2).
Figure 3: Precision (upper line) and recall (lower line) analysis on the Leiden Ranking data set.
Identification of Organization Name Variants in Large Databases using Rule-based Scoring and Clustering - With a Case Study on the Web
of Science Database