On Evaluation of Natural Language Processing Tasks
Is Gold Standard Evaluation Methodology a Good Solution?
ech Kov
r, Milo
s Jakub
cek and Ale
s Hor
Natural Language Processing Centre, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Natural Language Processing, Applications, Evaluation.
The paper discusses problems in state of the art evaluation methods used in natural language processing (NLP).
Usually, some form of gold standard data is used for evaluation of various NLP tasks, ranging from morpho-
logical annotation to semantic analysis. We discuss problems and validity of this type of evaluation, for various
tasks, and illustrate the problems on examples. Then we propose using application-driven evaluations, wher-
ever it is possible. Although it is more expensive, more complicated and not so precise, it is the only way to
find out if a particular tool is useful at all.
Why do we do computational analysis of natural lan-
guage? The ultimate goal can be described as “to
teach computer understand and use human language”.
However, computers should have this ability for a
purpose: to be able to help us solve everyday tasks
that involve understanding of human language. We
want computers to correct our writing, to translate our
texts, to answer our questions... All of these are ap-
plications of natural language processing (NLP) tech-
nology and research.
It may seem trivial but it is not. In the last years,
a significant part of research in NLP was driven by
the annotated data available for precise evaluations
and comparisons with others, and the need of hav-
ing as high numbers as possible to be published. At
the same time, the papers stop arguing about “what is
it good for?” and simply repeat the previous exper-
iments (with better and better results, but often still
without practical impacts). The applicability, as the
main goal of the NLP research, has partly disappeared
from the research.
To a great extent, this was caused by mechan-
ical, almost monopolistic state-of-the-art evaluation
methodology using gold standard data, manually an-
notated on certain levels of linguistic analysis.
In this paper, we argue that this methodology leads
to unwanted effects and it should not be used or at
least, it should not be the only serious option – in sci-
entific evaluations of NLP tools. We illustrate that us-
ing gold standard evaluation methodology often leads
to developments that are irrelevant for real applica-
tions, and useless in general. Then we propose an
alternative methodology focused on applicability of
particular tools.
The structure of the paper is as follows: The
next section summarizes the state-of-the-art evalua-
tion methodology that uses gold standards. Section
3 shows the negative effects of the current methodol-
ogy and illustrates them on examples. Section 4 con-
tains the proposal of the alternative approach to the
scientific evaluation of NLP tools, and discusses their
advantages and weaknesses.
Examples will be given in English and Czech, as
these are the languages that the authors work with.
“Gold standard” for an NLP task is a data set of nat-
ural language texts annotated by humans for correct
solutions of that particular task. Examples include:
treebanks, for syntactic analysis natural lan-
guage corpora where every sentence is annotated
by its correct syntactic tree (Marcus et al., 1993;
c, 2006)
parallel corpora, for machine translation where
each sentence or segment in the source language
r, V., Jakubí
cek, M. and Horák, A.
On Evaluation of Natural Language Processing Tasks - Is Gold Standard Evaluation Methodology a Good Solution?.
DOI: 10.5220/0005824805400545
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2016) - Volume 2, pages 540-545
ISBN: 978-989-758-172-4
2016 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
is annotated by correct translation into the target
language (Koehn, 2005)
corpora with annotated named entities (possibly
with relations among them), for named entity
recognition task and information extraction (Kim
et al., 2003)
documents with assigned topics or terms from a
set of possible options, for topic, keyword or ter-
minology extraction
and many others
The evaluation then means comparing output of
an NLP tool with the data in the gold standard, com-
puting some sort of similarity. Precision, recall and
F-measure are most used metrics
but there are others
e.g. special tree similarity metrics in case of syn-
tactic analysis (Sampson, 2000) or the BLEU score
(Papineni et al., 2002) widely used for evaluation of
machine translation.
Development process of majority of NLP tools is
then similar to the following:
1. implement a prototype (possibly because a par-
ticular application needs it, or because the task
seems meaningful)
2. find a suitable gold standard data and evaluate
(because proper evaluation and comparison with
other tools is needed in order to publish the re-
3. tune the tool until the numbers against the gold
standard are publishable, then publish
In the next section, we will try to explain what is
wrong with this approach.
There is a number of factors that make the gold stan-
dard evaluation methodology problematic.
3.1 Overfitting to Gold Standard
Creating the gold standards is expensive not only
a specialist in the field is required who spends typi-
cally months annotating a reasonable amount of data;
Precision is the percentage of correct automatic annota-
tions with respect to all automatic annotations; recall is de-
scribed as percentage of annotations from the gold standard
covered by the automatic annotation; F-measure combines
these two into a single number.
more of them is needed to eliminate errors and ran-
dom decisions, and they usually need to know exten-
sive annotation instructions in detail (see also below).
On the other hand, evaluating a tool against the data
is very cheap, once they are created – usually there is
a simple script that produces the numbers.
For this reason, there is typically only one (or a
few, at most) gold standard data set for each task. This
leads to all tools producing one type of output, com-
patible with this gold standard, because of the need
for evaluation.
But this does not correspond to the reality: Each
application has slightly different needs. Detecting
named entities in Wikipedia (Nothman et al., 2012)
is dramatically different from detecting named enti-
ties in blogs or Facebook posts (which are probably
much more needed). In case of morphological tag-
ging, sometimes it is desirable to distinguish between
e.g. passive verb forms and adjectives (which may
be tricky); but in many cases it is not, and it would
just make the task more complicated for no reason. In
case of syntactic analysis there are much more simi-
lar cases; typically an application needs to recognize
one type of phrases and 80% of the tree structure is
useless for it.
However, the gold standard enforces that all tools
need to solve all the problems covered by the gold
standard and in the same way as the gold standard
prescribes (e.g. with the same granularity), otherwise
they will lack a sound evaluation according to the
state-of-the-art methodology. This way, the NLP tools
are designed according to the gold standard “shape” –
they need to implement all the details that are imple-
mented in gold standard and need to follow all the ar-
bitrary decisions that the gold standard creators have
made – instead of aiming at needs of particular appli-
Figure 1 shows how absurd this mentioned gold
standard shape that the tools are forced to accom-
modate to – can be.
3.2 Inter-Annotator Agreement and
Inter-annotator agreement (IAA), and even intra-
annotator agreement, is a nightmare for creators of
manually annotated data, including gold standards. It
is rarely published, even for very prominent data sets
it is not available or semi-official (Manning, 2011).
Despite of that, high IAA is considered a crucial
property of quality data, because as the argument
goes if people do not agree with each other on the
correct solution, how could we expect machines to
solve the task well? The tasks where high IAA cannot
On Evaluation of Natural Language Processing Tasks - Is Gold Standard Evaluation Methodology a Good Solution?
Figure 1: Example of a toxic gold standard dependency syntactic analysis of Czech, Prague dependency treebank. The
segment showed here is: “, tel.: (0649) 64 13, FAX: (0649): 64 11” (phone and fax number, analyzed arbitrarily according to
gold standard rules).
be achieved, are normally perceived as ill-defined.
For well and long studied problems, such as mor-
phological and syntactic analysis, the IAA estima-
tions are known for morphological tagging of En-
glish it is probably around 97% (Manning, 2011),
for syntactic analysis around 90% (Mikulov
a and
anek, 2009).
(Sampson and Babarczy, 2008) provide an inter-
esting study on limits of IAA in case of syntactic anal-
ysis of English where they conclude that
IAA limit on the task is about 95% and cannot be
improved by further modifications of annotation
instructions, mainly because
the remaining percentage are structural ambigui-
ties within the language, not a question of techni-
cal arrangements
Is 90, or 95 percent pairwise agreement enough
for claiming such a data set a universal authority for
evaluation? There may be up to 10 percentage points
error in the evaluation, half of which are inevitable
structural ambiguities which means that it does not
matter whether the tool under evaluation recognized
them correctly or not.
Next, to achieve the IAA figures over 90 percent
in syntactic annotation, extensive annotation manu-
als are needed and the annotators need to be very fa-
miliar with the underlying language theory. Annota-
tion manuals for Penn treebank and for Prague depen-
dency treebank contain about 300 pages (Bies et al.,
1995; Haji
c et al., 2005). Is this a record of univer-
sal language intuition on syntactic level, or rather set
On a tagset with ca. 50 tags – with a more fine-grained
tagsets it would be definitely worse. Tagsets for flective
languages such as Czech or Russian contain thousands of
The example is for dependency analysis of Czech, as in
Prague Czech-English dependency treebank; the most im-
portant “Structure” feature which determines the shape of
the syntactic tree, shows pairwise agreements between hu-
man annotators between 87 and 89 percent.
of arbitrary decisions which the data set is built on?
If the latter is more correct, then the evaluation of a
parser means just testing its ability to follow these ar-
bitrary instructions not the ability to reveal syntactic
3.3 Impossible Gold Standards
For many tasks, the inter-annotator agreement above
90%, or even 70-80% is completely unrealistic to
achieve. Such tasks include terminology extraction,
keywords extraction, text summarization, topic detec-
tion, collocation extraction, ...
Gold standards for such tasks either do not exist
at all, which makes the task “ill-defined”, or they are
domain-specific and created according to strict rules
that are not general and can be used for specific pur-
poses only. For example, the GENIA corpus (Kim
et al., 2003) can be used as a gold standard for termi-
nology extraction, however, comparison with a gen-
eral terminology extraction system (Kilgarriff et al.,
2014a) shows that there are differences (mainly dif-
ferent notions of “term”) that skew the resulting num-
bers significantly.
Despite of that, these tasks need to be solved by
automatic systems – the low IAA itself does not mean
the task is invalid. Collocation and terminology dic-
tionaries do exist (e.g. (Rundell, 2010)) and are use-
ful (despite the fact that there is probably not a gen-
eral agreement on what exactly they should contain);
topic detection and summarization systems are badly
needed in today’s world of information overflow... We
need a way of evaluating these systems, but gold stan-
dards are probably not the right way to go.
3.4 Dependency on Arbitrary Decisions
In Section 3.2 we have mentioned that gold standards
depend heavily on arbitrary decisions that are not gen-
eral and do not reflect language intuition. Back at the
syntactic analysis task, comparison of Czech parsers
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
made by (Radziszewski and Gr
ac, 2013) and (Kov
2014, section 3.4), on two different gold standards,
clearly shows negative correlation of the two results.
In other words, the better results on one gold stan-
dard, the worse on the other one, although both were
designed for general analysis of Czech. Also, over-
fitting of the statistical tools to the gold standard as
discussed above, is clearly visible. Either one of the
gold standards is plain wrong,
or the results are mas-
sively inconsistent and the gold standards do not pro-
vide reliable evaluations even in traditional tasks like
syntactic analysis.
3.5 Application-free Evaluations
Weak and negative correlations are usually found also
between application-oriented evaluations and gold
standard evaluations. Again, most evidence is in the
field of syntactic analysis. (Miyao et al., 2009) report
weak correlation of these two evaluations for English
parsers, but the following observation is more impor-
tant: a 1% absolute improvement in parser accuracy
[against a treebank] corresponds roughly to a 0.25%
improvement in PPI extraction accuracy [protein-to-
protein interaction, the application in focus]. Parsing
accuracy moves around 85 percent and the PPI accu-
racy around 57 percent, which means that parsing in
the current shape actually does not help the applica-
Comparison of Czech parsers on collocation ex-
traction application (Kilgarriff et al., 2014b) shows
no correlation with gold standard evaluation – and the
best result according to the application evaluation was
achieved by a specialized shallow parser, the output of
which is not comparable with the gold standard.
(Katz-Brown et al., 2011) from Google report neg-
ative correlation when using English parsers as part of
the machine translation process: the higher the accu-
racy of the application, the lower the accuracy against
a gold standard. Similar reports can be found also
in (Moll
a and Hutchinson, 2003) and (Galliers and
arck Jones, 1993).
All of this information indicates that the gold stan-
dard methodology does not provide meaningful eval-
uations of NLP tools with regard to applications, the
most important goal of NLP research. Rather than
that, it is evaluating their ability to imitate the data
present in gold standards which may be very different
from needs of applications.
And in that case – how to find out that a gold standard
is plain wrong?
Our proposal builds on the premise that we should
aim at the final goal of the development in NLP: the
applications useful for people. It is irrelevant how
well each component of a complex application works,
only the overall result is important for a final evalua-
tion and for comparisons.
We propose to abandon the intrinsic gold stan-
dard evaluations and use purely extrinsic application-
driven evaluation methods. That is, to design a real-
world application (or build on one that is already
available) that can be useful for a group of people,
and ask these people to use it with a particular data
and to quantify how useful it actually is.
The quantification could be done by various meth-
ods, and it depends on the particular application
which one is the most suitable. The most coarse-
grained method for cases where there is no better op-
tion, would probably be just to ask the users about
their feeling from the application, or better, about im-
provement/deterioration from a previous version. The
most precise way, for applications that allow it, would
be to build a gold standard data set for the final appli-
cation and perform automatic and precise evaluations.
On the first sight, the latter may seem as the same
methodology that is already used, and was criticized
above. The crucial difference from the criticised ap-
proach is that the gold standard data will be prepared
only for the final application and not for any sub-task
that is not directly usable. Such evaluations would
do the same service as human-oriented ones, just in a
faster and cheaper way.
The usual case would be probably somewhere in
the middle for most of real-word applications the
users would evaluate their behaviour in small parts
(e.g. sentence by sentence), and the result could be
interpreted in a reasonably precise quantitative way.
4.1 Examples
4.1.1 Parsing
Are you developing a parser? What is it for are
you claiming that parsing is a corner-stone of any ad-
vanced NLP application? You need to prove it.
Pick one of the possible such real-world appli-
cations, implement it (a fairly basic version may be
enough) and show how it needs your parser. Or, if it
Most of current successful NLP applications are statis-
tical and operate on the word level not exploiting any struc-
tured information, let alone syntactic trees.
On Evaluation of Natural Language Processing Tasks - Is Gold Standard Evaluation Methodology a Good Solution?
is technically feasible, build your parser into an exist-
ing advanced application and show that the parser has
improved the results. Then, measure any future devel-
opment of the parser by the results of the real world
application, not by tree similarity metrics they are
useless in context of the application.
Examples of such applications are quite obvious
and include:
(partial) grammar checking
extracting structured knowledge from text
extracting short answers to questions
measuring fluency of text (e.g. for student writing
evaluation, translation evaluation, ...)
In case of grammar checking, the evaluation met-
ric can be number of errors fixed (in terms of preci-
sion and recall); for extracting knowledge, number of
correct extractions; question answering number of
correct answers; text fluency – correlation with native
speaker judgments.
4.1.2 Terminology Extraction
Are you working on terminology extraction and no
suitable gold standard is available? Build an applica-
tion e.g. checking consistency of term translations,
or whatever else you think it is good for and let peo-
ple evaluate your application. For checking transla-
tion consistency, the measure can be the number of
false alerts and number of errors that were missed by
the tool (which is a bit complicated to find out, but
still doable).
4.2 Discussion
Obviously, the proposed methodology has a lot of dis-
advantages. Here we discuss the most important of
Price. Evaluation involving human annotations or
rating will always be more expensive than gold stan-
dard evaluation. But evaluation for publication is not
very frequent, and everyday evaluations for develop-
ment purposes can be covered by automated tests for
Replicability. Human ranking will not be objec-
tive, and will not be perfectly reproducible. However,
the reproducibility of results is a known weakness of
NLP research anyway. Besides, the human evalua-
tions will be replicable to a significant extent, like ex-
periments in humanities with a similar group of peo-
ple if not, the evaluation is not valid. Again, it will
be probably more expensive, but much more mean-
ingful. Even a non-replicable evaluation by real users
of an application would be more valuable than evalua-
tion against gold standard that has nothing in common
with any application.
Sensitivity. We will not be able to produce precise
numbers, there will be deviations between measure-
ments, probably several percentage points (but it de-
pends on exact circumstances). Yes, this is inevitable
but what does +1 percentage point mean on a gold
standard when it can mean -10 percentage points on
another gold standard or on application? Gold stan-
dard evaluations are very precise but the numbers are
problematic; and due to the IAA problems mentioned
earlier, the precision of the numbers is debatable as
Specificity. The proposed methodology cannot
measure the general accuracy of a tool, only the bits
important for particular applications. But there is
nothing like general accuracy, a purpose of the tool is
to be used in applications. If you want more general
results, test on more different applications.
Subjectivity, and more Space for Cheating.
Yes, you can use your students for evaluation, tell
them to be generous and then publish that the eval-
uation was done by independent experts. But such
cheating is possible in gold standard world, too – se-
lection of suitable data, tuning the tool for the testing
data, ... It is a general question of ethics in science.
On the other hand, human evaluations may be even
easier to disprove: hiring a group of evaluators is tech-
nically very easy whereas running the computer eval-
uation is often not. Therefore, disproving some re-
sults may be interpreted as not understanding an eval-
uation program – this is not possible in case of human
In general, despite the disadvantages, we consider
the application-based evaluations the only way how to
really prove the usefulness of a particular tool.
In the paper we have formulated some serious prob-
lems of gold standard evaluation methodology, cur-
rently massively used in all areas of NLP research.
We have illustrated the problems on examples and
showed that gold standard evaluations can be very
misleading. Then we have proposed an alternative,
based purely on particular applications, in contrast to
seemingly general gold standards.
Although the formulations in the paper are some-
times very strict, it should not be read as complete
denial of the gold standard methodology, we believe
it can be useful in certain cases, namely when directly
reflecting the needs of an application. Rather than
ICAART 2016 - 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
that, we want to discourage from mechanical usage
of gold standard evaluation methodology, start a dis-
cussion on evaluation methodology in NLP, as well
as a shift towards evaluations driven by particular ap-
plications. There is no such discussion going on now
and the gold standard methodology is usually taken as
a dogma.
This work has been partly supported by the Grant
Agency of CR within the project 15-13277S. The
research leading to these results has received fund-
ing from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009–
2014 and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
under Project Contract no. MSMT-28477/2014 within
the HaBiT Project 7F14047.
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On Evaluation of Natural Language Processing Tasks - Is Gold Standard Evaluation Methodology a Good Solution?