Survey of the Cloud Computing Standards Landscape 2015
Bernd Becker
, Emmanuel Darmois
, Anders Kingstedt
, Olivier Le Grand
, Peter Schmitting
and Wolfgang Ziegler
EuroCloud Europe, 1013 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Commledge, Viroflay 78220, France
Softarc, SE-11120 Stockholm, Sweden
Orange, Paris, France
FSCOM, Valbonne, France
Fraunhofer Institute SCAI, Department of Bioinformatics, 53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany
Cloud Computing, User Survey, Standards, Certification.
Cloud Computing is increasingly used as the platform for IT infrastructure provisioning, application/systems
development and end user support of a wide range of core services and applications for businesses and organi-
sations. Cloud Computing is drastically changing the way IT is delivered and used. However, many challenges
remain to be tackled. Concerns such as security, vendor lock-in, interoperability and accessibility are exam-
ples of issues that need to be addressed. Standards and certification programs play an important role in terms
of increasing the market confidence in Cloud Computing. The availability of Cloud Computing standards and
certification schemes that address current concerns will ensure that both customers/users as well as providers
are likely to regard Cloud Computing with the same level of reliability, trust and maturity as traditional IT. In
February 2015, the Cloud Standards Coordination Phase 2 (CSC-2) was launched by ETSI to address issues
left open after the initial Cloud Standards Coordination work was completed at the end of 2013. CSC-2 is
investigating some specific aspects of the Cloud Computing Standardization landscape, in particular from the
point of view of the Cloud Computing users (e.g., SMEs, Administrations). In this paper, we will present final
results of the work.
The Cloud Standards Coordination (CSC) project
took place in 2013 and primarily addressed the Cloud
Computing standards roadmap. In December 2013,
the results were publicly presented in a workshop or-
ganised by the European Commission (EC), and pub-
lished as the CSC Final Report (ETSI, 2013). The
CSC final report provides a snapshot of the Cloud
Computing standardisation landscape at the end of
2013. Even though the Cloud standards landscape
was found to be structured and on its way to be-
come mature, important gaps were identified in the
domains of interoperability, security, privacy, service
level agreements as well as in regard of regulation,
legal and governance aspects.
Given the dynamics of the Cloud Computing mar-
ket and standardization situation, a new study - CSC
Phase 2 - was launched in February 2015 in order to
complement the work done in CSC.
The main stakeholders involved in the preparation
of the CSC (called CSC Phase 1 in this paper to dis-
tinguish it from the CSC Phase 2 project) standards
snapshot were found in the Cloud Computing (CC)
industry, in particular Cloud Computing providers.
Their focus was on the coherence and completeness
of the standards landscape. CSC Phase 2 took a dif-
ferent approach by focusing on the needs of Cloud
Computing customers and their requirements and pri-
orities related to Cloud Computing, thus, further as-
sessing the maturity of Cloud Computing standards.
To support these objectives, CSC Phase 2 has cre-
ated a survey used to collect input from the Cloud
Computing community in terms of needs, benefits,
challenges and areas of concerns regarding the adop-
tion of Cloud Computing. The goal is to evaluate the
perceived maturity of Cloud Computing standards as
well as to understand the interest and requirements
Becker, B., Darmois, E., Kingstedt, A., Grand, O., Schmitting, P. and Ziegler, W.
Survey of the Cloud Computing Standards Landscape 2015.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2016) - Volume 1, pages 230-238
ISBN: 978-989-758-182-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of Cloud Computing stakeholders regarding certifica-
tion. The survey is therefore targeting current and fu-
ture Cloud Computing Customers in the private and
public sectors, SMEs as well as large organisations in
all vertical sectors/industries.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows:
Section 2 highlights some related work, Section 3
presents the rationale for conducting the survey, Sec-
tion 4 presents the content of the survey, the method-
ology used for its preparation and distribution, infor-
mation about the feedback collected as well as lessons
learned when conducting the survey, Section 5 pro-
vides detailed results based on the analysis of the col-
lected survey feedback, Section 6 highlights initial
recommendations based on the survey analysis. Fi-
nally, Section 7 summarises the results and lessons
learned and presents future work.
The CSC Phase 1 project launched by the Euro-
pean Commission and ETSI
in 2012 delivered an
overview of the Cloud standards landscape. The CSC
Phase 1 project presented the results of the project in a
report published in 2013 (ETSI, 2013). These results
are used as groundwork for the CSC Phase 2 project.
Moreover, during the last couple of years there
have been a number of surveys with different objec-
tives related to the usage and experiences in the Cloud
Computing space. Most of them have been user-
oriented and targeted to identify areas where users
see a need for improvement or missing standards, e.g.,
the 2014 Trusted Cloud survey of the European Com-
mission (ECTCES, 2014), (ECTCESeval, 2014). In
many different surveys, security, data protection, or
Service Level Agreements are among the top ranked
concerns related to Cloud Computing. However, to
our best knowledge none of the previous surveys have
focused on users awareness and experience of stan-
dards to the same degree as the 2015 Cloud Standards
Coordination survey.
In (Sill, 2015) the author presents examples of
different valid styles of Cloud standards develop-
ments. In particular, the article discusses the roles
and rules of Standards Definition Organisations and
Open Source projects. The article draws similar con-
clusions as the authors do in section 7.2.1.
European Telecommunications Standards Institute
3.1 Cloud Standards Coordination
(Phase 1): Findings and Limitations
One essential direction for the work of CSC (Phase 1)
was the analysis of the standards roadmap at the time
of the work, which has been undertaken during 2013
and finalised at the end of November 2013. This was a
collective and collaborative effort in which the Cloud
Computing community was engaged on a voluntary
basis. Two main questions were addressed: (i) is
Cloud Computing standardization a fragmented land-
scape (a jungle of standards) and (ii) are Cloud Com-
puting standards mature enough to start implementing
Cloud Computing projects beyond the circle of early
To answer these questions, a specific methodol-
ogy was designed, based on the identification of rel-
evant Standards Development Organisations (SDOs)
and the identified list of Cloud Computing related
standards (and other significant documents) that were
available at the time of the CSC 1 project. Using a
number of typical Use Cases, these standards were
mapped to various phases and activities of the Cloud
Computing Service life cycle, thus allowing the iden-
tification of potential areas of too much proliferation
or lack of standards.
The CSC 2013 final report (ETSI, 2013) brought
precise answers to the two above questions: (i) the
CC landscape is not a jungle (a series of oases rather
than a continuous forest as pointed out in the Euro-
pean Commission feedback), and (ii) there are enough
standards to start with. The report also outlined some
limits and areas where an improved maturity was re-
quired. Some of these areas were of technical na-
ture, in particular related to Service Level Agreements
and Security. Others were more linked to the overall
Cloud Computing industry environment (e.g., regula-
tion or legal framework).
The European Commission concluded that it is
essential to address some of the open issues identi-
fied after CSC Phase 1 and subsequently agreed on
the funding of a new study (namely CSC Phase 2)
to be undertaken by ETSI in 2015. Some of the
CSC Phase 1 open issues have been left unaddressed,
such as the legal and regulatory framework (not in the
scope of ETSI work) or SLA (subject to several ongo-
ing effortS, in particular in the EC Research projects
and the ISO/IEC development of a framework for
Cloud SLA, ISO/IEC 19086). An important conclu-
sion resulting from the CSC 1 project is that Secu-
Survey of the Cloud Computing Standards Landscape 2015
rity is a key area in need of progress. A high level
of trust in Security and the availability of standards to
support Cloud Computing security mechanisms is es-
sential in order to build confidence and trust amongst
future Cloud Computing adopters. The interplay of
security standards and certification is a key element of
the approach taken for the CSC 2 study. In addition,
the role of Open Source and its relation with Stan-
dardization has become another important element of
CSC Phase 2.
3.2 Understanding the User Needs
The objective of CSC Phase 2 is to assess the ma-
turity of Cloud Computing standards at the end of
2015 (roughly two years after Phase 1). This new
assessment (called Snapshot 2 in the CSC Phase 2
work plan) is meant to be undertaken with a differ-
ent approach (and methodology) than the previous
CSC project. In particular, CSC Phase 1 concluded
that there are enough standards to start with: Con-
sequently it is now significant to analyse the matu-
rity and applicability of the available standards, map-
ping the standards to the identified needs of the Cloud
Computing users. Among these users specific tar-
get groups are prioritised: Small and Medium Enter-
prises (29 Million of SMEs in Europe) and admin-
istrations. The rationale for this prioritisation is that
these users typically have a reduced capacity in terms
of resources and the skills necessary in order to adopt
and reap the benefits of Cloud Computing.
CSC Phase 2 is therefore aiming at assessing the
maturity of Cloud Computing standards on the basis
of the needs of these very important users. The CSC
Phase 2 analysis is based on the responses to ques-
tions such as (i) What are the typical use cases that
users want to implement in the short to medium term;
(ii) What are their expectations and perceived con-
cerns that limits the adoption of Cloud Computing;
(iii) What are the assets and possible investment made
in Cloud Computing; (iv) How are they going to deal
with existing investments (legacy); (v) Which role are
they expecting to play in the Cloud Computing value
chain; (vi) What support from standards are they ex-
pecting; (vII) What is the significance of certification
To create the basis for the analysis, a survey has
been designed and conducted over the first months of
the study. Even though the survey is targeting a spe-
cific set of users (SMEs, etc.), it is also using the in-
put from larger actors. The survey has also been dis-
tributed as many industry sectors as possible, in order
to cover this particular aspect (i.e., industry / vertical
sector specific concerns).
4.1 Overview of the Survey
Cloud Standards Coordination Phase 2 is conducted
by a group of 6 experts that have been recruited by
ETSI through an open consultation and selection pro-
cess. The first task of the experts has been to design
the CSC Phase 2 survey. The survey has a key role
in the work of CSC Phase 2: all the other topics ad-
dressed rely on the results of the survey, in particular
the new snapshot of the maturity assessment. The sur-
vey was expected to provide indications on the prior-
ities and major subjects of interest or concerns of the
Cloud Computing users. It has been essential to en-
sure that the survey is:
Addressing all the aspects of Cloud Computing
in terms of the users expectations, priorities, pre-
ferred use cases, and more, not just the standards
Reaching the targeted types of organisations;
Collecting results in a variety of sectors.
The design of the survey has been based on the
Cloud Computing knowledge and experiences of the
experts, on previous surveys with a similar goal ,
on the feedback of a few external testers that have
pointed to inconsistencies or ambiguities found in the
4.2 Methodology, Structure,
Information Capture
The ETSI experts have designed the survey in a way
that it will address the questions listed in the section
3.2. To this extent, apart from questions related to
obtaining information about the respondents (organi-
sation type and size, sector, country, etc.), a total of
45 key questions addressing the specificities of Cloud
Computing Standards have been asked, in the follow-
ing categories (each representing one page of the sur-
Moving to Cloud Computing: expected benefits
and challenges to face (Expectations and chal-
lenges to the organisation, Perceived challenges
related to the maturity of Cloud Computing)
Adoption of Cloud Computing in the organisation
(Scope of Cloud Computing usage - level of adop-
tion, Cloud Computing roles and availability of
resources )
Cloud Computing adoption: preparing the organi-
sation (Status of IT alignment of the organisation,
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
e.g. Data Classification, SOA, Software Licenses,
Cloud Computing: Deployment models and Ser-
vice categories (Used deployment model (one or
more), Dominant service categories - use case(s);
IaaS, PaaS and/or SaaS)
Emerging service Categories (Use case(s) for
CaaS, CompaaS, NaaS and/or DSaaS, or other)
Cloud Computing and Standards: overview (Ex-
pected impact of Cloud Computing standards,
General awareness and use of Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing Standards: a detailed view
(Level of knowledge of specific Cloud Comput-
ing standards)
Cloud Computing Certification Standards (Role
of certification as an enabler of trust, Areas of cer-
tification, Types of certification
Awareness of CCSL and the certification schemes
within, Plans to use certification in the organisa-
Even though a long survey might be difficult to com-
plete for some respondents, the ETSI experts have
opted for completeness. When analysing the results,
we have seen that the rate of answers to the key ques-
tions was decreasing over the course of pages, but the
typical number of answers in the final pages was still
above 60% of the number of answers in the first pages.
The survey was created using the survey tool ”Sur-
vey Monkey”
. The results have been collected and
analysed only by the ETSI experts and a strict priva-
cy/confidentiality policy has been adopted: answers
to the survey have been shared and used only amongst
the ETSI CSC Phase 2 experts. Only aggregated re-
sults have been and will be published.
ETSI is hosting the CSC web site
were all infor-
mation regarding CSC Phase 1 and Phase 2 is made
publicly available (including the link to access to sur-
4.3 Distribution of the Survey
The survey has been launched on March 30th, 2015
and was kept open for almost 6 months to ensure the
largest possible number of answers. A distribution
letter has been made available to all organisations that
were willing and able to use it for advertising the sur-
vey. Over 120 different channels have been contacted
to relay the survey and have distributed the survey
A large range of different distribution channels
have been used: (i) European Commission DGs web
sites and distribution list (emails, Twitter, etc.), (ii)
Standards Setting Organisations, global, regional or
national, (iii) ETSI memberships (750 organisations
from various industry sectors), (iv) Industry Associa-
tions, (v) Administrations, (vi) LinkedIn groups, (vII)
Open Source projects.
5.1 Significant Findings Analysis and
The following findings are based on the evaluation
of the 376 responses that had been received by mid-
September 2015. General Purpose Information Re-
garding Respondents Organisations: More respon-
dents are coming from SME organisations (up to
249 employees) than from large organisations (more
than 249 employees). The ICT sector is dominating
(43%) followed by academia and public administra-
tion. Some industry sectors are so far not represented
at all. Note: the industry classification used is based
on the EC sector classification.
Benefits and Challenges: Reduction of CAPEX,
improved business agility and faster time to market
are seen as the major positive factors for adopting
Cloud Computing while security and privacy/integrity
are viewed as the most critical challenges with SLA,
performance and efficiency, resiliency, vendor or data
lock-in and interoperability across vendor solutions
ranked among the highest concerns.
Adoption and Scope: A majority of respondents
(57%) have already started adopting Cloud comput-
ing, probably including a significant part of the re-
spondents from the ICT sector. The main use of Cloud
Computing is as the platform for ICT resources with
IaaS as the most probable starting point. 40% of or-
ganisations are playing the role of Cloud Computing
Customer. Regarding the level of resources and sup-
port to Cloud Computing, nearly half of respondents
mention that they receive an adequate support from
their IT team but a third of the respondents have a
dedicated Cloud Computing support team.
Cloud Computing Adoption: Preparing your
Organisation Some typical aspects need to be con-
sidered and some conditions must be met in order to
make the transition to the Cloud in a secure and reli-
able way. Nearly half of respondents claim that data
categorisation and classification is on-going in their
organisations. Data security awareness and level con-
Survey of the Cloud Computing Standards Landscape 2015
Figure 1: Which Cloud deployment model seems best fit to
your needs (Question 25).
trol is seen as an important aspect to be tackled by a
majority of the respondents. Regarding software pro-
visioning and compensations models, a third of re-
spondents indicate that negotiations is on-going with
the software vendor responsible for running the Cloud
Computing software / service while approximately
25% of the respondents mention that no action is seen
as necessary (not needed or already achieved?).
Cloud Deployment Model and Service Cate-
gories: Private cloud clearly dominates followed
by hybrid cloud and public cloud deployment mod-
els. Concerning cloud service categories, high-
availability is seen as the top application for the cloud
computing category IaaS while software development
is also seen as the top capability for PaaS. Concern-
ing SaaS, general data storage is the dominating us-
age area for SaaS while specialised applications such
as ERP, CRM or E-Business are less frequently men-
tioned (see Figure 1). It should be noted that - in an-
swers to another question - 54% of respondents indi-
cate an interest in emerging Cloud Computing service
categories such as CaaS, NaaS, DSaaS and CompaaS.
Cloud Computing and Standards: Security, pri-
vacy and integrity, performance and portability across
vendor solutions are ranked highest regarding the im-
pact that standards have on the organisations con-
cerns. Regarding how standards are considered in the
organisations, 45% indicate that standards are used
while 35% say that standards are considered. This in-
dicates a promising insight into the value and impor-
tance of standards. Concerning areas of importance
for standards, security and data protection are men-
tioned, in line with responses to other questions (see
Figure 2). Regarding the detailed feedback on indi-
vidual standards, the number of responses to the sur-
vey is not yet significant enough, making the analysis
unreliable until further survey results are obtained.
Security - Privacy and Integrity: Security and
Privacy and integrity are recurring concerns in the
web survey. These areas rank high both in terms of
aspects seen as important for the respondent and its
Figure 2: Degree of Cloud Computing Standards consider-
ation or usage in your organization (Question 35).
Figure 3: Adoption and use of Cloud Computing standards:
Security (Question 39).
organization and also when it comes to related stan-
dards that are seen as most critical for Cloud Comput-
ing. In several questions, security or a particular type
of security (data security) and Privacy and integrity
come out at top.
Some observations that can be made:
The use of SaaS for processing sensitive data
(incl. personal data) ranks low in terms of usage
areas. This observation is consistent with how Se-
curity ranks as a concern; the conclusion might be
that there is simply not yet sufficient confidence
in Cloud Computing for the users to provision
and process sensitive data in the cloud computing
There are different legal barriers across Europe
and no up-to-date European Data Protection Di-
rective yet.
Among the low number of respondents, ISO/IEC
27001 is the standard most known and used.
Security is a complex, slightly ambiguous and in-
precise concept. It can be and probably is inter-
preted in many different ways. Security can for
instance map to and concern one or more of the
following areas:
Data protection (and information classification,
data encryption etc.)
Data access
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Identity management
Data privacy
Data integrity
and probably some additional domains / areas. It
is likely that Security and Privacy and Integrity
are in fact grouped together and seen as a single
concern by the respondents.
Security at large is without doubt a major concern
for most users, customers and providers alike, in par-
ticular in a Cloud setting, as the resources typically
are shared and the data integrity as a consequence
needs additional attention to ensure a retained con-
fidence in the ownership of data. Many users are con-
cerned about losing the control of data, in many cases
probably justifiably so. Unless Security - all relevant
aspects of Security related to Cloud Computing - is
fully addressed and the users made aware of available
options and existing protocols and standards that can
be used to build reliable Cloud Computing offerings,
the adoption of Cloud Computing is likely to continue
to grow slowly (see Figure 3).
Interoperability: One of the recurring concerns
raised by the web survey respondents concerns inter-
operability, or - rather - the lack thereof. Answers to
the following questions indicate or support the claim
that Interoperability is one of the top concerns among
the respondents. Some highlighted aspects of interop-
erability include:
Interoperability is a key success factor to ensure
Increased business agility. Unless a high level of
interoperability in solutions internal to the orga-
nization as well as interoperability with external
stakeholders (collaborators, customers, suppliers,
subsidiaries etc.) is secured, it will be difficult to
obtain a high level of business agility. Interoper-
ability (and Portability) across vendor solutions is
also seen as a major concern for many organiza-
Interoperability is also seen as main concern
among many of the respondents, both in terms of
a general issue for the organization of the respon-
dent and in terms of lack of support for interoper-
ability standards.
The web survey strongly suggests that SDOs pro-
viding interoperability standards for Cloud Comput-
ing must accelerate their efforts. The ongoing work
in ISO/IEC on providing guidance for this domain
(ISO/IEC 19041: ”Cloud Computing Interoperability
& Portability concepts”) is an example of an activity
that is likely to provide valuable information in this
Cloud Computing Certification Standards: Al-
most 75% consider certification as a positive means to
increase the confidence in Cloud Computing service
providers. Regarding the domains in which certifica-
tion is seen as very important, data security and data
privacy are dominating. Cloud service certification
(per cloud service, covering all partners and providers
in the end-to-end chain) and cloud provider certifica-
tion are considered as the preferred types of certifica-
tion while self-certification is only seen as an accept-
able certification scheme. A majority of the respon-
dents are unaware of the Cloud Certification Schemes
List (CCSL) defined by ENISA while in this list, the
well-known ISO/IEC 27001 Certification comes first
as a scheme for cloud certification. A majority of the
cloud service customers indicate that they plan to in-
clude one of these certification schemes in their Cloud
purchasing processes. A majority of cloud service
providers also plans to certify their cloud service of-
5.2 Identification of Trends and
Based on the responses received mid-June 2015, it is
possible to make some tentative and high-level anal-
ysis. From this analysis, some patterns emerge that
will have to be clarified and confirmed by a final anal-
ysis made at the conclusion of the survey. The trends
that are assessed as the most significant are presented
Security, Integrity and Data Privacy: these top-
ics are seen as major concerns. This is not a new find-
ing, but the fact that it is still very much present is a
clear indication on the perceived challenge ahead for
security standards and Cloud certification in particu-
lar (see Figure 4).
Interoperability and Portability: these areas are
Figure 4: Maturity of Cloud Computing: critical issues
(Question 11).
Survey of the Cloud Computing Standards Landscape 2015
Figure 5: Ranking Cloud Certification areas according to
their importance (Question 48).
Figure 6: Maturity of your organization: critical challenges
(Question 9).
ranked high. Concern in this area is most likely linked
to the issue of vendor lock-in, the unclear capabilities
of individual cloud service offerings ability to move
data from one service to another and the lack of porta-
bility standards for cross-Cloud scenarios in general
(see Figure 8).
Moving to the Cloud: there is a high percep-
tion from the respondents that the transition to Cloud
Computing should be carefully planned and orga-
nized, in particular in areas pertinent to data (clas-
sification, storage, etc.), processes and security (see
Figure 6).
Standards: in general, the role of standards is
seen as important and there is a growing level of
awareness, to a smaller extent even in terms of knowl-
edge on the existing set of standards. It is to be noted
that, in this perspective, the benefit from standards re-
Figure 7: Impact of Cloud Computing Standards on your
organization’s concerns (Question 34).
Figure 8: Domains of lacking of Cloud Computing stan-
dards (Question 37).
lated to Cloud Computing is seen as more critical than
Open Source: this finding is however subject to fur-
ther analysis (see Figure 7).
Certification: a very large majority (79%) of the
respondents confirm the role of certification as a very
useful way to improve confidence in Cloud Comput-
ing. However the selection of Cloud Certification
schemes is complex: the Cloud Certification Scheme
List (CCSL) is an attempt to make a selection of such
schemes but the survey shows that only 31of respon-
dents are aware of this list. This is clearly show-
ing a need for increasing the awareness of the Cloud
Computing community on CCSL and all the means to
have access to a pre-analyzed and recommended list
of schemes (see Figure 5).
Based on the principal areas of concern as identified
from the survey results the Cloud Standards Coordi-
nation Phase 2 experts have listed below some recom-
mendations following the findings in the web survey.
Collaboration across Key Cloud Computing
Stakeholders: Encourage and increase collabora-
tions across the various relevant initiatives in Europe
as well across standards development organizations
(formal, de jure and de facto) to avoid and minimize
fragmentation and overlap in theCloud Computing re-
lated standardization efforts. During the CSC-2, con-
tacts have been made with the US standardization
agency, NIST as well as for example the EuroCIO
organization. Both contacts have resulted in follow-
up activities that will add further value to the CSC-
2 results as well as securing awareness of the CSC
work. Dissemination and Education: Make sure
that Cloud Computing stakeholders (users, customers
and providers) are made aware of existing standards
and certification programs. The relatively low re-
sponse and awareness found among the respondents
of the web survey strongly suggests that the impor-
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
tance and potential benefits of standards and certifica-
tion schemes need to be further advocated and mar-
keted by using in the relevant channels through the
appropriate EU agencies and also by the SDOs. Con-
duct the Cloud Web Survey Regularly: Keeping
track of the end users perception of Cloud Computing
benefits and challenges provides an excellent back-
drop for ongoing as well as future efforts to close the
identified gaps and address the challenges disclosed
by the web survey. The experts see the web survey
as a good tool to gauge the progress and state-of-
affairs in the CloudComputing space and recommend
that the web survey is reopened and run on a regu-
lar basis, tentatively on an annually basis. Security
aspects - a Key Concern:Security, as a concept, is
without doubt a major concern for most users, cus-
tomers and providers alike, in particular in a Cloud
setting, as the resources typically are shared and data
integrity confidentiality and availability, as a conse-
quence need additional attention to ensure a retained
confidence in the ownership of data. Many users are
concerned about losing the control of data, in many
cases probably justifiably so. Unless Security - all
relevant aspects of Security related to Cloud Com-
puting - is fully addressed and the users made aware
of available options and existing protocols and stan-
dards that can be used to build reliable Cloud Com-
puting offerings, the adoption of CloudComputing is
likely to continue to grow slowly. Certification adds
Confidence: The analysis supports the provisioning
of certification schemes, where certification of ven-
dors and the cross cutting aspects data storage lo-
cation (one aspect of privacy), cloud data centre in-
frastructure, cloud provisioning process and interop-
erability/reversibility are top priorities. These aspects
are general concerns that need to be addressed to ac-
celerate the adoption of Cloud Computing.
7.1 Results
The present report indicates that running a web survey
on Cloud standards may yield relevant findings even
though the number of respondents is limited and the
composition of the respondents resulting from the in-
vitation to selected stakeholders is representative for
the overall population only to an unknown extent. The
findings made during the analysis of the survey sup-
port the continued strive towards closing the identified
gaps in terms of support for Cloud Computing stan-
dards. It also shows a growing awareness of the im-
portance of standards, in general and for Cloud Com-
puting in particular.
The main result is the identification of trends from
the outcome of the survey described in section 5. In-
termediate results of the survey including early rec-
ommendations were published mid-June 2015 as a
draft for public comments. The comments received
have been discussed in a public worksop and the feed-
back from the users’ community allowed for the pub-
lication of the final report (WP1Report, 2015) by mid-
November 2015.
7.2 Lessons Learned
Designing a survey is a complex task. The main dif-
ficulty for its authors has been to fight against length
and complexity. However, completeness was some-
how at this cost. It was even more difficult to bat-
tle against ambiguity: many questions could be in-
terpreted in a different (sometimes totally opposite)
manner depending on the role of the respondent in
the Cloud computing eco-system. To overcome this,
two important elements have been helpful. The most
important - as already pointed above - was the feed-
back from reviewers: we could never have enough of
this! Another positive element was the existence of a
clear definition of the roles in Cloud Computing: we
have seen a lot of maturation from the CSC Phase 1
to Phase 2.
7.2.1 Open Source and Standards
Cloud Computing is certainly one of the areas of ICT
where Open Source Software (OSS) is playing a re-
ally crucial role. A lot of OSS projects are undertaken
and some OSS products are becoming the de facto ref-
erence in the global Cloud Computing architecture.
This evolution is creating tensions as well as opportu-
nities with respect to standards. Another task of CSC
Phase 2 is the in-depth analysis of the interplay be-
tween Open Source and Standards. A draft version of
the report was published in July 2015 as a draft for
public comments. The comments received have been
discussed in a public workshop and the feedback from
the users’ community allowed for the publication of
the final report (WP2Report, 2015) by end of Novem-
ber 2015.
7.2.2 Evaluation of Cloud Security Work
Two of the early trends clearly identified by the survey
(and that could be fully confirmed at the time of final
publication of results) are: (i) the continuing crucial
role of security and privacy for creating trust in Cloud
Computing, and (ii) the need for most of the users
to rely on proven, useful and affordable certification
Survey of the Cloud Computing Standards Landscape 2015
schemes. The second task of CSC Phase 2 analyses
the relationship between those two aspects and pro-
vides a set of recommendations. A draft version of the
report was published in July 2015 as a draft for public
comments. as with the other reports the comments re-
ceived have been discussed in a public workshop and
the feedback from the users’ community allowed for
the publication of the final report (WP3Report, 2015)
by end of November 2015.
7.2.3 Update of CSC Phase 1 Cloud Standards
The final task of CSC Phase 2 is more precisely linked
to the current status of the Cloud Computing stan-
dards landscape. The survey has provided indica-
tions on users expectations vis--vis standards. The
work done in the ”snapshot” was an analysis based
on the identification of the current set of standards
(Cloud Computing standards or related ones) and the
mapping of user needs on this set of standards. As
expected we found areas of stabilisation, areas of
progress as well as areas of insufficient maturity and
possibly remaining gaps. A draft version of the report
was published August 2015 as a draft for public com-
ments. The comments received have been discussed
in a public workshop and the feedback from the users’
community allowed for the publication of the final re-
port (WP4Report, 2015) by end of November 2015.
The four reports are available on the CSC webpages
7.3 Future Work
The work of CSC Phase 2 on the survey that we have
described also is, as already mentioned, a foundation
for the global approach of the rest of the work. The
three other tasks have been accomplished by October
2015: (i) interplay between Open Source and Stan-
dards, (ii) evaluation of Cloud security work, and (iii)
update of the CSC Phase 1 Cloud standards snapshot.
These tasks in CSC Phase 2 have been, to a large ex-
tent, relying on the main results of the survey, and on
the identification of users needs, challenges and ex-
pectations. After a feedback phase the final versions
have been published by end of November 2015. The
next step starting negotiations with the EC LATER
2016 on a possible continuation according to the rec-
ommendations described in Section 6.
The work reported in this paper has been funded by
the European Commission to be undertaken by ETSI,
under grant SA/ETSI/ENTR/000/2014-03 of 30-Oct-
ECTCES (2014). Trusted Cloud Europe Survey.
Website. Online at
agenda /en/news/trusted-cloud-europe-survey, visited
6 November 2015.
ECTCESeval (2014). Trusted Cloud Europe Survey -
Assessment of Survey Responses. Website. Online at
dae/document.cfm?doc id=6608, visited 6 November
ETSI (2013). CSC-Deliverable-008-Final Report-V1.0.
Technical report. Online at
report, visited 6 November 2015.
Sill, A. (2015). Emerging standards and organizational pat-
terns in cloud computing. IEEE Cloud Computing,
WP1Report (2015). Cloud Computing Users Needs.
Website. Online at
Report/STF 486 WP1 Report-v2.0.0.pdf, visited 6
February 2016.
WP2Report (2015). Cloud Computing Stan-
dards and Open Source. Website. Online
STF 486 WP2 Report-v2.0.0.pdff, visited 6 February
WP3Report (2015). Interoperability and Secu-
rity in Cloud Computing. Website. On-
line at
STF 486 WP3 Report-v2.0.0.pdf, visited 6 February
WP4Report (2015). Cloud Computing Stan-
dards Maturity Assessment. Website. On-
line at
STF 486 WP4 Report-v2.0.0.pdf, visited 6 February
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science