Virtual Sensors in Remote Healthcare Delivery: Some Case Studies
Nandini Mukherjee
, Suman Sankar Bhunia
and Sunanda Bose
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
School of Mobile Computing and Communication, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
E-Health, Sensor-cloud, Virtual Sensors, Remote Health.
Delivery of healthcare services to the people living in remote places is a challenging task. A remote healthcare
framework has been proposed in our earlier work based on sensor-cloud technologies. This paper explains
the scenarios for deployment of such a framework in a remote healthcare delivery system. In our sensor-
coud environment we propose to create virtual sensors and offer them on-demand to the health-care service
providers for use in their services. In this paper, we discuss the purpose of using virtual sensors in healthcare
domain and demonstrate how additional responsibilities that cannot be handled by physical sensor devices,
can be delegated to virtual sensors in order to improve the efficiency of the system. Results of preliminary
deployment of virtual sensors in two scenarios are discussed within limited scope and their advantages and
related issues are put forward for future implementation of the sensor-cloud infrastructure.
Providing basic healthcare services in rural areas in
developing countries is a challenge. Primarily, this is
because doctors are not available in the same propor-
tion in the rural areas as they are available in urban
areas. Some studies in India indicate that there are
about four times as many trained doctors per ten thou-
sand population in urban areas as compared to the ru-
ral areas. This includes doctors in the public sector (in
primary healthcare centres set up by Government) as
well as in the private hospitals and nursing homes and
privately practicing doctors. Clinical testing facilities
are also unavailable in these areas.
Although, the situation can only be reversed
through government initiatives and some changes in
the societal structure, we propose to increase the
reachability of rural people to healthcare services with
the use of modern information and communication
technologies. In particular, our solution is based on
integration of cloud computing and sensor technolo-
gies and deployment of a sensor-cloud environment.
However, while building the sensor-cloud environ-
ment, we propose to create virtual sensors and offer
them on-demand to the health-care service providers
for use in their services. This paper presents few sce-
narios where instead of directly collecting data from
physical sensors and transmitting those to the cloud
environment, use of virtual sensors will be effective
and in some cases a necessary requirement. Such
scenarios for using virtual sensors in healthcare do-
main are discussed in Section 2. A scheme for re-
mote delivery of healthcare services on top of sensor-
cloud environment is discussed in Section 3. We also
demonstrate the use of some virtual sensors in the
kiosk-based system and discuss their advantages and
related issues. Section 4 discusses use of virtual sen-
sors in the proposed kiosk-based scheme and finally
Section 5 concludes.
Cloud computing brings a change in the users’ vision
towards the computing world. Restrictions put by the
limited resources in a dedicated server are overcome
when computing and storage resources, software and
information are provided over a network as an utility
with an analogy with electricity or water supply. Ac-
cording to NIST (Mell and Grance, 2011), cloud com-
puting enables “ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand
network access to a shared pool of configurable com-
puting resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, ap-
plications, and services) that can be rapidly provi-
sioned and released with minimal management effort
or service provider interaction”.
On the other hand, advancements in sensing tech-
Mukherjee, N., Bhunia, S. and Bose, S.
Virtual Sensors in Remote Healthcare Delivery: Some Case Studies.
DOI: 10.5220/0005823204840489
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2016) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 484-489
ISBN: 978-989-758-170-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Remote Healthcare: Use cases.
nologies, and possibility of connecting numerous spa-
tially distributed sensing devices wirelessly in a multi-
hop network create enormous scope for implement-
ing various applications which were never envisaged
earlier. However, instead of using sensor nodes only
for data transmission to cloud, we propose to create
a layer of abstraction of sensor nodes through virtu-
alization. Thus, with virtualization, it is possible to
delegate additional reponsisibilities to the virtualized
sensing devices and offer access to these devices on
demand basis and in shared and pervasive manner.
Virtualized sensors can also be reserved for a time pe-
riod. In other words, virtual sensors enable us to offer
SENsing-As-A-Service with extra capabilities in com-
parison with what can be offered by physical devices
and also providing ways to overcome the limitations
of physical sensing devices. A sensor-cloud frame-
work with sensor virtualization and the issues related
to the development of the framework have been dis-
cussed in (Mukherjee et al., 2014). In this section our
endeavor is to present some rationale for use of virtual
sensors in healthcare domain.
Virtual Sensors: A virtualization layer of the
sensor nodes can be created for several purposes.
As mentioned earlier, the tiny sensing devices have
limited capabilities in terms of computing resources,
storage and energy. Thus, creating virtual abstractions
of physical sensors in cloud environment and thereby
enabling them to use additional resources, it is pos-
sible to enhance the capabilities of these sensing de-
vices. Furthermore, in case of healthcare applications,
we envisage other requirements which can be fulfilled
by virtualizing sensor resources. A virtual sensor ac-
cumulates the data from one or more physical sensor
nodes and analyzes and processes the data to make
a decision. Based on the complexity of the decision
making algorithm and whether it runs at the infras-
tructure level (IAAS) or at the platform level (PAAS),
different names are given to the respective virtual sen-
sors. In our earlier work (Bose et al., 2015), we have
already defined eight types of virtual sensors. In this
paper, we describe applications of some of the virtual
sensors in healthcare domain.
1. Number of sensing units are deployed on a pa-
tient’s body to sense various clinical parameters,
such as blood pressure, body temperature and
oxygen level (or oxygen saturation) in the blood.
All these parameters are related to one single pa-
tient and an application should be able to access
these parameters as a single data unit. A single
virtual sensor is created to accumulate the sensed
data from different sensing units and represent
them as a single data unit. Such a virtual sensor is
named as an accumulator.
2. A virtual sensor may sense the blood pressure of
a patient and when the sensed data goes beyond
a threshold value, the virtual sensor generates an
alert. Such a virtual sensor gets data from a single
sensor node and can be implemented at the sensor
network level. This virtual sensor is named as a
3. A context qualifier virtual sensor is similar to
a qualifier virtual sensor, but instead of consid-
ering data from a single sensor, it obtains data
from multiple sensors and applies a decision al-
gorithm. Such a virtual sensor may be imple-
mented at body sensor network level. An exam-
ple of a context qualifier virtual sensor is as fol-
lows: “When body temperature sensor reads high
value and skin conductance sensor reads normal
(patient is not sweating), the values indicate that
the patient has fever”. A range of values is defined
for describing the terms like high, normal and low.
Virtual Sensors in Remote Healthcare Delivery: Some Case Studies
Figure 2: Kiosk-based remote healthcare delivery.
We can also use fuzzy rules in such cases (Bhunia
et al., 2014).
4. A virtual sensor may be implemented with a pre-
dictor algorithm to predict possible sensed val-
ues based on time series data analysis on pre-
viously sensed data when actual physical sensor
goes down. For example, a heart rate monitoring
sensor may be attached with the patient’s body for
continuous monitoring and the patient may be on
move (traveling in a train). The monitoring data
can be regularly uploaded to the cloud environ-
ment and used by the care giver for taking care of
any unusual situation. Due to connectivity prob-
lem or any other reason data may not be avail-
able at every instant. The predictor algorithm is
implemented at the platform level (PaaS) and can
be used to predict the intermediate values. The
predicted values can later be compared / corrected
with the actual values which are locally stored and
uploaded later to the cloud environment. We name
such a sensor a predictor.
5. A virtual sensor may be equipped with some
contextual computation abilities that analyzes the
sensed traffic from a set of sensors. The com-
putational procedure transforms sensed data to a
more understandable information. For example,
an image analysis algorithm may be executed on
the data obtained from a group of physical sen-
sors collecting images from a patient’s body. The
virtual sensor is then represented in an integrated
form which contains the data obtained from the
set of physical sensors, the algorithm and neces-
sary computation and storage resources. We name
this virtual sensor a compute virtual sensor. This
sensor is also implemented at the platform level
In addition to the above sensors, some other virtual
sensors with various capabilities have been described
in (Bose et al., 2015). However, these virtual sensors
are more applicable in case of applications other than
healthcare applications (such as environment moni-
It is clear from the above description that when
a user application requests for a virtual machine in
our sensor cloud environment, it not only requests
for usual virtualized resources like CPU, memory and
storage, it can also request for virtual sensors, as nec-
essary on the basis of the patients’ requirements. APIs
are provided for requesting virtual sensors and they
are provided on demand basis.
The sensor-cloud environment described above is be-
ing implemented for a remote healthcare delivery sys-
tem. Three use cases are considered for implementa-
tion of such a system (Figure 1). These use cases are
described below:
Kiosk-based Healthcare Delivery: In rural ar-
eas, where doctors are not available, a health kiosk
can be set up. The kiosk should be equipped
with e-health sensor kit and operated by a team
of health assistants. The health assistants must be
trained to use health sensors, gather data from pa-
tients’ bodies using the sensors and transmit data
to the cloud through an e-health application. The
e-health application will run on a virtual machine
with capabilities as requested by the application
itself including necessary virtual sensors. Doc-
tors may be located in urban areas. Our sensor
cloud-based application allows the doctors to vi-
sualize the patients’ data remotely. When a pa-
HEALTHINF 2016 - 9th International Conference on Health Informatics
tient comes to a kiosk, the health assistants col-
lect data, upload data to the cloud. Doctors, after
remote analysis of data, make diagnosis, suggest
medication and further investigation. All investi-
gations and tests may not be possible in the health
kiosks (such as X-ray) and in such cases the pa-
tients are advised to visit external laboratories (al-
though such situation arises only in a few number
of cases). A patient visits the kiosk more than
once until the treatment related to a complaint
is over or the patient is referred to a secondary
healthcare centre. The entire scheme is described
in Figure 2.
In the above scenario, virtual sensors can be de-
ployed in cloud environment and can be used to
represent patients’ clinical data in an integrated
form to the doctors.
Continuous Monitoring of Patients on Move:
A single sensor (such as heartbeat monitor) or a
body sensor network can be put on a patient’s
body. The patient will carry out normal activities.
The patient can be in motion as and when nec-
essary. Therefore, it is required to have seamless
connectivity when the patient moves through dif-
ferent networks, including cellular network, Wifi
etc. While transmitting data from various sensors
through a common channel, there may be interfer-
ences. Handling such interferences is another is-
sue. When the sensor data exceeds some threshold
values, it may also be required to generate alert
messages. Virtual sensors may be created to deal
with the above issues.
Offline Data Collection: Health assistants may
move from dood-to-door and collect health-
related data from several households. At certain
instances, these data may be uploaded to cloud en-
vironment for analysis. The data, as well as anal-
ysis results may be used by caregivers (doctors
or health assistants), healthcare units (hospitals),
or by the government organisations (health de-
partments). While the caregivers and the health-
care units require the data for monitoring pur-
poses, health departments may use the analysis re-
sults for controlling any epidemic or introducing
new schemes for reducing the disease burden in
the state. Enhanced capabilities of virtual sensors
may run algortihms for data analysis and present
data in different formats to the users based on their
Patients’ data contains five parts: (i) demographic
data, (ii) past medical history of the patient, (iii) the
complaint of the patient, (iv) data collected by virtual
sensors deployed at the kiosk or on the patient’s body
and (v) data collected by tests and investigations. The
last part, that is the data collected by tests and inves-
tigations are filled up on the basis of doctors’ advice
and are possibly filled up during the subsequent visits
of the patient. Data are stored using sensorML for-
mat. A description of the data model is given in (Sen
and Mukherjee, 2014).
In this section, we discuss the use of virtual sensors in
our remote healthcare delivery application Healthsys.
In this paper, we will consider two particular scenar-
ios of deploying virtual sensors.
Case 1: Various physical sensors are put on the
patient’s body and a virtual sensor is deployed on
a gateway which is a laptop or an android-based
smart phone placed in the kiosk. The virtual
sensor accepts data from all the physical sensors,
interleaves them and forwards the combined data
for the use by an application or a service.
Benefit: Parameters like electrocardiogram
(e.g. ECG) and other graph based parameters
require higher sampling rate, but have small data
size per sample. But parameters involving images
and audio (e.g. respiratory sounds) require low
sampling rate, but large data size per sample.
The required sampling rate must be maintained
for each sensor. Also, the data is sent through a
common channel. Therefore, a data interleaving
technique needs to be incorporated so that each
sensor gets a share of the available bandwidth
enabling each of them to maintain sampling rate,
data length and delay. If interleaving cannot be
done suitably (a sensor data may need to be split
between the samples of other sensors), then there
may be overlapping between the sensor data and
interpretation of the data may be deformed as
shown in Figure 3(a).
Implementation: A virtual sensor is de-
ployed at the infrastructure level that accepts
data from different physical sensors, interleaves
the data in such a way that none of the samples
from any physical sensor is missed and data are
delivered in time.
For example, ECG data requires high sample rate,
but data size is low. On the other hand, body tem-
perature data requires low sample rate and the data
Virtual Sensors in Remote Healthcare Delivery: Some Case Studies
(a) (b)
Figure 3: (a) ECG without using interleaving with other sensed data, (b) ECG with interleaving with other sensed data.
Figure 4: Framework for Fuzzy-based Data Collection.
size is large. Therefore, multiple ECG samples
can be interleaved with a sample of body temper-
ature data and can be transmitted through a com-
mon channel.
An example of the interleaving technique in a
specific scenario has been discussed in detail
in (Dhar et al., 2014) and some experimental
results are given. Figure 3 compares two ECG
results without and with the use of interleaving
Case 2: A virtual sensor accepts data from one or
more physical sensors and applies fuzzy rules to
generate an alert or to activate another physical
sensor. Figure 4 shows a framework for fuzzy
assisted data collection in healthcare domain.
Example: An example of a fuzzy rule can
be as follows: “When body temperature is low,
and skin conductance sensor reads high (patient
is sweating), it is indicated that the patient is
in shock. Shock may arise from fear or heart
problems or psychological issues. As one of
the symptoms of heart attack is severe shock
of the patient, our system activates the heart
rate monitor when the above two conditions are
true.” (Bhunia et al., 2014).
Benefit: This virtual sensor avoids unneces-
sary data collection from multiple physical
Figure 5: Reduced energy consumption in fuzzy-based
sensors and saves energy consumption at the
physical level. An implementation of the fuzzy
rule-based system has been discussed in (Bhunia
et al., 2014). Figure 5 describes the reduction in
energy consumption with this implementation.
Delivering healthcare services remotely is being in
focus of the medical practitioners, as well as scien-
tists. Advantages of offering medical diagnosis and
monitoring services based on mobile health systems
and the challenges have been discussed in (Moham-
madzadeh and Safdari, 2014). In (Henderson et al.,
2014), it has been argued that nurse practitioners can
use technology through a telehealth service that can
improve quality and overcome geographic barriers to
health care access. They have also shown that tech-
nology can improve patients access to health care in
a cost-effective manner. Few critical questions have
been raised in (Puddu et al., 2014) in relation to re-
mote healthcare systems and the pertinent technolo-
gies implied in transferring surveillance and care to
the patients. The reviewed some use case scenarios
and attempted to integrate different points of views
of physicians, patients, academicians, health service
HEALTHINF 2016 - 9th International Conference on Health Informatics
organizations, industries, and the end users.
In spite of the above research works and studies
on remote healthcare delivery, application of sensor-
cloud and sensor virtualization have not received
much focus in healthcare domain. Sensor virtual-
ization for underwater event detection has been dis-
cussed in (Wang et al., 2014) in which the base station
collects measurements from multiple sensor nodes,
and makes a decision based on the sensors reports.
enables the collection of data streams from multiple
heterogeneous geographically dispersed data sources,
as well as their semantic unification and streaming
with a cloud infrastructure. It has been proposed
in (Petrolo et al., 2014) to enable collection of data
streams from multiple heterogeneous geographically
dispersed data sources and their semantic unification
and streaming with a cloud infrastructure for a smart
city solution.
Our research studies the purposes of using virtual
sensors for healthcare services and focuses on intro-
duction of a layer of abstraction to implement virtual
sensors. Use of virtual sensors have been demon-
strated in two scenarios. Currently, we are focusing
on other types of virtual sensors and their implemen-
This paper focuses on remote healthcare delivery on
top of a sensor-cloud framework. The paper particu-
larly discusses virtualization of sensors and their ap-
plications in healthcare domain. A remote primary
healthcare delivery application has been dicussed and
its implementation using virtual sensors has been con-
ceptualized. We are currently developing an architec-
ture for implementation of virtual sensors and APIs
for their uses in healthcare services.
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Virtual Sensors in Remote Healthcare Delivery: Some Case Studies