Consolidation of Performance and Workload Models in Evolving Cloud
Application Topologies
Santiago G
omez S
aez, Vasilios Andrikopoulos and Frank Leymann
Institute of Architecture of Application Systems, University of Stuttgart, Universit
atsstr. 38, Stuttgart, Germany
Cloud Application Topology, Cloud Application Distribution, Cloud Application Performance Engineering,
Cloud Application Workload.
The increase of available Cloud services and providers has contributed to accelerate the development and has
broaden the possibilities for building and provisioning Cloud applications in heterogeneous Cloud environments.
The necessity for satisfying business and operational requirements in an agile and rapid manner has created the
need for adapting traditional methods and tooling support for building and provisioning Cloud applications.
Focusing on the application’s performance and its evolution, we observe a lack of support for specifying,
capturing, analyzing, and reasoning on the impact of using different Cloud services and configurations. This
paper bridges such a gap by proposing the conceptual and tooling support to enhance Cloud application topology
models to capture and analyze the evolution of the application’s performance. The tooling support is built
upon an existing modeling environment, which is subsequently evaluated using the MediaWiki (Wikipedia)
application and its realistic workload.
The existence of a wide technological landscape of-
fered in the Everything-as-a-Service (*aaS) model has
contributed to an increase of applications partially or
completely running or built in the Cloud, potentially as
a composition of Cloud services (Andrikopoulos et al.,
2013). The adoption of continuous software delivery
models, such as DevOps, aim at offering flexibility
and agility for a quick response to market changes.
The DevOps emergence boosted efforts in research
and industry towards developing concepts and tools
to assist application developers to develop, provision,
and (re)deploy cloud applications in a simplified, in-
teroperable, and agile manner.
Standards like TOSCA
allow the automated and
interoperable provisioning and configuration of Cloud
services to host the different application components.
However, there exists a lack of native support for as-
sisting application developers in the selection and con-
figuration of appropriate Cloud services based on a set
of business and operational objectives. When focusing
on the performance of the application, such an analysis
becomes even more complex and wider, as (i) the fluc-
Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud
Applications (TOSCA) Version 1.0: http://docs.oasis-
tuation of the application workload has an impact on
the resources demand and QoS, and (ii) the existence
of multiple applications running on the same physical
environment of a provider has an unpredictable im-
pact on the offered performance (G
omez S
aez et al.,
2015). Towards narrowing such a gap, in (G
omez S
et al., 2014) we proposed a process-based approach
aimed at assisting application developers to efficiently
their application components spanning
multiple Cloud offerings while focusing on fluctuating
and evolving workloads and performance demands.
This work materializes the vision described in (G
aez et al., 2014) by developing the concepts for con-
solidating performance aspects in Cloud application
topologies. The main contributions of this work are:
the derivation of a life cycle targeting the specifica-
tion, analysis, and adaptation of Cloud applications
for evolving workloads and performance require-
the development of the foundations to enrich Cloud
application topology models with evolving busi-
ness and operational requirements, and workload
behavioral models,
its corresponding tooling support built atop the
Sáez, S., Andrikopoulos, V. and Leymann, F.
Consolidation of Performance and Workload Models in Evolving Cloud Application Topologies.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2016) - Volume 1, pages 160-169
ISBN: 978-989-758-182-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and OpenTOSCA
specification and
ecosystem, respectively, and
the evaluation of the proposed approach using the
well known MediaWiki
application and its realis-
tic workload.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents the background this work
builds upon. The proposed life cycle for application
(re)distribution, and the meta-models for enriching
Cloud application topologies with evolving perfor-
mance and workload models are presented in Section 3.
The tooling support is presented in Section 4, which is
then evaluated in Section 5. Section 6 presents related
works, and Section 7 conclusions and future work.
MWiki App:
wikiDB: SQL_DB
xlarge: AWS_EC2
large: AWS_RDS
Physical Server IaaS Solution DBaaS Solution
Alternative Topology Node
Topology Node
Topology Node
Performance Indicator
Workload Specification
Figure 1: MediaWiki Application Topology Model.
Figure 1 depicts multiple viable distributions of the
two-tiered PHP-based MediaWiki
application. The
MediaWiki topology breaks the application stack in
two main component groups: (i) application specific
components, i.e. each application tier description, and
(ii) the application independent sub-topology/ies (i.e.
- and
-topologies in the terminology of (An-
drikopoulos et al., 2014a), respectively). The avail-
able number and nature of Cloud offerings allows for
a partial or complete distribution of the application
components, therefore building a wide spectrum of
-topologies (Andrikopoulos et al., 2014a).
MediaWiki Application:
WikiMedia Foundation: https://wikimediafounda
For instance, it is possible to outsource the MediaWiki
front-end tier to a VM-based offering, such as Ama-
zon EC2
, and migrate its backend database tier to an
off-premise EC2 VM or in an Amazon RDS
Collaborative Loop
Figure 2: Performance Aware Cloud Application
(Re)Distribution Process (G
omez S
aez, 2014).
The existence of such a spectrum of alternative
-topologies together with the necessity to rapidly sat-
isfy changing business and operational requirements
introduces a multi-dimensional problem involving the
analysis and revision of requirements and objectives.
More specifically, it involves the evaluation of the
trade-off between two or more dimensions, e.g. cost
vs. performance, etc., during the modeling and pro-
duction phases of the application. Towards bridging
such a gap, in (G
omez S
aez et al., 2014) and (An-
drikopoulos et al., 2014a) we proposed a methodology
and formal framework, respectively. Such approaches
aim at allowing developers and operation engineers
to distribute and redistribute their application compo-
nents spanned among multiple Clouds to cope with
changing business and operational requirements, and
fluctuating workloads.
The Performance Aware Cloud (Re)Distribution
Process depicted in Figure 2 consists of several tasks:
(i) modeling the application topology, (ii) enriching
such topology with business and operational require-
ments, and the workload characteristics, which are
then (iii) processed and analyzed to subsequently
(iv) discover, construct, and evaluate alternative
topologies. The (v) deployment and production phase
of the application assists in building the necessary
knowledge to (vi) analyze the evolution of the appli-
Consolidation of Performance and Workload Models in Evolving Cloud Application Topologies
cation performance demands and workload behavior
through monitoring techniques. The Collaborative
Loop gears towards supporting the
the application over time to rapidly react to changing
requirements and fluctuating workloads. This research
paper provides the conceptual and tooling support to-
wards supporting the Modeling and Enrichment tasks
in Figure 2.
This section presents two fundamental aspects that
must be taken into consideration for achieving an agile
(re)distribution of Cloud applications spanning mul-
tiple Clouds: (i) the development of a life cycle for
selecting and configuring Cloud resources to satisfy
application business and operational requirements, and
(ii) the derivation of the necessary foundations in the
Modeling and Enrichment tasks depicted of the Per-
formance Aware Cloud Application (Re)Distribution
Process to support the different phases of the life cycle.
3.1 Life Cycle
Santiago Gómez Sáez
KPI Specification
Workload Model
Workload Evolution &
Resources Selection &
Figure 3: Application (Re)Distribution Life Cycle.
The specification and analysis of the application busi-
ness and operational performance require to consider
two aspects: (i) the difference between the required
and offered performance, and (ii) the evolution of the
application workload behavior. According to several
investigations (Bahga and Madisetti, 2011; Gmach
et al., 2007; John et al., 1998; Mian et al., 2013;
Watson et al., 2010), two approaches can be derived
for designing and provisioning adaptable Cloud ap-
plications w.r.t. changing business and operational
requirements, and fluctuating workloads: top-down
and bottom-up. The life cycle depicted in Figure 3
supports the (re)distribution of applications w.r.t. their
business and operational requirements. A first phase
consists of the KPI Specification, by means of defining
and specifying the business and operational require-
ments. Together with the specification and analysis
of the application workload in the Workload Model
Derivation phase, the resources can be selected and
configured in the Resources Selection & Configuration
phase. However, the previous phases do not directly en-
able the analysis of the workload fluctuation. Towards
such a goal, the Workload Evolution & Characteriza-
tion phase allows to analyze the workload evolution
during the application’s production phase, using, e.g.
monitoring techniques.
The execution of the previous phases in the top-
down approach empowers the allocation of resources
to satisfy business and operational requirements. The
bottom-up approach builds on the adaptation of re-
sources and in the refinement of business and opera-
tional requirements. The bottom-up approach mainly
builds towards deriving the optimal resource alloca-
tion and configuration w.r.t. the application perfor-
mance (Mian et al., 2013). In this work we build
towards the consolidation of the top-down and bottom-
up application workload analysis approaches over time
in order to proactively satisfy application demands by
dynamically (re-)adapting its topology.
3.2 KPI Requirements Specification
The specification of business and operational require-
ments typically relate to the application’s business
KPIs, e.g. expected profit, maximum accepted latency
to ensure a user’s satisfaction level, etc. The meta-
model depicted in Figure 4 establishes the placeholders
for the specification and the analysis of adaptive per-
formance requirements in the KPI Specification phase
of the Application (Re)Distribution Life Cycle. Perfor-
mance Requirements can be partitioned in two main
correlated groups (see Figure 4): Operational Require-
ments and Business Requirements. Operational Re-
quirements relate to the provisioning and configuration
of resources, etc., while the Business Requirements re-
late to the business objectives, e.g. expected revenue
per user, maximum expenditure, etc. Both Business
and Operational Requirements have one overlapping
characteristic: Metrics can be used to quantitatively an-
alyze and evaluate the fulfillment of such requirements
(see Figure 4).
In order to simplify the selection of performance
metrics, these can be classified and organized in the
proposed meta-model within different Metric Cate-
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Performance Demand
Application Workload
- timeInterval
- name
- description
Measure Sample
- size
- time interval
Statistical Analytical
- threshold
Application Workload Performance Requirement & Observation
-monitoring Resource Reference
Measure of the correctness of
the sample, e.g. accuracy,
confidence level, etc.
observation, e.g. through
Each requirement fulfillment
can be evaluated through
specific metrics
Figure 4: Performance Demand Evolution Meta-model for Cloud Applications.
gories. For instance, there are metrics which focus on
the capacity or utilization of the different types of re-
sources, while others measure discontinuation aspects.
Each defined Metric can be quantitatively analyzed by
analyzing its constructed Measure Samples. Measure
Samples consist of a sequence of Observations taken
over a period of time, retrieved through monitoring
tools, and persisted in large analytical repositories for
processing purposes. The representation of statistical
characteristics of the monitored metrics is supported
in the proposed meta-model by means of incorporat-
ing Analytical Indexes for each Measured Sample, e.g.
using the standard deviation to measure the data dis-
persion. The specification and measurement of the
application’s operational and business performance re-
quirements allows for the continuous observation of
the Performance Evolution for the different Workload
Profiles (see Figure 4).
3.3 Workload Model Derivation &
The meta-model proposed in the previous section com-
prised the necessary artifacts for specifying business
and operational requirements of Cloud applications.
However, fluctuating workloads typically have a strong
impact on the application’s performance variability.
For such a purpose, in this section we identify the
necessary artifacts and we derive a the meta-model
for enhancing Cloud application topologies with work-
load models. For the scope of this work, we define
the application’s workload as the description of a set
of business transactions which are probabilistically
distributed for a time interval, have an impact on the
application state, and define the behavioral character-
istics of its corresponding users.
The Workload Behavior Specification meta-model
depicted in Figure 5 builds upon the workload de-
scription presented in (Van Hoorn et al., 2008), which
we enhance for composite Cloud applications. Such
meta-model defines the placeholders for specifying or
building workload behavioral models in the Workload
Model Derivation and Workload Evolution & Charac-
terization phases of the Application (Re)Distribution
Life Cycle (see Figure 3).
The application’s Workload Profile consists of a
set of Workload samples, each comprising its Usage
Profile, its Workload Mix, and its Behavioral Model.
The workload’s Usage Profile describes the evolution
of the application’s end Users behavior, in terms of
their Arrival Rate and the specification of concurrent
or non-concurrent requests. Every User executes a
set of Business Transactions sent over a specific trans-
port protocol supported by the application’s Compo-
nent Protocol. The set of transactions performed on
Consolidation of Performance and Workload Models in Evolving Cloud Application Topologies
Application Workload
Usage Profile
Arrival Rate
- timeInterval
Performance Demand
- name
- description
Measure Sample
- size
- time interval
Application Workload
Performance Requirement &
Workload Mix
Application State
Defined as a Probabilistic
Distribution Model, e.g.
normal, poisson, etc.
Workload Operations
Ocurrences Probabilities
Figure 5: Workload Behavior Specification.
the application are distributed within a Workload Mix,
based on, e.g. popularity, probability of occurrence,
etc., each having an impact on every Application State
of the Application Model. For example, transitions
between Application States originate in the execution
of the user’s requests, e.g. log-in operations, Wiki
page search, etc. The distribution of requests within
the workload mix and the distribution of users over
time define a Behavioral Model, i.e. a statistical model
representing the behavioral characteristics of users and
requests, which can be leveraged in order to drive sta-
tistical analyses, categorizations, or estimations.
3.4 Cloud Resources Selection &
In this section we investigate how Cloud application
topology models can be enhanced with the previously
depicted knowledge. Since Cloud application topolo-
gies describe the set of components, services, and
the relationships among them, the enrichment support
must take into consideration the different levels where
Cloud application topology models can be enriched.
The remaining of this section outlines in a fined granu-
lar manner such possibilities.
Due to the generic nature of GENTL among dif-
ferent Cloud application topology languages, we use
it as the basis for analyzing the modeling and enrich-
ment points of Cloud application topology models (An-
drikopoulos et al., 2014b) (see Figure 6). KPI require-
ments and workload behavioral characteristics can be
fundamentally specified in two granular ways. A fined
granular description consits of decomposing and de-
scribing the performance requirements and workload
characteristics, respectively, e.g. on the topology Com-
ponent or Relationship levels. For instance, the usage
of different storage services to store application data,
such as AWS S3
or AWS RDS, may require fined
granular description of the workload operations for
each topology Component independently, due to the
different nature of such data services. Relations among
the topology components depicted as Connectors have
a significant impact in the overall performance of ap-
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 6: Application Topology Enrichment with Performance and Workload Models.
plications, as they are usually impacted by the network
configuration and characteristics. The specification of
performance information in sub-topologies enables to
group reusable Cloud components and services with
common KPI requirements and workload behavioral
The enhancement of Cloud application topologies
with KPI requirements and workload information can
be leveraged during the design, provisioning, and pro-
duction phases of the application for predicting and
analyzing the performance of Cloud offerings. Such in-
formation can be leveraged in future decision making
tasks towards assisting application developers to select,
configure, and dynamically adapt Cloud resources.
In the following we discuss the tooling support to
support Cloud application developers in the Modeling
and Enrichment tasks of performance-aware Cloud
application topologies. Due to the high adoption of
the TOSCA standard in both the industry and research
domain, we build the technological support atop of the
TOSCA specification and its corresponding modeling
environment OpenTOSCA Winery (Kopp et al., 2013).
PERFinery - an OpenTOSCA Winery Extension
is a TOSCA-based modeling environ-
ment geared towards the enrichment of TOSCA-based
Cloud application topologies with evolutionary perfor-
mance requirements and workload models.
The specification of non-functional requirements
of Cloud applications is supported in TOSCA by at-
taching custom policies to the application topology,
typically conforming to the Policy4TOSCA defini-
tion (Waizenegger et al., 2013). Policy4TOSCA en-
ables the definition of Policy Types and Policy Tem-
plates comprising actions which must be performed
at concrete phases of the application life cycle and
on specific layers of the application. However, Pol-
icy4TOSCA lacks of tooling support and does not
capture evolving performance information, such as
the influence of workloads on the fulfillment of KPI
requirements. The topology enrichment support in
this work empowers the current TOSCA policy def-
inition support by enabling the graphical creation of
custom Policies comprising the different measurable
and analyzable application requirements.
Figure 7 depicts the architecture of PERFinery, and
highlights the components that have been extended in
Winery. The Topology Elements Manager, Topology
and Plan Modeler, and the Repositories are the major
components (see Figure 7). The Topology Elements
PERFinery Modeling Environment: http://www.iaas.
Consolidation of Performance and Workload Models in Evolving Cloud Application Topologies
Repository Manager
CSAR ImporterCSAR Exporter
Figure 7: PERFinery Modeling Environment Architecture
(extended from (Kopp et al., 2013)).
Manager enables the administration and management
of reusable artifacts among multiple topology tem-
plates, e.g. Node Types, Relationship Types, or Deploy-
ment Artifacts. The Topology Modeler provides the
modeling artifacts towards designing and visualizing
Cloud application topologies. PERFinery comprises
repositories for storing Cloud application topology
models and reusable artifacts. The modeling elements
are provided through the Topology Modeler and Ele-
ment Manager client-side GUIs developed using Java
Web technologies and HTML5 (see Figure 7). More-
over, a REST interface is also offered atop of the Topol-
ogy Repository for persisting and retrieving TOSCA
artifacts, e.g. CSAR packages. The generated TOSCA
and Policy4TOSCA templates, and workload specifi-
cations, as well as the corresponding CSAR packages,
are persisted in separate repositories. The persistence
of workload models is driven and persisted in an inde-
pendent Workload Repository. Generated workloads
can be used towards enriching modeled application
topologies with their behavioral characteristics, e.g.
user arrival rate, transactions’ mix and distribution of
requests, etc.
Application topology and workload models can be
created, viewed, and modified by navigating through
the repository and the different sections that PERFin-
ery offers. For instance, Figure 8 depicts the topology
model created for the MediaWiki application used for
the motivation of this work, which is subsequently
enhanced with performance information.
We evaluate our approach using the MediaWiki
(Wikipedia) application and its realistic workload pro-
vided in (Urdaneta et al., 2009). The MediaWiki front-
end tier encapsulates the presentation and business
Table 1: Workload Characteristics.
Operation Type #Requests Ratio
Read 199925
Write 75
Image Retrieval 8971
Skins Retrieval 66926
Wiki Pages Retrieval 106347
Others 7634
logic layers, while its back-end provides its persis-
tency mechanisms. We used the workload provided
in Wikibench
for describing the workload. Figure 8
shows the view for building custom performance Pol-
icy Profiles.
W.r.t. the workload specification, a first step con-
sisted of sampling 200K HTTP requests of the original
WikiBench workload describing the characteristics de-
picted in Table 1. However, such a workload sample is
not distributed among the different users. For this pur-
pose, the workload sample is referenced in PERFinery
together with the specification of its behavioral char-
acteristics, as depicted in Figure 9, respectively. More
specifically, the workload model is specified in CSV
format and comprises multiple users arriving at differ-
ent time intervals and executing a set of requests mixes
defined in the workload sample.
The extensions realized in Winery serve as the ba-
sis for enriching TOSCA topologies with performance
information. More specifically, it provides Cloud ap-
plication developers with the means to graphically in-
clude QoS information as TOSCA policies and work-
load descriptors.
Most analytical approaches and frameworks in the
literature focus on combining operational expenses
analysis with one or more dimensions pertaining to
performance as part of their mission to support Cloud
application developers.
DADL is presented in (Mirkovic et al., 2010) as
a language to describe the architecture, behavior and
needs of a distributed application to be deployed in
the Cloud, as well as describing available Cloud offer-
ings for matching purposes. Similarly, in (Antonescu
et al., 2012), the authors propose a policy and action-
based approach that matches and dynamically adapts
the allocation of infrastructure resources to an appli-
cation topology in order to ensure SLAs. The Cloud-
Mig (Frey and Hasselbring, 2011) approach builds
Wikibench Project:
CLOSER 2016 - 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 8: PERFinery Modeler — Specification of Performance Requirements.
Figure 9: PERFinery Modeler Workload Behavioral
Model Specification.
on an initial topology and utilization model of the ap-
plication that is mapped or adapted through model
transformation in order to optimize the distribution of
the application across Cloud offerings. The MODA-
Cloud (di Nitto et al., 2013) and CloudML (Brandtzæg
et al., 2012) projects focus on providing a multi-
dimensional early design support of applications by
applying model transformation techniques and code
generation for multi-cloud applications. Further multi-
cloud application distribution approaches are targeted
by the SeaClouds EU Project
, by means of providing
SeaClouds EU Project: http://www.seaclouds-
a Cloud Service Orchestrator capable of provision-
ing and managing application components spanned
among multiple Cloud environments (Brogi et al.,
2014). The CACTOS EU Project
is possibly the
closest approach to the fundamentals developed as
part of this work. The CACTOS environment aims at
fitting resources within a provider for diverse appli-
cation workloads. However, all previous approaches
introduce complex tasks, e.g. creation of simulation
models, which often require the intervention of domain
experts, causing an overhead in the development and
(re)deployment tasks of applications. Moreover, the re-
lationship of topology models with varying application
workloads is not yet fully covered.
Further optimization of distribution of applications
like the Palladio-based approach discussed in (Miglie-
rina et al., 2013) aims at optimizing for availability
and operational expenses. Moreover, optimization
mechanisms are based on simulation techniques requir-
ing the definition of their corresponding models. The
MOCCA framework (Leymann et al., 2011) deals with
the same problem by introducing variability points in
the application topology in order to cope with possi-
ble alternative deployment topologies. CMotion (Binz
et al., 2011) uses an approach based on topology mod-
eling, generation of alternative topologies, and conse-
quent evaluation and selection of one of those alter-
Cactos EU Project:
Consolidation of Performance and Workload Models in Evolving Cloud Application Topologies
natives based on multiple criteria. The work in (An-
drikopoulos et al., 2014a) uses the notion of typed
graphs for similar purposes and proposes a formal
framework to support this effort. In a similar approach,
MADCAT (Inzinger et al., 2014) incorporates to the
topology model scalability elements, and refines the
topology model from a high-level application topology
to a ready for deployment one.
The vision this paper pursues aims at leveraging
existing non-functional requirement specification ap-
proaches, such as the ones previously discussed, to-
wards providing the conceptual foundations to specify
the performance aspects and analyze the impact of
fluctuating workloads for various Cloud application
distribution and configuration alternatives in a simpli-
fied manner by enriching Cloud application topology
The heterogeneity of available Cloud services has be-
come a challenge for application developers when con-
sidering a rapid and efficient selection and configura-
tion of Cloud offerings. Application components can
be distributed or replaced by different Cloud services,
potentially spanned among multiple Clouds. Focus-
ing on the business and operational performance of
Cloud applications, there currently exists a lack of
modeling and decision making support for capturing,
analyzing, and assessing when migrating, configuring,
and utilizing different Cloud services under fluctuating
workloads and intermittent QoS levels.
The assessment of, and guidance in the distribu-
tion of multi-Cloud applications is the core motivation
behind this work. We build towards enabling the effi-
cient (re-)distribution of Cloud applications by means
of selecting and configuring Cloud offerings to cope
with fluctuating workloads and evolving performance
demands. The first step towards such a goal is covered
in this work by providing the means for the enhance-
ment of application deployment models with perfor-
mance information and workload behavioral charac-
teristics. This work tackles the various phases of our
proposed application performance-aware application
(re)distribution life cycle by establishing the founda-
tions and tooling support for enhancing Cloud appli-
cation topology models with evolving performance
requirements and workload models. For this purpose,
we propose a conceptual model aimed at enriching
Cloud application topologies with evolving perfor-
mance requirements and workload behavioral char-
acteristics, which can used as the basis for capturing
and analyzing the performance and workload evolution
when distributing the application components among
different Cloud services. The technological support
developed in this work builds upon the TOSCA and
Policy4TOSCA specifications, and its corresponding
tooling support is built atop the Winery modeling envi-
ronment of the OpenTOSCA ecosystem, which is then
evaluated using the well known MediaWiki application
and its realistic workload.
Future investigations are aligned to the develop-
ment process of the tool chain depicted in (G
aez et al., 2014), and to reuse or realize, when deemed
necessary, the concepts and instrumentation support
to gather, aggregate, and automate the analysis and
application (re-)distribution assessment tasks.
This work is partially funded by the FP7 EU-FET
project 600792 ALLOW Ensembles and the German
610872 DFG Project SitOPT.
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