A Threat Analysis Model for Identity and Access Management
Nadia Jemil Abdu
and Ulrike Lechner
Unternehmensberatung H&D GmbH, Landaubogen 10, Munich, Germany
Department of Computer Science, UniBw München, Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, Munich, Germany
Keyword: Security Threat Analysis, Threat Modeling, Digital Identity, Identity Management, Reference Model.
Abstract: Cyber attacks as a threat to business and national security have become concerns to organizations and
governments. Potential impacts of attacks are financial loss, fraud, reputation damage, and legal costs.
Identification of security threats is part of securing information systems as it involves identifying threats and
challenges which need to be addressed by implementing appropriate countermeasures and realistic security
requirements. Our study focuses on threat analysis and modeling for digital identities and identity
management within and across complex and networked systems. Further, a preliminary version of a reference
threat analysis model that supports threat analysis for identity management is proposed and discussed in this
IT security is among widely researched field both in
academia and practice. This led to the development of
several well-established security standards,
mechanisms, tools and guidelines for managing and
protecting computer-based information. Cyber
attacks as a threat to business and national security
have become one of the pressing concerns to
organizations and governments. These attacks are
increasing both in number and capacity to cause
serious operational and financial damage. Cyber
attacks as defined by (Dutt et al., 2012) are the
disruptions in the normal functioning of computers
and the loss of private information in a network due
to malicious network events (threats). Such attacks
could be motivated by various reasons mainly
political, criminal and financial reasons (Pwc, 2011)
where potential impacts are economic loss, fraud,
reputation damage, legal costs and more (UcedaVélez
and Morana, 2015).
Cyber security in general deals with the protection
and security of assets and resources in the cyber
realm. Being able to verify the identity of individuals,
organizations or devices is a primary requirement in
cyber security as access to any resource starts from
identification of the requesting body. Also, damages
that cyber attacks cause are often closely related to
identities. Experience with a design study to replace
a built-in software solution for Identity Management
(IdM) by the off-the-shelf software products from
Forgerock motivates our perspective on security
threat analysis. We would like to develop an analysis
method to guide practitioners on the security and
business implications of identity management
security. This paper explains our research approach
and the current state of our research on a threat
analysis model for Identity and Access Management.
We find several studies and threat techniques
focusing mainly on design and implementation
issues, such as security mechanisms for detecting
attacks and countermeasures for reacting to security
breaches (e.g. Oladimeji et al., 2006, Pudar et al.,
2009). Some studies rather focus on the notion of
threats, driven by risk-analyses carried out at the later
stages of the development process life cycle (Xu and
Nygard 2005) while many focus on threat analysis for
specific systems (Stango et al., 2009; Dominicini et
al., 2010; Ahmad et al., 2010). Studies on threat
modeling for identity management include (Dong et
al., 2008; Paintsil, 2013; Dominicini et al., 2010;
Ahmad et al., 2010).
In this study we focus on threat analysis
methodologies and processes and also identify threats
on digital identities that will be used as a basis for our
next and continuing work on threat analysis for digital
identity management (IdM) within and across
complex and networked systems environment. The
aim of this work is to improve the existing threat
analysis techniques by studying threats on IdM from
Abdu, N. and Lechner, U.
A Threat Analysis Model for Identity and Access Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0005790304980502
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2016), pages 498-502
ISBN: 978-989-758-167-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
various perspectives and proposing a generic
reference model and method valid for both IdM and
other systems and applications if needed. In the
following sections, we would like to discuss our
research agenda and position our study by discussing
the major concepts and milestones we aim to address.
Overall we follow a design science research approach
for we found this approach fit well with our research
agenda. Design science is concerned with “devising
artifacts to attain goals” as (March and Smith, 1995)
puts it. Design science is technology oriented and
attempts to create things that serve human purpose
(March and Smith ,1995). We aim to construct a
reference model that contributes to practice. Here are
two descriptions of a reference model in information
systems context. In (Fettke and Loos, 2007)- “An
information system reference model is a typical, or
paradigmatic model, which describe the information
system or a well-identified part of it.”. And
(Rosemann, 2003) describes reference model as
“Reference models are generic conceptual models
that formalize recommended practices for certain
domain.”. For the empirical basis, we couple design
science research approach with qualitative research
methods namely expert interviews with experts in the
field of cyber security and risk management, and case
study method (Eisenhardt, 1989). The cases focus on
vulnerability analysis, and threat and attack scenarios
to help us understand and analyse threats, risk factors
and impacts deeply. The current status of the threat
model includes results from literature, two expert
interviews, and a design study on enterprise identity
management system.
We follow the notion of Evans Pughe (Evans Pughe,
2008) who defines digital identity as “digital identity
is the growing mass of information about ourselves
and our social or business transactions and
relationships that exists in digital form whether
stored within commercial or government databases.”
Digital identities are representations of entities. An
entity is a generic term that refers to an active agent
capable of initiating or performing a computation of
some sort (for example, an end user invoking a
command or a program, a programming agent acting
on behalf of a user, a running daemon process, a
thread of execution, a hosting system or a networking
device) (Benantar, 2006; Staite and Bahsoon, 2012).
This definition broadens our understanding of what
entities can digitally be represented.
Identity management covers aspects from tools to
processes that are used to represent and administer
digital identities in different contexts depending on
association of different information with each
identity. Protecting identity and its management is
among the most critical security concerns(Staite and
Bahsoon, 2012). For this study IdM is of particular
interest as it is a security subsystem by itself. IdM is
not only a technical concept but also an
interdisciplinary topic, which can be studied from
various perspective and fields of study such as
sociology and philosophy. For the sake of this
research we go beyond the computer science /
network security perspective and adopt a more
holistic information systems and IT security
Security is about protecting what is considered to be
an asset to individual users and organizations from
misuse and malicious acts. Securing a system is vague
unless one tends to be specific and clear about system
behavior and assets, attackers’ resources and the
system's’ security requirements as discussed by
(Jason and Mitchell, 2011). Security requirements are
driven by security threats and identification of such
threats is part of securing information systems as it
involves identifying threats and challenges which
need to be addressed by implementing appropriate
countermeasures and realistic security requirements
(Zissis and Lekkas, 2012).
(Shostack, 2014) describes the term asset as
something of value and highlights the three ways it is
commonly used in threat modeling. They are: things
attacker want, things one wants to protect, and
stepping-stone to either of these. Accordingly asset
could be an abstract or concrete resource of value
(e.g. private data, user passwords or keys, services,
processes, money, confidential business data,
reputation, etc.). Weaknesses in systems can be
exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access to
a system compromising it to gain access to assets and
resources of the system. Such threats, if not handled
well, lead to interruptions or destruction of any
valuable service or data.
In scholarly literature and practitioners’ reports,
several authors defined and described threat modeling
A Threat Analysis Model for Identity and Access Management
and its importance in security analysis and secure
software development (Myagmar, 2005; Möckel and
Abdallah, 2010; Dominicini et al., 2010). According
to (Jason and Mitchell, 2011), threat analysis is a
formal process of identifying, documenting and
mitigating security threats of a system. Cyber threat
analysis, as defined by (Kostadinov, 2014), is a
process in which the knowledge of internal and
external information vulnerabilities pertinent to a
particular organization is matched against real-world
cyber attacks. One of the main goals of threat analysis
is to help identify emerging threats and analyze
attacks. Once threats are analyzed it is possible to
factor the risks and business impacts and decide on
how to reduce the risk by applying effective security
measures (UcedaVélez and Morana, 2015).
Threat modeling is a phase in threat analysis and it
consists of a system, assets, and an attacker as
components. It usually involves characterizing a given
system (using UML
, State diagram, Data Flow
diagram, etc.), identifying its assets and access points
and identifying threats, and determining vulnerabilities
(Dominicini et al., 2010; Myagmar, 2005). The three
popular approaches to threat modeling are asset
centric, attacker centric and software centric
approaches (Shostack, 2014). The approaches are
named after the focus and perspective used to
implement the threat modeling i.e. asset, attacker, and
software. Software-centric models focus on the
software being built or a system being deployed
(Shostack, 2014). Asset-centric focus on protection of
assets and involve identifying assets of an organization
entrusted to a system or software (Möckel and
Abdallah, 2010). Attacker-centric approach focuses on
profiling an attacker’s characteristics, skill set and
motivation to exploit vulnerabilities in order to identify
threats (Shostack, 2014).
4.1 A Reference Threat Analysis Model
for Identity Management
In this section we discuss our proposed model to
support threat analysis for digital identities. Security
threats to identities come from every direction.
Vulnerabilities from system architectures,
deployment environments, and management
processes contribute to the overall threats to identity.
The model was constructed from the preliminary
result of our literature analysis and a case study
conducted on system customization. Figure 1 depicts
current version of model and it represents various
components that we believe are important to consider
while doing threat analysis for digital identity
Figure 1: A Reference Threat Analysis Model For IdM.
The central part of the model is digital identity:
asset to signify identities as assets and a primary
target of attackers. Depending on the context and the
entity to represent, a digital identity may consist
various attributes such as personal or private data
(e.g. name, birth date, credit/debit card information,
identification number), biometric data (e.g.
fingerprint, hand geometry, retina scans, iris scans,
face recognition), credentials to access systems (e.g.
passwords, PIN, certificate), and can be in a form of
security tokens (e.g. smart cards, encrypted token).
A digital identity has a lifecycle with
management processes from being assigned to an
entity until its disposal. Part of the identity
information (selected attributes) is used for
authentication and authorization i.e. access control
purpose. Identity maintenance and revocation are
among the identity management processes as well. In
the model, major management processes in identity
management are included (as described in Jøsang et
al., 2007, Slamanig and Stranacher, 2014).
Provisioning is the creation of the identity record and
its population with the correct attributes. Access
control refers to the processes used to control access
to specific assets. Authentication and authorizations
are the major processes in this category where a
person or an entity, in general, is verified against who
he/she claims to be and the access right to system
resources. Termination is removing identities from
the system once they are at the end of their lifecycle.
According to (Shostack, 2014), a process might
disclose information (e.g. leaking memory address,
etc.) that inform further attacks. Threats to identity
management processes are part of the model, as we
want to study and identify vulnerabilities of these
There are various systems and tools, commonly
known as identity management systems that support
the effective use and protection of digital identities.
These systems are implemented in different identity
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
management system architectures. The three main
architectural models widely used are centralized,
isolated and federated models. The classification is
based on deployment of the various components of
the systems such as identity data storage and users
access control. The architectures might have different
implications on threats due to their mode of operation.
Unlike other models, federated model allows inter-
organization and interdependent management of
identity rather than internal use only (Bhargav-
Spantzel et al., 2005; Ahmad et al., 2010; Bertino and
Takahashi, 2010) which may contribute to system
vulnerability differently from other architectural
Identity management systems can be deployed on
premise, on the cloud, mobile devices or combination
of any of the platforms. We would like to consider
contribution of deployment environments of IDM
systems to threats, as the maturity level of the
platforms in terms of efforts to include improved
security technologies is different (e.g. strong
authentication) (Novakouski, 2013). We also extend
our view on potential threat targets to include services
and interactions, (business) processes, hardware and
media. This allows us to have a comprehensive
analysis and better organization of threats. On the
model, the vulnerabilities component represents
weaknesses in the system architecture, deployment
environment or management processes. It is worth
considering as threats can be facilitated by the
presence of vulnerabilities and security control gaps
exposing assets to potential exploits. Mitigation plan
completes a threat analysis process. It constitutes
protection mechanisms, and security controls to
countermeasure those threats and vulnerabilities
found likely for exploitation (Siponen and Vance,
2010; Bulgurcu et al., 2010).
When complete, we aim the model to support
threat analysis and modeling for identity management
by comprising threats and vulnerabilities that
primarily target identities, attackers techniques, and
mitigation plans. This is to simplify the analysis
process and support system designers, risk managers,
and/or stakeholder interested in security analysis of
digital identities. Best practices and important
parameters are opted to be included in the reference
model and procedures. For specific systems, one has
to instantiate it accordingly as requirement,
architecture, deployment environment, and other
aspects of systems vary from one another.
In this paper we presented our ongoing research on
security threat analysis and modeling for identity
management. We also proposed a model to support
threat analysis for digital identity. The model is in its
infancy as it is constructed based on preliminary
results from our literature review and a case study
conducted on identity management system
customization. More work is ahead of us with threat
analysis, and refinement of the proposed model by
identifying threats that primarily target identities
from the various sources of vulnerabilities. This
allows having a validated counter measure in place
for the identified threats.
This research has been funded within the Marie Curie
Research & Innovation Actions by the European
Union Seventh Framework Program FP7/2007-2013
under REA grant agreement n°_317382, NITIMesr.
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