Perspectives of Information-based Methods in Medicine:
An Outlook for Mental Health Care
Jan Kalina
and Jana Zv
Institute of Computer Science CAS, Prague, Czech Republic
First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
Information-based Medicine, Psychiatry, Telemedicine, Molecular Genetics, Cognitive Neuroscience.
Information-based medicine represents a concept characterizing the future ideal of medical practice overcom-
ing the limitations of the popular concept of evidence-based medicine. The potential of information-based
medicine is catalyzed by recent development of new technologies and basic research allowing to acquire
a new medical knowledge relevant for an individual patient. The paper is focused on the specialty field of
psychiatry. We discuss the challenges for the development of information-based psychiatry from the point of
view of medical informatics together with its specific barriers and constraints. We discuss the development of
telemedicine tools for psychiatric care, so far making mainly a disappointing experience. Medical informatics
will also play the role in making results of basic research available to the psychiatrist at the point of care. Re-
search results e.g. in molecular genetics or cognitive neuroscience will require to collect and analyze massive
data on an individual patient. If these data are properly combined from various sources and analyzed, they
represent an enormous potential for bringing a new psychiatric knowledge closer to an individual patient. This
may contribute to improving the availability of psychiatric care and bringing its desirable destigmatization and
The concept of evidence-based medicine (EBM) is
widely accepted as a unifying idea describing the
ideal practice of medicine. In our opinion, current
clinical practice is gradually undergoing improve-
ments towards more advanced ideals described by the
concept of information-based medicine. This vision
of future medicine emerges from the currently popu-
lar concept of evidence-based medicine and goes far
beyond it.
The original concept of evidence-based medicine
(Guyatt et al., 1992) is currently understood as a thor-
ough, unique, and critical use of the best and most
topical proofs in the process of decision making about
the diagnosis, therapy, and prognosis for individual
patients. The practice of evidence-based medicine in-
tegrates the individual clinical expertise of physicians
with the best objective proofs coming from a system-
atically performed research (Sackett et al., 1996). It
includes searching and systematic critical evaluation
of publications with results of clinical research, anal-
ysis of activities, risk analysis, economic analysis of
costs, or analysis of ethical and legal consequences
of using a given approach (Eddy, 1990). Principles
of evidence-based medicine also requires physicians
to demonstrate their capability to use the newest re-
search results and exploit them in their everyday clin-
ical practice.
Within the framework of evidence-based medi-
cine, it is the clinical evidence (i.e. acquired by clini-
cal research) which is understood as the main source
of clinical knowledge. Clinical trials remain to be the
main source of clinical knowledge. However, they
have serious disadvantages, e.g. artificial conditions
or averaged results obtained by statistical methods for
an averaged (virtual) patient, without taking his/her
individual situation into account (Eddy, 1990). Fur-
ther, properly designed clinical trials with small sam-
ple sizes have been argued to be suitable by propo-
nents of personalized health care (Evans and Ildstad,
2001), i.e. focused on small groups of specific pa-
tients. In reality, there is however a tendency for clin-
ical trials to be bigger and more expensive.
Current clinical practice is constantly enriched by
quickly emerging new results of basic research. Thus,
the clinical practice converges to an ideal state which
we characterize by the concept of information-based
medicine (Borang
ıu and Purcarea, 2008). This future
Kalina, J. and Zvárová, J.
Perspectives of Information-based Methods in Medicine: An Outlook for Mental Health Care.
DOI: 10.5220/0005771603650370
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2016) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 365-370
ISBN: 978-989-758-170-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ideal of medicine, although difficult be clearly defined
and lying still far ahead, represents a new perspec-
tive paradigm in medicine, going beyond the current
concept of EBM (Guyatt et al., 1992; Sackett et al.,
1996) and overcoming its limitations. The concept
describes the effort to transform the evidence for the
(imaginary) averaged patient towards a real individ-
ual patient based on his/her individual data with clini-
cal as well genetic or metabolic parameters measured
by new technology. It requires to extract information
from massive data sets.
This paper has the following structure. Section 2
presents our expectations that the information-based
medicine will develop also in the area of psychiatry.
Further sections discuss the role of medical informat-
ics in the development of information-based medicine
in the psychiatric field, which we call information-
based psychiatry. We discuss its potential and ben-
efits but also unrealistic expectations or specific bar-
riers slowing down or complicating the development
of information-based psychiatry. Telemedicine as
one of e-health tools contributing to the development
of information-based psychiatry is discussed in Sec-
tion 3. Moreover, expected fundamental results of
the basic research in molecular genetics or cognitive
neuroscience will contribute to the development of
information-based psychiatry as well, as discussed in
Sections 4 and 5. Finally, Section 6 concludes the pa-
This section is devoted to the specialty field of psychi-
atry and uncovers sources leading to the development
of information-based psychiatry.
Constantly, we can witness a gradual transform
of psychiatry, which is enabled by a vast num-
ber of technological tools recently introduced for
psychiatric care, including telemedicine applications
such as decision support systems (Thornton, 2013).
Information-based psychiatry will have to exploit
available theoretical knowledge acquired in these
tasks of basic (fundamental) research and to draw
conclusions from measurements acquired for an in-
dividual patient, bringing the possibility of efficient
therapy of psychiatric diseases.
Still, only a few results of the basic research
(e.g. in neuroscience or molecular genetics) strongly
contribute to bringing new sources of medical knowl-
edge closer to an individual patient (Hanson and
Levin, 2013; Lech et al., 2014). While intensive atten-
tion is paid to the research of genetic or neurophysi-
ological causes of diseases and mechanisms leading
to their development, the causes of some common
psychiatric diseases remain to be unknown. For ex-
ample, various sorts of psychosis are known to be
caused by biochemical malfunctions of neurotrans-
mitters in the brain, but the exact causes themselves
have not been discovered yet. To give another exam-
ple, Alzheimer disease cannot be currently cured due
to the unknown cause. Other diseases are cured with
sedatives bringing apathy and somnolence, but not re-
moving the cause of the mental disease.
Currently, important sources of data or psychi-
atric knowledge (together with particular examples)
include the following ones.
Data measured by e-health tools for patient moni-
toring (e.g. non-stop wearable sensors);
Signals (e.g. analysis of EEG or detection of de-
pression due to voice changes in a speech record
(Chen et al., 2005));
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
or other brain images (e.g. study of irreversible
physical changes in the brain due to Alzheimer’s
disease or diagnosis of schizophrenia from a facial
image (Dentico et al., 2014));
Text in natural language (e.g. automatic analy-
sis of unstructured medical reports in the elec-
tronic health record or analysis of computerized
Molecular genetic data (e.g. genetic predisposi-
tion to bipolar disorder or mood disorders);
Voice analysis (e.g. detection of schizophrenia re-
lapse in smartphones applications);
Social network analysis (e.g. diagnosis of a de-
pression relapse or automatic mood detection of
facebook users;
Biochemical or biophysical models of the brain
exploiting differential equations;
Time series (e.g. pharmacokinetical model for
ethanol in the brain of an alcoholic);
Connection between genes and fMRI brain im-
ages (e.g. genes responsible for the genetic dis-
position for schizophrenia (Liu et al., 2009)).
The fast improvement of technology and rise of
big data of various types and formats from unthink-
able sources have a potential to contribute to clini-
cal usage and thus to a transform of psychiatry. Im-
provements in the effectiveness of therapy and patient
safety are expected exploiting new knowledge ob-
tained from a patient’s data. This may allow to bring
the process of decision making closer to an individual
patient and also to make the therapy efficient, com-
pared to the current state when the therapy of common
diseases aims only at easing the suffering of patients.
For all these reasons, the paradigm of evidence-based
psychiatry should be replaced by deeper ideas going
HEALTHINF 2016 - 9th International Conference on Health Informatics
beyond the vision of evidence-based psychiatry. In
any case, the information within information-based
psychiatry should be handled in a holistic approach
a, 2014), combining also economic and en-
vironmental aspects of data, information and knowl-
Numerous telemedicine tools are currently being de-
veloped for psychiatry, exploiting modern e-health
technologies for distant diagnosis, therapy and prog-
nosis. Telepsychiatry enables to offer the psychiatric
care also to patients with substance abuse problems,
who would otherwise dare to search for a classical
therapy. Telepsychiatric or telemental health services
become popular in the United States, where they con-
tribute to transforming the psychiatric care (Deslich
et al., 2013) and help to increase access to mental
health care. Telemedicine tools have the potential to
be used in intensive attention as well as psychiatric as-
sessment. They include videoconsultations between
a psychiatrist and patient or mobile apps for smart-
phones. The aim of this section is to describe the
beneficial impact and drawbacks of decision support
systems in psychiatry.
Decision support systems (DSS) as telemedicine
tools with the aim to offer assistance with clinical
decision-making processes are generally believed to
have a strong potential to improve health care across
all clinical fields. Because a correct and effective use
of the information has become the basis for the clini-
cal decision making, they contain a statistical compo-
nent combining information from different informa-
tion components and comparing the risk correspond-
ing to different alternatives (van Bemmel et al., 1996;
a et al., 2009).
General advantages of decision support systems in
various clinical fields can be summarized as follows.
Potential for improving the quality of provided
care and for generating economic benefits by re-
ducing financial costs and saving human resources
(Kalina and Zv
a, 2013),
More comfort for the physician, a reduction of
stress and more time for the patient,
The possibility to exploit the level of knowledge
according to the latest research developments in
Useful assistance for a less experienced physician
in a complicated medical case,
Reduction of the patient risk by reducing the
medication-related errors, reminding the physi-
cian not to omit important diagnostic examina-
tions, warning about side effects or informing the
physician about recent clinical knowledge.
In psychiatry, however, decision support systems
have not become extensively used tools. Various at-
tempts for decision support systems for the diagno-
sis (Bergman and Fors, 2008) and rarely for ther-
apy (Trivedi et al., 2009) have lead to frustrations.
Sometimes, it is claimed that the limitations of de-
cision support systems rest in the technology but
not in the medicine (Deslich et al., 2013). How-
ever, we claim that there are also limitations intrin-
sic in the substance of psychiatry, e.g. due to con-
troversy in classifying psychiatric diseases (Thornton,
2013), vague psychiatric guidelines, or heterogeneity
of symptoms and signs.
Numerous psychiatric disorders including bipolar dis-
order or schizophrenia are largely affected by hered-
ity. The genetic disposition represents a hidden poten-
tial, but it is now evident that there will be a long way
to investigate the hereditary effect on the diseases and
to use the research results to develop a personalized
treatment. The molecular genetic research itself ap-
pears to be only at the beginning of investigating the
genetic causes of common psychiatric diseases. The
aim of this section is to discuss the limitations of the
currently performed molecular genetic studies in the
psychiatry domain and the role of medical informat-
ics in bridging the gap between molecular genetics
and clinical psychiatry.
So far, the benefit of currently available genetic
examinations is very limited, which has been repeat-
edly denoted as frustrating and disappointing (Lohoff,
2010). Psychiatric genetics aiming at using molecu-
lar genetic knowledge in psychiatric care performed
no significant progress and the heredity remained to
a large extent unexplained. Only few genes sus-
pect for being connected to psychiatric disorders have
been identified, but still the discriminative accuracy of
these genes is unlikely to be helpful for clinical util-
ity, although the genes may formally yield statistically
significant results (Pirooznia et al., 2012).
The genetic research has not met the enthusiastic
anticipations of psychiatrists yet. We divide the rea-
sons to two groups, common for the whole medicine
and specific for psychiatry.
General limitations of molecular genetics studies
General limitations of the technology of gene
expression studies, genome-wide association
studies (sequencing the DNA) (Daber et al.,
Perspectives of Information-based Methods in Medicine: An Outlook for Mental Health Care
2013) or enrichment analysis searching for ex-
plaining the biological meaning of a group of
genes (Schizophrenia Working Group of the
Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, 2014).
Insufficient validation of the results (Hasman
et al., 2011); this is probably the main problem
and the core of the so-called crisis of genomic
medicine (Marshall, 2011).
Too expensive measurements (even nowadays).
Too big data to be analyzed reliably by cur-
rently available data mining methods (Kalina,
Criticism of recent studies in psychiatry
Current studies were overly simplistic (Pirooz-
nia et al., 2012).
Current studies do not take complex biological
processes such as metabolic pathways into ac-
count. Such processes are however distributed
across an entire network of genes being only
subtle at the level of individual genes (Subra-
manian and Simon, 2010).
Even if the effects of several gene loci were cu-
mulated, the associations among genes may be
more complex than a simple model for the cu-
Controversy of currently available predictive
genetics in psychiatry. For example, a genetic
test for bipolar disorder is offered by commer-
cial companies which is criticized by numer-
ous experts for not being sufficiently validated
(Mitchell et al., 2010).
Specific limitations of psychiatry
Commonly, there is no single genetic vari-
ant responsible for the disease (Lohoff, 2010),
the genetic dispositions is highly polygenic,
i.e. caused by a large number of genes with
a small contribution to the total genetic risk (El-
legood et al., 2015).
Some gene variants are rare (Schizophrenia
Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics
Consortium, 2014), thus requiring very large
genetic studies (Lohoff, 2010).
A predisposition may not necessarily lead to the
development of the disease, but life style and
environmental factors play their role.
The disease may actually develop as a mere
consequence of being diagnosed.
Understanding the brain will be crucial for the de-
velopment of information-based psychiatry. It is be-
lieved that many of the following research tasks may
be solved by means of fMRI, which already now of-
fers numerous available techniques to help physicians
to diagnose and treat medical conditions of the brain.
The role of medical informatics within this research
is documented by the fact that it has been designated
as one of six main platforms of the Europe-wide Hu-
man Brain Project. While some experts are critical to
the possibility to understand the brain on a purely bio-
logical basis (Zahourek, 2008), available more holis-
tic approaches can be characterized as rather alterna-
tive from the point of view of current cognitive neu-
roscience, which is involved in the following primary
research aims:
Searching for a suitable model for the human
brain. Earlier models of the brain had a fixed
point of view according to the organization of
the central nervous system. Such models exploit
the knowledge of specific functions of individual
parts of the brain. Nowadays, dynamics models
of the brain are found more appropriate, which
are based on large-scale distributed and interac-
tive networks (Duffau, 2011).
Using fMRI to predict whether a depressed patient
will respond to treatment.
Using fMRI images as predictors of conversion to
dementia (Whelan and Garavan, 2015).
The reasons of biochemical malfunctions in the
brain are not discovered and we cannot expect
a single precursor for their explanation.
An early diagnosis of schizophrenia based on
fMRI of the brain, which is as a highly heritable
disease of unknown cause (Schizophrenia Work-
ing Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consor-
tium, 2014).
Investigating principles of spontaneous brain ac-
tivity and especially connection between pairs of
brain parts in the resting state (i.e. resting-state
brain networks). This hot topic in current neu-
roscience contains the open problems of under-
standing of the brain processes at various activ-
ities or searching for a method for an effective
monitoring of the brain. It is believed that mod-
ifications of the resting-state brain networks are
characteristic for schizophrenic patients.
Robust alternatives to current methods for the
analysis of fMRI images. Neuroimaging is known
to be highly sensitive to outliers due to measure-
ment errors and complicated structure of acquir-
ing the images. Robust procedures resistant to the
presence of noise in the images have been pro-
posed based on M-estimation (Wager et al., 2005),
while more robust alternatives to severely outly-
ing measurements (Kalina, 2012) would be desir-
HEALTHINF 2016 - 9th International Conference on Health Informatics
This paper presents our view of the ideals of
information-based medicine, far extending the cur-
rent ideals of evidence-based medicine. We believe
that the concept of information-based medicine has
a potential to become a popular buzzword in the fu-
ture. In general, information-based approaches have
spread already beyond medicine, e.g. to the concept
of information-based policy in political and human
sciences (Prakash and Potoski, 2012), where they re-
place the concept evidence-based policy.
In psychiatry, just like as in other clinical fields,
the concept of information-based medicine expresses
the potential to use new sources of data and knowl-
edge to improve the everyday health care. The past
decades teach us that new knowledge becomes in-
troduced to standard psychiatric care slower com-
pared to other clinical fields. Still, new results of ba-
sic research together with e-health technologies have
an enormous potential to improve the health care
quality, patient safety as well as reduction of ex-
penses. These new results together with new tools
lead us to describing the vision of psychiatric care by
the concept of the information-based psychiatry. This
paper describes the role of medical informatics in the
process of development of information-based psychi-
However, we must be aware of specific features
of psychiatry which represent serious limitations, bar-
riers or drawbacks for the smooth development of
information-based psychiatry. This paper discusses
such specific features of psychiatry. We also discuss
the current state of the art of basic research in fields
important for the transform of psychiatry towards the
information-based psychiatry. Important tasks in the
process of development of information-based psychi-
atry include utilizing big data for an individual patient
and their combination with new knowledge acquired
by basic research. Other irreplaceable tasks include
computer applications on various levels from the low-
est ones (data storage and integration) up to using ad-
vanced tools of multivariate statistics and data mining
for analyzing big data.
All these aspects together with desirable organi-
zational changes of the psychiatric care are necessary
(but not sufficient) tools endorsing the realization of
the ideals of the paradigm of information-based psy-
chiatry. Its potential is to combine data available from
various sources, to analyze them and to bring the re-
sults as a new psychiatric knowledge closer to the pa-
tient allowing an improved availability, destigmatiza-
tion and humanization of psychiatric care for an indi-
vidual patient.
The work was financially supported by the Neuron
Fund for Support of Science.
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