An Episode-based Approach to Identify Website User Access Patterns
Madhuka Udantha, Surangika Ranathunga and Gihan Dias
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Keywords: Web Usage Mining, Pattern Mining, Regular Expressions, Anomaly Detection.
Abstract: Mining web access log data is a popular technique to identify frequent access patterns of website users.
There are many mining techniques such as clustering, sequential pattern mining and association rule mining
to identify these frequent access patterns. Each can find interesting access patterns and group the users, but
they cannot identify the slight differences between accesses patterns included in individual clusters. But in
reality these could refer to important information about attacks. This paper introduces a methodology to
identify these access patterns at a much lower level than what is provided by traditional clustering
techniques, such as nearest neighbour based techniques and classification techniques. This technique makes
use of the concept of episodes to represent web sessions. These episodes are expressed in the form of
regular expressions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time to apply the concept of regular
expressions to identify user access patterns in web server log data. In addition to identifying frequent
patterns, we demonstrate that this technique is able to identify access patterns that occur rarely, which
would have been simply treated as noise in traditional clustering mechanisms.
In a website, web access logs record user
navigations and other activities such as searching,
site registering and editing web pages. Access logs
are semi-structured files. Log records consist of user
Internet Protocol (IP) address, HTTP status code,
timestamp, web request URI, user agent, HTTP
referrer and HTTP request type. The log records are
distributed and occupy a large volume. A web
session is a collection of web requests from a user
with a unique IP address during a specified period of
time. Web sessions can be very long. Therefore
processing and web log mining can be difficult.
Even though web log files contain valuable
information, above reasons make it less viable to
manually extract this information. A method to
extract this valuable information would help detect
anomalies and help website administration on
Human Computer Interaction (HCI) improvements.
In web usage mining, there are many
methodologies to identify user access patterns.
These include clustering, Apriori algorithms, web
access pattern tree (WAP-tree) and mining frequent
patterns (Facca and Lanzi, 2005). But in these
methods it is difficult to determine how each session
deviates from other sessions in the same group or
cluster. It is important to find these slight differences
between sessions. These seemingly insignificant
changes could be the most important for a domain
expert as they may resemble anomalies such as an
One of the limitations in k-means (Hartigan and
John, 1979) and other clustering mechanisms is that
they remove noise from the data( Fu and Sandhu,
1999). Here important data or patterns might be lost.
For example, an attacker’s access sequence might be
discarded as noise since it may be considered as an
outlier. When data contains noise, the completeness
of the system lowers due to data being lost as noise.
One technique to identify these anomalies is by only
considering outliers, but this will not work if the
pattern is inside a cluster. If insider a cluster, the
slight difference between the attacker’s access
pattern is not obvious.
A session is a collection of episodes. An episode
is a sequence of access pages that has a semantic
meaning (Srivastava and Cooley, 2000). For
example in a commercial website, an episode would
refer to payment. This involves pages {payment
page, enter credit card details,
confirmation}.Similarly, login episode contains
pages {home page, enter credentials, user account}
and purchase episode contains pages {shopping cart,
add items to cart, checkout, confirm} (page access
Udantha M., Ranathunga S. and Dias G.
An Episode-based Approach to Identify Website User Access Patterns.
DOI: 10.5220/0005752703430350
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2016), pages 343-350
ISBN: 978-989-758-173-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
occurs in the given order).
This paper presents a mechanism to identify
these access patterns using regular expressions
(regex) (Garofalakis and Rastogi, 1999), which is a
technique very commonly used for similar tasks in
domains such as genetic algorithms and text
searching (Goldberg, 2006). A regex is a special text
string for describing a particular pattern (Liang and
Tianyi, 2014). When an episode is represented as a
regular expression, it reduces the volume of session
data. When the episodes are represented by regular
expressions, slight changes to major changes can be
easily identified. Slight changes can be detected
through the repetitions and alterations of individual
pages. Major changes can be detected by repetitions
and alternation of page groups.
The identified episodes are stored in a suffix
array that keeps track of the episode count. This is
an improved version of normal suffix array (Manber
and Myers, 1991).
System results are evaluated quantitatively and
qualitatively and they were conducted on three web
sites from different domains: non-profit
organization, financial institution and educational
institution. Interesting patterns and attacks
(Chandola et al., 2009) were identified and some of
them were not even known by the domain experts.
Rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section
2 reviews related work regard to web log pre-
processing, web session clustering, regular
expressions and episodes (sub sequences). In section
3 we describe the implemented system. Section 4
presents the evaluation and section 6 concludes the
There are many web-based sites to cater for
unending user requirements. These websites contain
user access logs that contain important information
such as access sequence patterns and web traffic.
Web mining and web session mining discover and
extract the above hidden information ( Fu and
Sandhu, 1999).
Before web session mining, web log data
cleaning and pre-processing is needed. Web log pre-
processing contains two main units, cleaning log
data and user session identification. The log data
cleaning steps include data selection, normalization,
cleaning and transformation (Aye, 2011). Web log
data pre-processing is a complex process and takes
more than half of the time of the total log mining
process (Cooley et al., 2013). The purpose of data
cleaning is the removal of outliers or irrelevant data.
User session identification unit consists of user
identification, session identification and user access
path completion (Srivastava and Cooley, 2000). This
is the most common log pre-processing order in web
usage mining.
2.1 Web Session Mining Techniques
Most of the related research efforts focus on three
main paradigms: association rules (Hipp et al.,
2000), sequential patterns (Iváncsy and Vajk, 2006),
and clustering (Langhnoja et al., 2013). Clustering
has been widely used in web usage mining to group
similar sessions. For instance divisive hierarchical
clustering techniques are used to group web site
users according to their interests (Kim and Chan,
2003). Genetic Algorithms are used to improve the
results of clustering through user feedback (Holland,
Clustering based techniques rely on the following
assumption: normal data instances lay close to their
closest cluster centroid, while anomalies are far
away from their closest cluster centroid (Nazeer and
Sebastian, 2009). This technique declares any data
instance that does not belong to any cluster as
anomalous. A disadvantage of such techniques is
that they are not optimized to find anomalies, since
the main aim of the underlying clustering algorithm
is to find clusters. If any attacker or malicious user
performs as a normal user, they will be in the same
cluster with the normal user, and will not be
Association rule mining and clustering are
combined into a method called association rule
hypergraph partitioning(Han and Karypis,
1998).This algorithm can handle higher dimensional
data sets, but it can only find frequent item sets that
have support greater than a specified threshold and it
could lose some interesting patterns.
Mining web log datasets has been extensively
studied using Frequent Pattern Mining (FPM) (Han
et al., 2007). Since item sequences are not
considered in these studies, interesting patterns are
The studies of sequential pattern mining have
been extended in several different ways. (Yun and
Leggett, 2006) proposed an approach with weighted
sequential pattern mining in large sequence
databases (WSpan) to push the weight constraints
into the sequential pattern growth. WSpan
introduces a weight range and weight is taken from a
defined weight range, but still it has a limitation as
the range is pre-defined. W-support (weight support)
ICPRAM 2016 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
measurement(Sun and Bai, 2008) is not
recommended for dense data sets as well. In
sequential pattern mining, researchers face pattern
growth problem (Yu and Korkmaz, 2015). In
sequential mining, huge numbers of patterns are
detected and the length of the patterns is also large.
Anomaly score of a data instance is computed as
the sum of its distances from its k nearest neighbours
(Wang and Tsong-Li, 1994). Defining distance
measures between instances can be challenging
when the data is complex and malicious users also
act like normal users. In nearest neighbour
techniques, if the data has normal instances that do
not have enough close neighbours or if the data has
anomalies that have enough close neighbours, the
technique fails to label them correctly, resulting in
missed anomalies.
Density based anomaly detection techniques such
as local outlier factor (Pokrajac and Hartford, 2007),
and Distance-based outliers (Knorr et al., 2000)
estimate the density of the neighbourhood of each
data instance. An instance that lies in a
neighbourhood with low density is declared to be
anomalous while an instance that lies in a dense
neighbourhood is declared to be normal. Density
based techniques perform poorly if the data has
regions of varying densities. In web logs there are
many areas of varying densities as there are multiple
levels and groups of users for web sites.
2.2 Episodes in Sequences and Regular
Episode is not a new concept in the domain of web
usage mining. Frequent episodes have been
identified in sequences, where episodes specify the
temporal before-and-after relationship, but without
timing-interval restrictions (Mannila et. al., 1995).
WebSIFT theoretically presents episode
identification for web session mining, which is used
in sequential pattern mining (Srivastava and Cooley,
2000). However, this technique has not been
implemented. (Yu and Korkmaz, 2015) were able to
identify general structures spanning over multiple
sequences by detecting the most common sub-
sequences (e.g., the pages visited). They are not able
to handle repeating (looping) sequences.
Regular expression is a sequence of symbols and
characters expressing a pattern, mainly for use in
pattern matching with strings (Liang and Tianyi,
2014). The simplest regular expression is a single
literal character except for the special meta
characters *+?()|. The use of regular expressions has
been presented as a sequential pattern mining
process (Han et al., 2007). However, regular
expressions are not used in web session pattern
detection. The suffix array (SA) (Manber and Myers,
1991) of any string T is an array of length |T | such
that SA[i] = j, where T [j : |T |] is the i-th
lexicographically smallest suffix of T. The suffix
array for any string of length |T | can be constructed
in O(|T |) time (Kasai et al.,1997). Suffix array is a
popular data structure in genetic algorithms to find
the longest pattern (Huo et al., 2014). But in web
sessions we need to identify all the patterns in
sessions and they are not as long as genetic datasets.
Our system contains three modules. First is the web
log data cleaning module, which is responsible for
purifying the web access log data by removing
unwanted parameters. Web sessions are built from
this module.
The second module generates regular
expressions by processing web sessions. These
regular expressions are indexed with the count of
The final module groups the regular expressions
by looking at their similarity and the count of their
occurrences in a web session. Those regular
expressions are indexed and stored in suffix arrays.
Suffix array used in this work is improved with the
occurrence count. Therefore most common regex
can be found easily. The groups represent episodes
that have semantic meaning to understand the
website user activities. Sessions are updated with
episodes. Figure 1 shows the modular architecture of
the implemented system.
Figure 1: System architecture.
An Episode-based Approach to Identify Website User Access Patterns
3.1 Web Log Data Cleaning Module
Web log data cleaning module is responsible for
cleaning web log data and identifying web user
sessions. We read the server access logs and filter
the log records. There are access logs with different
sizes that are created daily or weekly. Filtered and
structured log records are appended to one file called
‘log’. Log data are cleaned using three steps as
shown in Figure 2. Sessions are generated by
grouping ‘IP’ or 'IP' and 'Agent'. These web user
sessions are included in a session file. Each URL is
given a unique number (integer). Mapping file
contains the mapping of these integer numbers to the
URLs.The mapping file is sorted and the similarities
between the URLs are found by looking at argument
length and argument name in the URLs. Once these
arguments are removed, only one entry per URL is
left on the mapping file.
The most requested pages for a time period can
be retrieved by counting the number of web page
requests. The new mapping file for most common
pages (page occurrence count can be adjusted) is
Figure 2: Web log data cleaning module.
3.2 Regular Expressions Generator
Figure 3: Regular Expressions Generator.
The regular expressions generator in Figure 3
contains three components. They are session
subsequence builder, suffix array builder and regex
Output of the session subsequence builder, i.e.
sub-sequences (page sequences) are stored in a list
similar to improved suffix array. The suffix array
builder outputs an improved suffix array of sub-
sequences and the regex builder outputs a list of
regular expressions.
As explained in section 2, suffix arrays have
been commonly used to identify the longest pattern
in genetic algorithms(Pham and Duc, 2012) and on-
line string searches (Wang et al., 2012). When using
suffix arrays for web sessions, the limitation of
suffix array approach is that it does not uniquely
identify page sequences that are situated in the
middle section of a session. Therefore session
subsequence builder generates an sub-sequences
(Sidorov et al., 2014) from sessions. Lengths of sub
sequences are configured manually or in default
mode it has a fixed range from 2 to the length of the
The sub-sequences are stored with a suffix. We
introduce new feature column for suffix array called
count that represents the occurrence count. When
there is a suffix count for suffix array, it reduces the
suffix array length and enables to find sub-sequences
distribution as well. It is a data structure used,
among others, in full text indices, data compression
algorithms and within the field of bioinformatics
(Arnau et al., 2014). In here we are using this
technique for page sequences compression and to
increase performance of our system.
Table 1 represents a sample session (session no.
101) in a normal sorted suffix array. Table header i
represents the string charter index and here it is the
session page index. If we used sorted suffix array,
we would not be able to find all the patterns in
sessions. This is because some page sequences such
as {34,34,23}, {34,12,11} are missed from the
middle part of the session string.
Session no. 101: 12, 34, 34, 23, 11, 45
Table 1: Sorted Suffix Array.
Suffix i
$ 7
11, 45 $ 5
12, 34, 34, 23, 11, 45 $ 1
23, 11, 45 $ 4
34, 23, 11, 45 $ 3
34, 34, 23, 11, 45 $ 2
45 $ 6
ICPRAM 2016 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
A suffix is part of a user page access sequence in
sessions. Table 2 shows an improved sorted suffix
array with index; a unique number for suffix is
assigned and it is built from sub-sequences. Suffix
count is an important part in our system as it
represents the commonness of user accesses. From
count we can get the most common and uncommon
user access patterns.
Session no 101: 12, 34, 34, 23, 11, 45
Table 2: Sorted suffix array from sub-sequences.
Index Suffix Coun
1 11
45 1
2 12
34 1
3 12
34 1
4 12
23 1
5 12
11 1
6 12
45 1
7 23
11 1
8 23
45 1
9 34
45 1
10 34
11 1
11 34
23 1
12 34
45 1
13 34
11 1
14 34
23 1
15 34
34 1
When a new subsequence is picked from a
session, it is added to the sorted suffix array if it
does not exist there. But if it exists, count of suffix is
incremented by one. The suffixes (page sequences)
are processed in the regular expression engine and
regular expressions are its output.
We have used page sequences as strings. There
are few syntax patterns for regex. Here we used
traditional UNIX egrep regular expression syntax
(Sidhu and Reetinder, 2007).
3.3 Regular Expression Episode
Let web page P be denoted as P and Session S as
S=P[1]P[2]...P[n] and let P[i,j] denote an episode of
S ranging from i to j. A regular expression can be
mapped to any page sequence and it can be called an
When we map episodes to sessions, there can be
alternations, repetitions and concatenations. Suppose
are two regexes from sub-sequences n of
session s, and n
and n
are sub-sequences of session
s. if e
matches n
and e
matches n
, then e
matches n
or n
, and e
matches n
For example, Figure 4 shows a session with page
order accessed by a user. There are page repeating
patterns as shown in sections (a) and (b). Regex for
a is [P
](2) and for b is P
[2] . Session s can be
updated as in Figure 5. There are no overlapping
episodes in the session in Figure 5. Regexes in the
middle are also considered.
Figure 4: Sample session with page sequence.
Figure 5: Session with episode representation.
Here we present two quantitative and one qualitative
experiment done during the system evaluation. A
university website, a financial institution website
and a non-profit organization website are considered
in our evaluations. These website are denoted by U,
F and N respectively from here onwards.
4.1 Results
Firstly we discuss the two quantitative experiments.
In the first experiment, we cluster the three sites U,
F and N using DBSCAN and k-means. First we run
the algorithms with web page occurrences in the
session. Then the algorithms are run with episode
based sessions. Completeness is a standard way to
verify the effectiveness of clustering
mechanisms(Andrew, 2007). A clustering result
satisfies completeness if all the data points that are
members of a given class are elements of the same
Figure 6 shows the results on a bar chart. We can
see that our episode-based approach gives a better
performance with respect to completeness.
User sessions are built from log data of website
U, F and N. We ran the k-means and DBSCAN
clustering several times with different parameters.
We got results with completeness. Figure 6 presents
the best count for completeness for each cluster
technique. Domain experts labelled the clusters and
data records. Labelled data set is used to evaluate the
An Episode-based Approach to Identify Website User Access Patterns
system for completeness. Frequent pattern mining
algorithm, given large amount of user groups
(clusters) those groups are meaningless. Sequential
pattern mining gave good results for the sample data
(one week period), but for the whole dataset (four
month dataset) gave performance issues due to the
pattern growing problem.
Figure 6: Completeness of Clustering algorithms and our
In the second experiment, we improved the suffix
array by introducing the suffix count. This
improvement reduced the length of the array. This is
due to the array only containing unique suffixes with
session count. So we can identify the most common
suffixes of all the sessions.
Figure 7: Suffix Array length growth for the two suffix
array versions in website N.
As shown in Figure 7, the normal suffix array
represents a linear relationship with session count
and suffix array length. The improved suffix array
comes to a steady state when session count is
4.2 Identifying Attacks on a Website
In the qualitative experiment we demonstrate how
we found two attacks and some other interesting
user patterns in website N.
We have a list of episodes with regex
representation and each episode has the occurrence
count stored in the improved suffix array. The most
common episodes can be identified from the count.
Also we can find the most similar episode for any
given episode.
By looking at count distribution we can find
interesting patterns. If a particular episode has a less
count value in the suffix array, and the similarity
between this episode and others is less, then this
episode could most probably be an attack. If regex
similarity is high, count is low and episode repeating
count is very high, then this also could be an attack.
After inspecting the particular session and log record
references (where the user was previously browsing)
we can confirm whether this is an attack or not.
Time gap between web requests sent can be used to
confirm whether the interesting pattern belongs to a
human user or a malicious tool.
Using the approach just discussed above, we
detected some attacks and below we will explain
them. An attack was detected and the attacker’s web
session sequence was like a normal user access
pattern. In Figure 8 (a), normal user access pattern
contains 1 to 4 episodes repeating and (b) attacker
pattern also repeats the same episode (page
sequences) but the repeating count was very high
from 30 to 60.
Figure 8: (a) Normal user pattern. (b) Attacker pattern.
The second attacker sends few requests to
common pages such as home page and contact page
denoted by p
and p
as shown in Figure 9. Then he
sends requests to admin pages (p
, p
) and login
pages (p
), which a normal user does not request in
this sequence. Web pages p
and p
are also admin
pages that normal website user does not access. He
repeats this process again for many times. Figure 9
shows the page request sequences.
Figure 9: Sample web session attack.
Therefore we can see that the attackers
camouflage themselves as common users but
ICPRAM 2016 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
examining their user patterns can expose their
malicious behaviour.
Above attack patterns are contained in one
session or few sessions. Therefore DBSCAN or
density techniques will not pick them as interesting
patterns as they have low densities. In k-means those
sessions are inside a cluster as they are similar to
normal user patterns. Therefore above explained
attacks or interesting patterns are not identified by
density based technique, nearest neighbour analysis
technique or cluster technique.
Common user patterns are nicely highlighted
when we go through the access patterns.
Figure 10: Search user access pattern, P
= home page, P
= feature list page, P
= search page, P
= Result page, P
= result detail page.
Figure 10 shows the search user access pattern.
User comes to P
(home page) then he moves to
feature list page, P
where it lists down web site
features. He picks the search feature from feature list
page and he navigates to search page, P
. He loops
for 1 to 4 times between pages P
and P
as in Figure
10. After he finds the interesting results, he sorts and
filters the results in result page, P
. The Page P
looped for 1 to 3 times. Then he finds the correct
result and goes to the detail view of the result item
. Figure 10 represents the regular expression by
, (P
Figure 11: Article readers access patterns in website N, P
= article list, P
, P
and P
are article pages.
Figure 11 shows the access pattern of
alternation. He navigates through P
, P
, P
and P
is page that list articles. User can select from the
alternatives P
, P
and P
, the article he prefers.P
, P
, P
| P
) is the regex of Figure 11.
Most of the users use only about 5% of the
website functionality and some users loop through
few of the web pages over and over again. This leads
to better understanding of human interaction and
interfaces of a web site. It brings about better
designs in HCI and resolves navigational and other
access issues in a website.
This paper presented an episode- based approach to
identify website access patterns of users. Although
regular expressions have been commonly used in
many other domains to identify string patterns, this
is the first time for them to be applied in identifying
website access patterns. The use of regular
expressions not only identifies the common access
patterns, but also the rare access patterns, which
could refer to anomalies such as attacks. We
demonstrated that the completeness of this approach
is considerably higher than the same of some
popular clustering algorithms.
Currently we have not considered the ‘not
notation in regex. Therefore we cannot include them
in our representations. In future we are going to
implement the ‘not’ notation in our solution and
cover all meta characters in regex such as [^], ?and \.
This research was supported by the LK Domain
Registry, Sri Lanka. We thank our colleagues from
Research Division of LK Domain Registry who
provided insight and expertise that greatly assisted
the research.
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ICPRAM 2016 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods