Online Learning: Strategies for Pedagogical Retooling
Maureen Snow Andrade
Academic Affairs, Utah Valley University, 800 W. University Parkway MS 194, Orem, Utah, U.S.A.
Keywords: Flexible Learning, Online Learning, Pedagogy, Higher Education, Disruptive Innovation.
Abstract: Higher education can be conceptualized as a partnership between the learner and the institution. However,
this may necessitate changes in practice, such as the development of flexible learning models to
accommodate individuals from a range of backgrounds and life circumstances, particularly those
traditionally excluded from higher education. Flexible modes of learning may encounter resistance or fail to
deliver expected outcomes, however, thus limiting adoption. Pedagogical retooling can address this. This
paper reviews the current status of one type of flexible delivery—online learning—in terms of stakeholder
views, the need for continued institutional responsiveness, and pedagogical strategies that support desired
outcomes. The latter includes pedagogical training that involves implementing elements of effective course
design, simulating the student learning experience, forming communities of practice, and sustaining practice
with follow-on support.
When the Open University in the United Kingdom
opened its doors 45 years ago, some considered the
concept to be “blithering nonsense,” (Wildavsky,
2016, para. 2). The vision to offer low cost, high
quality, personalized, valued degree programs with
flexible scheduling to part-time adult learners
regardless of academic preparation did not reflect
current practice. However, when initial enrollments
of 25,000 were realized (compared to 180,000 across
all higher education institutions in the United
Kingdom), the approach was heralded as the “"most
significant event in the history of higher education
since land grant colleges were created in the United
States” (Wildavsky, 2016, para. 3).
This disruptive innovation has become
increasingly common. Recognition that education is
“a major contributor to national wealth and
economic development” (British Council, 2012, p.
1), the opportunity is being extended to learners of
all ages and backgrounds. Many nations have open
universities, and traditional institutions are adopting
the principles and flexible delivery premises upon
which open universities were founded.
Consequently, post-secondary enrollments are
increasing by 5% per year (British Council, 2012).
Higher education is beginning to be
conceptualized as a “partnership between HEPs
[higher education providers] and students with the
goal of providing accessible yet manageable
learning opportunities for a wide range of people”
(Higher Education Academic [HEA], 2015, p. 4).
Learners wanting to be part of this partnership
represent diverse educational backgrounds, levels of
academic preparation, social classes, age groups,
cultural assets, ethnicities, linguistic proficiencies,
and life situations, much more so than traditional
university students.
To address the needs of these learners, flexible
delivery models are being considered and adopted.
Flexibility entails greater choice for learners in terms
of time, place, and delivery of educational offerings;
however, continued attention is required to provide
these choices in ways that support effective learning
and successful completion of programs of study.
“When well supported, [flexible learning] positively
impacts recruitment, retention and progression;
widens participation; and offers opportunities to
learners of all ages, backgrounds, ethnicities and
nationalities” (HEA, 2015, p. 4).
Traditional higher education practices and
institutional cultures can present a significant barrier
to the adoption of learning paradigms that are
flexible and responsive to learner circumstances,
however. This is particularly true in terms of the
acceptance of online learning as a viable
pedagogical approach. This paper examines views of
distance learning within the academy, indicates the
Andrade, M.
Online Learning: Strategies for Pedagogical Retooling.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2016) - Volume 2, pages 85-90
ISBN: 978-989-758-179-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
need for continued responsiveness, and shares
strategies for effective retooling and pedagogical
practice in online programs.
For many, online learning is considered the most
viable solution to increasing educational demand
from a diverse pool of learners (European
Commission [EU], 2014; HEA, 2015). It has the
potential to “reach individuals previously
marginalized to change lives and improve
communities and economies” (Andrade, 2013, p.
67). Traditional degree programs are becoming
modernized in terms of greater access to materials,
and pedagogies that blend technology with
traditional approaches; this modernization is
resulting in wider acceptance of online learning (EU,
Indeed, enrollment patterns for online courses
clearly indicate increasing access to, and by
implication, acceptance of this mode of delivery.
Although growth in the percentage of students
taking at least one online course has slowed to
approximately 3.7 (as compared to 20% in 2003,
2005, and 2009), this exceeds overall higher
education enrollment increases of 1.2% for the same
time period (Allen and Seaman, 2015). As expected,
undergraduates who are older, employed full-time,
and have a spouse or dependent are more likely to
participate than their traditional counterparts
(Radford, 2011). This patterns supports the founding
principles of the open university and the need to
extend these principles to traditional institutions.
However, perspectives on the sustainability and
quality of online learning differ. Critics observe that
retention in online courses is 8% lower than in
traditionally-delivered courses (Lokken and Mullins,
2014). Nearly 45% of chief academic officers feel
that it is more difficult to retain students in online
courses than in face-to-face courses, and the
majority (68.3%) believe that more discipline is
needed for success in online than in traditional
courses (Allen and Seaman, 2015).
Certainly, flexible learning has the potential to
encourage “students to become independent and
autonomous, fostering attributes that will enable
them to manage the complexities of 21st century
life” (HEA, 2015, p. 3). Simply enrolling in a
flexible learning course, however, does not create an
autonomous or independent learner. Developing
these abilities requires intentional course design and
instructor facilitation (Andrade, 2014a, 2014b).
Faculty stakeholders are often characterized as
being resistant to online learning.
There are still a number of faculty on our
campus who question what we are doing to
our students. [They think that if they are] not
going to get the campus experience, they
aren’t going to get the interaction they used
to get (Bichsel, 2013, p. 23).
Faculty members at institutions that offer online
programs and those who have taught online tend to
have more positive views than their counterparts
(Allen and Seaman, 2015). However, fewer than half
feel that their institutions have appropriate
assessment mechanisms to ensure the quality of
online offerings, and almost two-thirds feel that
learning outcomes are inferior (Allen & Seaman,
2012). In contrast, approximately 75% of
administrators view student learning outcomes in
online courses as equivalent to or higher than face-
to-face courses (Allen and Seaman, 2015).
In spite of these varying perspectives, the call for
higher education is to “become more responsive and
relevant to new demands from a clientele reflecting
an evolving demographic profile” (Beaudoin, in
press). Higher education is a long-established
enterprise with long-standing traditions that have not
been questioned to much extent. Current
conversations indicate concerns with rising costs,
return on investment, the practice of measuring
quality by inputs such as seat time and credit hours,
lack of accountability, and elitism (Christensen et
al., 2011). Higher education must reinvent itself to
effectively serve a range of student populations and
prepare graduates for a constantly changing global
Online learning is a disruptive innovation in
higher education with the potential to effect needed
change. Disruptive innovation is “the process by
which products and services, which at one point
were so expensive, complicated, and inconvenient
that only a small fraction of people could access
them, become transformed into ones that are
simpler, more convenient, lower in cost, and far
more accessible” (Christensen et al., 2011, p. 10).
Online learning enables “learning to happen in a
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
variety of contexts, locations, and times; it allows
for a transformation of curriculum and learning”
(Christensen et al., 2011, p. 4). The issue is how to
ensure the effectiveness and encourage acceptance
of this transformation.
Higher education has been a sustaining
innovation, historically available to only those with
the cultural and financial capital to prepare them
with the requisite life experiences and advantages
for access and success. Due to rising demand, the
need to accommodate diverse learners, external
criticism, and increasing competition from for-profit
providers (i.e., disruptive innovators), traditional
institutions are recognizing the need to change in
order to provide an affordable, high quality
experience to a broad population.
Innovations typically require changes in
structure, policy, and business models. Universities
may decide to offer online programs to new
audiences to avoid self-competition (Roscorla,
2014). Otherwise, students may choose online over
face-to-face courses, threatening the latter and
creating concerns within the academy. Institutions
sometimes spin off their online learning operations
to free themselves from slow decision-making
processes and resistance, and to serve greater
numbers of students. This is the case with
institutions such as Southern New Hampshire
University, the first online competency-based U.S.
institution to be eligible for student federal financial
aid (LeBlanc, 2015).
“New and emerging approaches to teaching and
learning, made possible by new technologies, can
complement, consolidate, support, and further
advance” access (EU, 2014, p. 4). In spite of this,
goals for widely accessible higher education
opportunity have not yet been realized (EU, 2014).
Additionally, concerns about quality and student
success indicate the need for greater attention to
effective practice and pedagogical strategies.
Few teaching staff see value in online learning
according to their chief academic administrators
(Allen and Seaman, 2015). This may be due to
resistance to change, tradition, or familiar cultural
practices. It may also be due to unfamiliarity with
this mode of teaching and learning, insecurity about
technology, and uncertainty about how to adapt.
Preparing instructors to teach online has been cited
as a significant challenge (Lokken and Mullins,
To address the challenges noted, institutions should
consider developing a multi-dimensional approach
for supporting effective online teaching. These
involve strategies that range from effective course
design to simulated training, the formation of
communities of learning, and follow-on support.
4.1 Implement Effective Elements of
Course Design
A successful online teaching and learning
experience begins with course design. Teaching staff
must be made aware of the elements of good
practice and how to implement them. These include
pre-enrollment information (program specifics, fees,
estimated time to completion, needed background
knowledge); intentional design (learning outcomes,
media and social networking, relevant content);
interventions (progress checks, alerts for missing
assignments or low scores); formative and
summative assessments; personalized support
(conferencing, social networking, learning
resources); and learner analytics (Tait, 2015).
Additionally, courses might embed learning strategy
training to encourage learner responsibility and
success (Andrade, 2014a; 2014b).
Understanding how online courses are
intentionally designed may help address instructor
concerns with quality and outcomes. Instructors
might also see applicability for these practices in
their face-to-face courses and the potential for
redesigning courses with online components. Course
redesign is a current strategy in higher education that
addresses unacceptable pass rates in gateway
courses, or those that are foundational, highly
enrolled, and which students may be at risk of
failing (John N. Gardner Institute, 2016). Redesign
can result in significant gains in student degree
completion (Pushing the Barriers, 2015; Renick,
Typically, course redesign is characterized by
online lectures and practice exercises, pre/post-
assessments; automated feedback, peer and e-
tutoring; and consistency across sections
(Educational Advisory Board, 2014; “Pushing the
Barriers,” 2015). These elements share similarities
with those of effective online course design. Learner
analytics, outcomes, completion rates, and other
metrics can be used to demonstrate efficacy and
identify needed improvements.
Online Learning: Strategies for Pedagogical Retooling
4.2 Simulate the Student Learning
Training programs for online instructors often
simulate the student experience. This might occur in
the form of a flipped classroom; both learners and
instructors use online materials to prepare for in-
class engagement and application (Palloff, 2014).
This is a hybrid teaching/training model. Instructors
participate in the same types of activities as students.
They thus increase understanding of the purpose
course activities, and have the opportunity to apply
appropriate pedagogical techniques.
Instructors must also understand relevant
philosophical underpinnings in the student course.
For instance, courses may be based on the concept
of collaborative control, aimed at helping learners
become more responsible, learn help-seeking
strategies, and develop autonomy. The learner is not
expected to assume complete control over the
learning process but manages tasks in collaboration
with other students and the instructor (White, 2003).
If this is an underlying premise of the course,
instructors need to understand their role in
facilitating increased learner responsibility.
Developing responsibility involves choice, which
leads to autonomy. Students might be given a choice
of assignments based on a diagnosis of their
strengths and weaknesses. This can be accompanied
by goal-setting, performance monitoring, and
reflection. As learners strive to achieve a goal, they
complete activities, interact with their peers, and
assess their progress. This process transfers the
responsibility for learning from the instructor to the
learner (Andrade, 2014b). Once again, the instructor
must understand the purpose of these activities and
be skilled at supporting learners in achieving
associated outcomes.
To model this approach, activities in the training
course might provide instructors with opportunities
to determine what they want to learn and why and
set goals for enhancing pedagogical practice. They
can share these with their colleagues in the course,
submit reflections, and determine next steps. This
approach supports greater investment in the training
as the instructors determine what they want to learn
and apply the concept of collaborative control. It
simultaneously provides them with an experience
that mirrors that of their students.
4.3 Create Communities of Practice
In addition to effective course design practices and
simulation of activities in the student course,
instructor support should entail opportunities for
community building. Teaching online is sometimes
seen as isolating, and particularly if instructors are
new to it, uncertain of how to approach student
learning issues, and feel they have no one to consult
for answers to questions or ideas for resolving
problems. Online instructors may have never taken
an online course much less taught one (McQuiggen,
2012). As such, instructors may benefit from on-
going connections with other online instructors.
Communities of practice can be formed by
creating instructor groups with an appointed leader
who organizes virtual meetings and discussion
forums. Participants determine topics for these
exchanges and share materials and ideas.
Discussions might focus on adapting classroom
approaches to an online environment, using
technology, and addressing student or course-
specific issues.
Teaching groups can be organized within
departments offering online courses or across an
institution. The former provides an advantage in
terms of the opportunity to discuss course-specific
content and approaches while the latter provides for
cross-disciplinary exchanges on pedagogy. In this
way, both novice and seasoned instructors can
continue their development as part of a professional
community of practice.
On-going training and professional development
might also include continued goal-setting in which
instructors set a goal each semester, share it with
their group, and report on it at the end of the term.
This creates an environment in which online
instructors learn from and support each other.
Weekly and end-of-term reports, submitted
formally to a lead instructor or office staff member,
or informally to colleagues in a discussion post or
blog, can be an effective way to share teaching
insights, report problems, provide feedback on
course design or content, comment on student
progress, or make suggestions for further training.
For course or program administrators, these reports
provide critical data for decisions about course
changes or training processes and content.
These approaches to collaboration not only ease
instructors into a new learning context, but address
some of the concerns with quality often cited by
critics of online learning. They provide structure,
oversight of teaching, consistent standards and
expectations, networking opportunities, and
continuing professional development, all of which
also contribute to the achievement of student
learning outcomes.
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
4.4 Sustain Practice with Follow-on
In addition to establishing communities of practice,
another strategy is to provide follow-on training that
involves outreach to instructors and further
opportunities for sharing. Outreach could include
weekly e-mails with tips and strategies; quarterly
newsletters consisting of innovative ideas, success
stories, and institutional reports; or scheduled
webcasts. The latter might feature institutional
leaders sharing their vision for teaching and
learning, and instructors discussing their online
teaching insights. Webcasts can be structured so that
questions can be submitted in advance and addressed
in the session, thereby providing instructors with
opportunities for involvement.
Online resource libraries can be created for
instructors to share materials such as student-help
videos on practical issues ranging from formatting
writing assignments to conducting grammar and
spelling checks to applying instructor feedback.
Instructors can post tips on topics such as using
social networking, screencasts, videos, instant chat,
recorded verbal feedback, or other forms of
technology. Strategies for time management, grading
assignments, teaching through response,
communication with learners, creating
supplementary materials, or example announcements
may also be topics of interest. Tips for assisting
struggling students or for deepening learning
through questioning and commentary can be
included as well. Training manuals used in the initial
training course can also be made available online for
review, clarification, or follow up.
Online learning “presents an opportunity to rethink
age-old assumptions about higher education—its
processes, where it happens, and what its goals are”
(Christensen et al., 2011, p. 4). Institutions are
questioning these assumptions and responding to
demand by providing learners with access and
flexible delivery models.
However, to ensure learner success, institutions
must develop quality design, training, and support
structures. This entails identifying frameworks for
instructor development that will have a positive
impact on student success. The strategies outlined
are designed to overcome known barriers to
successful online learning programs.
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