Pre-service Teacher ICT Tool-kit
The Role of the Setting
Kathy Jordan and Jennifer Elsden-Clifton
School of Education, RMIT University, Bundorra, Australia
Keywords: ICT, Teacher Education, Pre-service Teacher.
Abstract: For some time, Teacher Education policy and research has consistently argued that graduates are ill-
prepared to use ICT in their practice (TEMAG, 2015). In Australia, an increasing regulatory environment
means that Teacher Education providers need to meet national accreditation demands as well as design
programs that address professional standards for graduates where an effective ICT use is a requirement. In
an effort to have greater understanding of how to design Teacher Education programs that meet these
challenges, this small scale study investigated where 69 pre-service teachers learned how to use a number of
ICT resources commonly used in primary and secondary schools. Findings suggest that they learned how to
use many resources (particularly general-type resources) in their everyday life prior to undertaking their
teaching qualification and that they learned how to use a lesser number in university coursework or
practicum in schools. A number of implications for Teacher Education conclude this paper.
Teacher Education has an important role in
supporting the next generation of future educators to
have the knowledge and skills to integrate ICT in
their teaching practice. It is through these
experiences that pre-service teachers can shape their
knowledge and beliefs about teaching and learning
with ICT, and ultimately impact on what happens in
their future practice (Bakir, 2015; Haydn, 2015,
Tondeur, et al. 2012). However, it has proved more
difficult than people thought (Haydn, 2015). A
number of factors are often identified in the
literature that act as obstacles, or enablers, and help
explain why pre-service teachers feel inadequately
prepared (Haydn, 2015; Tondeur, et al. 2012).
Mirzajani et al., (2015) categorise obstacles into
three types: Resource-related obstacles, Institutional
obstacles and Attitudinal obstacles. Resource-related
obstacles include lack of access to ICT hardware and
software, lack of training and support to use ICT,
lack of knowledge and skills and lack of leadership.
Institutional obstacles include lack of financial
commitment, lack of time, and lack of incentives and
commitment. Attitudinal obstacles include resistance
to change, negative attitudes and self-efficacy.
Research also suggests that teacher educators
play a significant role in supporting pre-service
teachers develop the required skill-set (Albion &
Redmond, 2008). This can involve routinely using
ICT, so that pre-service teachers can see it being
modelled. Haydn (2015) suggests that the
competence of teacher educator staff is one of the
most defining factors in whether teachers in their
first year of practice use ICT or not. Research has
shown however that not all teacher educators have
the capability to provide this support (Albion &
Redmond, 2008), with many courses being taught by
enthusiastic individuals, rather than mainstream
practitioners. Sometimes it is insinuated that the lack
of teacher educator uptake is because they are
‘digital immigrants’ (Prensky, 2001). According to
the view made popular by Prensky (2001) and
others, the so called ‘digital immigrants’, have come
later to using ICT, and find using these tools foreign.
This is contrasted with the ‘digital natives’, those
who have grown up with technology, and are
accustomed to using these technologies throughout
their day to day lives. While this view has been
debated and many of its claims rejected (Bennett et
al., 2008; Selwyn, 2009), it still has considerable
Research clearly shows that educating the next
generation of educators is a complex undertaking
(Haydn 2015). However the role that pre-service
teachers play in their education and professional
learning has perhaps been underplayed. Research
has shown that pre-service teachers have access to
Jordan, K. and Elsden-Clifton, J.
Pre-service Teacher ICT Tool-kit - The Role of the Setting.
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2016) - Volume 2, pages 31-39
ISBN: 978-989-758-179-3
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
an increasing number of technologies. A recent
study by Delaney et al. (2014) of some 220 science
pre-service teachers in their first semester of study at
two Australian Universities, found that many were
familiar with the listed 50 types of technologies.
However, knowing about, or having access to
technologies, does not necessarily mean that pre-
service teachers are able to transfer this knowledge
to classroom settings, as this study proposed.
Nevertheless, it does raise the broader question of to
what extent providers and teacher educators should
be responsible for developing the skill-set of the
next generation of educators and to what extent pre-
service teachers should assume responsibility.
In the next section we explore further how
Teacher Education providers have faced this
challenge in the past. We then move on to describing
the Australian context, which forms the backdrop to
this specific study, and the changing regulatory
environment, which is impacting on Teacher
Education. The findings of this study are discussed
in relation to how pre-service teachers ICT toolkit
may be considered in the design of Teacher
Education program.
Teacher Education programs in Australia, involve
both theoretical knowledge and practical teaching
and learning strategies. Often these two components
are separated, with university coursework concerned
with theoretical pursuits and practicum, or
professional experience in schools, concerned with
the more practical aspects of teaching (TEMAG,
2016). Both components are seen in the literature as
important in developing pre-service teacher capacity
to integrate ICT. Yet it is university coursework that
has been given most attention in the literature.
In the past, it was often assumed that pre-service
teachers only needed to have technical-know how to
be able to integrate ICT into their practice. Teacher
Education providers often met this challenge, by
designing skills-based courses that focused on
teaching pre-service teacher how to operate and
technologies. Bakir (2015) cites a survey of 1439
United States institutions which revealed that 85%
of programs offered an educational technology
course that focused on basic technical skills. Skills-
based courses have been criticised for their
limitations in teaching pre-service teachers to apply
ICT in practice (Bakir, 2015; Steketee, 2005). It is
now taken as a given, that because of the speed of
introduction of new technologies, that it is
impossible to keep up to date with new technologies.
In response, Mishra and Koehler (2006) argue for
another way of thinking about technology
knowledge. They suggest that while it does involve
having the technical know-how to operate particular
technologies, it also involves recognition that
technologies are not neutral and that their designs
and capacities can both enable and constrain
particular practice. Mishra and Koehler argue that
teachers need a deeper understanding of technology
knowledge that continues to evolve and develop.
They suggest that pre-service teachers need a
complex knowledge set, one that enables them to
interconnect their knowledge of technology,
pedagogy and content.
How Teacher Education providers should
structure and design their programs to achieve this
skill-set is also highly contested (Bakir, 2015; Kay,
2007; Tondeur, et al, 2012). Steketee’s (2005)
review, while conducted some time ago, suggests
that Teacher Education providers have used four
main approaches. The first approach is the ‘ICT
skills development approach’, in which a specific
unit or course is used to upskill pre-service teachers
to use ICT. While acknowledging that having skills
is important, Steketee comments that this approach
does not mean that pre-service teachers can apply
these skills in practice. The second approach, the
‘ICT pedagogy approach’ aims to do just this, by
using a specific unit or course to teach pre-service
teachers how to incorporate ICT. While she suggests
that this is a strength of this approach, she identifies
transference into classroom practice again as an
issue. The third approach, the ‘Subject-specific
approach’, moves away from the discrete course
approach, to embed ICT into specific subjects or
disciplines. She suggests that this approach does
enable pre-service teachers to develop practical
knowledge of integrating ICT, but suggests that
being able to use in practice, such as on practicum is
again hindered. The fourth approach, the ‘Practice
driven approach’ is intended to do just this.
Commenting favourably on the authenticity of this
approach, she suggests it is weakened by the need to
have shared commitment to use ICT by university
teachers, pre-service teachers, and mentor teachers
in schools.
Tondeur, et al. (2012) suggest that, “Teacher
education programmes have struggled with selecting
and implementing the most effective strategies” (p.
135). This has become more complex given the
current context of Teacher Education in Australia.
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
As such where does this leave providers who seek to
develop programs that prepare effective future
Recently in Australia, the Report of the Teacher
Education Ministerial Advisory Group (TEMAG)
Action Now: Classroom Ready Teachers, the latest
in a long line of government reports and inquiries
into Teacher Education in Australia, was released.
This group was established in 2014 to provide
advice on the quality of teacher training in Australia
and identify recommendations to better prepare
teachers with the practical skills needed for the
classroom. The report identified a number of
directions, proposals and recommendations around
the importance of the practicum (practical
experience in schools), forming partnerships
between Teacher Education providers and schools
and the need to integrate theory and practice.
The teaching practicum is generally
acknowledged as important for the development of
practical skills in teaching and as a foundation of
quality Teacher Education (Ure, Gough & Newton,
2009). Practicum is also identified as an important
way for pre-service teachers to develop skills in
using ICT, as it is through these experiences they
can build their knowledge and learn how to integrate
ICT and future potential practice (Bakir, 2015).
Grove (2008, n.p) comments that,
The student teaching field experience is a critical
component in the preparation of student teachers
as a means of establishing ICT practices they
will use in future settings. The experience
provides a hands-on opportunity for student
teachers to put what they know into action as
they transfer, apply and refine the theory they
have learned into lessons for their students. It is
in this critical period that they construct their
understanding of teacher practice.
The TEMAG report suggested ways that ICT
could be used in Teacher Education programs. For
example, it suggested that online technology could
be used to enable pre-service teachers to become
more familiar with teaching techniques and ideas
from experienced teachers; that they could then
discuss them, and reflect on them in relation to their
own practice. The report paid attention to practicum,
stating that ICT, “could be used to
better prepare
pre-service teachers to get most benefit from their
professional experience and assist in integrating
theory and practice,” (2015, p. 49). It commented
that ICT could be used to complement face-to-face
practicum by enabling pre-service teachers to
explore teaching scenarios without being physically
present in schools.
The TEMAG report and resulting discussion
papers, are having significant impact on Teacher
Education in Australia, so too is national
accreditation (Henderson et al., 2013). In 2011, the
Australian Government introduced a national
approach to accreditation for Teacher Education
regulated by the Australian Institute for Teaching
and School Leadership (AITSL). Teacher Education
providers are required to meet a number of program
standards as well as a set of national professional
standards for graduates. These standards stipulate
what teachers should know and be able to do. In
relation to ICT, graduate teachers need to meet three
standards, these being: to use ICT to expand
curriculum opportunities, to know a range of ICT
resources, and to support safe, responsible and
ethical use of ICT (AITSL, 2011).
This direction towards greater accountability is
not confined to Australia, as recent endeavours in
the United States such as the development of ISTE
Standards attest. Yet as Lemon and Garvis (2016, p.
2) suggest,
There is however emerging evidence that
identifies gaps between teaching standards,
policy and curriculum documentation and the
reality of teachers’ (both in- and pre-service)
own skills, knowledge and motivation (p. 2).
This paper responds to specific calls to ensure
that upon graduation, graduates are confident and
competent users in ICT. To date though Teacher
Education providers (through their provision of
coursework and practicum) are perceived as
responsible for developing these standards and the
role that pre-service teacher prior knowledge gained
through work, study and personal and social lives
has not been fully considered. Given that pre-service
teachers do not come to their Teacher Education
programs as blank slates, what is the impact on
program designers? Armed with this knowledge, what
influence could this have on our program designs?
This paper then is essentially concerned with
where do pre-service teachers develop their ICT
tool-kit? To what extent do they bring this
knowledge with them to their Teacher Education
programs, and to what extent do they learn this
knowledge via the coursework and the practicum
components of these programs? This paper was
guided by the following research questions:
Pre-service Teacher ICT Tool-kit - The Role of the Setting
1 Where do pre-service teachers learn how to use
listed ICT resources? Do they learn how to use
these listed resources in one setting more so
than others? If so, which setting was more often
used? Which setting was least often used?
2 Is there a relationship between the setting and
type of resource?
3 As a result of these findings, what are some
implications for Teacher Education programs
and in particular practice based courses?
This paper draws on findings from a self-assessed
survey completed by 69 pre-service teachers
enrolled in primary or secondary Teacher Education
programs at RMIT University, Victoria Australia.
This survey had various sections, with one section
asking pre-service teachers to indicate whether they
knew what each of the listed ICT resources was and
what it did (using a yes / no scale), and another
section asking them to report their level of skill in
using these resources (using a four-point scale: not
at all, a little, some, a lot). The results of these two
aspects of the survey have been reported previously
(Jordan & Compton, 2015). A third section of the
survey, and the focus of this paper, asked the pre-
service teachers to indicate where they had learned
to use these ICT resources. The pre-service teachers
were presented with five options and asked to
choose one: Coursework, Practicum, Prior Study,
Prior Work, or Personal / Social Life.
The survey instrument used for this study was
adapted from a larger instrument, used by practising
teachers as a professional learning tool to benchmark
their ICT confidence and skill (DEECD, 2014). It is
a commonly used instrument and has been used for a
number of years in various iterations. It includes a
list of ICT resources, that can be categorised as both
General-type resources (those that could be used in
everyday lives, such as Twitter), as well as
Education-type resources (those more particular to
the classroom such as Interactive Whiteboards). This
list was reviewed, with those not considered
particularly relevant to pre-service teachers
removed, resulting in some 32 items being included
in the adapted instrument. It is to be noted, however,
that while we considered that these resources may be
relevant to pre-service teachers, we did not assume
that they would know them all. The survey
instrument was administered online using Qualtrics
software via a link sent by email.
In the web-based survey, the pre-service teachers
indicated the setting where they learned how to use
the listed ICT resources, choosing from five options
(Coursework, Practicum, Prior work, Prior Study,
Personal / Social Life). Survey results were then
presented as percentage data as shown in Table 1. In
the following discussion, we begin by reporting on
the setting or location of their learning. We then turn
to report on the specific resources learned in these
locations. Finally, in the third section we report on
the relationship between setting and the type of
resource (General-type resource or Education-type
Site of Learning
As seen in the table, pre-service teachers largely
learned how to use listed ICT resources in their
Personal / Social Life. They indicated higher
percentages in this setting in relation to some 22 of
the 32 resources, but this varied by resource.
Participants indicated higher percentages in
learning to use resources during Coursework on five
occasions. When it came to learning how to use
resources on Practicum, participants recorded higher
percentages in relation to three resources.
Participants did not record a higher percentage in
relation to any of the resources in their Prior Work.
They indicated a higher percentage in a Prior Study
setting on one occasion.
Coursework and Personal / Social Life were
selected as the site for learning each of the listed
resources. However, this was not the case with the
other three settings, with Practicum not being
selected on seven occasions, Prior Study on nine
occasions, and Prior Work on three. Thus, the order
of the setting where students learned to use different
ICT resources was Personal / Social Lives, then
Coursework, followed by Practicum, Prior Work and
then Prior Study.
ICT Resources
As stated in the previous section, a higher
percentage of participants learned how to use the
listed resources in their Personal / Social Lives
compared to the other settings or spaces. The
following section focuses on reporting which ICT
resources were learned in this setting, as well as the
other settings.
The participants reported learning how to use
some 22 of the 32 listed resources in their Personal /
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Social Lives. This ranged from 31% who learned
how to use Smart Pens in this setting, to 94% who
learned how to use Gaming Consoles as well as
Social Networking Website. 80% or more of the
participants learned how to use nine resources in this
setting rather than other settings. These were:
Gaming Consoles (94%), Social Networking
Website (94%), Digital Cameras (93%), Intelligent
Maps (90%), GPS (90%), VoIP (88%), iPod, itouch
or other MPs player (87%), Tablet (82%) and eBook
Reader (80%). Around 60 to 70% of participants
indicated they learned how to use four main
resources in this setting. These were: Voice
Recognition Software (66%), Netbooks (67%),
Social Bookmarking (67%) and Blogs (71%).
Around 40 to 50% reported learning eight resources.
These being: Robotics Equipment (42%), Wireless
Internet Access (45%), Digital Learning Resources
(49%), Mobile Phones (53%), and Video
Conferencing (55%), with Video Sharing,
Discussion Forums and Microblogging all recorded
by some 58% of pre-service teachers.
A higher percentage of participants reported they
had learned how to use five resources in their
Coursework, rather than other settings. These were:
The DEECD Website (77%), NING (69%), Online
Conferences (63%), Wikis (57%), and Online
Surveys (35%), and Digital Learning Portfolio (26%).
Participants reported higher percentage rates in
learning three resources during Practicum. These
were: Edustar (64%), and FUSE (50%) (both being
websites designed by the government to support
teachers), and Interactive WhiteBoards (IWB) (47%).
A higher percentage of participants reported
learning how to use one resource in their Prior Study
and this was in relation to Learner Response Devices
Relationship between Location of
Learning and Type of Resource
In this third section we analyse and report on the
relationship between the setting of learning
Coursework, Practicum, Prior Study, Prior Work, or
Personal / Social Life and the type of resource,
whether General-type resource or Education-type
Predictably, participants learned how to use
General-type resources, that is, those that are
accessible in every-day Personal / Social lives, such
as GPS, and Social Networking, Digital Learning
Resources. They reported less learning of Education-
type resources, those more applicable to specific
education settings. These were, Wireless Internet
Access for Learning and Teaching, Netbooks (mini
tablets funded by the Department of Education) and
Mobile Phones for Educational Use.
In Coursework, participants reported learning
how to use Education-type resources such as
department of education and government websites
and Digital Learning Portfolio. They also reported
learning how to use General-type resources including
Online Conferences, Wikis and Online Surveys.
In Practicum, participants reported learning
about three Education-type resources, Edustar,
FUSE and IWBs. In Prior Study they reported
learning about one resource, Learner Response
Devices, a General-type resource.
As a general trend, participants were more likely
to report learning to use resource in one of the listed
locations, rather than across the five locations. This
is shown in patterns in their rating of resources,
particularly the differences between the highest rated
location and the second highest. There was at least a
70% difference between the highest rated resource
and second highest resource in relation to some 9
resources. For example, Social Networking Website
was learned by some 94% of participants in their
Personal / Social Life, with only 3% indicating they
learned in either Coursework or Prior Work. Gaming
Consoles, was learned by 94% of participants in
their Personal / Social Life and only 4% in Prior
Study. A final example is iPod, iTouch or other MP3
player, which 87% indicated they had learned in
their Personal / Social Life compared to 3% who
indicated they had learned how to use this resource
in each of the other four locations. However, there
were some exceptions to this pattern. For example,
35% of the participants indicated they learned how
to use Online Surveys in Coursework and 33%
indicated they did so in Personal / Social Life.
Another example is Robotics Equipment with 42%
of participants reporting they learned how to use in
their Personal / Social Life, along with 33% who
reported learning in Prior Study.
There were a few occasions when the
participants did indicate that they learned how to use
a resource in multiple locations. For example,
Learner Response Devices, was reported being
learned by 20% of participants in three locations
(Personal / Social Life, Coursework and Prior
Work), Smart Pens was reported being learned by
31% in Personal / Social Life, 23% in Prior Study
and 19% both in Coursework and Practicum. Digital
Learning Portfolio was learned by 26% of
participants both in Coursework and Practicum and
21% in Personal / Social Life.
This general trend of learning to use a resource
Pre-service Teacher ICT Tool-kit - The Role of the Setting
in one location (rather than multiple locations) can
also be shown by patterns of non-selection of a
location. This was the case in relation to some 14 of
the listed resources. For example, Practicum, as a
setting was not selected on seven occasions, in
relation to Discussion Forums, Intelligent Maps,
Social Networking Website, VOIP, Robotics
Equipment, Gaming Consoles and Digital Cameras.
Prior Work, as a setting was not selected on three
occasions, in relation to FUSE, Blogs, and
Microblogging. Prior Study was not selected on
eight occasions, in relation to Edustar, Ning,
Intelligent Maps, Social Bookmarking, Social
Networking Websites, VOIP, Gaming Consoles, and
GPS. This pattern is also shown by very low rates of
selection of a setting (2%, 3% or 4%) in relation to
some 22 resources.
Teacher Education providers are often criticised for
not preparing practice-ready graduates. In Australia,
Teacher Education providers are facing increasing
pressure, as evidenced by the recent TEMAG report
(2015) and its recommendations around achieving
greater consistency across providers and the better
integration of in class experience and learning at
university. As well, national accreditation
requirements are now having considerable impact on
the design, and delivery of programs (AITSL, 2011).
For some time, this pressure on Teacher
Education providers has also included the
expectation to prepare future educators with an ICT
toolkit. In Australia, the development of national
professional standards, which stipulate what
graduates should know and be able to do, has turned
this expectation into a requirement for all providers.
Yet in the past, Teacher Education providers have
been found wanting when it comes to preparing pre-
service teachers to use ICT in their teaching practice.
In particular, the often-used approach of a stand-
alone educational technology course has been the
source of contention (Kay, 2007; Tondeur et al.
2012), so too the skill level of teaching staff. Thus as
Henderson et al. (2013) suggest, providers are likely
to be challenged to meet the demands of the current
regulatory environment.
Against this background of increasing pressure,
greater accountability and criticism of past efforts, a
considerable body of research has shown that
achieving this ICT expectation is complex. Research
has shown for example that a range of factors act as
barriers or enablers (Ertmer, 1999; Ertmer,
Ottenbreit-Leftwich, & York, 2006–2007) to pre-
service teacher appropriation of ICT. There is also
increasing recognition in research that technical
know-how, while necessary, does not accurately
define the complex knowledge set required (Mishra
& Koehler 2006).
This study suggests that rather than learning how
to use particular resources in their Teacher
Education programs, pre-service teachers primarily
learned to use them in their Personal / Social Lives.
For the most part these resources were General-type
resources. Pre-service teachers were also likely to
learn how to use a given resource in one location,
rather than across multiple locations. As such, the
results of this small-scale study could have bearing
on how Teacher Education programs are designed
and delivered. For example, it suggests that Teacher
Education could focus more on how to incorporate
prior knowledge of resources to the school context,
and what knowledge (pedagogy, content and
technology) pre-service teachers then require.
Responsibility for pre-service teacher capacity to
meet these requirements continues to rest with
providers. There has been little consideration that
pre-service teachers can bring knowledge and skills
with them to their Teacher Education Program. This
is not to suggest that pre-service teachers are digital
natives, as this view has been successfully
challenged and rendered a myth by a number of
researchers (see for example, Selwyn, 2009;
Bennett, Maton, and Kervin, 2008). Rather it is to
suggest that we appropriate the tools that we have
available to us, and for many pre-service teachers in
Australia ICT tools are readily accessible. As a
result of the rapid development of technologies
including social technologies and mobile
technologies, and their increasing availability and
relatively low cost, it is likely that many pre-service
teachers have learned how to use a range of
resources in their own lives prior to their enrolment
in a Teacher Education program. Nor has there been
much consideration that pre-service teachers should
have some accountability for their own development
of knowledge and skills.
This study reveals a number of tensions. On the
one hand Teacher Education providers are expected
to prepare graduates who have the knowledge and
skills to teach in schools, including having an ICT
skill-set. Reports such as TEMAG (2015), advise
providers to make more use of school settings, so as
to facilitate more practical skills. Yet, very few of
the pre-service teachers in this study, reported that
they learned how to use ICT resources during
Practicum in schools. Thus Practicum may not have
CSEDU 2016 - 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
provided these particular pre-service teachers with
many ICT learning experiences. As such this study
could reinforce what we already know about
practising teacher use of ICT, that as with pre-
service teachers, it is not simple. As well it suggests
a mismatch between the rhetoric around ICT
expectations and practice reported in research.
This study highlights that pre-service teachers
can learn how to use ICT resources in a range of
locations, not just in a Teacher Education program.
This is not to suggest that having this knowledge is
all that is required to integrate into practice. Rather
to the contrary research has shown that a complex set
of knowledge is required, that Mishra and Koehler
(2006) argue involves the complex interplay of three
sets of knowledge technology, pedagogy and content.
This study shows that General-type resources are
most known by these participants, whereas
Education-type resources were not. Therefore, this
raises the question of where will pre-service teachers
learn how to use them? Recommendations for
Teacher Education in reports such as TEMAG
(2015) highlight the need for greater connections
with schools. Underpinning these recommendations
is the view that schools are sites of practice and that
practice is valued. Conversely then, one could argue
that university settings, perceived as theoretically
orientated are not as valued. This study suggests that
the perceived benefits when in a Practicum setting
may not be readily achieved. Indeed, it could be
argued that this study challenges the implicit
assumption in reports that greater connection with
schools will lead to greater practice.
This study raises further questions about how
ICT can be embedded into both components of
Teacher Education programs. Given that it is
assumed that knowledge and skills are taught in both
these locations it is interesting that these settings
were not utilised to any great extent as the source of
pre-service teacher knowledge. Teacher Education
providers perhaps need to move away from seeing
themselves as the provider of all knowledge
regarding how to use ICT in teaching practice, and
have a greater acknowledgement that this knowledge
and skill can be learned in a range of settings. We
recommend further investigation into how Teacher
Education providers can best design programs to
take advantage of the multiple locations in which
this knowledge can be learned.
It is important to note that this study has a number of
limitations. First it is only a small scale study
involving a small number of participants. Therefore,
a study with more participants could be of value.
The selection of participants was also based on
volunteers and those who had undertaken at least
one practicum which would enable them to comment
on their learning in this location. However
secondary pre-service teachers only had a four week
practicum block and primary pre-service teachers
had twice this amount, two blocks of four weeks
each time. Thus there was a difference in the amount
of practicum experience that could have influenced
results. As well, the amount of time spent on
Practicum was not equitable with that spent on
Coursework. Furthermore, these participants were
drawn from two different programs, but data did not
differentiate by program.
Another limitation in this study is the
trustworthiness of self-report data, as participants
may have over-stated, or indeed under-stated, where
they learned how to use these resources. There are
also a number of possible limitations to the survey
question which asked, ‘Where I developed this skill’
which could have been interpreted as referring to
‘first learned’ or ‘most learned’ which may have
skewed results. In addition, as participants could
only select one of the five listed locations, they
could therefore not rank locations.
This paper contributes to the ongoing debate around
how Teacher Education providers can educate the
future educators. Having knowledge of where
participants learn how to use ICT resources is an
important consideration in the framing of Teacher
Education programs, particularly in regards to
targeting professional standards around ICT.
This small scale study has a number of
implications for Teacher Education providers. First,
given that pre-service teachers gain considerable
knowledge of General-type resources in their
Personal / Social Lives, Teacher Educator providers
could concentrate more on embedding Education-
type resources into Coursework. This embedding
could be across the lifespan of a program, so as to
enable progression in learning and consistency in
approach, a strategy advocated in research by Bakir
(2015) and Tondeur et al. (2012). Second, while
research has suggested that the Practicum can be a
site for learning how to use ICT resources, this study
revealed limited use of this setting. As such further
opportunities to explore the use of this setting
Pre-service Teacher ICT Tool-kit - The Role of the Setting
could be undertaken.
This study provides evidence that pre-service
teachers can learn how to use ICT resources from a
range of locations and that they can learn how to use
resources prior to their commencement of their
program. Indeed it suggests that considerable benefit
to learning can be lost if due acknowledgement of
the importance of pre-service teacher personal and
social lives are not taken into consideration when
planning and designing Teacher Education
This study while small and exploratory is
important for future Teacher Education programs in
Australia as understanding where pre-service
teachers learn how to use ICT resources is a
consideration in program design and also can be
beneficial in complying with national professional
standards and accreditation requirements.
Table 1: Where pre-service teachers learned to use the resource as percentages.
Coursework %
Practicum %
rior Study %
Prior Work %
Personal /
Social Life %
Digital Learning Resources (websites, interactives, movies, images)
21 10 10 10 49
The DEECD website (Department of Education website)
77 7 2 9 5
FUSE (Department of Education repository for teachers)
25 50 13 0 13
EduSTAR (Department of Education suite of ICT applications pre-loaded
onto teacher notebooks)
29 64 0 4 4
Discussion Forums, Chat and RSS Feeds
29 0 4 8 58
24 2 3 0 71
57 2 4 7 30
Microblogging e.g. Twitter
39 3 0 0 58
69 6 0 6 19
Intelligent maps e.g. Google Maps
6 0 0 3 90
Online Surveys and Polls e.g. Survey Monkey
35 4 10 18 33
Social Bookmarking e.g. delicious, Pinterest, symbaloo
26 5 0 2 67
Social Networking Website e.g. Facebook
3 0 0 3 94
Video Sharing e.g. Teacher Tube
25 10 2 4 58
Online Conferences e.g. Blackboard Collaborate, Google hangout
63 3 16 8 11
Video Conferencing
15 5 5 20 55
Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) e.g. Skype
4 0 0 9 88
Wireless Internet Access for Learning and Teaching
15 24 7 9 45
Interactive Whiteboard (IWB)
26 47 10 12 5
Robotics Equipment e.g. Lego robotics
17 0 33 8 42
Gaming Consoles
2 0 0 4 94
Digital Cameras - still/video
2 0 2 3 93
GPS (Global Positioning Software)
2 2 0 6 90
Netbooks (mini tablets funded by the Department of Education)
6 22 2 3 67
Mobile Phones for Educational Use
28 11 2 6 53
iPod, iTouch or other MP3 players
3 3 3 3 87
Tablet e.g. iPad
8 7 2 2 82
eBook Reader e.g. Amazon Kindle
2 10 2 6 80
Learner Response Devices e.g. Quiz Dom
20 10 30 20 20
Smart Pens or Digital Pens
19 19 23 8 31
Digital Learning Portfolio
26 26 11 16 21
Voice Recognition Software
9 3 13 9 66
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Pre-service Teacher ICT Tool-kit - The Role of the Setting