Retrospective Study of Third-party Web Tracking
Tim Wambach and Katharina Br
Institute for IS Research, University Koblenz-Landau, Universit
atsstr. 1, 56070 Koblenz, Germany
Web Tracking, Tracker, Privacy, Data Leakage, Data Protection, Web Archive, Security, Retrospective
Analysis, History of Web Tracking.
Web tracking has seen a remarkable usage increase during the last years. Unfortunately, an overview of how
web tracking evolved within the last
15 years is missing. In this paper we present a retrospective analysis
using archived data to quantify the usage and distribution of web tracking and how it changed throughout the
last decade. We identify a more than five fold increase in external requests between 2005 and 2014. About
half of the analyzed websites have a web tracking based inclusion today (2015). As web tracking is often
associated with a risk of privacy loss, we also outline the security implications of monopolized ubiquitous
Being tracked has become a part of modern life.
About half the websites we visit include some kind
of tracking mechanism ((Gelbmann, 2012)). A disad-
vantage associated with web tracking is the potential
loss of privacy for end users (Mayer and Mitchell,
2012) illustrate possible risks for consumers. Collect-
ing data about their web surfing behavior can be used
for business, marketing, or other purposes. From our
point of view, the security implications for organiza-
tions and enterprises are still underestimated. For ex-
ample, let us consider an employee working in a de-
velopment department that uses the web to gain fur-
ther information about products they are working on.
The browsing history would usually be kept undis-
closed, but (Englehardt et al., 2015) shows how an ad-
versary on the web can reconstruct 62-73% of a typi-
cal user’s browsing history. Information about current
development within a company could be revealed by
their web activities. The usage of company wide web
proxies that aggregate requests do not solve the issue.
Hiding internal IP address information or removing
HTTP referrers do not prevent web tracking, because
a wide range of different technologies exists that im-
plement web tracking by other means.
Monitoring internet routers might be possible for
internet providers or intelligence services, but they
should not be able to analyze the content of TLS
(Transport Layer Security) encrypted requests. This
does not apply to web tracking mechanisms that cre-
ate a separate (encrypted or unencrypted) request to
the tracking provider and inform about activities. This
could also include very detailed usage information
about something like mouse movement.
Web tracking must also be considered if privacy
protection on the web is intended by an end user. Net-
work layer anonymization (e.g. using a TOR network
(TorProject, 2015)) is not effective if the browser as-
sists the user recognition. It is well known that cook-
ies can be used for this. However, a strong cookie
policy might not be an effective protection: (Kamkar,
2010) shows how other browser technologies can be
used as cookie replacements or circumvent cookie
deletion. How these so-called evercookies are used to
facilitate web tracking is shown in (Mcdonald et al.,
This makes web tracking a possible threat for
both, the privacy of end users and the security of com-
panies. However, web tracking as a privacy threat and
a potential data leakage seams to be underestimated in
IT security research. One reason could be that there
is a wide range of tracking and advertising providers.
Due to the variety of different tracking providers, it
is not feasible to grasp the whole picture of a specific
company or person. Another reason for this underes-
timation might be the novelty of this threat. 10 years
ago third-party web tracking was relatively rare but is
now growing into a serious problem.
Currently, no overview on how web tracking has
grown over the last 10-16 years exists (cf. Section 5).
Our goal is to analyze how third-party web tracking
Wambach, T. and Bräunlich, K.
Retrospective Study of Third-party Web Tracking.
DOI: 10.5220/0005741301380145
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2016), pages 138-145
ISBN: 978-989-758-167-0
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
has changed over the last 16 years. Our methods are
explained in Section 2. The required software imple-
mentations are described in Section 3. However, the
results in Section 4 show a remarkable increase in ex-
ternal connections that can mostly be linked to web
tracking. A trend that was already partly shown in
other work.
An assumption was, that a diversity of tracking
providers exist so that a single tracker might not be
able to gain the whole picture of a specific person
(as explained above). It is based on the fact that 10
years ago, third-party web tracking was relatively rare
compared to today. In this paper we show that few
providers currently track the majority of users visiting
the most popular websites. This is the first analysis
that covers a more than 5 year range and (graphically)
demonstrates how this tracking network has grown
over the last decade.
The questions this paper strives to answer are: How
many trackers have exist historically, how the number
of trackers has changed throughout the last years, how
trackers have been distributed, and how their distribu-
tion has changed over time.
Section 2.1 provides a general overview of web
tracking mechanisms. Section 2.2 explains how we
detect trackers on websites. This method differs from
privacy enhancing technologies but fits our special
needs for such a retrospective analysis. For such an
analysis, we need a large amount of website snapshots
over the past years. We use website snapshots from and perform an analysis of web tracking
on them – further explained in Section 2.3.
2.1 Tracker Mechanism
At the beginning of the world wide web, website ana-
lytics were performed by an analysis of the web server
log files. The website operator collected information
about the IP addresses of the visitors, possible loca-
tions and most requested websites. An analysis, per-
formed by the web server’s owner, can be classified
as first-party analysis.
Embedding resources is a common technique for
web tracking. HTML allows embedding content from
local and remote servers. During the parsing and in-
terpretation process, the browser automatically loads
content from any location specified in the HTML
code. The server notices a resource request from the
visitor’s browser. A picture (so-called web bug) em-
bedded in a web site allows a third-party to track vis-
itors over different domains. Such a request contains
the user’s IP address and additional meta information
(e.g. HTTP header). Additionally, cookies can facili-
tate the recognition of visitors.
JavaScript, developed in 1995 and first provided
in 1996 by Netscape Navigator 2.0 and Internet Ex-
plorer 3.0, introduced the possibility to execute scripts
on the client side. This technique can also be used to
perform web tracking to gain fine-grained usage in-
formation. Data collected on the client-side can after-
wards be sent to the server. The Same-Origin Policy
implemented in browsers since 1996 lead to a sep-
aration of data from different websites. To achieve
cross domain tracking, a shared third party tracking
provider is required.
In active web tracking, the browser is part of the
tracking mechanism. Tracking from a third-party that
is supported by the browser in any way (e.g. creat-
ing remote connections, performing scripts, etc.) is
known as active third-party web tracking. Today, dif-
ferent techniques are used to track visitors across do-
mains. Unlike the passive type of web tracking, like
the use of browser fingerprinting ((Eckersley, 2010),
(Boda et al., 2012)), the active part can be detected.
(Mayer and Mitchell, 2012) explains how modern
web tracking works.
2.2 Tracker Detection
Most currently available tracker recognition tech-
niques are focused on detecting trackers on exist-
ing and active websites. For example by blacklist-
ing known tracker patterns (e.g. Ghostery (Ghostery,
2015)) or by behavioral analysis (e.g. TrackingOb-
server (TrackingObserver, 2012)).
(Roesner et al., 2012) presents a classification
framework and shows five different classes of typi-
cal tracker behavior. However, we cannot use exist-
ing tracking recognition tools to find tracking mech-
anisms from websites due to the fact that
the web server of the tracker might not exist anymore
or might show different behavior as in the past. If a
visited website (A) includes an image or script that
causes the browser to open a connection to the track-
ing domain (B), (B) might set a cookie for tracking
purposes. This active part setting a cookie is not
preserved by But what we can see in the
archived data of (A) is the fact that there is an active
part (e.g. image, script, etc.) that causes a request by
the browser to open a connection to (B).
Embedding content is not necessarily associated
with tracking. Examples include embedding a video
player or third-party requests caused by the server in-
frastructure (Content Delivery Network). By creat-
Retrospective Study of Third-party Web Tracking
ing a new connection from the browser to another do-
main, a transmission of source/location information
(IP address) is caused and may also reveal further pro-
tocol specific information like HTTP referrers. (Eck-
ersley, 2010) shows how this kind of information can
be used for passive web tracking. From our point of
view today, disclosing IP address information must be
classified as personal data transfer that can be used for
tracking purposes. In this paper, tracking is defined as
a connection to an external (third party) host, that is
not part of the visited/requested website. It cannot be
proven whether the third party uses personal data for
tracking purposes or not. However, it is clear that the
data could be used to track.
The results are similar to the ones generated by the
Firefox add-on Lightbeam ((Lightbeam, 2015)) that
also provides a graphical overview about third party
connections. Due to the fact that we need the ability to
block connections not directed to, further
development was necessary. In Section 3 we describe
how a development framework (PyQt) was modified
to obtain all external requests that occur during a web
request. As soon as a website is fully parsed, all net-
work requests are saved in a list and can be processed
2.3 Retrospective Analysis
Founded in 1996, became well known as
an internet library by preserving the state of popu-
lar websites. If not disabled by the website owner, stores the current state of public internet
websites several times a year (Day, 2006), (Olston and
Najork, 2010). Information about new popular web-
sites are donated by the database. This in-
formation will be used for a retrospective analysis of
the websites with a focus on third-party connections.
We can now obtain all requests for a given website. We also need to restrict our
analysis to a set of websites. We decided to use
the 10,000 most popular websites according to the database (as of March 2015). Unfortu-
nately, was not able to provide the most
visited websites for the years before 2007. Other
databases, like Netcraft or, were not able
to provide this either. Therefore, our analysis is based
on the most popular 10,000 websites today.
allows us to check
how many snapshots are available and where they can
be found. For each of the 10,000 websites and for
each year between the years 2000 and 2015, we re-
quest a snapshot overview from The re-
JSON API for services and metadata,
sult is a list of snapshots that can be processed. This
processing results in up to 16 lists of resources (for
each year) that the browser loads after visiting the
website in the archive. Finally, we perform an analy-
sis of what kind of trackers were used historically and
how tracker usage changed in the last years.
As already stated in Section 2.2, an ideal analysis
of web tracking cannot be performed due to the fact
that active parts (web servers) sometimes do not exist
anymore or do not show the same behavior. Further-
more, redirections to content on other websites cannot
be followed if they are not preserved by
For example if an advertising spot was sold by the
website owner and filled with different content for
each request. This could generate much more exter-
nal requests if visited multiple times. Due to this, the
results of this analysis must be interpreted as a mini-
mum of tracking, but could be higher.
For our analysis, it is necessary to identify external
connections from an archived website. A static anal-
ysis, like using regular expression to find external re-
sources within HTML source code, has been shown to
be insufficient. A reason for this is code obfuscation
that looks like this:
var src = (document.location.protocol ===
’https:’ ? ’https:/’ : ’http:/’)
+ ’/’;
document.write(’<scr’ + ’ipt type=
"text/javascript" src="’ + src + ’"
charset="utf-8"></scr’ + ’ipt>’);
In this code, the address of the tracker (adi- is obfuscated in a simple form, but good
enough to defeat an automatic URL search in the
source code.
Thus, a more dynamic analysis of websites is re-
quired. PyQt is a library that connects the Qt C++
cross-platform application framework with the in-
terpreted language Python. Qt is a toolkit that in-
cludes a web browser widget that supports all mod-
ern web techniques (JavaScript, CSS, AJAX etc.)
according to their whitepaper (Riverbank, 2013).
When this browser widget is parsing a website,
there are various points where resources (images,
scripts, etc.) are requested. We identified the
PyQt4.QtNetwork.QNetworkAccessManager class
where all network-based requests come together. If a
resource must be loaded, the method createRequest
is called and contains the full address (URL) of the re-
source. We overwrote this class, so that:
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
all requests on the network are stored perma-
nently, and
requests not directed to are blocked
using an empty dummy request.
A dummy request allows the library to continue
the parsing process of the website without this re-
quested/blocked resource so this approach can un-
fortunately not reveal requests resulting from re-
sources (e.g. scripts) that are not available any more.
Using this modified library, we obtain a list of all
connections that are created by the browser during the
parsing process. If the requested resource is available
on, it is loaded and processed. All other
requests outside the archive are blocked. It must be
clarified that only the main website was initially re-
quested the browser does not try to ”click” on hy-
perlinks if it is not forced to do so by the content.
However, we assume that most trackers will be loaded
by the main page.
In (Krishnamurthy and Wills, 2009), third-party
domains are identified by their DNS record. Due to
the fact that we do not have DNS records from the
last 16 years, this method cannot be applied here.
Therefore, we define a tracker as a loading process
from an external domain. We define an external do-
main as a host, where the second-level domain differs
from the requested. For example, if ””
is requested, ”” and ””
count as internal resources, while ””
counts as external. In Table 1 we provide an overview
of request types and how they are handled. Each ex-
ternal domain is counted once. For external domains,
we also take the top level domain into account, so that
”” and ”” are different re-
For graphical representation, we use networkx
(Hagberg et al., 2008). All data was obtained in April
For our analysis, we determined how many years
of history of the Alexa Top 10,000 Domains (as of
April 2015) we can find on For 896 do-
mains, no history is available website owners are
able to block
being archived. For 3,042 domains, only provides a 5 year history. For the
following analysis, a history of 10 years must be
available, which includes 4,833 domains. How the
snapshots are distributed over the 10-16 years is not
Removing Documents From the Wayback Machine,
relevant for our analysis. For 1,426 domains, we have
the full 16 year history. In 123 cases, we had browser
errors and removed these domains from the analysis.
In conclusion, we identified 4,710 domains with at
least a 10 year history for further analysis.
Table 2 shows an overview of the results. The sec-
ond column (column #) shows the number of analyzed
websites that were available for a particular year. The
columns x
and x
show the minimum and maxi-
mum number of external requests from a single web-
site. ¯x
is the median, x
is the first and x
the third quartile. Column ¯x is the sample mean, σ is
the standard deviation, and σ
= Var(x).
During the years 2000 to 2004, the number of an-
alyzed websites is below 4,000 and therefore diffi-
cult to compare with the rest. As of the year 2005,
the number is between 4,000 and 4,500. Due to the
fact that the analysis was executed in the beginning
of 2015, not all websites were available at this time
for the year 2015. Therefore, the best range for a
comparison is between 2005 and 2014. Within this
range the number of web inclusions increased more
than ve fold. The median in 2015 shows that half
of the websites have at least 5 different external re-
sources included and a quarter at least 2. The fact that
in the year 2005 75% have no inclusions lead us to the
question how these external resources are distributed.
4.1 Most Used Trackers
In this section, we show which domains are most
prominently included throughout our 16 years of anal-
ysis. For each year, we analyzed how often a domain
showed up in our results. The five most used domains
can be seen in Table 3. For the year 2000, the most
included domain was which is still a
popular web tracking domain. But in our 2,677 ana-
lyzed websites it only occurred 177 times. In compar-
ison: the most included domain in 2014 was google- with 2,094 occurrences on 4,274 ana-
lyzed domains.
It needs to be noted that domains are not grouped
by company. For example, Akamai Technologies is
still in the top 20 of the year 2015 with 346 occur-
rences, but currently known under the domain aka-
As explained in the previous section, the range
most suitable for comparison are the years 2005 to
2014. In 2005, is the most included
domain but with 209 of 4,049 websites it is only
present in about 5% of the websites. In the year
2014, is the most included do-
main with 2,094 occurrences. On nearly every sec-
ond website, the visitor is tracked by Google Analyt-
Retrospective Study of Third-party Web Tracking
Table 1: Overview of the request types. Protocol: http or https.
Type Request Counted Blocked
I<time>/<int domain>/<resource> no no
II<time>/<ext domain>/<resource> yes no
III <int domain>/<resource> no yes
IV <ext domain>/<resource> yes yes
Table 2: Statistical report of external requests on websites for the years 2000 to 2015.
Year # x
¯x σ Var(x)
2000 2677 0 0 0 1 22 0.71 1.54 2.37
2001 3117 0 0 0 1 22 0.86 1.69 2.87
2002 3277 0 0 0 1 22 0.88 1.64 2.7
2003 3534 0 0 0 1 17 0.91 1.66 2.74
2004 3861 0 0 0 1 30 15.0 1.99 3.98
2005 4049 0 0 0 2 42 1.17 2.11 4.47
2006 4251 0 0 1 2 37 1.42 2.23 4.97
2007 4327 0 0 1 3 26 1.88 2.48 6.16
2008 4457 0 0 1 3 29 2.13 2.69 7.24
2009 4328 0 0 2 4 26 2.6 2.95 8.7
2010 4328 0 1 2 5 31 3.1 3.34 11.14
2011 4412 0 1 3 6 46 42.0 4.15 17.18
2012 4414 0 1 4 7 52 4.8 4.74 22.43
2013 4410 0 1 4 8 39 5.24 4.92 24.25
2014 4274 0 2 5 9 47 5.91 5.37 28.86
2015 4031 0 2 5 9 52 6.15 5.53 30.6
Table 3: Top 5 of the most included external domains. Legend: A:, B:, C:, D:,
E:, F:, G:, H:, I:, K:,
L:, M:, N:, O:, P:, R:, S: face-
’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15
A 177 210 205 183 190 209 224 366 454 880 787 769 614 810 1202 1050
B 46 93 91 77 68 71 71 58 43 31 38 29 26 26 23 21
C 39 51 59 67 77 71 84 93 91 96 90 90 75 60 48 44
D 31
E 31
F 49 39 36 37 30 33 25 24 22
G 42 47 53 56 57 69 67 62 48 39 31 26 18
H 47 67 75 81 83 107 99 104 213 223 199 162 134
I 118 206 322 364 356 342 326 318 290 276 280 310
K 18 563 1182 1704 2001 2175 2394 2530 2417 2094 1971
L 16 21 43 64 651 146 219 266 468 742 769 805 735
M 44 223 388 422 436 448 418 368 328
N 72 304 462 549 567 602 588
O 38 254 667 698 583 510 427
P 18 119 273 543 763 1003 1170 1179
R 35 107 542 595 463 255 36
S 65 392 701 804 797 837
ics. Due to the fact that since 2007, is
part of Google Inc., 4 of these top 5 included domains
have been part of a Google Inc. service for the last
years (since 2011). It is still unclear how data from
Google services like are connected to
other Google services.
A further analysis of the drop in requests (Table 3)
between 2013 and 2014 of Google Analytics showed
that 209 of them changed to and 92
of these domains that removed Google-Analytics in
2013 added in 2014. So this
could be part of a Google internal separation process.
Further analysis of tracker removal can be found in
Section 4.3.
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 1: Year 2000. Figure 2: Year 2005.
Figure 3: Year 2007. Figure 4: Year 2010.
Figure 5: Year 2012. Figure 6: Year 2014.
4.2 Distribution
In this section we use a graph for a visual representa-
tion of the distribution of trackers. Figures 1 - 6 show
undirected graphs where every edge stands for at least
one load process from an external domain. The top 5
from Section 4.1 are marked with the corresponding
letter as explained in Table 3. For the sake of clarity,
nodes without any connection are not plotted. The
position of each domain (node) is consistent for all
It must be noted that for 2005, nearly the same
amount of websites were analyzed (4,049) as for 2014
(4,274). Thus, the differences between these graphs
Retrospective Study of Third-party Web Tracking
are mostly additional requests. In Figures 4 and 5 we
can see a monopolization: while in earlier years we
had a more equal distribution, the graph from 2010
shows few nodes with significantly more connections
than the others. Especially (K)
is in the top 5 since 2006 and its growing influence on
the web is easy to see.
4.3 Tracker Removal
As we can see in Table 3, some trackers were re-
moved. In this section, we analyze what happened
with the websites that removed a specific tracker. As
one of the most included resources since 2006, we
start this analysis with Google Analytics (GA). We
checked how many websites used GA and removed it
later. The analysis showed that 869 domains used GA
and removed it. Between the years 2006 and 2011, on
less than 50 domains per year, GA was removed. The
highest amount was in the years 2013, 2014 and 2015
with 225, 369 and 239 removals respectively. In only
a few cases (about 25 per year) the removal of GA re-
sulted in an empty list of trackers. In 258 cases where
GA was removed, was added the year
after or later.
Using data from in connection with the
Alexa top 10,000 was also applied in (Stamm et al.,
2010) for an analysis of web application vulnerabili-
ties. Analysis of archived data in general is also per-
formed by the LAWA project (Longitudinal Analytics
of Web Archive data) (Spaniol and Weikum, 2012).
In (Krishnamurthy and Wills, 2009), a long-term
study over 5 epochs between October 2005 and
September 2008 was performed. The results showed a
steadily decreasing number of entities where a hand-
ful of companies are able to track users’ movement
across almost all of the popular websites. Our results
also show that Google-Analytics and Doubleclick are
the most widely used trackers. (Chaabane et al., 2012)
shows an analysis of the Alexa Top 10,000 regarding
tracking mechanisms and social media plugins but is
limited to October 2012.
A fully comparable overview of the history of web
tracking is missing and existing analysis cover only
a few years. Our analysis showed the trend of less
diversity found in (Krishnamurthy and Wills, 2009)
In our work, we showed how embedding external con-
tent has seen a usage increase in the 10,000 most
popular websites today. Within the best comparable
range between 2005 and 2014 we have shown a sig-
nificant increase (five fold) of external requests. In
the year 2014 we found an average of 5.9 external re-
quests per website. This means at least 5 other hosts
were informed about the visitation of a website. The
most used external hosts could be connected with web
tracking and so the request could be used to deduce
even more information about a user, e.g. an analysis
of the user’s behavior. We presented an impression of
the distribution and diversity in our graphs.
We showed that the diversity of web tracking and
content providers, that we assumed in the beginning,
does not exist. This lead to security issues: if a glob-
ally acting company has an insight into every second
visited domain of a specific user, it is clear that keep-
ing company information secret is difficult. The us-
age of further services like search, mail, calendar, or
translation services contributes to the problem. From
our point of view, information security officers should
be more sensitive about privacy and web tracking for
two reasons: for employee privacy and for an effec-
tive protection of corporate information. The fact that
fewer companies collecting more information about
us with an upward tendency is a privacy concern for
end users. The consequences of such a centralization
of tracking, which allows the formation of an increas-
ingly complete picture about a specific person, are dif-
ficult to predict.
We showed that a reason for the underestimation
of third-party web tracking consequences could be
due to the fact that it did not exist 10 years ago. From
a security point of view, considering web tracking and
the usage of PET (Privacy-Enhancing Technologies)
should be a part of every corporate security policy.
This is more important today than it was in the past.
Further research in security implications of web
tracking is required. A further study about the moti-
vation of web tracking usage to explain this increase
could be performed in future work. With respect to
the implementation, a deeper analysis of the embed-
ded content would also be beneficial to increase our
understanding of modern web tracking today.
This study has been made possible by the participa-
tion of the interdisciplinary project ”Transformations
ICISSP 2016 - 2nd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
of Privacy”
funded by VolkswagenStiftung
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Retrospective Study of Third-party Web Tracking