Nanosecond Pulse Generation near 1.55 Micron in the All-Fiber
Figure-Eight Mode-Lock Laser with Passive Nonlinear Loop Mirror
Svetlana S. Aleshkina, Mikhail M. Bubnov and Mikhail E. Likhachev
Fiber Optics Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 38 Vavilov Street, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Fiber Laser, Nanosecond Laser, Figure-Eight Mode-lock Laser, Passive Nonlinear Loop Mirror.
Abstract: Figure-eight mode-lock all-fiber laser based on a passive nonlinear loop mirror emitting nanosecond pulses
at wavelength near 1.55 μm has been realized for the first time. Influence of the total laser dispersion on
output characteristics of the laser has been studied. It is revealed that the main problem of utilization fibers
with anomalous dispersion inside the passive nonlinear loop mirror is generation of low-energy optical
solitons accompanied with nanosecond pulse break up. Solutions of this problem are discussed and stable
laser schemes (i.e. all-polarization maintaining) are realized.
Laser sources delivering nanosecond pulses are
widely used in the industry of micromachining,
LIDARs, systems of frequency conversion, and
supercontinuum generation. However simple and
stable scheme of sub-ns and few ns pulses generation
is still a challenge. Direct formation of such pulses by
electrical modulation of low-power laser diodes is
possible (Myrén and Margulis, 2005; Villegas et al.,
2011) but it requires complicated electronics control
and a multi-stage amplification with suppression of
amplified spontaneous emission. Also it is possible to
use alternative schemes based on mode–locking
(Kelleher et al., 2009) or passive Q-switching (Fotiadi
et al., 2007; Kurkov et al., 2009; Kurkov et al., 2010;
Dvoyrin et al., 2007; Dvoyrin, 2012; Jin et al., 2013).
However all these schemes suffer from long-term or
short-term instabilities (jitter, damage of elements
due to abnormal Q-switch pulse generation, absence
of polarization control and etc).
Recently a new all-fiber master-oscillator laser
scheme based on mode locking in a passive nonlinear
loop mirror (PNLM) has been proposed (Likhachev
et al., 2014). The main advantages of the proposed
laser design are the absence of adjustment elements
(monolithic all-polarization-maintaining fiber laser
scheme was realized), reliability (stable long-time
operation for more than 1000 hours was
demonstrated) and simplicity (just small sets of
standard components was used). Moreover small
modulation depth of PNLM provided a low lasing
threshold (twice lower compared to the figure-eight
scheme based on nonlinear amplifying loop mirror)
and "safe" start (the scheme start to operate from CW
regime instead of Q-switch regime for “classic”
figure-eight schemes). Stable pulse generation with a
rectangular temporal profile and spectral bandwidth
of less than 0.02 nm (less then spectrum analyzer
resolution) was demonstrated (Likhachev et al.,
It should be noted that nanosecond pulses in the
proposed scheme has been demonstrated only for 1
μm spectral range. At the same time numerous
applications (first of all – different types of LIDAR)
requires an eye-safe operation and therefore
wavelengths region near 1.55 microns is of great
interest. It is important to emphasize that the
fundamental difference between two spectral regions
(1 μm and 1.55 μm) is that optical fibers have
opposite dispersion sign (normal dispersion at 1 μm
and anomalous dispersion at 1.55 μm) that can
dramatically change the mechanism of pulses
formation, and even prevent correct operation of the
proposed scheme.
The purpose of the present work was realization
of stable nanosecond master-oscillator for the 1.55
μm spectral region as well as analysis of the
dispersion impact on the properties of the figure-eight
mode-locked lasers based on PNLM.
Aleshkina, S., Bubnov, M. and Likhachev, M.
Nanosecond Pulse Generation near 1.55 Micron in the All-Fiber Figure-Eight Mode-Lock Laser with Passive Nonlinear Loop Mirror.
DOI: 10.5220/0005687403050310
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2016), pages 307-312
ISBN: 978-989-758-174-8
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The scheme of the all-fiber figure-eight laser is
depicted in Figure 1. Commercially available 210
mW semiconductor diode at 1460 nm pigtailed with
singlemode optical fiber was used to pump Er-doped
fiber. The Er-doped fiber had absorption of about 2
dB/m at wavelength of 1460 nm and 11 m of the fiber
was used in the scheme. The fiber dispersion was
about -30ps/(nm km). An isolator was placed between
Er-doped fiber and PNLM to ensure the
unidirectional operation. The PNLM was built by X-
type 30:70 fiber coupler and a passive single-mode
fiber. A 4.5% fiber coupler was used for signal
output. It is worth to note, that unabsorbed 1460 nm
pump could pass through the isolator and coupler, so
it was suppressed by a fiber 1460/1550 nm filter
WDM placed after 4.5% coupler port. The Yokogawa
AQ6370B optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) and a 500
MHz Tektronix TDS 3054C oscilloscope were used
to monitor the output spectrum and the pulse train,
2.1 All-anomalous Dispersion Scheme
The laser scheme based on polarization-insensitive
components was tested at first. To adjust the
polarization state of the system a fiber polarization
controller was added to the scheme. Standard single
mode fiber (Corning SMF28) with length of about
160 m was used to form the PNLM. The fiber
dispersion was about 20 ps/(nm km). Passive
elements used inside the laser were also pigtailed by
SMF28 fiber. As a result the net cavity dispersion was
anomalous (β
~-4 ps
Figure 1: Laser scheme.
Three main regimes of pulse generation were
observed at the output of this laser scheme (Figure 2
and Figure 3). The most reproducible one was a set of
irregular low intensity pulses with a typical soliton
spectrum (Figure 2a and Figure 3a). It worth noting
that the regime was not observed early in the laser
scheme operated near 1µm. The reason is that in the
Figure 2: Regimes of pulse generation in all-anomalous
dispersion non-PM scheme. a – solitons regime; b – regime
of cooperative solitons and nanosecond pulse propagation;
c – regime of nanosecond pulse propagation.
1 µm spectral range standard fibers have normal
dispersion and formation of solitons propagating over
hundred of meters is not possible. It is completely
different from the case of pulse formation in the 1.55
µm spectral range, where standard fibers have
anomalous dispersion and could propagate solitons
over a long fiber distances. The second regime of
pulse generation (also easily reproducible) is
connected with existence in the cavity nanosecond
pulses and numerous low-intensity solitons,
PHOTOPTICS 2016 - 4th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
Figure 3: Spectrum of the pulses in all-anomalous
dispersion non-PM scheme. a – solitons regime; b – regime
of cooperative solitons and nanosecond pulse propagation;
c – regime of nanosecond pulse propagation.
simultaneously (Figure 2b and Figure 3b). The shape
of the nanosecond pulses varies quickly in this case.
Only by careful adjusting of the polarization
controller a stable self-started (at pump power more
than 60 mW) rectangle pulses was generated (Figure
2c and Figure 3c). It is significant that mode-locked
pulses were generated even when pump power was
decreased down to 20 mW that is known as pump
hysteresis effect (Nakazawa et al., 1991).
Dependences of the pulse duration on pump power
and estimated average power inside the cavity,
correspondingly, was linear (Figure 4 and Figure 5)
and pulses peak power did not change with the pump
power. The same behavior was also observed for the
pulse generation in the scheme with PNLM in 1 μm
spectral range and all-normal dispersion (Likhachev
et al., 2014) and corresponded to the peak-power-
locking inside PNLM (the PNLM has maximum
transition at fixed signal peak power). It is interesting
to note an important difference compared to the 1 µm
laser scheme in this case - the spectral bandwidth was
about of 8 nm (Figure 3c) as compared to less than
0.02 nm bandwidth (limited by spectrum analyzer
resolution) in the case of 1 µm laser.
Measured pulse repetition rate was 1.12 MHz.
Part of the power propagating between the pulses was
measured using integrating photodetector scheme
(Kotov et al., 2015) and it was found that 99% of the
signal located inside the pulse and less than 1%
(inaccuracy and systematic error of measurements) of
output power was concentrated between them. Thus
no low-energy solitons was generated in this case and
clear nanosecond pulses were generated.
Figure 4: Dependence of pulse duration from pump power;
time traces of the output pulses vs pump power on the inset.
Figure 5: Dependence of pulse duration and average power
from pump power after WDM.
Nanosecond Pulse Generation near 1.55 Micron in the All-Fiber Figure-Eight Mode-Lock Laser with Passive Nonlinear Loop Mirror
2.2 PM-Scheme for Pulse Generation
As could be seen from previous paragraph, regime of
generation was strongly changed by adjustment of
polarization controller in the case of non-
polarization-maintaining laser scheme. As a result
this scheme will suffer from a long-term instability
due to small variation of external stress and
temperature changes. PM-scheme is required for
practical applications.
PM laser scheme was realized by replacement of
standard components based on SMF 28 fiber on a
similar one with ability to maintain polarization
(PM1550 PANDA type optical fiber was used as
pigtail). The PNLM was made by 20:80 X-type PM
fiber coupler and standard PM 9/125 µm fiber. The
isolator was designed to pass only slow polarization
state (the fast axis was blocked) to achieve single-
polarization operation.
At first a 160 m of passive PM 9/125 µm fiber was
used inside the PNLM. In this case strong solitons
oscillations together with nanosecond pulses were
observed. Typical spectrum and time trace are shown
in Figure 6 and Figure 7.
Figure 6: Measured spectrum of the soliton and nanosecond
pulse generation.
Figure 7: Measured time trace of the generation regime.
It is interesting to note that estimated peak power
of second order solution was about 30 W that is close
to the peak power of maximum transmission of the
PNLM. Suppression of solitons generation could be
enhanced by increasing of the maximum-transition-
peak-power of PNLM (it will increase power loss of
solitons propagating through PNLM). To check this
idea we have reduced PNLM length down to 80m,
and thus have increased power of maximum
transmission through PNLM up to 70 W. A stable
nanosecond pulse generation was observed in this
case (see Figure 8). Long-term stability was tested for
operation at more than 100 hours and we did not
observe any variations of output power and pulse
It worth noting that decreasing of nonlinearity
inside the cavity resulted in growth of the threshold
of pulse generation up to 140 mW. Repetition rate
was 2.216 MHz. Similar to the case of non-PM laser
scheme the spectral bandwidth was very wide - about
12 nm on the level of 3 dB (see Figure 9).
Figure 8: Time trace of the pulses in the PM scheme.
Figure 9: Measured spectrum of the pulses oscillating in the
PM scheme.
PHOTOPTICS 2016 - 4th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
2.3 All-normal Dispersion Scheme of
Nanosecond Pulse Generation at
1.55 Nm
In order to determine the impact of the dispersion on
the output characteristics of the laser system a special
home-made single-mode fiber with negative
dispersion at operating wavelength (D=-18 ns/(nm
km)) was used to form the PNLM. The fiber had
mode filed diameter of about 4.3 µm and cladding
diameter of 125 µm. Splicing loss with SMF28 fiber
after optimization splicing regimes was less than 0.5
dB. The length of the fiber inside PNLM was about
100 m. Except of the change of fiber inside PNLM
the laser scheme was identical to polarization-
insensitive scheme used in paragraph of 2.1.
Stable regime generation was achieved by the
appropriate adjustment of polarization controller. No
low-energy solitons generation was observed at all
positions of polarization controller that is due to
impossibility of soliton propagation over a long
length of fiber with normal dispersion. Self-starting
mode-lock regime was observed after pump power
turning on. Output laser characteristics were similar
to those of 1 μm laser (Likhachev et al., 2014) (Figure
10 and Figure 11). The main feature is that contrary
to anomalous dispersion regime the output spectrum
with a narrow peak (width is less than 0.02 nm) was
obtained at the pulse duration of 1 ns. As in the case
of (Likhachev et al., 2014) pulse duration increased
with pump power growth from 1 ns to 8 ns, pulse
amplitude did not change. It should be noted that
increasing of the pump power led to increasing of the
intense peaks number in the spectrum. Apparently it
was due to the incorrect configuration of the
polarization controller (the polarization state is not
fully reproduced in the round-trip cavity): small
instability was able to induce additional generation
Figure 10: Measured spectrum of the pulses oscillating in
all-normal dispersion scheme.
at neighbour wavelengths. It is important to say that
according to data of temporal trace pulses propagated
with the same velocity and composed the only one
pulse. Similar behaviour was observed for non-PM
laser scheme operating at 1 μm (Likhachev et al.,
2014). Suppression of the additional spectral
components generation could be achieved using
polarization-maintaining laser scheme.
Additional results will be presented at the
Figure 11: Dependence of pulse duration on pump power.
In summary, investigation of nanosecond pulse
generation regimes in the figure-8 laser scheme with
PNLM was carried out for the 1.55 μm spectral range.
It was shown that stable self-starting nanosecond
rectangular pulses can be obtained in the scheme both
with net-normal and net-anomalous dispersion.
However output laser spectrum is strongly depends
on the cavity dispersion: narrow-width spectrum can
be realized in the scheme with all-normal dispersion
only. It is experimentally demonstrated that the major
problem of nanosecond pulse generation in all-
anomalous dispersion scheme is appearance of low-
energy solitons. Such a regime can be efficiently
suppressed by appropriate polarization controller
adjustment in non-PM laser scheme or by decreasing
of PNLM length in the case of PM scheme. All-PM
scheme was created to exclude the degree of freedom
coursed by the possibility of adjusting the
polarization controller. A stable in the time
nanosecond pulses (similar to the case of pulse
generation in non-PM scheme) were observed in this
Nanosecond Pulse Generation near 1.55 Micron in the All-Fiber Figure-Eight Mode-Lock Laser with Passive Nonlinear Loop Mirror
This work was supported with a grant 14-19-01572
from the Russian Science Foundation. The authors
are grateful to E.M. Dianov, scientific director of the
Fiber Optics Research Center, and S.L. Semionov,
director of the Fiber Optics Research Center, for their
continuous interest in and support of this work.
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PHOTOPTICS 2016 - 4th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology