A MOF-based Social Web Services Description Metamodel
Amel Benna
, Zakaria Maamar
and Mohamed Ahmed Nacer
DSISM, CERIST, Algiers, Algeria
College of Technological Innovation, Zayed University, Dubai, U.A.E.
LSI Laboratory, USTHB, Algiers, Algeria
MDA, MOF, Social Web Service, Metamodeling.
To promote and support the development and use of social Web services by the IT community on the Web,
both social Web service-based applications and their support platforms should evolve independently from
each other while sharing a common model that represents the characteristics of these social Web services. To
achieve this duality, this paper proposes a model-driven approach. First, the approach identifies a social Web
service’s properties. Then a Meta-Object-Facility (MOF)-based social Web services description metamodel is
developed. Finally, a prototype illustrates how the MOF-based metamodel is used.
Web services (WS)s offer a standardized way for de-
ploying interoperableWeb-based applications (Chung
et al., 2003). However, several issues like discovery,
composition, and monitoring continue to undermine
their benefits. To address some of these issues, there
is a research trend that looks into WSs from a social
perspective (Xie et al., 2008; Chen et al., 2015).
A Social Web Service (SWS) is the result of
blending social computing with service-orientedcom-
puting. Compared to regular WSs, SWSs ”establish
and maintain networks of contacts; count on their
(privileged) contacts when needed; form with other
peers strong and long lasting collaborative groups;
and, know with whom to partner so that ontology rec-
onciliation is minimized” (Maamar et al., 2011a). For
instance, prepareJob SWS “likes” to collaborate with
postJob SWS because of previous successful compo-
sitions and also “recommends”, for similar reasons,
planJob SWS as a replacement in the case of failure.
postJob SWS and planJob SWS are part of prepare-
Job SWS’s collaboration” and ”substitution” net-
works, respectively.
The existing solutions for discovering and com-
posing WSs from a social perspective (Maamar et al.,
2011b; Chen et al., 2015; Maaradji et al., 2011),
rely on a specific SWS’s networks (e.g., substitution
network) and specific platform (e.g., Java EE plat-
form, and .Net). Therefore, the evolution and update
(e.g., new social networks and platform update) of
these existing solutions are difficult. There is a seri-
ous lack of a common model that permits to describe
SWSs’ properties (e.g., who are a SWS’s contacts)
across different stakeholders (e.g., designers, devel-
opers, providers, and users) and regardless of the plat-
form used. Moreover, Web Service Description Lan-
guage (WSDL) does not capture the “social” dimen-
sion of a WS in terms of who are the collaborators
and substitutes, for example. What if we think of S-
WSDL for Social-WSDL?
Our objective is to define S-WSDL; a common
representation of SWS to be made available for all
stakeholders regardless of the implementation plat-
forms. S-WSDL enhances WSDL with a “social”
dimension without altering WSDLs original con-
tent. This can be done using Model Driven Ar-
chitecture (MDA). MDA represents everything from
requirements to business modeling and to technology
implementation (OMG, a). MDA requires models to
be expressed in a Meta-Object-Facility (MOF)-based
language (OMG, b). MOF is a standard for specify-
ing, constructing, and managing technology neutral
metamodels, i.e., models that describe other models.
When a system model refers to a specific platform it is
called Platform Specific Model (PSM). Contrarily, the
model is called Platform Independent Model (PIM)
(OMG, a). A model in PIM can be transformed into
another PIM when it needs to be enhanced, filtered, or
specialized or into one or more PSMs. PIM into PIM
transformation represents model refinement.
Our approach refines WSDL metamodel, inde-
Benna, A., Maamar, Z. and Nacer, M.
A MOF-based Social Web Services Description Metamodel.
DOI: 10.5220/0005687302170224
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2016), pages 217-224
ISBN: 978-989-758-168-7
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
pendently of any platform. We inject some so-
cial elements into the description of this metamodel.
The outcome called S-WSDL metamodel is MOF
based. S-WSDL metamodel can serve different pur-
poses such as specifying social elements of a WS
(e.g., know with whom to partner and collaborate).
Automatic transformation from WSDL PIM into S-
WSDL PIM can be carried out using model-to-model
transformation languages such as Queries, Views, and
Transformations (QVT) (OMG, b). S-WSDL PIM
generated can in turn be transformed into PSM.
Our main contributions in this paper are as fol-
lows: identification of SWSs’ properties; adoption of
MDA to develop S-WSDL metamodel (i.e., a way to
abstract these properties), and demonstration of how
S-WSDL metamodel based on MOF and QVT Rela-
tion supports automatic transformation of models.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 provides an overview of SWSs approaches and
WSs models. Section 3 defines SWSs’ properties and
then illustrates SWS modeling. Section 4 discusses
how the proposed model is instantiated. Finally Sec-
tion 5 draws some conclusions.
We provide first a brief overview of SWSs and then a
discussion on MDA use for WSs development.
2.1 Social Web Service Overview
A significant amount of research looks into blending
social computing with service-oriented computing.
To perform WSs discovery, Maamar et al. develop
LinkedWS, a social network discovery model that
captures interactions between WSs (Maamar et al.,
2011b). This network identifies collaborators and
substitutes of WS. For a better quality of WS discov-
ery, Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2015) construct a global
social network of WSs. They transform WSs’ WSDL
and OWL-S descriptions on the Web into RDF de-
scriptions. In this global social network, social links
between WSs that can work together during compo-
sition are defined. Chen et al.s network allows users
to identify a WS as an entry point in the network and
then navigate along social links to discover the WSs
deemed necessary for composition. El-Goarany et al.
propose a WS recommendation system within a so-
cial network of WSs that makes use of generated on-
tologies to discover similar and complementary WSs
(El-Goarany et al., 2008). Maaradji et al. use in-
formation collected from a user’s social networks
so that WS composition schemas are recommended
(Maaradji et al., 2011). In (Maamar et al., 2012)
Maamar et al. interleave social networks of users
and social networks of WSs to support WSs composi-
tion, execution, and monitoring. To provide semantic
WS composition, Xie et al. (Xie et al., 2008) define
social networks based on trust relationship between
users of WSs, providersof WSs, and WSs themselves.
Xie et al’s networks help select WSs or composi-
tion plans and make the search results meet users’ re-
quests. Last but not least, Bansal et al. (Bansal et al.,
2010) present a framework for trust-based WS com-
position. This trust rating is used to filter composition
results and then produce solutions that comprise WSs
provided by trusted providers.
The aforementioned approaches use different rep-
resentation of SWSs and depend on their platform
support and technologies(e.g., Java, .Net, and Prolog)
making it difficult to identify all WSs’ social elements
(e.g., trust and collaboration).
2.2 MDA for Web Services Development
MDA addresses specific issues related to WSs such as
automating the generation of platform-specific imple-
mentations using WS models (B´ezivin et al., 2004),
extending WSDL for describing the qualities of WSs
(D’Ambrogio, 2006), and promoting interoperability
between WS
* protocols (Simon et al., 2013).
The adoption of MDA for describing WSs inter-
actions is quite new and very few studies are avail-
able. Bouchakour et al. use MDA to develop
SWSs (Bouchakour and Benslimane, 2013) in terms
of building social networks from a log file that defines
specific WSs interactions, assessing and modeling the
social qualities of each WS, and then adding these
qualities to a WSDL file using an XSLT template.
However, social qualities update (e.g., new interac-
tions between WSs) leads to rebuilding social net-
works, which is time consuming and error prone for
SWSs developers, providers, and users. Zheng et al.
(Zheng et al., 2012) extend OWL-S metamodel to
support the description of WS providers social con-
It should be noted that (Bouchakour and Bensli-
mane, 2013) and (Zheng et al., 2012) approaches do
not embrace MDA principles (e.g., PIM and PSM)
and standards (e.g., MOF and QVT). They do not con-
sider the overall SWSs’ properties, and do not allow
incremental model transformation.
Contrarily, we propose to refine WSDL PIM in or-
der to define a MOF-based S-WSDL metamodel, a
model abstracting a WS’s social elements. The use of
QVT Relation language provides an automatic trans-
formation of WSDL model into S-WSDL model, and
support target incremental model transformation.
MODELSWARD 2016 - 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
This section identifies properties that should define
WSDL description of SWS and describes the MDA
approach for enriching WSDL with these properties.
3.1 Properties of Social Web Service
To identify SWSs’ properties, we looked at the steps
that Beydoun et al. peformed in order to define the
concepts of a generic multiagent metamodel (Bey-
doun et al., 2009). These steps are summarized in
Table 1 and are looked at from both bottom-up and
top-down perspectives. The bottom-up perspective
(Steps 1-4) identifies common SWSs’ properties us-
ing the existing literature on SWSs. The top-down
perspective (Step 5) validates the identified SWSs’
properties with regard to the existing SWSs literature.
In Step 1, we investigate SWSs literature using
academic library databases (e.g., Web of Science)
and academic search engines (e.g., Google Scholar).
SWSs approaches published in journals with high im-
pact factors and in conferences with high ranking
are the measures taken into account in selecting the
top n (n=10) SWSs approaches.
In Step 2, we decide on the general concepts rel-
evant for SWSs. These concepts are selected on the
basis of tasks that are necessary for building a concept
dictionary in Methontology
method (G´omez-P´erez
et al., 2004). The tasks are as follows:
Task 1. Build a glossary of terms that includes all
relevant terms for SWS like concepts, instances of
concepts, attributes of concepts, and relations be-
tween concepts, their synonyms, and descriptions.
To build this glossary, we capture and collect
terms related to SWSs’ social networks and social
element from approaches identified in Step 1.
Task 2. Build concept taxonomies to structure
concepts. We select terms that are of type con-
cept from the glossary of terms. Concepts are
examined based on middle-out strategy used in
Uschold and King’s method for building ontology
(G´omez-P´erez et al., 2004). This strategy recom-
mends identifying first, the core of basic domain
terms and then specifying and generalising them
as required. In our case, we start by identifying
the main concepts that define a SWS’s social net-
work. As social relations mean connecting par-
ties together, graphs capture them (King et al.,
2009) using node and edge between nodes. We
Methontology enables building ontology from scratch
refer to edge as relationship. We have then gen-
erated top and bottom concepts for node and re-
lationship. However, the existing SWS literature
presents several terms that are similar and differ-
ent, and sometimes overlap. To reach a consensus
over SWS network community, we proceed as fol-
Two concepts with overlapping or disjoint
meanings have the same name. As in
method (G´omez-P´erez et al., 2004),
we create a concept for each meaning. The new
concepts are linked to others concepts through
specialization or generalization (e.g., trust as
rating of WS specializes node degree concept
and is named trust degree, while trust between
user and WS provider specializes relationship
type concept and is named trust relationship).
Same concepts having different names. As in
ONIONS method (G´omez-P´erez et al., 2004),
we adopt a name based on what is widely
agreed upon in the domain (i.e., in social net-
working community). For instance, we adopt
relationship concept name for relationship be-
tween nodes which is referred as explicit rela-
tionship (Maaradji et al., 2011).
Some specific concepts are omitted, so they
specialize more general concepts of the con-
cept taxonomies. For instance, formulas for as-
sessing relationship weight are omitted. These
formulas can specialize get relationship weight
concept which in turn specializes a relationship
weight concept.
Other specific concepts can be obtained from
the concept taxonomies by specializing more
general concepts. For instance, collabora-
tion and substitution between WSs in (Maamar
et al., 2011b) can be obtained by specializing
relationship type concept.
When a concept is closely related to a specific
approach and cannot be obtained by specializ-
ing more concepts from concept taxonomies,
we create this concept. For instance, relation-
ship dependency concept is created to spec-
ify trust relationship between two WSs in (Xie
et al., 2008).
Implicit concepts are included in the concept
taxonomies. For instance, relationship dura-
tion concept is inferred from (Chen et al., 2015)
and (Maamar et al., 2011b) approaches that re-
fer to update or management of relationship.
ONIONS method define how to generate a unique on-
tology concepts from original ontologies concepts.
A MOF-based Social Web Services Description Metamodel
Table 1: Steps for identifying SWS properties.
Step 1 Identify SWSs approaches from a literature search
Step 2 Extract general concepts related to SWS from approaches identified in Step 1
Step 3 Short-list candidate definitions of selected SWS concepts in Step 2
Step 4 Refine list of SWS concepts, their corresponding definitions and relationships: output of this
step is the initial SWS properties
Step 5 Validate SWS properties by their instantiation on SWS approaches selected in Step 1
Table 2: SWSs’ properties defined and their use in the literature.
et al.
et al.
et al.,
et al.
et al.,
et al.,
et al.
et al.,
et al.
et al.,
Xie et
al. (Xie
et al.,
et al.
et al.,
et al.
et al.,
Li et al.
(Li and
Node WS
WS User and
user and
WS, and
tion, and
dence of
WS to a
of WS
to a
and sub-
Trust Pattern
ities or
ships in
the real
Node degree Reputa-
tion per
per WS
× × × Trust
of WS,
of WS
user and
of WS
of node
× Repu-
of WS
× ×
× ×
× ×
× ×
× × ×
× × ×
× ×
means available property in the approach and × means the opposite.
MODELSWARD 2016 - 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
Task 3. Build a concept dictionary which will
include all concepts, their corresponding defini-
tions, their attributes, and relations.
In Step 3, we short-list the candidate definitions of
the selected concepts in Step 2. This happens by iden-
tifying what knowledge the definition specifies and if
the definition defines explicitly the word. For knowl-
edge that is required in SWS social networks domain
but not explicit, it is inferred from other definitions.
Differences between definitions were reconciled
in order to ensure consistency across concept names.
We adopt a definition that is most coherent to main-
tain generality when contradictory use of concepts be-
tween two or more literatures occurred. For instance,
node refers to WS in (Chen et al., 2015) while it refers
to WS and user in (Maamar et al., 2012) and to WS
provider in (Bansal et al., 2010). Therefore, we de-
fine node as an entity that could be WS provider, WS
consumer, or WS. The final output of Step 3 is a re-
finement of the list of concepts obtained in Step 2 with
their corresponding definitions.
In Step 4, we refine the list of SWS concepts ob-
tained in Step 3 and identify dependencies between
SWS concepts. The final output of this step is the fol-
lowing defined key properties of SWS.
Node refers to an entity (physical or moral) that
could be WS provider (e.g., organization), WS
consumer (e.g., user), or WS as well. In the rest of
this paper, we use entities and nodes interchange-
Relationship establishes a link (or association)
between pairs of nodes. More than one relation-
ship can exist between nodes (e.g., collaboration
and substitution), whether the nodes are of the
same kind or not. In the rest of this paper, we
use relationship and association interchangeably.
Relationship Type specifies the label of a re-
lationship. For instance, competition, collab-
oration, and recommendation relationships be-
tween WSs, trust relationship between WSs cus-
tomers, WSs providers, and WSs themselves, and
friendship or business partnership relationships
between WSs providers and WSs consumers.
Relationship Weight evaluates the relationship
between two nodes in terms of how collaborative
they are, how cooperative they are, etc. This eval-
uation may depend on the number of interactions
that involve nodes.
Relationship Duration establishes how long a re-
lationship between nodes will last. This could be
permanent like similarity between WSs’ function-
alities or temporary like upon-requestpartnership.
Relationship Transitivity determines relation-
ship type that supports transitivity like similarity
between WSs. Transitivity cycles may be limited
by a threshold that is defined by WS provider.
Relationship Dependency captures the reliance
of a relationship on another. For instance, trust
relationship between two WSs in (Xie et al., 2008)
relies on existing relationships between their WS
users and WS providers.
Node Degreereflects the social qualities of a node
as it interacts with other nodes. A social quality of
node is a mapping between a set of social parame-
ters (e.g., trustworthy, and cooperative) onto a set
of their values. For instance, a node social quality
can be used to build its reputation degree and help
selection in the case of competition.
In Step 5, we validate the SWS properties by their
instantiation on SWS approaches selected in Step 1.
Table 2 summarizes how the defined SWS properties
are mapped onto concepts reported in the SWS litera-
3.2 MDA for Social Web Service
In this section, we propose a MOF-based S-WSDL
metamodel for abstracting SWS’s properties. S-
WSDL metamodel consists of refining WSDL meta-
model at the PIM level. In MDA terms, WSDL
model is an instance of WSDL metamodel. Like-
wise, S-WSDL model (i.e., WSDL model with social
dimension) is an instance of S-WSDL metamodel.
These metamodels are also instances of the MOF
model (Fig. 1). A S-WSDL metamodel’s concepts are
identified and grouped according to Interaction and
service views.
3.2.1 Interaction View
Interaction View models the aforementioned pro-
posed SWS properties. The basic view of the Inter-
action metamodel is illustrated in Fig. 2. A metaclass
defines the behavior of certain classes and their in-
stances. 1 or 1..* cardinalities denote the required as-
sociation, while 0..1 or 0..* cardinalities denote op-
tional associations. ‘SN” for “Social Network” is
added as a prefix to name the new Interaction meta-
model classes. The following outlines the role of the
key metaclasses, their metaattributes, and metafunc-
SNNode refers to node. It is characterized by
name, state and a set of properties represented by
SNProperty metaclass.
A MOF-based Social Web Services Description Metamodel
Figure 1: Overview in using MDA for SWS description and transformation.
Figure 2: Interaction core metamodel View.
Type refers to relationship type
and aims to identify the nature of the social re-
lationships (e.g., collaboration and recommenda-
tion relationship as value instance of the SNAsso-
Type metaclass) and the representation of
information regarding symmetry, transitivity, de-
pendency, and temporal aspects.
Weight specializes the metaclass
SNproperty. In this case, prop
name attribute
refers to the label of association weight (e.g., col-
laboration weight as value instance of associa-
weight metaclass) and Value attribute to its
weight. This value depends on the relationship
type and is calculated using the metafunction
ass weight.
3.2.2 Service View
Service View extends WSDL metamodel with Inter-
action to create S-WSDL metamodel. WSDL meta-
model is generated from WSDL 2.0 XML schema
description. WSDL 2.0 XML schema allows ele-
ments representing a specific technology, called ex-
tensibilityelements, under various elements defined
by WSDL. S-WSDL metamodel gives rise to social
characteristics as an optional entry for WSDL meta-
model. Thus, any service (e.g., Prepare Job) can re-
fer to services (e.g., Post
Job, and Plan Job) with
whom it has a relationship (e.g., collaboration) using
SNNode and SN
Association metaclasses.
MODELSWARD 2016 - 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
In order to validate our proposed MOF-based
S-WSDL metamodel, we need to prove its com-
pleteness. However, incompleteness is a fundamental
problem in an open environment such as the Social
Web. In fact, we cannot prove the completeness of
a proposed MOF-based S-WSDL metamodel nor the
completeness of its definitions, but we can prove the
incompleteness of an individual SWS property or its
definition, and therefore we can deduce the incom-
pleteness of the proposed metamodel if at least one
SWS property definition is missing in the established
S-WSDL metamodel. So, S-WSDL metamodel is
complete if and only if all that is supposed to be in
the SWS is explicitly stated in it, or can be inferred
for various social WS scenarios.
We validate our S-WSDL metamodel by show-
ing its applicability and relationships to existing SWS
approaches such as (Maamar et al., 2011b) and (Xie
et al., 2008) described in Table 2.
Upon MOF compliant metamodels for sources
(e.g., WSDL, and Interaction metamodels) and target
(e.g., S-WSDL metamodel) introduced, Model Trans-
formation can be carried via transformation rules (not
included here for space reasons) between MOF com-
pliant metamodels, and implemented via a transfor-
mation engine (Fig. 1). Transformation rules are de-
scribed in QVT Relation model transformation lan-
guage. The use of QVT Relation language provides
an automatic transformation of WSDL model into S-
WSDL model, and support target incremental model
transformation. Thus, the formal semantics of MOF
and QVT Relation language reflects the conformance
relation between models and metamodels, and the
satisfaction of transformation rules between pairs of
models (Calegari and Szasz, 2013).
We have implemented a prototype in Eclipse
Modeling Framework (EMF)
and integrates me-
plugin. This later supports transforma-
tions expressed in QVT Relation. The WSs models
used are built on real-world WSs extracted from WS-
a Web Service QoS Datasets (Zhang et al.,
2010) and converted to XMI standard representation.
XMI representation of Interaction models is created
from Interaction Ecore diagram (e.g., using Eclipse
Rich Client Platform). We executed our transforma-
tions on JVM version 1.8, running on MicrosoftWin-
dows 7 Professional, in computer system of Intel(R)
Figure 3: An excerpt of Social SOAP engineer S-WSDL
Core (TM) i5-920CPU, running at 2.67 GHz, and
4 GB of RAM.
Transformation takes as inputs SOAP
WSDL model and its Interaction model and re-
turns Social
SOAP engineer S-WSDL model (Fig. 3).
QVT evaluation created 1 new element, set 19 fea-
tures and takes 250 ms. Social
SOAP engineer S-
WSDL model is validated using EMF validation, as
instances of WSDL metamodel.
The social dimension of Social
SOAP engineer S-
WSDL is described, as optional elements in WSDL,
inside dash line shape in Fig. 3. It includesTrust prop-
erty as in (Xie et al., 2008) approach and Collabora-
tion and Robustness relationship type as in (Maamar
et al., 2011b) social networks approach:
Collaboration with JobAlert and JobSearch-
Helper SWSs. The collaboration weight
value between SOAP
engineer and JobAlert is
labeled Job alert Coll Weight, while collabo-
ration weight value between SOAP
and JobSearchHelper is labeled JobSearch-
Coll Weight.
Robustness with LookupSoap SWS. The latter has
similar functional and non-functional properties
with SOAP
engineer and can replace it in case of
failure. The robustness relationship weight value
is labeled LookupSoap
Rob weight.
A MOF-based Social Web Services Description Metamodel
In this paper, we identified SWS properties and pro-
posed a MOF-based S-WSDL metamodel for the de-
scription of SWS. S-WSDL metamodel is defined to
ensure consistency between different SWS applica-
tion models and extensibility in terms of new inter-
actions, regardless of the implementation platform.
MOF-based S-WSDL metamodel and QVT Relation
are used to support automatic transformation from
WSDL model into S-WSDL model (WSDL with so-
cial dimension) without altering the original content
of WSDL model. We implemented a prototype to
test our approach. The prototype illustrates how the
MOF-based S-WSDL metamodel is defined and how
to automate the transformation of a WSDL model
into a S-WSDL model, using EMF and QVT Rela-
tion tools. Furthermore, the proposed S-WSDL can
be applied to serve different purposes such as adding
social dimension when querying WSs registries and
mapping from WSs model (e.g., existing UML mod-
els of BPELs process) to WSs with social dimension.
As future work, we aim to validate our metamodel in
real-world use-cases.
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