Learning from Partially Occluded Faces
Fares Al-Qunaieer
and Mohamed Alkanhal
The National Center for Computation Technology and Applied Mathematics,
King AbdulAziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Communication and Information Technology Research Institute, King AbdulAziz City for Science and Technology
(KACST), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Face Recognition, Partial Occlusion, Correlation Filters.
Although face recognition methods in controlled environments have achieved high accuracy results, there
are still problems in real-life situations. Some of the challenges include changes in face expressions, pose,
lighting conditions or presence of occlusion. There were several efforts for tackling the occlusion problem,
mainly by learning discriminating features from non-occluded faces for occluded faces recognition. In this
paper, we propose the reversed process, to learn from the occluded faces for the purpose of non-occluded
faces recognition. This process has several useful applications, such as in suspects identification and person
re-identification. Correlation filters are constructed from training images (occluded faces) images of each
person, which are used later for the classification of input images (non-occluded faces). In addition, the use of
skin masks with the correlation filters is investigated.
Biometric methods for authentication and identifica-
tion have become a part of our daily life. There
are many available approaches for biometric systems,
face recognition is considered an important approach
among them. Face images can be captured in many
ways using standard cameras. Furthermore, efficient
algorithms have been used for face recognition. This
make the identification and verification of people by
their faces very accessible. However, many of the
proposed algorithms were designed for controlled set-
tings. Changes in face expressions, pose, lighting
conditions or presence of occlusion can dramatically
affect the results (Li and Jain, 2011).
There has been much research conducted to solve
the problem of face occlusion. The used techniques
span a wide variation of concepts, such as Prin-
ciple Component Analysis (PCA) (Sharma et al.,
2013)(Rama et al., 2008), feature-based learning
(Sharma et al., 2013)(Zhang et al., 2007), correla-
tion filters (Kumar et al., 2006), sparse representation
(Wright et al., 2009)(Zhou et al., 2009)(Liao et al.,
2013), and face completion (Deng et al., 2009).
All these works mainly performed by learning dis-
criminating features from non-occluded faces for the
purpose of recognizing occluded faces. An interesting
question is what about learning from occluded faces
to recognize non-occluded ones? There are several
applications that can benefit from such setting. For in-
stance, it can be used for person re-identification pur-
poses, in which a person with occluded face can be
tracked, even when the occlusion is eliminated. An-
other useful application is to identify suspects in pub-
lic or private places (e.g, banks, airports). The top n
suspects can be identified for further investigations.
Also, the system can be trained from the occluded
faces and set to actively monitor people. An alert can
be issued if a face matched the trained one (i.e., the
occluded face). In addition to these applications, de-
signing the system this way increases the computation
and storage efficiency as will be described.
The main contribution of this paper is the intro-
duction of a new paradigm, where the goal is to iden-
tify non-occluded faces by learning from occluded
ones. To the best of our knowledge, no previous re-
search was conducted on the learning from occluded
faces as described here.
In this paper, Optimal Trade-off Maximum Aver-
age Correlation Height (OT-MACH) correlation filter
was used. In addition, masked OT-MACH was inves-
tigated, in which, a mask is constructed based on skin
color, and the correlation filter is built based on the
skin region. This mask is averaged for all images of a
person and stored along the constructed filter. An in-
put image is multiplied with the skin mask, then cor-
Al-Qunaieer, F. and Alkanhal, M.
Learning from Partially Occluded Faces.
DOI: 10.5220/0005665605340539
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2016), pages 534-539
ISBN: 978-989-758-173-1
2016 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Block diagram of the proposed approach.
related with the filter.
The remaining of the paper is organized as fol-
lows: next section will describe OT-MACH correla-
tion filters. After that, the proposed method is de-
scribed in Section 3. The experiments and results are
discussed in Section 4. Finally, conclusions are pre-
sented in Section 5.
Correlation filters have been successfully used in sev-
eral applications, such as biometrics and object detec-
tion and recognition. The basic idea is to design filters
through learning, which gives high correlation peaks
for objects of interest and low peaks otherwise.
In this section, we represent in the frequency do-
main an image x(m, n) of size d × d as a d
× d
trix X with the elements of x along its diagonal. The
represent the conjugate and con-
jugate transpose, respectively.
Maximum Average Correlation Hight (MACH)
filter is a class of correlation filters designed to max-
imize the correlation peak intensity as a response to
the average training images. This is performed by us-
ing a metric known as the Average Correlation Height
(ACH) expressed as
= |h
, (1)
where m
is the average of N training images from
in the frequency domain. The column vector
h represents the correlation filter. In MACH filter de-
sign, a metric known as the Average Similarity Mea-
sure (ASM) is minimized to maximize the distortion
tolerance. The ASM is defined as
= h
h, (2)
), (3)
and M
is a diagonal matrix containing m
The MACH filter is designed to maximize the ra-
. This leads to the following form for the
MACH filter
h = S
. (4)
The MACH filter can be extended to the Opti-
mal Trade-Off (OT)-MACH filter, in which there is
a trade-off among distortion tolerance, discrimination
ability and noise stability. The OT-MACH filter can
be written in the following form (Kumar et al., 1994)
h = (αD
+ βS
+ γC)
, (5)
where C is a diagonal matrix modelling the power
spectral of the noise, which is usually considered as
white (i.e., C = I), and D
is a diagonal matrix con-
taining the average power spectrum of the N training
images. The parameters α, β and γ are scalers that
control the importance of the three different terms.
Unlike the usual setting, where the learning is con-
ducted on known people, our approach will learn
from unknown people (occluded faces) and try to find
the best match from non-occluded faces. In this pa-
per, we constructed OT-MACH correlation filter from
occluded faces as described in Section 2 and illus-
tracted in Figure 1. The goal is to obtain high corre-
lation peak if an image of the same person with non-
occluded face is correlated with the filter.
Also, we investigated the use of skin mask in the
process of designing and applying OT-MACH filters,
as shown in Figure 2. Statistical color models for
skin and non-skin (Jones and Rehg, 1999) was used to
detect the most probable skin location, resulting in a
skin mask image (e.g., skin=1, non-skin=0). Because
Learning from Partially Occluded Faces
Figure 2: Block diagram of the proposed approach with skin mask.
Figure 3: Occlusion types. Top: images with scarf, bottom: images with sun glasses.
the presence of some errors in skin detection, the de-
tected skin locations were smoothed by a Gaussian fil-
ter. For each person, all these skin locations are aver-
aged to construct an averaged skin mask. OT-MACH
filter is created for each person from the masked train-
ing images as described in Section 2. Each input im-
age is multiplied with the skin mask. This will ensure
that the filtering will be performed on the same parts
of training, which will only work with the assump-
tion that all training and testing images are properly
warped to the same locations as in the cropped AR
faces (Martinez and Kak, 2001). After masking the
input image, it is correlated with the constructed fil-
The correlation output is evaluated by the sharp-
ness and hight of the resulting peaks. This can be
quantified by the Peak-to-Sidelope Ratio (PSR) as fol-
lows (Kumar et al., 2006)
p µ
, (6)
where p is the peak of the correlation output and µ and
σ are the mean and standard deviation of the correla-
tion values, respectively. Here, PSR is computed with
the exclusion of a small window of size 5×5 centered
at the peak. An image with PSR above a specified
threshold is classified as genuine, while a one below
the threshold is classified as imposter.
In this research, the cropped version (Martinez and
Kak, 2001) of AR face database (Martinez and Be-
navente, 1998) was used to verify the proposed ap-
proach. It consists of a total of 2600 images, 26 im-
ages per person for 100 people. Each person has im-
ages taken in different expressions, lightings, and oc-
clusions. The images have been taken in two sessions.
In the experiments, the correlation filters were
constructed using only occluded images. The param-
eters of OT-MACH were empirically selected to be α
= 1.4 and β = 1.0. Images in the training and test
stages are converted to gray-scales. There are two
types of occlusions in the dataset, scarf and sunglasses
(6 images of each, with different lighting directions).
Therefore, two correlation filters were constructed for
each person. Figure 3 illustrates both occlusion types
for one person.
ICPRAM 2016 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: AUC of classifiers trained with faces occluded with Scarf and Sun Glasses, and tested on Neutral and Expressions
Scarf (Neutral) 0.95 0.95
Scarf (Expressions) 0.91 0.90
Sun Glasses (Neutral) 0.97 0.87
Sun Glasses (Expressions) 0.92 0.80
Figure 4: ROC curves for OT-MACH filters trained with faces occluded by Scarf and Sun Glasses, and tested on Neutral faces
and Expressions faces.
For each person, the two correlation filters of scarf
and sun glasses were correlated with the images of all
the people in the dataset. This is performed in two
ways, the first is to use only the Neutral faces (no ex-
pressions), the other is to use all images except the oc-
cluded ones (Expressions). Receiver Operating Char-
acteristics (ROC) graph is created for all the results
by varying the threshold from 1 to 25. ROC curve is
created by plotting True Positive Rate (TPR) against
False Positive Rate (FPR) defined as
T PR =
T P + FN
FP + T N
, (8)
where T P, FN, FP and T N are true positive, false
negative, false positive and true negative, respectively.
In addition, the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) is
calculated for each experiment as a summary perfor-
mance measure. These experiments were performed
for each person, and the average performance is cal-
culated. Figures 4 and 5 show the ROC graphs for
the four experiments for OT-MACH correlation filters
with and without skin masks, and their AUC are pre-
sented in Table 1.
Figures 4 and 5 show the trade-off between TPR
and FPR with respect to the selected threshold, which
facilitate selecting the most appropriate threshold for
certain applications. It is clear that using skin masks
has reduced the accuracy of OT-MACH results, espe-
cially when trained with sun glasses occlusion. This
might be due to loss of information when using skin
masks. In addition, it can be noticed that both scarf
and sun glasses have better accuracy with Neutral im-
ages than Expressions. This is because the high vari-
ability in Expressions faces set. OT-MACH correla-
tion filters results are robust against illumination vari-
ation presented in the used dataset.
Figure 6 illustrates the response of the correlation
filters of both scarf and sun glasses images for a gen-
uine person (positive) and an imposter one (negative).
Learning from Partially Occluded Faces
Figure 5: ROC curves for OT-MACH filters using skin masks trained with faces occluded by Scarf and Sun Glasses, and
tested on Neutral faces and Expressions faces.
Figure 6: Correlation filters outputs; top: genuine, bottom: imposter. Columns from left to right: test images, outputs of scarf
filter, outputs of sun glasses filter.
It can be observed that the peaks of the genuine re-
sponse is higher than that of the Imposter.
Learning only from occluded faces can enhance
the computation and storage efficiency. For instance,
in this research, instead of learning form 100 people
to identify one person with occluded face, we only
learn from the occluded faces then make the compar-
ison to all people. In this way, only one filter is saved
instead of 100.
ICPRAM 2016 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
In this paper, we considered the problem of learn-
ing from occluded faces for the purpose of recogniz-
ing non-occluded ones. OT-MACH correlation filters
were used for classification. In addition, the use of
skin masks was investigated. Using OT-MACH with-
out skin masks showed better results than that with
masks. Also, faces with neutral expressions have ex-
hibited better results compared to faces with variable
expressions. The proposed approach can be used in
applications that require to identify suspects (e.g., in
crime) for further investigation. Also, it can be used
for person re-identification purposes. There is still
a room for future work, such as accounting for pose
variation in both training and testing images.
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Learning from Partially Occluded Faces