A Mathematical Programming Approach to Multi-cloud Storage

Makhlouf Hadji



This paper addresses encrypted data storage in multi-cloud environments. New mathematical models and algorithms are introduced to place and replicate encrypted data chunks and ensure high availability of the data. To enhance data availability, we present two cost-efficient algorithms based on a complete description of a linear programming approach of the multi-cloud storage problem. Performance assessment results, using simulations, show the scalability and cost-efficiency of the proposed multi-cloud distributed storage solutions.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Hadji M. (2015). A Mathematical Programming Approach to Multi-cloud Storage . In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - Volume 1: CLOSER, ISBN 978-989-758-104-5, pages 17-29. DOI: 10.5220/0005412000170029

in Bibtex Style

author={Makhlouf Hadji},
title={A Mathematical Programming Approach to Multi-cloud Storage},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - Volume 1: CLOSER,},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science - Volume 1: CLOSER,
TI - A Mathematical Programming Approach to Multi-cloud Storage
SN - 978-989-758-104-5
AU - Hadji M.
PY - 2015
SP - 17
EP - 29
DO - 10.5220/0005412000170029