Shobana Raghupathy
Sociometrics Corporation, 170 State Street, Suite 260, Los Altos, CA 94022, U.S.A.
Keywords: School health, Drug use monitoring, Evaluation.
Abstract: Our purpose is to outline the potential use of E-Tools for data collection and monitoring for school health
purposes. We discuss evidence on the feasibility of such E-Tools in school settings across the United States,
and will discuss issues of usability, confidentiality, and costs. Such E-tools can be extended to many school
health efforts, particularly areas of mental health, eating disorders and obesity. Drawing on our experience
developing such web-based assessments, we will also lay out design considerations for such E-tools that are
focused on drug prevention.
The primary context for monitoring and preventing
adolescent drug use in the United States has been
through schools and other local educational agencies
(Ringwalt et al., 2002). Schools in the US are
required to provide drug prevention education, and
adopt drug-monitoring tools. It is often difficult,
however, for relatively small community and school-
based programs to sustain meaningful drug
evaluation systems. Problems include lack of staff
enthusiasm, insufficient funding, staffing and
expertise (Mantell et. al., 1997; Sedivy, 2000).
Teachers are expected to take on responsibilities
other than teaching even at a time when there are
increasing pressures on them to raise the academic
achievement levels of their students, and collection
and monitoring of data on substance use or other
health concerns are perceived as consuming valuable
time (Hallfors et al., 2000). E-tools that provide
online data collection and analysis—such as web-
based surveys-- provide promising opportunities for
drug abuse monitoring. Despite the growing
popularity of computer-assisted surveys, researchers
and practitioners working in the field of drug
prevention have generally been slow to adopt this
technology for data collection purposes mainly due
to a lack of awareness and/or availability of such
tools, as well as with the practical issues related to
such technologies. In this paper, we will provide a
brief overview of emerging trends in computer and
web-based data collection methods in public health
research that can fulfill these needs, and the
feasibility of applying such methods in schools and
community settings. Drawing from our own
experience in developing web-based assessments for
behavioral health, we will also lay out design
suggestions for online E-tools that are specifically
geared towards drug use monitoring and treatment.
Although our experience is largely US-based, our
paper has implications for other Western countries
as well.
The increase in computer facilities in U.S. schools
makes it practically and financially feasible to
consider web-based computer-administered querying
for future alcohol, tobacco or drug surveys. Over the
past decade, access to computers and the Internet has
become almost universal in U.S. elementary schools.
Nearly 100% of public schools had access to the
Internet in 2005 with 97% of them using broadband
connections (Wells and Lewis, 2006). The
percentage of instructional rooms with access to the
Internet was 94 percent and the ratio of students to
instructional computers with online access was 3.8
to 1. There were no differences in access by
minority enrollment, school size, rural/urban setting
or socioeconomic status (Wells and Lewis, 2006).
Computer-assisted surveys have already been used
in a limited form in several recent national surveys
of youth sexual behaviour and substance use
including the National Survey of Adolescent Males,
Raghupathy S. (2011).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT, pages 99-102
DOI: 10.5220/0004472300990102
National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, and the
National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-
Being. More recently, substance abuse researchers
have been using Web-based surveys for collecting
data from elementary (McCabe et al., 2005; Wang et
al., 2005), secondary (e.g. Beebe et al., 1997; Boyd
et al., 2004, 2007; McCabe et al., 2004) and
postsecondary student populations (e.g. Eisenberg et
al., 2007; Kypri & Gallagher, 2003; McCabe et. al.,
2007a, 2007b; Miller et al., 2002; Pealer & Weiler,
2003). In a recent study, web-based surveys were
found to be an effective tool for collecting data from
Hispanic high school students located in remote,
rural areas (Cooper et al., 2006). It has been argued
that audio enhanced web-based surveys might be a
format that is more comprehensible to junior-high
and vocational high school students who might have
lower literacy skills than senior-high school students
(McCabe et al., 2004). Moreover, there is
overwhelming evidence that students prefer web-
based surveys to paper and pencil surveys, and
perceive more response anonymity (e.g. Case et al.,
2004; Hallfors et al., 2000; McCabe et al., 2002,
2004). The images associated with computer
administration are aligned more closely with
television images than those of the written word, a
preference often observed among adolescent
populations thereby increasing respondent
motivation for completing surveys (Beebe et al.,
1997). Web-based survey administration also seems
acceptable to school staff (Hallfors et al., 2000).
It is clear that web-based E-tools for school
health research has tremendous potential. As part of
a project funded by the National Institute of Drug
Abuse (NDA), the authors conducted focus groups
and telephone interviews with practitioners,
educators, teachers and district administrators from
across the U.S., to assess the feasibility of online
CASI administration in schools. Based on the
interviews and focus group discussions, we have
outlined some preliminary design considerations for
any online data collection and monitoring tool that
can be developed for measuring drug prevalence in
schools and for evaluating school-based drug
prevention efforts. The most optimal design for such
a tool would be one that allows for customized
survey development; web-based administration; and
downloadable data that eliminates the identity of
clients. In other words, any online data collection
system must be comprehensive and focus on all
three aspects of evaluation-- survey development,
survey administration and data analysis—in order to
fulfill the evaluation needs of schools and
communities across the United States.
To monitor and prevent drug abuse, schools in the
United States often rely on local self-report surveys
(McCabe et al., 2004; Hallfors & Iritani, 2002b).
These self-report surveys are typically constructed
from commonly used outcome measures available
in the public domain. Currently, there are several
published instruments available for public use in
numerous websites maintained by the United States
National Institutes for Health. As a first step, any
online assessment tool must include an Instrument
Developer that will allow practitioners to pick
outcomes measures and construct a survey of their
choice. Such outcome measures can be pre-
programmed and stored in a “bank” of high quality,
commonly used questions and scales on a variety of
substance abuse and violence related topics.
Practitioners can then select the measures they are
interested in and create an online survey literally
within minutes by a simple selection process (such
as checkboxes).
The focus group discussions and telephone
interviews suggested that the most commonly used
drug prevalence measures were ones that have
undergone rigorous study into its psychometric
properties and that were most likely to be mandated
or approved by federal, and state funding agencies.
The most commonly used measures for drug
assessment purposes included the following:
-Core risk and protective measures compiled
by the National Institute on Drug Abuse
(www. These core measures
are drawn from various national surveys such
as the Student Survey of Risk and Protective
Factors that assesses students' attitudes,
perceptions, and behaviour regarding drug
use and violence, the Monitoring the Future
Survey, and the National Survey of Drug Use
and Health . Most of these measures are in
the public domain.
-State-specific school climate and youth risk
behaviour surveys such as the Oregon
Healthy Teen survey, which are mandated by
the Oregon Department of Education, or the
Kentucky Incentive for Prevention Survey.
Most of these state surveys are built from the
National Youth Risk Behaviour Survey (High
School) which includes sections on youth
resiliency measures, school safety and
Any instrument developer that eases survey develop-
INNOV 2011 - Second International Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
development will need to have several programming
safeguards in place to ensure that a novice user can
successfully create a scientifically valid evaluation
instrument. For example, if a user selects a question
from within a skip pattern or scale measure, the
entire block of questions will be added to the survey.
Because these questions are pre-programmed, users
cannot alter these questions in any way thereby
retaining their psychometrics properties.
Such an Instrument Developer online interface
can be developed by using a combination of HTML
and JavaScript with a custom-written CGI (common
gateway interface) program developed in Perl to
bridge the server-based question database with the
interface. Once the question selections have been
finalized by the user, the interface will send the
information from the HTML form to a database
using a CGI program written in the Perl scripting
language. Based on the specific user selections, the
Instrument Developer then automatically generates
an online survey that forms the basis of the CASI
A concern expressed by the focus groups and
interviewees related to survey confidentiality and
privacy. The concerns related to data storage and
security, as well as the easy visibility of survey
responses on closely spaced monitor screens. A
number of solutions were discussed. Participants
suggested that respondent privacy could be
enhanced by using monitor visors (that can range
from $20-$40 per piece) or computer privacy
screens. Participants were also asked about allowing
students to take their surveys from multiple access
points, particularly from their homes or other private
locations. The reaction was decidedly mixed in both
groups. Some felt that this would promote flexibility
and greater survey participation, while others felt
there would be more scope for misuse as it teachers
would be unable to monitor the respondents. Recent
studies do indicate that web-administration in an “on
your own setting” could lead to incomplete data
(Denniston et. al. 2010).
Once a survey is created, students can self-
administer the questionnaire either in their computer
labs or from home. The data gathered will be
transmitted online and securely stored on the host
server. For users who prefer to conduct data analysis
using their own software, the interface should
include a function that downloads a copy of the raw
data that can then be imported into standard
statistical packages such as SPSS, SAS, Stata,
Minitab for offline analysis. It is imperative that the
downloaded data be made available without subject
identifiers in order to maintain confidentiality.
Data collected through such an online system
would reside on a secondary web server ensuring
maximum confidentiality and anonymity. At the
same time, the security of the data is of paramount
importance. Comprehensive security procedures will
need to be drafted for accessing the data; the
programming and files associated with the
Instrument Developer and ACASI will need to be
installed in secure sections of the server and not
available for viewing or download.
E-tools facilitating online data collection and
analysis can significantly enhance school health
research and practice. Such tools allow school staff
to save time and resources by using the computer
for a number of key evaluation tasks—especially
those that are burdensome, time-consuming and
tedious. And once developed, an online data
collection system would emerge as a more
affordable option compared to evaluation using
traditional data collection and monitoring methods.
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INNOV 2011 - Second International Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT