Ángel F. Villarejo-Ramos, Manuel J. Sánchez-Franco and Fernando Criado-García-Legaz
Department of Business Management and Marketing, University of Seville, Av. Ramón y Cajal, s/n, Seville, Spain
Keywords: Perceived institutional support, Learning methodologies, ICT, EHEA, Students` satisfaction, Skills
Abstract: The learning methodologies (i.e., participative), the perceived institutional support and the learning
performance linked to the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) are considered as the
background to student satisfaction and the development of generic and specific skills for professional results
after graduating. In particular, the main objective of this paper is to research about students` perceptions
according to participative learning methodologies, the use of ICT and the institutional support in the
University context. This study, firstly, provides an analysis of the expectations of current undergraduate
students in the business and management area. Secondly, it analyzes a causal model related to the use of
participative teaching methodologies, perceived institutional support, and the use of ICT in the teaching-
learning process, as determinants of student satisfaction and skills development in the context of the
European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Previous analysis about expectations and the theoretical model
and the hypotheses discussed above are validated through a non-probabilistic sampling and self-selection.
The data are particularly collected from a sample of questionnaires filled out by second course
undergraduate students (University of Seville, Spain).
In recent decades there have been numerous changes
in the context of university teaching. In the 80s, the
globalization of higher education meant the
quantitative and qualitative increase in the university
offer. The University experienced a growth in the
number of students and professors, as well as the
incorporation of new study plans adapted to the
technological, cultural and social changes. In the
90s, the paradigm of the new university management
model was the quality improvement of the teaching
service. Concepts of business management were
adapted, such as continuous improvement, process
assessment and quality standards. The 21
has begun with the process of convergence towards
the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This
context means that important methodological
changes, the involvement of the university
institutions and the development and use of
information and communication technologies (ICT)
have become key elements to achieve success in the
teaching-learning process.
Currently, having surpassed the first phase of
adaptation towards European convergence, the broad
offer of Degree studies in Spanish universities has us
facing the need to reflect about how these changes
will be met with and adopted in the university
context during the next decade.
This convergence framework does not mean
homogenizing curriculums or procedures but rather
the abilities and the skills that are characteristics of
each degree (Fernández et al., 2008). This is why
each university has tried to develop plans and
strategies that are coherent with their socio-
educational and professional realities (De Miguel,
2005a). The key to the success of implanting Degree
studies can therefore be in detecting those needs and
in adapting the new study plans to the achievement
of the specific skills and the accomplishing of the
students' expectations in the socio-professional
placement that they will experience in the 21st.
century. A high satisfaction level as a student and as
a graduate will then be attained. Yet, as Correa and
Paredes (2009) remarked, Spanish universities do
not always incentivize the teaching staff taking part
Villarejo-Ramos A., Criado-García-Legaz F. and Sanchez-Franco M. (2011).
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT, pages 87-96
DOI: 10.5220/0004472200870096
in processes of transforming their methods, which is
why the need for a change in the teaching training
model has been detected. This implies real
adjustments towards more participatory
On the other hand, learning with these
characteristics requires methods that favour
reflection about what is done, how it is done and
what results are achieved. The students will in this
way be able to use this as a strategy to improve their
own performance, thus developing the most complex
competence of all: that of learning how to learn with
a critical sense (Fernández, 2006).
As is logical, insecurity and uncertainty have
appeared in the renovation process in the university
area. This has been particularly so when they are
linked to a change that has the scope of the
adaptation to the new pedagogical methods and a
new philosophy of university teaching (Monereo y
Pozo, 2003; Álvarez y Pérez, 2004). All this is
immersed in a framework of the students'
delocalization and globalization (Mavondo et al.;
2004) and the multiculturality of the educational
communities at which it is aimed (Castells 2000a;
2000b). Also, constant ICT development is opening
routes to disseminate information and generate new
learning modalities, but it is also opening digital
gaps of varying importance between the students,
the professors and the university administration staff
(Área, 2000; Cabero, 2000; Zabalza, 2002).
The main aim of this current work is to analyze
the students' perceptions about their university
experience in the new Degree study plans and the
incorporation of new didactical methods, the
involvement of the university institution and ICT use
as a tool in the teaching-learning process. All of this
is from the students' perspective: accomplishing
their expectations with the satisfaction level and the
skills development needed in their future
professional work. This general aim can be specified
in the following particular objectives: (1) to detect
the methodology that the students consider should be
the aim of preferential attention by their class
professors and how knowledge and the assessment
process should be acquired; (2) to explore the degree
of ICT use by the teaching staff; and (3) to analyze
the influence of the institutional support, the
teaching methodology and the ICT use on the
satisfaction and learning of the university student,
both of them within the framework of the change of
the teaching-learning process design model with
respect to the traditional method of higher education
(Fernández and Cabreiro, 2003).
To attain these aims we have carried out an
empirical study whose target population is the
current second year students of different social
sciences Degrees that are taught in the faculties of
the University of Seville. The information gathering
was carried out during the beginning of the 2010-11
course via an own questionnaire in which previous
research was taken into account (GIDEPA; 2005; De
Miguel, 2005a; 2005b; Fernández et al., 2008).
The final sample is made up of 402 valid
surveys. The information from the sample has been
analyzed via the statistical software PASW 18.
2.1 Characteristics of the Survey
In the questionnaire we included an initial block of
variables that allows us to identify the most relevant
characteristics of those who make up the sample (see
in Table 1). Specifically, we know the gender, age,
marital status, type of High School and the average
marks achieved, the degree of command in computer
studies and their main software applications, the
availability of a computer in the home and Internet
access and the average time of daily computer use,
both for study and leisure. Sample extracted of
undergraduate students at EHEA degrees.
Table 1: Survey descriptive characterictics.
54.7/45.3% (females/males)
Average Age: 19.9
66.6% They study in public school
68.8% Middle report Good or up in high school
99.8% They have got own computer
95.3% Internet access at home
97.4% User/expert Internet and Word
66% User/expert Power Point-Excel
25.6% User/expert Access
68.4% More an hour per day Internet-leisure
45.3% More an hour per day Internet-study
2.2 Basic Descriptive Analysis
The variables were analyzed via reflective indicators
measured on the Likert 1-5 scale (1 strongly
disagree-5 strongly agree). We show the results
obtained in the following tables.
We can be seen that the main perceived
institutional support is the promoting of virtual
communication through web pages and virtual
teaching platforms (68.2%). To a lesser extent
(40.2%), the students consider that this support
INNOV 2011 - Second International Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
simplifies administrative tasks. However, a great
number of them reckon that institutional support
does not sufficiently respond to their study needs,
training, exchange programs and internships; nor
does it cover their communication and information
needs either within or outside the institution.
We analyze the main concerns of professors in
the organizing of classes. Students have shown a
great interest in the teachers' orienting towards
comprehending the contents they transmit and
encouraging the students' interest in their subjects.
On the other hand, students give less importance to
the fact that the professors foster their taking part in
classes and make them responsible for the learning
Regarding the resources they consider the
teaching staff should use, the students prefer
specifically-prepared printed materials to other
types of support materials, both the classic ones and
those connected with new technologies. 24% of the
students do not consider the use of the books of
publishing houses or the teachers' recommendation
of them to be relevant.
With regards to the professors' means for
knowledge transmission, more than 70% have
shown an interest in the development of cases and
simulation activities and class notes. They show a
strong disinterest in traditional oral presentations,
but also in methods linked to bibliographical
investigation and self-learning. Nor do they give
much importance to the organization of debates and
work preparation, be it individual or in a group.
Finally, the majority of the students (75.2%)
consider that when marking the diverse materials,
the professor should take into account the quality of
the work carried out. What's more, it seems
important to them for the level of knowledge
attained in connection with the aims set out to be
valued. The quality of the answers in oral tests
(60.4%) and taking part in class and set activities
(62.2%) has a lesser importance. The least valued
assessment systems are classroom tutorials and
argued self-assessment: less than half of the sample
does not consider them of much importance.
The assessment of the students about ICT show
the effects most valued by the students are
associated with the better quality of access to the
didactic materials and the disposition of better
information access channels. The students give less
importance to the possibility of the teaching staff
orienting and following up the work carried out
thanks to ICT, and the development of search and
information selection skills. The least valued effects
are associated with the possibility of generating
contact and debate networks from virtual
communities and the chance of increasing the
student's interest and motivation. Lastly, we analyze
the difficulties that students perceive in the teaching
staff's ICT use. The factor that is considered to be
most relevant, though for less than half of the
sample, is the low training level perceived in the
teaching staff when they use new technologies. On
the other hand, a majority consider that the
technological resources are available and adapted for
their use in teaching.
The interest that the teaching staff shows in fostering
the students' communication and participation and
promoting their responsibility in learning are key
aspects in the skills that, once the years of study
have finished, these students will have obtained
(Fernández et al., 2006). To achieve the students'
participation via interaction with the teaching staff
and with their companions favors their satisfaction
level (Fredericksen et al., 2000). A systematic
teaching methodology that is intentionally organized
to favor participation even it does not directly
promote learning does favor the probability of this
taking place (De Miguel, 2005b; 2009). What's
more, when the development of skills linked to
higher teaching aims such as the development of
critical thought and autonomous learning is sought,
methods centered on the students are more
appropriate and efficient (Fernández, 2006).
As Fernández (2006) remarks, skills training
even brings about the students' contact with the
social and professional contexts in which the future
graduate will perform. It also fosters the capacity to
learn with others, encouraging team work to
exchange ideas, opinions, points of view, etc. The
use of participatory teaching methods therefore
means the possibility of developing the abilities and
skills necessary for the university leaver in their
professional career (Villarejo et al., 2010).
As a consequence of what has been presented,
we can put forward the following hypotheses:
- Hypothesis 1a: Participative learning methodology
proposed by the professor in the classroom has a
direct and positive impact on students' satisfaction.
- Hypothesis 1b: Participative learning methodology
proposed by the professor in the classroom has a
direct and positive impact on the skills the students
acquire through their academic training.
As well as the aspects referring to the use of the
most appropriate methodologies, we must study the
influence of the institutional support received during
the period as a university student. The students'
satisfaction is at times determined by multiple
factors connected with the institution, such as the
professors' level of preparation, the teaching styles
proposed and even the support for research
(Appleton-Knapp and Krentler, 2006).
Currently, universities need to implant e-learning
systems, virtual campuses and blended learning to
develop teaching practices in which research
communities take part (Bonk, 2003; Anderson,
2004; Correa and Paredes, 2009). Moreover, the
university institutions will be the ones in charge of
fostering the working out of training offers. These
are aimed at the teaching staff in order for them to
acquire the skills that are necessary for them to
attend to the new needs of Degree students and
facilitate the resources needed to carry out these
changes effectively (Álvarez and Romero, 2007).
In previous studies (Fernández et al., 2008;
Villarejo et al., 2010) it was shown that: (1) to favor
virtual communication via on-line teaching
platforms; (2) to facilitate access to carrying out
internships promoted by the University; (3) to
encourage mobility and exchange programs with
other universities; and (4) to simplify administrative
tasks are matters that can influence the satisfaction
levels attained by the students as well as the skills
that they finally acquire. We propose the following
hypotheses as a consequence of this:
- Hypothesis 2a: The institutional perceived support
that students receive during their university stay has
a positive influence on their greater satisfaction.
- Hypothesis 2b: The institutional perceived support
that students receive during their university stay has
a positive influence on the skills that they acquire.
Additionally, ICT use in university teaching is a
basic element of differentiation, compared to the
traditional system that bears witness to the
convergence of the teaching activity and the
technological advances present in society (Área,
2000; Cabero et al., 2003). Likewise, as in the
previous descriptive analysis, students' familiarity
with ICT is high and their expectations about
training in the handling of them once their university
studies are finished are also high. Technological
skills and abilities are evident even in studies among
pre-University students, in which a direct
relationship is observed between ICT use and the
development of specific skills in the subjects taught
(Oliver and Corn, 2008).
However, and as Correa and Paredes (2009)
pointed out, incorporating ICT into university life
has fostered an important change in resources and
infrastructures. Above all, it has modified the
management and academic organization model,
though this change has been less in teaching
innovation. So, for students to satisfy their training
expectations university professors must use different
technological resources to those that they dispose of
to give their classes. This will require the teaching
staff to control and handle ICT and renovate certain
methodological aspects that this new form of
teaching entails (Añel, 2008). Nevertheless, the
professors are not in all cases prepared or
accustomed to the use of these technologies
available in their centers (Cabero et al., 2003),
especially when some studies show a difficulty in
the teaching staff's ICT acceptation and use
(Mahdizadeh et al., 2008).
Our proposal thus sets out the following
- Hypothesis 3a
: The degree of the professors' use of
ICT has a positive influence on the students' degree
of satisfaction.
- Hypothesis 3b: The degree of the professors' use of
ICT has a positive influence on the students'
acquiring of skills.
Students' satisfaction increases to the extent that
teaching methods based on inter-disciplinarity are
favored [inter-professional education (IPE); Barr et
al., 2005].This entails an improvement in learning
and putting it into practice in the future professional
work (Curran et al., 2008). What's more, and as
Mavondo et al. (2004) pointed out, ICT use as a
source of students' satisfaction provides them with
the possibility of getting to know and trying out
hardware and software that can encourage the
development of skills needed in their professional
work. Finally, let us consider that skills development
can be influenced by the satisfaction level attained
by the student:
- Hypothesis 4: The student’s satisfaction experience
has a positive influence on the acquiring of skills.
In the conceptual model (Figure 1), we set out
relationships between the variables analyzed by our
work. The aim of this is to favor recommendations
for professors that may bring about a better
perception of the teaching quality and the achieving
of students' skills and abilities. Its contrast is carried
out through a system of structural equations, using
the statistical pack SmartPLS 2.0. The hypotheses
set forth are of an exploratory nature. This is
because their contrast gives rise to a more accurate
INNOV 2011 - Second International Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
knowledge of the relationships between the behavior
of the professors, the institutional support and the
students' satisfaction and learning that will orientate
future research in an area that has not, until now,
been the aim of many studies.
Figure 1: Causal model.
As a previous step to their use in the causal model,
we have assessed the reliability and validity of the
scales that make up the measurement model.
Initially, all the items in the questionnaire for the
five constructs of the causal model were considered.
Nevertheless, an exploratory analysis showed the
need to eliminate some of them to optimize the
making up of the scales. When assessing the
suitability of eliminating some of the initial items,
we have taken into account the value of the
Cronbach coefficient, noticing, when its value was
less than 0.7, its improvement in the case of
suppressing some of the items.
Regarding the constructs use of ICT and skills
development we have opted for keeping items with
values between 0.6 and 0.7 in their individual
reliability, with the aim of not losing information.
We checked that keeping them did not have a
negative repercussion on the reliability of the
construct measured. Throughout this process we
used the statistical packs PASW 18 and SmartPLS
2.0 (Ringe et al., 2008).
4.1 Reliability and Validity of the
Measurement Scales
We based the individual reliability of the scales
(Table 3) on the calculation of the correlation
coefficients of the items with the total of the
measurement scale and the compounded reliability
index. This must reach a value over 0.7. For each of
the measurement models, the correlations of each
indicator with the total of the scale satisfy the levels
required, above 0.6 (Bagozzi and Yee, 1988).
Advancing in the analysis of the psychometric
properties of the scales used in the research, we went
on to study their validity: of content, convergent and
discriminant. The validity of content is accepted: the
scales were designed from attributes contained in
measurement instruments validated in previous
To check the convergent validity, we saw that
the reliability of the constructs and their average
variance extracted are over the recommended values
of 0.7 and 0.5, respectively (Carmines and Zeller,
1979; Fornell and Larcker, 1981). It was also seen
(see Table 2) that in all the constructs the reliability
index measured via Cronbach's alpha is high,
surpassing the 0.7 required in exploratory research
(Cronbach, 1970; Ninnally, 1978).
Table 2: Convergent Validity.
CONSTRUCTS AVE Composite Reliability
IPS .5577 .8345 .7372
SS .5864 .8501 .7659
ICTU .5608 .8355 .7359
PLM .5323 .8501 .7799
SD .6432 .8780 .8153
To set up the discriminant validity, the AVE
value must be above the variance shared between the
construct and the rest of the constructs represented.
For an appropriate discriminant validity, and to
simplify the comparison, each element of the main
diagonal (the square root of the AVE) must be above
the remaining elements of their corresponding row
and column (correlations between constructs)
(Barclay et al., 1995). In the model set out, the
constructs satisfy the condition imposed, which
leads us to accept the discriminant validity, as we
can see in Table 4.
Once the suitability of the
measurement model scales has been checked, the
next phase of the empirical study is the estimation of
the causal model to contrast the hypotheses set out.
4.2 Contrast of the Model Set Out
Through the development of a system of
structural equations, we have studied the
relationships between the latent variables, the
estimation of the parameters and their level of
meaning (see Figure 2).
Table 3: Individual Reliability.
Try to understand the contents transmitted
Encourage students' interest in the subject(s)
Foster students' communication and
Stimulate students' responsibility for their
Gives an answer to my needs concerning
studies, internships, training, exchanges and so
Covers my communication needs –
information within and outside the institution
Simplifies administrative tasks (there are
support documents, data bases…)
Favours virtual communication (Web CT,
domain, etc.)
Projection systems (Rear projection of slides,
video-projector …)
Computer, canon or multimedia systems
Internet and telematic systems
Virtual platforms (Web CT, etc.)
The relationships that I establish
The interest shown in my speeches, in the
classroom, in the net and so on
The quality of the work and the tests that are
Passing the subjects based on the set criteria
A better quality of access to the didactic
An increase of our interest and motivation
The development of search and information
selection skills
The possibility of solving doubts about the
program and the subject in the most efficient
A good enough command of ICT to apply them
in my professional field
Table 4: Discriminant Validity.
PIS .7467
SS .4179 .7657
UICT .4051 .4342 .7488
PLM .3258 .2518 .2751 .7295
SD .4446 .5349 .4512 .3542 .8019
We can accept five hypotheses set out in the model:
H2a, H2b, H3a, H3b and H4. However, the
relationships between participative learning
methodologies and students' satisfaction and skills
development, have not been able to be accepted due
to the lack of significance of the relationship with
the confidence level required.
Note: t-value in brackets. Based on t
. Two-tailed test; t
(0.05; 499)
= 1.9635; ; t
(0.1; 499)
= 1.6479
Figure 2: Results.
From the contrast of the model, we highlight that
the participatory methodology does not affect the
students' satisfaction. This is justified because the
students perceive that the methods directly affect
their learning and skills development. The students
consider that the teaching activity serves to generate
and develop skills and abilities.
Institutional support directly affects the students'
satisfaction (H2a). This reflects the need for
institutional support for the adaptation to the new
EHEA as a priority of university institutions:
directly or indirectly, it influences the development
of the students' competences and skills through
satisfaction (H2b).
ICT use significantly affects the students'
satisfaction level (H3a), which corroborates the
importance that Degree students give to new ICT in
carrying out their work as students. ICT use in
teaching directly and significantly affects the skills
the student acquires (H3b). Fulfilling this last
hypothesis serves to emphasize that students'
INNOV 2011 - Second International Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
learning in the context of university teaching is
linked to the personal characteristics of the teaching
staff. That is, their personal disposition and interest
shown in ICT use, as well as the level of use of
resources linked to ICT in teaching.
Finally, the students' satisfaction positively and
significantly influences the development of their
competences as university students (H4). This is
justified by the fact that the students find, in the
satisfaction of their needs, a possibility for the
development of their skills needed for later
professional work.
To sum up, the results of our research allow us to
accept the positive influence of perceived
institutional support on the students' satisfaction
level and the development of their professional skills
in the study area. Likewise, we can establish the
positive influence that ICT use in university teaching
has on the satisfaction level attained by the students
in their study period and on the development of their
skills for their future professional work. However,
the positive influence of the use of participatory
teaching methodologies on students' satisfaction or
on the development of their skills is not accepted,
though the latter could be accepted as significant for
a lower confidence level. Finally, the satisfaction
attained by the student favors the development of
their skills.
As a result of the exploratory study carried out, there
is a series of contributions related to the students'
perceptions that we consider relevant:
- The importance of perceived institutional support
for the development of their university activities.
They have shown a special interest in the
development of techniques that favor virtual
communication through e-learning platforms (Bonk,
2003; Anderson, 2004). This is the result of a
growing interest of the universities in involving
themselves in the adaptation process towards
European convergence and the favoring of a more
participatory teaching.
- The students give great importance to the concern
shown by the teaching staff in the development of
the training activity. They consider that it is very
important to encourage interest in the subjects and to
favor the communication and participation of the
students. This is why they prefer specific materials
for the subject and more practical classes via the use
of cases and simulations.
- On the other hand, the professors do not show a
special interest in the development of new teaching
methodologies that substitute more traditional
methods. Indeed, the students have shown little
interest in self-assessment and assisting tutorials as
assessment mechanisms. This leads us to think that
the teaching staff will need to not only adapt their
teaching methods to the new demands of the EHEA,
but also take part in the design and use of these new
methods to get more out of their work.
- The students' valuing of the lecturers' ICT use is
especially favorable when it has a positive influence
on the possibility of accessing to information or
problem solving. However, they do not perceive that
much importance is given to their motivation, the
generating of networks of flexible contacts or the
setting up of virtual learning communities. These
aspects mean an important lack for students who
find themselves, beginning a university career in
which they are starting to build their own systems of
relationships. We add to this the importance that
students give to the low training level for ICT use
that they perceive among the teaching staff (Cabero
et al., 2003).
- The students are not very satisfied with the interest
that the teaching staff shows in their participation in
the classroom and online as well as the quality of
work and tests that the professors present in the
development of the teaching-learning process.
From the analysis of the causal model, it emerges
that institutional support is important to achieve the
adaptation of these new systems and the
involvement of the university institution and the
teaching staff in the setting up of new methods
adapted to the new technological environment
(Ávarez and Romero, 2007). This perceived
institutional support positively affects the students'
satisfaction level and the possibility of developing
the specific and generic skills necessary for their
professional work after graduation.
ICT use in teaching favorably affects the Degree
students' level of satisfaction and the development of
their professional skills. We must, however, pay
special attention to this point as the restructuring of
the educational and training systems may not be
enough. Especially so when the ICT development
programs in university training are only centered on
technological aspects (Gromaz et al., 2008), thus
abandoning the true methodological character that
the teaching-learning process should signify.
Due to all this, with regards to the university
institutions and from the perspective of the teaching
staff, it seems necessary to develop: 1) institutional
policies to promote and deploy technological
infrastructures and ICT access; 2) spaces for
personal and cooperative work, bearing in mind the
communication tools available via ICT–mails/
emails/ notice boards and messages, forums and chat
groups, videoconferences, and so on; 3) systems of
inter and intra-institutional information
dissemination; 4) training models paying attention to
the indicators diagnosed, taking into account the
most deficient projects, areas and variables ; and 5)
stimulating change processes oriented at reducing
the digital gap in the teaching sectors that are least
adapted to ICT use, as well as processes associated
with the use of technologies to improve teaching in
all its dimensions.
This paper has supported by Consejería de
Economía, Innovación y Ciencia (Junta de
Andalucía-Spain) through of the Excellence
Research Project (P09-SEJ-4568 and SEJ-5801).
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