A Pervasive Informatics Approach to Working with Medieval Manuscripts
Peter Ainsworth and Mike Meredith
Department of French and Humanities Research Institute, University of Sheffield, 34 Gell Street, Sheffield, U.K.
Keywords: Pervasive, Informatics, e-Research, Imaging, Cloud, Humanities.
Abstract: This paper outlines a pervasive approach to informatics-enhanced humanities research on medieval
manuscripts. Digital surrogates (created for conservational as much as for research purposes) provide a first
step towards ‘breaching the strongroom’. Yet even when libraries can offer scholars digital copies of
manuscripts, the holdings available rarely match up as a corpus to those sought by a particular scholar.
Progress towards overcoming the mismatch has begun to be made via large-scale online digitisation
initiatives such as the Roman de la Rose, e-Codices and Europeana Regia projects, collating thousands of
items from research libraries on different continents. Focusing on the Online Froissart project, the paper
looks first at some new tools for making online manuscript collections more genuinely pervasive, insofar as
they allow users to move seamlessly through, across and within them. The second topic addressed is the
additional informatic uses to which the project’s electronic images are being put (using as a springboard the
analysis of their semantic content) in the wider context of e-Research conducted by an international
consortium working out of the Universities of Sheffield, Urbana-Champaign, Michigan State and South
Carolina and using the same Cloud-based technologies to investigate distinct but ultimately comparable
image corpora.
In 2011 an early 15
-century manuscript of
Froissart’s Chronicles was auctioned in Paris for
450,000 €. Known to specialists as the Clumber Park
manuscript, it had originally been owned by the
Duke of Newcastle and housed until 1938 in his
library at Clumber Park, Nottinghamshire, UK. It is
one of several Froissart manuscripts forming a part
of the estates of wealthy patrons which seldom cross
the researcher’s path. In this instance the authors
were alerted to the impending sale; one of the Online
Froissart team left post-haste for Paris and by kind
permission of the auctioneers saw the manuscript at
the salerooms, taking a photographic record of it
before it went to its (anonymous) new owner.
By far the majority of Froissart manuscripts, in
contrast, are housed in major research libraries in
Paris, London and Brussels. Others again are housed
in Chicago, New York, The Hague, Toulouse,
Rouen, Glasgow, Darmstadt, Berlin and the Vatican.
Doing research on material of this kind is exciting
but sometimes unusually challenging. Some libraries
limit direct access to originals, for understandable
reasons: they represent a significant part of any
library’s cultural patrimony; their pigments and
gilding can be damaged by abrasion or careless
handling, and prolonged exposure to daylight can
cause yet more damage. A careful record will
normally be kept by the library of the dates and
number of hours’ exposure to light sustained by each
manuscript during public exhibitions or examination
by scholars. In some instances manuscripts are
deemed too fragile or light-susceptible to be released
at all, so researchers have to make do with 35mm
black-and-white or colour microfilm, never an
entirely satisfactory compromise.
National libraries sometimes (not always) have their
own photographic studios and digital photography
specialists. Schedules are governed only partly by
scholarly interest in particular manuscripts;
conservation requirements determine most decisions
as to what is considered a high priority object for
digitisation, exceptions tending to occur only where
Ainsworth P. and Meredith M..
BREACHING THE STRONGROOM - A Pervasive Informatics Approach to Working with Medieval Manuscripts.
DOI: 10.5220/0003718702640271
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2011), pages 264-271
ISBN: 978-989-8425-81-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
money is not a problem, as when a scholar secures a
generous research grant that includes some money to
fund the digitisation of a particular volume or group
of manuscripts. Research Councils are reluctant to
disburse funds for digitisation alone, but may
sanction an element of such activity if it can be
shown to help address a precise research question.
Digitisation projects on the grand scale happen only
when researchers and libraries enter into mutually
beneficial partnerships with wealthy philanthropic
foundations such as the Mellon Foundation (who
approach the scholar first). The JISC (UK) and
European Framework 7 programme (EU) support
medium-scale digitisation projects, whilst requiring
them, entirely properly, to be underpinned by
specific research goals and imperatives.
Smaller research libraries may boast rich
manuscript collections but have only limited staffing
resources and insufficient infrastructure or security
to support digitisation. It can cost up to 10,000 € to
hire an appropriately skilled freelance photographer
for a 10-day shoot at home or abroad. Insurance and
copyright issues have to be addressed, as do
requirements already alluded to such as permitted
light levels, the timespan available for the
manuscript to be exposed to light in any given year
or month, and mutually agreed image capture
standards. Nothing will happen, though, unless the
library is convinced that the photographer knows
how to handle fragile material, and unless the
manuscript has been cleared for photography. When
everything comes together the result is an invaluable
research tool that coincidentally prolongs the shelf
life of the original artefact. And the library gets to
retain a first-class digital copy for other researchers
to use as first port of call (though nothing replaces
contact with the original).
Some libraries charge per image; others charge
nothing (for bona fide research use). Some charge
proportionately for the right to publish a single
image or whole manuscript; others may invoice a
scholar for around £56K; it took several years for the
authors successfully to persuade a national library to
waive such a sum on the grounds that the images
were needed for research rather than for conversion
into a set of picture postcards. Post-shoot, it may
take a further 1-2 years for a formal letter of
authorisation to arrive releasing the images into the
public domain; publication before the agreed date
will rightly land the scholar in court. Even when
everything has been cleared, researcher and
photographer still need to ensure that copyright
straplines are exactly right. If one is publishing on
the web, additional, stringent requirements apply.
Digitisation of ancient manuscripts serves more than
the needs of scholar or conservator. It provides, in
addition, the basis for a range of pervasive
approaches to library, museum or gallery displays.
In December 2007 the Royal Armouries (UK)
mounted an exhibition at their Yorkshire galleries in
partnership with Sheffield University’s French
Department and Tribal plc. Featuring arms, armour
and military tactics of the Hundred Years’ War (ca.
1370-1420), its narrative content was supplied by
Froissart’s Chronicles, a prime witness to the
conflict. The centrepiece was an early 15
manuscript of the Chronicles lent by Stonyhurst
College, Lancashire. Its necessarily fixed display in
a sealed glazed case equipped with humidity and
temperature monitoring systems was complemented
by Kiosque, a system developed jointly by Tribal
and Sheffield University to provide enhanced access
to the visual and semantic content of the manuscript
(of which only a recto-verso display could be seen in
the showcase). RFID-powered panels designed by a
team led by Chris Rust from Sheffield Hallam
University’s Centre for Creative Design responded
to the several interests of visitors of all ages and
backgrounds. The RFID-based and Kiosque-driven
displays each provided access to multiple layers of
semantic content, complemented by evocative
soundscapes using 14
century music.
3.1 Pathways Through the Data
An important component of the Kiosque touchscreen
displays and virtual gallery tours was their provision
of pathways through the digital surrogate of
Stonyhurst College Library, ms. 1, with its glorious
miniatures and secondary decoration, and through a
good half dozen sister manuscripts also, represented
at the exhibition by their digital surrogates. Users
could in this way compare and contrast varying
visual treatments of the ‘same’ scene or episode as it
occurred in this or that manuscript. The visual and
narrative content of a handful of manuscript books
was in this way brought ‘out of the strongroom’ and
into the light of day, or in this case the more public
arena of the museum, with no damage to the
Spring 2010 saw the transfer of the Royal
Armouries exhibition to the Hôtel des Invalides
in Paris, home to the Musée national de l’Armée.
Once again, real and virtual manuscripts provided
the climax to an exhibition which (as at Leeds)
BREACHING THE STRONGROOM - A Pervasive Informatics Approach to Working with Medieval Manuscripts
featured the skills and products of the medieval
armourer, and of the manuscript painter and copyist.
This time the real manuscripts on show were two
sets of ‘twins’, each comprising two volumes and
normally housed, respectively, at the Public Library
in Besançon, and the Bibliothèque nationale de
France in Paris. The virtual surrogates of the four
volumes were shown as part of a wider Froissart
Manuscripts corpus comprising 6,000 high-
resolution images captured from ten digitised
volumes (2TB of data) including Stonyhurst College
Library, ms. 1.
3.2 Questions of Provenance: The
The original manuscripts were all produced during
the first quarter of the fifteenth century, many under
the supervision of Pierre de Liffol, a bookseller who,
like some kind of medieval entrepreneur, glimpsed a
niche opportunity for the production and sale of
luxury copies of Froissart’s Chronicles to rich
patrons from the aristocracy. The story behind their
production and decoration provided part of the
backdrop to the Paris and Leeds exhibitions, the
Kiosque software helping to tell the tale to their
modern audiences.
3.3 Virtual Vellum: A Pervasive
Slideshows from the two exhibitions can be viewed
via the Online Froissart, a new electronic edition of
the Chronicles funded by the Arts and Humanities
Research Council. A prime component of the Online
Froissart interface is an external viewer called
Virtual Vellum; it allows users of the site not only to
open up images of any given folio (displaying text,
miniature or both), but to place these next to images
selected from other virtual manuscripts for
comparison. This ostensibly simple feature is
missing from many otherwise first-rate electronic
manuscript sites such as those referred to in our
abstract. Reprising the ‘two slide projectors and
matching adjacent screens’ arrangement so belovèd
of art historians, Virtual Vellum (Figure 1) provides
a flexible interface through which to compare,
contrast and measure juxtaposed images from
different manuscript ‘books’ whose originals were
copied and illustrated in the same workshops, but
today find themselves dispersed to research libraries
across Europe and the USA.
Figure 1: Virtual Vellum showing related images from 4
different manuscripts painted by the Giac Master.
3.4 Four Books, Two Artists
The visual and semantic content of the four virtual
volumes displayed at the Invalides in 2010 is rich
and multi-layered. Art historians working on early
-century iconography and artistic schools in
Paris long ago identified the artistic hand responsible
for the primary decoration of Besançon Public
Library, ms. 864, and Paris, Bibliothèque nationale
de France, fonds français ms. 2664, as being that of
a disciple of a known artist called the Rohan Master.
The artist responsible for the miniatures of Besançon
Public Library, ms. 865 and for most of those in
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, fonds
français ms. 2663, on the other hand, was for many
years thought to be ‘a mediocre follower’ of the
Master of the Berry Apocalypse, the latter so-called
after a copy of the Book of Revelation illustrated for
the Duke of Berry, housed today at New York’s
Pierpont Morgan Library as ms. M.133. Recent
scholarship by Inès Villela-Petit argues that this
artist deserves to be more clearly distinguished from
the Master of the Berry Apocalypse and should
henceforward be known as the Boethius Master
(having illustrated a fine copy of Boethius’s
Consolations of Philosophy). As for the illustrations
to Besançon Public Library, ms. 864, these ought
more properly to be attributed to a forerunner (rather
than a disciple) of the Rohan Master; this newly-
identified artist is henceforward to be known as the
Giac Master on account of his having illustrated a
book of Hours for Jeanne du Peschin, dame de Giac.
The Paris exhibition closed in July 2010, but a
lasting record is preserved in a special number of Art
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
de l’Enluminure (which served as catalogue to the
exhibition). Offering readers a comprehensive
account of the background to and semantic content
of the Paris exhibition, it can be explored alongside
the essays and transcriptions provided by the Online
Froissart. The Online Froissart also includes a large
body of complete and sample transcriptions of
Froissart manuscripts rendered on screen via TEI-
conformant XML and accompanied by a powerful
search engine and collation tool allowing users,
respectively, to locate elaborate textual strings and
to compare different versions of the ‘same’ text, in
ways that pinpoint their variant forms.
4.1 Words and Their Uses
In addition to these tools, a viewing mode in which
every word becomes clickable sends users, via a
sophisticated lemmatising tool, from a selected word
to its equivalent entry in the online Dictionnaire du
Moyen Français (ATILF Laboratory, Université de
Nancy 2). The Online Froissart has, in turn, donated
its holdings of many millions of words and texts in
Middle French to the DMF, completing the circle.
This intrinsically pervasive activity has enriched the
work of each participant in an Anglo-French
initiative funded by the UK’s Arts and Humanities
Research Council and British Academy, and by the
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
Further enrichment has come via this same project
through input from key partners at Edinburgh and St
Andrews Universities (Christine de Pizan Queen’s
Manuscript and Clermont-Ferrand Archives
The consortium described affords a prime
example of several projects joining forces and
breaking through disciplinary and national barriers
to generate a product infinitely richer than the sum
of the component parts. Interfaces are extended and
adapted to new uses, and different kinds of
complementary expertise brought to bear on
intractable but mutually interesting research
4.2 From Semantics to Informatics
The projects just described have focused primarily
on semantic and visual content as traditionally
understood by researchers in the humanities. We
turn now to a more pervasively forensic approach to
the data constituted by our virtual manuscript
corpus, bringing to the table the additional skills of
practicioners of informatics and e-Research.
In 2009 the JISC (UK), National Science Foundation
(USA) and National Endowment for the Humanities
(USA) issued a funding call under the “Digging into
Data Challenge” banner. Eight projects were funded
including one involving input from the Froissart
Manuscripts corpus. Common cause was found by
researchers working with digital images of medieval
manuscripts, 17
- and 18
-century British and
French maps of the Great Lakes, and large-scale
collections of 19
- and 20
-century quilts. The
scientific platform for the consortium, bringing
together researchers from Sheffield University’s
Department of French and Humanities Research
Institute, the National Center for Supercomputing
Applications at Urbana-Champaign, the College of
Fine and Applied Arts at the University of Illinois,
also Urbana-Champaign, Michigan State University,
the University of South Carolina and several key
library and museum partners, is described elsewhere
(article for First Monday; see References). All of the
collections benefited mutually from the research
conducted; each team contributed to that research
and to the project’s virtual infrastructure. Algorithms
developed for one collection were subsequently
applied to the other two, in another manifestation of
pervasive informatics for the Humanities. Our
project was baptised “Digging into Data to Answer
Authorship-Related Questions” or DID-ARQ for
short. The following paragraphs home in on work
done on the Froissart Manuscripts corpus, just one
exemplification of the pervasive approach adopted
by a consortium working in the Cloud.
5.1 The Four Manuscripts Revisited
The starting point for the DID-ARQ humanists was
the four Froissart volumes from Besançon and Paris,
whose miniatures, initial letters and decorative
borders had been entrusted back in 1410-1418 to the
workshops of the Giac and Boethius Masters. These
artists, as seen earlier, were favoured by bookseller
Pierre de Liffol: their handiwork can be explored in
these and other virtual manuscripts forming a corpus
viewable via the Online Froissart website. Their
artistry, and the penmanship of the scribes given the
job of copying the texts, are an eloquent testimony
to the remarkable achievements of book trade
artisans in Paris during the first quarter of the
fifteenth century.
The DID-ARQ project considered the virtual
manuscripts no longer solely as flexible surrogates
for originals locked in closed display cases for an
exhibition, or hidden away in their several research
BREACHING THE STRONGROOM - A Pervasive Informatics Approach to Working with Medieval Manuscripts
libraries, but as a data source in its own right.
Relationships carefully fostered with conservators
and librarians, plus the skills of a talented specialist
photographer, had led to the capture – under almost
identical conditions – of ten complete facsimiles. As
we have seen, development of fit-for-purpose
viewing software followed in the guise of Virtual
Vellum; finally, copyright clearance was secured for
shared use across the DID-ARQ consortium of all
but two of the virtual manuscripts and their images
(the final two were cleared for use in June 2011).
5.2 Artistic Hands and Informatics
Colleagues at Illinois’s College of Fine and Applied
Arts, in partnership with NCSA, adopted as their
particular objective the exploration and interrogation
of the virtual manuscripts’ decorative and illustrative
content, concentrating on the four volumes displayed
in Paris. The Boethius Master’s approach to battle
scenes in Besançon 865 is characterised by ‘rows of
serried ranks of helmets emphasising the massing
effect of these groups of undifferentiated warriors
(I. Villela-Petit, The Artists: The Giac Master and
the Boethius Master, illuminators of the war, essay
published on the Online Froissart). Armour is
invariably blue, conveying the bluish quality of
steel, whilst the colour of the surcoats introduces
some chromatic variety: orange, green and
sometimes dark pink or mosaic gold. The
inexpressive faces of the artist’s courtiers have a
pallid complexion shaded with blue, characteristic of
this Master.
Features typical of the Giac Master as shown in
Besançon 864 include ‘the moon faces of his
characters with their modelled pinkish-brown
complexions and elongated bodies. Where a group
of soldiery is depicted, a pale blue tint used for the
front row merges into a darker ultramarine towards
the rear, suggesting real metal’ (eadem).
Image samples were selected on grounds of their
pertinence to art historians intent on identifying and
discriminating between discrete artistic hands; they
included faces, crowns and helmets (Figure 2). To
these more traditional research questions were added
a ‘layer’ provided by e-Researchers looking at the
same data from their standpoint. This led to a fusion
of art historians’ and informaticians’ methodologies,
generating hybrid research questions:
How does the application of computer
algorithms to analysis of portrayal of the human face
or of items of armour in the miniatures help scholars
to refine the parameters of discriminating features
traditionally used by art connoisseurs for
characterising the hands of the Giac and Boethius
What do these algorithms and their
application reveal about the hands responsible for
secondary decoration (illuminated initial letters or
marginal decoration) in the same manuscripts?
To what extent might these new techniques
assist scholars to refine current knowledge of the
human presence behind such broad-brush labels as
‘Giac Master’ or ‘Boethius Master’? Do our
preliminary results suggest the presence and activity
of more than one individual active under each of
these convenient but vague designations?
Using the virtual manuscripts corpus, specialists
in art history at Illinois supported by informaticians
took as their objective two iconographic elements
widely used by art historians as an index of
authorship. They started with two complementary
quests: (i) for consistency of colours used for
depicting the faces of queens, kings, and other
figures within the illuminations, and (ii) for
discriminating colour space representations to
characterise and separate out two or more artistic
hands. To the faces were applied algorithms used for
measuring different or differential colour spaces:
LUV. Original RGB images from the database were
subjected to colour space conversion, producing an
HSV image. Segmentation algorithms generated a
Mask Image. Each of these two outcomes was then
subjected to statistical analysis (μH, μS, μV). A
strong indication of the unique colour palette
characteristic of each artistic hand duly emerged.
Our most recent work has focused on quantifying
the colour space distortions due to image
manipulations (by looking at how screen captures of
the originals were taken, at the impact of changing
file formats and of the introduction of file formats
with lossy compression, as well as the passing of
images into PowerPoint slides).
Imaginations unbound
Figure 2: Faces and Armour, Boethius Master (to the left)
and Giac Master (to the right).
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
5.3 Scribal Hands and Informatics
The Sheffield operation concentrated on the copying
process and its outcome, i.e. the handwriting or
scripta constituting the copied text. Pierre de Liffol
produced his books primarily for clients in the
service of Charles VI of France, though the
iconographical emphasis of at least one book
testifies to a client with pro-English sympathies. In
every case, though, the texts were copied from
exemplars whose contents were unlikely to offend
either camp. The work of copying the text of the
Chronicles was typically carried out by two teams of
three scribes to whose workshops the unbound
quires were sent by Pierre de Liffol (before being
sent on in turn to the Giac and Boethius Masters for
illustration and decoration). Scholars call the scribes
‘F’, ‘B’ and ‘D’, so anonymous are they.
Palaeographers have traditionally built up an idea of
scribal ‘personalities’ by singling out and describing
the distinguishing features of particular hands.
Scholars have in this way adduced significant
characteristics on which to found their conclusions:
particular ways of executing certain sequences of
letters (e.g. the consonant clustersth’, ‘ch’, or the
group ‘-ent’) or certain recurring, distinctive ways of
writing an ‘a’ or ‘r’ (against models furnished by
contemporary bookhands as taught to all apprentice
scribes). The DID-ARQ archive comprises, as noted
above, ten virtual manuscripts, each containing
~300,000 words and all copied in varieties of a
bookhand known as littera cursiva libraria.
In due course, DID-ARQ began to test some of
the hypotheses adduced by palaeographers (using
more traditional modes of scholarship) against the
virtual dataset, applying algorithms described below.
The key research question (broadly formulated)
underpinning the team’s research was:
How might one adduce pertinent e-Science
methodologies for the interrogation of such a large-
scale database, the better to explore, characterise and
circumscribe particular manifestations (individual
scribal hands ‘F’, ‘B’ or ‘D’…) of an attested early
-century bookhand, littera cursiva libraria?
Traditional scholarship by palaeographers over
several generations suggested that it would be
fruitful to compare letter and word clusters across
several hundreds of digitised folios of writing as
realised by a particular scribe such as Hand F, for
instance, using semi-automated definition of the
perimeters of letter and word shapes; this, it was
postulated, should bring new scientific light to bear
upon the hypotheses of traditional palaeographers. It
should, in particular, generate augmented – and
arguably more objective – evidence towards
assignment to a particular scribe of responsibility for
given sections of a given manuscript, ‘X’.
Palaeography is acknowledged to be, in some
respects, an intuitive ‘science’ based on eye-brain
coordination, dependent to at least some extent on
the individual skills, experience and perceptive
acuity of individual practitioners. The application to
the sample corpus of our e-Science algorithms, it
was thought, might generate more objectively
quantifiable results.
Once Hand F’s written ‘idiolect’ had been more
precisely defined in the manner described, it ought
to become possible to search for and identify his or
her activity across other manuscripts such as ‘Y’ or
‘Z’. Palaeographers had already adduced some
professional evidence to suggest that this kind of
migration was happening across the volumes of the
Pierre de Liffol corpus; it was our expectation that
more accurate methodologies applied to the virtual
manuscripts might confirm these relatively more
intuitive hypotheses, and account for them on the
basis of more overtly scientific evidence. Potentially
rich areas for electronic investigation included the
ductus (the kinetic movement and direction of the
hand and pen as they make their marks, their upward
and downward strokes and curves) as realised by a
particular scribe, the overall neatness of the
particular folio, the (characteristic) recourse by a
scribe to abbreviations, and their deployment of
particular spelling patterns.
5.4 Maps, Quilts and Manuscripts
Work done by other members of the DID-ARQ team
(at Illinois and Michigan) on the French and English
maps and quilt collections yielded other potential
ways of querying the virtual manuscripts’ artists
hands (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Analysing Manuscripts and Maps.
Looking next at the scribal hands, DID-ARQ project
members extracted a ‘digital fingerprint’ for each of
the medieval copyists, using Polygonal Models and
Shape Recognition algorithms. Sobel Edge detection
BREACHING THE STRONGROOM - A Pervasive Informatics Approach to Working with Medieval Manuscripts
(using the Image2Learn API) was applied to source
images accessed from commonly-shared samples
mounted on the project’s Medici image library. Line
segments were then fitted to edge map data using the
expectation-maximisation (EM) algorithm. Shape
Recognition algorithms were applied to polygonal
models to identify letters, words, symbols and
patterns in the manuscripts’ texts (Figure 4). First
results proved encouraging. At time of writing,
preparations are in hand for further work involving
the running of the same algorithms on NCSA’s
Petascale HPC machine Blue Waters, or on the NSF
Teragrid’s HPC resources. The computation takes
many hours of computing time. Preliminary results
appear to promise that over coming months the
potential for identifying a steadily more objective
digital fingerprint for some of our hitherto shadowy
medieval copyists, Hands F, C and D, may evolve
into a firmer reality.
Figure 4: Identifying Letters and Words.
Humanities scholars are increasingly engaged with
the world of computing, whilst scientists working in
e-Science and Pervasive Informatics are becoming
equally fascinated by the fresh opportunities opening
up for work that may generate purposive new bonds
between what C.P. Snow labelled in his celebrated
1959 Reid Lecture the ‘Two Cultures’ (Arts and the
Digitisation projects are important to research
libraries and conservators, and to scholars to whom
direct access cannot always be given to original
manuscripts. They have a bearing also on the
development of genuinely pervasive ‘union’
interfaces deployable via electronic editions,
capable, like Virtual Vellum and the Online
Froissart, of bringing together for comparison
materials housed in discrete research libraries (many
of which unfortunately still insist, when federating
their virtual holdings, on retaining their own local
browsers – thereby limiting the pervasiveness of the
aggregated and shared material). Digitisation brings
huge benefits to museum and gallery visitors, where
specially designed software such as Kiosque allows
users to explore surrogates of books sealed in fixed
position within a glazed case, or to create
customised pathways through displayed material.
Image data can also be mined using techniques
developed by imaging and computing specialists;
exciting results are being generated in the process.
This paper has sought to demonstrate in particular
how, in the domain of manuscript studies, the more
traditional methodologies of art connoisseurship and
palaeography can benefit from the application to
their objects of study of Sobel Edge and Polygonal
Shape Fitting algorithms (derived in turn from
research on manuscripts, maps and quilts).
The authors acknowledge with gratitude the support
of the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the
British Academy (UK), the CNRS (France) and the
NSF/NEH/JISC (“Digging into Data” program: NSF
grant ID: 1039385, and NSF ITS 09-10562 EAGER
grants). The authors also gratefully acknowledge the
contribution made to aspects of the research
described above by colleagues at the Universities of
Edinburgh, St. Andrews and Plymouth (respectively
Jim Laidlaw, Tony Lodge and Charlie Mansfield),
the Université de Nancy 2, Laboratoire ATILF,
Dictionnaire du Moyen Français (Sylvie Bazin,
Hiltrude Gerner and Gilles Souvay), the Humanities
Research Institute, University of Sheffield (Jamie
McLaughlin), and the French Section, SOCLAS,
University of Liverpool (Godfried Croenen).
Thanks are also due to Besançon Public Library,
Stonyhurst College, the Bibliothèque nationale de
France, the Musée national de l’Armée (Paris), and
the Royal Armouries, UK, as also to Chris Rust,
Centre for Creative Design, Sheffield Hallam
University. Special thanks go to digital photographer
Colin Dunn of Scriptura Ltd, and to Sara Mack,
The work presented in this paper is a collective
effort of the following contributors from the
University of Sheffield, NCSA, UIUC, MATRIX,
MSUM, and University of South Carolina: Peter
Ainsworth, Michael Meredith; Peter Bajcsy, Rob
Kooper, Luigi Marini, Tenzing Shaw; Anne D.
Hedeman, Robert Markley, Michael Simeone,
Natalie Hanson, Heather Tennison, Simon
Appleford; Jennifer Guiliano; Dean Rehberger,
Justine Richardson, Matthew Geimer, Zachary
Pepin, Steve M. Cohen; Marsha MacDowell, Mary
Worrall, Amanda Sikarskie, Beth Donaldson;
Alhaad Gokhale.
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
After close on two years of endeavour the DID-
ARQ team feels entitled to lay its own modest claim
to Aristotle’s dictum in the Metaphysica about the
whole becoming ‘more than the sum of its parts’.
The DID-ARQ project description and the visual
materials pertinent to each dataset can be found on
the three project websites:
University of Sheffield:
[All websites cited in this paper accessed 26 July 2011.]
The Online Froissart:
Virtual Vellum:
Image Spatial Data Analysis Group:
Institute for Computing in Humanities, Arts, and Social
National Center for Supercomputing Applications:
University of Illinois Libraries:
Quilt Index:
MSU Museum:
Humanities Research Institute:
DID-ARQ consortium, 2011. ‘Digging into Data Using
New Collaborative Infrastructures Supporting
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BREACHING THE STRONGROOM - A Pervasive Informatics Approach to Working with Medieval Manuscripts