Ladislav Lenc and Pavel Kr´al
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Plzeˇn, Czech Republic
Automatic face recognition, Confidence measure, Gabor wavelets, Czech news agency.
This paper deals with the use of confidence measure for Automatic Face Recognition (AFR). AFR is realized
by the adapted Kepenecki face recognition approach based on the Gabor wavelet transform. This work is
motivated by the fact that obtained recognition rate on the real-world corpus is only about 50% which is not
sufficient for our application, a system for automatic labelling of the photographs in a large database. The
main goal of this work is thus the proposition of the post-processing of the classification result in order to
remove the “incorrectly” classified face images. We show that the use of confidence measure to filter out
incorrectly recognized faces is beneficial. Two confidence measures are proposed and evaluated on the Czech
News Agency (
CTK) corpus. Experimental results confirm the benefit of the use of confidence measure for
the automatic face recognition task.
Automatic Face Recognition (AFR) consists of auto-
matic identification of a person from a digital image
or from a video frame by a computer. A huge amount
of methods for face recognition was proposed in the
last two decades. As many researchers agree (Wiskott
et al., 1999; Bolme, 2003; Shen and Bai, 2006), some
of the most successful methods are based on Gabor
wavelet transform.
Particularly, the method proposed by Kepenekci
in (Kepenekci, 2001) gives a very good face recog-
nition accuracy and outperforms the majority of the
other approaches. In our previous work, we thus
adapted the Kepenekci method in order to increase
significantly the recognition accuracy and robustness
of the algorithm and decrease the computation time.
We experimentally confirmed that the proposed mod-
ifications significantly improve recognition rate and
robustness of the algorithm, while the computation
time doesn’t change. When the parameters are set
correctly, the use of more training examples increases
the recognition rate on the ORL and Czech News
Agency (
CTK) corpora by 17% and by 35% in ab-
solute value, respectively. The final obtained recogni-
tion rate on the ORL database is 100%, however for
CTK corpus it is only 50%.
The results of this work will be used by the
CTK owns a large database (about 2 millions) of pho-
tographs. A significant number of photos is manually
annotated (i.e. the photo identity is known). However,
other photos are unlabelled; the identities are thus un-
known. The main task of our application consists in
automatic labelling of the unlabelled photos. This ap-
plication must also handle cases when a new photo-
graph is added into the database (automatic labelling
of this picture). The system must also guarantee the
cases when the image is not well aligned, when its
pose varies and when the lighting conditions differ.
Note that about ten labelled images of each person
are available.
The above presented recognition accuracy is not
sufficient for our application. The main goal of this
work thus consists of the proposition of the post-
processing of the classification result in order to re-
move the “incorrectly” classified face images. We
proposed the confidence measure technique for this
task. Note that to the best of our knowledge, there is
very little existing work on confidence measure in the
automatic face recognition domain. Alternatively, a
number of studies have been published for other do-
mains, and particularly for automatic speech recogni-
Section 2 presents a short review of face recogni-
tion approaches. Section 3 describes confidence mea-
sure methods that we used in order to remove the in-
correctly recognized examples. Section 4 deals with
the evaluation of the results. In the last section, we
discuss the research results and we propose some fu-
ture research directions.
Lenc L. and Král P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003690403570360
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2011), pages 357-360
ISBN: 978-989-8425-79-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Early face recognition approaches are based on
normalized error measures between significant face
points, as proposed for instance in (Bledsoe, 1966).
The main drawback of such methods consists in the
necessity of manual labelling of the images. Another
method that uses similar measurements was designed
by Kanade (Kanade, 1977). In this case, the labelling
of important face points is automatic.
One of the first successful approaches is Prin-
cipal Component Analysis (PCA), so called Eigen-
faces (Turk and Pentland, 1991). Eigenfaces is a sta-
tistical method that takes into account the whole im-
age as a vector. Image vectors are put together and
create a matrix. Eigenvectors of this matrix are cal-
culated. Face images can then be expressed as a lin-
ear combination of these vectors. Each image is rep-
resented as a set of weights for corresponding vec-
tors. This method performs very well when images
are well aligned and have approximately the same
pose. Changing lighting conditions, pose variations,
scale variations and other dissimilarities between im-
ages decrease the recognition rate rapidly (Sirovich
and Kirby, 1987).
Further methods using Neural networks or Hidden
Markov Models (HMMs) are introduced. One of the
best performing methods based on neural networks is
presented in (Lawrenceet al., 1997), while HMMs are
successfully used in (Nefian and Hayes, 1998).
In the last couple of years, several successfull
approaches based on Gabor wavelets were intro-
duced (Shen and Bai, 2006). The first method for face
recognitionbased on Gabor wavelets was proposedby
Lades (Lades et al., 1993). He used Gabor wavelets
for image preprocessing. Some approaches (Shen,
2005) also combine the preprocessing with Gabor
wavelets with well established methods such as Eige-
faces, Fisherfaces etc.
One successful approach described in (Wiskott
et al., 1999; Bolme, 2003) is Elastic Bunch Graph
Matching (EBGM). Gabor wavelet convolutions
(Jets) in specified positions (Landmarks) are used for
image representation. Another Gabor wavelet based
method was proposed in (Kepenekci, 2001). This
method differs from the previous one, that it deter-
mines the landmarks automatically and their number
is thus not constant.
As in many other works (Lleida and Rose, 1996;
Jiang, 2005), our first confidence measure for auto-
matic face recognition is an estimate of the a poste-
riori class probability. The output of our classifier is
P(F|C), where C is the recognized face class and F
represents the face features. The likelihoods P(F|C)
are normalized to compute the a posteriori class prob-
abilities as follows:
P(C|F) =
F I M represents the set of all faces and P(C) denotes
the prior probability of the face class C.
In the first version of our algorithm, called Abso-
lute confidence value method, only the faces
C so that
C = argmax
(P(C|F)) (2)
C|F) > T (3)
are considered as recognized correctly.
In the second version of our approach, called
Relative confidence value method, the difference be-
tween the best hypothesis and the second best one is
computed by the following equation:
P = P(
C|F) max
(P(C|F)) (4)
Only the faces with P > T are accepted. This
second approach aims at identifying the faces that
“dominate all the other candidates, which is not al-
ways well captured by the first method.
T is in the both cases an acceptation threshold and
its optimal value is found experimentally.
CTK Corpus
All experiments are evaluated on the previously cre-
CTK corpus. This corpus is composed of the im-
ages of individuals in uncontrolled environment that
were randomly selected from the large
CTK database.
All images were taken during a long time period (20
years or more). They were automatically resized to
the size 92 × 120 pixel and transformed to grayscale.
The resulting corpus contains pictures of 70 individu-
als, at least 8 images for each person. Note that orien-
tation, lighting conditions and background of images
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
differ significantly. A correct face recognition using
this dataset is thus very difficult.
Figure 1 shows one example from this corpus.
This corpus is available for free for research purpose
upon request to the authors.
Figure 1: Examples of the
CTK face corpus.
4.2 Experimental Setup
One modification of the Kepenekci algorithm consists
of the use more trainingexamples instead of one train-
ing image per person during the face modeling step.
Therefore, our confidence measure methods are eval-
uated with the different number of the training ex-
amples (between 1 and 7). Only the most important
“border” cases (with 1 and 7 training examples) are
reported in this paper.
We used the threshold values T [0;1] when 0 is
the case without any confidence measure (all recog-
nized faces are accepted). The cases when the face
recognition rate remains constant are not reported in
any figure.
CTK requires a guarantee that a high face recogni-
tion rate (it means 95% or higher) is achieved. How-
ever, it is not necessary to identify all individuals.
4.3 Absolute Confidence Value
Figure 2 plots the face recognition rate and number
of the classified faces when one training example is
used. The result obtained without any confidence
measure (or equivalently for T = 0) is only 15%.
Hoverer, when the confidence measure is used, the
best obtainedscore is 100%. This result is constrained
by the fact, that only few examples is accepted (about
2%) which is unfortunately not acceptable by the tar-
get application (see Section 1).
Figure 3 shows the face recognition rate and num-
ber of the classified faces when all seven training ex-
amples are used. The result obtained without any con-
fidence measure is 52%. This value confirms the good
performance of our modifications of the Kepenekci
approach. However this score is still not high enough
0.56 0.58 0.6 0.62 0.64 0.66 0.68
Number of classified faces [in %]
Recognition rate [in %]
Recognition rate
Figure 2: Absolute Confidence Value method: Face recog-
nition rates and numbers of the classified faces when one
training example is used (T [0;1]).
for our target application. When obtained recognition
rate is 95%, we filter out about 90% faces.
0.58 0.59 0.6 0.61 0.62 0.63
Number of classified faces [in %]
Recognition rate [in %]
Recognition rate
Figure 3: Absolute Confidence Value method: Face recog-
nition rates and numbers of the identified faces when all
seven training examples are used (T [0;1]).
4.4 Relative Confidence Value
Figure 4 shows the face recognition accuracy and
number of the classified faces in relation to the thresh-
old T (one training example is used). This figure
shows that this method performs better than the pre-
vious one. However, the number (about 5% with the
95% recognition rate) of the accepted examples is still
too low.
Figure 5 plots the face recognition accuracy and
number of the classified faces in relation to the thresh-
old T when seven training examples are used. When
obtained recognition rate is 95%, we accept about
35% faces. This score is high enough for our applica-
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
Number of classified faces [in %]
Recognition rate [in %]
Recognition rate
Figure 4: Relative Confidence Value method: Face recog-
nition rates and numbers of the classified faces when one
training example is used (T [0;1]).
0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009
Number of classified faces [in %]
Recognition rate [in %]
Recognition rate
Figure 5: Relative Confidence Value method: Face recogni-
tion rates and numbers of the classified faces when all seven
training examples are used (T [0;1]).
The main contribution of this work is the proposition
and evaluation of two confidence measure techniques
as a post-processing of the automatic face recognition
task. We suggest using a confidence measure due to
the relatively low face recognition rate on the
corpus. The experiments show that around 10% of
the images is classified with nearly 100% accuracy
by the Absolute confidence value approach. We fur-
ther show, that the second proposed approach, Rel-
ative confidence value method, is more suitable for
the practical use. Around 30% of images is classified
with an accuracy close to 100% by this method.
The perspectives of this work are numerous, in-
cluding evaluation of the methods on the larger real-
word corpora (the faces are not well aligned and the
lighting conditions differ), the development of more
sophisticated confidence measures or in adding the
pre-processing step, i.e. eye localization and the sub-
sequent image rotation and aligning.
This work has been partly supported by
CTK and by
the UWB grant SGS-2010-028 Advanced Computer
and InformationSystems. We also would like to thank
CTK for providing the photographic data.
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KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval