Towards an Integrated Framework
S. F. J. Otten and M. R. Spruit
Institute of Information an Computer Sciences, Utrecht University, Princetonplein 5, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Keywords: Business intelligence, Linguistic engineering, Social network, Knowledge discovery, Unstructured data,
Abstract: This paper investigates how linguistic techniques on unstructured text data can contribute to business
intelligence processes. Through a literature study covering 99 relevant papers, we identified key business
intelligence techniques such as text mining, social mining and opinion mining. The Linguistic Engineering
for Business Intelligence (LEBI) framework incorporates these techniques and can be used as a guide or
reference for combining techniques on unstructured and structured data.
The internet has been evolving from a static source
of information to a dynamic and versatile source of
information available to everyone. The concept of
WEB 2.0 emerged (i.e. Facebook, Twitter) and
contains valuable information (Anderson, 2007;
Kleinberg, 2008). A limited amount of organizations
leverage the knowledge hidden in these social
networks due to a lack of knowhow (Pang & Lee,
2008). Business Intelligence (BI) is used to satisfy a
manager’s request analyzing enterprise data to
improve decision making (Willen, 2002). The data is
mutated until it reaches the desired form to support
strategic decision making (Moody & Kortink, 2000).
However unstructured data is in most organizations
untapped. But it has to be structured, processed, and
analyzed with by using Linguistic Engineering (LE)
techniques (och Dag, Regnell, Gervasi, &
Brinkkemper, 2005).In this paper we propose a
framework that provides insight into how LE can
complement BI for achieving a competitive
advantage. Hence, the research question of this
paper is:
In which ways can linguistic techniques such as
text mining, social mining and opinion mining
contribute to business intelligence processes?
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows. Section 2 provides a theoretical background
concerning business intelligence and linguistic
engineering. Section 3 provides the research
approach. Within section 4 the framework is
presented, and section 5 comprises a discussion and
section 6 conclusions.
In this section we explore the main concepts of our
research: Business Intelligence (BI) and Linguistic
Engineering (LE).
2.1 Business Intelligence (BI)
BI enables organizations to understand their internal
and external environment through the systematic
acquisition, collation, analysis, interpretation and
exploitation of information (Chung, Chen, &
Numumaker Jr, 2003). BI uses the following
techniques: data warehouses, OLAP, and data
mining. A data warehouse comprises data acquired
from multiple structured data sources on an
operational (Inmon, 2002; Sen & Sinha, 2005;
Kotsiantis & Kanellopoulos, 2006). In order to
leverage these new insights, an organization needs to
have certain goals targets to compare the actual
organizational performance. An organization can
define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
(Parmenter, 2007) to do so.
Otten S. and Spruit M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003661704520456
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2011), pages 452-456
ISBN: 978-989-8425-79-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.2 Linguistic Engineering (LE)
Linguistic engineering is concerned with the
computational processing of unstructured text and
speech in order to derive knowledge from it. A
technique used within the automated document
summarization process is text mining. Another
popular application of LE in recent years, with the
growing popularity of Social Network Sites (SNS)
(Heer & Boyd, 2005), is its ability to derive
knowledge from social media via social mining and
opinion mining (Hu & Liu, 2004; Yang, Dia, Cheng,
& Lin, 2006). Text Mining (TM) was first
mentioned by Feldman and Dagan (1995) and deals
with the machine supported analysis of text. Before
TM can commence a necessity exists to pre-process
each text document and store the data in a structured
manner. The pre-processing of text in the TM-
domain entails (1) tokenization; (2) filtering; (3)
lemmatization; (4) stemming. (Feldman & Sanger,
2007). Data mining is used with the purpose to
classify or cluster documents. A discipline in social
mining is called Social Network Analysis (SNA) and
comprises the analysis and visualization of an online
social network (Erétéo, Buffa, Gandon, Grohan,
Leitzelman, & Sander, 2008). The knowledge to be
leveraged, with the help of social mining has
numerous applications (Adomavicius & Tuzhilin,
2002; Yang, Dia, Cheng, & Lin, 2006; Yang & Dia,
2008). Opinion mining aims to extract attributes and
components of the object that has been commented
on in a set of text-based content, to determine
whether they are positive, negative or neutral and is
called semantic orientation (Hu & Liu, 2004; Liu,
2007; Ding, Liu, & Yu, 2008). Based on the
conducted literature, we understand that today’s use
of LE—in particular the disciplines of text mining,
social mining and opinion mining—is not yet as
established as one would hope. In most cases it is
not yet implemented in an organization’s BI-
environment, resulting in a loss of valuable
information and knowledge.
Our research entails the exploration of the possible
uses of Linguistic Engineering in combination with
already defined Business Intelligence processes in
organizations. Hence, our research question:
“In which ways can linguistic techniques such as
text mining, social mining and opinion mining
contribute to business intelligence processes?”
The literature referenced in this paper was found
through an online literature search, by using Google
Scholar and Omega. Table 1 provides an overview
of keywords used in search-queries. The keywords
were also combined to find literature in a specific
Table 1: Keywords.
Subject Keywords Publications Validated
28 6
Data mining
71 26
Text mining 25
Total 99 32
With each search-query we only analyzed the top
100 items, under the assumption that each search
engine lists the most relevant results first. In our
search queries we used the keywords with and
without quotations; no significant differences in the
top 100 items were discovered. Our analyses of the
search results were done by checking the title and
abstract of each source and quick-scanning the
publication for its relevance regarding our research.
In total we found 99 relevant scientific publications
which could be used in our research. A more
detailed analysis of the literature, by fully reading
the articles, reduced the total from 99 to 70 relevant
publications. From the 70 relevant publications 32
were either empirically or expert validated, 34 were
not validated, and 4 could not be determined as
“validated” or “not validated”. The validated papers
all proposed a new technique/algorithm for handling
unstructured or structured data. The 34 that were not
validated were literature studies, surveys or
framework descriptions. The remaining five relevant
publications all described the evolution of theory
development on several concepts.
From literature we derived six stages (stage I
through stage VI) and used them in the LEBI
framework. Figure 1 depicts a comprehensive
overview of the framework. The difference with
existing frameworks and the LEBI-framework is the
addition of the processing and analyzing steps for
unstructured data.
Stage I – Business Needs: Determine business
needs required by management. In order to create
and determine the desire reports which server as
input for the SDM-process in stage VI.
Stage II – Data Sources: Based on business needs
defined in stage I, data sources are identified,
containing unstructured data and (possibly) data
sources containing structured data (i.e. ERP
Stage III – ETL Procedures: Extract: The data has
to be extracted from the data source. (APIs).
Transform: After data has been extracted, the data
has to be transformed and cleansed. Load:
After the
transformation activity is completed on both sides
one has to load the created data in the data
warehouse. Depending on the format in which the
new data is stored a choice has to be made on how
databases and tables are designed and stored (Inmon,
Stage IV – Data Warehouse Storage: Data
warehouse development:
The data warehouse has to
be developed in order to allow storage of both types
of data. Datamart development: if required, before
developing data cubes, datamarts can be designed
which combines data from various databases and or
tables for specific analysis purposes. Cube
development: The development of cubes comprises
selecting the right dimensions, measures and the
right data.
Stage V – Analysis: Mining: in case of unstructured
data after development of a particular cube, one
needs to analyze the data and turn it into useful
information by applying certain algorithms on the
data. Mining structured data is done to recognize
implicit patterns within explicit data making it
explicit. OLAP-analysis:
OLAP-analysis is mostly
used for structured data. With OLAP-analysis the
dimensions serve as perspectives and the data being
viewed originates from the fact table. Construct
report: A report is generated comprising a
combination of results from both OLAP and DM.
Stage VI – Decision Making: Management uses the
report as a tool for making strategic decisions.
This paper focused on the problem of organizations
not being able to utilize available data on the
internet. For most organizations it remains an
untapped source of valuable data which can be
turned into valuable information and knowledge
aiding the organization’s competitive advantage. In
most organizations, where Business Intelligence
systems are in place, the data sources being utilized
are all characterized as structured data sources and
internally available. These systems do not seem to
be capable of incorporating unstructured data
sources into their analyses. Departing from that
observation we propose a framework which can be
used as a guide or reference for combining
unstructured- and structured data and transforming it
into useful knowledge. However, the framework still
needs empirical and expert validation due to it being
only based on an extensive literature study. As
mentioned earlier in section 4, it is also possible to
use just one side (structured or unstructured) of the
framework as a guide or reference. However, the
stages are sequential and cannot be interchanged
with one another on both sides.
This paper was aimed at developing a framework
which combined disciplines of linguistic engineering
and already existing business intelligence
disciplines. This implied that the framework should
support the extraction, transformation, loading and
analyzing of unstructured data as well as structured
data. We found that before conducting any analysis
the unstructured data should undergo extreme
cleansing. We also found that the disciplines text
mining, social mining, and opinion mining were
most suited for analyzing unstructured data and most
complementary to existing business intelligence
Regarding structured data we found a plethora of
sub disciplines, methods and techniques for the
extraction, transformation, loading, and analysis, due
to it being a more grounded object of research. We
incorporated the most used processes of structured
data handling in our framework (KDD, CRISP-DM).
We found that one of the most useful and popular
data mining techniques is “association rule mining”.
Therefore we incorporated this mining technique in
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
our framework. For further analysis of structured
data we choose to incorporate OLAP analysis as it is
a widely accepted technique for viewing data
alongside different perspectives (dimensions).
We conclude that this framework can already be
useful as a structured guide or reference, but leaving
ample room for improvement and the
implementation of new or existing techniques.
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Figure 1: Linguistic Engineering for Business Intelligence framework: comprehensive overview.
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval