Ulrike Borchardt
University of Rostock, 18051 Rostock, Germany
Knowledge management systems, Small and medium enterprises, Value.
Knowledge management and Knowledge Management Systems have been around for many years. They can
be considered well established in larger enterprises, yet which effect they do have on small and medium enter-
prises is still not fully clarified. By our own research we recognized, that especially with regard to Knowledge
Management Systems a solid foundation for decision making in SME is missing. This stems mostly from the
unclear value such a system can add to the enterprise. To address this this paper is to present our concept for
a value-oriented framework for Knowledge Management Systems in small and medium enterprises to allow
them to choose suiting Knowledge Management Systems according to their business objectives and the busi-
ness value to be expected from the applied solution. The framework to be presented, accordingly consists of
three dimensions: Knowledge services, business value of IT and their interrelations.
As already shown with our research, presented in
(Borchardt, 2011), knowledge management (KM) is
of interest for small and medium enterprises (SME),
yet the actual value added by the employment of a
KM system (KMS) or KM application remains un-
clear. Individual SME lack the ability to choose an
application suiting their needs, and instead pick one
brought to the SME by single employees. This de-
cision is not profoundly based on the suitability of
the application but on the interest of single employ-
ees or the availability of material on applications.
SME rarely use KMS and are hardly aware what value
can be added by using a KMS/KM application. The
conducted survey revealed the lack in the productive
use of according applications. From our viewpoint
a general value-driven recommendation on which ap-
plication to choose for KM under different circum-
stances (provided by the business strategy) is miss-
ing. Though individual work on aspects concerning
IT value of KMS can be found (Stocker and Tochter-
mann, 2009) a general profound guideline on how
to choose appropriate support for SME could not be
found. Consequently, we want to present the con-
cept of a value-oriented framework for the recom-
mendation of KMS for the use in SME in this paper.
Hence, section 2 provides the terminology and section
3 presents our concept for the value-oriented framew-
ork as well as the work to be accomplished for putting
the framework into existence. Section 4 provides
some details on the prospects and the work ahead.
This section provides details on the background for
our framework: KMS and the business value of IT.
2.1 Knowledge Management Systems
There is no standard definition available, yet one
with an holistic approach addressing the term from
the technical angle being based on ICT (informa-
tion and communication technology) is given by
Maier((Maier, 2007), p.86):
”A knowledge management system is an ICT sys-
tem in the sense of an application system or an ICT
platform that combines and integrates functions for
the contextualized handling of both explicit and tacit
knowledge, throughout the organization or that part
of the organization, that is targeted by a KM initia-
tive. A KMS offers integrated services to deploy KM
instruments for networks of participants, i.e. active
knowledge workers, in knowledge-intensive business
processes along the entire knowledge life cycle. Ulti-
mate aim of KMS is to support the dynamics of orga-
nizational learning and organizational effectiveness.
Borchardt U..
DOI: 10.5220/0003660803470350
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2011), pages 347-350
ISBN: 978-989-8425-81-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
According to this definition Maier suggested an
ideal architecture of such a KMS ((Maier, 2007),
p.319). This architecture though well planned, was
not found in the range of SME we questioned (Bor-
chardt, 2011), leaving us with the impression, that
a KMS in practice is interpreted as any software ap-
plication supporting the process of capturing, storing
and distributing knowledge (Jennex, 2008). Yet, Jen-
nex argues that mostly structured knowledge is cap-
tured by such systems, an impression that was not
confirmed by our surveys, where it was more like any
kind of knowledge was gathered, often even the dif-
ference between knowledge and information was not
clarified. Moreover, the question when to talk of a
KMS and when of a KM application does not seem
to be fully answered. This was also indicated by the
SME, as they name various applications, not forming
them into an integrated system (Borchardt, 2011).
However, Maier’s architecture describes the services
offered by a full KMS which can be projected on sin-
gle applications. Hence, it provides a number of ser-
vices to be taken into consideration, when evaluating
whether KMS/KM applications supporting these ser-
vices are adding to the business value.
2.2 Business Value of IT
For evaluating the value a certain application, in our
case a KMS/KM application, can add to an SME, a
concept of the value to be added has to be clarified
In the 1990’s a similar problem occurred for the gen-
eral use of IT systems and was manifold addressed
by research resulting in the term of BVIT (business
value of IT). This concludes all approaches whose ob-
jective is to evaluate the impacts of changes in IT for
the business in the concerned organization. Perfor-
mance, competitiveness, innovation as well as eco-
nomic growth over longer periods of time were of spe-
cial interest in this field. It is possible to categorize the
approaches as follows (Sandkuhl et al., 2008):
Process-oriented approaches.
Project-focused approaches.
Scorecard approaches.
Perceived value approaches.
Based on these concepts a measurement of the value
of KMS is part of our value-oriented framework, as
these systems with their performance also influence
competitiveness, innovation and growth of the re-
garded SME and consequently are supposed to pos-
itively influence the business value. The adaptation to
KMS and integration in our framework is described
in section 3.
Looking at the definition provided by Maier it can be
argued, that KMS mostly can be considered ICT sys-
tems. Consequently, the business value of IT holds for
them and there has to be an interrelation for them. For
our framework we assume the value of KM can hardly
be estimated by monetary means only. This is firstly
due to the character of knowledge itself which hardly
can be properly evaluated in monetary terms. Sec-
ondly, even for IT in general several business value
concepts exist (see 2.2), which supports the thesis that
a merely monetary based evaluation would not hold as
well for this part. Based on these facts we planned a
framework holding 3 dimensions which are described
in the following paragraphs.
3.1 Intention
The main intention of the framework sketched here
is to allow for an easy derivation of suggestions on
which KMS or KM application would be of use for a
certain SME, given its business objectives are known.
The suggestions are not to be made barely on the fact
that an application is suitable for a certain objective
but also provide information which application deliv-
ers the best value and which further applications al-
low for maximization of the value when employing a
chosen application.
3.2 Dimension 1: Business Value of IT
The first dimension of our framework is to address
the business value of KMS in the SME. As KMS are
closely related to IT (see 2.1), the approaches of the
business value of IT as introduced in section 2.2 are
suitable to evaluate their success. However, when it
comes to narrowing down the approaches to one spe-
cific, perceived value approaches as for example in-
troduced by (Delone and McLean, 2003) are most
promising. They concentrate on the business value
to be experienced by the users, whereas other ap-
proaches introduced in section 2.2 address projects
(but KM and KMS are supposed to be permanent
tasks in the SME), processes (which may be are not
known completely to the SME and we do not want to
make process modeling a prerequisite for our frame-
work) or mostly monetary, as e.g. scorecards.
Accordingly more research on the field has already
been done and adaptations of IS success to KMS
success are available. Two of those are the ones
by Jennex-Olfman (Jennex, 2008) and Maier (Maier,
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
2007). Both transfer the information based IS success
in the environment of knowledge and KM.
Below the adoption of Jennex-Olfman is provided.
This one provides a description of the performed indi-
vidual breakdown of the single parts from IS success
to KM. For example, the information quality part is
extended to information and knowledge quality, indi-
cating further that this part is depending on the knowl-
edge strategy of the enterprise, which itself results
into different level in richness and linkage of the avail-
able knowledge. For our framework these individual
System Quality
Form of KMS
Level of KMS
Service Quality
User KM Service
IS KM Service
Knowledge/ Information Quality
Strategy/ Process
Intended Use/
Perceived Benefit
Intended Use/
Perceived Benefit
Net Benefits
Figure 1: KMS success model of Jennex and Olfman (Jen-
nex, 2008).
parts of the KMS success are to provide the attributes
and interrelations within the first dimension, as this
is solely dedicated to measuring the success of one
KMS and the approaches itself are already proved to
be working. The parts System Quality, Knowledge/
Information Quality, Service Quality, Perceived Ben-
efit, User Satisfaction, Net Benefit are our attributes.
3.3 Dimension 2: KMS Architecture
This second dimension covers the technical aspect of
the framework. Based on the architecture of Maier we
aim at identifying individual components of a KMS,
namely KM application, that may be of use in the
SME. With this dimension we orientate at the knowl-
edge services as suggested by Maier in layer III, being
the first point of decision making when choosing KM
applications. Subsequently, in this dimension it has to
be decided which of the services from e.g. layer III:
publication, discovery, cooperation and learning is to
be addressed. However, this is not done to disregard
that the architecture holds more than these core KM
aspects ((Maier, 2007), p.321) but emphasizes the
overall holistic intention, yet the contact to SME has
shown that they are stronger focused on the according
services though aware that integration is needed.
Consequently, these services serve as attributes in the
dimension. In addition, the layers below and above
might be taken into consideration as attributes. For in-
stance enterprise portals as unique but individualized
point of access in the personalization service might
be of interest. Some examples of what can be ex-
pected within the services is shown in figure 2. The
III knowledge services
II personalization services
personal workspaces, notifications, access privileges
CMS, wiki
bulletin board,
of practise
full text
Yellow pages,
Figure 2: KMS architecture partly, from (Maier, 2007).
services being the attributes of our framework, the in-
dividual applications are supposed to be the values
of the according attributes. Which attribute values
will be included in the final framework can be ad-
dressed from two angles. First, would be asking the
SME themselves which applications they use for their
KM, we discovered by survey (Borchardt, 2011) that
most SME use all kinds of applications, consequently
the second possibility is deriving the applications by
literature research from publications and market re-
views, as well as by the look at larger enterprises us-
ing means of comparison.
3.4 Dimension 3: Interrelations
Considering the first two dimensions this one aims
at bringing them together. Whilst the first dimension
and its interrelations are well investigated, the second
dimension merely collects applications and function-
alities to group them to the according services. The
third one is to map the contained services of a ideal
KMS with their applications onto the KMS success.
Subsequently, it is necessary to evaluate the individ-
ual applications with regard to the KMS success, e.g.
wikis, CMS, groupware and more, to be map them to
the first dimension. For a wiki e.g. as an application
for publication mostly, it has to be identified which
business value precisely can be expected from its use.
In addition different combinations are to be explored
as for instance a wiki with extended search possibil-
ities. The question here is: does the extended effort
pay off by the gained value or is the the difference in
value not significant.
It is not only of interest to match dimensions one and
two on each other but relate them to the objectives of
the concerned SME. Already Saloj
arvi et. al. (Sa-
arvi et al., 2005) found that certain types of SME
are more inclined to the positive aspects of KM than
others. For instance they found that rather young en-
terprises, especially in IT and consulting benefit from
the early use of a KMS or KM application. The same
is to be expected within this dimension. Knowledge-
intensive enterprises might profit more from KMS
than traditional well settled craftsmen. The interrela-
tions between the dimensions one and two and conse-
quently with the business strategy are to be explored.
This paper presented our concept of a framework fa-
cilitating value-driven recommendations of KMS/KM
applications for SME according to their business
strategy and objectives in KM. Though all KM ac-
tivities including the choice and implementation of a
technological support are supposed to be oriented to-
wards the business strategy as indicated we discov-
ered by our survey that more concrete work in this
field is still needed.
It is to be populated by proceeding our research as
begun with the empirical study introduced in (Bor-
chardt, 2011). With this study the general groups
of SME applying KM and/or KMS were gathered.
It showed that only minor parts of the SME in Ger-
many already apply KM knowingly though the study
focused on mostly knowledge-intensive SME. While
proceeding we now conduct an additional survey to
gather further information on SME just beginning to
implement KMS to capture their true initial objec-
tives. Moreover, we are refining the method to gen-
erally determine the impact of single applications like
a wiki. This partly has been done before, see (Stocker
and Tochtermann, 2009) yet we are not aiming at cap-
turing single case studies but go for a broader ap-
proach allowing us to question more SME. Once this
is settled to work for wikis, the transfer to other ap-
plications has to be done and proofed. The work on
single application is primarily adapting the concept of
KMS Success of Jennex-Olfman to these applications
and provide them with a method of study. We de-
cided for a half standardized interview holding several
blocks of questions concerning the individual parts of
the KMS Success model. This interview is conducted
with several SME already applying a wiki collecting
their perceived use correlated to their business strat-
egy. In a second step this is to be used on further wiki
implementations. It should allow us to draw conclu-
sions on the business value to be expected by building
groups or clusters of SME showing similar behavior.
A justification of the results to be retained from the
framework has to be accomplished. To achieve this
two general approaches are possible: firstly by repeat-
ing the initial empirical studies in different environ-
ments, e.g. different countries, since we are by now
working with SME from Germany only or even spe-
cial groups among SME. Secondly, there is the matter
of comparison, e.g. to compare enterprises with and
without recommended KMS. The evaluation of the
framework is of high importance for our research as
the already questioned SME indicated that they tend
to rely more on proofed work, as KM and KMS were
seen as a supporting technology and usually not part
of the main objective of the SME. Consequently, the
reliability of the results has to be secured to ensure the
framework to be accepted and to show that KM and
KMS can be a part of the SME’s success.
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Workshops, Lecture Notes in Business Information
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Jennex, M. E. (2008). Knowledge Management Success
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KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing