Multi-agent System to Control and Coordinate teAmworking Robots
Mehdi Mouad
, Lounis Adouane
, Pierre Schmitt
, Djamel Khadraoui
and Philippe Martinet
Centre de Rechere Public Henri Tudor, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Laboratoire des Sciences et Mat´eriaux pour l’Electronique et d’Automatique, Universit´e Blaise Pascal
Clermont-Ferrand, France
Multi-robots system, Multi-agent system, Organizational model, Robots cooperation, Robots control archi-
tectures, Hybrid control.
This paper aims to present the Multi-Agent System to Control and Coordinate teAmworking Robots
(MAS2CAR), a new architecture to control a group of coordinated autonomous robots in unstructured en-
vironments. MAS2CAR covers two main layers: (i) the Control Layer and we focus on (ii) the Coordination
Layer. The control module is responsible for a part of the decision making process while taking into account
robot’s structural constraints. Despite this autonomy possibility, the Coordination Layer manages the robots in
order to bring cooperative behavior and to allow team-work. In this paper we present a scenario validating our
approach based upon the multi-agent systems (MAS). Thanks to its reliability we have chosen the M OISE
organizational model and we will present how it can be used for this use-case. Moreover, regarding to the
implementation part, we have retained U TOPIA, a framework which automatically build a MAS thanks to a
A multi-robot system can be defined as a set of
robots operating in the same work space. Given
some robotics task specified by a designer, a multiple-
robot system can benefit from cooperativebehavior if,
due to some cooperation or coordination mechanism,
there is an increase in the total utility of the system.
In the case of mobile robotics, the need to oper-
ate in increasingly complex and unstructured environ-
ments, and at the same time reduce costs to a mini-
mum in terms of time, power, etc.), raise the develop-
ment of autonomous robots. The ultimate goal is the
capability of achieving coordinated movements and
of carrying out tasks that usually require human as-
sistance. This need for autonomy requires from the
robot a certain capacity of being able at any moment
to assess both its state and its environment that are
usually combined with different other robots states as
well as with its mission requirements in order to make
coherent control decisions. If we consider navigation
aspects, autonomous mobile robots are usually em-
bedded with sensors/actuators according to the mis-
sion to be performed. This complexity induces major
challenges both at the development of robotics con-
trol architecture system but also at the design of navi-
gation software.
Indeed, an autonomous mobile robot has to carry
out a set of sensors/actuators dedicated to its own nav-
igation and another sensors set that can change ac-
cording to the mission to be performed. Therefore the
navigation software developed for these vehicles be-
come complex and requires a design methodology.
This paper aims at presenting MAS2CAR
, an
architecture model for multi-mobile robots based on
Multi-Agent System (MAS) coordination. This pa-
per is organized as follow: in section 2 we make an
overview of the related works in the areas of multi-
robots and MAS, in 3 we introduce our architec-
ture model focusing on the tree main layers of our
model: Physical Layer, Control Layer and Coordina-
tion Layer. Subsequently, we focus on the Coordina-
tion Layer and we explain how the MAS have been
used. More particularly, and we describe the Organi-
zation Specification (OS) in section 4.
Multi-Agent System to Control and Coordinate teAm-
working Robots (MAS2CAR).
Mouad M., Adouane L., Schmitt P., Khadraoui D. and Martinet P..
MAS2CAR ARCHITECTURE - Multi-agent System to Control and Coordinate teAmworking Robots.
DOI: 10.5220/0003649904510456
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (MORAS-2011), pages 451-456
ISBN: 978-989-8425-75-1
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Robotics software is now one of essential part of
robotics system development. Therefore, software ar-
chitectures design methods and concepts, are mainly
made to enhance evolutionary, modularity... and to
avoid redesign costs. The last years have seen active
research in the field of distributed robotics, and in the
development of architectures for multi-robot coordi-
nation. These architectures have focused on providing
different capabilities to the group of robots. For in-
stance, ALLIANCE (Parker, 1998), a behavior-based
software architecture, has focused on fault tolerant
cooperative control. In Morrow and Khosla (Morrow
et al., 1997), robot skills are expressed as finite state
machines (FSM).
The coordination of robots for large-scale assem-
bly has been considered in Simmons et al. (Simmons
et al., 2000). Klavins and Koditschek (Klavins et al.,
2000) have presented tools for composing hybrid con-
trol programs for a class of distributed robotics sys-
tems. This approach assumes that a palette of con-
trollers, each one implements a bihavior. These con-
trollers, i.e, robot behaviors, are sequentially com-
posed using the techniques introduced in Burridge,
Rizzi, and Koditschek (Burridge et al., 1999). These
ideas are applied to the design of assembly tasks as
found in automated factories.
Control software architecture design approaches
are usually classified into three main categories:
Reactive v.s. Cognitive (deliberative) architec-
tures, many modules connects several inputs sen-
sors/actuators, each module implements a behav-
ior. These behaviors are called “reactive” be-
cause they provide an immediate output of an in-
put value, and cognitive otherwise.
Hierarchical v.s. Non-Hierarchical architectures,
the hierarchical architectures are built in several
levels, usually three. Decisions are taken in the
higher level; the intermediate level is dedicated
to control and supervision. The low level deals
with all periodical treatment related to the instru-
mentation, such as actuator control or measuring
instrument management (Lumia et al., 1990).
Hybrid architectures are a mix of the two previous
ones. Usually these are structured in three layers:
the deliberative layer, based on planning, the con-
trol executionlayer and a functional reactive layer.
It’s in the same time reactive with a cognitive level
(planning for example).
To bring coordination into a multi robotics system
we can distinguish centralized approaches from dis-
tributed ones.
A centralized system has a robot (leader) in charge
of organizing the work of the other robots. The
leader is involved in the decision process for the
whole team, while the other members can act only
according to the leaders directions.
In contrast, a distributed system is composed of
robots that are completely autonomous in the de-
cision process with respect to each other; there is
no leader in such cases.
Among multi-agent based Robotics Development
Environments (RDE), OROCOS architecture (Bruyn-
inckx, 2001) is a modular framework capable of con-
troling multi-robot systems providing an environment
for implementation of real-time control systems with
various abstraction levels for hardware device drivers.
ARTIS architecture (Botti et al., 1999) allows de-
veloping agents working in hard real-time environ-
ments. Using an off-line analysis of the specifica-
tion, the architecture performs the execution of the
entire system. The Agents allows the self-adaptation
in the changing environments, by executing tasks au-
IDEA architecture (Intelligent Distributed Execu-
tion Architecture) (Muscettola et al., 2002) based on
a multi-agent system to control multi-robot systems.
Where each agent can be a functional module, a plan-
ner, a diagnostic system, ... The operation of agents
is based on the “procedure and “token”. IDEA
agents can communicate and monitor each other. The
database is partitioned online of time (timelines), each
representing the temporal evolution of a sub-system
ARTIS and IDEA architectures are a very inter-
esting architectures, and both describes one agent ar-
chitecture. When an ARTIS agent is applied to robot,
it contains sensor/actuator modules, control modules
for real time execution and a reflex layer for criti-
cal events, its in-agents are dedicated to the different
behaviors such as localization, trajectory planner, ra-
dio communication, obstacle avoidance... And IDEA
is a multi agent framework for planning and execu-
tion for agents, it’s composed of three layers: Token
and procedures, communication wrapper, and a vir-
tual machine which integrates planning as the reason-
ing module at the core of the execution engine, the in-
terplaying of its different modules (the domain model,
the plan database, the plan runner and the reactive
planner) provides the basis for agents autonomy. both
have a good coordination level if we consider them in
a multi-robot context, but it does not rely on organi-
zational rules to build agents, which is the case of our
architecture, our agents are built through an organiza-
tion, the organizational model takes into account all
the tasks and constraints, and on this basis we build
ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
our agents thanks to U TOPIA .
There is an other multi-agent Hybrid architecture
(Fierro and Das, 2002) which describe a high-level
language with formal semantics, to describe multi-
agent networked robotics systems. This architecture
allows the development of complex multi-robot be-
havior via: hierarchical and sequential composition
of control; estimation modes, and parallel composi-
tion of agents.
This architecture is the closest given into our
model. Infact it’s organized at the highest level of
the hierarchy, in two interacting agents: a coordina-
tion agent and a robot-group agent, which approxi-
mately represent in our architecture: M OISE
organizational model and U TOPIA the MAS instanti-
ation middelware. The coordination agent reduces to
the specification of communication channels between
robot agents, and the specification of parameters for
transitions and the instantiation of each agent within
the robot-group agent.
A MAS particularlymeet the underlaying needs of
supervision and coordination of multiple and mobile
robots. For that, we have to associate an agent to each
physical robot and model each robot as an agent in the
MAS model.
Among the MAS models we have chosen the
Electronic Institution (Esteva, 2003). Indeed, this
organizational model allows to express coopera-
tion schemes defined by the user with an Orga-
nization Modeling Language such as for instance
(H¨ubner et al., 2002), and OMNI (Dignum
et al., 2004). The aim of these services is to constraint
and supervise agent’s actions and interactions in order
to achieve some global goals. We call those explicit
cooperation schemes OS.
To summarize our different ideas, we state to de-
velop a hybrid architecture which takes into account:
the advantages of Reactive and Hierarchical architec-
tures, to obtain more efficient reaction in different
aspects, such as having good level of data process-
ing while minimizing the reaction time, allows co-
ordination and permits hybrid distributed / central-
ized aspect. This architecture is dedicated to multi-
robot systems with a high degree of coordination be-
tween autonomous robots. The main originality of
MAS2CAR is the used coordination method and the
challenge is to implement an organizational model for
robotic agent with all the physical and automatical
constraints to obtain a more powerful multi-robot co-
ordination, and apply it on real robots.
In our architecture model:
We focus on nonholonomic homogeneous
The environment in which robots evolve is par-
tially known but we also consider the possibility
of encounter unexpected obstacles.
3.1 Overview
Elaborating an innovative architecture to control a
group of coordinated autonomous vehicles in unstruc-
tured environments, have to take into account differ-
ent aspects. That is why our model is composed by
three main layers for every robot (cf. Figure 1):
1. The Physical Layer is composed of multiple sen-
sors/actuators existing on the robot.
2. The Control Layer allows us the “basic” goals
modules such as planning, re-planning, reactive-
mode and the sensors/actuators management.
3. The Coordination Layer is dedicated to more
complex abstract or social goals. Basically, this
level is represented by an agent.
The originality of this architecture is to use Elec-
tronic Institution MAS model to bring cooperation,
coordination and intelligence at both individual and
social levels.
As shown in Figure 1, the Control Layer makes
the link between the Physical Layer and the Coordi-
nation Layer (agent). It manages the sensors and ac-
tuators in order to serve abstract commands for every
actuator and events from every sensor.
For instance, if the Coordination Layer decide
to reach a target, the Control Layer have to exactly
calculate the best trajectory to reach this objective,
taking into account the robot’s structural constraints:
the non-holonomy,avoiding the set points discontinu-
ities, the limitation of the rotational torques, etc. The
robot must avoid also the known obstacles on the path.
We have choosen the Potential Fields method to plan
the robot trajectory, and the Orbital Obstacle Avoid-
ance Algorithm (Adouane, 2009) for unexpected ob-
3.2 Properties
3.2.1 Communication
One of the main objects of study in multi-robot sys-
tems research is the communication or interaction be-
A robot set is homogeneous if the capabilities of the
individual robots are identical and heterogeneous otherwise.
MAS2CAR ARCHITECTURE - Multi-agent System to Control and Coordinate teAmworking Robots
tween the robots. Three main communication struc-
tures are often used (Werfel and Nagpal, 2006).
First is communication or interaction via environ-
ment: this occurs when the environment itself is
the communication medium.
Another typical structure is the interaction via
sensing: this refers to local interactions that oc-
cur between agents as a result of them sensing one
Last is interaction via communications: this in-
volves explicit communication with other agents,
by either directed or broadcast intentional mes-
The most appropriate in the MAS environments
is this last one, thanks to its directed and broadcast
intentional messages, in our model we use it with
a communication interface listening on every robots.
Thanks to this, an agent of the Coordination Layer
can connect to its associated Control Layer in two dif-
ferent ways: (i) Locally if the robot has the required
characteristics to embed the agent directly; (ii) Re-
motely through a robot wireless interface.
3.2.2 Abstraction
Every agent connected to the Control Layer’s inter-
face can send and receive messages. The Control
Layer behave as a middleware which receive com-
mands for actuators and send events from sensors.
As an abstract layer for the hardware, this Control
Layer design permits multi-heterogeneous robots, as
the Control Layer can be adapted to different hard-
ware while serving the same middleware.
For these reasons, this architecture allows (i)
Robot-independent Coordination Layer implemen-
tation (ii) platform-independent programming lan-
guages to implement the MAS and finally (iii) more
powerful and reactive Coordination Layer.
The Control Layer (cf. Figure 1) take basic deci-
sions such as determining a trajectory or avoiding an
unexpected object allowing the Coordination Layer to
focus on more complex tasks or social behaviors.
This paper focus on the Coordination Layer pre-
sented in the next sections.
In this part we will describe an Institution-oriented
approach to model our MAS. We will focus on giving
the possibility for agents to reach a targeted point (ob-
jective) according to a partially known environmentin
Figure 1: Architecture of a robot at the individual scope
(Mouad et al., 2009).
a planning-based mode, we also model a possible re-
active mode to face unexpected events.
Figure 2: M OISE
, a normative Organization Specifica-
tion model, and its different specifications.
4.1 Structural Specification
Define a role (r) per robot: rRobot{i} with i = {1..n}
and n the total number of robots. All these roles have
a cardinality of 1. By this way one and only one agent
is associated to each robot. In addition of the robot’s
roles, we have defined a role for a Supervisor, rSuper-
visor, which have the duty to manage the others agent
with a global point of view.
Thus our architecture is a distributed architecture,
and the MAS (Coordination Layer of our architecture,
ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
cf. figure 1) is mainly composed by the agents repre-
senting an associated agent’s Control Layer and by a
supervisor, in each robot. In consequence we obtain
a high level of coordination and cooperation for our
group of robots due to the connection between super-
visors in each robot.
4.2 Contextual Specification
A contextual specification can be seen as a recursive
transition-graph where states are called contexts and
set of contexts are called scenes (s). We have one
scene for the supervisor, sSupervisor, and one for
each robot: sRobot{i} (cf. table 1). Theses scenes
includes specific contexts influencing the behavior of
the robots:
Planning mode associated to the initial context
planningMode, used as often as possible by the
robots to compute their trajectories and reach their
Reactive mode associated to the context reactive-
Mode, triggered when an unexpected obstacle is
detected in order to avoid it.
Thanks to transitions, we can switch the mode
of each robots. Indeed, the organization is n + 1
different contexts at the same time (n agents and
1 supervisor). At the beginning, we have: sSu-
pervisor/Active and sRobot{i}/planningMode/Active
(the agent i activate the Planning Mode) i = {1..n}.
If due to unexpected obstacle, the supervisor send
the transition AO5 (which means Avoid Obsta-
cle” into the scene sRobot{5}), the contexts turn to
be sSupervisor/Active, sRobot5/reactiveMode/Active
and sRobot{i}/planningMode with i = {1..n},
i 6= 5.
4.3 Functional Specification
Here, we have specified goals and set of goals (mis-
sions) for the robots and the supervisor (cf. table 1).
The goals are executed in a specific order according
to three modalities:
Sequence (): g
... g
goal g
have to be realized before g
, ... , g
have to be realized before g
Parallelism (k): r k {g
, g
, ..., g
}: the goals g
, ... , g
have to be realized in parallel after
realizing r.
Choice (): r {g
, g
, ..., g
} one and only one
i[1.. p]
have to be realized after realizing r.
We have three missions:
mSupervisor = gRoot k
{gSupervisor, gCollisionSolver}
The supervisor have to do three set of actions in
parallel: management of the messages and requests
from the robots within gSupervisor, and detection /
resolution of conflicts between robots within the goal
mPlan = gWaitSupervisor
gComputeTrajectory gAskForPermission
First we execute gWaitForSupervisor (is the super-
visor here and ready?) when done, we execute gCom-
puteTrajectory wherein we ask Control Layer for a
planning in order to reach a targeted point of the en-
Then we execute gAskForPermission wherein we
ask supervisor if the computed planning implies con-
flicts with other robots. As a result, we obtain con-
straints to avoid conflicts and we modify the planning
to respect these constraints and robot characteristics.
Finally, the goal gReachTarget is executed and we
send messages to the Control Layer in order to move
according to the plan.
This goal run until the objective is reached or un-
til it is interupted by messages coming from sensors
(unexpected obstacle). In this case a transition (AOi
where i is the identification of the robot) is sent to
switch the robot into reactive mode.
mReact = gAvoidObstacle
mReact Is used to manage an unexpected obstacle
detected by sensors. In gAvoidObstacle we move the
robot according to data coming from sensors in order
to avoid the obstacle. As soon as the obstacle is far
enough we run gReturnOnTrajectory wherein we try
to get back to the trajectory planified before. When it
is done, we can leavethe reactive mode and go back to
the planning mode by sending a transition to change
the context.
4.4 Normative Specification
In the normative specification (cf. table 1), we have
a Norm for the supervisor NSupervisor, which forces
the agent playing the role rSupervisor when the In-
stitution is in the context sSupervisor/Active to do the
mission mSupervisor described before.
For the n robots, we have two norms:
N{i}planningMode forces the agent playing the
role rRobot{i} when the Institution is in the
context sRobot{i}/planningMode/Activeto do the
mission mPlan.
N{i}reactiveMode the same for role rRobot{i}
when the Institution is in the context
MAS2CAR ARCHITECTURE - Multi-agent System to Control and Coordinate teAmworking Robots
Table 1: Normative Specification glueing all three other specifications.
Normative Specification Contextual Specification Structural Specification Functional Specification
NSupervisor sSupervisor/Active rSupervisor mSupervisor: - Supervisor (recieve plans...).
- Collision Solver (conflicts detection/resolution).
N{i}PlanningMode sRobot{i}/PlanningMode/Active rRobot{i} mPlan: - Ask for Permission (from supervisor).
- Compute Trajectory (plan trajectory using
the potential fields method).
- Wait Supervisor (permission given after the
trajectory analysing).
- Reach Target.
N{i}ReactiveMode sRobot{i}/ReactiveMode/Active rRobot{i} mReact: - Avoid Obstacle.
- Return to Trajectory.
sRobot{i}/reactiveMode/Active to do the mission
This paper describes the proposed control architecture
with its three layers, while focusing on the Coordina-
tion Layer and have shown how a multi-agent system
can be helpful to bring coordination and cooperation
into a multiple heterogeneous robots set. To this end,
the key point is twofold:
Using an Organizational Model (M OISE
) in
order to describe the structure, goals and contexts
in a normative Multi-Agent System.
Taking the benefit of U TOPIA framework to han-
dle the organization specification (OS) and trans-
late it into a concrete MAS corresponding to the
Coordination Layer throught our goal implemen-
tations executed by the robots.
This centralized / decentralized possibility is a key
characteristic of MAS2CAR architecture as it allows
to face every events while keeping a specification of
global goals.
Future works will adress more sophesticated col-
laborativetasks, behaviors and team-work, such as the
hierarchical fleet organization and dynamic changing
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ICINCO 2011 - 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics