Implementation Process of Corporate Yellow Pages
Stéphanie Gretsch, Heinz Mandl and Jan Hense
Institute of Empirical Education and Educational Psychology, Ludwig-Maximilian University
Leopoldstraße 13, Munich, Germany
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Needs Analysis, Implementation Process, Design and Development, Expert
Finding System, Effect Analysis.
Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) has often been identified as one of the most important challenges for
sustained organizational success. A number of theoretical models and practical projects to improve KM
have been developed, but were unsatisfactory and took a general approach while neglecting a specific
implementation process for KM. This paper presents a systematic implementation process for a KM
initiative based on a needs analysis, which was conducted in an international biotechnological company.
The implementation process comprises three phases: Diagnosis of KM problems and goal setting of a
specific intervention; design and development of this intervention; and rollout of the intervention. The
phases comprises three empirical studies: a needs analysis (study 1), a study on design and development
(study 2), and an effect analysis after the rollout (study 3). Results of study 1 show that there are needs for
improving the documentation, communication and utilization of knowledge about specific expertise of
individual employees and experiences with projects. To fulfil these requirements it was decided to design
and develop an expert finding system “corporate yellow pages” (study 2). Finally the paper will give an
outlook on the effects of corporate yellow pages concerning the utilization, acceptance, individual and
organizational effects (study 3).
Knowledge management (KM) has often been
identified as one of the most important challenges
for sustained organizational success and as a
prerequisite for productivity and flexibility of
corporate and non-corporate organizations. Due to
the global interconnectedness of markets today, the
scope and quality of individual employees’
knowledge have taken their place alongside more
traditional organizational resources such as work
and capital. Knowledge is now viewed as a key
contributor to an organization’s competitive
advantage. Therefore it is necessary to explicitly
plan and manage the development, consolidation,
representation and application of knowledge of
organizations and individuals. As a consequence of
the growing importance of knowledge, a number of
theoretical models and practical projects to improve
knowledge management (KM) have been developed
in recent years (Schwartz, 2006).
However, many of these efforts were
unsatisfactory and many expectations put into KM
initiatives could not be met in practice. One
explanation for these shortcomings is that previous
efforts often took a general approach while
neglecting a specific implementation process for
KM. Moreover, only few KM projects consider how
to systematically proceed in the context of
improvement and implementation processes from
existing needs in an organization. Introducing
innovations in organizations is seldom
unproblematic. In many cases, the purpose of
introducing a new concept, such as a KM initiative,
is unclear, too abstract or too generally formulated.
Consequently, new developed tools are often
doomed to failure from the outset due to the fact that
there is no adequate target group for utilization or it
fails to win the intended users’ acceptance. One
reason is that many innovations do not meet the
actual needs of employees (Akhavan et al., 2005;
Chua and Lam, 2005).
To overcome these shortcomings this paper
presents a systematic theoretically and empirically
based implementation process of a KM initiative in a
specific area of application which was conducted in
Gretsch S., Mandl H. and Hense J..
THE DIFFICULTY OF FINDING EXPERTS - Implementation Process of Corporate Yellow Pages.
DOI: 10.5220/0003637500480056
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2011), pages 48-56
ISBN: 978-989-8425-81-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
an international biotechnological company. The
implementation process comprises three main phases
that complement each other. Phase 1 consists of a
diagnosis of knowledge management problems and
goal settings of a specific intervention; phase 2 is
concerned about the design and development of this
intervention; and in phase 3 the rollout of the
intervention takes place. The process with its three
phases is driven by three empirical studies (Winkler
and Mandl, 2007) (see figure 1).
Phase 1
Diagnosis of knowledge
management problems
Goal setting of a
specific intervention.
Phase 2
Design and development
of the intervention
Phase 3
Rollout of the
Study 1
What are important
needs concerning
KM in an
Study 2
How to design and
develop a KM
Study 3
What input and process
factors influence
the outcome?
Phase 1
Diagnosis of knowledge
management problems
Goal setting of a
specific intervention.
Phase 2
Design and development
of the intervention
Phase 3
Rollout of the
Study 1
What are important
needs concerning
KM in an
Study 2
How to design and
develop a KM
Study 3
What input and process
factors influence
the outcome?
Figure 1: Implementation process with according studies.
The implementation study was conducted in the
Research and Development (R&D) department of an
international biotechnological company. The
management recognized a general need concerning
knowledge exchange within the company due to the
regionally wide distributed sites of the R&D
department. As a consequence of a number of recent
company mergers, there were two R&D sites in
Germany, one in Switzerland, two in the United
States and one in Australia, resulting in the problem
of improving the company’s KM.
According to the phases three studies are
presented. The first study analyzed differentiated
needs for improving KM in the R&D department to
derive more explicitly needs-driven KM initiatives
from this differentiated perspective (study 1).
Subsequently, it was decided to develop a needs-
oriented KM intervention, an expert finding system,
to pursue organizational needs (study 2). This KM
initiative is especially profitably for organizations
that are distributed geographically as in our case
study, where it is less likely to communicate face-to-
face as it takes place on usual forms of interaction
among employees (Frappaolo, 2006). A third study
will evaluate the effects and outcomes on utilization,
acceptance, individual and organizational effects of
the expert finding system (study 3).
2.1 Theoretical Background
From a theoretical viewpoint, it is important to
differentiate different process categories of KM.
According to the Munich Knowledge Management
these central dimensions are (1) knowledge
representation, (2) knowledge communication, (3)
knowledge generation, and (4) knowledge utilization
(Reinmann- Rothmeier et al., 2001).
(1) Knowledge representation describes processes
which make knowledge transparent. These include
identification, preparation and documentation,
storage and updating of knowledge. Important
aspects in this context are databases, knowledge
cases, and information strategies within an
organization. The main goal of knowledge
representation is to present knowledge in a way
which facilitates transfer, exchange, maintenance
and utilization of knowledge at the organization.
(2) Knowledge communication includes all
processes and methods for sharing and
disseminating knowledge within the company. On
an organizational level, this broaches the issue of
incentives and career structures, which may promote
or hinder the dissemination of knowledge, and the
use of technical support tools such as intranet, E-
mail or business TV.
(3) Knowledge generation comprises activities for
knowledge acquisition, for the creation of specific
knowledge resources, and for the generation of
personal and technical knowledge networks. Pre-
manufacturing, as well as research and development
departments often play a primary role in the
generation of knowledge on the organizational level,
while further education and training is crucial on the
individual level.
(4) Knowledge utilization includes processes such as
the use of knowledge in managerial decisions, or
transformation of knowledge into products and
services. Only knowledge which previously has been
represented, communicated and generated, can be
applied in practice, either on an organizational or
individual level.
2.2 Research Question
The differentiated approach takes into consideration
needs configurations in regard to different KM
THE DIFFICULTY OF FINDING EXPERTS - Implementation Process of Corporate Yellow Pages
dimensions. Accordingly, the main question of study
1 was: To what extend is there a need for improving
KM in the R&D department of the organization
regarding (a) knowledge representation, (b)
knowledge communication, (c) knowledge
generation, and (d) knowledge utilization?
2.3 Method
After a preparatory qualitative pre-study, which
comprised interviews with managers of the
organization, 163 employees from different sites of
the research and development (R&D) department
answered an online questionnaire on their needs for
KM. There were specific questions concerning the
actual state of the four knowledge management
domains: knowledge documentation (22 items),
knowledge communication (14 items), knowledge
generation (9 items), and knowledge utilization (12
2.4 Results
Central results will be presented below.
(a) In regard to knowledge documentation the most
important need was identified for improving
documentation on the specific expertise of
individual employees (as suggested by 47.3% of the
respondents). Moreover, respondents identified a
number of needs for improving the documentation of
experiences with projects (45.9%), or with external
cooperation partners (42.5%).
Table 1: Main results knowledge documentation.
n No Neutral Yes
Knowledge is sufficiently
documented in regard to
knowledge about specific
expertise of individual
146 47,3% 33,6% 19,2%
Experiences with projects are
sufficiently documented.
148 45,9% 35,1% 18,9%
Experiences with external
cooperation partners are
sufficiently documented.
127 42,5% 37,8% 19,7%
Note: „no“= answers 1 or 2; „neutral“= answer 3; „yes“= answers 4
or 5
(b) Referring to knowledge communication,
respondents indicated that there are no appropriate
opportunities for knowledge communication
(38.2%) and for networking with relevant colleagues
(38.1%) and that there is no sufficient knowledge
exchange (36.7%).
Table 2: Main results knowledge communication.
n No Neutral Yes
There are appropriate
opportunities for knowledge
communication between
different company sites.
136 38,2% 39,0% 22,8%
I have sufficient opportunities
for networking with relevant
colleagues at other sites.
134 38,1% 40,3% 21,6%
Relevant knowledge is
sufficiently exchanged
between this site and other
company sites.
139 36,7% 42,4% 20,9%
Note: „no“= answers 1 or 2; „neutral“= answer 3; „yes“= answers 4
or 5
(c) In respect to knowledge generation, according
to the respondents the only specific aspect which
needed improvements was to create more
opportunities for acquiring new knowledge by job
rotation (68.6%).
(d) Finally, concerning knowledge utilization,
respondents indicated that there are no standard
operating procedures for using existing experiences
(50.4%) or knowledge (45.9%). Furthermore the
respondents stated that documented knowledge
(28.4%) or previous experiences (30.0%) are not
always used adequately in new projects.
Table 3: Main results knowledge utilization.
n No Neutral
There are standard operating
procedures for using existing
29,3% 20,3%
There are standard operating
procedures for using existing
30,4% 23,7%
Previous experiences are
always used adequately in new
42,1% 27,9%
Note: „no“= answers 1 or 2; „neutral“= answer 3; „yes“= answers 4
or 5
2.5 Consequences
The outcomes of the needs analysis study allow a
differentiated view of KM needs in the R&D
department. In particular, the specific analysis of
needs in regard to different KM dimensions revealed
that there is an explicit need for improving
knowledge documentation, above all knowledge
about specific expertise of individual employees and
experiences with projects and external cooperation
partners. Moreover there was a need for improving
knowledge communication in particular
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
opportunities for exchanging and networking with
employees from other R&D sites. Furthermore there
was a need to improve knowledge utilization,
especially the use of knowledge and experiences in
new projects. To meet these needs, it was decided to
develop and implement a “corporate yellow pages”
expert finding system as an initial improvement
project. Corporate yellow pages are an optimal KM
intervention to encourage aspects of knowledge
documentation, above all knowledge about specific
expertise of individual employees and experiences
with projects and external cooperation by creating
profiles of employees and documenting their
expertise knowledge, experiences or networks.
Regarding knowledge communication, especially
opportunities for exchanging and networking with
employees from other R&D sites, corporate yellow
pages give the opportunity to search for experts and
to interact between employees by exchanging
knowledge and experiences. Knowledge utilization,
like the use of knowledge and experiences in new
projects is supported by corporate yellow pages
while exchanging knowledge between experts,
expert knowledge and experiences into new projects
are transferred.
All in all the needs analysis study took about
three months from starting the project to the
evaluation of results.
In the following details of the design and
development of the planned corporate yellow pages
will be presented in study 2.
3.1 Theoretical Background
Expert finding systems (aka corporate “corporate
yellow pages”) are considered to be an effective and
less time-consuming instrument to support above all
knowledge communication in organizations (Probst
et al., 2010).
Corporate yellow pages aim to assist users in finding
experts with specific knowledge, competencies, or
experiences within the company. They cover the
specific knowledge of all relevant organizational
members, independently of their position. They are
expected to help members of large, often widely
geographically dispersed organizations, in finding
out who has specific expertise in a problem area.
This is essential for finding support in complex
problem solving situations, or for getting critical
knowledge for making decisions.
Supporting people by finding required
knowledge is essential for a successful KM system.
Expert finding systems can stimulate exchange and
learning processes in the organization (Lehner,
2008). Other potential advantages which are often
mentioned in the literature can be the visibility of
expert knowledge to all employees, the development
of communities of experts, and the quickness of
support from relevant experts. Accordingly, expert
finding systems are expected to advance information
seeking for work processes and knowledge
Another important factor is the encouragement
of exchanging knowledge and experiences, thus
giving employees the opportunity to transfer implicit
knowledge into explicit knowledge (Eppler, 2003).
The exchange between experts by means of an
expert finding system can be a chance to exchange
tacit knowledge (Polanyi, 1966) in a highly situated
context between employees.
Potentially adverse effects can result if
unauthorized users have insights into a corporate
yellow pages system. Furthermore there is risk of
information overload, misconstruction and out-of-
datedness (Eppler, 2003).
The results of empirical research on factors
relevant for conceptualization, realization, and
success of expert finding systems are not entirely
conclusive. Nevertheless, a number of factors in
regard to content, organizational, and technical
aspects can be identified.
3.2 Conceptualization of Corporate
Yellow Pages
3.2.1 Content Aspects
The core and main component of corporate yellow
pages are employee’s profiles (Idinopulos and
Kempler, 2006). The goal of these profiles is to give
the intended searcher a basis of decision-making,
whether someone is an adequate expert for a
problem definition or not. Moreover profiles are the
basis for knowledge communication, which should
be initiated through the use of corporate yellow
pages (Lin et al., 2008).
Content aspects comprise the kinds of
information which a single corporate yellow pages
profile can consist of.
- Contact Details: How to contact an expert is a
trivially, yet essential content for yellow page entries
(Woudstra and Van den Hooff, 2008).
THE DIFFICULTY OF FINDING EXPERTS - Implementation Process of Corporate Yellow Pages
- Knowledge: Each employee’s knowledge is also
an essential aspect, as without knowing what
someone else knows it is not possible to find a
person with specific expertise (Cross et al., 2006).
Knowledge types which can be relevant include
technical knowledge, experiential knowledge from
previous projects, as well as knowledge on research,
products, or customers.
- Domain of Knowledge: To facilitate searching
for experts in specific knowledge domains, it may be
important to predefine a closed set or taxonomy of
knowledge domains relevant for the organization
(Helm et al., 2007). However, it is important to limit
the number of predefined domains (Lehner, 2008)
and keep them flexible for future additions
- Quality of Knowledge: In addition to
knowledge types and topics, information on the
validity, credibility, or soundness of the expert’s
knowledge may be an important element of a
person’s entry (Woudstra & Van den Hooff, 2008).
- Up-to-dateness: Including information on how
recently an entry has been checked for being up to
date helps in rating the entry (Woudstra & Van den
Hooff, 2008).
3.2.2 Organizational Aspects
Organizational aspects refer to the structures,
processes, and rules associated with the expert
finding system in the organization.
- Voluntariness: Entry of one’ own profile
should be voluntary. Participation in the system
should reflect a sincere readiness to exchange
knowledge and to support one’s colleagues
(Hofmann et al., 2010).
- Motivation: Motivation of employees is
fundamental for a successful implementation of
corporate yellow pages. Motivational measures
could be a transparent and comprehensive
communication strategy, measures of qualification,
management support, as well as participation of
employees (Finke & Will, 2003).
- Bottom Up Entry: Entries and updates of
personnel profiles within the corporate yellow pages
system should be entered by employees themselves,
as they are the ones who are most competent to do
so (Lehner, 2008).
- Organizational Climate: Trust and
responsible handling of entries are important aspects
for dealing with corporate yellow pages (Lehner,
2008; Soliman and Spooner, 2000).
- Support from Top Management: Support
from management is crucial for the success of
knowledge management as they are providing time
to employees for exchanging knowledge; as they are
allocating sufficient budget for implementing
knowledge management; as they are introducing
“new mindset” and acting as example by filling out
their own profile in the system and as they are
giving priority to knowledge management (Helm et
al., 2007).
- Participation: Employees are informed about
the implementation processes and included in
decision-making processes (Helm et al., 2007).
3.2.3 Technical Aspects
Technical aspects refer to design features of the
hard- and software of the platform used to realize the
expert finding system.
- Accessibility: Knowing what someone else
knows is only useful if there is a prompt access to
this information (Woudstra and Van den Hooff,
- Usability: Requirements which are important for
optimizing the usability of the system include
perceptibility, operability, intelligibility, and
sustainability (Stapelkamp, 2007).
- Design: Fundamental design aspects to be
considered are perception, colour, typography,
orientation, navigation, layout, style guide, and
screen and information design (Stapelkamp, 2007).
- Safety: Security precautions have to be taken to
avoid misuse by external knowledge transmission or
even headhunting of important employees (Lehner,
Before developing corporate yellow pages, it is
fundamental to analyze the specific needs for such a
system, and to make sure that there are appropriate
context conditions in regard to content,
organizational and technical aspects. The goal is to
ensure that the new tool is relevant for everyday
workplace activities, that it finds the intended users’
acceptance, and subsequently is used by employees.
In this context, it is evident that a comprehensive
procedure for a purposeful and acceptance-oriented
implementation must precede an introduction of the
expert finding system. This procedure should
concentrate on the needs of the end user in order to
actually contribute to the optimization of their
business processes.
According to this, a kick-off workshop was
organized for discussing the goals of the expert
finding system as well as for building a task force
responsible for managing the overall project.
Subsequently a design analysis study was conducted
with employees in the R&D department to learn
about the specific needs concerning content,
organizational and technical aspects for
conceptualization and design of the planned expert
finding system.
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
3.3 Research Questions Concerning
the Design and Development of
Corporate Yellow Pages
(a) What content, organizational, design-related and
technical aspects should be considered for the design
and development of corporate yellow pages?
(b) How user-friendly are the developed corporate
yellow pages?
3.4 Method (Question a)
35 organizational members (senior managers,
managers, knowledge managers and employees),
from different R&D departments were interviewed
on questions of content, organizational, design-
related and technical aspects concerning their needs
of an expert finding system.
3.5 Results (Question a)
Respondents confirmed the urgent need for an expert
finding system. Concerning content questions
respondents spoke in favour of following aspects
that should be considered in corporate yellow pages:
contact details (N=24), experiences with projects
(N=20), knowledge domains of R&D expertise
(N=19), qualifications (N=17), work experience
(N=17), experiences with products (N=11).
In regard to organizational aspects 8 of 35
respondents mentioned that the entry should be
voluntary, 7 respondents were for obligatory entry
and 5 for a combination of both. 16 respondents
were in favour of each employee should update his
profile himself. To ensure the acceptance of
corporate yellow pages, there were also collected
suggestions concerning conditions, measures and
incentives. Regarding conditions respondents
mentioned: support by manager (N=14),
communication measures (N=13), usability (N=10)
and company-wide introduction of corporate yellow
pages (N=9). As adequate measures for the success
of corporate yellow pages respondents named
trainings (N=9) and the function of a knowledge
manager (N=6). 6 respondents were against
Beside this respondents mentioned also some
obstacles that could influence the success if
corporate yellow pages: time-consuming (N=8),
complicated handling (N=7) or not enough
communication measures from management (N=4).
Finally, in regard to technical questions,
specifications for the technical implementation and
user interface design could be clarified, for example
9 respondents mentioned that SharePoint could be
suitable. Concerning the search form, respondents
(N=15) preferred a combination of search functions,
keyword search and searching by categories.
3.6 Conclusion (Question a)
Results of the design analysis give essential
information about the needs of employees
concerning corporate yellow pages and serve as a
central basis for the conceptualization. The selection
of content, organizational and technical aspects was
chosen according to the amount of mentions of
respondents and discussions in-between the task
Concerning the content concept following main
content fields will be integrated in corporate yellow
pages: Contact details; expert knowledge in R&D,
developed products, current product development
projects, networks and qualifications.
In regard to the organizational concept it was
decided that all entries should be voluntary except of
contact details. This decision point was strongly
related to the claims of the works council. Moreover
to ensure the acceptance of corporate yellow pages
managers are obligated to support their employees
concerning the utilization of corporate yellow pages
(e.g. giving more time for utilization) and to carry
out communication measures (e.g. company wide
introduction). To give opportunities for getting
practical knowledge about the handling of corporate
yellow pages trainings and tutorials are planned.
According to employees no incentives will be
integrated besides striving for the usefulness of
corporate yellow pages.
Relating to the technical concept, a technical
workgroup of R&D members and external
consultant are working in collaboration for
designing and developing corporate yellow pages.
As system basis a customized SharePoint will be
implemented, including different ways of search
functions. Furthermore usability tests are
implemented to grant a user-friendly system.
3.7 Methodological Procedure
(Question b)
The study concerning the user-friendliness of
corporate yellow pages analyses in a first step the
functionality according to specific content,
organizational and technical aspects. In a second
step after the technical development of the expert
finding system which is currently under process
there will be analyzed the usability in a multi-
evaluation model. Usability is a quality attribute
THE DIFFICULTY OF FINDING EXPERTS - Implementation Process of Corporate Yellow Pages
assessing the simpleness in dealing with user
interfaces. Usability is defined by several quality
components: learnability, efficiency, memorability,
errors, satisfaction or utility (Nielsen, 1994).
Four task force members will analyze the
functionality of content, organizational and technical
aspects according to the conceptualization and the
usability of corporate yellow pages individually by a
checklist and will summarize the results in a
discussion round. Based on their feedback, the
technical workgroup will update the expert finding
In the pilot study will take place a diagnostic and
performance evaluation with intended users. 10
organizational members from R&D department will
test the usability of corporate yellow pages through
the thinking aloud method with task scenarios
followed by a usability test through a questionnaire
(based on QUIS and IsoMetrics). The QUIS
(Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction) was
designed to assess users' subjective satisfaction with
specific aspects of the human-computer interface. It
includes specific interface factors like screen
factors, terminology and system feedback and
learning factors like system capabilities, technical
manuals, on-line tutorials, multimedia,
teleconferencing, and software installation (Chin et
al., 1988). IsoMetrics is a user-oriented approach in
software evaluation based on ISO 9241 Part 10
including seven dialogue principles: suitability for
the task, self-descriptiveness, controllability,
conformity with user expectations, error tolerance,
suitability for individualization, and suitability for
learning (Gediga et al., 1999).
After the tests again the technical workgroup
will revise the expert finding system and then it will
be launched in the whole R&D department.
The implementation study required a timeline of
about a year including the conceptualization,
technical development and implementation,
development of acceptance and communication
strategies as well as revise sessions of the system.
After the rollout of corporate yellow pages a
comprehensive and systematic evaluation should
take into consideration the entire chain of effects
from the initialization of the implementation process
to the final impact of the intervention (see figure 2).
Figure 2: Design of evaluation.
In doing so different evaluation activities may
refer to three main components:
(1) Input Factors comprising individual factors as
motivation, willingness and job relevance;
organizational factors as infrastructure of KM
which results from the implementation process
including attitude of management, support measures
or organizational culture and technical factors as
design and usability.
(3) Process Factors including any KM process due
to the intervention for example interaction among
(4) Outcome Factors referring to the utilization as
quality of support or frequency; acceptance of
attitude and behaviour; individual effects as time
saving, problem solving or increase of employee and
customer satisfaction; and organizational effects like
improvement of decision-making processes,
improvement of product developments and project
realizations, reduction of mistakes or cost savings
(Hanley and Malafsky, 2003; Tiwana, 2000).
In focus of interest are also potential
relationships between these effects, and what the
single factors and processes contribute to the
intended outcomes. An important goal will be the
formative improvement of infrastructure and
implementation of KM for optimizing effects.
Relevant research questions will be (Hense and
Mandl, 2010):
- What role does the infrastructure play for
processes, outputs and outcomes of KM?
- How do KM processes affect outcomes on
individual and organizational level? (Helm et
al., 2007)
- What relations exist between input, process and
outcome variables?
- What input and process factors have an effect
on the acceptance, utilization, individual effects
and organizational effects?
- What are the direct dependencies among input,
process and outcome variables and what success
factors can be identified?
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
As demonstrated, the implementation of knowledge
management measures in organizations is a complex
undertaking. Especially the importance of the human
factor should not be underestimated. A successful
implementation can be achieved through well
thought-out, employee-oriented implementation
processes. By using a process model, it is possible to
strategically support employee-oriented
implementation processes that prevent reactance and
increase employee’s acceptance of the innovation
(Winkler and Mandl, 2007). It is very important to
integrate employees in different phases of the
In our case study, at the beginning a needs
analysis was carried out, questioning all R&D
members. On the basis of the results of the needs
analysis it was decided to develop and to implement
an expert finding system. A task force responsible
for the project was formed, including employees
from different positions and regions. To
conceptualize the expert finding system, a content
analysis was conducted by interviewing employees.
Two workgroup with different employees were
formed at the one hand for building a taxonomy for
knowledge domains and on the other hand for the
technical realization of the system. Moreover a
usability test with employees concerning the
technical realization was executed. Finally after
revision sessions, the rollout of the expert finding
system is ongoing.
This research is supported by the National Research
Fund Luxembourg.
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KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing