Fumiyo Fukumoto and Yoshimi Suzuki
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering, University of Yamanashi, Yamanashi, Japan
Unknown words, Polysemous verbs, Levin-style semantic classes, Semi-supervised clustering.
This paper presents a method for semantic classification of unknown verbs including polysemies into Levin-
style semantic classes. We propose a semi-supervised clustering, which is based on a graph-based unsuper-
vised clustering technique. The algorithm detects the spin configuration that minimizes the energy of the spin
glass. Comparing global and local minima of an energy function, called the Hamiltonian, allows for the de-
tection of nodes with more than one cluster. We extended the algorithm so as to employ a small amount of
labeled data to aid unsupervised learning, and applied the algorithm to cluster verbs including polysemies.
The distributional similarity between verbs used to calculate the Hamiltonian is in the form of probability
distributions over verb frames. The result obtained using 110 test polysemous verbs with labeled data of 10%
showed 0.577 F-score.
Semantic verb classification is not an end task in it-
self, but supports many NLP tasks, such as subcat-
egorization acquisition (Korhonen, 2002; Kermani-
dis et al., 2008), word sense disambiguation (Nav-
igli, 2009), and language generation (Reiter and Dale,
2000). Much of the previous work on verb classifica-
tion has been to classify verbs into classes with se-
mantically similar senses taken from an existing the-
saurus or taxonomy. However, such a resource makes
it nearly impossible to cover large, and fast-changing
linguistic knowledge required for these NLP tasks,
depending on text-type and subject domain. Let us
take a look at the Levin-style semantic classes (Levin,
1993). It consists of 3,024 verbs. Similarly, Japanese
thesaurus dictionary called Bunrui-Goi-Hyo consists
of 87,743 content words. Therefore, considering this
resource scarcity problem, semantic classification of
verbs which do not appear in the resource but appear
in corpora has been an interest since the earliest days
when a number of large scale corpora have become
A number of methodologies have been developed
for verb classification. One such attempt is to apply
clustering techniques to classification. However, two
main difficulties arise in the use of clustering algo-
rithms. The first is that we do not know how many
classes there are in a given input. The usual drawback
in many algorithms is that they cannot give a valid
criterion for measuring class structure. The second is
that the algorithm should allow each data point (verb)
to belong to more than one cluster because of the ex-
istence of polysemous verbs.
The aim of this work is to resolve these prob-
lems. We focus on unknown verbs including poly-
semies, and present a method for classifying them into
Levin-style semantic classes. We propose a graph-
based semi-supervised clustering method which al-
lows nodes (verbs) to belong to multiple clusters
(senses). The essence of the approach is to define
an energy function, called the Hamiltonian which
achieves minimal energy when there is high within-
cluster connectivity and low between-cluster connec-
tivity. The energy minimum is obtained by simu-
lated annealing. In this context, two verbs are “con-
nected” if they share many of the same subcategoriza-
tion frames. Comparing global and local minima of
an energy function Hamiltonian, allows for the de-
tection of overlapping nodes. We extended the al-
gorithm so as to employ a small amount of labeled
data to aid unsupervised learning, and clustered pol-
ysemous verbs. The distributional similarity between
verbs used to calculate the Hamiltonian is in the form
of probability distributions over verb frames. The
results obtained using 110 test verbs including pol-
ysemies with labeled data of 10% showed 0.577 F-
score, and it was comparable with previous work.
Fukumoto F. and Suzuki Y..
DOI: 10.5220/0003633100370046
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2011), pages 37-46
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The
next section provides an overview of existing tech-
niques. Section 3 explains verb description, i.e., verb
frame patterns. Section 4 describes distributional sim-
ilarity measures to compute semantic similarities be-
tween pairs of verbs. Section 5 explains our clustering
algorithm. Finally, we report some experiments using
110 verbs including polysemies, and end with a dis-
cussion of evaluation.
Much of the previous work on verb classification is to
classify verbs into classes with semantically similar
senses taken from an existing thesaurus or taxonomy.
One attractive attempt is to use Levin-style semantic
classes (Levin, 1993), as this classification includes
the largest number of English verbs with fine-grained
classes. Moreover, it is based on the assumption that
the sense of a verb influences its syntactic behavior,
particularly with respect to the choice of its argu-
ments. Therefore, if we induce a verb classification
on the basis of verb features, i.e., syntactic informa-
tion obtained from corpora, then the resulting classi-
fication should agree with a semantic classification to
a certain extent.
Schulte (Schulte im Walde, 2000) attempted to
classify verbs using two algorithms: iterative clus-
tering based on a definition by (Hughes, 1994), and
unsupervised latent class analysis as described by
(Rooth, 1998), based on the expectation maximiza-
tion algorithm. Stevenson and Joanis compared their
supervised method for verb classification with semi-
supervised and unsupervised techniques (Stevenson
and Joanis, 2003). Brew et al. focused on dimension-
ality reduction on the verb frame patterns, and applied
a spectral clustering technique (Ng et al., 2002) to the
unsupervised clustering of German verbs to Levin’s
English classes (Brew and Walde, 2002). They re-
ported that the results by a spectral clustering outper-
formed the standard k-means against all the evalua-
tion measures including “F-measure” and all the dis-
tance measures including “skew divergence.
In the context of graph-based clustering of words,
Widdows and Dorow used a graph model for un-
supervised lexical acquisition (Widdows and Dorow,
2002). The graph structure is built by linking pairs
of words that participate in particular syntactic rela-
tionships. An incremental cluster-building algorithm
using the graph structure achieved 82% accuracy at
a lexical acquisition task, evaluated against WordNet
10 classes, and each class consists of 20 words. Mat-
suo et al. proposed a method of word clustering based
on a word similarity measure by Web counts (Matsuo
et al., 2006). They used Newman clustering for the
clustering algorithm, and reported that the results ob-
tained with the algorithm were better than those ob-
tained by average-link agglomerativeclustering using
90 Japanese noun words. However, all these meth-
ods relied on hard-clustering models, and thus have
largely ignored the issue of polysemy by assuming
that words belong to only one cluster.
In contrast to hard-clustering algorithms, soft
clustering allows that words to belong to more than
one cluster. Much of the previous work on soft clus-
tering is based on EM algorithm. The earliest work in
this direction is that of Pereira et al (Pereira et al.,
1993), who described a hierarchical soft clustering
method that clusters noun words. The clustering re-
sult was a hierarchy of noun clusters, where every
noun belongs to every cluster with a membership
probability. The initial data for the clustering process
were frequencies of verb–noun pairs in a direct ob-
ject relationship, as extracted from conditional verb–
noun probabilities, the similarity of the distributions
was determined by the KL divergence. The EM al-
gorithm was used to learn the hidden cluster mem-
bership probabilities, and deterministic annealing per-
formed the divisive hierarchical clustering. Schulte
et al. (Schulte im Walde et al., 2008) proposed a
method for semantic verb classification that relies on
selectional preferences as verb properties. The model
was implemented as a soft clustering approach to cap-
ture the polysemy of the verbs. The training proce-
dure used the EM algorithm to iteratively improve the
probabilistic parameters of the model, and applied the
MDL principle to induce WordNet-based selectional
preferences for arguments within subcategorization
frames. The results showed that after 10 training it-
erations the verb class model results were above the
baseline results. Our work is similar to their method
in the use of semi-supervised clustering, while they
did not report in detail whether the clusters captured
polysemic verbs. Moreover, the algorithm cannot as-
sign unlabeled data to a new class other than known
Korhonen et al. (Korhonen et al., 2003) used
verb–frame pairs to cluster verbs relying on the in-
formation bottleneck. Our work is similar to their
method in the use of 110 test verbs provided by (Ko-
rhonen et al., 2003), and focused especially on verbal
polysemy. However, their method interpreted poly-
semy as representedby the soft clusters, i.e., they used
the Information Bottleneck, an iterative soft method
with hardening of the output, while the method pre-
sented in this paper allows that verbs belong to more
than one cluster.
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
A typical word clustering task is to cluster words into
classes based on their distributional similarity. Sim-
ilarity measures based on distributional hypothesis
compare a pair of weighted feature vectors that char-
acterize two words (Hindle, 1990; Lin, 1998; Dagan
et al., 1999).
Like much previous work on verb classification,
we used subcategorization frame distributions to cal-
culate similarity between verbs (Schulte im Walde,
2000; Brew and Walde, 2002). More precisely, (Ko-
rhonen et al., 2003) provided subcategorization frame
data. They used the subcategorization acquisition sys-
tems of (Briscoe and Carroll, 1997). The system
employs a robust statistical parser (Briscoe and Car-
roll, 2002), which yields complete but shallow parses,
and a comprehensive subcategorization frame clas-
sifier. It incorporates 163 subcategorization distinc-
tions, a set of those found in the ANLT and COM-
LEX dictionaries (Bouraev et al., 1987; Grishman
et al., 1994). A total of 6,433 verbs were first se-
lected from COMLEX and British National Corpus
(Leech, 1992). Next, to obtain as comprehensive sub-
categorization frequency information as possible, up
to 10,000 sentences containing an occurrence of each
of these verbs were included in the input data for sub-
categorization acquisition. These sentences were ex-
tracted from five different corpora, including BNC
(Korhonen et al., 2006). We used these data to cal-
culate similarity between verbs.
There is a large body of work on distributional simi-
larity measures. Here, we concentrate on eight more
commonly used measures. In the following formulae,
x and y refer to the verb vectors, their subscripts to the
verb subcategorization frame values.
1. The Binary Cosine Measure (bCos).
The cosine measures the similarity of the two vec-
tors x and y by calculating the cosine of the an-
gle between vectors, where each dimension of the
vector corresponds to each of 163 subcategoriza-
tion patterns and each value of the dimension is
the frequency of each pattern. The binary cosine
measure is a flattened version of the cosine mea-
sure in which all non-zero counts are replaced by
2. The Cosine Measure based on Probability of
Relative Frequencies (rfCos).
The differences between the cosine and the value
based on relative frequencies of subcategorization
frames are the values of each dimension, i.e., the
former are frequencies of each pattern and the lat-
ter are the probability of relative frequencies of
each pattern.
3. The Dice Coefficient (Dice).
The Dice Coefficient is a combinatorial similar-
ity measure adopted from the field of Information
Retrieval for use as a measure of lexical distribu-
tional similarity. It is computed as twice the ratio
between size of the intersection of the two sub-
categorization patterns and the sum of the sizes of
the individual subcategorization patterns:
Dice(x,y) =
2· | F(x) F(y) |
| F(x) | + | F(y) |
4. Jaccard’s Coefficient (Jacc).
Jaccard’s Coefficient can be defined as the ratio
between the size of the intersection of the two sub-
categorization patterns and the size of the union of
the subcategorization patterns:
Jacc(x, y) =
| F(x) F(y) |
| F(x) F(y) |
5. L
Norm (L
The L
Norm is a member of a family of measures
known as the Minkowski Distance, for measuring
the distance between two points in space. The L
distance between two verbs can be written as:
(x,y) =
| x
| .
6. Kullback-Leibler (KL).
Kullback-Leibler is a measure from information
theory that determines the inefficiency of assum-
ing a model probability distribution given the true
D(x||y) =
KL is not defined in case y
= 0. Thus, the prob-
ability distributions must be smoothed. We used
two smoothing methods, i.e., Add-one smoothing
and Witten and Bell smoothing (Witten and Bell,
Moreover, two variants of KL, α-skew
divergence and the Jensen-Shannon, were used to
perform smoothing.
7. α-skew Divergence (α div.).
The α-skew divergence measure is a variant of
KL, and is defined as:
αdiv(x, y) = D(y || α · x+ (1 α) · y).
Lee reported the best results with α = 0.9 (Lee,
1999). We used the same value.
8. The Jensen-Shannon (JS).
The Jensen-Shannon is a measure that relies on
the assumption that if x and y are similar, they are
close to their average. It is defined as:
JS(x,y) =
[D(x ||
x+ y
) + D(y ||
x+ y
All measures except bCos, rfCos, Dice, and Jacc
showed that smaller values indicate a closer relation
between two verbs. Thus, we used inverse of each
We now proceed to a discussion of our modifications
to the algorithm reported by (Reichardt and Born-
holdt, 2006); we call this semi-supervised RB algo-
rithm. In this work, we focus on background knowl-
edge that can be expressed as a set of constraints
on the clustering process. After a discussion of the
kind of constraints we are using, we describe semi-
supervised RB algorithm.
5.1 The Constraints
In semi-supervised clustering, a small amount of la-
beled data is available to aid the clustering process.
Like much previous work on semi-supervised cluster-
ing (Bar-Hillel et al., 2003; Bilenko et al., 2004), our
work uses both must-link and cannot-link constraints
between pairs of nodes (Wagstaff et al., 2001). Must-
link constraints specify that two nodes (verbs) have
to be in the same cluster. Cannot-link constraints, on
the other hand, specify that two nodes must not be
placed in the same cluster. These constraints are de-
rived from a small amount of labeled data.
We report Add-one smoothing results in the evaluation,
as it was better than Witten and Bell smoothing.
5.2 Clustering Algorithm
The clustering algorithm used in this study was based
on a graph-based unsupervised clustering technique
reported by (Reichardt and Bornholdt, 2006). This al-
gorithm detects the spin configuration that minimizes
the energy of the spin glass. The energy function
Hamiltonian, for assignment of nodes into communi-
ties clusters together those that are linked, and keeps
separate those that are not by rewarding internal edges
between nodes and penalizing existing edges between
different clusters. Here, “community” or “cluster”
have in common that they are groups of densely in-
terconnected nodes that are only sparsely connected
with the rest of the network. Only local information is
used to update the nodes which makes parallelization
of the algorithm straightforward and allows the appli-
cation to very large networks. Moreover, comparing
global and local minima of the energy function allows
the detection of overlapping nodes. Reichardt et al.
evaluated their method by applying several data, the
college football network and a large protein folding
network, and reported that the algorithm successfully
detected overlappingnodes (Reichardt and Bornholdt,
2004). We extended the algorithm so as to employ
a small amount of labeled data to aid unsupervised
learning, and clustered polysemous verbs. Let v
i n) be a verb in the input, and σ
be a label assigned
to the cluster in which v
is placed. The Hamiltonian
is defined as:
}) =
i< j
(θ) γp
. (1)
Here, δ denotes the Kronecker delta. The function
(θ) refers to the adjacency matrix of the graph. If
both of the v
and v
are labeled data, it is defined by
Eq. (2), otherwise it is defined by Eq. (3).
(θ) =
1 if v
and v
satisfy must-link
0 if v
and v
satisfy cannot-link.
(θ) =
1 if sim(v
, v
) θ
0 otherwise.
We calculated sim(v
), i.e., similarity between v
and v
using one of the measures mentioned in Sec-
tion 4. If θ is 0.9 for example, the value of the topmost
10% of the verb pairs are 1, and the remaining pairs
are 0.
The matrix p
in Eq. (1) denotes the probability
that a link exists between verb v
and v
, and is defined
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
i< j
N(N 1)/2
, (4)
where N in Eq. (4) denotes the number of verbs and
N(N 1)/2 is the total number of verb pairs. As
the parameter γ in Eq. (1) increases, each verb is dis-
tributed into larger number of clusters. Eq. (1) thus
shows comparison of the actual values of internal or
external edges with its respective expectation value
under the assumption of equally probable links and
given data sizes. The minima of the Hamiltonian
H are obtained by simulated annealing (Kirkpatrick
et al., 1983) as illustrated in Figure 1.
We applied the flow of the minima of the Hamil-
tonian shown in Figure 1 for M runs. We need to find
a global minimum of the Hamiltonian. Each value
of the H
for M runs does not generally coincide
with each other. Only the minimum among the values
can be a global minimum and others are local minima.
However, it often happens that one of the local min-
ima is unexpectedly the minimum value, i.e., a global
. Thus, we regarded the minimum value
which appears more than m times among the M re-
sults as the desired global minimum. We picked H
and its corresponding all {σ
. If a v
belongs to
more than two {σ
, the v
is regarded as a polyse-
mous verb. The procedure of verb classification using
the RB consists of four steps.
1. Input.
The input is a set of verbs {v
, ···, v
}, where n is
the number of input verbs.
2. Calculation of Similarity.
Similarities for each pair of v
are calculated by
using measures mentioned in Section 4.
3. Construction of Adjacency Matrix.
According to Eq. (2) and (3), adjacency matrix,
(θ) is created.
4. Running RB Algorithm.
The RB algorithm shown in Figure 1 is applied
to the adjacency matrix, and clusters of verbs are
We note that the algorithm applies m times to find
the minima of the Hamiltonian. Therefore, we paral-
lelized the algorithm using the Message Passing Inter-
face (MPI), as we applied simulated annealing for M
runs. For implementation, we used a supercomputer,
SPARC Enterprise M9000, 64 CPU, 1 TB memory.
The method to obtain the H
does not warrant the
value to be an actual global minimum, as it is based on the
Monte-Carlo way.
Input {
(θ) // The adjacency matrix.
Output {
, {σ
// The minimum of the H and its corresponding
// clusters.
Initialization {
1. Assign an initial random value to each {σ
2. Calculate H
:= H({σ
3. H := H
, H
:= H
4. T
:= 10×|H
|, T
:= 0.1×|H
// T is a parameter called the temperature.
// T
and T
are the maximum and minimum
// value of T, respectively
Simulated annealing {
For t = 1, 2, ···, N {
// N is the number of iteration
T := T
// Let T be linearly decreased.
For i = 1, 2, · ··, n {
1. Calculate the change H(σ
from the current value of H when σ
changed to be s as:
s) =
(e) γp
2. Choose a random cluster label q
as a candidate of σ
, such that q 6= σ
3. Calculate p(σ
= q) as:
= q) =
// p(σ
= q) is a probability that a cluster
// label of σ
is q.
4. If r < p(σ
= q), then σ
and H are
updated as follows:
H := H + H(σ
= q), σ
:= q
// r is a random value and 0 r 1
5. If H < H
, then
:= H, {σ
:= {σ
Figure 1: Minima of the Hamiltonian by Simulated Anneal-
Table 1: Clustering results.
θ γ Sim C Prec Rec F
RB 0.2 1.0 Dice 48 0.536 0.626 0.577
EM 59 0.301 0.512 0.387
6.1 Experimental Setup
We used the data consisting of 110 test verbs con-
structed by Korhonen et al. (Korhonen et al., 2003).
There are two types: one is the monosemous gold
standard, which lists only a single sense for each
test verb corresponding to the most frequent sense
in WordNet, and the other is the polysemous stan-
dard, which provides all senses for each verb. We
used polysemous data in the experiments. We ran-
domly selected 10% of verbs from 110 test verbs, and
used them as a labeled data. The remaining verbs are
used as unknown verbs. The selection of labeled data
was repeated 10 times. All results are averaged per-
formance against 10 trials. The similarity between
verbs are calculated by using subcategorization frame
data provided by (Korhonen et al., 2003). In the ex-
periments, we experimentally set m and M in semi-
supervised RB to 3 and 1,000, respectively.
For evaluation of verb classification, we used the
precision, recall, and F-score, which were defined by
(Schulte im Walde, 2000), especially to capture how
many verbs does the algorithm actually detect more
than just the predominant sense. Precision was de-
fined by the percentage of verb senses appearing in
the correct clusters compared to the number of verb
senses appearing in any cluster, and recall was defined
by the percentage of verb senses within the correct
clusters compared to the total number of verb senses
to be clustered.
For comparison, we utilized the EM algorithm
which is widely used as a soft clustering and semi-
supervised clustering technique (Schulte im Walde
et al., 2008). We followed the method presented in
(Rooth et al., 1999). We used a probability distri-
bution over verb frames with selectional preferences,
and used up to 30 iterations to learn the model proba-
6.2 Basic Results
The results are shown in Table 1. γ and θ refer
to the parameters used by semi-supervised RB algo-
rithm. Sim indicates similarity measure reported
in Section 4. We performed experiments by varying
Table 2: Results against each measure.
Sim θ γ C Prec Rec F
Cos 0.1 1.1 39 0.402 0.583 0.476
rfCos 0.1 1.0 39 0.396 0.565 0.466
Dice 0.2 1.0 48 0.536 0.626 0.577
Jacc 0.1 0.7 36 0.314 0.785 0.449
0.2 0.7 46 0.378 0.724 0.497
KL 0.1 0.9 38 0.411 0.630 0.497
αdiv. 0.1 1.2 39 0.421 0.634 0.506
JS 0.4 1.0 37 0.380 0.539 0.446
EM 59 0.301 0.512 0.387
these values. Table 1 denotes the value that max-
imized F-score. C refers to the number of clus-
ters obtained by the method, and “EM” shows the
results obtained by EM algorithm. Table 1 shows
that the results obtained by semi-supervised RB al-
gorithm were comparable to those obtained using the
EM algorithm. We note that the number of clusters
obtained by EM algorithm is the number of different
labeled verbs in the test data, as the algorithm can-
not assign unlabeled data to a new class other than
known classes (labeled verbs). The result obtained by
semi-supervised RB shows that three new classes on
an average are correctly obtained in 10 trials, while
the number of clusters is smaller than that obtained
by EM and the correct clusters, 62 clusters.
Table 2 shows the results by using each similarity
measure. We can see from Table 2 that our core find-
ing, that unknown words including polysemy actually
aids verb classification, was robust across a wide vari-
ety of distributional similarity measures, although the
Dice coefficient was decidedly the best such measure
for this particular problem. The observation indicates
that the RB algorithm, especially the minima of the
Hamiltonian, demonstrates our basic assumption: a
verb which belongs to multiple clusters will in gen-
eral reduce the energy.
We recall that semi-supervised RB algorithm uses
two parameters: γ and θ. We examined how these
parameters affect overall clustering results. Figure 2
shows F-score of 110 verbs plotted against γ value for
the top approach, i.e., by running RB with Dice coeffi-
cient as similarity measure. Similarly, Figure 3 shows
F-score of 110 verbs plotted against θ value by run-
ning RB with Dice coefficient.
As can be seen clearly from Figure 2, the overall
performance is extremely worse when the γ value is
smaller than 0.9. This is because most of the cluster-
ing results show that verbs are classified into one of
the clusters , while they are polysemous verbs. Sim-
ilarly, the performance is worse when the γ value is
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Gamma value
Figure 2: F-score against γ values.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Theta value (%)
Figure 3: F-score against θ values.
larger than 1.3 because many of the clustering results
show that verbs are classified into more than one clus-
ters, while they are not polysemous verbs. This indi-
cates that the RB with an extremely large or small
value of γ is not effective for verb classification.
Figure 3 also shows the impact against the θ val-
ues on the effectiveness for clustering verbs. As
shown in Figure 3, the larger value of θ affects over-
all performance. This is because the number of se-
lected pairs of verbs is few. As a result, pairs are not
chose, even if they are semantically related. The re-
sult supports the usefulness of Dice coefficient, as the
best performance was obtained when the θ value was
around 20%, then the performance is decreased when
the value of θ is large.
6.3 Efficacy against Unknown Words
It is interesting to note that how semi-supervised RB
algorithm affects the ratio of labeled data. Table 3
shows the results. In table 3, “Labeled data” shows a
rate of labeled data against the number of input data.
Each value shown in Table 3 denotes the average ac-
curacy, namely we randomly selected labeled data.
The process is repeated 10 times for each ratio. The
average accuracy is a ratio that the average number of
unknown words which is assigned correctly divided
by the total number of unknown words over 10 trials.
As can be seen clearly from Table 3, more labeled
verbs improves overall performance in both methods,
while the ratio equals to 5% and 10%, there is no sta-
tistical significance between F-scores, as the result
was P-value .005. using micro sign test. Table
3 shows that the results obtained by semi-supervised
RB are always better than those of EM at all of the ra-
tios, especially precision. As we have shown in (Ko-
rhonen et al., 2003), each sense of the class is very
delicate. Therefore, these results show the effective-
ness of the method.
6.4 Error Analysis against Polysemy
We examined whether polysemous verbs were cor-
rectly classified into classes. Then, we manually an-
alyzed clustering results obtained by running semi-
supervised RB algorithm, with Dice coefficient as
a similarity measure, which was the best quality F-
score against the polysemic gold standard. 13 out of
71 polysemies (unlabeled data) were perfect classifi-
cation: each polysemous verb was correctly classified
into multiple clusters. For example, the polysemous
verb, “drop was correctly classified into four clus-
ters. The words in italics denotes the majority sense,
which corresponds to the sense according to (Levin,
Putting {drop ll}
Change of State {drop dry build}
Existence {drop hang hit}
Motion {drop walk travel}
Others were errors and classified into two patterns
shown in Table 4. In Table 4, “Pattern” and “#times”
refer to a type of an error and the numbers of errors,
respectively. “Example” indicates example verbs, and
“Target” sense(s)“ denotes sense(s) that polysemies
should be assigned. “Clustered sense(s)“ refers to
the sense(s) assigned by the system. “Partial” refers
to partially correct: some senses of a polysemous
verb were correctly identified, but others were not.
The first example of this pattern is that “sit” has two
senses, “verbs of existence” and “verbs of putting”.
However, only one sense: “verbs of existence” was
identified correctly. The second example is that three
senses of the verb “remove” were correctly into the
classes, while it was classified incorrectly into the
class “verbs of change of possession”.
Table 3: Results against the ratio of labeled data.
data Sim θ γ C Prec Rec F C Prec Rec F
5% Dice 0.2 1.0 44 0.513 0.650 0.574 43 0.241 0.632 0.350
10% Dice 0.2 1.0 48 0.536 0.626 0.577 59 0.301 0.512 0.387
15% Dice 0.3 1.0 47 0.541 0.629 0.582 58 0.320 0.634 0.425
20% Dice 0.4 1.0 58 0.563 0.638 0.593 60 0.381 0.659 0.483
25% Dice 0.2 1.0 43 0.583 0.644 0.612 58 0.488 0.697 0.574
Table 4: Types of errors.
Pattern #times Example Target sense(s) Clustered sense(s)
Partial 23 sit verbs of existence, verbs of putting verbs of existence
31 remove verbs of removing, verbs of killing verbs of removing
verbs of sending and carrying verbs of killing
verbs of change of possession
verbs of sending and carrying
Poly 1 4 hang verbs of existence, verbs of putting verbs of putting
verbs of killing
verbs involving the body
“poly 1” of “Pattern” refers to polysemous verb
classified into only one cluster consisting of multi-
ple senses. “hang” was classified into one cluster.
However, the cluster consisted of four senses. There
was no error type that the target senses and clustered
senses did not completely match.
Error analysis against polysemies provided some
interesting insights for further improvement. First,
we should be able to obtain further advantages in ef-
ficiency and efficacy of the method by using hierar-
chical splits in the clusters, as the number of clus-
ters obtained by semi-supervised RB algorithm was
smaller than the number of correct clusters. One so-
lution is to hierarchically apply RB algorithm, i.e., in
the hierarchical approach, the classification problem
can be decomposed into a set of smaller problems cor-
responding to hierarchical splits in the tree (Navigli,
2008). Roughly speaking, one first classifies to distin-
guish among classes at the top level, then lower level
classification is performed only within the appropri-
ate top level of the tree (Pereira et al., 1993). Each
of these sub-problems can be solved much more effi-
ciently, and hopefully more accurately as well. This is
definitely worth trying with our method. Second, it is
important to use other types of features, such as selec-
tional preferences using semantic concepts from the-
saurus like WordNet (Schulte im Walde et al., 2008).
Third, we plan to apply the method to other the-
saurus such as WordNet semantic classes, and other
languages to evaluate the robustness of the method.
We have developed an approach for classifying un-
known verbs including polysemies into Levin-style
semantic classes. We proposed a graph-based semi-
supervised clustering method which employs a small
amount of labeled data to aid unsupervised learning.
Moreover, the method allows verbs to belong to mul-
tiple senses. The results using the data consisting 110
test verbs was better than the EM algorithm, as the
F-score obtained by the RB was 0.577 and that of the
EM was 0.387. Moreover, we found that unknown
words including polysemy actually aids verb classi-
fication, was robust across a wide variety of distri-
butional similarity measures. To examine the effects
of unknown words classification, we applied semi-
supervised RB to the different ratio of labeled data
against the number of input data. The results showed
that RB is always better than the EM, even for a small
number of labeled verbs, while more labeled verbs
improves the overall performance in both methods.
Future work includes (i) extending the method to deal
with hierarchical splits in the clusters, (ii) incorpo-
rating other semantic concepts into the method, and
(iii) applying the method to other dictionaries and lan-
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
The authors would like to thank the referees for their
comments on the earlier version of this paper. This
work was partially supported by the Telecommunica-
tions Advancement Foundation.
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