A Case Study on BioSTORM
H. Hlomani, M. G. Gillespie, D. Kotowski and D. A. Stacey
School of Computer Science, University of Guelph, 50 Stone Road East, Guelph, Canada
Ontologies, Ontology capture, Ontology evaluation, Knowledge engineering, Knowledge identification,
BioSTORM, Context, Adaptability, Knowledge base.
With the advent of such platforms as Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and the open source community
came the possibility of accessing free software/services. These may be in the form of web services, coded
algorithms, legacy systems, etc. Users are able to define workflows through the combination of these software
components with the aide of systems known as Ontology Driven Compositional Systems (ODCS). These
systems have ontologies as their fundamental components that provide the knowledge bases that provide the
rich descriptions of the ODCS components. Since these ontologies underlie ODCS, greater efforts must be
spent in the engineering of these artifacts. We have thus proposed a knowledge identification framework that
can be used as a guide within ontology engineering methodologies to perform such tasks as ontology capture
and evaluation. In this paper we demonstrate the usage of this framework in a case study to evaluate the
ontologies defined in the BioSTORM project. We do this by using a checklist (founded on the knowledge
identification framework) through which we can evaluate the adaptability of the context of an ontology.
With the advent of such platforms as Service Ori-
ented Architecture (SOA) and the open source com-
munity came the possibility of accessing free soft-
ware/services. These may be in the form of web ser-
vices, coded algorithms, legacy systems, etc. While
these may be self-contained and providing some use-
ful function, a more complex (combination of one
or more) form of these services may provide some
added value. With the aide of computers, users would
compose (either automatically or semi-automatically)
a resultant system by discovering, ranking, selecting
and orchestrating previously implemented software to
achieve their goal. This technique is referred to as
Compositional Systems.
Current research has focused on Ontology Driven
Compositional Systems, a variant of compositional
systems that employs a central knowledge base to
provide rich descriptions of its components (Arpinar
et al., 2005; Cardoso and Sheth, 2005; Crubezy et al.,
2005; Gillespie et al., 2010; Hlomani and Stacey,
2009). This knowledge base is made mostly of se-
mantic web technologies referred to as ontologies.
These are formal representation of knowledge throu-
gh the definition of concepts within a domain and the
relationships between these concepts (Gruber, 1993).
Since ontologies underlie ODCS and other seman-
tic web based systems, there has been substantial re-
search on the creation of unified ontologies. This is,
however, proving to be a daunting task since each se-
mantic web implementation often has its own mod-
elling perspective (Gillespie et al., 2011; Burstein and
Mcdermott, 2005). This difficulty then cascades to
knowledge engineering processes such as knowledge
identification, ontology capture and ontology evalu-
ation. To handle this shortcoming we proposed (in
our previous work (Gillespie et al., 2011)) a gener-
alized knowledge identification framework that could
be used within ontology engineering methodologies
to capture possible knowledge that could be repre-
sented in ontological models for ODCSs.
In this paper, we conduct a case study on BIOS-
TORM ontologies. We do this by using the knowl-
edge identification framework to evaluate the ontolo-
gies paying particular interest to the adaptability of
the context of the categories of knowledge within the
Hlomani H., G. Gillespie M., Kotowski D. and A. Stacey D..
DOI: 10.5220/0003631901670175
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2011), pages 167-175
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Ontology Engineering
From the moment that ontologies have become a prac-
tical choice for representing knowledge within soft-
ware, there has been great effort by researchers and
the software community to formalize their creation
and development process (Gillespie et al., 2011).
From this rose the notion of knowledge engineering
and the formalization of the knowledge meta-process.
(Sure et al., 2009) presented a generalized
”Knowledge Meta Process” method for creation, re-
finement and maintenance of ontologies (i.e. knowl-
edge engineering). This process involves several
steps: Feasibility Study, Kick-off, Refinement, Evalu-
ation, and Application/Evolution. The first two steps
focus mostly on understanding a set knowledge re-
quirements (i.e, Kick-off) required to be represented
in a ontology-driven application, and the last three
steps focus on iteratively refining, evaluating, and
evolving the knowledge representations for an appli-
cation. All steps/phases of an ontology development
process present their own unique characteristics, how-
ever the main focus always addresses the represented
knowledge. For the context of our case-study, we
have decided to focus on considering ontology evalu-
ation techniques.
2.2 Ontology Evaluation
To define ontology evaluation two important concepts
should be considered: the role ontologies play within
applications (e.g. ODCS) and perception. (Brank
et al., 2005) view ontologies as the “piece” that
shifted the focus of information systems from “data
processing” towards “concept processing”. Hence
system components are given context through the def-
inition of their semantics. Ontologies are built as con-
ceptualizations of a domain and hence are based on
one’s view of the domain. (Brank et al., 2005) ar-
gue that it is therefore possible for several ontologies
to conceptualize the same domain. Given this, focus
must then be given to evaluating ontologies not only
for their correctness but their suitability as well.
There is no consensus on the “best” or preferred
ontology evaluation approach, however, there are sev-
eral variables that can influence the decision to use
a specific methodology. These include: the purpose
of the evaluation, where the ontology is to be used
and the aspects of the ontology to be evaluated (Brank
et al., 2005). Each of these evaluation approaches will
be classified as: golden standard comparison, evalua-
tion of the application using the ontology, comparison
to source data about a modelled domain, or as human
performed assessment of predefined criteria, standard
or requirement (Vrande
c, 2009; Brank et al., 2005).
In addition to the above mentioned categorizations
of approaches to ontology evaluation, (Brank et al.,
2005) proposes a grouping of these approaches based
on aspects of the ontology (also known as the level of
evaluation (Vrande
c, 2009)). Their argument is that
an ontology is a fairly complex structure and hence it
would be more practical to evaluate each level sepa-
rately rather than a holistic approach. These include:
a.) Lexical, vocabulary, concept, data. b.) Hierarchy,
taxonomy. c.) Other semantic relations. d.) Context,
application. e.) Syntactic f.) Structure, architecture,
design. With that said, utilizing our knowledge frame-
work presented in Section 2.3, an ontology evaluation
process can focus on an aspect that best fits the goal
of the developer/evaluator.
2.3 Knowledge Identification
We recently presented a knowledge identification
framework (Gillespie et al., 2011) in hopes of improv-
ing the engineering of ontologies for ODCSs. The
framework could act as a complimentary guide dur-
ing an engineering methodology. Figure 1 illustrates
our proposal.
Figure 1: A proposed framework to guide engineers in the
identification of ontological knowledge driving ODCS pro-
cesses (Gillespie et al., 2011).
Within this framework, five different categories of
knowledge can be represented within the ontologies
that drive an ODCS: Human Actors, Compositional
Units, Workflow, Data Architecture, and Physical
Resources. With a stronger definitions provided
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
in (Gillespie et al., 2011), the five categories are
described in this paper as the following:
Human Actors. The representation of knowledge
that identifies various types of human users who in-
teract with an ODCS in some fashion (e.g. end-users,
software developers, domain-experts, etc.)
Compositional Units. The representation of knowl-
edge that identifies previously implemented pieces
of software that could be composed into a resultant
system (e.g. algorithms, web services, distributed
agents, etc.)
Workflow. The representation of knowledge that
identifies the process flow of different compositional
units to complete a given objective/task/goal (e.g. the
composition of a data aggregation script, statistical
model, and data plot module to complete a modelling
Data Architecture. The representation of knowledge
that identifies the various forms of data sources and
specifications that could be input, output, or flow
through the resultant system and the individual com-
positional units within it (e.g. a CSV file containing
emergency department visit time-series data).
Physical Resources. The representation of knowl-
edge that identifies physical executional environments
that could systematically execute a constructed resul-
tant system by an ODCS (e.g. a personal computer
with a specific operating system or a supercomputer
with a large number of processors).
To complement the ve categories of knowledge
depicted in Figure 1, three more conceptual consider-
ations are illustrated: human and system influences,
syntactic and semantic knowledge representation and
the relationships between the different categories of
A differentiation between syntactic and semantic
knowledge representation is illustrated in Figure 1.
Essentially, entities of knowledge that are described
as ”syntactic” would represent physical objects con-
sidered within an ODCS (e.g., algorithm, web service,
data source, data set, person, a computer server, etc.),
where ”semantic” knowledge entities would repre-
sent the realization’ of the syntactic entities (e.g.,
programming language, functional purpose, dimen-
sions/structure of data, human actor role, operating
system environment, etc.) In terms of semantic rep-
resentation, five sub-types can be considered: func-
tion, data, execution, quality, and trust. Gillespie et al
(2011) and Cardoso (2005) describe these further.
Finally, the framework identifies the relationships
between the categories of knowledge. These relation-
ships can also be described as either syntactic or se-
As stated in Section 2.3, the framework performs
as a tool to facilitate effective ontology engineering
methodologies for ODCS ontological knowledge. In
this section we suggest how the framework can be uti-
lized in the context of ontology evaluation by present-
ing a knowledge framework checklist. This checklist
can be applied by any ontology engineer who is in-
vestigating the ontological knowledge for an ODCS.
Following the work of (Brank et al., 2005),
c, 2009) provided a description of different
aspects of ontology evaluation. As discussed in sec-
tion 2.2, one of these aspect is context. Our focus
for this paper is to evaluate the adaptability of con-
text. Context is defined in terms of considering the
aspects of the ontology in relation to other variables
in its environment (Vrande
c, 2009). ODCS-specific
examples may include human influence, an applica-
tion using the ontology, a data source the ontology
describes, etc. Due to the high-level categorical repre-
sentation that the knowledge identification framework
provides, context is the aspect of ontology evaluation
that best fits our assessment.
An ontology evaluation is assessed by how
well a given aspect satisfies certain criteria/metrics
c, 2009). In terms of the knowledge frame-
work and the nature of ODCS applications, adapt-
ability is considered. In (Gillespie et al., 2011), we
argued that the framework can assist with questions
such as “How can ontological knowledge represented
in ODCS ‘A be utilized or integrated into the on-
tologies for ODCS ‘B’?”. Adaptability deals with
the extent to which the ontology can be extended
and/or specialized without breaking or removal of ex-
isting axioms (Vrande
c, 2009). Therefore, within
this ontology evaluation example we plan to assess
the adaptability of the context in a specific ODCS’s
3.1 Evaluation Checklist: A Concept
from Software Quality Assurance
Within the software engineering industry, long stand-
ing initiatives have been put in place for software
quality assurance (SQA) (International Standards Or-
ganization, 2001; McCall et al., 1977). One of the
main SQA standards calls for the development of soft-
Case Study on BioSTORM
ware that is strongly portable. In the investigation
of portability, standards usually isolate that a soft-
ware developer or quality assurance professional must
consider dynamics such as adaptability and flexibility
(McCall et al., 1977). This concept is strongly related
to the ontology evaluation focus we wish to pursue.
During the review of software quality assurance
evaluation methods, we discovered the persistent uti-
lization of checklists to quickly illustrate the aspects
of SQA that have and have not been satisfied by a
piece of software (Ince, 1995). Large companies and
organizations (such as (NASA, 2011)) utilize check-
lists to hold themselves accountable in the produc-
tion of high quality products and services. Acknowl-
edging the usefulness of this tool, we constructed a
checklist that assists with the specific focus of our on-
tology evaluation (i.e. adaptability of context), us-
ing our framework as the structure for the checklist
3.2 From the Framework: Ontology
Evaluation Checklist for ODCS
In section 2.2 we observed that an ontology evalu-
ation strategy considers and is affected by variables
such as the purpose of the evaluation, and the aspect
of the ontology to be evaluated.
We also arrived at the conclusion that an ontol-
ogy evaluation process should focus on an aspect that
best fits the goal of the evaluator and the structure of
the framework. Based on these notions, the structure
of the checklist defined for the purpose of evaluating
the ontologies in this case study addresses the content
described in the knowledge identification framework
(section 2.3). The evaluation of the adaptability of the
context of the ontologies is the focus for the check-
list and is structured as follows:Part A: ODCS & On-
tology Overview; Part B1-B5: Categories of Knowl-
edge(Syntax and Semantics); Part C: Internal Rela-
tionships; Part D: Human Actor Relationships; Part
E: Physical Resource Relationships; Part F: Overall
Assessment; Part G: Extra Space for Comments.
While the focus of this paper is on ontology evalu-
ation of existing ontologies it is possible to apply this
framework during the iterative process of developing
an ontology.
This section presents the BioSTORM ontology eval-
uation case study. We start off by presenting an
overview of the steps. To conduct the case study,
an understanding of the BioSTORM prototype sys-
tem was needed. Therefore, we provide this overview
in section 4.2. This is followed by an assessment of
the adaptability of the ontology context . Finally a
presentation of the notable deductions from the case
study is presented. The checklist was utilized explic-
itly to address items 2-4 of section 4.1 while Part A
and B1 are illustrated in the Appendix.
4.1 Methodology: Running an
Evaluation with the Checklist
To run an effective ontology evaluation session we
aimed to utilize the proposed checklist as a pseudo-
research method. Based on its document structure the
following method was followed:
1. Visit the BioSTORM website (BioSTORM, 2009)
and download all of the ontologies and supporting
documentation and publications.
2. Before starting the checklist, read the related pub-
lications to understand the system-specific do-
main (i.e. composition software agents) and
the domain-specific application (i.e. syndromic
3. Run a preliminary overview evaluation by docu-
menting Part A of the checklist: ODCS & Ontol-
ogy Overview.
4. For each category of knowledge that exists within
the BioSTORM ontologies, document the respec-
tive Part B.
5. Next, consider the all possible relationships that
could exist between the categories of knowledge
in Parts C, D, and E.
6. Provide an overall assessment (in Part F) utilizing
the evaluation within the checklist document.
4.2 Biological Spatio-temporal
Outbreak Reasoning Module
Syndromic surveillance is defined as a type of surveil-
lance activity that uses health-related data (e.g. emer-
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
gency room visits, sales of over-the-counter medica-
tions, etc.) to establish the probability of a disease
outbreak that warrants a public health response. The
problem domain of syndromic surveillance is charac-
terized by the discovery of links between current data
and previously unrelated data (Nyulas et al., 2008;
Crubezy et al., 2005; Pincus and Musen, 2003). What
this implies is the requirement to integrate many di-
verse, heterogeneous and disparate data sources. It
also has the requirement of employing a varied num-
ber of computational methods/algorithms that can
reason about the data from these different sources.
The integration of the data source presents a ma-
jor challenge in terms of context. Each data source
and data concept has to be correctly understood less
it be misinterpreted with dire consequences. These
are the motivations for BIOSTORM, an experimental
prototype system implemented at Stanford University
that supports the configuration, deployment and eval-
uation of analytic methods for the detection of out-
breaks. In this implementation, the quest to provide
context of data sources is done through the use of on-
tologies. The ontologies serves as a model through
which the semantics of data sources and their data can
be described thereby giving their context.
The BioSTORM implementation follows a JADE-
based system architecture that deploys a number of
agents that collaborate in analyzing data for outbreak
detection (Nyulas et al., 2008). This is a three layered
framework consisting of the knowledge layer, agent
platform, and the data source layer.
1. A Knowledge Layer consisting of a surveillance
method library, and their descriptive ontologies.
These ontologies and the methods API describe
the functionality of the system. Tasks, Methods
and Connectors are defined in the ontology classes
to model communication paths. Algorithms are
also defined to model related tasks.
2. An Agent Platform that generates system agents
based on the information retrieved from the
knowledge layer. They assume a data-driven en-
vironment where each agent may not be aware of
the producer or consumer of its information. Each
agent publishes its results on the blackboard and
consumes or uses information on the blackboard
as per its needs and is not aware of the existence
of other agents in the platform.
3. Data Source Layer. Based on the Data Source
ontology, this layer describes the environment
within which the agents interact.
A varied number of publications have resulted from
the research related to BioSTORM. These publica-
tions depicted different information about the ontolo-
gies which has lead to some confusion and difficulty
in evaluating the ontologies since the ontologies listed
in the publication do not resemble those available in
the BioSTORM repository.
4.3 Assessment of Adaptability of
The assessment set out in this section focuses on Part
A and B1 of the checklist provided in the Appendix.
Note that aspects of the evaluation relating to Part A.1
and A.2 have been addressed in section 4.2.
4.3.1 A.5.ii: Difficult Workflow Syntax
With the sm:Algorithm entity, a workflow is explic-
itly defined by the utilization of an object property
titled sm#steps. An instance of an algorithm sm#steps
through sm#Tasks, sm#BranchPoints, and sm#Tag. In
this evaluation, we could not locate any depiction of
chronological ordering therefore we believe that the
workflow knowledge is heavily dependant on hard-
coded knowledge within the JADE multi-agent sys-
tem. This can also be attributed to the choice of ar-
chitecture (i.e. blackboard) which follows a parallel
and distributed pattern with agents publishing to and
using data on the blackboard.
4.3.2 B1.2.ii: JADE-CLASS Adaptability
The smj:JADE-CLASS is difficult to adapt to the con-
text of other ODCS because it directly relates to a
JADE Software Agent instantiation. Most ODCS
would not utilize this multi-agent system, thus con-
textually this CU syntax knowledge entity is Difficult
to adapt.
4.3.3 B1.4.iii: Adapt CU Function Semantics to
other ODCS Ontologies
The sm#Algorithm, sm#Task, and sm#Method classes
could be utilized in other CU representations for
other ODCS. Within their axiom relationships, an
sm#Algorithm primarily sm#steps through Tasks
(we are ignoring sm#BranchPoint and sm#Tag for
this checklist item). A sm#Task is composed
of sm#Methods and sub-sm#Algorithms, where the
methods could have more sub-sm#Tasks. If an ontol-
ogy engineer wished to adapt this structural compo-
sition, s/he must accept the detailed object property
relationship. In some cases, this may be too specific
depending on other ontological specifications.
Case Study on BioSTORM
If this entity composition is favoured however, the
syndromic surveillance algorithms, tasks, and meth-
ods are defined simply as sub-classes of the three
abstracted sm#Algorithm, sm#Task, and sm#Method
entities. Thus, other application domains could eas-
ily utilize these entities by engineering their own
domain-specific classes.
4.3.4 Other Notable Deductions
As depicted in Part A.1 and A.5.iii of the check-list,
the BioSTORM data source ontology represents the
semantic definitions of data (e.g. datatype, data struc-
ture, temporal and spatial dimensions, etc.). These
description are not domain specific and thus any data
used for any type of software will have these charac-
teristics. This renders these descriptions adaptable to
a different context.
Throughout the case study a recurring point was
observed: if a user wishes to use a JADE multi-agent
system, these ontologies would allow for quick imple-
mentation, however outside of that specification uti-
lizing some aspects of these ontologies could prove
difficult. Having said that, some aspects of the ontolo-
gies can be seamlessly adapted to a different applica-
tion. This conclusion was drawn based on the obser-
vations detailed in B1.4.i in the checklist that iden-
tifies the modelling of top classes as “meta-classes”
that can be further sub-classed to represent knowledge
in the relevant domain.
In this paper we described a knowledge identifica-
tion framework developed in our previous work. This
framework emerged from the realization of a gap be-
tween existing ODCS and their ability to share knowl-
edge. Hence, the knowledge identification frame-
work would guide ontology engineering methodolo-
gies with such tasks as requirements gathering, ontol-
ogy capture, and evaluation of ontologies for ODCS
specifically. In this paper we have demonstrated the
usage of the framework to evaluate the context of
BioSTORM ontologies by presenting a knowledge
framework checklist. The evaluation centred around
whether the context of the ontology is adaptable.
Challenges were encountered during the evalua-
tion process. These include the lack of documentation
and confusion where documentation was present due
to gaps that may have been created by revisions of
the ontologies. Through the usage of the developed
checklist, we were able to identify the categories of
knowledge that were and were not represented in the
ontologies. In this case study, the Human Actors and
Physical Resources categories were not represented.
We attribute this absence to the context and nature
of the application. BioSTORM is an agent-based im-
plementation and thus the agents will only operate in
their environment and nowhere else (in this case, the
JADE platform).
Throughout the case study we observed that the
descriptions provided were strongly tied to the JADE
multi-agent domain. Therefore if a user wishes to use
a JADE multi-agent system, these ontologies would
allow for quick implementation, however outside of
that specification utilizing some aspects of this ontol-
ogy could prove difficult. Having said that, we also
observed that some aspects of the ontologies can be
adapted to different contexts or used in a different
ODCS. An example of this is the CU functional se-
mantics. This is modelled through the definition of
the Algorithm, Task and Method as top level classes.
These classes can be further sub-classed to specialize
them so as to model the domain of interest.
It is important to recognize that although the
checklist can explicitly imitate an evaluation method-
ology it should not be used as such. We ob-
served through our experience that during an ontol-
ogy evaluation session, an analyst will fluidly move
through the object properties between entities. Thus,
an analyst is consistently assessing different cate-
gories of knowledge and their respective relation-
ships during the session. The checklist proved to
be a tool that facilitated this dynamic. While we
have used the framework only for evaluation, it is
our postulation that an ontology engineer may use
this framework to guide him/her during the captur-
ing of valid ontologies as well. Due to space con-
straints not all material is covered in this paper. To
obtain a more comprehensive technical report visit:
Arpinar, I. B., Zhang, R., Aleman-Meza, B., and Maduko,
A. (2005). Ontology-driven Web services composition
platform. Information Systems and e-Business Man-
agement, 3(2):175–199.
BioSTORM (2009). Welcome to BioSTORM-
Project Description. Available Online
Brank, J., Grobelnik, M., and Mladenic, D. (2005). A sur-
vey of ontology evaluation techniques. In Proceedings
of the Conference on Data Mining and Data Ware-
houses (SiKDD 2005), pages 166–170. Citeseer.
Burstein, M. H. and Mcdermott, D. V. (2005). Ontology
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Translation for Interoperability Among Semantic Web
Services. AI Magazine, 26(1):71–82.
Cardoso, J. and Sheth, A. (2005). Introduction to Semantic
Web Services and Web Process Composition, volume
3387 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer
Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Crubezy, M., Connor, M., Pincus, Z., Musen, M., and Buck-
eridge, D. (2005). Ontology-Centered Syndromic
Surveillance for BioTerrorism. IEEE Intelligent Sys-
tems, pages 26–35.
Gillespie, M. G., Hlomani, H., and Stacey, D. A. (2011). A
Knowledge Identification Framework for Engineering
Ontologies in System Composition Processes. In 12th
IEEE Conference on Information Reuse and Integra-
tion (IRI 2011) to appear, Las Vegas.
Gillespie, M. G., Stacey, D. A., and Crawford, S. S.
(2010). Satisfying User Expectations in Ontology-
Driven Compositional Systems: A Case Study in Fish
Population Modelling. In International Conference of
Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development,
Gruber, T. R. (1993). A translational approach to portable
ontology specifications. Knowledge Acquisition,
Hlomani, H. and Stacey, D. A. (2009). An ontology driven
approach to software systems composition. In Inter-
national Conference of Knowledge Engineering and
Ontology Development, pages 254–260. INSTICC.
Ince, D. C. (1995). Introduction to Software Quality As-
surance and Its Implementation. McGraw-Hill, New
York, NY, USA.
International Standards Organization (2001). ISO/IEC
McCall, J., Richards, P., and Walters, G. (1977). Factors in
Software Quality, RADC TR-77-369, volume I, II, III.
US Rome Air Development Center Reports.
NASA (2011). Software Qual-
ity. Available online http://sw-
Nyulas, C. I., O’Connor, M. J., Tu, S. W., Buckeridge,
D. L., Okhmatovskaia, A., and Musen, M. a. (2008).
An Ontology-Driven Framework for Deploying JADE
Agent Systems. 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International
Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent
Technology, pages 573–577.
Pincus, Z. and Musen, M. a. (2003). Contextualizing het-
erogeneous data for integration and inference. In
AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings / AMIA Sym-
posium. AMIA Symposium, pages 514–8.
c, D. (2009). Ontology Evaluation, pages 293–
313. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg.
In completing the checklist, the user first gives an
overview of the ODCS and the ontologies that under-
lie it (i.e. Part A of the checklist). This is done by
answering the questions defined by indicating “Yes”
if the aspect is represented, “No” if it is not repre-
sented, “Diff” if there is difficulty in telling, “NA” or
“TBD” in the cases where further research needs to
be done. When the overview has been done, Part B of
the checklist can be completed. Note that Part B1 of
the checklist can be replicated to equally assess other
categories of knowledge as may be relevant.
Case Study on BioSTORM
Table 1: Part A of our proposed checklist is an overview of the ODCS being investigated and its ontologies. The answers
within this table relate to our case study investigation of BioSTORM.
Part A: ODCS & Ontology Overview
A.1 Does explicit documentation and publications exist to ex-
plain the application context of this ODCS?
Yes See Section 4.2
A.2 Does explicit documentation exist to describe the system
architecture of this ODCS?
Diff See Section 4.2
A.3 List and describe the different ontologies in the ODCS. Provide a
name-space acronym for each ontology.
DataSource.owl (ds): provides descriptions for available data sources on the ‘blackboard’
to unify agents (with specific input/output) together in a process flow
SurveillanceMethods.owl (sm): describes the surveillance algorithms, tasks and methods
that are related to evaluation, outbreak detection, and simulation.
SurveillanceEvaluations.owl (se): provides a description of an “evaluation analysis” (i.e.
configurations of outbreak detection and simulation)
SurveillanceMethodJADEOntology.owl (smj): provides association between JADE agents
and surviellance algorithms/tasks/methods for evaluation, detection, and simulation
A.4 List the ontologies that are imported into ODCS
temporal.owl: a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) ontology to specify temporal com-
ponents and proportions.
beangenerator.owl: an ontology utilized by the JADE multi-agent system and required for
the implementation of BioSTORM integrated with JADE.
more TBD
A.5.i Is Compositional Unit Knowledge represented within the
ontologies? Comment whether it is syntax, semantic, or
Yes Both
A.5.ii Is Workflow Knowledge represented within the ontologies?
Comment whether it is syntax, semantic, or both.
Diff Syntax, see Section
A.5.iii Is Data Architecture Knowledge represented within the on-
tologies? Comment whether it is syntax, semantic, or both.
Yes Semantic
A.5.ix Is Human Actor Knowledge represented within the ontolo-
gies? Comment whether it is syntax, semantic, or both.
A.5.x Is Physical Resources Knowledge represented within the
ontologies? Comment whether it is syntax, semantic, or
A.6 Do relationships between the categories of knowledge ex-
A.6.i If yes, indicate which relationships (ten possible permutations)
CU–DA (Compositional Units - Data Architecture)
CU–WF (Compositional Units - Workflows)
WF–DA (Workflows - Data Architecture)
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 2: Part B1 of our proposed checklist is an investigation of Compositional Unit Knowledge. The answers within this
table relate to our case study investigation of BioSTORM. Note that not all checklist questions for this “part” are included
because this presentation is merely a proof-of-concept.
Part B1: Compositional Unit (CU) Knowledge
B1.1 Is the CU syntax knowledge explicitly represented in an on-
B1.1.i If yes, list and describe the classes/entities
smj#JADE-CLASS: represents physical surveillance agents that can be executed on the
JADE multi-agent system
B1.1.ii If no, where is it represented? TBD
B1.2 Do explicit mappings to imported ontologies for the CU
syntax knowledge exist?
B1.2.i If yes, list the mappings
smj#JADE-CLASS entity is an explicit mapping from beangenerator.owl to automatically
incorporate an ontology-defined agent into the JADE execution tool-kit.
B1.2.ii Also if yes, are these imported classes/entities adaptable for
other ODCS?
No See Section 4.3
B1.3 For CU syntax knowledge, do other ODCS explicitly map
to this ODCS’s ontologies?
B1.3.i If yes, list the mappings and describe their adaptability. TBD
B1.3.ii Could the identified CU syntax knowledge be adapted into
candidate mappings for other ODCS ontologies?
NA only uses imported
B1.4 Is the context for CU Function Semantics explicitly repre-
sented in the ontologies?
B1.4.i If yes, list and describe the main classes/entities. Note how the seman-
tics describe the syntax classes/entities above.
sm#AnalysisEntity: top-level class describing analysis actions for evaluation, outbreak
detection, and simulations.
sm#Algorithm: top-level representation of an evaluation, outbreak detection, or simula-
tion process
– – sm#Task: a composition of a series of methods to perform a certain action
sm#Method: a top-level collection of Primitive Methods and TaskDecompositionMethods
– – sm#PrimitiveMethod: single execution statement with no sub-tasks required
– – sm#TaskDecompositonMethod: is a task (or sub-task) that is another series of methods
Note: All algorithms, task, and methods entities directly correlate to the semantic context of
B1.4.ii For Function semantics, do explicit mappings to imported
ontologies exist?
B1.4.iii Could the identified Function semantics be adapted into
candidate mappings for other ODCS ontologies?
Diff see Section 4.3
B1.5 Is the context for CU Data Semantics explicitly represented
in the ontologies?
B1.5.i If yes, list and describe the main classes/entities. Note how the seman-
tics describe the syntax classes/entities above.
se#InputSpecification & se#OutputSpecification: representation of semantic context of in-
put/output into algorithms, tasks, and methods
B1.5.ii Do explicit mappings to imported ontologies exist? No
B1.6 Is the context for CU Execution Semantics explicitly repre-
sented in the ontologies?
No Note: same answer
for Quality and Trust
Case Study on BioSTORM