Alireza Zarghami, Mohammad Zarifi Eslami, Brahmananda Sapkota and Marten van Sinderen
Department of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Homecare, Independent living, Service realization, Service composition, SOA, Homecare platform, Wellbe-
Most of the industrialized countries are facing a new situation which is the increasing number of elderly
people and the enormous cost of associated healthcare. IT-based homecare services have been proposed as a
solution to alleviate this problem. However, the adoption of the homecare services is hindered by the fact that
there are many heterogeneous IT solutions, which prevent interoperability and integration of existing as well
as future applications. Service-Oriented Architecture and its advantage of service composition in a loosely-
coupled manner are being considered as a promising approach to promote interoperability. In this paper, we
explain our motivation for and understanding of a generic service-oriented homecare platform. We consider
the SOA paradigm and its idea of logical separation of concerns to define a service realization and composition
framework and to identify its challenges in order to realize and compose the homecare services. Using our
framework, we evaluate three academic homecare projects to see how they address the identified challenges.
The work presented in this paper helps researchers to understand the state-of-the-art of homecare-related
platforms and technologies; and to outline issues for further research in the homecare domain.
The population of many Western-European countries
have an increasing percentage of elderly people and,
consequently, the healthcare-related cost for these
countries is growing (European Commission, 2007).
Providing automated care support for elderly in their
own home, i.e., homecare services, is proposed as
a highly desirable solution to alleviate the problem
of the growing healthcare related cost, and conse-
quently has attracted attention from the ICT indus-
try (European Commission, 2007) (Gassner and Con-
rad, 2010). Homecare service provisioning often uti-
lizes a set of heterogeneous software and hardware
solutions which must cooperate seamlessly. A com-
prehensive solution, like a common platform to make
them interoperable, is still an open research area. Dis-
tributed, dynamic and heterogeneous environments
increasingly challenge the goal of homecare services
(Bricon-Souf et al., 2005)(Bottaro et al., 2008).
The recent progress in ubiquitous computing, Re-
mote Monitoring and Treatment (RMT), and do-
motic applications leads to many useful components
and technologies for the homecare services provi-
sioning. Therefore, an integration solution which
can bring all these components and technologies to-
gether seems more interesting than any time before.
SOA with its service composition principle provides
a promising approach for homecare platforms that
support seamless cooperation of heterogeneous tech-
nology solutions. Several efforts to define such a
service-oriented platform have been undertaken (Bot-
taro et al., 2008)(Mikalsen et al., 2009)(Gray et al.,
2007). We believe in service-oriented homecare plat-
forms and therefore, we aim to explain our motivation
for and understanding of such a platform.
The homecare services hosted on the platform can
be composed and realized at different levels, from low
level hardware devices to high level end-user applica-
tion services. To elaborate these composition hierar-
chy, we define a service realization and composition
framework to show different layers of functionality
while each layer employs the services, i.e, functional-
ities of its lower layer and provides new functionali-
ties for its next higher layer. The lower layers mostly
concern about service realization while the higher lay-
ers concern about service composition.
Our objective is to define a service realization and
composition framework consisting of several func-
tional layers, for a generic SOA-based homecare plat-
Zarghami A., Zarifi Eslami M., Sapkota B. and van Sinderen M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003630203470356
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ACT4SOC-2011), pages 347-356
ISBN: 978-989-8425-76-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
form to position and classify related challenges as
well as their corresponding solutions which are al-
ready utilized. As such, the proposed framework out-
line issues for further research on homecare service
realization as well as composition challenges. The
framework can also be used to explain the state-of-
the-art with respect to homecare platforms, showing
how these platforms address the challenges at differ-
ent layers.
The remaining of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: In Section 2, we discuss interoperability from
information and behaviour perspectives, and how ex-
isting service-oriented homecare platforms tackle the
interoperabilitychallenges. We also clarify our under-
standing of a generic homecare platform. In Section
3, we explain some of interoperability issues in the
homecare domain which are used to classify the chal-
lenges in our framework. In Section 4, we elaborate
our service composition framework. In Section 5, we
map three homecare-related academic projects to our
framework to evaluate their approaches with respect
to the identified challenges. Finally, in Section 6, we
conclude and discuss our work and explain our plan-
ning of future work.
The adoption of homecare services is hindered by
the fact that there are many heterogeneous ICT solu-
tions, which prevent interoperability and integration
of existing as well as future applications. To this
end, Service-oriented Architecture and its advantage
of service composition in a loosely-coupled manner
are being considered as a promising approach to pro-
mote interoperability (Bottaro et al., 2008) (Mikalsen
et al., 2009) (Gray et al., 2007) (Nee et al., 2008).
2.1 Role of SOA in Homecare
The complexity of interoperability and its mul-
tifaceted characteristics lead to several defini-
tions (Kosanke, 2006). The IEEE Glossary defines
interoperability as ”the ability of two or more systems
or components to exchange information and to use the
information that has been exchanged (IEEE, 1990).
System can be understood in terms of different per-
spectives such as information and behavior. The in-
teroperability challenges can be considered based on
these different perspectives of systems.
The interoperability challenges from the infor-
mation perspective can be seen as the difficulty in
sharing information between systems due to differ-
ences in coding, formatting and data representation
schemes. An existing homecare platform, SAPHIRE,
employs a cross-enterprise document sharing archi-
tecture to tackle information interoperability like dis-
covery of and access to relevant electronic health
records(EHR) (Nee et al., 2008). The interoperabil-
ity challenges from the behaviour perspective can
be seen as the difficulty in using each others func-
tions due to differences in the protocols at which
they are used. Another existing homecare platform,
MPOWER, introduces a solution based on SOA and a
message translator pattern to provides interoperability
services for Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) environ-
ment (Mikalsen et al., 2009).
2.2 Homecare Platform
An application platform, according to ISO/IEC
14252, is defined as a set of resources, includ-
ing hardware and software that support the ser-
vices on which application software will run (IEEE,
1998). By homecare platform, we mean an applica-
tion platform which provides technology-independent
services for homecare applications in the sense that it
hides the complexity of underlying software and hard-
ware entities. The platform employs a set of physical
devices like to provide services which are utilized by
homecare applications. The platform services are ac-
cessible through a set of interfaces that make the char-
acteristics of underlying technology as transparent as
Care providers
Homecare application
Care receiver
Figure 1: The overall view of a generic homecare platform.
Our overall view of a generic homecare platform
is shown in Figure 1. There are four types of stake-
holder who interact with the homecare platform and
applications. The Care receivers, live at the place, for
instance, apartment where the platform has been in-
stalled. They uses a set of interfaces either computer-
based GUI or physical devices like a Medicine dis-
penser to receive care services. On the other hand,
the Care providers, either professional from a Care
center or Social carers like the neighbors and friends,
provide care services through the platform. They can
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
even act as an application developer, to create a new
application based on exiting platform services (pro-
vided by the platform or the applications) or tailor
the current applications for a specific care receiver.
The Controlled services providers, as the third type
of stakeholder, provide the components which are in-
stalled within the platform, for example, a Medicine
dispenser. The platform should provide standard in-
terfaces for the Controlled services providers to install
and manage the life cycle of their components, with-
out interfering the operation of other components.
The fourth type of stakeholder is the Third-party ser-
vice providers whose services are accessible through
the Internet and can be exploited by applications run-
ning on the homecare platform. For instance, the Re-
mote monitoring services provided by MobiHealth
can be used by other homecare applications to check
oxygen saturation and blood pressure of the Care re-
ceivers. MobiHealth can have its own infrastructure
and devices like COPD sensors inside the home sepa-
rate than the homecare platform.
To achieveinteroperabilityfor the homecare platform,
distribution, heterogeneity and dynamicity (Bottaro
et al., 2008) should be addressed in design and imple-
mentation time. In this subsection, we explain these
issues and their causes in homecare domain.
Distribution. In distributed system, a reliable
medium for communication and seamless addressing
is considered as an interoperability challenge. The
medium should provide location transparency and
hide the complexity of underlying communication in-
frastructure. Care receivers and care providers should
be able to use services provided by homecare appli-
cations which are located in different places, for in-
stance, different rooms, through the platform. Care
providers may use homecare applications from both
inside and outside home. External services provided
by the Third-party service providers should be acces-
sible through the Internet for the Homecare applica-
Heterogeneity. Interoperability is especially hard to
achieve if distributed systems are made up of het-
erogeneous subsystems that are developed, managed
and/or owned by different organizations. From the
software point of view, the applications might follow
different protocols for discovery (e.g., WS-Discovery,
SLP), interaction (e.g., SOAP,RMI) and transporta-
tion (e.g. TCP, UDP). From a hardware point of
view, they can have different capabilities varying
from a resource-constrained sensor to a computing
device with high computation resources. The soft-
ware and hardware heterogeneity arise a set of con-
straints which should be taken into account in imple-
mentation time.
Dynamicity. We define dynamicity in homecare do-
main as any type of change and demand which makes
current behaviour of homecare applications not de-
sired for the stakeholders. The changes and demands,
coming from the care receiver, homecare applications
and environment, can arise dynamicity either in short-
term or long-term (McBryan et al., 2008). From care
receiver point of view, some of the dynamicity like a
visual impairment development occur over a long pe-
riod of time and can be addressed in design time. On
the other hand, some others like location and activity
might change in short-term and must be handled in
runtime. From a system point of view, most changes
like device availability and location, are short-term.
As long-term systems’ dynamicity, we can mention
relocation of physical devices, for example, the clos-
est medicine dispenser to the kitchen, after the relo-
cation of physical devices, is not the closest one any-
As explained before, a generic homecare platform en-
hances the creation of new homecare applications and
tailoring the current applications for a specific care
receiver. We propose a service realization and com-
position framework to show different functional lay-
ers and to identify corresponding challenges. To add
to the understanding of our framework definition, we
demonstrate functionality of the layers based on two
well-known application scenarios for homecare appli-
cations as follows:
Remote Medicine Prescription. A doctor col-
lect information about health condition like oxy-
gen saturation of John, as an elderly who has
minor form of COPD (Chronic obstructive pul-
monary disease ), living in a home equipped with
homecare services. The doctor may requires ex-
tra information such as Johns position (for ex-
ample, training or bed room) along with his oxy-
gen saturation. The doctor can set different oxy-
gen saturation thresholds for different positions
of John, for instance, bedroom or training room
to be notified. John can consult with the doc-
tor through a audio/video communication on his
Tablet(Tablet PC) or PDA (Personal Digital As-
sistant) and finally the doctor prescribes the neces-
sary medicine. A medicine dispenser device will
be programmed based on the prescription.
Medicine Reminder. The homecare services will
remind John of taking the medicine on time. This
reminder message can be shown through Tablet
or PDA based on the John’s preferences. For in-
stance, if he is in living room, he prefers to see the
message on the Tablet instead of PDA.
We demonstrate our framework in three steps.
First, we explain our methodology for defining the
framework. Second, we explain the functionality and
the composition relationships of the layers. By com-
position relationship we mean that a layer composes a
set of functionalities provided by the layer lower than
itself (except the lowest layer). Third, we discuss the
challenges imposed by the homecare-related interop-
erability issues for each of the composition relation-
ships. Due to service composition hierarchy, we de-
fine the composition relationships between the layers.
4.1 Methodology
The functional aspect of homecare services are the
concerns of the work presented in this paper and thus
we focus on interoperability challenges from the be-
haviour perspective. We consider behaviour perspec-
tive because it allows us to look at the systems be-
haviour while using each others’ functions. It is dif-
ficult to relate the information interoperability to the
functional layers as defined in our framework. There-
fore, we do not consider information interoperability
challenges in this paper.
In order to classify challenges and break them
down to smaller ones, we employ the functional lay-
ering of SOA as defined in (Arsanjani, 2004), as the
basis for defining our service realization and compo-
sition framework. The service-oriented architecture
provides guidelines to achieveinteroperabilitythat as-
sists different organizations to be dynamically inte-
grated regardless of their technologies, platform and
application specification. The SOA paradigm can be
considered as a set of distinct layers of abstractions
which describes a logical separation of concerns (Ar-
sanjani, 2004). Each layer employs the functionalities
of its lower layer and provides new functionalities for
its next higher layer.
Based on the work presented in (Arsanjani, 2004),
we defined a service realization and composition
framework as a set of five functional layers. These
layers are numbered 1 to 5 and cover differentaspects,
of a homecare domain, spanning from low level hard-
ware devices to high level end-user application ser-
vices. The lowest layer is numbered 1 and the highest
layer is numbered 5 as shown in Figure 2. The lay-
ers are defined such that each layer employs the func-
tionalities of its lower layer and provides new func-
tionalities to its next higher layer. Given two layers of
the proposed framework, a layer is considered lower
than the other if it covers more concrete entities of the
homecare domain. This means that the lower layers
are mostly concerned about service realization while
the higher layers are mostly concerned about service
composition. This kind of layering is useful in analyz-
ing problems in the homecare domain in a systematic
In the proposed framework, physical devices like
sensors are located in the lowest layer which is num-
bered 1. The software components which realize
service interfaces to communicate with the physical
devices are placed on the next layer which is num-
bered 2. The software components which provide a
uniform service layer on top of all the existing ser-
vice interfaces to hide the heterogeneity and distribu-
tion of underlying components are placed in the layer
which is numbered 3. A set of basic functionalities
which can be composed and configured by the care
providers to create homecare applications are placed
in the layer which is numbered 4. This layer hides
the details of concrete implementations of the lower
layers. The highest layer, which is numbered 5, con-
tains the homecare applications which directly inter-
act with care receivers.
4.2 Functionality of the Layers
Our proposed homecare service realization and com-
position framework is shown in Figure 2. The left
part shows a functional layering which are provided
by homecare applications. The right part presents a
platform which provides several services like messag-
ing and coordination to the application functional lay-
ers. The platform enhances the development and ex-
ecution of the homecare applications. Since, we aim
to emphasize on service realization and composition
challenges from the application point of view, we do
not discus the platform part in this paper. Not to men-
tion, communication relationships among geographi-
cally distributed systems are established through the
platform. Composition relationships among layers
are shown by a line ended with circle and can have
1:n and 1:1 cardinality which will be individually dis-
cussed in each layer.
Figure 3 shows an instance of the service hierar-
chy of the homecare applications for the two scenarios
which is mentioned in the beginning of this section.
The lines between layers show the composition rela-
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
layer (HW)
services (CS)
block (SBB)
services (EAS)
Homecare application
Homecare applications
device #1
device #n
device #1
device #n
Figure 2: Service hierarchy of the homecare applications.
Video session
Audio session
Remote medicine
PDA virtual
Tablet virtual
MD virtual
Figure 3: An instance of the service hierarchy of the home-
care applications for the two scenarios.
tionships which follow the cardinality of relationships
between layers shown in Figure 2.
Hardware (HW). In the this layer, we have a set of
physical devices such as sensors, actuator and multi-
media interfaces. For the target scenarios, we can
mention position sensors, medicine dispenser, Tablet
and PDA. The COPD sensors to check oxygen satura-
tion is managed by the Third-party service providers,
therefore the platform does not have any responsibil-
ity for the COPD sensor and we do not consider it
in this layer. The positioning sensors are employed
to determine John’s location. The constituents of the
HW layer can only provide their functionalities to
their representative components located in the next
higher layer. Therefore, any interaction with the de-
vices located in the HW layer, should be done through
their corresponding virtual devices implemented in
the Component-based services (CS) layer. The com-
position relationship between HW and CS layer has
1:1 cardinality. It means that for each physical de-
vice in the HW layer, there is only one representative
Virtual device in the CS layer.
Component-based Services (CS). In this layer, we
have a set of virtual devices which can be seen as
service realization out of the physical devices in the
lower layer. In general, the virtual devices realize the
services by three main strategies: wrapper, adapter
and generic service interface. As the wrapper, a soft-
ware component, encapsulates a physical device and
provides its own service interface like a OSGi bundle
(Gray et al., 2007). As the adapter, a software com-
ponent or an application, plays an intermediary role
between the physical devices and the upper functional
layer. For instance, a component so-called frame sen-
sor adapter (FSA) allows to uniformly collect data
from sensors (Loniewski et al., 2009). As the generic
service interface, the virtual devices provide a set of
generic interfaces to call physical devices. The Con-
trolled services providers who produce the physical
devices can implement the interfaces in their own. For
the target scenarios, MD (medicine dispenser) virtual
device provides access to program and activate the
physical Medicine dispenser.
ICT Service (IS). In this layer, we have two type of
services: Context and Concrete services. Context ser-
vices aggregate raw data from one or several virtual
devices to infer whether trigger a particular event or
not. Accordingly, the composition relationship be-
tween the IS and CS layers has 1:n cardinality. We
define the Concrete services to hide the heterogeneity
and distribution of the virtual devices and to provide
a uniform protocol to discoverand interact with them.
The Concrete services have two main functionalities:
mediation and messaging. The mediation provides in-
teroperability between two or several virtual devices
which might use different discovery and interaction
protocols. The messaging provides transparent com-
munication with the virtual devices. These two func-
tionalities are supported by the platform services. For
the target scenarios, the Video session manager pro-
vide a uniform access for Tablet and PDA virtual de-
vices to mange a video communication session with
a standard protocol like SIP (Session Initiation Pro-
tocol). The video streaming infrastructure is consid-
ered as part of the platform. The Monitoring con-
crete service is provided by the Third-party service
providers through the platform services over the In-
ternet without any corresponding virtual device in our
Service Building Block (SBB). In this layer, we place
homecare related service building blocks (SBB), i.e.,
the smallest manageable services, which cannot be
broken down further into smaller services from the
care providers’ point of view. However, from the plat-
form’s point of view, these services might exploit one
or several of the Concrete services provided by the
IS layer. For instance, the Reminder service employs
the Location service to identify John’s location and
remind him through Audio session manager or Audio
session manager. Therefore, the SBB layer has 1:n
composition relationship with the IS layer. In our sce-
narios, from the care providers’ point of view, there
are several SBBs like MD and Reminder. The SBBs
are reusable and context-independent basic services
which can be composed to create and tailor home-
care applications. Each of the SBBs can be seen as
a service interface with a set of operations. Beside
the SBBs, the homecare applications needs a set of
events to implement their logics. Due to the SOA
paradigm, we define the Notification services to han-
dle these events. The Notification is defined based on
one or several events triggered by the services located
in the IS layer. For instance, a medicine reminder
notification to trigger Medicine reminder application
can be defined based on two events, the availability of
the medicine dispenser and John being at a predefined
End-user Application Services (EAS). In this layer,
we place the homecare applications which are repre-
sented by a set of service plans to fulfill the home-
care scenario objectives. For instance, the objective of
the Medicine reminder scenario is to remind the care
receiver to take medicine on time. The service plan
specifies the application behaviour in runtime and can
be defined by composing services. Each homecare
application has one or several service plans consist of
one or several SBBs. Therefore, the composition rela-
tionship between the EAS and the SBB layer has 1:n
cardinality. We classify the functionality of this layer
in three steps: generation, evaluation and transforma-
tion. In the first step, a service plan is generated by
the care providers based on existing service interfaces
of SBBs. In the second step, the service plan should
accommodate the care receiver’s preferences and the
runtime situation of the environment, to prioritize the
alternative possibilities of service execution. In the
third step, the service plan must be transformed to an
executable composed service by mapping the service
interfaces to concrete service providers like an avail-
able medicine dispenser.
4.3 Challenges between the Layers
As mentioned in our methodology, we focus on
the interoperability challenges of systems as under-
stood from the behaviour perspective in the home-
care domain. We associate the interoperability chal-
lenges with the composition relationships between
the functional layers as defined in our framework.
These challenges which are categorized into the three
homecare-related interoperability issues (explained in
Section 3), are discussed below:
HW-CS. The composition relationship between these
two layers is one-to-one. This means that from the IS
layer there is no distinction between physical devices
and their corresponding virtual devices. Therefore,
we do not consider any dynamicity and distribution
challenges in this composition relationship. However,
we consider the heterogeneity challenge because the
hardware devices could come from different manu-
facturers and with different proprietary solutions. We
identify three challenges with respect to device het-
erogeneity. a) Behaviour: providing a uniform ser-
vice interface for the physical devices despite their
heterogeneous behaviour is a tough challenge. The
uniform service interface should support both static
and non-static characteristics of the behaviour of the
virtual devices. Different virtual devices, for exam-
ple, can have the same static characteristics like ser-
vice interface signature with different non-static char-
acteristics like various order of function access. b)
Resource-constrained devices: having various phys-
ical devices with resource limitations (e.g., memory
size, computation power) leads to several constraints
on their usage. c) communication: physical devices
could have different communication protocols which
the virtual devices should support to provide commu-
nication protocol transparency or even location trans-
CS-IS. The composition relationship between these
two layers is many-to-one. This means that one
ICT service could communicate with one or more
component-based services. Therefore, we consider
dynamicity, heterogeneity and distribution challenges
in this composition relationship. Specifically, we
identify three challenges with respect to dynamicity.
a) Life-cycle of virtual devices: providing a cooper-
ation environment is required to enable several Con-
trolled services providers to manage their component
life-cycle (for example, install and configure) without
interfering other components’ operations. b) Plug-
and-Play support: availability of the virtual devices,
in homecare environment, is not guaranteed. The vir-
tual devices should be allowed to register itself to the
system automatically and be operational as soon as
they become available. c) Dynamic binding: specify-
ing concrete virtual devices in service plan is difficult
because the virtual devicescould come and go. There-
fore, the platform should bind the service plan to the
concrete virtual devices based on runtime situation.
We identify one challenge with respect to the het-
erogeneity. Discovery/Interaction protocols: defini-
tion of the CS layer implies that there should be no
heterogeneity issue above that layer. However, some
strategies used by the CS layer like the generic service
interface, only address the heterogenous behaviour of
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
the virtual devices. Therefore, there is a need be-
tween CS and IS layers to support different discovery
(for example, WS-Discovery, SLP) and interaction
(for example, SOAP, RMI) protocols. We also iden-
tify one challenge with respect to distribution. Loca-
tion transparency: component-based services could
be physically distributed. In that case, providing a lo-
cation transparent communication infrastructure is a
IS-SBB. The composition relationship between these
two layers is many-to-one. This means that one ser-
vice building block could communicate with one or
more IS services. We assume that the IS layer hides
all issues related to distribution and heterogeneity.
Therefore, we consider only the dynamicity chal-
lenges in this composition relationship. We identify
three challenges with respect to dynamicity. a) QoS-
aware provisioning: providing information about dy-
namic QoS of home network (Bottaro et al., 2008)
which is used as the underlying communication tech-
nology in the homecare domain (for example, dy-
namic bandwidth) is essential to improve the home-
care application performances. It is required to bind
SBB to more reliable services which can decrease the
possible future interoperability problems that may ap-
pear otherwise, i.e., if the SBB is bound to unreliable
services. b) Runtime matching: in runtime, the plat-
form might bind a particular SBB to various concrete
services due to their (un)availabilityin differenttimes.
This can be done by automatically matching the avail-
able concrete services with the SBBs. By using QoS
information provided by the IS layer, even in case of
availability of several concrete services, the platform
can bind the SBBs to the most reliable concrete ser-
vice. c) Generic SBB model: providing a generic
mechanism to model the SBBs, understandable for
both the platform and care providers, is considered
as a challenge, specially due to the complexity of the
behaviour of the services provided by the lower layers
and their dynamic QoS which are not known at design
time. The SBBs should have two representations: in-
ternal and external. The internal view is used to be
interpreted by the platform while the external format
is used to present the SBBs to the care providers.
SBB-EAS. The composition relationship between
these two layers is many-to-one. This means that one
end-user application service could be composed by
one or more SBBs. In this composition relationship,
we consider only the dynamicity challenges but not
the heterogeneity and distribution challenges because
of the same reason as mentioned in IS-SBB compo-
sition relationship. We identify two challenges with
respect to dynamicity. a) Runtime adaption: in run-
time, if there is no available concrete services for a
specific SBBs, the platform has to adapt the service
plan itself by substituting that SBB with one or sev-
eral other SBBs whenever possible. It can automati-
cally compose, for instance, a set of available SBBs
to fulfill the functionality of one particular SBB. The
service plan adaption should be able to accommodate
the information about QoS of services provided by the
lower layer for the most reliable adaption. b) Simple
service plan: To have a realistic solution, with respect
to large variety of possibly changes coming from both
the care receivers and homecare applications, provid-
ing a convenient approach for the care providers to
assist them in generating the service plan is an essen-
tial need. The summary of these challenges are shown
in Table 1.
Table 1: The summary of challenges between the
functional layers (Dy:Dynamicity, Hg:Heterogeneity,
Interoperability challenges Dy Hg Ds
Runtime adaption X
Simple service plan X
QoS-aware provisioning X
Runtime matching X
Generic SBB model X
Life-cycle of virtual devices X
Plug-and-play availability X
Dynamic binding X
Discovery/Interaction protocols X
Location transparency X
Behaviour X
Resource-constrained devices X
Communication X
Based on our study, there are two well-known tech-
nologies exploited by homecare applications: OSGi
and web services. To cover a wide range of solutions
in SOA-based homecare applications, we have stud-
ied academic homecare projects from the both afore-
mentioned technologies. We have selected three of
these projects as examples to show the feasibility of
our proposed framework. They use discrete heuris-
tics in each of the layers as defined in our frame-
work. The three selected projects are as follows:
(Mobilising Advanced Technologies for
Care at Home), (2) MPOWER
(Middleware Plat-
form for eMPOWERing cognitive disabled and el-
derly), (3) Amigo
(Ambient Intelligence for the net-
worked home environment).
Table 2: The technologies and solutions are employed by the three projects.
Match(1) MPOWER(2) Amigo(3)
EAS XML, Directed graph BPEL, UML service models BPEL, OWL-S
Interactive evaluation Online semantic reasoning
SBB XML, Interaction model WSDL, IBM UML Profile OWL-S, Amigo-S
OWL-based events Rule-based notification
IS Message broker component Open ESB Middleware
SDP and SIP meditation
CS OSGi, UPnP Platform-independent models OSGi, .NET, UPnP
Wrapper Adapter Generic service interface
HW Residential gateway Proprietary framework (FSA) Domotic infrastructure
Table 2 summarizes the technologies and solu-
tions exploited by these projects in each of the func-
tional layers as defined in our framework. Moreover,
Table 3 shows to what extent these projects support
the identified interoperability challenges for each of
the functional layers. In continue, we explain the two
tables together from the lowest layer and gradually
move to upper layers.
In the HW layer, Match uses OSGi component,
i.e., bundles to represent physical devices. With re-
spect to Resource-constrained devices, these bundles
are located in a residential gateway or any intermedi-
ary which has JVM installed and can communicate
with their corresponding devices through heteroge-
neous Communication protocols. MPOWER exploits
a proprietary framework, so-called Frame Sensors
Adapter (FSA), to collect data from several sensors.
MPOWER delegates management of heterogeneous
Communication protocols and Resource-constrained
devices to FSA. Amigo has developed a domotic in-
frastructure to decouple the technologies used in the
HW layer from the virtual devices in the CS layer.
The infrastructure supports heterogeneous Communi-
cation protocols and employs C as programming lan-
guage to deal with Resource-constrained devices.
In the CS layer, Match uses OSGi to manage the
dynamicity of Life-cycle of virtual devices. It utilizes
UPnP protocol to address Plug-and-play support by
providing simplified installation upon internet-based
communication protocols. The OSGi bundles address
the heterogeneity of Behaviour of physical devices
by using wrapping techniques. MPOWER employs
a platform-independent model which can be realized
on several platforms such as web services, .NET,
CORBA and J2EE. We could not find explicit infor-
mation with respect to the support for Life-cycle of
virtual devices and Plug-and-Playsupport in the liter-
ature concerning MPOWER. MPOWER uses the FSA
as an adapter to hide the heterogeneous behaviour of
the physical devices. Amigo develops a middleware
which can be installed on individual platforms to sup-
port both OSGi and .Net standards or even indepen-
dent of both of them. It also follows OSGi and UPnP
based techniques as used in Match to support Life-
cycle of virtual devices and Plug-and-play support.
Amigo has developed a domotic service model spec-
ification to address the heterogeneity of behaviour
of physical devices. The virtual devices can use the
generic service interface instead of directly commu-
nicating with the heterogeneous physical devices.
In the IS layer, Match has developed its own mes-
sage broker for the messaging functionality of the
Concrete services. This broker is implemented by a
OSGi bundle to address dynamic binding and Loca-
tion transparency. As Match has employed wrapping
in the CS layer, there is no need for the mediation
and the heterogeneity of Discovery/Interaction proto-
cols are already supported by the CS layer. MPOWER
has defined an enterprise service bus based on Open
ESB for the messaging. It supports Location trans-
parency but it does not completely support Dynamic
binding (for example, dynamic endpoints). MPOWER
like Match also does not need the mediation due to
use of adapter in the CS layer. Amigo has devel-
oped an interoperable middleware core which pro-
vides service discovery protocols (SDP) and service
interaction protocols (SIP). The SDP addresses the
heterogeneity of Discovery protocols by parsing the
input protocol and composing the target output pro-
tocol. The SDP dynamically instantiates a stub from
the description and reference of the services. The stub
which addresses the heterogeneity of Interaction pro-
tocols and Location transparency, can act as interme-
diary mediation. None of these three projects, pro-
vide QoS-aware provisioning. It means that runtime
matching and adaption in the SBB and EAS layers, are
completely unaware of the quality of Concrete ser-
vices during runtime.
In the SBB layer, Match describes the SBBs in
XML format from very abstract level to concrete
interaction interface, similar to Concur Task Trees
(Mori et al., 2004). The abstract level can be used as
the external language for the care providers to support
Generic SBB model. This simplicity is enhanced by a
technology-agnostic description of services written in
OWL (Web ontology languages) to associate a set of
predefined events to their possibly corresponding vir-
tual devices, using human-understandable concepts.
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
The ability of SBBs interface matching (McBryan
et al., 2008) supports the dynamic Runtime match-
ing. However, it does not accommodate the QoS
of the corresponding Concrete services. MPOWER
has defined SBBs as WSDL files for the internal pur-
poses. Due to the complexity of WSDL for unskilled
users, IBM UML profile for software services (John-
ston, 2005) has been exploited as the external lan-
guage to address Generic SBB model. We could not
find explicit support mentioned in the publications of
MPOWER for Runtime matching. Amigo develops the
Amigo-S language based on OWL-S to describe ser-
vices for both external and internal language with dif-
ferent levels of abstraction to address Generic SBB
model. Moreover, Amigo provides rule-based aware-
ness and notification services (ANS) which can en-
hance Generic SBB model for the Notification ser-
vices. Amigo-S is part of a comprehensive approach
towards semantic service description, discovery, com-
position, adaption and execution (SD-SDCAE) which
specifies QoS as well as behaviour of services. It
uses runtime semantic reasoning to support Runtime
Finally, in the EAS layer, Match uses directed
graph to define service plan, by matching the SBBs
interaction interfaces (McBryan et al., 2008). It gen-
erates several service plans for a target scenario by
traversing all possible paths in the graph. The ab-
stract service plan, excluding detailed service inter-
face, supports Simple service plan. The possible multi
traversal paths enable the platform to provide Runtime
adaptionby generatingalternativeservice plans based
on available concrete services at runtime. However,
QoS is not considered to evaluate possible alterna-
tive service plans. MPOWER has a set of predefined
UML service models which are implemented by its
own domain-specificmodeling language (DSML) and
understandable for care providers. Based on the target
scenario and the existing service plan models, it gen-
erates the service plan and transforms it to executable
composed service using BPEL standard. We could
not find explicit support mentioned in the publications
of MPOWER, for the support of Runtime adaption. In
Amigo, to address Simple service plan, tasks are mod-
eled by abstract workflow based on semantic contex-
tual model which is created by a user-friendly GUI. In
runtime, by using semantic service discovery, several
alternative service plans are generated by composing
available Concrete services in different ways. The
Runtime adaption is addressed by runtime semantic
reasoning. Although the service plans can be eval-
uated based on QoS and context properties, due to
lack of QoS-aware service provisioning, the Runtime
adaption is partially supported. Finally, the service
plan is transformed to an executable composed ser-
vice using BPEL standard.
Table 3: The challenges addressed by the three projects
(Supported:S, Partially supported:P, Not supported:N).
Challenges (1) (2) (3)
Runtime adaption P N P
Simple service plan S S S
QoS-aware provisioning N N N
Runtime matching P N S
Generic SBB model S S S
Life-cycle of virtual devices S N S
Plug-and-play availability S N S
Dynamic binding S P S
Discovery/Interaction protocols S S S
Location transparency S S S
Behaviour S S S
Resource-constrained devices S S S
Communication S S S
In this paper, we introduce a functionality layering
framework to analyze the issues related to service re-
alization and composition in the homecare domain.
This framework is useful for both the service devel-
opers as well as the researchers. Developers can sys-
tematically breakdown the problems in different lay-
ers and find the corresponding solutions whereas the
researchers can use the framework to find issues in the
existing solutions. We also discussed what interoper-
ability challenges exist between different functional
layers. This helps developers and domain experts to
identify such challenges pertaining to the homecare
domain without the need of a specific methodology to
apply the proposed framework for the same purpose.
Finding the related works to compare the pro-
posed framework was one of the difficulties we faced
while performing the work presented in this paper. To
the best of our knowledge, the proposed framework is
the first one that attempts to classify service realiza-
tion and composition issues in the homecare domain.
A service composition framework introduced in (Rao
and Su, 2005) assumes availability of services and fo-
cuses on automatic service composition. In the home-
care service provisioning, availability of the homecare
services is not a valid assumption. Due to several low
level hardware devices which might be employed by
the homecare service provisioning, service realization
challenges should also be taken into account.
We used our framework to analyze three exist-
ing SOA based homecare projects and to demon-
strate the applicability of the proposed framework.
Though we selected only three SOA based homecare
projects, the proposed framework can be used to an-
alyze other SOA based homecare projects to investi-
gate to what extend the identified challenges are ad-
dressed by them. Analysis of larger number of SOA
based homecare platforms would even help us define
homecare challenges more accurately and even to re-
fine the proposed framework. If we perform a large
scale analysis of homecare platforms we could pos-
sibly identify some new challenges or the challenges
which are already identified may disappear. Such a
large scale analysis, however, would require more re-
search efforts and is left as part of our future work.
Based on our study, we observed that existing so-
lutions can handle distribution and heterogeneity is-
sues. However, the dynamicity issues, which affects
almost all the functional layers and plays an impor-
tant role in homecare service realization, are not well
addressed and therefore further research is required.
With respect to dynamicity, the service plan should
be simple but detailed enough to enable the home-
care platform to match and adapt them to the avail-
able concrete services at runtime in a lightweight and
QoS-aware manner. With this observation, we aim at
addressing these issues in our future works.
This work is part of the IOP GenCom U-Care
project( which is spon-
sored by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs un-
der contract IGC0816.
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ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies