Towards Supportive Environments for Elderly
Vladimír Bureš, Daniela Ponce, Pavel Čech and Tereza Otčenášková
Faculty of Informatics and Management, University of Hradec Králové, Rokitanského 62, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Keywords: Ambient intelligence, Supportive space, Elderly, e-Learning, Cognition, Digital television, Vital Mind
project, ELU project.
Abstract: Development of interactive digital television (iDTV) brings an opportunity to consider it as a certain type of
e-learning platform especially appropriate for the elderly. The aging population suffers from many
impairments that may worsen the rate of social exclusion. This unfavourable trend can be changed by the
usage of interactive audio-visual applications enabling senior citizens to satisfy their specific needs and
solve their particular problems. Moreover, it implies the opportunity to involve it in creation or
improvement of supportive spaces with the aim to enhance the quality of life of elderly from the
perspectives of the Ambient Intelligence vision. This paper presents an example of two iDTV applications
focused on learning and cognitive training of elderly and it also outlines suggestions for further research in
this field of study.
E-learning has already been more or less
successfully introduced in many institutions with
diverse objectives (Poulová and Šimonová, 2010).
From the technological perspective e-learning has
variety of forms nowadays. There are several
technologies that support its development - email,
instant messaging, blogs, particular complex virtual
learning environments, or recommendation systems
(Čech and Bureš, 2007) to name a few. Television
can be considered as a certain type of a social
medium, which supports communication and
interaction in the context of watching television, or
related to TV content. For example, social television
systems can integrate voice communication, text
chat, presence and context awareness, TV
recommendations, ratings, or video-conferencing
with the TV set (Bloomberg, 2010). Nowadays,
social television is a progressive field of research.
However, the majority of existing social television
systems is on a conceptual stage, or exist as lab
prototypes, beta or pilot versions (Bloomberg,
2010). Regardless of the current state of research in
this area, television has strong potential to support
certain group of its users if used in an appropriate
modification. The certain group is represented by
elderly and the appropriate modification is e-
learning. Increasing number of senior citizens in all
economically developed countries have arisen the
concerns related to active ageing. Active aging is the
term adopted by the World Health Organization
(WHO, 2002) to express the process of achieving a
vision where aging, if it is to be a positive
experience, needs to be accompanied by continuous
opportunities for health, participation and security in
order to enhance people’s quality of life as they age.
The word “active” refers to continuing participation
in social, economic, cultural, spiritual and civic
affairs, not just the ability to be physically active or
to participate in the labour force (Giráldez and
Casal, 2008). Moreover, the concept of Ambient
Intelligence which is effectively employed within
various realms while building better and helpful
environments (Mikulecký, 2010) proves its
advantages for discussed purposes as well.
Therefore, this can be utilized to create natural and
intuitive supportive spaces for elderly within the
environments they live in. The paper focuses on the
particular technology. It describes how digital
television based on interactive digital technology
can become e-learning medium for elderly; provides
results and new knowledge about this domain, which
were reached during the solution of the European
projects Enhanced Learning Unlimited (ELU) and
Vital Mind, and the national scientific project Smart
Bureš V., Ponce D.,
Cech P. and Otcenášková T..
INTERACTIVE DIGITAL TV AS THE E-LEARNING PLATFORM - Towards Supportive Environments for Elderly.
DOI: 10.5220/0003623701070113
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2011), pages 107-113
ISBN: 978-989-8425-81-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Environments in Workplaces (SMEW); suggests
further research activities, which can lead to full
development of this platform as a basis for social
interaction of individuals; and explains reasons that
make this type of research necessary.
Digital broadcasting becomes a reality in many
European countries and also worldwide. After west
and north parts of Europe in late 1990’s,
digitalisation has been introduced in countries in
Central and Eastern Europe. Arrival of digital
television has brought new opportunities for viewers
who can interact with television by requesting and
obtaining additional information, selecting different
view angles of camera, playing games or accessing
internet and e-mails. Enhanced possibilities of
interactivity bring also a chance to exploit iDTV as a
educational medium (Mikulecká et al., 2006). On the
path leading to complete development of an
appropriate content in a form of interactive audio-
visual (iAV) applications and smooth realisation of
learning processes, it is necessary to overcome many
obstacles of different types, e.g. cultural,
technological, psychological, social, or
organisational ones (Atwere and Bates, 2003).
As the social interaction among people is
strongly influenced by utilized technology, a brief
introduction to iDTV technology and related
interactive applications needs to be provided. The
following paragraphs provide outline of key aspects
of iDTV and depiction of digital television
technology from the e-learning perspective.
From the technological point of view it is
important to assure that beside the main audio visual
(AV) signal, which represents the one-to-all
interaction, all data necessary for launching iAV
application, which serves for the one-to-many
interaction, will be broadcasted. The process should
be conducted as follows (see figure 1): the main
signal containing for example movie (DVB stream)
is broadcasted through space, received on the
broadcasting channel by TV receiver or set-top box,
and then processed and displayed on TV screen.
Apart from broadcasting channel it is possible to use
also return channel with some limitations (e.g.
incomparably lower data limit).
In case of the global interactivity, i.e. when there
is a feedback from the viewer to the broadcaster (in
comparison to the local interactivity, in which there
is only a loop between the user and his/her digital
receiver with stored iAV application), the viewer
can send data back to the broadcasting organisation.
Nonetheless, the main broadcasting channel has its
own limitations, too. Absolute majority of the
communication capacity of the channel is occupied
by the AV signal itself (i.e. by movie displayed on
TV screen). It means that only a fraction of the
channel capacity can be used for transfer of data
related to iAV application. Leeway for iAV
applications varies by individual broadcasters. This
aspect of iDTV, posing requirements on size of iAV
applications, has to be respected during their
In this vein, digitalisation leads to a qualitatively
new TV environment. iDTV has potential to widen
possibilities of social interactions from home
environment. An important role is played by key
elements of iDTV, such as (Bureš, Ponce and Čech,
Availability – TV sets are currently more
widespread in European households than PCs,
Ease of use – relatively long history of TV
usage has made the operation of TV equipment
common for all generations, from youngsters to
Interactivity – iDTV offers interaction at both
local and global levels.
The number of elderly people is increasing all
around the world. Particularly in Europe, the
progressive ageing of society is already likely to
become more noticeable over the next several
decades. Its population is aging and more and more
people encounter problems related to an old age
(Melzer et al.1997).
Figure 2 depicts the projection of long-term care
(LTC) expenditures as a percentage of Gross
Domestic Product in England till 2031. While the
first column represents the base case, the second and
third columns in figure 2 show, respectively, the
impact of using the high life expectancy and low life
expectancy variants to the Government Actuary’s
Department principal population projections. The
fourth column shows the results of assuming that the
numbers of people aged 85 or more will grow 1%
per year faster than projected by Government
Actuary’s Department. The fifth column shows the
impact of a decline of 1% per year in the prevalence
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Figure 1: Process of the communication in the frame of iDTV (adopted from (Bureš, Ponce and Čech, 2008)).
of mild cognitive impairment, and the last column
shows the impact of a decline of 1% per year in the
prevalence of moderate to severe cognitive
impairment (Comas-Herrera et al., 2003). Moreover,
age related problems such as cognitive, sensory and
physical impairments occur even in case of healthy
elderly and they are accompanied by an
accumulation of mild but progressive loss of
efficiency in all senses and organs. Elderly live often
in social exclusion, i.e. without family or friends,
lacking of social contact, with lower incomes, or
insufficiently involved in pleasurable social
activities (Miotto et al., 2008). The social exclusion
can be even reinforced by progressing impairments
To compensate the problems and the lack of
social contact as well as to support the needs of
elderly in active aging, supporting tools are needed.
Several studies have analyzed the relationship
between the elderly and new technology in general.
Various factors such as attitudes toward technology,
perceived usefulness and acceptance of that
technology were explored. Results showed that
elderly population would show a strong tendency to
reject new products which had apparently been
designed to cater to some kind of “special need”, as
many elderly people do not want to be considered as
being distinct from the rest of the population (Miotto
et al., 2008).
Information and communication technologies
(ICT) can potentially enable the elderly to remain
socially linked to networks of relatives, caregivers
and friends. Virtual communities that have grown up
around disease support groups are an example of
such an effect (Giráldez and Casal, 2008).
Figure 2: Projected LTC expenditures as a % of GDP,
England 2031, (Commas-Herrera et al., 2003).
Unfortunately, many elderly have limited
computer skills and are more or less computer
illiterate. Therefore, they cannot benefit from the
growing number of computer programs designed to
preserve cognitive abilities. Nevertheless, senior
citizens are familiar with one specific technology -
television. TV creates a specific environment that is
characterized by several unique attributes in
comparison to other environments created, for
instance, by ICT. These are lean-back attitude (in
comparison to lean-forward attitude), or lazy-
interactivity (in comparison to active interactivity
(Jensen, 2005)) to name the most significant ones. In
addition, watching television is traditionally
perceived as a way of relaxation mixed with
entertainment. TV is also a source of information
and has been utilized as a learning medium for many
decades. Moreover, in relation to the above
mentioned problem, elderly represent the largest
INTERACTIVE DIGITAL TV AS THE E-LEARNING PLATFORM - Towards Supportive Environments for Elderly
proportion of the television viewing public: evidence
of the fact that elderly people spend more time
watching television than other age segments are
presented both in past and recent research ((Miotto,
2008), (Eggermont and Vandebosch, 2001)).
In the following section we present two iDTV
applications that can support learning of elderly.
Many elderly seek actively ways how to keep pace
with changing society they are part of. For example,
courses specially designed and offered to elderly by
universities are becoming more and more popular.
By attending such courses the elderly not only learn
what they did not have previous opportunity to learn
or what is the latest achievement of the science and
technology but they also interact socially with
similarly interested and minded people. When
physical impairments make personal attendance
difficult or impossible, an alternative way of
delivery of the course and realisation of the presence
and communication of the attendee can be helpful,
for example in the form of an iDTV course with full
interactivity. Development of such courses was
researched in the framework of the European project
Enhanced learning unlimited (ELU) and details are
given in the section 4.1.
Elderly are often concerned with their decreasing
cognitive abilities. Many mental activities they
naturally perform may have positive effect on
cognitive capabilities. As stated by (Breznitz, 2009),
certain kind of games can serve as appropriate tools
for sharpening one's wits. Nevertheless, every game
has its own limitations in sense of narrow band of
cognitive skills that it exercises. For instance, chess
require and train visual perception, long term
focusing of attention, and memory for similar
positions, while the game Bridge trains short-term
memory and some basic combinatorial skills, or
crossword puzzles exercise almost exclusively
retrieval from lexicon, and are often repetitious.
A scientifically grounded and specially designed
cognitive training program focused on exercising the
weakest cognitive abilities such as visual short-term
memory, divided attention, time estimation, or visual
scanning, on contrary to mostly strong cognitive
abilities such as naming, spatial perception,
inhibition, or awareness (Cognifit, 2009) can have
much wider and deeper effect. Producing such a
program with use of iDTV technology enables to
incorporate interactivity which opens door to social
inclusion. Development of such cognitive training
program has been researched in the framework of
the European project Vital Mind and details are
given in the section 4.2.
Resulting applications of both projects have
successfully undergone tests. Easy use of iDTV
applications demonstrated that iDTV technology can
serve development and support of virtual learning
communities of elderly. Nevertheless, some
Figure 3: Authoring Tool for iDTV application development.
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Figure 4: Cognitive Training of Seniors.
minor technical problems were detected as well.
4.1 Life-long Learning
The ELU project was focused on investigation of
ways to increase the use of television for t-learning
activities and it researched, developed and
implemented pedagogical scenarios for the use of
iDTV in t-learning at home, universities and schools
(ELU, 2011). Project objectives included:
Study of the pedagogical and technological
aspects of using iDTV as the medium for t-
Development of new tools for creating content
for t-learning to be used on iDTV.
The project developed a methodology for t-
learning system production. The t-learning system
used an open platform Multimedia Home Platform
(MHP). The technology required to enhance the
MHP to function as t-learning middleware was also
designed and implemented. In order to demonstrate
ways of t-learning on an iDTV platform and to test
the effectiveness of iDTV, several specific contents
were also developed with the help of the designed
authoring tool (see screenshot at figure 3). The
content was SCORM-compatible. T-learning content
material was delivered to users in a manner that was
generated to meet the user’s learning context in
terms of the users’ learning preferences, the selected
pedagogic strategy, monitored skills & competencies
and the interaction capabilities of the means of
delivery. The research proved that the iDTV
technology can be used as a learning platform.
However, several drawbacks and thus research
challenges were identified. Further details related to
created courses or used technology can be found in
(ELU, 2011).
4.2 Cognitive Training
The Vital Mind project is focused on design and
development of cognitive activities to enhance the
basic elements of cognition and to improve quality
of life for senior citizens, and development of new
methods for user control by detection of hand
movements using vision and/or gyro and of non-
voice vocal commands (VitalMind, 2011). The
project uses a combination of cognitive psychology,
the television medium and advanced interactive ICT
to enable the elderly to actively participate in mind
fitness exercises while they are sitting in front of
their TV set (see figure 5). The main objectives of
the project include:
Design and development of cognitive activities
to enhance the basic elements of cognition and to
improve quality of life for senior citizens,
Development of new methods for user control by
detection of hand movements using vision and/or
gyro and of non-voice vocal commands.
The main benefits of the Vital Mind project is
the fact that the project provides the elderly and
disabled viewers with new cognitive-based exercises
and it also improves the user interface to overcome
the difficulties encountered by elderly people in their
attempts to use a range of services made available
through an advanced interactive television system.
Vital Mind project strives to transform the passive
television viewing into dynamic activities of mental
preservation and intellectual enhancement. Such
INTERACTIVE DIGITAL TV AS THE E-LEARNING PLATFORM - Towards Supportive Environments for Elderly
cerebral stimulation in a mentally rich environment
is crucial for healthy aging. This should be ensured
by a tool that would be easily integrated in the
homes of handicapped individuals to speed the
rehabilitation process. While technology is currently
in use, the effect of congnitive training is still in the
stage of data analysis. Description of achieved
results can be found at (VitalMind, 2011).
From the research perspective it is apparent that the
communication process described at figure 1 has to
work within several environments. Unfortunately,
these are mostly explored independently. Although
each environment uses different tools or methods
together they enable the whole communication and
interaction process to be completed. These
environments are:
Broadcasting environment at broadcaster side,
Receiving environment at end-user’s home (e.g.
set-top boxes),
iAV application development environment and
content authoring tool,
Simulation and testing environment.
Therefore, in future research results achieved in
particular areas, e.g. human-television interaction, or
development of enhanced STB features, need to be
Moreover, the extent in which particular
environments are investigated differs. There is still
lack of activities focused on creation of iAV tools
and applications that would enable end users to work
with the content (log writing, publishing,
downloading, sharing or modifying existing
content). For example, with no user identity
management system it is hardly possible to foster
content sharing within a community. In this vein, the
existing broadcaster-to-user (one-to-all or one-to-
many) interaction could be extended by user-to-user
or user-to-broadcaster (one-to-one) interaction. To
do so, both possibilities of currently available
infrastructure and related business models need to be
investigated. Thus, iDTV could become full e-
learning medium.
Basically, there are two general changes supporting
the establishment of iDTV as a e-learning medium.
Firstly, the digital TV broadcasting is being fully
introduced in many countries continuously. Thanks
to unique characteristics of the TV environment such
as lean-back attitude or lazy-interactivity the iDTV
technology can take advantage of its basic features
and use them as a platform for learning of particular
user groups. Secondly, there is the aging society
accompanied by growing quantity of age related
impairments. Therefore, elderly people can serve as
an appropriate example of the abovementioned user
group. Moreover, for elderly TV represents a well-
known and friendly environment. For this reason
two interactive applications were developed in the
framework of two European research projects. While
the first one deals with education possibilities in the
iDTV environment, the second one is focused on
cognitive training. In this way senior citizens can
become members of two purposefully created social
communities which try to assist them with their
needs (education) and problems (cognitive
impairments). Developed applications were
successfully tested in practice. It was proved that
due to availability or easiness of its use the iDTV
environment is an appropriate technology for
development and support of virtual learning
communities of elderly. However, these tests also
revealed problems that need to be solved. For
instance, how the technology can be further
modified to support development of the concept
“smart workplace” (Mikulecký, 2009) focused
primarily on elderly and their living environments.
This paper was created with the support of the of the
GAČR project SMEW, project num. 403/10/1310
and the Vital Mind project - 7th EU Framework
Programme project num. 215387. Authors would
like to thank to all consortium members and the
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INTERACTIVE DIGITAL TV AS THE E-LEARNING PLATFORM - Towards Supportive Environments for Elderly