Manuela Angioni and Franco Tuveri
CRS4, Center of Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia, Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico
Ed. 1, 09010, Pula (CA), Italy
Keywords: Sentiment analysis, Opinion mining, NLP, Text categorization, Semantic disambiguation.
Abstract: Understanding the meaning of a text depends on the knowledge the reader has about the topic addressed in a
document, starting from the most complex concept to the simplest one. The representation of the knowledge
is generally performed by ontologies, semantic networks, or typified by statistical algorithms able to
organize the contents according to rules based on frequency of terms or synsets. The Opinion Mining is a
way to go beyond text categorization through the analysis of the opinions related to a specific topic: a
product, a service, a tourist location, etc. In this paper we propose to apply our experience in the semantic
analysis of textual resources to the Opinion Mining task, with the aim to propose a different approach to the
extraction of feature terms, performing a contextualisation by means of semantic categorisation, a semantic
net of concept and by a set of qualities associated to the sense expressed by adjectives and adverbs.
Nowadays the digital portion of our life is constantly
increasing and the way people interact is evolving
from a restricted face-to-face friendly relation to a
wider Web social one.
Currently millions of people use regularly social
networks to communicate and to share information,
interests and activities. They express opinions about
any topic, talk about their lifestyles, needs or wishes,
and the user generated content expressed in form of
reviews of product on blogs, forum, discussion
groups, is growing rapidly, becoming a valuable
A such amount of social data can be used to
analyze the present and to predict the near future
needs or the probable changes. Reviews are used
every day by common people or by companies who
need to make decisions. They facilitate to book an
hotel or a restaurant, to buy a book, or to taste the
market tracing the customer satisfaction about a
product. Mining the opinions and the comments is a
way to extract knowledge by previous experiences
and by the received feedback.
As showed in Figure 1, the Hype Cycle, from a
Gartner analysis for the 2010 year, represents
graphically the expectations about emerging
technologies. The need for automated methods is
growing and social analytics offers an answer
(Crimson Hexagon, 2009), as one of the key themes
emerging in the near future.
It is evident that even the opinion monitoring is
essential for listening to and taking advantage of the
conversations of possible customers in a data-driven
decision making process.
Currently the main objective is to move forward
the frontier of the Opinion Mining passing from the
simple evaluation of the polarity of the expressed
feeling, to a one where sentiments extracted are
context related and the information related to the
features is more detailed.
The main goal of our work is the development of
an Opinion Mining system able to extract the
features and the meaningful information related to
them and contained in opinions, in a general and not
clearly defined domain, from multiple review
The term feature is here used with the same
sense given by (Ding et al., 2008) in their approach
to the Opinion Mining. It seems of considerable
interest to explore the issue of the contextualization
of features from a review in order to more easily
combine the qualitative information expressed by
the users to the highlighted features.
Another relevant aspect is the fact that people
often use different terms to describe the same
Angioni M. and Tuveri F..
DOI: 10.5220/0003602204020407
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 402-407
ISBN: 978-989-8425-77-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
feature. The use of synonyms allows us to extract
significant features from a text by a disambiguation
analysis. Sometimes it happens that a feature could
be related both to the specific domain and to the
application and that some features that suggest the
same concept are not expressed in WordNet (Miller,
1998) as synonyms.
As in (Benamara et al., 2007), we propose a
linguistic approach to Opinion Mining, based on a
combination of adverbs and adjectives, but our work
introduces the use of the WordNet synsets related to
each term. Our approach focuses on the analysis of
the opinions through the processing of the textual
resources, the information extraction and the
evaluation of a semantic orientation. More in
details, it performs a semantic disambiguation and a
categorization phase and takes into account the
meaning express in conversations, considering for
instance the synonyms related to relevant terms.
Moreover some properties related both to adjectives
and to adverbs are associated to each synset,
providing the result of the analysis grouped into
thematic categories.
Figure 1: Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies 2010.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 refers to related works. Section 3
introduces our approach and examines the work
performed on adjectives’ and adverbs’ structures and
gives some details about the semantic classifier and
the SemanticNet. Section 4 explains our approach to
the feature extraction. Finally, Section 5 draws
Many Opinion Mining approaches are based on the
use of lexicons of words able to express subjectivity,
without considering the specific meaning the word
assumes in the text by means of any form of
semantic disambiguation.
Other approaches consider instead the word
meanings as (Akkaya et al., 2009), that build and
evaluate a supervised system to disambiguate
members of a subjectivity lexicon, or (Rentoumi et
al., 2009), that propose a methodology for assign a
polarity to word senses applying a Word Sense
Disambiguation (WSD) process.
As asserted by (Lee et al., 2008), “Opinion
Mining can be roughly divided into three major
tasks of development of linguistic resources,
sentiment classification, and opinion extraction and
summarization”. The task of the development of
linguistic resources could be performed by several
methods: the conjunction method (Hatzivassiloglou
and McKeown, 1997), the Pointwise Mutual
Information (PMI) method (Turney et al., 2002), the
WordNet exploring method, and the gloss
classification method in the development of
linguistic resources. In the sentiment classification
phase some researcher team (Pang et al., 2002)
applied standard machine learning classification
techniques for classifying the sentiment related to
the opinion of a document with a polarity
classification, positive/negative, as a special case of
text categorization with sentiment - rather than topic
- based categories. Talking about the methods used
in the opinion summarization step, in (Lee et al.,
2008) is asserted that the introduction of the sense
disambiguation in text analysis showed that systems
that adopt syntactic analysis techniques on
extracting opinion expressions tend to show higher
precision and lower recall than those which do not
adopt this kind of techniques. One relevant task in
opinion summarization step regards the features
extraction. Some works about features are based on
the identification of nouns through the pos-tagging
and provide an evaluation of the frequency of words
in the review based on tf-idf criterions and its
variation (Scaffidi, 2007). Others (Zhai et al., 2010)
propose a constrained semi-supervised learning
method to solve the problem to group feature
expressions while (Popescu and Etzioni, 2005)
worked on the explicit features in noun phrases.
Regarding the topics discussed above, the two
following works seem interesting and have in part
inspired our studies. The first is SentiWordNet
(Esuli and Sebastiani, 2007) in which WordNet is
expanded thanks to a semi-automatic acquisition of
the polarity of WordNet terms, evaluating each
synsets according to positive, negative and objective
values. The other work (Zhai et al., 2010), as said
previously, proposes a method based on the
contextualization of reviews grouped on specific
domains and on a characterization based on features
defined by users, trying in such a way to solve the
problem to group feature expressions and to
associate them to feature labels. They do not use
WordNet that is not considered sufficient for several
reasons, including the problem of semantic
disambiguation, the lack of technical terms or
specific meanings related to the context of use, or
yet the differences of synonymy between different
The aim of our research activity is to develop and
build tools able to extract information and meaning
from the analyzed texts. In this paper we illustrate
some of these tools and how the Opinion Mining
tasks may benefit by their use, in particular in order
to propose an approach to extract and contextualize
features related to products or services.
According to the steps about Opinion Mining, an
overview about the activities we are working on is
given in the following.
Syntactic and Semantic Analysis: pos tagging,
adjectives and adverbs extraction and Word Sense
Disambiguation activities.
Sentence Analysis: distinction between objective
and subjective phrases and extraction of information
by means of adjectives qualities and previous
syntactic analysis; sentence categorization.
Document Analysis: context definition of reviews
by means of the semantic classifier through syntactic
and semantic analysis and the SemanticNet;
document categorization.
Features Extraction: features extraction from
sentences; distinction between implicit and explicit
features by means of semantic analysis; analysis of
noun phrases; analysis and validation of the features
extracted; assignment of a weight to each feature.
The result of this analysis could be used in a
summarization step in order to define the
polarization of reviews related to the features
On the following we describe some tools and
lexical resources we developed during our last
research activities that we aim to apply in the steps
of extraction of meanings and features from textual
a. Adjectives and Adverbs Qualities
One of the goals of this work is the building of a
lexical database of synsets enriched with a set of
properties related to some of the adjectives and
adverbs available in WordNet, with a positive,
negative or neutral value associated. The addition of
information given by the qualities associated to each
synset can surely help to better identify the
sentiment expressed in relation to the features and
gives more details about the features and the result
of the analysis certainly benefits from it.
Some linguistic resources are built considering
three properties: subjectivity, orientation, and
strength of term attitude. For example, ‘good’,
‘excellent’, and ‘best’ are positive terms while ‘bad’,
‘wrong’, and ‘worst’ are negative terms. ‘Vertical’,
‘yellow’, and ‘liquid’ are objective terms. ‘Best’ and
‘worst’ are more intense than ‘good’ and ‘bad’ (Lee
et al., 2008).
Our analysis concentrates instead mainly on the
qualitative adjectives able to specify for instance
color, size, smell, making the meanings of sentences
clearer or more exact. We have thus extended the
properties of the semantic network of WordNet
focusing on the characteristics of adjectives. We
have classified about 2.300 pairs of
adjectives/synsets and about 480 pairs of
adverbs/synsets according to a set of attributes
identified by their association with nouns and verbs
and chosen on the basis of their frequency of use in
the language. This work has been performed for
three languages: Italian, English and Spanish using
the data retrieved by FreeLing (Atserias et al.,
2006); (Vossen, 1998) for English and Spanish and
building ex novo a set of about 11.000 Italian terms,
that in future will be made available freely online.
For each adjective, all the possible synsets
available on WordNet has been considered and, for
each of the meaning expressed by a synset, one of
the previous categories has been associated,
assigning a positive, negative or neutral value too.
The identified characteristics provide additional
information about the content of the sentences,
regarding for instance personal, moral, ethical or
even aesthetical aspects. Some of these categories
allow a polarization that can be used by Opinion
Mining algorithms. In other cases it is immediately
obvious that adjectives contain meanings
intrinsically related to geographic, to time or to
weather aspects. In our opinion, the use of such
qualities associated both to adjectives and adverbs is
useful to identify a first level of contextualization
about objective and subjective phrases allowing to
refer to things, people, places, weather conditions
that can be contextualized on specific features.
Adverbs are useful too for the identification of
the sentiment into the Opinion Mining process. We
concentrate on some adverbs classified by their
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
meaning, they position or their strength, associating
to each of them a specific synset as made for the
adjectives. Based on their characteristics we have
considered adverbs of manner, adverbs of place,
adverbs of time, adverbs of quantity or degree, of
affirmation, negation or doubt, adverbs as
intensifiers or emphasizers and adverbs used in
adversative and in consecutives sentences. Only the
adverbs of manner may be positive, negative or
neutral (objectives). The adverbs of degree give the
idea about the intensity with which something
happens or have an impact on sentiment intensity.
The others give additional information to the
analysis related to the location or the direction, the
The introduction of the synsets instead of
considering only the words as keywords, extending
in future work a similar evaluation to nouns and
verbs, allows to have immediately the same qualities
and values for the languages whose mapping
between synsets is available.
b. The Semantic Classifier
Semantic text categorization techniques allow to
classify texts contained in general text resources into
one or more predefined categories, according to the
meaning expressed in their content. The classifier
we developed is composed by several modules able
to perform syntactic parsing, word sense
disambiguation and synsets extraction. A specific
module implements a “density function” able to
assign a weight to each synset extracted from the
words in the sentences and in the document, and to
each synset some coarse grain domains categories.
Through the semantic disambiguation task it is
possible to reduce the number of synsets activated
by the syntactic analysis. Calculating the synset
density in a document we can take advantage of the
semantic relations available from WordNet.
Moreover, we can categorise sentences, assigning
them some domain topics during a semantic
disambiguation phase, identifying all the synsets
referred to a textual content, and evaluating its most
probable sense (Angioni et al., 2008a).
The classifier is capable to categorize text
documents automatically, applying a classification
algorithm based on the Dewey Decimal
Classification, as proposed in WordNet Domains
(Magnini et al., 2002); (Magnini et al., 2004), a
lexical resource representing domain associations
among the word-senses of WordNet. The results set
of categories is further reduced by the application of
a function that takes into account only categories
characterized by a density value bigger than a fixed
range value. To assess the performances of the
classifier we selected five WordNet Domains
categories: Animals, Plants, Medicine, Geography
and Chemistry, and for each of them a set of 300
documents has been selected by hand. Table 1 and 2
summarize our results. More in details, for each
category, the performances of the semantic classifier
(MDC) are compared with a classifier that use a
simple bag of synsets (BoS) of the terms of the
document collection without any disambiguation.
We resorted to different metrics aimed at evaluating
precision π and recall ρ. In particular, we used
micro- and macro-averaging, together with the F1
measure obtained by moving the acceptation
threshold of each classifier under investigation over
the range [0,1] (Sebastiani, 2002).
Table 1: Experimental results.
π ρ F1
0,935 0,986 0,386 0,963 0,547 0,974
Plants 0.986 0,993 0,75 0,973 0,852 0,983
Medicine 0.939 1,00 0,67 0,973 0,782 0,986
Geography 0,676 0,970 0,953 0,986 0,791 0,978
Chemistry 0,924 0,983 0,903 0,98 0,913 0,981
Table 2: Micro and macro-averaging.
ρ F1
0,857 0,986 0,732 0,975 0,790 0,981
0,892 0,986 0,732 0,975 0,777 0,981
c. The SemanticNet
Mental associations of places, events, persons and
things depend on the cultural backgrounds of the
users' personal history. In fact, the way and the
ability to associate a concept to another is different
from person to person. In (Angioni et al. 2008b) a
semantic net, based on the dictionary of WordNet
and the contents included in Wikipedia, has been
developed. Starting from the information contained
in Wikipedia about a term of WordNet, the
SemanticNet has been defined by adding new nodes,
links and attributes, such as IS-A or PART-OF
relations. Moreover, a classifier categorises the
textual contents of Wikipedia and associates them to
the WordNet synset having the most correct
meaning by means of a similarity algorithm.
We therefore need to extract the specific
meaning described in the Wikipedia page content, in
order to build a conceptual map where the nodes are
the “senses” (synset of WordNet or term+category)
and links are given both by the WordNet semantic
relations and by the conceptual associations built by
the Wikipedia authors.
Starting from each synset a new node of the
conceptual map is uniquely identified by a semantic
key (synsetID), by the term referred to the
Wikipedia page and by the extracted categories.
Through the information extracted from Wikipedia it
is possible to build nodes, having a conceptual
proximity with the beginning node, and to define,
through these relations, a data structure linking all
the nodes of the SemanticNet.
The semantic net, as it is defined, is not useful in
this kind of application neither in the filtering of the
features. We are planning the evaluation of a such
data structure in order to improve the SemanticNet
performances and to delimit the context of a feature,
defined as a node in the net, by means of its relations
(e.g. IS-A, PART-OF) and by its properties. So we
are working to a way to increase its nodes and
relations by means of some techniques of features
extraction. The features extracted will be inserted in
the graph of the semantic net extending it, whenever
it will be possible, with new nodes and semantic
relations inferred from the text analysis.
A recent version of the SemanticNet contains
images as concepts related to its nodes. So, we are
planning to investigate about the use of images as
features referred to a specific object. In fact, in ever
more web sites dedicated to reviews, frequently
happens to find several images reporting objects
and/or its features. An example is given by the
pictures of a room or a bathroom in a hotel with the
reviews associated.
As said previously, the main objective of our
researches is the extraction of meanings from texts
applying linguistic approaches and semantic tools
and resources, developed for general purposes, in
Opinion Mining. The aspect we want to investigate
is related to opinions about events or facts even in
change where it is difficult to work on a set of
reviews well defined or clearly related to a specific
topic. An example could be related to politics where,
in relation to an event of some kind, a politician
reacts expressing his opinion or acting in some way.
It could be very relevant investigate how such
reaction is accepted by the electorate. Certainly in
this case features could not be determined a priori,
but should be extracted from text automatically. We
have been inspired by the work done by (Yi, J. et al.,
2003) and (Yi, J. et al., 2005) integrating their
approach with some tools developed in our previous
works, intervening in the phase of the extraction of
the features, filtering the list of features through the
semantic classification and through a
contextualization phase by means of the semantic
In order to extract the features, we essentially
make use of three tools: the semantic classifier, a
categorisation tool based on quality categories
associated to adjectives and adverbs, and the
semantic net. The two tools of categorisation parse
the phrases and allow to decide if and how a specific
phrase is relevant in respect of a topic. They also
allow to distinguish between objective and
subjective sentences. More in details, the two
classifier are complementary. The first classifier
works only on nouns, while the other works on
adjectives and adverbs, but until now we do not have
any measure. Categories extracted by the classifier
define a context, a topic, for the object in the review.
For example, analysing reviews about tourism and
especially reviews linked to hotels, we expect to
examine sentences containing opinions about
geographical locations, buildings, rooms, staff, food.
This kind of information can be easily categorized
by the classifier in categories that have a counterpart
in adjective qualities. In fact, as said in Section 3.1,
adjectives are defined with qualities related to
places, geographical features, behavioural
characteristics and thus related to people, measures,
aesthetic qualities, and polarities for some of them.
All these aspects, although allow to highlight
some additional information related to the subject of
the review, are often not adequate in order to give a
complete description of all features and attributes
Several Opinion Mining methods and techniques
have been developed in order to analyze contents
and reviews. In this paper we proposed a different
approach to the extraction of feature terms,
performing a contextualisation by means of semantic
tools and resources developed in previous research
activities or currently under development. We
proposed the identification of the context of features
by means of the SemanticNet that could be of
relevant interest in order to reach a more complete
list of features and attributes related to an object.
Moreover, with the introduction of the synsets
and the semantic categorization, instead of
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
considering only the words as keywords, we aim to
define a method of extraction of more accurate
meanings and features from textual resources. A
validation to support the value of the expressed ideas
will be one of the goals of the above mentioned
approach and experimental results will be product.
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