Deris Stiawan, Abdul Hanan Abdullah and Mohd Yazid Idris
Faculty of Computer Science & Information System, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Keywords: Heterogeneous data, Intrusion prevention and prediction, Data mining.
Abstract: The information increasingly large of volume dataset and multidimensional data has grown rapidly in recent
years. Inter-related and update information from security communities or vendor network security has
present of content vulnerability and patching bug from new attack (pattern) methods. It given a collection of
datasets, we were asked to examine a sample of such data and look for pattern which may exist between
certain pattern methods over time. There are several challenges, including handling dynamic data, sparse
data, incomplete data, uncertain data, and semistructured/unstructured data. In this paper, we are addressing
these challenges and using data mining approach to collecting scattered information in routine update
regularly from provider or security community.
Currently, much of the information is now in textual
form, this information can be correlate and
appropriate for solving problem on a particular
problem. This could be data from the web, library
data, logging, and past information that are stored as
archives, these data can form a pattern of specific
In this case, the information increasingly large of
volume dataset and multidimensional data has
grown rapidly in recent years. In another scenario,
(Martin, 2001) describes benefits of CVE
compatibility, integrating vulnerability services and
tools to provide more complete security provide and
alert advisory services, (Tsang et al., 2009) using
blacklisting a user and notifying the user of blacklist
status, and (Zhou et al., 2010) collecting URL
filtering systems for provide a simple and effective
way to protect web security.
However, it is possible for propose collecting
scattered information in routine update regularly
from provider or security community. This data can
be useful information to be associated with other.
The data set includes signature identification, rules,
policy, pattern, method attack, URL blacklist, update
patch, log system, list variant of virus and regular
expression, all this will be collected and labeled to
identify attack patterns and can predict it that would
occur. Furthermore, if the future is similar to the
past, we may have an opportunity to make
predictions and readiness/ prevention.
The main contributions this paper is the
enhancement of a learning phase and is part of the
research have being done, which aim to increasingly
accuracy alarm in detection and prevention system.
The remaining of the paper is structured as follows:
In Section 2 we present and briefly discuss
background and related work. Section 3 proposes
analysis problem. Section 4, discusses our approach.
Section 5 summarized our conclusions and present
additional issues on which research can be continued.
Data Mining (DM) is an integration of multiple
technologies, these include database management,
data warehouse (DW), statistics, Machine Learning
(ML), decision support, visualization, and parallel
computing. In this approach for finding decision
function, classification function and regression
function, it is adequate to use DM approach with
supervised learning. DM is the process of posing
queries and extracting information previously
unknown from large quantities of data.
In some case, the data sources have to be
integrated into DW, DM helps the users to extract
meaningful information from the numerous and
Stiawan D., Hanan Abdullah A. and Yazid Idris M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003596502220225
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 222-225
ISBN: 978-989-8425-76-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
heterogeneous data sources. The data libraries could
have different semantics and syntax, it will be
difficult to extract useful information. Sophisticated
DM tools are needed for this purpose.
In other hands, (Adeva et al., 2007), they
introduces an intrusion detection software component
based on text mining techniques, using text
categorization. This approach is capable to learning
the characteristic of both normal and malicious user
behavior from the log entries generated by the web
application server Text mining refers to the discovery
of non-trivial, previously unknown and potentially
useful knowledge from a collection of text.
Currently, Text Mining (TM) has become an
inevitable part in information retrieval, around 80%
of the information stored in computer consist of text
and digital files. According to work by (Lopes et al.
2007), they framework for visual text mining to
support exploration of both general structure and
relevant topics within a textual document collection,
in this effort, they have answer and examine sets of
documents to achieve understanding of their structure
and to locate relevant information. This is reinforced
by subsequent research by (Zhang et al., 2008), they
argued text classification, namely text categorization,
is defined as assigning predefined categories to text
documents, where documents can be news stories,
technical reports, web pages, and categories are most
often subjects or topics, but may also be based on
style (genres), pertinence, etc.
While several work have been proposed, there are
several challenges for solving these problems,
including handling dynamic data, sparse data,
incomplete data, uncertain data, and
semistructured/unstructured data. We have
addressing these challenges based on some effort
problems from previously work;
1) The problems are not fully defined in advance.
Grammars will have to be modified to take
account of new data. This is not easy: the
addition of just one new example can
completely alter a grammar and render
worthless all the work that has been expended
in building it, declared by (Witten et al., 1999).
2) There also some effort and problem from
(Singhal, 2007) and (Junqi & Zhengbing, 2008)
to introduce the concepts hybrid approach
effectively with detecting normal usages and
malicious activities using heterogeneous data.
Furthermore, what makes this solution different
from others?
3) How to collecting and integrating information
from different structure, data format, label,
meta data and variable of data. These data set
bulk in information and growing from
community or security services?
4) How we can convert and integrating this data
into information, and subsequently into
5) How to extract the relationships, and then
correlate data source to run on the new
environment if the data sources could be based
on complex structure and many relationships?
6) Is it true to integrate data for the process of the
standardization data definitions and data
structures by using a common conceptual
schema across a collection of data sources?
With respect work by (Singhal, 2007) present four
data source with multiple audit streams from diverse
cyber sensor: (i) raw network traffic, (ii) netflow
data, (iii) system call, and (iv) output alert from IDS.
Unfortunately, we assume this method can not
effective with new challenge of intrusion threat.
However, with respect we improve and expand this
opinion to our approach, in this approach we use
sixteen event parameters from heterogeneous data
input. We present sixteen interrelated of information
in database for knowledge process. Accordingly,
obtaining general pattern with variation diversity
structure, label, and variable of data to potentially
useful knowledge is another part of this research.
In this study, DM is used to perform data
collection using history, patterns, and relationships to
classification and estimation of attack in stream
network. This is due to hybrid system receive data
from many different sources and it is expected that a
hybrid system has the potential to detect
sophisticated attacks that involve multiple networks
with the information from multiple sources. As a
mentioned above, Learning technique from DM can
be solution for research objective (i) prediction of
attack pattern, (ii) identification from anomaly
habitual activity, (iii) estimation normal activity
based on habitual activity, (iv) classification
attack/suspicious packet, (v) mapping habitual-
activity, and (vi) early prevention security violation.
We use DW to collecting scattered information in
routine update regularly from provider or security
community, we illustration in Figure 1. From our
observation, these data can be useful information to
be associated with other. The information,
increasingly large of volume dataset and
multidimensional data has grown rapidly in recent
years. The data set includes signature identification,
rules, policy, pattern, method attack, URL blacklist,
update patch, log system, list variant of virus and
regular expression, all this will be collected and
labeled to identify attack patterns and can predict it
that would occur. These data set bulk in information
and growing from community or security services.
Therefore, there is a critical need of data analysis
system that can automatically analyze the data to
classification it and predict pattern attack future
trends. This information is scattered in internet and in
the form of text. Unfortunately, text is complex
characteristic that has defeated many representation
attempts with very rich semantics, However, here is
the strength characteristic of the text.
Figure 1: Interrelated web from provider and security
TM is a multidisciplinary field that includes many
tasks such as text analysis, clustering, categorisation,
and summarisation. According to some work (Al
Fawareh et al., 2008) and (Sanchez et al., 2008),
they have clearly described for addressing issues of
ambiguity in natural language texts, and have
presented a technique for resolving ambiguity
problem in extracting an entity from texts. This text
data mining approach has proved to be very useful in
many applications.
Text mining and DM are inherently hard problem in
term of computational complexity. An interesting
and summary some previously work using text
mining help solve problem in security attack. From
(Abe & Tsumoto, 2009), uses method of detecting
trends of technical term on importance indices using
three sub processes: (i) technical term extraction in a
corpus, (ii) importance indices calculation, (iii) trend
We may have an opportunity to make prediction
future threat from past experiences, these scenario
called text categorization, making a prediction
requires more that a lookup of past experience.
Furthermore, for prediction, a pattern must be found
in past experience that will hold in the future,
leading to accurate result on new, unseen examples.
As the basis of this approach are (Sanchez et al.,
2008) and (Romero & Ventura, 2007), text mining is
concerned with obtaining new, non-trivial, and
potentially useful knowledge for text repositories
stored in computers, and almost all text mining
approaches existing in the literature, that have been
shown to be very useful in practice, are based on
In the context of TM, information retrieval is one
the main problems; the more general approach, a
complete document will have many words and it is
unlikely that it will completely match a stored
document. Instead of an exact match, we try to find
the closets matches to the stored documents. The
proposed system has the following handling steps;
1) Take an unstructured document and
automatically fill in the value of a spreadsheet.
For example: information attack pattern from
CVE in XML format data. Meanwhile, from
security community (
cas/techalerts/) have information infiltrating a
botnet via Internet Relay Chat (IRC).
Wherefore, when the information is
unstructured, such as that found in a collection
of documents, then a separate process is needed
to extract data from an unstructured format.
2) Create pseudonymized for describe and declare
a log of event parameters
3) The partitioning document is divided by time,
not randomly. We assume this mechanism can
closely simulate the prediction of future events
before inside to system.
4) Document Standardization, once the documents
are collected, There are several variations with
different formats available, depending on when
the document was generated, some of them
using the ASCII format, CSV or format as
We identified the problem in collecting
information from different structure, label, and
variable of data, shown in Figure 2. Here data can
refer to heterogeneous data, is a set bulk in
information and growing from provider, community
or security services. Therefore, there is a critical
need of data analysis system that can automatically
analyze the data to classification it and predict
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
pattern attack future trends.
Figure 2: Correspond with parameters.
Data Warehouse (DW) is an important supporting
technology for Data Mining (DM), DW is an
essentially an integration of various data source for
decision support and analysis. There are several
advantages to make the TM as a solution emphasis;
(1) The engine of TM currently includes
functionalities for text categorisation, language
identification, text/ document summarisation, text
clustering, and similarity analysis, (2) TM can do
detecting trend, important indices calculation with
information extraction methods, (3) TM allows
identify request functionality from different structure
text in one paragraphs, it is depending form of text,
(4) TM can find the best decision rules.
This approach still needs further exploration in
future research mainly query correlation each
parameters, using data mining approach is one
primary our focus. In the future research can also
include more factors to implement our approach in
real environment and benchmarking with other IPS
software solution to tested effectiveness on
accuracy, attack containing, measurement
vulnerabilities, and risk/nearness True Positive and
False Positive value.
This research is supported by The Ministry of Higher
Education Malaysia and collaboration with Research
Management Center (RMC) Universiti Teknologi
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