Rong Zhou and Shifeng Liu
Beijing Jiaotong University, East Road of 18 yard, Beijing, China
Keywords: Business resources management, Rail transit enterprises, Integration management pattern, Enterprise
business management information system.
Abstract: As a certain public products, the subway has its own characteristics, and the economics rule of
internalization of external resources is the prerequisite of urban rail transit business management. Therefore
in this paper we take the construction of rail transit enterprise business management information system
about Ningbo as an example, discussing closely around the "resources" and following the "integration
business mode”. We discuss it on the perspective of the plan and design of business resources, the
commercial resources management and the commercial resources operation, in order to provide an
informationized means to develop, utilize, manage and operate the scarce resources effectively.
With the accelerating urbanization, China has
formed a world's largest and fastest-growing rail
transit operation and construction market. The
development and change of transportation must
change people's consumption model, residential
property values, the increase of business and
resources restructuring, but urban rail traffic as a
city’s most important infrastructure, the investment
is huge, the government gives priority to construct it.
After putting into operation, because the operating
costs and the financial cost is too high. Paying all
costs fare income through the government subsidies
to maintain normal business operation, give the
government brought heavy financial burden. And
rail transit as a "quasi-public product", its product
itself has non-competitive, exclusiveness and
monopoly on consumption, the ground and
underground space occupied large, the district such
as connection station, port, airport, wharf, business
center, CBD, satellite towns in which the stream of
people are intensive, business are prosperous, their
passenger resources is extremely rich and they holds
enormous business opportunities. With the efficient
and fast passenger transport primarily, around huge
passenger and spatial resources, fully develop urban
rail transit comprehensive resource, develop a
variety of business, maximizing rail traffic resource
and benefits have reached an agreement. Especially
the related resources of urban rail transit, the profit
through a variety of business can offset the lack of
construction funds and operation funds, and it is a
basic way to reduce governmental investment and
subsidized. Starting from planning, unified planning,
comprehensive development is the premise of profit.
The Hong Kong subway is the world’s only
integrated operation of planning, construction and
operation, it also rely on auxiliary diversification
realize the profit. Therefore, the various business
resources management of orbit transportation should
start with plan and design, based on the reasonable
construction, effective management, which can
realize the goals of the auxiliary business fill the
main business and get earnings.
As the development of urban rail transit
enterprise’s resource and the expansion of business
scope, subway enterprises’ management function
also subsequently upgrades. Facing quite large and
complex urban rail transit enterprise business
resource, with which mode to manage will directly
related to mobilize enthusiasm of the operators and
the sustainable play of project’s social and
economical benefits. Therefore, we must change our
management concepts, take the subway construction
activities as part of the market operation activities,
take the various resources of the urban rail transit as
a whole, put the various business operation into the
important business activities of subway enterprise,
timely transfer and expand the subway enterprise
Zhou R. and Liu S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003594804670471
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (EIT-2011), pages 467-471
ISBN: 978-989-8425-55-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
management functions, express the urban rail transit
industry’s whole advantages, form the long-term
mechanism of sustainable development. On this
basis, with the commonly use of the computer
technology, the inevitable trend of enterprise’s
informatization, we use a variety of program
technology and electronic information system
technology, aimed at the actual situation of Ningbo
urban rail transit enterprises, we have developed a
set of urban rail transportation enterprise business
management information system.
There is a special note that the operation
department is responsible for the operational
activities that are closely related to the operating
routes resources for the reasons that the urban rail
transit has its technical characteristics, especially the
operation safety management requirements. But this
paper just considers from the functions that
information system should have while problems
management implementation are not involved.
2.1 Integrated Resources Operation
Through the integrated operation and management,
realize the land development, station property
development, business, advertising, communications,
other related resources, with the natural resources
integrated operation of rail transit, from standing
domain and the route to the derivative of subsidiary
resources to form a resources optimizing system,
fully excavate the potential of resources, take the
related resources of rail transportation business as
the auxiliary business, the auxiliary business fill the
main business, with a variety of business operational
benefit added the losses of main business, realize the
virtuous cycle of rail transport business resource
development and management.
2.2 Visual Management
Through directly query on the map, can get the
information of spatial location and direction of urban
rail transit, technical standard, traffic flow,
population, land, etc. Will spatial resources and
attribute resources of commercial resources to unify,
set up a interactive, visual management interface.
Through the comprehensive statistics and the
analysis of various traffic data, using the rich and
various of chart shows, provides scientific and quick
support for decision.
Removing the business structures information
business management system is a system that collect,
store and manage data. Business management
subsystem frame is divided into three layers. The
bottom is the basic data about economic
development of Ningbo. The middle is the
geographical information system (GIS) and the top
is management application. Figure 1 shows the
Figure 1: Business management system application
3.1 Underlying Database Design
The database is the core information system, and the
goal of theme database design is to accelerate the
development of application project. We divide all the
data of the enterprise into some units that can be
categorized managed, and the all the units constitute
the theme database. Theme database should be
designed as stable and can provide a stable service
for enterprise's information resources in a long
period. According to the characteristics of basic data
about urban rail transit operation, we design the
theme database consist of population database of
Ningbo, social economic development database,
commercial circle distribution and development
database, land database and passenger flow volume
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.2 The Geographic Information
System Layer
The geographic information system integrated the
computer data bank technology and the computer
graphic processing technology, it could carry on the
retrieval, the inquiry, the analysis to the urban rail
transit foundation information, as well as
Three-Dimensional Display of the stratum
information; and forms an expandable urban track
transportation foundation information database
initially. According to thematic map's statistical
analysis function, It can analyze the changing
situation of passengers and cargo flow, thus
formulation driving plan. The urban track
transportation foundation geographic information
system based on the GIS established correlational
dependence for each kind of isolated, scattered
urban track transportation essential data taking the
geography space as the link.
3.3 The Business Resources Planning
and Design Subsystem
As the different urban rail transit foundation
resources have different development prospects, its
orbital transportation resources' comprehensive
development and diversified management's
strategies are also different. This system focuses on
the prior phase about the building, design and
construction of Ningbo rail transit projects. We
complete the overall planning and detailed design of
business resources mainly according to the basic
data about economic development of Ningbo,
especially the data of business circle, land,
population, economic growth ,urban planning and
even the data such as passenger flow survey, the
early rail traffic planning, program facilities and
construction design. The implement of line
synthesizes a body plan will combine the plan
advancing, the construction feasibility and the
management validity organically, striving for to
realize the simultaneous implementation of the
urban track transport facilities and the resources
comprehensive development, particularly derivation
resources inclusion project development enterprise
bundles which will carry on the comprehensive
development along the route, enables the subway
enterprise to have the land comprehensive
development and the auxiliary industry management
franchise rights to complete the overall planning of
business resources and concrete design. Of course,
these planning and design in the system are based on
quantitative indexes reflect.
3.4 The Business Resources
Management Subsystem
The urban rail transit resources can be divided into
the inherent resources and the derivation resources
according to the management form. The inherent
resources includes serve passenger transportation's
carrier in kind such as the line, the station yard, the
channel, the tunnel, the vehicles, the correspondence,
the station territory land and so on, the derivation
resources includes the inherent resources
construction and the operation derives such as
servicing facilities and land resource development
along the route which, advertisement media,
information communication, dining entertainment
To achieve business resources of urban rail
transit the optimal configuration and improve
efficiency of resources utilization, we must analyze
the connotation, evaluation and management of their
nature and value .Only in this way can we solve the
urban rail transit the value of business resources for
its value measure and can achieve the commercial
resources value transformation. Of course, how to
construct the value evaluation method and the model
of its existing value and potential value of
qualitative analysis and quantitative evaluation, this
system do not considered.
3.5 Business Resources Management
As a public program, the urban rail transit is also
high quality assets. It is short-term investments and
long-term earnings. Its potential capital operation is
huge and function is very strong. We put the
operation as an auxiliary business means and
diversified investment and reasonable capital
structure can make a integrated business operation.
This system is mainly aimed at investment
management. According to different investment way,
it manages the basic information of agents, specific
merchants, rent, the lease term and the rental
contracts and undertakes the task to realize property
management informationization for Ningbo rail
transport group.
The top data flow diagram of this system as figure 2
shows. The key data flow relations between
subsystems of inner system and the data demand
relations between this system and other system (or
other external entity) are emphatically described.
Figure 2: Key data transfer and demand relation graph
Business management subsystem.
The major data of business management
subsystems are described below:
(1) Rail traffic planning and design information. It
mainly includes the draft of Ningbo rail traffic
planning which is formulated in prophase by
planning department and the design provided by
scheme department and the revised situation during
the construction process.
(2) Basic data. It mainly includes the data of land,
population, social economic development, business
circle distribution and development and passenger
flow survey about Ningbo.
(3) Business resources account. It mainly includes
the number, name, attribute, place, operators,
resources classification, potential value, etc of the
commercial resource.
(4) The value system of business resource. It mainly
includes the data of commercial resources numbers
and commercial resources value.
(5) Investment account. It mainly includes the
numbers of agents or merchants, names, legal
representatives, contact method, resources situation
of rent (loan), main business and enterprise
(6) Rent account. It mainly includes commercial
resources numbers, business contracts, rent and
(7) Realty data. It mainly includes the relevant
policies, the regulations about property management
and the basic situation of the objects which are
serviced and the property managers.
This paper has discussed both the needs of the urban
rail transit enterprise business management and the
structure and the data relations of the business
management information system. It follows the
principle of integration. We make the plan from the
perspective of the whole technical, economic,
construction and operation and do the innovation
development. It makes the operation indexes
quantified and increases the economic efficiency and
reduces the management strength and improves the
commercial resources operation. Meanwhile, with
the single financing mode in our country and the
market financing system is not in a perfect condition,
the benefits from the scientific and reasonable
business management is undoubtedly can be the
beneficial supplement of urban rail transit
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