Automated Security Metrics in ISMSs to Discover the
Level of Security of OSs and DBMSs
Angel Gallego
, Antonio Santos-Olmo
, Luís Enrique Sánchez
and Eduardo Fernández-Medina
EZENTIS. Departamento de I+D
Federico Mompou, 5., Madrid, Spain
SICAMAN Nuevas Tecnologías. Departament R&D
Ave Maria, 5. Tomelloso, Ciudad Real, Spain
Grupo de Investigación GSyA. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Paseo de la Universidad, 4 – 13071, Ciudad Real, Spain
Abstract. The information society is ever-increasingly dependent upon Infor-
mation Security Management Systems (ISMSs), and the availability of these
systems has come to be vital to the evolution of SMEs. However, this type of
companies requires ISMSs which have been adapted to their particular charac-
teristics, and which are optimised from the point of view of the resources that
are necessary to install and maintain them. This paper concentrates on the de-
velopment of a process for ISMSs that will allow the level of security of critical
applications installed in these sytems, i.e., Operative Systems and Data Base
Management Systems, to be measured. This process is currently being directly
applied in real cases, thus leading to an improvement in its application.
1 Introduction
It is extremely important for businesses to install security controls which will allow
them to know and control the risks to which they may be subjected [1, 2], since the
installation of these controls supposes important improvements for these companies
[3]. However, the mere installation of these controls is not sufficient, since long-term
security management systems are also necessary if companies are to react to new
risks, vulnerabilities, threats etc. in an agile manner [4, 5]. Nevertheless, companies
frequently do not have security management systems, or if they do, the systems have
been created without appropriate guidelines and documentation, and with insufficient
resources [6].
Although it has been shown that for a business to be able to use information tech-
nologies and communications with guarentees it must have guidelines, metrics and
tools at its disposal that will provide it with constant knowledge of its level of securi-
ty and any vulnerabilities that have not yet been covered [7], the level of successfully
installed systems is extremely low. This problem is particularly accentuated in the
Gallego A., Santos-Olmo A., Enrique Sánchez L. and Fernández-Medina E..
Automated Security Metrics in ISMSs to Discover the Level of Security of OSs and DBMSs.
DOI: 10.5220/0003593901590166
In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2011), pages 159-166
ISBN: 978-989-8425-61-4
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
case of small and medium-sized enterprises, which face the additional limitation of
not having sufficient human and economic resources to be able to carry out appropri-
ate management [6].
In this paper we concentrate upon analysing a method which is oriented towards
fulfilling the seventh of these factors – “defining a measurement system with which to
evaluate the security management’s output and suggest improvements”, and this will
be adapted to the case of SMEs in order to ensure that maintenance costs are greatly
reduced, thus offering those resposible for security the maximum possible value, and
allowing them to know the short-term fulfillment level of the various controls.
The paper continues in Section 2 in which the objectives pursued during this re-
search are described. Section 3 describes the measurement process used. Section 4
analyses the control objectives created for the research phase it self. Section 5
presents the tool that supports the process defined and shows some of the results
obtained. Finally, in Section 6 we show our concusions and future work.
2 Objectives Pursued by this Research
The aforementioned view of the current market situation and its security needs has
been used as a starting point upon which to centre the objective of this research: the
creation of a process that will permit the simple yet efficient measurement of the level
of security in those applications that can be considered to be critical to the correct
functioning of a company’s Information System. This process will allow us to obtain
a guarantee of the risk that is assumed with a business’ Information System, with the
lowest cost in both time and money, which will be extremely useful for SMEs.
This metric was created by bearing in mind the latest research concerning the most
important standards related to security metrics [8, 9]. The mechanism created is not
intended to substitute these regulations, but to complement them and to assist in their
We can therefore state that the principal objective of this research has been to
create a process that will permit the definition of a series of measurable and evaluable
aspects with regard to critical applications, along with a tool to support it which will
allow us to provide an objective evaluation and an updated risk report of the Opera-
tive Systems and of the Data Base Management Systems (key elements in any com-
pany) with which they will be integrated and upon which the company’s remaining
applications are sustained. This process will be integrated into the other processes
forming part of an ISMS.
Four clearly defined phases were followed to attain the objective proposed in this
During the 1st phase we analysed how to define a simple system that would
allow us to evaluate the critical applications’ current level of security.
During the 2nd phase we extracted the tools selected for the research, which
would be the principal factors evaluated in order to define the level of secu-
rity. We then carried out an in-depth study of the Windows O.S., along with
the two DBMS most frequently used at present (Oracle and SQL Server) in
order to define the control objectives that would later allow us to carry out
an evaluation of both the level of security and the evaluation system that
would be used for the securitization of the environment.
During the 3rd phase we created an application that would allow us to sup-
port the analysis of the process defined in the 1st phase. We were conse-
quently able to provide an evaluation of of the security level in the systems
analysed, according to their current configuration. Certain recommendations
associated with the actions that should be taken to raise the Information Sys-
tems’ security level were also obtained.
Finally, in the 4th phase, the process and the tool that supports the various
systems that function in the Sicaman Company were applied. The process al-
lowed us to obtain a set of results with which to determine the current securi-
ty level in this company’s systems, and enabled us to provide recommenda-
tions on how to improve them.
3 Development of Measurement Process
The development of this phase involved making a prior selection of those tools and
applications which, in the event of a security failure, would make most impact on the
company’s computer services. The results of this study showed that the company’s
greatest risk concerned the loss or undesired leaking of its data.
The following step in this phase was to determine what the control objectives were
for each of the applications, along with determining tests and levels that would allow
us to evaluate the system’s current risk level.
These control objectives were developed by using the technical security documen-
tation provided by the company’s manufacturers, in addition to the personal expe-
rience of the human team which participated. This knowledge enabled us to select
those points in each application that supposed the greatest risk. Each of these points
was then dicretized to enable its quantification.
The quantification or evaluation mechanism of the control objectives is based sole-
ly upon the experts’ knowledge of these applications, which implies that later ver-
sions of the application may experience variations.
The structure followed to define the control objectives was:
Id: A unique code which allows the control objective and the application to
which it belongs to be identified.
Level: To what level the control objective is affected within the global envi-
Question: The control objective pursued.
Responsibility: The person responsible for applying this control objective.
Instant: Determine at what instant the control objective should be tested.
Action: Determine how the control objective should be verified.
Correct configuration: What the control objective should be like if it is to be
considered secure.
Evaluation: Criteria to decide whether or not the control objective is ful-
filled, thus establishing it as being safe or unsafe.
The execution of the process defined led us to obtain the application’s security
level, which can be calculated as:
Table 1. Equiation with which to calculate the fulfillment level of a control.
RL = (([TGVF]*100)/[TGPV])
SL = 100 – RL
RL: Risk level.
SL: Security level.
TGVF: Total grading of vulnerabilities found.
TGPV: Total grading of possible vulnerabilities.
The associated risk is obtained according to the value obtained, and is discretized
in the following table:
Table 2. Risk measurement levels.
Risk Interval
(according to security level)
No risk 90% - 100% No serious faults have been detected.
Potential risk 60% - 90%
Medium-level faults have been de-
High risk 0% - 60% High-level faults have been detected.
4 Definition of Controls
In this research phase a detailed analysis has been made of the critical applications
with the objective of extracting the set of control objectives for each of the applica-
tions forming part of the research. The following applications were analysed:
Windows Server: A set of 25 controls were extracted for evaluation. The to-
tal number of points that will define the application’s security varies between
0 (maximum security level) and 37 (minimum security level). The aspects to
be evaluated are divided into 5 typologies: access level, service level, level
of applications, management level and network level.
Oracle: A set of 26 controls were extracted whose level of security coverage
was evaluated. The total number of points that will define the application’s
level of security varies between 0 (maximum security level) and 44 (mini-
mum security level). The aspects to be evaluated are divided into 4 typolo-
gies: general level, server level, DBMS level and DB level.
SQL Server: A set of 37 controls were extracted whose security coverage
was evaluated. Of these, 26 can be automated to reduce costs and 13 current-
ly require manual analysis. The total number of points defining the security
level of the application varies between 0 (maximum security level) and 53
(minimum security level). Table 3 shows an example of the controls defined
for this type of applications. The aspects to be evaluated are divided into 4
typologies: general level, server level, DBMS level and DB level.
Table 3. Control manual/automatic for SQL Server.
Id: [SQL.4.2]
Question: Are views used to minimize the dependencies between DBs?
Level: Data Base.
Responsibility: Programmer.
Instant: General.
Action: Code control.
Correct configuration: Protect against access via SQL through the development of a
structured programme.
- Unsafe: Dependencies exist between DBs which are not contained in views.
- Safe: Views are used to minimize the dependencies between DBs.
Test requested: Analyse the dependencies with linked servers and verify the type of
objects that they contain. Use the sysservers, sysobjects and syscomments tables
for this.
Script for automation:
select srvname collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS from mas-
declare @servidor varchar(128)
select @servidor = ''
select total, servidor_novista, servidor_vista,
case when total=0 then 0 else
100*convert(decimal(9,2),servidor_novista)/convert(decimal(9,2),total) end as
case when total=0 then 0 else
100*convert(decimal(9,2),servidor_vista)/convert(decimal(9,2),total) end as
from (select count(*) as total,
isnull(sum(case when xtype='V' then 1 else 0 end),0) servidor_vista,
isnull(sum(case when xtype='V' then 0 else 1 end),0) servi-
from sysobjects a, syscomments b
where text like '%'+@servidor+'%') a
5 Practical Results
A tool has been created to provide the development process with automated support.
The system tests have been carried out on the installations in the Sycman Company
(SNT) on the development and production servers, the Windows Server and Oracle
Data Base Management Systems and the SLQ Server operative systems. Table 4
shows some of the conclusions reached after applying the process defined to real
Table 4. Results of application of metrics in real cases.
System Data Results Obtained
Name of computer: Sicaman\Pc18
IP Address: Dirección IP:
Name of Auditing Team: SNT DB
Server Servidor BD de SNT
Date of Audit: 20/11/2010 9:46
Scanned with SEM version: 1.0
Security Level: 14/53 Æ 73.58%
Risk Level: 26.42% (Potential
The negative grading was 14 out of 53, which im-
plies that the auditing platform’s current security
level is 73.58% with an associated risk of 26.42%. If
the securitiy level is to be raised then the following
points must be reviewed:
Very high risk: [SQL.3.2], [SQL.3.10], [SQL.3.25]
High risk: [SQL.1.3], [SQL.1.4], [SQL.3.3],
[SQL.3.7], [SQL.3.9], [SQL.3.22], [SQL.3.24],
The application of the method defined to the SNT development and production en-
vironments led to the following results:
The production server for the SQL Server 2005 environment obtained an
evaluation for the “SQL Server 2005” application of 14 out of 53, which im-
plies a potential risk of 26.42% and a security level of 73.58%.
The risk level obtained in the reviews is shown in Table 5:
Table 5. Risk level for applications analysed.
SQL Server
Production server [SQL]
27,03 26,42 - 26,67
The final conclusions obtained are:
The SNT production environment has an average security level, both at the
server level and at the level of individual applications. It would be advisable
to follow the recommendations obtained during the execution of the process
in order to obtain secure processes, particularly if we bear in mind that this is
a production environment.
The SNT development environment has a low security level at the server
level and at the level of individual applications in both the SQL Server and
Oracle environments. In a development environment it is advisable for the
risk to be at a medium level, and we therefore advise the company to follow
the recommendations made in the audit report.
6 Conclusions and Future Work
This paper presents a proposal for a process which is oriented towards measuring the
level of security in critical applications that form part of an information system.
We have defined how this process can be used and how it could assist SMEs to
discover the risks that they may confront without the need to assume large costs.
The characteristics of this process and its orientation towards SMEs have been
very well received, and its application is proving to be very positive since it allows
this type of businesses to better understand the risks to which their information assets
are subjected. This process allows allows companies to obtain short-term results, thus
reducing the costs supposed by other analysis mechanisms and leading to greater
company satisfaction.
We are currently analysing the possibility of integrating this process into the Secu-
rity Management methodology for SMEs denominated as MMSM-SME [10-13], and
into the tool that supports this methodology [14].
Thanks to the development of this research project, the companies in which the re-
sults obtained have been tested have been able to identify security risks and improva-
ble aspects in their systems.
In later versions of this application we shall continue the automation process of
control objectives that commenced here.
Finally, we believe that the work carried out must be extended with new applica-
tions, new controls, and mechanisms that will permit the inclusion of an increasing
amount of automated controls.
All future improvements to the process and the model will be oriented towards im-
proving their levels of automation and precision, whilst always respecting the prin-
ciple of the cost of resources. In other words, we seek to improve the process without
incurring generation and maintenance costs.
This research is part of the following projects: MEDUSAS (IDI-20090557), financed
by the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), ORIGIN (IDI-
2010043(1-5)) financed by the CDTI and the FEDER, BUSINESS (PET2008-0136)
awarded by the Spanish Ministry for Science and Technology and MARISMA
(HITO-2010-28), SISTEMAS (PII2I09-0150-3135) and SERENIDAD (PII11-0327-
7035) financed by the Council of Education and Science of the Castilla-La Mancha
Regional Government.
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