Towards a Semantic Web-enabled Knowledge Base
to Elicit Security Requirements for Misuse Cases
Haibo Hu
, Dan Yang
, Hong Xiang
, Li Fu
, Chunxiao Ye
and Ren Li
The School of Software Engineering, Huxi Campus of Chongqing University
410331, Chongqing, China
College of Computer Science, Chongqing University
400030, Chongqing, China
Abstract. Eliciting security requirements is critical but hard for non-expert to
fulfill an exhaustive analysis on large body of security knowledge. Emerging
models in requirements engineering (R
E) society release some burden of such
difficulty, as well as security ontologies are booming for knowledge sharing and
reuse. There exists necessity for the synergy of them, such as utilizing security
ontology (S
O) as the back end of Knowledge Base (KB) for capturing security
requirements by using known R
E models. Research advances in the Semantic
Web (S
W) community provide a common framework of technologies that al-
lows data to be shared and reused across boundaries of various application and
community. This paper proposes a knowledge base which is constructed on S
and Misuse Case Model (M
CM), by representing them into OWL (Web Ontology
Language). Semantic rules can be derived from the correlation of S
O and MCM
to be utilized for reasoning and querying security knowledge via MCM-based
requirements elicitation. The proposed K
B coordinates SO with a specific RE
model to facilitate knowledge sharing to be a foundation for eliciting security
requirements automatically.
1 Introduction
In the last decades, researchers and practitioners have been aware that security con-
cerns in software system must be taken into account at the very beginning of develop-
ment life cycle, due to adding security features in ad-hoc manner at later stages is
costive in term of time and resources [1][2]. Most requirements engineers and soft-
ware developers are not primarily interested in security domain [3], or poorly trained
to elicit, analyze, and specify security requirements, often confusing them with the
architectural security mechanisms [4]. Thus it’s hard for a non-expert to understand
jargons of security issues, such as “under which circumstances does an information
asset have vulnerability that can be utilized by attackers to form threats, and how to
find adaptable mechanisms to defend or to retrieve a policy to mitigate the risk?”
The state-of-the-art works show research trend in two directions to overcome the
bottle neck. In their systematic literature review, Fabian et al [5] and Mellado et al [6]
Hu H., Yang D., Xiang H., Fu L., Ye C. and Li R..
Towards a Semantic Web-enabled Knowledge Base to Elicit Security Requirements for Misuse Cases .
DOI: 10.5220/0003588301030112
In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2011), pages 103-112
ISBN: 978-989-8425-61-4
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
survey one direction which is mainly derived from RE community that extends tradi-
tional methodologies of requirements analysis to manifest security concerns. These
work includes adopting anti-models to goal-oriented approaches[7], introducing Mi-
suse Case [8]/Abuse Case [9] to existing Use Case models (U
CM), customizing UML
profiles as to U
MLsec [10], reinforcing Goal/Agent-oriented model like i*/Tropos with
the capability of security analysis [11-14], or using Abuse Frame[15] to extend Prob-
lem Frame, etc. The other direction is mainly located in security engineering domain
which aims to represent and manage security knowledge for reuse. This direction
leads to several approaches such as developing security patterns [16] for abstraction or
reuse, engineering S
Os for knowledge sharing [17], and representing security know-
ledge with the S
W technologies for reasoning and querying [18].
While engineering security requirements by means of known R
E models (such as
AOS [19], i*[20]/Tropos [21], Use Case [22], or Problem Frame [23], etc.) stress
their objectives on modeling the system-to-be requirements by taking security as con-
strains, thus lacking of facilities represents complex cause-and-effect relationships for
security issues. Moreover, it’s costive to train stakeholders with adequate security
knowledge to fulfill security analysis in requirement stage.
We aim to facilitate engineering security requirements with known R
E models as
CM by means of security ontology for knowledge management. Security require-
ments to be modeled into misuse cases can be elicited in an automatic way by map-
ping existing use cases into a specialized ontological security K
B for reasoning and
querying. We map core concepts of M
CM to the SO developed by Herzog et al [17]
and Lasheras et al [18], to rebuild security core ontology for the T
BOX [25] of the KB.
The K
B is qualified with semantic rule-based languages (SWRL and SQWRL) for rea-
soning and querying. In real usage of the K
B, we put refined use cases as instances in
the A
BOX [25], and execute predefined rules to reason and query knowledge for mi-
suse cases. The framework of our proposed method is illustrated in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Framework of the proposed methods.
The advantages of our proposed approach are twofold: on the one hand this method
offers a step-by-step process for modeling ontologies and requirements in U/M
CM as
well as bridging concepts among them onto semantic level. Based on this preliminary
process, the framework also shows an approach for eliciting security requirements
with misuse cases into automation.
2 Related Works
In this section, we present literature review of related works both on security ontolo-
gies and misuse case for security R
E, as well as research advances in the semantic web
community that are utilized in our work for constructing the knowledge base.
CM is the inverse or anti-model of UCM [22] which is introduced by Sindre and
Opdahl [8] in late 1990’s. The required behaviour of software under development
specified with U
CM which is essentially structured stories or scenarios describing what
should happen when the software or product is used. On the contrary, a misuse case
describes a negative scenario that should not happen, and identify system threats thus
leads to new requirements expressed in use cases for mitigation. It’s a good tool to
treat non-functional requirements [26] from the very beginning of development life
cycle by avoiding premature design decisions [27]. The significance of employing
CM is that it enhances the communication between the developers and the stake-
holders to agree on critical system solutions by regarding the trade-off analysis [28],
and relates well with U
CM and UML for Model Driven Development of secure soft-
ware system [29-30]. Visaggio and de Rosa introduce a system to capture and reason
software security knowledge for M
CM [31-32], by means of similarity function.
In the last decade, Ontology as a methodology has applied to security engineering
in a broad range. The benefits of employing Ontology for security domain are know-
ledge representation, sharing and reuse. In terms of derivation for vocabulary, security
standards play important roles, such as Common Criteria (CC) [33] and BS7799 [34].
While representing relationships of these concepts owes much more to security models
or framework of best practices, such as O
CTAVE [35], MAGERIT [34], or CORAS [37].
Known SOs are surveyed by Blanco et al in [24], with their applications in various
domains, such as access control modelling and reasoning [39], security management
[40], intrusion detection [41], web services [42], and security R
E [18].
To the best of our knowledge, there is not so much works on the pattern of syner-
gistic above directions as S
O2RE. Among these relate works, there are two fruits that
are most relevant to our work. The first one is Lasheras et al’s S
O framework [18] for
reusing security requirements. However, this framework concentrates on managing
security knowledge, without concern of any security requirement models. The other is
Visaggio et al’s knowledge management system to capture and reason security know-
ledge for M
CM [32], while the system is based on similarity function instead of onto-
logical and S
W-based technology.
The current set of W3
C standards is based on RDF [43], a language that provides a
basic capability of specifying graphs with a simple interpretation and serializing them
in X
ML. The OWL [44] is a family of knowledge representation languages based on
Description Logics (D
L) [43] with a representation in RDF. OWL supports the specifi-
cation and use of ontologies that consist of terms representing individuals, classes of
individuals, properties, and axioms that assert constraints over them. The axioms can
be realized as simple assertions or simple rules. Semantic Web Rule Language (S
[45] is a proposal for a Semantic Web rules-language, combining sublanguages of the
WL with those of the Rule Markup Language (RuleML) [46]. Rules are of the form of
an implication between an antecedent (body) and consequent (head). The intended
meaning can be read as: whenever the conditions specified in the antecedent hold,
then the conditions specified in the consequent must also hold. S
QWRL (Semantic
Query-enhanced Web Rule Language) [47] is built on the S
WRL rule language. SQWRL
takes a standard S
WRL rule antecedent and effectively treats it as a pattern specifica-
tion for a query. In addition, standard S
WRL serialization mechanisms can be used, so
queries can be stored in O
WL ontologies.
3 Knowledge Base on Security Ontology for Mcm
3.1 The Core Security Ontology for U/Mcm
In our work, we aim to build a security knowledge base according to existing known
SOs that can be used for M
CM to elicit security requirements. Thus we adopt the SOs
developed by Herzog et al [29] and Lasheras et al [18] whose works are mainly based
on security risk analysis model with core concepts as Asset, Threat, Vulnerability and
Countermeasure. In order to cooperate with M
CM, we also add some other concepts
discussed in [31] as Attack, Attacker and Security Goal to the core ontology.
The core SO should represent relationships of above concepts capable of express-
ing fair knowledge for M
CM. Fig. 2 shows the core concepts and relationships of this
core SO with U
ML class diagram.
Fig. 2. Core Security Ontology used for the Knowledge Base.
3.2 Representing Ucm/Mcm in the SW
In our work, we represent the Ontology of U/M
CM in OWL to facilitate the KB with
capability of reasoning and querying. In order to represent it without ambiguity, the
core ontology of U
CM/MCM is defined with some axioms derived from related works
[8, 29]. These axioms are rules in syntax level for making us choose a pattern or man-
ner to design the Ontology, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Axioms in the Core Ontology of Use/Misuse Case Model.
Axioms Description
1 Only does User associate with Use Case, and Misuser with Misuse Case.
2 A use case may include a use case, or a security use case.
3 A misuse case only threatens a use case but a security use case.
4 Only does a security use case mitigate a misuse case.
5 One use case does not mitigate anther use case, or a security use case.
Base on axioms 1, we find that it’s better to define the concepts like User and Mi-
suser by represent the association relationship between User and Use Case, Misuer
and Misuse Case prospectively. While for axioms 2-5, Security Use Case should not
be a sub-class of Use Case. The correlation of Use Case, Misuse Case and Security
Use Case can be represented as object properties among them. The core ontology of
Use/Misuse Case is edited with Protégé 3.4 and visualized in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. The Core Ontology of Use/Misuse Case represented in OWL.
We discuss how to fulfill the task by clarifications as well as examples, to make
guidelines for refinement. Mining more facts from use cases to guide refinement of
use cases is prerequisite work to make the K
B works. Due to limited space, we only
present two cases for illustration.
(1) Clarification
: An asset (critical asset) is vulnerable in a specific context or a
given scenario for exploitation of security attack by a misuser (attacker), thus
leads to threats for the system.
: For an E-commerce system, a use case as “User Login” is specified
like “user login the system by inputting user-id and password”. In this case,
password should be identified into critical asset (as a type of data) that if be
transmitted in plaintext (without declaring data transmission by secure mechan-
ism) will be vulnerable for eavesdropping by attackers.
Refinement Guideline
: All assets should be recognized and valued in use cases,
as well as be declared their context for indicating clues of vulnerabilities. In most
cases, the vulnerability of an asset can be realized by non-declaration of security
(2) Clarification: If an asset (dependor) depends on other assets (dependees) which
are vulnerable, then the dependor asset is vulnerable.
: For the same E-commerce system, a use case as “User Reset Pass-
word” specifies “When a user forgets his password, s/he can claim to the system
to reset she/his password.” This case may include another use case, i.e., “Reset
Password by E-mail”, which specifies “When user claimed reset password, an
acknowledgement of the claim with a U
RL for performing password reset is sent
to the user by E-mail”. In these cases, password depends on anther asset E-mail.
If secure E-mail transmission is not declared, then the password is vulnerable
when being reset.
Refinement Guideline
: The correlation of assets should be identified in a use case,
as well as in use cases with associations as includes and extends relations.
3.3 ABOX of the Knowledge Base
The roles of A
BOX are important to representing concrete real world cases in real
usage other than concept modeling. There are two steps to fulfill this task, one is to
add instances of security ontology and assert their relationships with constraining of
concept model in T
BOX, the second step is adding instances of UCM with refinement
of use cases. A partial view of the A
BOX in Fig. 4 shows the cases discussed
Fig. 4. A partial view of ABOX in the Knowledge Base.
4 Extracting Rules for Reasoning and Querying
In the KB, responsibilities of rules are twofold, i.e., reasoning and querying. Rules for
reasoning are represented in S
WRL in line with knowledge presentation in OWL aiming
to find tacit knowledge for mapping use cases to SO, and to be executed to mine facts
from use cases to A
BOX of the KB, such as inference for vulnerable assets.
The guidelines for refining use cases discussed in sub-section 3.2 can be used to ex-
tract rules in and for the K
B. For readability the rule is expressed as software code
style in this paper. For example, a rule for “inferring an asset is vulnerable when it
depends on anther vulnerable asset” is shown as follow.
Example Rule-1: Infer vulnerability of Asset on Dependency
/* An asset is vulnerable when it depends on anther vulnera-
ble asset */
/*Antecedent of Rule-1*/
hasAsset(?uc_a, ?a) ^ hasAsset(?uc_b, ?b) ^
includes(?uc_a, ?uc_b) ^ depnsesAssest(?a, ?b) ^
/*consequent of Rule-1*/
/*end of Rule-1*/
Requisite of or based on reasoning, rules for querying are represented in SQWRL and
objective to retrieve security knowledge to be used for use cases to elicit misuse cases,
such as querying possible security attacks on a given vulnerable asset and retrieving
corresponding countermeasures for the asset for mitigations, as shown bellow.
Example Rule-2: Query security attacks on vulnerable assets and relevant countermea-
/* Querying possible security attacks on a given vulnerable
asset and retrieving corresponding countermeasures for the
asset for mitigations */
/*Antecedent of Rule-2*/
Asset(?asset) ^ haVulnerability(?asset, ?vul) ^
exploitsbyAttack(?vul, ?att) ^ formsThreat(?att, ?thr)
hasCountermeasure(?vul, ?cout)
/*consequent of Rule-2*/
•sqwrl:select(?asset, ?vul, ?att, ?thr, ?cout)
/*end of Rule-2*/
5 User Interface of the Knowledge Base
Rules may be used for inferring explicit or implicit facts, depends on the granularity of
knowledge fragments that users are interested in. User Interface interacts with user and
the K
B, and should be open for new features. Currently, Protégé 3.4 is employed as the
interface with capability of editing O
WL ontology, defining rules and reasoning them with
third party rule engines like Jena or Jess. Screenshots of the tool are given below.
(a) (b)
Fig. 5. Screenshots for Interface of proposed Knowledge Base. Notes: (a) class hierarchy in
TBOX; (b) refined and mapped use cases into ABOX by extracting relationships of instances.
6 Conclusions
This paper presents a process of constructing a KB represented in OWL by SO and for
CM. Rules for reasoning and querying can be derived from the correlation of SO and
MCM as well as refinement of use cases. The proposed Kb coordinates SO with specif-
ic R
E model by executing rules to elicit security requirements. The proposed frame-
work is capable of customizing to be used for other known R
E models such as
i*/Tropos or NFR framework/patterns by properly mapping their concept models to
Limitations of the proposed K
B and method mainly attribute to the weakness of
rule languages, such as decidability by safe logical constrains, and can not call each
other without programs. Moreover, Protégé is a tool in general purpose which is not
specific for R
E, thus it can not work well on requirements refinement. In our future’s
work, we consider to develop a specific tool to overcome the problems. Besides, ex-
ploitations on applying the K
B to other RE model will also be taken into account.
The work is supported by the National S&T Major Project in China under grant no.
ZX07315-006, NSF-China under grant no. 60803027. We also thank the anonym-
ous reviewers for their coming helpful comments, and members in Protégé-owl mail-
ing list for their help.
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