The Influence of Institutional Forces on Employee
Compliance with Information Security Policies
Ye Hou, Ping Gao and Richard Heeks
The University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K.
Abstract. Information Security is an issue of growing concern to
organisations, typically addressed by development of information security
policies. However, policies are only effective if organizational employees
comply with them. This paper reviews literature related to employees’ security
behaviour and information security policy compliance and presents research
gaps from literature review on influencing employees’ compliance behaviour
with information security policy. Here, we analyse the institutional factors that
shape employee behaviour towards information security policy compliance.
Applying institutional theory, we posit that an employee’s compliance
behaviour with information security policy is positively influenced by
regulative, normative and culture-cognitive forces in organisations.
1 Introduction
Numerous insider threats in recent years have challenged the capability of
information security management in organisations, and raised critical questions about
how organisations can effectively manage employees’ behaviour to comply with IS
security policies, standards and procedures. Development of such policies may be
shaped by external guidance ranging from the broad and legal, such as the Sarbanes-
Oxley Act of 2002 developed to address internal audit and corporate governance; to
the directive and specific, such as the ISO/IEC 27000 series developed to strengthen
information security management in organisations. These lead organisations to
develop information security policies, provide information security training for
employees, develop restricted information processing systems, implement virtual
private networks (VPNs), and so forth. However, it is implementation more than
development of procedures that matters. Employee behaviour in complying with IS
security is critical, and yet organisations are finding that employees may choose to
ignore internal audit and information security policies and procedures [12]
Much work has investigated computer abuse and misuse [30], employees’ security
behaviour [4, 14, 17], and information security policy compliance [14, 21, 29, 5].
Recent studies have developed a multi-level theoretical framework for understanding
employees’ attitudes toward compliance with information security policy. [22, 14]
investigated motivational factors influencing employees’ compliance behaviour based
on deterrence theory and protection motivation theory. Bulgurcu et al. [5] identified
Hou Y., Gao P. and Heeks R..
The Influence of Institutional Forces on Employee Compliance with Information Security Policies.
DOI: 10.5220/0003587901320141
In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2011), pages 132-141
ISBN: 978-989-8425-61-4
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
factors influencing employee compliance with information security policy rooted in
rational choice theory. "Insider" research has often adopted a criminological
perspective and posited employees as information security policy (ISP) "offenders",
while others have argued that employees may also be recognised as safeguards of ISP.
Previous work addressed motivational (i.e. severity of security breaches, probability
of security breaches), rational (i.e. benefit and cost of compliance/noncompliance)
and environmental factors (i.e. facilitating conditions), but it hasn’t been identified
and recognised that employees’ compliance with ISP is positively influenced by
institutional factors, which an individual’s compliance behaviour is significantly
shaped by. In addition, previous researches have tested some components, but a
systematic and integrated modelling is still missing.
In this research, we propose to apply institutional theory to understand individuals’
security behaviour with compliance influenced by institutional factors. According to
institutional theory, although individuals are self-interested, self-aware actors shaped
by information processing and decision-making constraints, their behaviour is
strongly shaped by environmental factors [11]. These environmental forces can be
understood as regulative, normative and cultural-cognitive [24] (of which information
security policy, standards and procedures would be one of the regulative forces).
Bjorck [2] has taken this foundation to identify the gap between formal security
structures and actual employees' security behaviour. He suggested institutional
isomorphism can explain why information security policies and procedures come to
be treated as ‘paper tigers’ in the organisations. In addition, why individuals differ in
their actual security compliance behaviour is requires an understanding not only of
regulative forces but also normative and culture-cognitive influences. However, he
brought up the idea of applying institutional perspective to employees’ security
behaviour, he failed to give any evidence and rational explanation in information
security policy context. Extending work after Bjorck [2], Hu et al. [16] studied the
role of internal and external factors influencing the implementation of IS security
practices and protocols, and how these factors affect managers and employees’
cognition and shape their action on IS security. Similarly, although they found
isomorphic forces such as, coercive and normative are important in influencing IS
security implementation in the company, to our knowledge, the institutional forces are
not recognised in information security policy context, especially cultural-cognitive
forces. Therefore, understanding of what and how institutional factors influence
employees actual behaviour toward compliance with ISP will be identified and
analysed in this research. The rest of research in progress paper is organised as
following. The second section will describe and discuss previous studies on
employees’ security behaviour, particularly compliance with information security
policy. The third section will present a theoretical framework of institutional factors
influencing employees’ compliance. Potential research contribution will be discussed
in the final section.
2 Previous Research on Security Behaviour and Information
Security Policy Compliance
Due to the importance of behavioural aspects of IS security in organisations, research
on organisational and behavioural information security has begun to emerge into IS
security field. Organisational and behavioural knowledge of information security has
been expanded since Dhillon and Backhouse [10] brought up their social-
organisational perspective study on information system security. Issues related to IS
security policy design [28], economics of information security [12], information
security culture [9], information security behaviours [15], and information security
management and governance [8] have highlighted a growing trend of research into IS
security. In spite of these studies having extended our knowledge about different
perspectives of IS security, the studies have tended to represent managers’
perceptions about IS security while looking far less at employees: the actual
participants who ultimately determine the success or failure of IS security
governance, management, and policies.
To address the issue of employees’ compliance with information security policy
and procedures, employees’ behaviour has been studied; representing the individual
level of IS security. IS security behaviour studies primarily started with individuals’
action, such as detecting and disciplining for computer abuse and misuse [30].
Employees’ abuse and misuse of IS resources had been identified as a big issue in
organisations [18]. In the early research on employees’ behaviour on IS security,
employees were assumed to be ‘potential threats’ to organisations [30, 31]. For
instance, Straub and Nance [30] stated that internal computer abuses/misuse caused a
huge loss in the United States and will continue in the future. Under this
circumstance, they developed a process model for detecting, verifying, assessing and
disciplining computer abuse, and suggested organisations should discipline staffs for
serious computer abuse activities in order to deter similar behaviours [30]. The
criminological theory was applied to understand prevention, deterrence and
monitoring of employees’ activities Hoffer and Straub 1989, [31]. But these have
been criticised. For example, Willison [36] argued although criminological theories
provide valuable insight into sanction on deterring future behaviours, they have limit
on providing insight into criminal actual behaviour and how criminal behaviour is
Besides computer abuse and misuse, in order to to encourage responsible security
behaviour from employees, the attitude of viewing employees as ‘offenders’ has to be
changed as employees can also help organisations safeguard information security.
Several researchers have attempted to understand human behaviours affecting
information security. Employee behaviour towards IS security is regarded as ‘the
person’s actual response to a recommended behaviour and is the net effect of threat
appraisal and coping appraisal’ [37]. Vroom and von Solms [34] found auditing
employees’ behaviour is very difficult but that, through engaging organisational
culture around security, there can be a positive influence on employees’ behaviour.
Dhillon and Mishra [20] suggested the theory of anomie is suitable for analysing the
behavioural aspect of IS security governance through security culture, internal control
assessment, security policy, individual values and security training.
In more recent research on this issue, social behaviour theories (e.g. the theory of
planned behaviour, rational choice theory) have been applied to understand
antecedents of security compliance behaviour through attitudes that shape intentions,
while criminology theory fails to address on. Pahnila et al. [22] criticised prior
information security policy compliance research which lack theory-grounded and
empirical evidence and extended the knowledge of ISP compliance by proposing a
multi-theory-based model to identify motivational factors that affect individuals’
attitudes towards compliance, intention to comply and actual compliance behaviour.
Herath and Rao [14] argued previous literature investigated motivational factors on
overall context rather than the specific information security policy compliance
context. They suggested employees’ attitudes are influenced by coping with threats,
and ISP compliance is affected by attitude and subjective norms.
In summary, then, to understand employees’ information security behaviours, past
researchers have identified and evaluated many important antecedents. Despite the
criticisms, it seems that this research does include theoretical grounding and empirical
testing of different contexts of information security policy compliance. This has
included consideration of the effect of normative factors and perceived severity and
coping appraisal. However, we still find that the external environment – particularly
regulative and cultural influences on employees’ behaviour toward information
security policy – has not been particularly strongly analysed and tested in different
contexts of IS security. Similarly, although normative beliefs have been evaluated in
both policy and organisational contexts, they have not analysed in terms other than
social subjective expectations. This paper undertakes these tasks in an attempt to
provide an overall institutional model for helping understand employee behaviour
toward information security compliance.
3 Theoretical Background and Research Model
As already noted, generally, research on IS security policy compliance has been
evaluated from criminological and individual behavioural perspectives. Employees
are treated as offenders and/or safeguards to information resources from these
perspectives. Information security policies and procedures are seen as enacted to
ensure employee obedience to certain rules, and information security awareness
training and education is to make sure employees understand their responsibilities to
information assets in the organisations. To summarise the literature review,
information security behaviour researches have borrowed criminology theory to deter
criminal behaviour on sanction. The sociology theories are to understand individuals’
behaviour on IS security, and help to predict and explain individuals’ behavioural
preferences. Similarly, issues concerned about employees’ compliance drew on social
behaviour theory to analyse employees’ attitude and intention to comply with
information security policy. However, to our knowledge, previous research are lack to
address the external environment influencing on employees’ compliance behaviour
towards ISP, particularly regulative and cultural effects. In order to fill in the gaps,
this study applies institutional theory to help explain how behaviours are influenced
by institutional effects from national, organisational and individual level. In this
research, we adopt three categories of forces from institutional theory – regulative,
normative and cultural-cognitive – as the antecedents of employee behaviour vis-a-vis
ISP compliance. A theoretical model consisted of institutional factors explains
employees’ behaviour compliance with ISPs. Our research model provide a valuable
theoretical contribution to the knowledge of behavioural and organisational issues on
information security. This is the first study applying institutional theory to understand
employees’ compliance behaviour toward information security policy in
3.1 Individual Compliance Behaviour and Institutions
An individual’s behaviour usually refers to that individual’s reaction to social norms
and regulations within a social context or environment. Compliance is the conforming
responding to requests and rules. Compliance in relation to IS security involves an
individual abiding by the IS security policies and procedures in an organisational
context, while non-compliance behaviour is vice versa. Thus, employees’ compliance
behaviour towards information security policies or procedures should be
conceptualised as individual behaviour influenced by external forces in the
organisations. Through the literature, employee compliance behaviour can be
influenced by various institutional mechanisms including legal instruments, economic
sanctions and normative beliefs [22, 14, 5]. Institutional theory is widely used in
politics, economics and social science in studying individual or organisational
behaviour. For instance, Axelrod [1] studied how individuals pursue self-interest and
found out individuals’ behaviours are significantly influenced by institutional
regulation. Blackstock et al. [3] explored institutional mechanisms influencing
farmers behaviour in order to reduce water pollution diffusion and found out social
and cultural influences both exist in control over mitigation water pollution.
According to Scott [24], institutions ‘consist of cognitive, normative, and
regulative structures and activities that provide stability and meaning to social
behaviour’. We can now look at these three institutional forces in a little more detail.
Regulative forces in organisations refers to ‘institutions that constrain and regularise
behaviour’ [24]. Normally regulatory processes begin with rule-setting and then
include monitoring and sanctioning activities. This emphasises that the behaviours of
individuals ‘are ruled’ by written or unwritten codes of conducts. From the
institutional view, IS security is supported by surveillance and sanctioning power, and
individuals’ compliance behaviour is affected by ‘cost-benefit calculations’ to
regulations [13]. Normative force emphasises prescriptive, evaluative, and obligatory
aspects in society [23]. There are two elements in normative systems: values and
norms. Values are conceived as preferences which can be compared and assessed,
while norms refer to ‘how things should be done’ [24] and objectives of the systems.
In institutional theory, a normative system not only defines goal and objectives, but
also designs appropriate ways to achieve it [24]. Normative institutions are concerned
with how values and norms structure individual choice. The cultural-cognitive
perspective relates to knowledge and meaning. Scott [23], for example, states that
‘cognitive elements constitute the nature of reality and the frame through which
meaning is made’. Individual behaviour is viewed as reflecting external social
constitution rather than internal intentions [23]. According to cognitive theorists,
compliance occurs because ‘other types of behaviour are inconceivable’ and it takes
for granted as it is the way to do things right [24].
3.2 Institutional Theory and Application to Information Security Behaviour
Institutional theory focuses on how external structures interact within organisations. It
proposes how social behaviour (choice) is influenced, mediated and guided by the
institutional environment [11]. Institutional theory goes through a history from ‘old
institutional theory’ [25, 26] to ‘new institutional theory’ [11, 19, 23]. Institutional
theory was largely applied in organisational studies and it has turned its attention to
information systems studies over the past two decades. For example, Butler [6] used
institutional theory to explain the behaviour of social actors in development of a web-
based information system. Teo et al. [32] conducted a survey based study to test three
types of institutional forces influencing adoption of inter-organisational system.
Chiasson and Davidson [7] examined IS research using institutional theory from MIS
Quarterly and Information Systems Research to demonstrate the importance of
industry influences on IS activities. In recent years, institutional theory has thus
become one of the major theoretical frameworks for understanding IS innovation.
Only two research papers were located using institutional theory to illustrate the
socio-organisational factors important in information security research. The first
information security study employing institutional theory is Bjorck [2] who used neo-
institutional theory to explain the difference between formal security structure and
actual security behaviour. He created a new perspective on viewing information
security behaviour. Hu et al. [16] fully adopted Scott’s perspective of organisational
behaviour and used institutional theory as a theoretical framework to analyse external
and internal factors influencing organisational behaviours and organisational actor
behaviours. Drawing from Bjorck [2] and Hu et al. [16], the research aims to use
institutional theory to develop an institutional-organisational framework to analyse in
detail how institutional and organisational factor influence information security
management strategy rather than employees’ compliance behaviour towards ISP. In
addition, Bjorck’s work is lack of empirical evidence and explaination of how
employees’ compliance with ISP is influenced by institutional factors. Both research
have not evaluated institutional factors in information security policy context through
national, organisational, individual level analysis.
3.3 Research Model
Based on institutional theory, we propose a framework for understanding what factors
influence employees’ behaviours and result in their compliance with IS security
policies (Figure 1). Institutional theory suggests that regulative, cultural-cognitive and
normative forces can shape social behaviour in organisations [23]. In our theoretical
model, it posits that the institutional environment (i.e. national, organisational and
individual level) provides regulative, normative and cultural-cognitive influences on
employees’ security behaviour in organisations. In the previous section, we showed
briefly how regulative, normative and cultural-cognitive influences shape behaviour,
indicating that employees are situated within a complex environment, which from
national, organisational and individual levels. In this section, we will identify three
levels institutional forces factors, and extend literature behaviour-influencing factors
based on institutional theory, by creating a systematic model from that past work.
According to Scott [24] three institutional forces characteristics, at the national
level, the behaviour receives impact from legal, regulation and culture norms, such as
national policies, government control, law regulations and national culture (Table 1).
At the organisational level, organisational culture, roles, procedures, regulations, and
technical capability (e.g. security knowledge), which may affect employees’
compliance behaviour (Table 2). At the individual level, the compliance behaviour is
affected by employees’ commitment and convention, colleague and IT professional
impact, and individual awareness (Table 3). As regards to institutional forces,
regulative forces come from national legal instruments, and from policies and
detection and assessment systems within the organisation. Herath and Rao [14]
claimed there is a significant effect on policy compliance intention from the certainty
of detection, but no sanctioning effect on employees’ intention to comply with ISP.
We posit government control, national law, organisational policies and rules, and
employee assessment will affect employees’ behaviour toward ISP compliance.
Normative forces also play an important role in shaping individuals’ behaviour.
Pahnila et al. [22] investigated 245 employees’ ISP compliance and found out
normative beliefs (i.e. values from top managers, supervisors, colleagues and IS
security professional) are important in strengthening employees’ intention to comply
with ISP. We posit norms such as industry standards, international standards,
especially information security procedures have an effect on employees’ compliance
with ISP. Recent studies on cultural aspects suggests organisational culture impacts
information security behaviour [33] and that, for example, a security awareness
culture can reduce employees misbehaviour [9]. In addition, policy compliance can be
also seen as a type of cultural-cognitive behaviour in which routines may seen as
taken for granted rather than obligations. Thus, in our study, employees’ actual
security behaviour are determined by regulative, normative and cultural-cognitive
factors within organisations.
In order to evaluate our research model, a in-depth case study will be studied.
However, this is a research-in-progress short paper, the potential investigation is still
in progress. In this paper, we take an example instead of real case study to present a
useful explanation for better understanding the socio-organisational issues in a
company’s employees’ compliance behaviours with information security policies. In
an organisation, employees’ security behaviour are restricted by organisational
policies, rules, procedures and regulations. These organisational policies and
procedures are enacted according to national policies or even politics, and
international standards. Comparing to regulative and normative forces, the culture
force focuses on ‘soft’ and long-term impact on employees’ behaviour. For instance,
culture forces come from three resources: national culture, organisational culture and
individual awareness, and individuals’ self-awareness characteristic influence the
behaviour of security compliance. In summary, employees’ compliance behaviour is
directly affected by regulative, normative and culture-cognitive forces in three
different levels.
Fig. 1. Theoretical research framework.
Table 1. National Level Institutional Forces.
Institutional Forces Features
Regulative Forces National politics and
policies, Government
Normative Forces International Standards, Best
Practise, International
Industry Standards,
Culture-Cognitive Forces National Culture
Table 2. Organisational Level Institutional Forces.
Institutional Forces Features
Regulative Forces Organisational Policies,
standards, rules, regulations,
Normative Forces Organisational security
procedures, certificates,
rights, responsibilities,
Culture-Cognitive Forces Organisational Culture,
organisational awareness
Table 3. Individual Level Institutional Forces.
Institutional Forces Features
Regulative Forces self-constrain,
Normative Forces colleagues and expertise's
impact, individual
Culture-Cognitive Forces individual awareness
4 Potential Contribution and Future Research
In this paper, we provided a three level institutional forces model rooted in Scott’s
institutional theory to explain employees’ security compliance behaviour. We
analysed past researches and proposed a research design to fill in the gap: how
regulative, normative and culture-cognitive forces influences employees’ security
compliance behaviour. We will further specify a set of specific factors that affect
employees’ ISP compliance behaviours and justify the effects of each factor. We also
tend to empirically test our theoretical model with single deep qualitative case study
in the organisation. The abductive approach will apply in this research for analysing
collected data. Previous literature and institutional theory will be used as ‘sensitising
theory’ to guide the research. The main data collection method will be semi-
structured interviews. The aim is to collect data on institutional forces influencing ISP
compliance at national, organisational and individual level. The interviews will be
conducted among the Board, Chief Security Officer, department managers, project
managers, employees, and the policy makers. The interviewees will widely cover the
topics of enacting, implementing and deployment ISP and compliance behaviour in
the company and relative national government departments. Comparing to previous
quantitative survey investigations, our qualitative case study provide valuable
comprehensive data highlighting the social, cultural and organisational issues directly
from people.
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